HomeMy WebLinkAboutBEVERLY BLK 1 LT 6 GREATER ASCHOEAGE AREA BOROUGH Department of Environmental Quality 3500 Tudor Road, Anchorage. Alaska 99507 279-8686 Date Received Time of Inspection Date of Inspection A. Installed B. Installer C. Septic Tank: 1. Size' 2. Uanufacturer Do Seepage Pit= 1. Size 2. Mater/al E, Disposal Fleld: Total Length of Lines Dtstances~ A, Well To= Septic Tank , Absorption Area . Nearest Lot Line , Other Contamination B. Foundation to Septic.Tank "~ Absorption Ar~a C. Absorption Area to Nearest Lot Line · Sewer Lines REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEaER & WATER FACILITIES FOR Address = Phone 2. Prooerty ~ner~ ~ ~,~-~ ~,~'Y Phone~'~--~// Number of Bedrooms t A. T~e B. Depth C. Const~ct~on O, ~, D. Bacterial Analysts* 7. Sewage Dlsoosal System= /~~ ~~ .... eque.-t for A. poroval, of ~"'%~idual Sewer & Water Facilitle~'~ Page Two 9. Comments~ Approval ~/alid for One Year Fro,~ Date Stgned Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Department of Environmental Quality D~AGRAM OF SYSTFJ,[ ! certify that the information contained in this request for approval to be a t~ue and accurate representation of the auSject sewer and water facilities located Signed Date GREATER ANCHOPJ~GE AREA BOROUGH ~oad, Anchorage, Alaska ~7 279-a~ Tt~ of 1nsoact~on /~ ~ REQUEST FO~. APCaOVAL OF TNOTV~DUAL SEWER & WATER FACIL/TIES Aoprovsl Requested Well Data-. ,,. T~. ~. De.~ //7 / C. Construction ~ ;' ~? D. Bacterial Analysis' Sewage Disposal System-' C. Septic Tank.' 1. Size I! ~00 2. Manufacturer D. Seepage Pit-. 1. Size 2. Material ~- Dispose! Total Length of Lines /Z 0 A. Well To: , Neares~ Lot Line ~ . Other Conta.~ina~ien Foundation to Septic Tank c~D "~ Ab~orotion Area Absorotion Area to Nearest Lot Line ' ' Request for Approval of ...~vidual Sewer & Water Facilttt~." App. to'Viii Valid for One Y-ar Frc~a Date $~ned Greater Anchorage Area ~orouah, Departme~.t of Bnv~roratenta] (~Jaltty D)AG~AM OF SYST~J~ ! cattily that the information contained tn this tecIuest for epp~rova! to be a true and accurate representation of the s,~b.tect sewer and water facilities located at= STATE OF ALASKA Dr~A, RTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELr,.~-qE DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH r BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS REPORT RESULTS TO SANITARIAN'S REMARKS READ INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE SIDE BEFORE COLLECTING SAMPLE BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS RECORD Hr. Lmrry~x~ten 2464 Cottonwood Anchorage, AK 99504 Subject: Lot 6 131ock 1 Boverly Subdivision. Dear Greater Anchorage Area Borough Oepa~l~ent of Public l~orks has notified this Oepartmeflt of an apparent sever systee failure off the subject lot. A~ater soluble dye surfaced tn the south~eat corner of the sub~ect lot after being placed tn the apartment complex sever lines. Public sever Is available to the lot, and thts Oepartmeflt ts requesting the sub:Ject lot be connected by June 30, 197S. tn the tnterte period you must pump the sever system as necessary to prevent Savage on the cround surface and resultant health hazard. Any questions 3~u may have concerntfl~ this mtt~r v111 be ansvered by calling me at thls office. Sincerely, Les ~uchholz, R.$. Sanitarian LO/st RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL--30~ (plus postage) DELIVER TO ADDRESSEE ONLY ..................................................... ~ " PS Fo~ NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED~ (See o~, Apt. 1971 38~ NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL *O~:l~ Mr. Wllllam Armstrong Public Works Department Greater Anchorage Area Borough 3500 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99507 ltECV. IYED NOV 3 0 1913 SUBJECT: ,~l~s~ver~ly LID No. 52 Dear Mr. Armstrong: The plans and speclflcatlons for the subject proJect are approved for the features wlth whlch this department Is concerned. cc: Roll Stricklandv/ kP.J~GL-tl- R JOINT NILITARY l!OUSll~ ItEFERR.~ OPFICII 1530 (,~ball, Anchorase, Alaslut 99S01 3905 ~. 4t~ Aveeue ~ECE~-;ED 26 ~r 73~~ Anchorage, AlasLa 99501 Dear i-Jr. Free.an: You have p~ably alre~ r~eive~ ~r ~ of a letter ~m ~e ~p~t~.t of Envl~atal ~lity~ G~B, ~ate~ S Ap~l 1973, c~ ~ng inaction of s~er ~d vate~ ~acilities se~ing yo~ ~ property at 4131 Laurel, ~orago, Alaska. ~ i~i~ted in ~eir letter, te~ apparel ~t'il 30 J~ 75 has b~n ir~ted for ~u to dis~ct from ~ur preseat well a,d ~- nec: to available p~lic ~ater. In ~o ~ti~, our se~lce to you ~ill coating, l~ever, s~d y~ ~ail ~ ~et r~ut~d st~rds of ~e ~h br ~ J~ 7I~ we shall ~ ~11~ to ~ithdr~ ~ur listinl vi~ ~ for sllt~ housing refe~al. Sinco~ly, ' Copy furnished ., l!ousipgH~r, Ft Richardson '~Dept of £nvirormental Quality liO~R W. JONP.~ ltanagor, J~lRO ^prll 5, 1~73 Civilian Htlttary Referral 1530 Ga:~bell Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Office Subject: Lot 6, 9lock 1, Beverly S/D - 4131 Laurel Dear Sir: Upon your request, the sewer and water facilities serving the subject lot were inspected by this Department on April 2, 1973. The sewer syste~.l consists of a 3,000 gallon sepLIc tank adjoining seepage pit. TJie water is via ~vell located in neighboring hoF.;e. This Gepartment has given lir. Freet~an until June 30, 1973, to disconnect from this well and connect to the available public ~tater. Therefore, ~e ~tll give ~ temporary approval on this syste~,~ until that time. If you have any questions, please contact this offlca a~ 274-45G1. Sincerely, Tim Ru~fel~, Sanitarian J$ Febrdary 14, 197~ K~sslur ~ Co~p~ny Anchorage, Al~sk~ ~501 Subject: Inaivi~ual water ~n~ so~er f~ctllttes servin,~ Lot 5, 3lock i, 2overly Sub~ivlsion - 41~1 Laurel Street Sir: Upon your request, the above facilities w~r¢ inspected by this office on Fubruary 9, 1913. The follo~ln) was noted: gallon septic tan~ and :dJac~nt seepage pit. Accordtn3 to :ar. Freeman, this system ua$ Installed tn 1969. The water Is via a se:ut-p,~bitc wall located tn t~e back of the nel~hborln3 hon~. It Is presu~tly strutted tn a pit filled with insulation. This depart,::en~ will ~)ve te~.~orary approval on the subject well pending tn~ escrow of funds needc: to conncct subject d~ollin~ :o the available ~ublt: water. ~hls connectio~ ~ust be ,~de by J~n~ 39, 1973. Sincerely, Tiu, Rumfelt, R.S. S~nl tart ~n kt VA A'Jmtnl straiten Loan Guaranty Office 429 "~" SLreet Sut~ 214 Anchor~se, Alask~ ',' -