HomeMy WebLinkAboutEAGLE RIVER HEIGHTS BLK 2 LT 47 ,o LOG OF D' ~, & L DR'~,,Is,.ING COMPANY [ ......... .... =..a..--:-- ........ KIND OF FORMATION: .FRo~t :tS. ........ ~=.~0 ....... .SL ......... r~OM.__.Z4 ....... ~. TO_ .~'..__~r ................... ~:....' FRo,~ ........ ..5~__._Fr. T 0...- J..~...----~,..q.'.~-~--~a.'~ ...... ~ROM......./..(~. ........ rt. To.__~.~..__Fr..~_~,..n__Z. r~o.,t.._.~.~_~-r. To.._...O..7../.e.___m...~£_..<7/- i . F,o~....,_C..(,,. .... ~. TO..&.7..- .... F~O.~.__~_.7._.__rr. - n~0M..__&_ .~.___rt. ~0._~..7_~.____~--C_~.~.t.4'.: ...... , .... r~0,~t~..~...~ ....... Fr. TO.:~...~.O.~_.Fr..t.g..~2~..~:'..~Z:,.~_, FRO,,, ............ Fr. ~ ......... ~-L..~.-..~ :~ FROM ............... FT. TO ....... _}._'..FT..-- ............... i=RO.~£ ............ Fr. TO .................. FI ...... .; ................. FROM ......... .FT. TO ................ Fr ........._'.. ........' FROM ::::i::2....; .FT. TO...&.Z...Z2--.wFr~. -- .. FROM ............ .FT. TO .... .': :[ _..FT .... .'_.~ ...~ VRO.~t-/.]..~-----Fr. TO.__I:.....~.__.Fr-~..~..~ '> 6:..*Z'..,.~_ FROM. __-Fr. TO: ............. Fr ................. '- .oy' ! F ~ L L :r j,," . i ,I TO DICKINSON-OSWALD.WA"~H.LEE ENGINEERS 4040 "B" Street ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Phone (907) 278-1551 t~O~JIC. I ~AL ~T¥ &)f GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU [] Shop drawings [] Copy of letter X Attached [] Under separate [] Prints [] Plans I-I Change order [] COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION APR THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: X For approval [] For your use [] As requested [] For review and comment [] FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS T~t,'~ I~ A·~. [] Approved as submitted [] Approved as noted [] Returned for corrections [] Resubmit [] Submit [] Return copies for approval copies for distribution corrected prints 19 [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US To= ~]~)n Xt l~ity E&gle RAvo~ H~Lgh~8 ~:d~lvlsioa Tld above lot baa cc~m~nity sover availa~illty ~ ~ o~l~ at 276-2221, ~~ 29I.. Si~e~ly, ~oeeph 9. Blair, R.$. ~nvlronnental ~rvicms )MJ~ger Mr. Rolf Strickland Chief Sanitarian Department of Health and Environmen~a~ Prot Anchorage Municipality, 2510 E. Tudor Road ' Anc?orage, AK 99507 . Subject: Lot 47, Block 2, Eagle R~ver Heights Dear Mr. Strickland: It would appear that the Well 0n the subject property was drilled prior to the installation of the 12" sewer line in Eagle River Road and that the sewer plans should have ~alled for the normal protective measures for the well. Based on the depth of the well, the existence of several intervening layers of clay, and the agreement of Mr. Bell to grouting the casing to a depth of 20 feet this office has no objection to the use of the well to serve 15 or less connections. Sincerely, F~le~Cher~ry~,~.E. Regional Environmental Supervisor SV cc: Dan Bell DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSER¥~kTION / / ~C~O~GE ~I January 16, 1976 ~. Rolf Strickland Dept. of Health and Environmental Protection Anchorage Municipality 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, AK Subject: Lot 47, Block 2, Eagle River Heights, (Dan Be!l) Dear Mr. Strickland: If the municipal sewer line is either of cast or ductile iron within the proper protective radius (40 feet) then this office has no 'objection to the use of the present well on the subject property to serve the ten lots proPOsed in its subdivision. Sincerely,. Kyle~J. Cherry, PE.~ Regional Environmental Supervisor cc: Don Bell KJC/sv D~'~TMENT OF E~VIRONNENTAL O~TY PLATTING OR PLANNING ~ ZONING CASE REVIE%.I CASE ,o. ~ S Date Case Received By Suspense'Date Comments to Planning Department For' Planning & Zoning Commission Neeting Date ROUTING Environmental Engineerin~ Air Pollution Noise Environmental'Sanitation