HomeMy WebLinkAboutBEVERLY BLK 1 LT 5/, · 00' t'~''~ REQUEST FOR APPROVAL (PiLl. out ,In %,.: I~a~..of ~erson requesting approval ~)z~F; 2. Ua,,~. Of proper~y,..owner .f~/~? · -W/si - . . b. Dete~en~. ' ' ' . / ".-".:':-'::,., c. Casln~ ~iz~ ~ ~ d. Di~ance from well ~o ~loseat existing om p~posed: ~. Septic ~an~ ~ / Cesspool' 5. Property Ltn~/ . 6. O~her sources of pom~bl~ con~mmina~ion, ~.e., creeks, lake~, house~, barn, drainage ditch, e~c. Sewege dtspocal system, a, '.ge of syste~ /9~ 7 · Septic tank capacity in gallons C. }lame of septic tank manufacture= /~/ 1. If "home made" ~how dlafram on rever~e side of ~his form. 1. D~stance ~o prope~y lin~ to house f~dation Percolation Test performed by Use the reverse .side of this form to show dtafram. Diagra~ should include · ~%he foJlo, dng information: property llnes;.well location, house location, ~.l,~4c tan~ location, disposal area location, location of percolation ~est, a~ d~ection cf ground slope· 9. Tke'~,j..,~ on tkis form is %rue and cerrect to ~he best of my knowledge. ,~ $,iFnature of Applicant D~te Signed TO BE FILLED oL~r BY HEALTH BEPART~.~ENT PERSONNEL ...... ~r,~. ab?va described sanitary facilities are hereby approved, subject to the -'~'llowin? conditions: Condit~orm: .~e above described sanitary facilltie~ are dls~pp~oved for the following · . '' '" ' Date - F'. '-$.p~'oval is valid for one year followinE the date of approval, .- CPJ!cw '\ · %~/~ / (Fxll out in Triplicate) ® Wa~c[. Anal~s~s: h. DeterEent Well data: b. Depth ~/' c. Casln~ Size Distance from well to closest existlnE or proposed: 1. Sewer line ~9~ 3. Seepage ^~ea Cesspool' S. Property Line Other sources of possible contamination, I.e., creeks, lakes, houses, ba~n, drainage ditch, etc. Sewas. e disposal system. .. b. Septic tank capacity In gallons c. Name of septic tank manufacturer d: 1. If "home made" show dlaFram on reverse side of this form. Disposal field o~ Seepage pit size and type 1. Distance to property line to house foundation .e. Percolat{o~ Test ~sults Percolation Test performed by Use the reverse side of this form to show diaEram. DiaEra~ should ~nclude .~he foilowln~ information: ~operty l[nes;.Well location, house location, t~pr~c tank location, disposal area location~ location of percolation test, ar~ dlreet[on of Fround slope. 9. The l~£oz~t[on on this fo~m is true and correct to the best of my knowled[e. SiFnature of Applicant Date $iFned TO BE FILLED OUT BY HEALTH DEPAP. T~Et~T PERSONNEL ~--~?he-' above described sanitary facilities are hereby approved, subject to the ..... ~llowln~ condlttons~ Conditions: The above described sanitary facilities are disepproved for the "Signature of ~ffici%l.¢ .,'.' ~ ;. Date :'l..~7' :'~ ~ Approval is valid for one year following the da~e of approval. CPJ:cw REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE AND WATER FACILITIES (Fill out in Triplicate) · of person requestlnf approval 2. ~ta,~.. of proper'cy:owner ~. Numb~'~"'~£..bedrooms in house 5. Water, Analysis: a. Bacterial b. Deter~ent Well data: c. ,~asta~ Size · d., DistanCe ~rom'~el! to closest existin~ or proposed: l. Sewer lt~e 2. Septic tank 3, Seepage Area ~.T'' . q. Cesspool' . 5. Property Line ._~''. Sewage disposal system. a. b. ¢. Other sources of possible contamination, I.e., creeks, lakes, houses, barn, dralnaEe ditch, etc. Age of system /~f.. ~ Septic tank capacity In ~allons }lame of septic tank manufactu~ 1. If "home made" show dle~rsm on reverse side of this d; Disposal field or seepage pit size and type 1. Distance to proper~y l~ne to house foundation., -e. Perc~l~t£~ Test 'l~su~ts m... f. Percolation Test performed by ~. Use the reverse.side of this form to show dlaEmam, Dia~ra~ should include -3~he foJA~,dng tnfor~.ation: p~operty ltnes;.woll location, house location, ~-4,ti¢ tank location, disposal area location, location of percolation m~ direction of Fround slope. 9. Tko l,,'r-,.~-ati~n on ~kis form is ~rue and correct Xo the best of my knowledge. S$fnature of Applicant Date SiFned ~0 BE FILLED Olf~ BY HEALTH DEPARTtlENT PERSONNEL ~'~?he-' ebove described sanitary facilities are hereby epproved, subject to the ..... ~llowinf cond~ilons} ~?//Conditlon~: The above described sanitary facilities are dlsepproved for the following - Appx~val Is valid fop one year following the da~e of approval. CPJ:cw O~obez- 30,, 1967 ~vllian ~illtary F4fem. al Office P. O. ~ox 179 Ancho~.age, Al~ka 99501 ~ SUB,IECTt Conditional C~RO Approvals Nlll~ary approval of V. he pr~mlsea listed belo~ hu no~ been fran~ed by ~hls kpaz'tman~ for me ox. nor~ o~ the ~ollo~ing re~,~msl (l) Insu~fl~tea~ data m disposal systen. (2) Disposal syn~an ia inadaqua~ely sAsed. (3} Disposal system lacks septia Zank-a~epage pit azwaaie,ant. 2. Rose S~ith ~oc 80 Block 1e Dixon Subdivisl~ l)aced iiarah 22e 1967 Sincerely, DAVID E. L. IMIIICAM, ii. D. iiedical Dlz~e~