HomeMy WebLinkAboutEAGLE CREST #1 TR A LT 56- Municipality of Anchorage a o Development Services Department Building Safety Division e' a Ort -Site Water 8t Wastewater Program, 4700 Bragaw SL - P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage. AK 99599-6650 t ww.ci.anchorage.ak.us (907) 343-7904 Poge 1 of 3 Ora -Site Wastewater Disposal System ancUor Well inspection Report Permit Number. SW070.308 PID Number: 050-304-15 No Rte: BYTHEL COMPTON Wastewater System: ❑ New p Upgrade �I p9 Address: 19413 IST STREET ° EAGLE RIVER, AK ASSORPT90H REED Phone: No. of Bodroams: (907) 694-0981 4 C3 Deep Trench 0Shonou Trench E3 Bed 0Mound QOther* ®GS CR(N ,*aRaW: 4-0 Toopcpth Iran hd �dxLEGAL GP/sq. r- 13 FEET MAX. FL Tract: tot: Subdivision: A 56 EAGLE CREST #1 Ocya, to pFpo bottom fro+n 06911"d Q -dc: SEE DWG. Gm�I depth bor,eo ppa: 2.4 Ft. R Tormahip: Range: Section: to cddod obo cr"d {pada: Crvw4 IcNth: — SEE DWG. tz 24 F, VVEL .o ❑ New ❑ Upgrade crwd vidm 5 Numbar of Rn": 1 [}atarra batr+xn an= — FL Ft. Ga—iarwn {wttiata &B,C): ToLa1 Coax To: (Eit Tota! ab•.orglion �: few matcrkA: D 3034/17-810/SCH 40 R ft 185 so. Ft, D, L,-- ` Data Dr1.:..d: ` Stout. LYotcr Lawp rt. b%da!�ar: Doto Irmtotaa: RPG EXCAVATION 12/12-21/08 TANK rncra: I v, -,p sit ru: Height ADo,,o Ground: CPU �L Ft. � p SEPA �IL^��T��8f1 DISTAYC10ES QSeptic 0Holding 0S.7.E.P. 13 Other" To Septic Tank ,Absorpt;on eld Field Lift Station Station Holding Tank /Private Saner un 1'cnvfo ANCHORAGE TANK cc�Ity In 250 From Well 100'¢ 100'-!• 1 DO'•f- — 25'•f- F3otarfd: STEEL , rhanbcs of eomporbnents: 2 Surface Nater 100'+ 100'+ 100'x• — — UFTSTATEOM Lot Line 51+ 10,+ 5'+ — — Size 264 Foundation 5'+ 10' 4 5' � — — on ' ct off lwd tit: H'ph vl:w storm of TIMER TIMER 36 Curtain Drain NONE KNOWN P,rmp bona a Made 00drk�d fnopectlona prforrrrd by P -SE -12T RISING SON ELECTRIC Remarks: "THIS IS AN AEROCELL TREATMENT SYSTEM - BENCH M -A, Rl f, Locoua, cnd Dii=Ao om . "THIS IS A DEEP BURIAL TANK. TOP OF MANHOLE LID THE OLD SEPTIC TANK AND CRIB WERE COMPLETELY A DONED PER MOA CODE, 11 --cd Ekrvatpon: 105.08 F, Inspections performed by: GEG, Ltd. gates: 1st 12/12/07 2nd 12/14/07 3rd 12/14/07 Development Services Department Appr®vM 4 * 0Conditional ....... approval: Date: .•••..• .. ...y Q4,�� Garn ss.• Reviewed and approved by: ate• ' 0(Ro . 4/D6)tl o�ObQQ� -X C0 A v e v-s'\o r 1 -�-o m o,_ CAT SLC -% 0. C/AT R /jQ gaini cS sIzAe m Y1 -'f bVe8. 27/2_G/ra_020 — -PJi it n, A NESS ENGINEERING GROUP, Ltd oCel ENGINEERING SALES 5 CONSULTING Alaska Authairize€; Dealer June 29, 2020 Municipality of Anchorage Development Service Department On -Site Water & Wastewater Program 4700 Elmore Rd. P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 (907) 343-7904 Ref: Eagle Crest S/D #1; Tract A, Lot 56 (194131St Street, Eagle River, AK) Memo concerning converting CAT III AWWTS to CAT 11 AWWTS septic system To whom it may concern: The permitted septic system was installed on the referenced property and started up at the end of 2007. ARM Septic Services. LLC recently checked the monitoring tubes in the drainfield and found them to be dry. In order to simplify the operation and maintenance of the system, we are proposing that this unit be permanently configured as a CAT 11 system. Our justifications are as follows: The receiving soil has a percolation rate of 1 minute per inch. Given this percolation rate, a 4.0 gpd/sq.ft. application rate is required for a Cat II system. The home has 4 bedrooms, so 150 sq./ft. of absorption area is required for a CAT 11 effluent (600 gpd 14.0). The existing 2007 drainfield has 185 sq./ft. of absorption area. The approved On-site Wastewater Inspection Report stamped and signed on 4/30/2008 shows the soil rating to be 4.0 gpd/sq.ft. In short, the Inspection Report should not need to be amended. At this time, we request that your department approve a CAT 11 configuration to be used at the referenced property. Upon your concurrence, we will have ARM Septic Service, LLC., go to the property, remove the actuator from the ball valve or leave the valve in the open position, and have them place a CAT II sticker on the control panel. ,y Sim c elv./. ;Jeffre A.lGarness, P:E., M.S. Presi e 3701 East Tudor Road, Suite 101 * Anchorage, Alaska 99507-1259 Phone: (907) 337-6179' Fax: (907) 338-3246 * Website: www.garnessengineedng.com .~GREA~ ER ANCHORAGE AREA BORutJGH , of Environmental Quality Department 3330 C Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM LOCATION MAILING ADDRESS 5"~I~"/JST~ ~"~E:',~' LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~/~"~"'~ 7 SEPTIC TANK: DISTANCE //// FROM WELL INSIDE LENGTH .~. NUMBER OF MANUFACTURER 4'~,~ MATERIAL ~'~ 7'~ ~'-~- COMPARTMENTS / INSIDE WIDTH LIQUID DEPTH LIQUID CAPACITY /Z ~'~.) GALLONS. SEEPAGE PIT: NUMBER OF P,TS / D,AMETER ~o OR W,DT. / ?. LENGTH F. DEPTH LINING MATERIALL~'"K~K"/~'~/~?'~CRIB SIZE: DIAMETER__DEPTH .. DISTANCE FROM, WELL BUILDING FOUNDATION ~ ' ~ , TOTAL EFFECTIVE . NEAREST LOT LINE ABSORPTION AREA (WALL AREA) ADDITIONAL ABSORPTION WELL: TYPE BU,LD~NO FOUNDATION CESSPOOL '~/'~/' APPROVED CONSTRUCTION NEAREST ,~ ~"/ LOT LINE OTHER SOURCES DISAPPROVED ~'~'"',~/"~/..~."~"~-'"~ *' DEPTH ~ / DISTANCE FROM: NEAREST ~/~ SEPTIC /// SEEPAGE //~ ' SEWER LINE , TANK / / / SYSTEM ~/~. REMARKS DISTANCES: INSTALLED BY: PIPE MATERIAL= LOT SLOPE: REMARKS: Form NO. EQ-031 DATE DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM G.A.A.B. GREA ~.R ANCHORAGE AREA BOR'"%JGH ~' .)~ 3330 "C" STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 OSAL SYST[H -- A~LICATION AND ~ERHIT DRAIN FIELD FINANCED THROUGH Eo,, TEST RESULT, FINAL INSPECTION: 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED. BACKFILLING OF ANY SYSTEM WITHOUT FINAL INSPECTION BY THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AUTHORITY WILL BE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. SEPTIC TANK TO SEEPAGE PIT WALL ~ i'~ 19~' ~<~7~ ~ I: -Z/~ SEEPAGE PIT DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM I CERTIFY THAT I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA E3OROUGH ORDINANCE NO. 2B-68 AND THAT THE A~OVE r'-, ~ '0 8- E GEOTECHNICAL 8- DEVELOPMENT Box 90, Davis St., Eagle River, Alaska 99577 694-2774 or 688-2280 ' ' Russell Oyster 694-2774 '~ Soils ~ Foundations CO. Eart Ellis G88-2280 Land Development ,~OIL LOG Perfomed for: Name: Hat 1 t ng Address 'Legal Description: /~7' Depth (feet) Sotl Characteristics 0 1 2~ 3 4 $ 6 7 8 g lO Ground Water Encountered: Yes No /-"" If yes, whet depth Proposed Installation: Comments: Seepage Pit / Drain Field Date: WATER WELL LOG ~'~ FOSS DRILLING %336 Ingra Street Anchorage, Alaska 9950% LOCATION siz~ oF CA~ING~ ~' ,~'~R oF ,~OLW~/r~. CASm TO____~. STATIC WATER LEVEL--FTc YIELD.~__GAL°PER.MIN. WITH PEET OF DRAWDOWN. REMARKS to __to__ to__ to __tO__ Certificate of On -Site Systems Approval Parcel I.D. 050-304-15 Legal description Eagle Crest #1 Tract A lot 56 Site address 19413 First St Eagle River, Ak 99577 Current property owner(s) Baldwir Expiration Date: 3-19-2023 X The On-site system(s) is/are approved for 4 bedrooms Conditional approval for bedrooms, with the following stipulations: Comments or advisories: By: Original Certificate Date: /2 This Certificate of On -Site Systems Approval (COSA) is intended to demonstrate the subject system(s) is/are in substantial compliance with municipal code. The Municipality of Anchorage, Development Services Department (DSD) issues COSAs based upon representations provided by an independent professional engineer. The Municipality of Anchorage is not responsible for errors or omissions in the professional engineer's work. ATTACHMENTS: COSA Checklist X Well Flow Advisory Absorption Field Advisory Nitrate Advisory Tank Age Advisory Arsenic Advisory Other COSA Approval_June 2022 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE e Development Services Department Phone: 907-343-7904 On -Site Water & Wastewater Section Fax: 907-343-7997 Certificate of On -Site Systems Approval Application 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Parcel I.D. 050-304-15 Complete legal description Eagle Crest #1 Tract A Lot 56 Location (site address) 19413 First St, Eagle River, AK 99577 Current property owner(s) Eagle Crest ALH LLC/David Baldwir Day phone 907-854-4707 2. ON-SITE SYSTEMS SIZED FOR 4 BEDROOMS 3. TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: ❑ Private Well ❑ Private Well serving 2 dwelling units ❑ Private Well serving 3+ dwelling units ❑■ Community Well or Public ❑ Water Storage 4. TYPE OF WASTEWATER DISPOSAL: 0 Private Septic ❑ Private Septic serving 2 dwelling units ❑ Holding Tank ❑ Community Septic or Public Sewer 5. SEPTIC TANK: ❑■ Steel ❑ Plastic ❑ Concrete ❑ Fiberglass Age 15yrs _ See advisory if steel older than 20 years 6. ABSORPTION FIELD: 0 AWWTS ❑ Bed ❑ Deep Trench ❑ Wide Trench ❑ Seepage Pit Waiver request for: Expedited review requested: ❑ Distance: By applying for this entitlement, this property is subject to inspection by municipal On-site staff to verify the accuracy of the information provided. COSA Fee $ ,SSS Date of Payment (o /,29 COSA # 05 e aol /50 It 035341 Waiver Fee $ Date of Payment Waiver # COSA Applicalion_June 2022 Legal Description Eagle Crest Tr A Lt 56 Parcel ID: 050-304-15 If more than 1 well and/or septic system on lot, provide separate checklist. Structure served by this system A. WELL DATA log is filed with Onsite (or attached) Date drilled Total depth ft Cased to ft F01 Sanitary seal is functioning correctly ❑ Wires are properly protected Casing height (above ground) in. Date of flow test for COSA Static water level at beginning of test ft. Comments Property is served by AWVVU water B. TANK DATA Measured operating fluid level in septic tank $ 11 Date of pumping 8/22/2022 FO -1 Required maintenance completed, if AWWTS Comments: D. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA Which system tested (date installed) 12/12 - 21/08 ❑ ALL standpipes present per record drawing Total measured depth from grade 12.6 ft (max) Measured depth to pipe invert from grade 9.9 ft (min) ❑ N/A — pressurized field. ❑ Per record drawings, field is insulated. ❑ Monitor tubes go to bottom of effective. If not, state depth into effective ❑ Presoaked required if (Required if house vacant or field not used for more than 30 days prior to date of test) Gallons introduced N/A gallons N/A date Any rejuvenation treatment (past 12 months) N/A If yes, enter date Comments/Deficiencies: COSA Checklist June 2022 Well production at time of test gpm Water storage tank volume gallons Well disinfected for coliform test? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Coliform bacteria is Negative rate mg/L ❑ Nitrate less than MRL (ND) Arsenic /L ❑ Arsenic less than MRL (ND) Collected by Date C. LIFT STATION n Required maintenance completed Age of lift station 15 years Lift station material Steel Comments: Adequacy test date 12/7/22 Results ❑ Pass Fluid depth prior to test 0 in Water added 797 gal New fluid depth 19 in Elapsed time 1440 min Final fluid depth 0 in Absorption rate ' 600 and FIELD STATUS — POST RECOVERY Effective depth (per record drawings) 31 in Effective depth used 0 in Effective depth remaining 31 in E. SEPARATION DISTANCES From Private Well on Lot to: (Please enter distances if less than required or if community well on lot) Septic Tank/Lift Station on Lot > 100' Fm] Yes Community Sewer Manhole/Cleanout > 100' F-1 Yes if No ft ❑Yes if No ft Neighboring Tank > 100' ❑ Yes if No ft Private Sewer/Septic Line > 25' ❑ Yes if No ft Absorption Field on Lot > 100' ❑ Yes if No ft Holding Tank > 100' ❑ Yes if No ft Neighboring Absorption Fields > 100' Fi-1 Yes if No ft Water Main > 10' Animal Containment > 50' ❑ Yes if No ft ❑ Yes if No ft n Yes if No ft Water Service Line > 10' Fm] Yes if No Manure/Animal Excreta Storage > 100' If tank or field is under driveway comment below Community Sewer Main > 75' ❑Yes if No ft ❑Yes if No ft Q N/A — Served by Community Well (not on lot) or Public Water From Septic/Holding Tank and Absorption Field(s) on Lot to: (Please enter distances if less than required) Building Foundations > 10' Fm] Yes if No ft Surface Water > 100' M Yes if No ft Tank to Property Line > 5' ®❑ Yes if No ft Wells on Adjacent Lots: Field to Property Line > 10' ❑ Yes if No ft Private Wells > 100' Fi-1 Yes if No ft Water Main > 10' R Yes if No ft Community Wells > 200' n Yes if No ft Water Service Line > 10' Fm] Yes if No ft If tank or field is under driveway comment below F. ENGINEER'S COMMENTS G. CERTIFICATION & STATEMENT OF INSPECTION BY ENGINEER As certified by my seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, I verify that my investigation, based on procedures outlined in the Certificate of On -Site Systems Approval Guidelines, indicates that the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system appears to comply with applicable Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect at the time of installation, unless noted otherwise. Name of Firm Forge Engineering Engineer's Printed Name Benjamin Schiller, P. E. COSA Checklist June 2022 Phone (907) 522-7773 Date 12/14/22 l w C3F AL���t TH . Benja*.�Schiller CE 12592 • �c`i�® ARM Septic Services, LLC Maintenance Checklist: Advanced Treatment System Operational Checklist: Advanced Treatment System Legal Description: Street Address: t ` f Ai� Service provided on: Date: _0-W 'Z'Time: Service provided by: Company: ff-' < Technician: Date of last service, - 1 . ervice: 1. Type of Aerocell Treatment System: Cat II - AeroCell Treatment System IL Cat III -AeroCell Treatment System 2. Conditions at media filter: , Acceptable r i Unacceptable a. Evaluate presence of odor within 10 ft of perimeter of system: `None L Mild Lj Strong i Chemical U Sour b. Source of odor, if present: :' 3. Manhole Risers and Pipe Caps: Acceptable 7-- Unacceptable a. Cover/s intact:;Yes u� No b. Method of securing cover:I: C. Insulation present on all lids? 'fes .7i, No y Yes s: E, Yes By: You Other: d. Any plumbing leaks or water intrusion: e. Surface water/infiltration into component 4. Venting/Air supply: Acceptable Unacceptable a. Air supply unit operating properly. "'Yes L No b. Venting appears operable. _��es I'LL] No 5. Media surface:-'1Ccceptable L Unacceptable a. Biomat on surface. Yes b. Uniform spray pattern. i= {es d. Ponding in/on media. _ Yes e. Plugging/clogging of nozzles, = Yes f. Media appears to be settling. Li Yes g. Appropriate maintenance performed. `Yes h. Pest activity at surface. `I Yes 6. Effluent quality a. Effluent odor after passing through media filter: b. Effluent color after passing through media filter: No ,7 -<No i No No '_TNo '�No INo o None ❑ Mik1 0 Strong `Clear L Brown i__ Black nIng1 a 5 tart$olnilnnt 17933 Old Glenn Highway *Chugiak, AK 99567 office/fax: (907) 688-9433 Email: ARMServicesAK@outtook.com (PAGE 1 of 3) ARM Septic Services, LLC 7. Tasks for recirculating/discharge flows: 'Acceptable I.' Unacceptable a. If applicable, Jandy valve functioning: _I Yes J No •�NiA b. If applicable, Jandy Valve basin dry: iS�'Yes J No J N/A c. Cleaned collection systern in Aerocell unit: i ' Yes t_.i No �--�- " `Not Necessary d. Design recirculation ratio: 80 : 20 e. Actual recirculation ratio (Estimated): 8. Pump System:Acceptable El Unacceptable a. Control panel in Auto: L�; i�­Yes J No b. Timer settings IFS Panel (No Override timer): 'E Yes ON: Z_,—, OFF: 1.,-1 Override ON: __7 Override OFF: El N/A c. Floats in correct placement: Yes L' No d. Floats working properly: D -Yes J No e. High water alarm operational: L. Yes L] No f. High water alarm count: Ci Z; y-- g. Pump Run Counts: ", C' C! h. Pump Run Time: -- ,- L Float Error Counts: 2. N/A j. Total Override Counts:„ N/A k. Effluent Filter serviced: Yes ❑ No 1. Tank lids secured after inspection: RYes E j No m. Weep hole functional: D-'Mes i_; No 9. Primary Tank: i_IAcceptable Unacceptable a. Sludge and scum level checked: No b. Sludge/Scum levels: 1st: 2nd: i r t 3rd: N%A r` c. Tank needs to be pumped:Yes --` No C d. Water softener backwash discharging on system? _� Yes ^ No e. How many people live on the system?: f. g. Tank lids/caps secured after inspection: es Last Date Tank ' No pumped:L 10. Drainfield: � " ____�..-�'✓ M� a. Type of Drainfield (circle one): Bed Deep Trench b. Design Effective depth: ? .( inche ee c. Checked Liquid Levels in Drainfield: —R' es J No MT#1 Liquid Level: Inches MT#2 Liquid Level: Inches MT#3 Liquid Level: Inches MT#4 Liquid Level: Inches d. Is there any surfacing effluent?: Yes 17933 Otd Glenn Hiohwav *Chi ioiale AV ao;f,-7 ARM_ Septic Services, LLC 11. Is the remote monitoring system functioning? (if no, describe in 'V a. Type of Monitoring b. Phone line working? � es _.' No w, N/A 12. Does this system receive an advisory notice/warning? (if so, describe in comments) E Yes <"moo 13. Is the system in satisfactory condition/pass inspection? (if no, describe in comments) .1-Y6s ' ? No Other Comments: r- = k c"t � @@ f r 6 8..✓ z, "% s ai. c �{ a-+:., ice?")£?.. V nl{ p Y} 9. r a f g t � q Y 1 is f Service Provider: Date: U 17933 Otcl Glenn Highway *Chugiak, AK 99567 office/fax: (907) 688-9433 Email: ARMServicesAK@outtook. corn (PAGE 3 of 3) MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ADVANCED WASTEINIATER TREATMENT SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR AGREEMENT THIS MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR AGREEMENT, herein the "AGREEMENT" made and �a entered into as of this 5-'ih Day of I (P - =?i of 20 z7-, by and between C iQt/T.vlW�7LAaA (��1�er_, herein the "OWNER," and the Municipality of Anchorage, herein the "MUNICIPALITY", in accordance with Anchorage Municipal Code (AMC) 15.65.365. In consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties to this Agreement agree as follows: 1. Advanced Wastewater Treatment Systems. The Municipality grants permission to the Owner to utilize and operate an Advanced Wastewater Treatment System (AWWTS), described as Quantics Aerocell located at (legal description) Eagle Crest #1 Tract A Lot 56 2. Maintenance, Repairs and Alterations. (Owner is required to read, understand and initial each section) �50 Throughout the term of this Agreement, the Owner shall enter into a service agreement with an AWWTS service and maintenance provider approved by the Municipality or the manufacturer's representative. The AWWTS shall be maintained in a satisfactory condition capable of performing as designed and producing treated septic effluent in accordance with the equipment's approval for operation in the Municipality. -ISDIt shall be the responsibility of the Owner during the term of this Agreement to pay for all repair(s), maintenance, adjustment(s), replacement costs, and inspection costs. This includes an annual maintenance fee (typically $400 to $600). -:54-0�Vner agrees that only maintenance and repair personnel approved by the Municipality or the manufacturer's representative will inspect and make any necessary maintenance, repairs or permitted alterations to the system. :�J CA Owner acknowledges that regular maintenance of an AWWTS reduces the potential failure of the system, which could include sewage backup and costly repairs or drainfield replacement. (rev. 05118/20 1 8) Page I of 3 - Owner- acknowledges that the Municipality may request records of maintenance and repairs from the manufacturer's representative or maintenance provider. L;; .Owner acknowledges that the fine for failing to maintain and repair an AWWTS may be assessed in accordance with AMC 14.60.030. z3oP R7—Owner agrees to grant the Municipality reasonable access to test and inspect the AWWTS. The Municipality will give at least 24-hour notice. Owner agrees that any sale or transfer of title of the property will not occur Without a new Certificate of On -Site Systems Approval. j 0 Owner agrees that the AWWTS installation and maintenance requirements as provided by the AWWTS vendor/installer and approved by the Municipality are the governing ( guidelines for the construction, maintenance and repair of the Owner's AWWTS. DCS-- Vner agrees to maintain remote monitoring of the AWWTS as required by the 17 AWWTS approval. 3. Term. The term of this Agreement shall begin on the date of approval by the Municipality to operate the installed system, or upon transfer of title, and shall continue while the AWWTS is operational or until title is transferred 4. Nonwaiver. The failure of the Municipality at any time to enforce a provision of this Agreement shall in no way constitute a waiver of the provisions, nor in any way affect the validity of the Agreement or any part hereof, or the right of the Municipality thereafter to enforce every provision hereof. 5. Amendment. This Agreement shall only be amended by authorized representatives of the Owner and Municipality. Any attempt to amend tills agreement by either an unauthorized representative or unauthorized means shall be void. 6. 'Jurisdiction: Choice of Law. Any civil action arising from this Agreement shall be brought in the Superior Court for the Third Judicial District of the State of Alaska at Anchorage. The laws of the State of Alaska shall govern the rights and obligations of the parties under this Agreement. 7. Severability. Any provisions of this Agreement decreed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction shall not invalidate the remaining provisions of the Agreement. (rev. 05/18/2018) Page 2 of 3 QWNER- By'i" (signature) Date: lcqf t�r151�t�ty�rg !{'•� Jc�ckc� pr net n me) STATE OF ALASKA ) ss. THIRDJUDICIAL DISTRICT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowle ged Before me thisoiln day of as�tL�- 20QQ, by SILVIA ENGELOCH TARY PUBLI OR LASKA Notary Public My Commission expires: C1`State of Alaska My Commission Expires Jan 21, 2023 MUNICIPALITY: By: (signature) r (print name) (rev. 05/18/2018) Date: Title: Page 3 of 3 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE WATER & WASTEWATER UTILITY 3000 ARCTIC BLVD. PHONE: (907)564-2762 BLOC K/LOT/TRACT: LT 56 / SUBDIVISION: EAGLE CREST #1 IN 72-f3c? PERMIT DATE OF APPLICATION: 06/30/2015 SCHEDULED COMPLETION DATE: 12r31on15 M SINGLE FAMILY E] DUPLEX F] COMMERCIAL E] MULTI -DWELLING No. APTS TAX CODE: 05030415000 GRID: NW0055 STREET ADDRESS: 019413 FIRST ST AK Q&q5 OWNER: EAGLE CREST ALH LLC PHONE: MAIL ADDRESS: 22306 SHADOWY SPRUCE DR CHUGIAK, AK 995675452 CONTRACTOR Diamond Masonry ASSESSMENTS [:] Repair Existing Service Fj main Line Extension FXj On Property Only [] City Tap ❑ Have Been Levied ❑ Hydrant Only To Be Levied ❑ Main Tap - To Property Line Only Comments: ,A4///,.q80. C, Ej Main Tap & On Property Connect Row No. E] Disconnect ❑ R & R - Main Tap Only IDwner I Staff CONNECT SIZE 1 in ISSUED WWGEH INSPECTION FEE $ 103.00 2 -PAID n CASH PERMIT FEE $ 72.00 [j CHEC_K # RCC FEE $ 1.21 1� :?,v - IS (-OTHER REIMBURSABLE DEPOSIT $ 0.00 INSPECTED BY K NUMBER TOTAL$ 176.21 DATE ( 0 REMARKS PERMITEE (Please Print) Diamond Masonry MAIL ADDRESS 8107 Frank St Anchorage, AK 99507 SIGNATURE PHONE (907)727-0828 POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE AT THE JOB SITE INSPECTOR COPY DATE SCHEDULED 12/31/2015 TIME 12:00 am SUBDIVISION EAGLE CREST #1 INDICATE NORTH LA I SIZE CONN: CORP STOP CURB STOP CTOC FT. COPPER PIPE 1 1/4" OR 2" KEY BOX FT. THAW -WIRE IOTHER ❑ OPEN BORE FLUSH ❑ 150 / 200 LB. TEST ❑ MAIN CHLORINATED ❑ CHLORINE FLUSHED TYPE MAIN OK TO TURN -ON ❑ CONTINUITY INSPECTOR BLOCK/LOT/TRACT LT 56 / NMI Z 1 r- ❑ DOMESTIC ONLY ❑ BOTH FIRE & DOMESTIC ❑ FIRE LINE ONLY ❑ FIRE HYDRANT ONLY DATE OF TAP BY SIZE MAIN ❑ALLEY ❑STREET ❑EASEMEN" TYPE MAIN EXCAVATOR DISCONNECTS ❑ YES [ NO SIZE OF DISCONNECT COMMENTS LkDf-LL QEE-i�> S SEIR LE-k�k' KEY BOX LOCATION r INSPECTION REPORT [:]INSULATED INSPECTO i �- DATE I COMMENTS r r p( ❑ DO NOT TURN -ON · APPLIC'"'qT FILLS OUT UPPER HA['-~,ONLY PrOperty Ow~ner Phons Address Zip ~e Address Zip ~e Address Zip ~e Type et Resi~nce ~ Other ~ Holding Tank NOTE: THE INSPECTION ~E MUST ACCOMPANY EACH RE~EST BEFORE ~OCESSING CAN BE INITIATED, Time Time Time Time o" °'" °" '"' ~ ~. ~- - - ,~ ,~ AUG ~ ( ) APPROVED BEDROOMS 'CONOITIONS OF APPROVAL ( )~ DISAPmOVED ~ X ~IIs Rating Date ~wer Install~ Well To ~sorption Area J [ ~ Well Log Received EXCAVATION ROBERT A. $HAFER WORK CtVII. ENGINEER 694-2979 August 8,.1983 Ron Estees SR 6, Crestview Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Reference: Tract A: Lot 56: Eagle Crest SubdiviSion A,sewer system adequacy test was performed on the system located on the referencedproperty as you requested. The septic tank was pumpe~d and verified to have a capacity of ~ T~e seepage pit was charged wfth 800 gallons of fresh water and after a period of 24 hours 672 gallons had percolated out of the crib. It can be concluded from this test that the waste water disposal s~y_~t.e.~serving the fou~ b~nm r~n-e lo~ated on ~his property zs currently functio'~-~nn adequately. However, the system cannot be g~aranteed against s6bsequent failure. If we may be of further service, please do not hesitate to ~ cont~us. / Si~ , cc: Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Environmental Protection SRB 196X EAGLE RIVER. ALASKA '- DAT~[~RECEiVED INSPECTION APPOINTMENTS 'i'l M E TIME ~/ ~ TIME INSPECTOR CTO INSPECTO~ ,. MUNICIPALI~ ~UNI01PALITY OF ANOHOHAGE DEPT. OF '~:~AL~ &  DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTE~O~NM[NTAL P~OTE~ION 825 L Strut - Anchor~, ') ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION DIVISION APR 1981 Telephone ~47~ RECEIVED ~E~UEgT FOR APPROVAL OF I~DIVI~UAL ~ATE~ AND ~E~E~ FAOlLITIEg PHONE M~U~G~R~ BOX [107, ~a~[e R~ve~ ~a[s~a 99567 PROPERTY RESIDENT ~lf different from ebon) PHONE S~ ~S ~0~ 2, BUYER PHONE MAILING ADDRESS 3336 Rob~ ~cho~age, ~las~a 3. LENDING INSTITUTION I PHONE BOH~ ~D~ S~VZ~GS ~D ~O~R a[~= Do~a]272-1451 MA~U~G~E~ sL~ee[~ ~cho~age, ~[as~  PHONE 4. REALTOR/~y GE~CI-G~AT ~ND ~ALTY 694-9125, MAILING ADDSESS P. O. BOX 633, Eagle River, KZ~ alaska S. LEGALDESCRI~ION ~ LOT 56r EAGLE CREST SUB. ;TRENT LOCATION first and hillcrest - (NHN First Street) 6. TYPE OF RESIDENCE NUMBER OF~BEDR~OMS r-'l One [--I Four [~ SINGLE FAMILY [-I Two [] Five [] MULTIPLE FAMILY [] Three [] Six [] Other 7. WATER SUPPLY [] INDIVIDUAL* ' ATTACH WELL LOG. A well log is required for all wells drilled [] COMMUNITY since June 1975. For wells drilled prior to that date, give well [] ' PUBLIC UTILITY depth (attach log if available.) 8. SEWAGE DISFO~AL SYSTEM [~ INDIVIDUAL/ON-SITE'* 1975 YEAR ON-SITE SYSTEM WAS INSTALLED. [] PUBLIC UTILITY NOTE: THE INSPECTION FEE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH REQUEST BEFORE PROCESSING CAN BE INITIATED. 72-010 (Rev. 6/79) ~ ~ . ~ THIS SIDE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . 11. TYPE OF RESIDENCE NUMBER OF BEDROOMS [] SINGLE FAMILY I-'1 ONE [] THREE [] FIVE [] OTHER [] MULTIPLE FAMILY I--I TWO [] FOUR [] SIX 2. WATER SUPPLY PERMIT NUMBER [] INDIVIDUAL' DEPTH OF WELL [] COMMUNITY DATE DRILLED [] PUBLIC UTILITY Connection Verified LOG RECEIVED 3. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT NUMSER []INDIVIDUAL/ON -SITE DATE INSTALLED []PUBLIC UTILITY ~'~_J' ~' ~') ~' Connection Verified INSTALLER I-'lSepticTank or I--1HoldingTank Size: /3 -~-'~) If Tank is homemade SOILS RATING give dimensions: TYPE OF TANK MANUFACTURER TOTAL ABSORPTION AREA MATERIAL ..~.~.__ ~ 4. DISTANCES Septic/Holding Tank IAbsorption Area Sewer Line I Nearest Lot Line I WELL TO: - Absorption Area to nearest Lot Line 5. COMMENTS [~/APPROVED FOR ~ BEDROOMS [] CONDITIONAL APPROVAL (letter must accompany certificate) [] DISAPPROVED 72-010 (Rev. 6/79) DAVID A.$LENKAMP ROBERT A. SHAFER MECHANICAL ENGINEER 694-9055 Nay 12, 1981 CIVIL ENGINEER 694-2979 NiUNICIPAI. I17 OF ANCHORAGE DEPT. OF HEALTH & ENVIRON/vIENTAL P~OTECTION C~eatland Realty ATT~TION.. Kathy Geraci P.O. Box 633 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 MAY 1 4 1981 RECEIVED Dear Ms. Geraci, Reference~. Lot 56; Ea~le Crest SubdivisiOn A sawer system adequacy test was perform~ed on the system located on the referenced property, as you requested. The septic tank was pumped and verified to have a capacity of 1250 gallons. The seepage pit was charged Mlth approximm~tely ?00 gallons of ~ter and after a period of 24 hours all the ~nter that had been added had percolated out of the crib. It can be concluded from the above test that the on-site waste water disposal system located on this property is currently functionin~ adequately for the four bedroom residence. The system c~nnot, however, be guaranteed against subsequent failures. If we may be of further service, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, cc,Home Federsl ~avin~s and Loan Association ATT~ION: Donna l.~ntcipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Environmental Protection aRB 196X EAGLE RIVER, ALASKA ' A unicip lit Yo 825 "L" STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 (907) 264-4111 GEORGE M. SULLIVAN. MAYOR DE~'ARTME:~T cr HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION May 6, 1981 Marva Lois Johnson Post Office Box 1107 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Subject: Lot 56 Tract A Eagle Crest Subdivision Approval for the individual sewer and water facilities cannot be granted until the following items have been completed: The water analysis report needs to be delivered to this office from the Chem Lab, 5633 B Street, for our review. The septic tank pumped with a receipt submitted to this office. (3) An adequacy test needs to be performed on the existing leaching area. This test will determine if the system is adequate according to National Standards. A listing of private firms performing the test is enclosed. This report needs to be submitted to this office for our review. If there are any at 264-4720. further questions, please call this office Sincerely, Robert C. Pratt, R.S. Associate Specialist RCP/ljw cc: Home Federal Savings and Loan 535 D Street 99501 Kathy Geraci % Greatland Realty Post Office Box 633 99577 ,~_9~'~ '. '- -' DEPARTMENT..,: HEALTH AND ENVI RONMENTA~ ;ROTECTION /1'~'~\~ 825 T,. Street, ~chornge, Alaska 99501 ~ ~1,-~.~~ ~ Date Received: April ~ 1977 let Inspection: Time t1:~'~ ~r~ 2nd Inspection: Time Date ~-/(~-77 ~]~,tq Date Inspector ~,~.~.~2~ d,/~ k'--/'~; Inspector REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWER AND WATER FACILITIES 1. Lending Institution Request: United Bank Alaska % Ann Person Mailing Address: 645 G Street 99561 Phone: 276-1911/67 2. Property Owner: Larry A./Marva L. JohnsOn Phone: 694-2832 Mailing Address; General Delivery Eagle River 99577 3. Legal Description: 4.- Single Family Residence: (x) Multiple Family Residence: ( ) 5. Well Data: Type Individual Construction ~ e ® Lot 56 Tract A Eagle Crest Subdivision Number of Bedrooms: Number of Bedrooms: Depth 291' Bacterial Analysis Well Log Filed Sewage Disposal Permit ~ / Septic Tank Size Absorption Area System: On-site system ~) Public Utility (') Installed 1975 ' ,~,,~/~,,~~ Installer /2~--~ Manufacturer ~¢~ Soils Rate ;~ Material / Distances: Well to Septic Tank /~C3f -~ to Absorption Area to Sewer Lines ~, ~, Nearest Lot Line/~ / Absorption Area to Nearest Lot Line ~ · MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTtON 2510 East Tudor Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99504 276-2221 REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWER and WATER FACILITIES NtUNIClPAUTY OF ANCHORAG3 DEPT. OF H~ALTH & ENVIROI~N/AL PROTE~"TION APR 6 1971 RECEIVED 1. Type of Inspection: CM · 2. Property Owner. ~.~',r~-3 ~iling Address: ~ ~L 3. Nameof Buyer: Mailing Address: 4. - Name of Lending Institution: 5. Name of Realtor or Agent: Mailing Address: FHA CONV Day Phone: ~-~~~ Day Phone: Phone: × Phone: Legal Description: '"' ~ Location: ' L. ~ ~ ~ 7. Type of Facility to be 8. Water Supply Type of Supply: Inspected: ~:L~ No. Bdrms, ~ Public Utility Individual If Individual, number of dwellings presently served I If Individual. depth of well --~-~ I "~f. Sewage Disposal System Type of System: Public Utility If Individual, date of installation Individual (on-site) 72-003(3/76) Page.o~w° . Department of Health and Environmental Protection Request for Approval of Individual Sewer and Water Facilities Legal Description: Lot 56 Tract A Eagle Crest Subdivision Affadavit Attached: ' (') Approved: Disapproved: Letter Attached: ( ) Date: Date: Department Worksheet: