HomeMy WebLinkAboutEAGLE RIVER HEIGHTS BLK 2 LT 26 .' ,; 825'~ L"~Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 ~~. 279-2511, ext. 224 or 225 ~~ ./ ]' Date Received: ~uq~st 15, 1977. · ~: Time ~a.m.. ~2: Time %3: Time Date 8-16-77 Tue__s Date Date In~p Kennedy ..... ~nsp ~ . ~ Insp REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL S 'ZER AND WATER FACILITIES 1. L~n~ing Institution Request: Mailing Address: Phone: Property ~./ncr: Mailing Address: Great Land Realty % Lionel E. De~one: Box 633 Eagle River 99577 694-9125 '3. Legal Description: Lot 26 Block 2 Eagle River Heights Subdivision 4.' Single Family Residence: (x) Number of Bedrooms: Multiple. Family Residence: ( ) Number of Bedrooms: ~o 5. Well System: Permit # Construction, e Sewage Disposal Septic Tank Size Absorption'Area Individual Well (x) Community/Public System ( ) Depth of Well 15Q' -. Well Log on File Bacterlal Analysis System: On-s~te System (~ Public Utility ( Installed ~-~ Installer Manufacturer Soils Rate Material ( ) Distances: Well to Septic Tank .to Sewer Lina Nearest Lot line to'Nearest Lot Line to Absorption Area Absorption Area De'partme~t of Health and Environmental Protection for Approval of Individual Sewer~and Water Facilities ~%~)~io~: Lot 26 Block 2 Ea~le River }{eights sUbdivision A{fadavit Attached: (') Letter Attached: ( ) Date: Department Worksheet: )..,) .. _.,~, ,. : f ~NICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE' '!' ~ ~fi ///'-~-'~-~x ' Department of tlealth and Envzronmental Protectzon ; ",;'~~,~ 825 L Street, ~chorage, Alaska 0 ., lMailing'Address: . Buyer: ,lMailing Address: }Lending Institution: iMai!ing Address: Realtor/Agent: Mailing address:/~ Phone:' Phone:' Phone: Phone: Legal Description: X g3/- ',,~ ~' £,~ 2: ~-/{~<" /?/VZ:/? llr~, Street Location: Single Family Residence: '(~) Number of Bedrooms: Multiple Family Residence: ( ) Number 6f,Bedrooms: Water Supply: *Individual Well (/~ Public/Community System ( ) If Individual Well, well depth /~' "*NOTE: .If Community System, name of system Sewage Disposal System: 'On-site System If On-'site System, date of installation: (,) Public System A well log is required on ALL wells drilled since 6175. 06-1220(a) Rev. 1973 DATE ALA"~'~.PARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL DIVISION OF PUBUC HEALTH INDIVIDUAL AND SEMI-PUBUC BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER AHALYSIS INDIVIDUAL J~ SEMI-PUBLIC J-] CHLORINE RESIDUAL PPM REPORT RESULTS TO ADDRESS ': ' CITY ADD"ESS , · OFFICE SANITARIAN'S REMARKS COMPLETE THIS SECTION ONLY IF WATER IS AN INDIVIDUAL SUPPLY S,U~PLE COLLECTED R~ DATE COLLECTED (" ar ~/'TIME ~OLLECTED ~¥011,-- [~ Wood [] Concrete LOCATION: ', []-lin Yard[] O~her [] Of Well [] Olher PURPOSE OF EXAMINATION: Illness Suspected? [] Yes [] No READ INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE SIDE BEFORE COLLECTING SAMPLE / B&1220Ib)Rev. ,973 BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS RECORD February 25, 1972 ~r. Jt~ Allen South Central PeOtonal Supervisor State Oepart~ent of Environmental ~acKay Building, Poo~ 214 33~ Dena11 Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Subject: Lot g6, Block 2, Eagle Conservation Fiver Heights Subdivision. Dear ~r. Allen: An Inspection of the sewer and ~atcr systems servtn~ thc Devon- reft residt~ce, located at th~ sub{eot ~rorerty, ~,as ~ade em ~r veer request of February 1£, 1972. The well castng extends ~bove ~reund ~nd is auproximat~ly three fret from the house fou~datioe. The wires goin~ to the sub- ecrstbl~, pu~r are loose where they eetcr th~ toe o~ the ~cal. Since thc ),tr~ ur( loose et this ~otnt. it ts rrco~ended that silicone putty be ar~lted to the ~al l:hcrc t~e vires enter the s~al.. The veil is lee fei. t free the closest sea, er serl, a~e area. W6 were unable to determine vhcther a septic tank had been stmlled in con,unction with the $¢euaOe rte. lb~ sewer systc~ was (uncttontn~ {attsfactorily. Hrs. Oav,nrort stated tibet the forcer owner of thc house uay have ~ore tnforc:atton on thc sewer system, but at rrescnt, the forter owner is on vacation and is not exr~cted to return until the end o¢ l~arch. If you have any questions regarding the above, rlease do not hesitate to contact this Sincerely, Lynn $. Coed EnvironMental st Srectalist