HomeMy WebLinkAboutEAGLE RIVER HEIGHTS BLK 2 LT 24File No.: 4-1 tls. Edna Jackson ~Icnersl Delivery Eagle Elvcr, Ala.oks D¢oF $:~. Jscl~son: It has be~ brouEht to our Mt~ntlon th~t public sewer is available to Lot ~4. l~k~k ~. E~rle Et,er IT~lt~hts Svbdt..dsLon. Ac~ordiz~ to the Anehor~e Coda of Ordinances ~$ewr~e Disposal l~raotie~s", Chapter 16. Article IS.4S. Section lfl.4$.0M: ~s~ or ~ ~ ~y pr~t~ w~ s~tta~ ~,rs ers arable wt~se~ (70) r~t ~ the n~t 1~ line or M~i~ or Ane~afe D~ment or ~b~e ~o~s h~ their F~s ~ ~ lndie~ th~ y~ ot~(~) Is ~ ~ the s~ o~er. ~'o~d ~u ~!*~ ~ ~r ~ vo~ that the s~tu~ (~) Is or Is ~ ~n~ ~ ~ Jmm~tely if y~ F~rdg indicate ~ a ~i~ ~ m~. If we do not h~er Fro~ Ton within ~eYen (?) days, we will 0ssnm~ ~ ~r~ are ~. ~e, tbe~fore, r~mt~ ~ ut~u~s ~i~ ~ the subj~ p~ to ~blto SLue,rely. You must f~pply rot a conneetiGn jMl~aii f~om ~e ~t ~fl~r for the ~ rl~~ ut ~h~e, ~ E~t Tud~ ~4. If~ have ~ ~ 3~1~. e~ 2SS or the ~ps~t ~ H~'~ ~ ,. ~ECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL~O~ (plus "Los LG/lw postage_) POSTMARK Apr. 1971 NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL *GPO:]~r~ O.4~0-143 13ddre$$,. User X 7*enan! `* Dat~: Property Address,* Subdivision: · DYE TEST; [] Positive [] Ne~la/ive Aoon'/ONA~ Offlce: IN~' O NMA T/O/g: