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BETTYS General Information
bb P O~'~H 6-650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502-0650 (907) 264-4111 DEPARTMEN'F OF HEALTH AND ENVIF1ONMENTAL PROTECt'ION ~Perm~t #: 821099 January 31, 1983 TO: Permit Applicant Subject: SE¼ Tract Betty's Subdlvlslon A permlt ~ssued by th~s department for an indivldual well and/or on-s~te sewer system has expired as of December 31, 1982. Permits are issued on a calendar year basks, as stated on the permit, by authorlty of Municipal Ordinance. If you have drilled the well, a well log needs to be sent to this department for documentation of the ~nstallation date and to close the permit. If a prlvate engineer inspected the ~nstallatlon of the on-site sewer system, please have them send us the as-bu~lts for our f~les and documentation. If there are any further questions, please call th~s off~ce at 264-4720. S ~ncerel~ Robert C. Pratt, R.S. Acting Program Manager Sewer and Water Program RCP/1]w enc: Copy of Permit SWP/057 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department~r Health and Env~ronmentaF'%~rotectmon Street, Anchorage, AK. ~J9501 * * * HANDWRITTEN PERMIT * * * Pe~it ~ ~qq ~--/~-- ~X~ "'-- ~,~,R' ON-SITE SEWER PERMIT ~ Address:7 3o T~e of So~l ~sorption System Is: Trench: Drainfield: / Seepage Bed: Holding Tank: M~ N~ber of ~s: Soil Rat~ng(sq.ft/br)~/~,~ ~F/O~ : ~ The Re~red S~ze/of the~o~l ~sorpt~on System Is: The length d~mensmon is the length(mn feet) of the trench or dramnfield. The depth of a trench or pmt is the distance between the surface of the ground and the bottom of the excavation(mn feet). There is no set wmdth for trenches. The gravel depth is the minimum depth of gravel between the outfall pmpe and the bottom of the excavation(in feet). * * REQUIRED SEPTIC(~C) TANK SIZE : /,~SO GALLONS * * Permmt applmcant has the responsibility to inform this department durmng the mnstallatmon inspectmons of any wells ad2acent to this property and the number of residences that the well w~ll serve. * * * TWO(2) INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED * * * Backfilling of any system wmthout final mnspection and approval by thms departmen wmll be subject to prosecution. Minimum distance between a well and any on-smte sewage dmsposal system ms 100 fee for a prmvate well or 150 to 200 feet from a public well depending upon the type of public well. Mmnimum dmstance from a prmvate well to a private sewer lmne ms 25 feet and to a community sewer lmne is 75 feet. Well logs are required and must be returned to thms department withmn 30 days of the well comptetmon. Other requirements may apply. Specmfmcatmons and construction diagrams are available to mnsure proper ~nstallation. * * * PERMIT EXPIRES DECEMBER 31, 1 9 $ 2 * * * I certify~that: (1) I am fammliar with the requmrements for on-smte sewers and wells as (2) (3) S mgneh: set forth by the Municipality of Anchorage. --- I will install the system in accordance wmth codes. I understand that the on-site ~ewer system may requmre enlargement if the r~.s~dence ms remD~ele~ to include more th~ 3 bedrooms/ ~ AppliCant ' ~ Date: /OlJO'"--'~'-~'~-- U SWP/024(1/81) MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ~'~ ~/'-~'/' ? ~' DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 PERCOLATION TEST SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION )EFT ~ SLOPE 10- " · 12Ji 13_I I DATE PERFORMED SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED7 IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Gross 14- Ii ~ Reading Date T~me 15 19 - ~ H~ ~: %~ 20- PERCOLATION RATE Net Depth to Net T,me Water Drop o .~ Io oL~ .OS- c, ~o _ ,~ .o~ TEST RUN BETWEEN 'Z 3.~ ,, FT AND ~ - FT ~ ~ DATE / ALASKA el , onmenT^t con'r o se ,ces, ,nc. ,SPECIFICATIONS FOR ON SITE SEPTIC TREATMENT SYSTEM-SOUTH AND ~SDUTH WEST TRACT OF BETTY'S SUBDIVISION 1,1 THE DRAWINBS, SHEETS 1 THRU 4 SHALL BE A PART OF THIS SPECIFICATION. 1.~2 ~LL MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP SHALL MEET THE REOUIREMENTS OF ANCHORABE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PERMIT. 1.3 ALL EXCAVATIONS AND DEPTHS ARE ADVISORY AND ARE TO BE VERIFIED OR MODIFIED IN THE FIELD BY THE EXCAVATOR. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY DF THE OWNER TO OBTAIN ALL ,,NECESSARY PERMITS OR EASEMENTS. THE LIFT STATION THE STOCK MATERIAL FOR THE LIFT STATION SHALL BE EITHER ~GALVANIZED STEEL (ASTM A-4444-76)~ OR ALUMINUM CULVERT CAPABLE OF BURIAL TO 10 PT. 2.~2 THE 24~ P~PE FOR THE LIFT STATION SHALL BE WELDED WATER TIBHT BOTTOM OF THE SAME THICKNESS AND ~COMPOSITION AS THE CULVERT ~2.3 ALL PENETRATIONS OF THE LIFT STATION SHALL BE WELDED ~ ~AND WATER TIGHT° ALL WELDS SHALL BE CLEANED OF SLAB. ~WELDS ON GALVANIZED STEEL WILL BE SPRAYED WITH ZINC ~RICH PAINT OR COATED WITH BITUMASTIC. THE BOTTOM 2~ OF ~THE INTERIOR SHALL BE COATED WITH BITUMASTIC PAINT. 2.~THE TOP CAF' SHALL BE RAIN TIGHT AND SCEURELY FASTENED 2.5 ~LL ELECTRICAL FITTINBS AND CONNECTIONS IN THE LIFT , STATION SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS FOR WATER TIBHT ~SERVICE. 2.6 THERE SHALL BE A HIBH LEVEL ALARM SET AT THE LEVEL OF ,,~THE BOIL PIPE FROM THE SEPTIC TANK. THE BUZZER SHALL BE LOCATED NEAR THE ELECTRICAL CONTROL PANEL OR IN A LOCATION DESIBNATED BY THE HOMEOWNER. 2.7 THE SUMP PUMP SHALL DE CAPABLE OF DELIUERiNB lO GPM AT A HEAD OF 20 FEET. 2.8 THE SUMP PUMP SHALL BE SUSPENDED NOT LESS THAN ~ INCHES OFF THE BOTTOM OF THE LIFT STATION WITH A CHAIN OR NYLON LINE. 1220 ~Jest 25th Auenue ·/~nchoraq¢, Alaska 99503 · I907} 276-1361 THE,GRAVEL FOR THE TRENCH~SHALL BE SCREENED TO THE -SIZES INDZCATED. ~THE^BOTTOM OF THE~EXCAYATiON SHALL BE~RAKED WITH ~HE 'BAEKHOE BLADE TO INSURE THAT THE BOTTOM HAS NOT COMPACTED DURING EXCAVATION. THE BOTTOH ELEVATION SHALL ?~BE PLUS OR M[NUS,2"o IF,INSULATION IS REQUIRED THE INSULATION SHALL BE DOW ~EXTRUDED BLUE STYROFOAM INSULATION BOARD DF THE THICKNESS SHOWN ON,THE THE,SEPTIC TANK OR TRENCH MUST NOT BE CLOSER THAN ~00 ,~' ~FEET,~FROM THE CREEK. 3.5,THE SEPTIC TANK OR TRENCH MUST ~OT BE CLOSER THAN 200 ~'~FEET FROM THE CLASS A WELL. 4.0~"PRESSURE~SEWER ~ , ~ol,~HE~RESSURE SEWER SHALL BE 1.5 INCH HIGH DENSITY ~,4,,POLYETHYLENE PIPE BURIED TO A DEPTH OF 5 FEET FROM ~,~,~HEj£XISTING~ SUMP TO THE SHALLOW TRENCH. THE PIPE p ,~HALL~HEN RISE UERTICALLY*AND E:E CONNECTED AS ~ iSHOWN~ON PAGE 3,~ i ALASKA ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SERVIC""~tINC. 1220 West 25th Avenu~ Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 276-1361 279-2917 ALASKA ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SERVICr"~INC. 1220 West 25th Avenu~ Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 276-1~61 279-2917 EHE..O Z O, CHECKED BY DATE SCALE 1' ALASKA ENVIRONM.[NTAL CONTROL SERVICr ~INC. 1220 West 25th Avenue' Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 276-1361 279-2917 ,HEE,.O 3 o. CHECKED BY CATE I I CONTROL SERVICES, INC. · 1220 West 25th AvenuM'"% ANCHO~GE. ALASKA 995 2 F~mn. 276-1361 8C&LE '''''''''' NOTES '" -I--:q--!~ ~- i----I ' ' ,' ' ' · ' ' ' ' , · ,.t/,_U,RETHANE FOAMSHOULD BE APPLIED TO A DEPTH OF 4, FEET BELO~ GROUND SURFACE AT,A THICKNESS OF_I INCH:, 2-~_COAT_j~OT~TO~ .~. _FEET, INSIDE ~/ITH EITUHAST)C PAINT. 2 SE. _.DR.J. FLEX!BLE HOSE TO FIT, PUMP. i ..... EL--SPECiFICATIONS FOR I'4ATERIALS. ' ~ ' ~ ' : , GRC'UND ~'I//I='T Dc'In - --t---~---~ ...... .--~---;'---~ .... -~ - ,- - ,-'""'--' -"'-'-" ' :" ] CHAIN OR NY, LON ROPE~ ,/'ALL ~AR_O_UND PUMP P, OWER~ORD % ' i ' "-- ,"\ i ,, .br~'-:'Rmriv~.b ..... i., ..... -- 1--.- .......... I-ALARH CORD , ..... ,--~ ......, ........ ] t .... ---4 .-,-.~--~ ........ , i---~ ....... ~ ...... ~=--~-, ~ ~ --,--*-~ ...... t_! ! ..... J-4'~-STE~EL,-NIPPLE--.L- ,.:.-- ' _'~].]/~ELEX, HOSE_'__ JI ,~ t i ~ ,'~--,~¢¢, .._ , ~ , ~ ', ' ~ j ', T ';'FILLET ~ELD: -',;~' -"'~ -~1~ CHECK 'VALVE , I--i- .......... -:AbL-,AROUND : /- -~ 4' ,-FTIA.---"T ....... ~._;..... .... -~-- ~ .-! ...... L_.[ .,. ,: PIPE ~-.._ ~ ~.L~- SUI~P..PUHR_ , I / ~ L ' f , ,m~. t , - ] ' I CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION CERTIFICATE ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM APPROVAL TO CONSTRUCT P~ans for the constructmn of BY pubhc water system located ,~Alaska, submitted ~n accordance w~th [8 AAC 80 100 have been reviewed and are approved. conditionally approved (see attached cond~tmns). DATE If construcbon has not started w~thm two years of the approval date, th~s cerbflcate ~s void and new plans and specifications must be submitted for revmw and approval before constructmn APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS Change (contract order no Approved by Date or descriptive reference) The "APPROVAL TO OPERATE" secbon must be completed before any water Is made avmlable to the pubhc. APPROVAL TO OPERATE The construction of the water system was completed on granted interim approval to operate for 90 days following the cpmplebon date pubhc (date) The system ~s hereby EY TITLE DATE As-built plans submitted during the ~ntenm appr~)val per~od, or an ~nspecbon by the Department has confirmed the system was constructed according to the approved plans The system ~s hereby granted final approval to operate. BY TITLE DATE 4040 "B" STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 278-1551 May 22, 1980 W.O. #A19255 Grid #2431 Allen Choy 7830 Old Seward Highway Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Subject: Subsurface Investigation for On-Site Wastewater Disposal System -- Portion of~Be~, s~Subd~v~siOn ~ Gentlemen: Transmitted herein in accordance with your instructions are the results of the above referenced investigation as performed by us on May 10 and 11, 1976. The scope of th~s project is investiga- tion for suitability of an on-site sewage disposal system. Included in this transmittal are: Vicinity Map Test Hole Location Sketch Test Hole Logs Explanatory Information Figure 1 Figure 2 Tables A-C Sheets 1-3 The exploration was conducted using a Mobile Drill model B-50 drill rig with a continuous flight solid stem auger. The rig owned and operated by Denali Drilling, Inc. Drilling was supervised and the test holes logged by Mr. Terry Barber, geologist with Alaska Testlab. ~ The test holes were placed at the approximate locations shown on Figure 2. The logs of the test holes are included as Tables A through C of this report. In interpreting the log it would be helpful to utilize the explanatory information contained in sheets 1 through 3 of this report. When drilling was completed a 3/4 inch slotted PVC pipe was inserted in each hole to aid in determining the free water level. During drilling the deepest ground water was observed in Hole 2 at eight feet. On returning two days later, the water level was six feet below the ground surface. Because of the shallow ground water, no percolation test was performed. Allen Choy May 22, 1980 Page Two © Under present state and municipal regulations a septic tank and drain field may not be installed in ground'water conditions as described by these test holes. It may be possible to get a permit to install a holding tank as a temporary measure until the area is served by sanitary sewer: We would suggest going to Les Bucholz at the Municipality of Anchorage, Department of Public Health and Environmental Protection at 825 "L" Street and discussing the s~tuation with him. It may even be possible to put a septic system in the area of Test Holes 1 or 3 and mound over the system. If you have any questions on this matter, or if we may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call. Very sincerely, ALASKA TESTLAB R. Mark Hansen, P.E. Approved by: /mg Attachments Melvin R. Nichols, P.E. Laboratory Manager VICINITY MAP FIGURE i 0 J Test Hole #1 Table A © WO #A19255 Date: 5/7/80 Logged by: T. Barber Depth in Feet From To 0.0 3.0 3.0 5.0 5.0 10.0 NFS, NFS, SW NFS, fill, Soil Description brown Gravelly Sand, fill, damp, SW reddish brown Gravelly Sand, wet, fill, gray Gravelly Sand, saturated, possible SW Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 10.0 Feet 5.5 Feet While Drilling Test Hole #2 Table B WO #A19255 Date: 5/7/80 Logged by: T. Barber Depth in Feet From To 0.0 3.~ 3.0 6.5 6.5 15.0 Soil Description F-l, brown Si!%y ~andy Gravel, fill, GM F-4, brown Gravelly Sandy Silt, non-plastic, ML F-4, gray Sandy Silt, plastic, wet to saturated, ML Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 15.0 Feet 8.0 Feet While Drilling Water Standing at 6.0 Feet After 40 Hours. Test Hole #3 Depth in Feet From To 0.0 2.0 2.0 5.5 Table'C WO #A19255 Date= 5/7/80 Logged by: T. Soil Description F-l, brown Silty Sandy Gravel, fill, GM NFS, brown Gravelly Sand, fill, SP Barber Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 5.5 Feet 5.0 Feet While Drilling © © Test Hole Log - Descrlptton Guide The logs often include the following items Depth Interval - usually shown to 0 1 foot. within that zone no sigmficanr change m sod type was observed through drdl ·cnon. direct ob~tvauon or samphng Frost Classification - NFS. Fl. F2. Fa. F4, see "Sod Classification Chart" Texture of Sot] -- An en8tneermg classification of the soils by partzcle size and proport:on, see "Sod Classification Chart"~ note the proportmns ate approximate and modiflcatlons to the so~l group clue to stratIfication, inclusions and changes tn properties are mc)uded ~and (The moisture content ts further definedby reference to PI. LW. NP. M%or ddatency } ~nixtttres wttb or without a fine fractton, derived from drdhng action · nd/or sample data. usually described as very loose, loose, medium .Stiffness - refers to more-or*less cohestve sods and fine gratned sdts of the clay sdt groups Derived from drill action and/or sample data Very ~oft. soft. stiff, very stiff and hard are commonly used terms Pa~tscle stze -- The largest particle recoverecl by the spht spoon Is ~by tube 3". auger flights (minute man) 2". Auger flights (B-SO hollow stem) 6" 8" Larger particles are described zndtrectly by action of the dtdhng and are referred to as cobbies. 3" to 8". or boulders 8"+. Therefore when rewewm8 the gradation sheets, ff ·ny. the description on the hole log must be considered for an indication of larger particles Untried Sod Classificatmn - Thcs ts · two letter code See Umfied Classification sheet fur further deflmtlon In some cases AASHO and/ut FAA sod ~lass~fi,attons may be shown ns well as the unified Atterbct8 LImtts- useful for fine grained and other plastic sods N~P. non plastic, useful as a modifying clescrlptlon of some silty Rock flour- finely ground sod that IS not plastic but otherwise appears simdar to a clayey sue Orpmc Content - usually descttbed as Po·t. PT. sometimes includes cliscrete particles such as wood. coal. etc as a modifier to an more·mc sod Quantity descrtbed as. trace, ut an estimate of volume, ut. In case of all orgamc, - as Peat Thzs may Include tundra, muskeg and bog material Muck - a modifier used to describe very soft. semt.or8amc depostts usually occurlng below a peat deposzt Amorphus peat -- ute·mc particles nearly or fully cllsmtegrated Bottom ofTesthole - includes last sample interval Frost Line - seasonal frost depth as described by drdlmg amon and/or ~mp~es a~ the ttme of drdhng Frozen Ground - other than frost tine. described by samples, usually includes descr~ptmn of ~ce content, often will Include modffted Umfied el·sallie·lion for frozen softs - thcs ts a special case related to Free Water Level - The free water level noted during drfihng This ts not necessardy the static water table at the time of drdhng or at other seasons Static water table determ~natmn m other than very permeable .Blow/6' - The number of blows of a 140 weight free falhng 30" to advance · 2" spht spoon 6". the number of blows for a 12" advance Is, by deflnltmn, the standard penetration .d% - natural rnolstute content of the sod sample, usually not pe-~"fr ormed on clean sands or gravels below the water table Type of Sample - SP. refers to 2" spht spoon driven tnto the sotl by 140 pound wetght, a d~sturbed sample. S. thin wall tube. "Shelby" used to obtain undisturbed samples of f;ne grained sotl, .Ct, "grab" dnturbed sample from auger flights or wall of trench, .~a cut sample, undisturbed sample from wall of trench Dry Strength - a useful indicator of · soil's clayey fraction. N=None. L-Low. M-Medium. H-High .Group - The samples are placed mro apparently ssm!lar groups based ,SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART 30% GRAVEL :LAY CLAYEY CLAYEY/\ CLAYEY CLAYEY OR SILTY / \ / SILTY SILTY \ / GRAVELLY 5AND SANDY GRAVEL SAND ~, GRAVELLY SAND \ / 5ANDY GRAVEL GRAVEL V /V V V\/\/ I 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAVEL (+~4 SCREEN) % BY WEIGHT NONFROST SUSCEPTIBLE SOILS ARE INORGANIC SOILS CONTAINING LES5 THAN 3% FINER THAN 0 02 mm GROUPS OF FROST-SUSCEPTIBLE 5OILS FI. GRAVELLY SOIL5 CONTAINING BETWEEN 3 AND 20% FINER THAN 0 02 mm F2 SANDY 5OIL$ CONTAINING BETWEEN 3 AND 15% FINER THAN 0 02 mm F3 a GRAVELLY SOILS CONTAINING MORE THAN 20% FINER THAN002 mm AND SANDY SOIL5 (EXCEPT FINE 51LTY, 5ANDS) CONTAINtNG MORE THAN 15% FINER THAN 0 02 mm b CLAYS WITH PLASTICITY INDEXES OF MORE THAN 12 EXCEPT VARVED CLAYS F4 a ALL SILTS INCLUDING 5ANDY 51LT5 b FINE 51LTY SAND5 CONTAINING MORE THAN 15% FINER THAN 0 02 mm c JLEAN CLAY5 WITH PLASTICITY INDEXES OF LESS THAN 12 d i~ARVED CLAY5 SUBJECT MES8AI~E, I::lr=laLY PART '3 WItr BE RETURNED WITH REPI. Y unicipality of Anchorage MEMORANDUM DATE TO FROM SUBJECT October 26, 1979 Department of Health & Environmental Protection Ralph Strickland Jose Vicente Betty's Subdivision Sewer improvement plans for Betty's Subdivision have been reviewed and approved by the Anchorage Sewer Utility. The proposed sewer will be connected to the Southeast In~terceptor by the Utility during construction of the segment of the Interceptor between the E-2 Trunk and O'Malley Road. Construction of that segment of the South- east Interceptor is scheduled for 1980. Sewer Utility Engineer Anchorage Water & Sewer Utilities JV:cr cc: Tam Construction 914310 (5/78) ~,IUNI~'P~LIT¥ OF ANCHORAGE ~ ~ . ', · .4 D[PART~ENTOF ttEALTttAND ~NVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION *~ , ; ", ~ LOG~. ' ~ ~D ~ SOILS PERCOLATION TEST ' , · ' -i WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? PERCOLATIO~I BATE 'TEST RUN BE~E[N CERTIFI[D ~ ~ {m,nules/,nch) · FT AND ~:~ FT D£PARTMENT OF I{EAL"I'H AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTEC~ SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST [~'/PE RCOLA'TION SLOPE PLAN 10- 16- 17- 19- IF YES AT WHAT DEPTH;' 20- tZ,. I'L-- , )3. '?_"L. ,, CERTIFIED 8Y ~SCRIPTIDN MUNI<:.(~-ITY OF ANCHORAGE ~ SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST ,~' PERCOLATION TEST, L SLOPE DATE PERFORMED SITE PLAN %¥AS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DI:PTH? -< TEST RUN BE'P,','E£N . ~ q-r_-cT' ~.~a hr-vC'~,.- L'q ~ ~ Im~nutesl,nch) FT AND ~7 . FT DATE DESCRIPTION MUN¥*.,~P/~,LITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF tt[ALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ~ PERCOLATION TEST SOILS LOG L PERCOLATION TEST - ' DATEPERFORMED SLOPE ",/o'p¢~ q ENCOUNTEFIL D~' IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? SITE PLAN , I FT AND .RFORI,~.ED BY ~q~l~ CERTIFIED BY --