HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAWN VILLAGE S-4053S10 DEPARTI'~ ,,~T OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL P~,JTECTION PLATTING OR PLANNING AND ZONING CASE REVIEW PETITION FOR Rezoning Special Exception Date Received Comment to Planning by for meeting of of Cases HARDING--LAWSON ASSOCIATES 127 West Flreweerl Lane, Anchorage, Alaska 99503 · (907} 279-7011 En. gineers, Geologists and Geophysicists JaY M. ENGLAND Proresslonal Engineer Assoclate4n-Charge DUANE' g MILLER Profosslonel Engineer Chief Engineer March 1, 1976 5552,001.08 Unwin, Scheben & Korynta Civil Engineers 103 E. 26th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Attention: Mr. Earl Korynta, P.E. Gentlemen: Soils Engineering Services Pederson Subdivision INTRODUCTION This .report presents the results of the soils engineering services we provided for Pederson Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska. The subdivision consists of a five-acre, undeveloped tract located on the north side of east 68th Avenue about one-quarter mile east of Lake Otis Parkway. The proposed development will consist of about 17 single-family, residential lots served by a cul-de-sac street down the center of the tract. The scope of our work was to log and sample test borings, to perfor~ laboratory tests and to describe and classify the soil conditions encountered in the borings. INVESTIGATION To investigate the site, five test borings were drilled at the locations sheen on Plate 1. The borings were drilled to depths rang- ing from 15 to 30 feet use a track-mounted, hydraulic-rotary drill rig. The number and depths of the test holes and the locations were determ- ined and staked by ~nwin, Scheben and Korynta. Our field engineer was present during drilling to direct the work and to log and sample the borings. Undisturbed samples of representa- tive materials were obtained ~qith ai~3-inch (outside diameter), split spoon sampler driven with a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. Blows required to drive ~he sampler were converted to "equivalent standard penetration blow counts" for correlation with emperical test data. The Logs of the Borings are presented on Plates 2 through 4 and include a description of the soil and ground water conditions, sample depths and converted bl~,~ counts. The soils are classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System explained on Plate 5. S 4 0 5 .'5 I,,,1AY 1 8 1976 Unwin, Scheben & Korynta March 1, 1976 Page 2 HARDIHO--LAWSON A~SOCIATE~ ' In our laboratory, the soil samples were tested to determine their moisture content, dry density and grain size. The moisture Content and dry density test results are presented on the logs in the manner described by the Key to Test Data on Plate 5. Detailed results of the particle size analysis are presented on Plate 6. SITE AND SOIL CONDITIONS The proposed subdivision is a rectangular shaped parcel about 626-feet-long in a north-south direction and about 330-feet-wide. The property slopes do%~n to the north at about three percent gradient and has little relief, except at the north end where the surface is somewhat hummocky. About half the site contains a growth of spruce and birch trees. The remainder of the site has been cleared and is generally, free of vegetation, except for grass and shrubs. The brush and trees from the previous clearing have been piled in mounds up to ten-feat-high in the center of the site. The test borings indicate that the site is underlain by silty, sandy and gravelly soils to the depths explored. The surface is blanketed by a layer of silt which range from four to seven-feet- deep. In Boring 5, the Silt is overlain by a two-foot-thick layer of peat. The silt and'peat are weak and compressible and are highly frost susceptible.(*) Beneath ~ese surface soils, sands and gravels were encountered to the bottom of the borings. These soils are medium dense to dense and will provide satisfactory support for streets, utilities and building foundations where unfrozen. However, these granular soils contain a relatively high percentage of fines (,No. 200 sieve size materials) and are also frost susceptible. In Boring 5, the soils were frozen belo~ adept]{ of 15 feet. The undisturbed sample driven at the 15 feet depth contained clear ice nodules and lenses up to 1/4-inch-thick in the sample. The soils appear- ed to be marginally frozen do~ to at least 24-feet below the surface with possibly some interbedding of dry unfrozen soil. Thes~ deeper, frozen soils are probably a remnant of the past when the climate was colder and do not thaw on an annual cycle. Since these soils are 'very likely close to thawing temperatures, they should be considered highly unstable. The extent of this frozen layer should be determined by additional test borings. At the time of our investigation, the ground surface was covered by about one-foot of snow and the annual frost had penetrated to depths ranging from three to six feet. Ground water was encountered in Boring 5 at a depth of nine feet. Frost susceptibl-~means that the soils will support the capillary rise of water and may develop ice-lansing and subsequent ground heaving if free water is present and the soils are subjected to freezing temperatures. Unwin, Scheben & Korynta. March 1, 1976 Page 8 HARDING --LAWSON ASSOCIATES ILLUSTRATIONS The following plates are attached and complete this report2 Boring 'Location Plan Plate 1 Plates 2 through 4 Plate 5 Plate 6 Logs of Borings Soil Classification Chart ~nd Key to Test Date. Particle Size Analysis Yours very truly, I{ARDI~';G-LAWSON ASSOCIATES /'Jay M. England ~ Civil Engineer 1943E ~4E: cs Attachments Test Hole. by others SCALE: 1"=100' Contour Interval = 2' 160 Brush S. Stockpiles 170 68th Avenue Reference: Topographic Survey by Unwin, Scheben & ]',o'ryn'ta, Civil Engineers ' c'2~%~.'~i~J<~-L~%V/~O~'~%~.~OO{~7~ BORING LOCATION PLAI,I PLATe G Co~uI~(n~7 ~.;{~eer# ~d Geo~o~Ti~ PEDERSON SUBDIVIS ION Anchorage, Alaska JobNo. 5552.nn'1_..98 appr Date 2/.76 -- ~'~ o c Equipment Six-inch Flight Auger n~ n ~ Elevation 170 feet* Date 2-18-76 0.- LIGHT BROWN SANDY SILT (ML) slightly organic, (frozqn) .... wet at 5' 6'3.5% passing 29.7 - 5 i~200 sieve BROWN SILTY SAND (SD4) '' with a few gravel sizes, medium dense, moist 9.2 - ] BROWN SILTY GRAVELLY SAND '(S.'4) m~dium dense, moist,gravel sizes to ' " 2, 6.3 - 15' color change to gray at 15' ~'; No free water encountered ' ' *Interpolated from topographic surveY.LoG OF BORING 2 Equipmen't 3-3/8"I .D. Ilollow St6m ~uqor Elevc~tlon~ Date 2-I 9-7 6 O- BROWN SANDY SILT (ML) with organic material, (frozen with ice lansing) GF~AY-BROWN SILTY SAMDY GRAVEL(G~4.) SIEVE ANALYSIS 10 8.4) 1322 medium dense, moist, gravel size 41.4% passing to 1". #200 sieve (easier drilling at 7') ]0 dense at 10' 35 8.0 - (harder drilling at 14') ~5 30 7.8 133 No free water observed :~ARDING-LAV/soN ASSOCIATES LO0 OF BORINGS 1 & 2 PLAT,."' PEDERSON SUBDIVISION Anchorage, Alaska Job No._5.5_52-_091_..0_8 Appr:_.~,.'~ Date__2_/76 , Laborolon/.Tests 61.8% passing ~200 sieve ,0. 5. 28 10- 14 7.1 144 15- 15 5.6 145 S I l']Vi". A[IALYS IS 32.6% passing ~200 sieve 5 40 ' 7.3 125 10 50 6.0'.131 44 7.3 122 ]5 · [-:;~,-~.DING- I-^%~/SON ASSOCIATES Co~sMting A'ngln'cers a*~d Geologists i:Jab N0._5._5_5..2__-_0__0..-!_;_0_.8. Appr:_.~L'~_..Oate 2-76 L~G OF BO!:1!;:; .~ Equipment 3 3/8" I.D. llollow Stem AuJ~ar_ EleVation 154 feet Date2-19-76 LIGIIT BROWN PEATY SILT (ML) (frozen) : less organic material' and a f:ew gravel.sizes at 3' GRAY-BROWN'GRAVELLY SILTY SAND ' (s,'i)'. ' ' · medium dense, moist "color change to qray at 10' ' gravel sizes 'to 3" easier drilling at 15' ]:,to free water observed LOG OF BORI.~iG 4 · Equipmanf3 3/8"I.D. Hollow .~tem ,~calfcn: ElevaHon 166 feat Date 2-1'9-'16 LIGHT BROW~I SA~;DY SILT (ML) (frozen) BROWN GRAVELLY SILTY dense, moist color change to gray at 10' increasing qravel content ak 13'/ Mo free water observed ,'~ LOG. OF no~z~.:G 3 & 4 PLATE P~Rso>~ sU~D~v~q zo:~ ~h Anchorage, Alaska (5* , Laboratory Tests · ~ ILVE A:iALYSIS 118.9% passing '~!200 .~ieve 23 5.3 .F 75 ' C 8.8 133 18.3 15. 7~7 40 6.0 141. 48 7.2 75 7.7 4C ! J '.L~ J":O ..?.r.-'.?_-2_-0 ~_]:_'08 .... Appr:~4;~(." Date ,. 2/76 BROWN PEAT (Pt) (frozen) " : 13R~WN SANDY SILT (.,'.'%~,)' with organic material and occasional ,gravel sizes GRAY-BROWN GRAVELLY SILTY SAND (st4) medi~un dense,. damp with occa- sionai pockets of clean, coarse sand. V Water.level .2-19-76 .e.asier 'drilling. at 14 frozen at 15' ,.qith segro?ated clear ice vibible.to 1/~%" · diameter ice crystals vi.,~ible' in auqer cuttings from 15 to 24' ha~d drilling at 24' GP~Y SA[ID (SP~ dense, wet ~ith occasional gravel sizes Note: ?he frozen soils belo'.¢ 15' are relatively :.;arm (31.5 to 32°) :~ith a. high percentage of the pore water unfro::en. LOG' OF BORING.5 r~,~ ~,,,:..,,,, .... : PEDEqSO"I ~U3D!VI,q I,q:I Anchorage, ,Alaska LIAd03 DiVI=~0;',I3 GRAVELS · ~'~: FO~LY G~A~D G~AV~LS, G~VEL - SAND WI~ LITTLE ~ .... ~AND~ NO FINES ~P " ?O0~LY GRADED SANDS~ G~V~LLY ~NO$ ~C C~Y[Y SANDS, POLLY G~D:D ~AND - ~y ' c~v S~LTS S I LTg AN D C LA Y ~ IN~GANIC C~ OF L~ 10 ~:DIUM F~CI~ ~ L~ ~S/l~ SILTS AND CLAY~ HIGHLY OROANIC SOILS UNIFIED S01L C!,.A$$1FICATION SYST,E'.[',I ' eta 320 (2600) TxC:u 320 (2600) os 27~0 (;ooo) FVS 470 *UC 2000 LV$ 700 Sheer S reno h, p~f Conlel~ Conlolldetlon LL -- Liquid Limit (in %) PL -- Flottle Limit (In %) SA --' Sieve Anelylll [] "Undllturbed' Sample {2) ' Indlallel 1.4' dlemetce Bempla. KF.Y TO Co~ls,ltbl~ E,#i,cers a~zd Geolo#ists ~Jnb~o. 5552-001.0B ^p~r: . Da~e 2/76 TEST DATA SOIL CLASSIFICATION CF. AP, T AND KEY TO TES:T DATA U.$.Stondord S;eve Opening Size U.S. Sfondord Sieve Numbors I H)ldromolef 810 16,2030~;05050 I00 200Z70 I0 5 I 0.5 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS I GRAVEL I SANO CODDLES COARSE I FINE COA RSE~ MEDIUM I FINE QOI QO05 SILT OR CLAY S:/mbol Sample Source ' Classification BORING 2; BORING 4 , BORI:{G 5 , Co~s~,lti~ E,~i~¢ers aud G¢olo~ists Jot) Ho. 5_5 5 2 - 0 01.0 8 __ Appr:~/.."- 'Date 2/7_6 SANDY, SILTY GRAVEL (G;~) GRAVELLY, SILTY SAND (S:4) GRAVELLY, SILTY SAND PARTICLE SIZE A~:ALYSIS PEDERSON SUBDIVISION Anchora .qe, Alaska PLAT=2