HomeMy WebLinkAboutROCKHILL Block 2 Lots 8A & 9A S-10966Rockhill #1
Block 2
Lots 8A, 9A
08:45 FAXg0? 343 4220 __ Co~unlt~ P1annlns * CROSS ~006/007
ShortPlat Summary ofAc~on
Augustlg, 2002
Page 3
Providing an as-built survey to Land Use Enforcement to verify
compliance with yard setbacks.
Providing a 10-foot buffer landscape easement along the west and
south property bour~daries which abut residential lots.
Providing a landscaping plan to the Planning Depm-tu~ent showing
details of refuse screening and the location and type of pl~ut
materials used to satisfy the landscape req~,irements of AMC
21,40.180 and AMC 21.45.080.
7. Placing the fonowing note on the plat:
Buffer landscaping meeting the req~_ltrements of AMC
21.45.125.C.2 shall be installed and maint2ined by the property
owner or his designee within the buffer landscape easement.
Title block information should be a resubdivision of Lots 5B & 5C
not 5A & 5B.
9. Show the new lot designation on plat at Lot 5B 1.
Correct surrounding lot/nformation to northwest of site to show as
Bruce Sub. not Neel also in Lakeview Sub. show Tract A-2C not A-
S-10964 Novelli Subdivision.., Lo,ts. 1 & 2
Approval of plat subject to:
1, Resolv/ng Utility easements.
2. Correcting drafting errors per Development Services comments.
Approval:of the plat subject to:
L : ResolVing u~lity easements.
2. Ensnring that each Io~ meets the square f~,~gc~¢q~irernent of the~
R,6 zo~ dis~ct of 54,450 square feet inclu~ 1/2-the
o~/z9/02 08:45 FAX 907 043 4220 Cpmmunlry Plannlng ~ CROSS ~007/007
Sh01't Plat ~]rnmax~f of Action
August 19, 2002
Page ~.
3~' :"Show/ng:~e Corre~ plat of record in the title bl°ck which is plat
4, corrc~g drafting errors per DevelOpment services comments.
5, Re~olving Softs ~ation and requirements of On Site Water &
Waste WaterDiVlSf~ Of D~veloPment ServiCes:
Platting Officer
Municipality of Anchorage
Development Services Department
Building Safety Division
August 19, 2002
Jerry T. Weaver, Jr., Platting Officer, CPD
Comm s Cross, PE, Program Manager, On-Site Water & Wastewater
ents on Cases due August 15, 2002
S- 1O861
S - 10961
S - 10962
S - 10963
S - 10964
S- 10966
The On-Site Water & Wastewater Program has reviewed the following cases and has
these comments:
Spring Brook Vista Subdivision / Jalasko Subdivision.
No additional comments.
Prominence Pointe Phase 1B
No objections.
T13N, R3W, SEC 28, Lots 33 & 34.
No objections.
Bruce Subdivision.
No objections.
Barber Subdivision / Novelli Subdivision.
No objections.
Rockhill Subdivision.
No objections,
: P.O, BOX 196650
Anchorage, Alaska 99519~66S0
REC'DSY: __ ~
6. Petitioner's Ne, me (La it - First)
~.~-Dlob/tH fill
Phone ~
7. Petition Area Acteag~ 8. Pro~se~ 9. Existing 10, Grid Number 11, Zone
Number Lots Number Lots
6, Petitioner's Representative
B. I hereby certify that (I am (I have been authari Zed to act for) the owner of the properiy described above and that I desire
conformance with Ohapk r 21 of the Anchorage Municipal Code of Ordinancesj, I understand that payment of the basic sLbdi¥ision fee is
n~nrefundab~e and is t~ c~ ~ver~the c~sts ass~ciated with pr~cessing this ~pp~cat~n~ th~t~fF~s n~t a$sure appr~v~ of the suj~divisiDn~ lalse
undermand that additlen, ~1 fees may be assessed if the Munl~ipal~y's~sts~ p~cess t~is application exceed the basic fee, t fu~her
undamtand thru assigned hearing dates are m~tStive and may hav~~¢
or the Asse~bJy due to a JminJ~trative re~ons,.////~//(/
"A~id~i~en pro~ of au~oHzation.
EXISTING abbreviate ;I legal description {T
12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUE BLK 3 LOTS 34) full legal on back page,
please fill in the informer on requested below, Pdnt one letter or number per block.
1, Tax Identification No. ' 2. Street Address
3. N~ ~breviated la0 d description (T12N B2W SE~ 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34).
'~f ....
~1-t I'-I'}-ID Ii I I I I I_1 Il ill/I I I I I-_l I I , ~
Please check or fill in the following:
1. Comprehensive Plan-- ~and Use Classification
Y-,., Residential
Parks/Open Space
Transportation Related
Marginal Land
Public Lands/Institutions
Alpine/Slope Affected
Special Study
2. Comprehensive Plan~- Land Use Indic~- Dwelling Units per Acre
Special ~ Alpine/Slope Affected
3. Environmental Factors (if any):
a. Wetland ~~l~i~che
1. "C" c. Floodplain
2. "B" J d. Seismic Zone (Harding/Lawson)
Please indicate below if any of these events h;~tve occurred in the last five years on the property.
Rezoning C ~se Number
Subdivision C ~
Conditional Use .~-~'~C 3o Number
Zoning Variance.~/"~C~se Number
Enf°rcem~t/Acti°n F°r
~/La. nd Use Permit For [
4?,~rmy Corp of Engineers Permit
Legal description for advertising.
/~.~ Plat)
~ ~2 Copies of Plat (Short
Reduced Copy of Plat (8 Y~x ~)i
/// Certificate to Plat
P// Aerial Photo
/Housing Stock Map
F/ Zoning Map
~'/,..Drainage Plan
'~,~opo Map 4 Copies
Soils Report 4 Copies
Pedestrian Walkways
Landscaping Requirements
2o-0o3 Back (Rev. 6/00) *
Private Wells
Private Septic
Community Well
Community Sys.
Public Utility
Public Utility