HomeMy WebLinkAboutTROLL KNOLL Water System F. M. Lindsey and ,4ssociates ?. O. Box 4-081 2~02 West NanhCra Lights Blvd. Ph. 272-4428 or 272-4429 January 22, 1974 Mr. Rolf Strickland Chief Sanitarian GAAS Dept. of Environmental Quality 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Subject: Troll Knoll Subdivision Water System Dear Mr. Strickland: Enclosed herewith is a copy of a partial As-Built of subject water system. To date, the mains, service connections and pressure tank have been placed. I inspected the main before backfill and ascertained that the depth of bury of the main was from about 11' to 14'. When the remainder of the facility has been constructed in the spring, additional drawings and other required data will be transmitted to you. ~Joh n~C~_,~erely' annon, P.E. Attach. ~obe~ Copy: Mr. 44iq-l-i-dm Kohler JC:dt January 23. 1~7~ Oohn CanRon r.!1. Lln~s~y & t,s~o:lat~s P.O. ~ox 4~S1 SC~J£CT: Troll Rqell Subdivision, Seat-Public Class A ~:ater System Ocar Yr. Cannon: Th~ ~erartment of Environmental Quality h~s received and revtt~ed the pnrtlal As-~utlts of the subject water syste~. Th~ As-~utlts:to date, cover the ~atns, the service connection and the pressure. ~)ts portion of thc system is a~provcd f~r those features with which this depart~;~nt is concerned. As ~ou are ~ell a~are ~rior to our approval for putting this ~ysto~ into use, we ~us~ receive As-~uf]~ E~l~lncortnQs on tho ~cll house, p~ssuro t~n):, rur~ln~ s,yst~,:~ plus, c~cA~lc~ and bacterial analysis frc~ the well. Shoul~ you haw any q~csticns r~,gardin) our revl~:l' of tho system as it no~t stands, please contact '~' "~ ~ ~" Sincerely. Roll Strtckland, R.S. C~ter Sanitarian lb cc: John Lee. Eagle River Mr. John Cannon F. M. Llndsoy & Associates P. O. Box 4-081 Anchorage, Alaska SUBJECT: Troll Knoll Subdivision, Water Supply, As-Built Drawings Dear Mr. Cannon: The as-built drawings for the subdivision above are approved for the features for which this department Is concerned. Yours tru I y, Kyle- J, Cherry, Regional Environmental Engineer cc: Rolf Strlckland/ DAVID R. SHEPHARD & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers 519 West Eighth Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 (907) 279-8913 July 17, 1974 Ill~,.~ ~IVED JUL 1 ~ 1974 Mr. Roll Strickland, R.S. Chief Sanitarian Greater Anchorage Area Borough 3330 C Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Dear Hr. Strickland: Enclosed are as-built plans for the Troll Knoll Subdivision water system in Chugiak. The owner desires to put the system in use and has received state approval. If we can be of further help, please call us. Davxd R. Shephard, P.E. DRS/ams Enclosures Mr. Davo R. Shephard 519 West 8th Avenue Anc ..... ~., Alas~ 99501 SUBJECT: As-Built Plans Troll Knoll Subdivision Water System Dear Mr. Shephard: Tho plans for the subject project are approved for the features with which this department Is ccncerned. Yours truly, y 'Cher'ry,' P.E. Reg lona I Env I ronmenta I Eng I neer cc: Roll Strlckland, DEQ~/ ~uly 22, lg74 P.O. Fox 273 Cnugtak, Alaska SgS~7 SU~J[CT: Troll Knoll Sabdtvlslon. Semipublic Class Ageter Systec ~ar ~r~. Kohler: The Creater Anchorage Area Barea~: Oeparment of £nvtromental q~allt¥ has received the ~lnal as-built drawings ~or the s~bJect c~ce~od. The ~a~r s~stem, as of this ~te, Is ~p~e for so. Ice to the lots as sh~ ~ the u-ballS plus tncl~ing 1oS 37 of ~ a~olntng As o~ner of this water s~stea, y~ are also ~alng placed on a q~trterl~ water bottle ~tllng list. Tht~ ~ar~nt ~111 ~end y~ ~ bacteH~l ~ter ~le bottlo so that ~o~ ~y drau 6 ~le ~d hand ~ tt to t~ State L~,or~to~ l~a~d at SS7 E. 4th Avant. This ~ttle w111 be sent to ~ ~tll such a of operatl~ and mln~ce of this ~stem. ~ ~ould epp~clate ~celvtng a notiflczti~,~n:~f~;"to'this ~r~t f~~n this ch~ ~ so~ ~y ~ge the ~111ng a~mss ~d t~ ~ or t~ ~n ~ho ~11 ~ ~sponslble for t~ su~lssl~ of Uase ~t~r ~ottl~s. have ~nX q~estl~s re~rdlng our reyle~ of these plans, please Sincerely, ~olf Str$cklaa~, R.S. Chief Sanitarian cc: David £. ~ephard An~ Associates ~la~q Lee TO: Great Land Realty Location of well: 3>.~4 Spenard Road - Am,chorage, AlasKa 99503 272-2716 · REPORT OF ANALYSIS Drinking and Household Water Troll Knoll Subdivision Chugiak, Alaska' DATE: August 23, 1974 gample # 1687 Date submitted: August 12, 1974 Sample size submitted: I gallon P.H .S. mg/l Standard Arsenic (As) g 0.001 0.05 Chloride (Gl) 14.3 250 Copper (Cu) 0.$5 1.0 Cyanide (CN) nil 0.2 Fluoride (F) @ 50°F 0.5 1 .$ Iron (Fe) 0.24 0'.3' Manganese (Mn) 0.02 0.05 Nitrate (NO_) 0.6. 45 Nitrite (NO~'l~ N .D. Sulfate (SO4) 12.9 250 Sulfite (S03) ,nil Sulfide (S) nil Calcium (Ca) 37 --- Mangesium (Mg) 10.1 --- Sodium. ina) 12.4 --- Potassium (K) 1.0 -'-. Total Ilardncss as CaGe3 13.5 -'- Noncarbonate Hardness nil -'- Carbonate (CO3) nil Bicarbonate (tlCO3) 173. Free Carbondioxide (CO2) 21. @ 40°F Acidity as CaCO3 Alkalinity as CaCO3 Aluminum (Al) Barium (Be) Cadmium (Cd) Chromium (Ct) 1 .cad, (Pb) Selenium (Se) Silicdn (Si) Silver (Ag) Zinc ~Zn) mg/l 0.04 · 0.02 0.002 0.01 0.02 0.001 7.3 0.001 0.6 Total Dissolved Solids @ 105°C 184 Total Suspended Solids 13 Total Volatile Solids @ 550oc 43 Organic contamination nil Turbidity units · I 5 Color units < I 15 Odor units < 1 3 P.II .S · Standard I .0 t} .0l O .05 0.05 0.0! 0.05 5.0 500 Appearance clear, colorless pH value 7.4 5.3 Six, rifle conductance 330 )lmhos/cm 141.8 'Bacteriological tests: negative P.H.S. Standard = Public Health Service Drinking Water Standards, 1902 suggested maximums; under- lined are rejection limits; concentrations art in mg/l or neg. = detection test negative < = less t~n ~¢ ~.~.?~ = not determined COMMENTS: ~-~" Water Is ~ble. . ~, ~ "~'- ' ~' ~'. ~"" August ~9, 1974 ).irs. Hary Ann Kohler ~ox 279 Chugiak, Alaska g9567 SU3JECT: Troll Knoll Subdivision, Sentpubltc Class A Water System Dear itrs. Kohler: The grcater Anchorage Area Borough Department of Environmental Quality has received a satisfactory chemical water analysis on the subject water system. The chemical analysis was completed by Alaska )ltneral and ~aterial Laboratory on August 12, 1974. It is interesting to note, when reviewing this chemical analysis, that your water supply has one-half part per millionth fluoride in the supply. For your information this can be of a substantial benefit to young children during the ages of one (1) through ten (1el years old in the prevention of dental cavities. Should you have any questions regarding our review of this material, please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, Roll Strickland, R.S. Chtcf Sanitarian RS/1w _L ~o NOT- FEE L_ laska li't eral '& Materiak '1._4 Inc. May 17o 1973 Robert C. Johnson . P. O. Box 456 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 RE: Job No. 73-107 Dear Bob: The following results are based on the unified soils classification system made on 9 samples received May 13, 1973. They were labeled TK-I thru 9 with a duplication of.#7. I assumed 'FK-8 as one that Precceded TK-9, hope that was correct. The required square feet per bedroom Is a follows: TK-1 'I'K-2 TK-3 TK.--4 TK-5 TK-6 TK-7 TK-8 TK-9 Sandy gravel, medium coarse GP 70 Sandy gravel, medium coarse GP 70 Gravelly fine sand, with a trace of slit GM-SP 170 Gravelly silty sand SM-GM 235 Gravelly sand SP 120 Gravelly sand, trace of silt GM-SP. .170 Gravelly sand SP 120 Silty sandy gravel GM 200 Gravelly silty sand GM-SM 235 The analysis is based on an "in-situ" condition of firm to medium dense granular consistancy. If we can be of further assistance, please call. Sincerely, WFA:sd W. F. Attwood DEPT. OF ENVillON)IEN~AL CONSERVATION ~y 3, 1973. / ~XO~GE ~tro Jo~n Cannon, P.E. Chief Engineer F. [I. Lindsey ~ Associates P. O. Box 4-081 Anchorage, Alaska SUtLIECT: ~roll Knoll Subdivision l~'ater System The plans ~ spec.i£ications for this project are ~pproved for the £eatures wzth ~h~ch this depar~ent is concernt4. This approval is given ~,ith the understanding o£ course tkat the well ·rill produce a sufficient quantity o£ ~,~ter to serve the sub- ....... division..~'hert.d~'elop~d..ancLthat~satisfactory chemical and bacter- · iologica! m-~l).sis of the ¥.~11 ~,uter can be pr ...... ed at the proper time. C~'~ 'r. nVlrOrmlen~ Engineer CC: GA~B~DEQ/ JUL 61973 June 27, 1973 F. H. Ltndsey & Assoctatus . Attn: John Cannon _. ,,ort~crn Lig~lts Boulevard Subject: Engl~ue'rln~ Plons for Troll )O~oll Subdivision Se,~t-Publtc .~assA CJater System ~nu Greater Ancnoro~c /,~a Go~g;) dJpart~nC of Cnvlrom~ntal Quality 1.as ~cetvdd and ~vlewed t~e p~ans for thc subject water systcm alonQ ~ttn t,~e rccunt di.cu~sion o)~ ,.huse pla,s t.~at we had With you t~Lo (2) days ~go ~ . Th.~ project' is approved for t:,ose fcaturc$ wtti~ ~hicn this DeFartment is concert:ed, l.:e will expcct to r~celvu as-built enginucrt,g plans and associated data'as indicated tn your cnglneering r~port once the project ts con, leto,. ~ Si~o~ld you have o~y quusttons rugardlng our ~vlew of these plans, pleas: contact the u~dursig~)ed. Sincerely, Roll SCrickland. IJ.S. Chief Sa~dtarian