HomeMy WebLinkAboutBEAR VALLEY S-3615 l~le No.: 4-1 We have h&d oxtensive dl~.-uesfons with tim en~esr, ownoF end people lf-~lng in this ~ reford~nf the propoesd subdlvt~. (h~r rosin eonee~no with this propoesd development lmve bess rooolved and dlscuses~ below. The property slopes at a 16% (Iie) 1,ate to Little Rebbft Cz~k on the north or the property. Th~s Ss acceptable for single hmily ~esid~nfltl development. We have soil tests end/or ~ profiles on ssi lots showinf the soil an~Uble ~or on-sits waste dlapooll. W~ter tie hsve well data from the tw~' exfstin~ wells to the no~th. Th~ry ~__h,,w edequate water atratts st approximately ~lrt'y* (S0) and sixty (60) foot depth. We would expect that ~,~ly the sixty (60) foot atrat~ would be used. I~tted on ell the libove supportinf det~ the lots ore o~ adequttte size to support on-site utilities for sinL, le fo__.,.~_ty develapm~nt. Adequate c~lvert~ and drainpipe eesen~nts must be desitined into this development.. Without shoes tmproyemente, tim inte~ streats m~ty hove severe ~h~ier~ ondZo~ with out duz~nf sp~fn~ breskup oL* hesv7 rains. ltol~ StFf~lcl~nd, R.S. ~S/Iw FII~ Re.: Charles Ii. Self Drilling {14 E. ~th Av~mu~ Anehorege o Alike SUI~31/CT: B~ar V~,lley SubdiTlsion Dear ~r. Self: The developer of the subject eubdivielon ea~.e to ~Is office la~ w~k to dl~s ~e ~ weUa t~ ~ ~y ~ d~ll~ ~ this ~. We ~ him th~ p~te W~s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ the pr~r ~lts have be~ ~n~. At thi~ time we wiah to advise ~ that the drilling of'wells and/or te~t wells ia n~t legal wlthou~ first ~.'mg the proper pe~eita ft,~n thia department. Please be advised th~ we will exp,~t to ~c~iva the well Io~e from the~e two wclle within thirt (SO) ef ' eo ,le . will alao e:~.t, in the future, total compliance with the r.ett~lstion~ under whieh your well drillers lfewise was L~,.~d. · hould you hava troy questions r~gsrdin~ thla melter, please eonta~ the undersfgnnd.: Roll Strlekl--,~d, c~: Bill B~ Joe Blair FROM: DEP&RIMENI: INItIAlED BY: --- GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGI~_.3/~,/.t,-..- TO: DEP&R1'MI~41: DAIE ANSWEi~ REQUESTED:. RECF. JVER: · FOR INFORARAIION ONLY I~ FOR IMMEOIAIE ACllON · FOR YOUR CONSIDERARON REQUESI~:O ACgON SCHEDULE · PREPARE BACK-UP b'~FORMAnON · CALL ME BI~'ORE YOU ANSWER · Nt:F..D YOUR RECOMMENDAnON · : /