HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRAKE BLK 1 LT 7AMunicipality of Anchorage George P. Wuerch, Mayor Building Safety Division P 0 Box 196650 · 4700 S Bragaw Street Anchorage, Alaslm 99519 6650 · (907) 343-8301 http//wxx-,x m mmhoragc ak us Department of Public Works 6/8/2001 Wflham Day 14641 Lake Otis Pkwy Anchorage AK 99516 SubJect' On-S~te Water and/or Wastewater Penmt Permit Number SW000258 .Parcel ID #017-461-02 Dear Wflham · An On-Sxte Water/Wastewater Permit, number SW000258, issued by tNs office for a single-family system, will expxre on July 27, 2001 Tlus permit was vahd for 365 calendar days IftNs was a well permit and the well has been drilled, a well log must be sent to th~s office for documentation of the ~nstallat~on and to close the permit If tNs permxt was for a wastewater d~sposal system, an ong~nal as-built inspection report must be sent to th~s office for rewew, approval and documentatmn Thru as-built mspectmn report must be s~gned by the hcensed Professional Engineer who ~nspected the ~nstallatlon of the system As-bmlt xnspectmn reports are reqmred to be submitted w~tNn 30 days of the completion of the system If no system was installed under tNs permit, and you are still planmng to install a well or wastewater d~sposal system, a new peIm~t must be obtained from tNs office A new penmt may be ~ssuedfree of charge for a second year ffthe appbcatmn for the renewal ~s received on or before the date of expiration of the original permit When appl3nng for a new permit, the fees are $320 00 for a wastewater permit and $120 00 for a well permit If you have any questmns, please call this office at 343-7904 Manager On-S~te Water and Wastewater Program enc Copy of permit MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health and Human Services On-Site Services Program 825 L Street, Room 502 P 0 Bo)~ 196650, Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 (907) 343-4744 ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM ! WATER SUPPLY PERMIT Renewal Date Issued Jul 27, 2000 Exp[rahon Date Jul 27, 2001 Permit Number: SW000258 Legal Descnpbon DRAKE BLK I LT 7A Design Engineer 0007 Tobben Spurkland, PE Owner Name W~lham J Day OwnerAddress 14641 Lake Ohs Pkwy Anchorage, AK 99516- Parcel ID 017-461-02 S~te Address 002701 MERGANSER AVE Lot S~ze 49500 SQ FT Total Bedrooms 4 Permit Bedrooms 4 Th~s permit is for the construchon of [] D~sposal F~eld [] SeptlcTank [] Holding Tank [] Privy [] Private Well [] Water Storage All construction must be ~n accordance w~th 1 The attached approved design 2 All requlraments specified m Anchorage Mumc~pal Code Chapters 15 55 and 15 65 and the State of Alaska Wastewater D~sposal Regulabons ( 18AAC72 ) and Drinking Water Regulahons ( 18AAC80 ) 3 The engineer must nohfy DHHS at least 2 hours prior to each mspecbon Prowde notification by calhng (907) 343-4744 (24 hours ) ( Not required for a Water Supply Permit only ) 4 From October 15 to April 15, a subsurface so~l absorption system under construchon dunng freezing weather must be e~ther A Open and closed on the same day B Covered, sealed, and heated to prevent freezing 5 The following special prowsmns 1 ) THIS PERMIT ISSUED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN INTERMITTENT DOSING SAND FILTER SAND SHALL BE USED AS THE FILTERING MEDEA IN THIS SYSTEM AND NOT GLASS THE ATTACHED PROPERTY OWNER AGREEMENTS SHALL BECOME PART OF THIS PERMIT PACKAGE 2 ) A 0-10 P S I AIR PRESSURE GAUGE SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE OUTLET LINE FROM THE AIR PUMP TO THE SAND FILTER AND LOCATED WITHIN THE HOME WHERE IT CAN BE READILY SEEN Received By Issued By Date Date 7-,,~"~-O O MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health and Human Services On-Site Serv/ces Program 825 L Street, Room 502 P 0 Box 196650, Anchorage, AK 9951g-8650 (907) 343-4744 ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT Initial Cate Issued Jul 28, 1999 Exp~rabon Cate Jul 27, 2000 Permit Number: SW990225 Legal Descnpbon DRAKE BLK 1 LT 7A Design Engineer. 0007 Tobben Spurkland, PE Owner Name WIIham J Day Owner Address 14641 Lake Otis Pkwy Anchorage, AK 99516- Parcel ID 017-461-02 S~te Address 002701 MERGANSER AVE Lot S~ze 49500 SQ FT Total Bedrooms 3 Permit Bedrooms 3 Th~s permit ~s for the construction of [] O,sposal Field [] Sept,cTank [] Hold,ng Tank [] Pnvy date Well [] Water Storage All construction must be ~n accordance w~th 1. The attached approved design 2 All requtrements specified in Anchorage Mumc~pal Code Chapters 15 55 and 15 65 and the State of Alaska Wastewater D~sposal Regulabons ( 18AAC72 ) and Dnnkmg Water Regulahons ( 18AAC80 ) 3 The engineer must nobly DHHS at least 2 hours prior to each ~nspecbon Prowde not~flcabon by calhng (907) 343-4744 ( 24 hours ) ( Not reqmred for a Water Supply Permit only ) 4 From October 15 to April 15, a subsurface so~l absorption system under constructmn dunng freezing weather must be e~ther A Open and closed on the same day B Covered, sealed, and heated to prevent freezing ~5."The following special prewsions [1 ) THIS PERMIT ISSUEC FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ~,N INTERMITTENT DOSIN~ SAND FILTER ~ SAND ~HALL BE USED AS THE FILTERING MEDIA IN THIS SYSTEM AND NOT GLASS THE ATTACHED ROPERTY OWNER AGREEMENTS SHALL BECOME A PART OF THIS PERMIT PACKAGE ~2 ) A 0 - 10 P S I AIR PRESSURE GAUGE SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE OUTLET LINE FROM T~E AIR PUMP TO THE SAND FILTER AND LOCATED WITHIN THE HOME SOMEWHERE IT CAN BE READILY SEEN Received By Issued By Date ?? 203 W 15th Avenue, Smte 203 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 (907) 279-3916 Fax (907)-276-6013 SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN LOT A BLOCK 1 DRAKE S/D BILLY DAY Mumc~pahty of Anchorage Department of Health and Social Services 820 1 Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 June 5, 1999 We are requesting a confirmation of the possibility of installing a bottomless ISF on flus vacant lot My client have a purchase option on the lot, but is unwalhng to commit until he is assured that a waste water disposal system can be installed As the soil report states, due to bagh groundwater levels and impermeable soil, a standard septic system is not possible We have located a small area on the lot where the separation to both groundwater and impervious soil is 6 feet more or less By probing we have established that a the requirements of AMC 15 65 can be met There is sufficient area for both a bottomless ISF and a reserve dralnfield Ground Water and Impervious Layer at 6 ii Use Orenco ISF Soft Rating From Testhole 11/10/98 <1 mlnhn ~- 4 gal per sq fl/day No of Bedrooms 4 Reqmred Area per Bedroom 150/4 = 37 5 sq ii Total area reqmred 37 5 x 4--150 sqii Install bottom of ISF at 2 feet below ground surface Insulate top with Insulation or 3 feet of ~mported sod Reserve drmnfield 7 5 ii x 20 = 150 sqii 1500 STEP The mstallat~on of th~s septic system will not prevent wells from betng ~nstalled on the adJacent lots ~'here are no developed or natural surface / sub surface drmnage courses on th~s or the adJacent lots The proposed septic system will not change the general slope of the area Pondmg and/or concentration of surface runoff will not result from th~s mstallatmn If DHSS concur with my analysis a more complete design package, showing the complete development of the lot wall be submitted LOT I '~- LDT 8 I TEST HOLES J 7~ I A VENUE LOT I LOT 8 50 LOT2~I LOT 2£ I I V,~CANT % ~- Well LOT ?£ $o lOO 'Ri I5o £oo SCALE' ~ -- 150 FT 25O 203 W 15TH AVENUE ARCH AK 99501 6907) 279-$£16 OLOC : z meA : &IERGANSER/I. AKE OTIS Bill. FDA Y TESTHOLE LOCATIONS DATE WAY 28, 1999 SHEET. 1/~, GRID 2834 PERMIT # PI£ # DRAOI7ALD~/6 SCALE, 1' 50 FT I I 15~ STEP I I$X18 BOTTOIdLESS I I~ T HOLES I 150 PROPOSED 4-BEDROOM SINGLE FAMILY RES I ~9- Wel. TOBBEN SPURKLAND P E 205 W 15TH AVENUE ANCH AK 9950! I[ LOT 7A BLOCK 1 DRAKE S/D MERGANSER/LAKE OTIS BILL YDA Y 4l SEPTIC SYSTEM DESION II DAtE JULY 16, 1999 SHEET 2/~ aRID 2854 TO ¢LA$$ FILTER 10P V/DC EX/ST/NO GROUND/FINAL GROUND SPLICE BOX 4-F£ET COVER OVER rANK I" HDPE TO ORENCO CONr£OL PANEL ~/ATER ALARI~ FLOAT ASSY ~(FA8 ANCHORAGE TANK 1500 CAL WITH ORENCO SYSTE~t NO SCALE TOBBEN SPURKLAND P E 205 W 15TH AVENUE ANCH AK 99501 LOT ~ BK 1 DRAKE S/D ~LY MY SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN DATE JULY I~ 1999 SHEET $/6 GRID 2834 PER,~IIT / G~C£,~OXXX PlO ~/ YY DRAO/TA3 Db/G CRUSHED GLASS~ SLOPE [0 DRAIN ~ 5 00' ~ PVCLINER I ~ ~ I SCALE' 1" = 4' HOR 1" = 2' VER TOBBEN SPURKLAND P E 205 W 15TH AVENUE ANCH AK £9§01 (907) 2Z9-3918 PERMIT # SWgBOXXX II PID # DRAKE BK i LOT 7A INTERMITTENT SAND FILTER SECTIONAL VIEW YY J SEPTIC SYSTEIW DESIGN DATE JULY 17, 1999 SHEET 4/6 GRID 2854 DRAOI 7A4, D~/G I'HDPE 1880 AIR LINE [OBBEN SPURKLAND P.E 203 I¢ 151'H AVENUE ANCH AK 99501 (907? 279-3916 PERMIT # sw99oxxx 18 O0 'INFILTRATORS" 18 TOTAL PVC OUT DRAKE S/D BK 1 LOT 7A INTERMITTENT SAND FILTER PLAN VIEW j J SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN DATE JULY 17, 1999 SHEET 5/6 GRID 2834 PID # Y~ DRAO17AS D~/6 Munl:ll: allty of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF '~EALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Au~ borage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR Do..,/ LEO^I. DESCR PT~ON.g0T ?A I-3K--I 1 (ENGINEERS SEAL) DATE PERFORMED ~;l~q 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13- 14- 15- 16- 18- 19- 20 DISCLAIMFR~ Past and future presence ond/or trom these ods ~.~aclons. Township, Range, Sechon SLOPE StTE PLAN Cx / WAS OROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED~ IF YES AT WHAT Fead,no Date Gross Net Depth to Net T~me T~me Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE ~ ~ (mmutes/,nch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER T~ST RUN BETWEEN t FTA~D ~ Y~ FT c~nd~t~nn~ ~nd~c~ted are for the dates depth of groundwater can not be shown only. pred3cted PERFORMED BY I I- '~ _ CERTtFY THAT THiS TEST WAS PERFORMED iN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL OI.H~- ELINES IN EFFECT ON TH~S DA'[ F DATE ~/~7//~ ~/ 72-008 (Rev 4/85} T SPURKLAND P.E. 203 W15TH. AVE SUITE 203 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 (907) 279-3916 (907) 276-6013 Fax SPECIFICATIONS FOR WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSTALLATION DRAKE S/D BLOCK 1 LOT 7A BILLY DAY 1.0GENERAL 11 12 13 Owner is Billy Day, 14641 Lake Otis Parkway, Anchorage, Alaska 99516 Engineer ts Tobben Spurkland P E 203 W 15th State 203, Anchorage AK 99501 (907) 279-3916 Contractor ~s the person or entity htred by the Owner to install th~s project Contractor must be certffied by DHSS to install septic systems. 1 4 The Drawings, sheets I through 5, shall be part of this specfficatmn I 5 All matertals and workmanshzp shall meet the reqmrements of these specfficatlons, the conditions of the permit, and all apphcable rules and regulations currently m effect 1 6 All excavatmn depths are advtsory, and are to be verified and may be modffied m the field by the Engineer 17 It ~s the respons~bd~ty of the Owner or the Contractor to adhere to the approved design, to verify that the specified separatmn dtstances are met, and that the required ~nspeettons are performed I 8 The Contractor or the Owner shall report to the Engineer any observed condition whtch would put the septtc system m violat~on of State or Mummpal regulations 2.0 SEPTIC TANK 2 1 Lffi station / septzc tank shall be as manufactured by Anchorage Tank and Welding The tank shall be a UPC approved two compartment tank, constructed of 12 gage steel, with a screened pump vault and 1 -tach discharge 2 2 The septic tank shall be a mmtmum of 100 feet from any well serving a stngle restdence, 100 feet from any body of water, creeks or draarage ditches w~th flowing water, 150 feet from Class "C" wells, and 200 feet from Class A or Class B wells 2 3 All pipe connecttons to the tank shall be mechamcal watertight couphngs Cleanouts shall be Installed and capped wtth mr-tight caps 24 Effluent Pump shall be P20 OS105 HHF ½hp IISV Speclficatmns for septic system installation Drake $/D Bk 1 Lot 7A pg I Control Panel shall be Programmable Timer, OSI Simplex control panel with Elapsed Tune Meter, Counter, and Level control float assembly shall be provide alarm for high water condition and pump on/off signal to tuner and event counter Discharge line shall be l-tach HDPE coiled conduit 3.0 AIR SUPPLY 3 1 Air Compressor shall be Thomas Industries Linear Compressor 3 2 Flowmeter shall be Dwyer Series RM Rate Master Model RRC 104 Range 40400 CFH 1/2" NPT 3 3 An' hne shall be 1/2qnch HDPE coiled conduit 3 4 Air diffuser shall be made from polyethylene and be wastewater and -bacteria resistant Air emitters shall be evenly spaced at 12" with an orifice area of 0 053 m square Each orifice shall have an airflow of 0 01CFM at a pressure of 0 25 psi 4.0 GLASS FILTER 4 1 Gravel shall be 3/8" washed pea gravel 4 2 Crushed glass shall be washed and meet ASTM C-33 gradation 4 3 Pressure distribution pipe shall be Schedule 40 PVC or ABS 4 4 4-tach pipe shall be ASTM D3034 4 5 Monitor standpipes shall be installed as shown That section of the pipe penetrating the gravel shall be perforated, either by drdlmg 0 5" holes on 6qnch centers or by joining a section of F810 perforated pile to a solid section of pipe 4 6 Geotextlle shall be Mlrafi 140 4 7 Infiltrators as furnished by INFILTRATOR SYSTEMS INC 5 0 INSTALLATION 5 I Locate all underground utthties, property lines, future driveways, emstmg or proposed water wells, water ways, surface and sub surface drainage facthtles, lakes, ponds, and all other facilities requiring separation thstances from the proposed septm system Notify Owner or Engineer of any observed possible conflict 5 2 Stake alignment of system with markers showing the protective distances from wells and water bodies 5 3 Establish an elevation benchmark This BM shall be easily ~dentffiable, stable and permanent An arbitrary' elevation of 100 can be assigned 5 4 Install the tank as shown on the drawings Record the inlet and outlet elevations of the tank Tank shall be placed on undisturbed native sod 5 5 Excavate the filter site Bottom of excavation shall be level and scarified Record elevation of each coruer and center point of bed Construction equipment shall not operate on the floor of the excavation Any Specfficat]ons for septic system mstallat~on Drake S/D Bk 1 Lot 7A pg.2 material compacted by the operation of the construction equipment shall removed and replaced w~th uncompacted materials 5 6 Place the materials to the depths specified Do not contaminate materials with native materials or spoils from the excavation Do not stockpile pea gravel or glass on s~te Move directly from track to filter Level the glass surface (+- 1") before placing the pea gravel Level the pea gravel before ~nstalbng the perforated thstrtbut~on pipe Solvent weld the jmnts 5 7 Pressure test &stnbutlon p~pe before placmg ~nfiltrators Each orifice should have a stream 4 feet or higher 5 8 Cover the d~strlbutlun pipe with the mfiltrators and place pea gravel between the :nfiltrators Cover the excavat:on w~th geotextde before backfilling 5 9 Record the finish ground elevation at each comer and at the midpoint of the bed 5 10 Furnish a copy of all survey notes to the Engineer 6.0 INSPECTIONS 6 1 A mmunum of five inspections are reqmred The first mspect~on wdl be to lay out the installation wtth the proper separatlun distances from the adjoining wells The second mspectlun will be of the exm~ng septm tank A third inspection will be at the excavation of the filter At this tune the sod condmons will be observed and compared to the design assumptions The ~nstallat~on of the filter will be under continuous inspection The pressure test wall be wanessed by the Engineer A final mspect~on wdl be conducted after placement oftopsoll and cleanup Anydefic~enc~eswtll be noted and the Contractor notified Such defimencles shall be corrected wtth~n ten days 6 2 Nottfy Engineer at least 24 hours in advance ofbegmmng any work Specifications for septic system installation Drake S/D Bk I Lot 7A pg.3 PROPERTY OWNER AGREEMENT FOR TIlE MAINTENANCE OF AN ON-SITE WASTEWATEI~ DISPOSAL SYSTEM Th~s agreement, dated~/~/o 199.z~, is made between the Manic~pahty of Anchorage Department 6fHea~th and Human Services (DHtlS) and the property owner(s) of' Thru agreement ~s made for the purpose of mamtalnmg an on-site wastewater disposal system on the subject property The property owners a~'ee to th, e following: Subrmr to the Mumclpahty m Anchorage, on an annual bas~s, an mspectlon and operatmn statement from a registered profesmonal eng~fieer. Tins mspectlon and operation statement shall verify that the engmeer has respected all effluent and mr pumps, tuners, and alarms, and that any deficiencies have been repaired and that the system is functloumg as designed (S~gnamre) d' (S~gnamre) (Prated N (Prated Name) .............................. N~carize Here --_-~-.~ ................................. State of ~-f)~Q~I On thls%mkOft--~f~qay of ~--,~.D~ ~, , personally appeared before ~, __ who is personally known to me ·- who~e ~dentity I proved on the baszs of ~_ ~ whose identity I proved on the oath/affi~mation·of ' · a credible wiriness ..... - ~- to be the signer of the above document· and he/she acknowledge~d th~at he/she sf~ned it. t Notary Public My commiss~¢,l expires ~"t-'\,~-