HomeMy WebLinkAboutGREAT LAND ESTATES #3 Memorandum Do not sign final plat until verified that lot 3 has platted disposal sites. S-10907-2Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: June 26, 2002 Jerry T. Weaver, Jr., Platting Officer, CPD 98,,, nes Cross, PE, Program Manager, On -Site Water & Wastewater Comments on Cases due June 28, 2002 The On -Site Water & Wastewater Program has reviewed the following cases and has these comments: S — 10890-2 T13N, R3W, Section 25/Barrett Estates No objections. 4,S - 10907-2 _ Great Land Estates #3 & Greenbelt. A wastewater disposal site reserve area must be identified for proposed lot 2A. Soils logs with original stamps and signatures of the engineer must be submitted. Lot 3 must have all three wastewater disposal sites shown on the final plat. D o n49 -NT- s (y t_d_,' uN Tl L r—r E-6 cM-- � /41;13 p c,44—rip (s d °vac. 5 ( �_ __ 07/25/02 13:27 FAX 907 343 4220 Coma~_~_.~2' Plannin$ ~ CROSS ~011/019 Platting Board Sumr~alT o£Action July 17, 20O2 Page 7 /md installation, of a warning light at the intersection of Patterson Road and Tudor Road. $-10907 Great!nnd Estates Unit No. 3, Block 7. Lot 2 a Oreenb~lt Tract Approval of the plat for 18 months subject to the following conditions: 1. Resolving utility easements Resolving drainage and drainage easement with Project Management and Engineering (PM&E), Development Services Department. Ensuring each lot meets the requirements of the R-6 Zoning District requirements Including the minimum 54,450 SF lot size. Providing information to On-Site Water and Wastewater Division, Development Services Department that satisfies the requirements of AMC 15.65 and 21.15 and demonstrates adequate water availability for the two lots. o Providing a current as-built survey for lot 2A showing ~11 Improvements on the lot to Land Use Enforcemcmt to verify that required setbacks are met. o Resolving the need to provide slope easements with PM&E. S-10919 Goose Lake La_nd Exchange Subdivision Approval of the plat subject to: 1) Resolving utility easements. 9.) Providing a site grading and drainage plan, and a soils, sedimentation and erosion control plan for the development to Project Management and Engineering for approval UUHiclPALI'J'~ oF AHcHoriAGE CO~I~IUHITY PLAflHIHG AHb bI=VELOP~EHT P.O. box '~9665d Anchoi, age, Alai~lui §~1~t9-665o PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLIcATIoN OFFICE USE REC'D BY: Please lill In Ihe Information requested below. Prln{ one letter or number per block. Tax Identification ~1o. 2. Street Address NEW abbrevlated legal description ('l't2~J R2W SEC 2 LOT ,15 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34). iLIoI'[I I~1~1 IslLlol~.l~l I~l,I I~le. lel~l~l,'l~l,l~l I~I~I~i~.NI~I~I I~1~1 I I I I I I ILIohl I~1~1,1 I~ldol~l~ IM~I I~l~l~l~l~lAl~lal I~l,l~lAhleld I~ I I I I I ~. ~xlstl~G abbrevlaled legal desmlplion (~t2~ R2W SEC 2 Lo~ ~ oR s~oRT SUB BLk 3 LOTS 34) tull legal on back page. I~I~I~I~I,I~IEILhI,I I~lLIol~l~ Iwl~l I~INEI~I~ILI~I~ ~I~I~I~IwI~I~I i~1 I I IL~hl I~1~1 I~ILI~I~I~ Iwlsl I~I~I~I~ILI~I~I~ I~l~lwl~l~lsl I~ I I I I I I ~. Pelitlon~Fs ~m~ (Last- First) ~. ~e~iiioner's ~epresenlalive hi~lol~l~l~l~.l i~]~l~hl~ ~1.1 Iff I~1 I~1 I~l~lfltl~l~l~l~l~l~ I I I I I I'1 ~l~lol, l~ltl~l I~ol~l~d~l I I I II I'll · ' Phone ~ .. ~:~ Zip ~b~ Phone ~ ~ ~' ~ ~p ~~ 7. Pelitlon Area Acrea~6 I~,l~,hl I~1 IIIIIIII Proposi~:] g. t=xlsting tO. Grid Number 1t. Zone Number Lois Ndmber Lois "~2. Fee~. J3. CommUnltyCoLIncll ~e3m, m'tJ.~"[~· 19 I hereby cerilfy that [I am) (I have been authorized Io ad lot) (hi~ owder ot the properly described above and that I desire lo subdivide It In bonlotmai'ic~ Wilh Chapter 2t bt the Anchorage Mdnlclpal Code ot ordinances. I Understand Ihat payment of the bastc subdivtslon lee Is honrelundable and Is to cover the cosls dssoClaled Wltl-i I~l'b~:~{Ing Ihl.s, application, that It does not assure approval ol Ihe subdlvlslon. I also Understand thai add t ona lees may be assessed. II th~ l~lUnlclpality s cosls to process thls application exceed Ihe basic fee.' I further Understand that asslgned hearing dale~ ~lr§ lenl~itlv§ ~h~ trivia; h,~v~o J~...po SilVa ed by Planning Staff, Plaiting Board, Plannlng Commlsslon, ot the Assembly due lo ddmlnlstrallve reasons. ,, ,~. ,~'. )~/,,,,~.,~ ~ Signature &Agents mUsl provide Written prool bi dlJlhoi'lzatlon. * 20-003 (Rev. 6]00}° Front Please check or till In the tollowlng: 1. Comprehensive Plan -- Land Use classlticaliori Resldenliat Commercial Parks/Open Space Transpodatlon Related Marginal ~nd commercl~l/Industrtal Public Lands/Institutions 'Alpine/Slope Alfected IndUstrial Special Study 2. Comprehensive Plan -- Land Use Intenslty Spectal study D~elling Units per Acre AlplnelSlol:~e A~fected Environmental Factors (it any): a. 'We{land ~ :~. 'A' b. Avalanche - j~'~j~l c. Fiobdplain ' J~ J-~. (:J.Selsmtc Zone (Harding/Lawson) Please Indlcale below If any ol these ~venJs have Occurred In |hi~ I~,~t tlve years On th~i'prop~Jy. ~ Rezoning JO o Subdivision i~ (3 ' Condltlon~tl Use ~ ~3 Zoning Variance j~ i= EnJorcemenJ Action J=or j~ (3 J~ulldirJg/Land U~ J:'ermJ{ For Case J',Jumber Case ~dmber Cate ~umbei' Case Humber I~ c~ . Ai. my bom of Englneer~ J~ermi| Lbgal descrlptlon Ior advedistng. Checkllsl 42 Copies ct Plal (Lohjj I~lat) 32 Copies ct Plal {Sfioi't lleduced ~opy of Plat (8 t,,~ x '1 '1) . Cedilicate Io Plat Aerial ~holo HoUsing Stock M~lP Zoning Map Water: Sewer: 20-003 back (Jlev. 6/00) ' ~ Private Wells ~ Prlvate Septic X~ J~ee "' bralnage Plan ')(' t'opd ~ap 4 Copies 3,~.. ~olls J:l~pod 4 Col31e~ "" J~edestrlan t,/galkWays '" bihd~cApln'gt J:jeclUli'ements Community Well Cot'n~l. Jnlty Sys. Watver Public Utilily Public Utility S 10907 JUL 1 ? 2002 Performed For: J? Munlcipality of Anchorage DevlDlopment Services D~partment Building Safety Division On-Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw St. P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 www.~.anchoraqe,~k.us (907) 343-7904 Soils Log - Percolation Test Date Perfo~ Township, Range, Section: Site Plan 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14L- 15- 16- 17- 18- WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Depth to Water A~ter Monitoring? PERCOLATION RATE ~' ~ ~nute~nch! PERC HOLE IDIAMETER ~ ' TEST WAS Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop BOX 97, EAGLE RIVEn. ALASKA 99577 · TELEP~ONE 694-2588 I)El"rll OF WELL . ~ II (. STATIC LEVEL OF IYATER FT. DRAW DOWN FT. , ,! [' GAL~. PER IIR ~ o o KIND OF CASING , ~' ~'~-O ~ I.,Po Ft._ /7'/~ From ~ ~rom ~rom From From Frmn, FI. lo Ft._ From~_FI. lo_ FI. Frmn~_ FI. to FI. Frmo FI. lo Fl._._ From~Ft. lo ' FI, FI. lo ~l. FI. lo FI.. Fi. lo FI. _Fi. lo FI. ~(.In Fl.__ FI. lo Fi ~l. io Fl._ ~Llo , Fl._ Fi. to FI.. Fl, lo ,,Ft. Fi. lo FI.. ..FI. to FI, MIscL. INr. OR~IATION: /),;,-,~ d 7'0 at:' S 10907 JUL I 7 ~ I}RILLER'$N^ME ' by SULLIVAN WATER WELLS P.O. BOX 670272, CHUGIAK, ALASKA 99561 · TELEPHONE 688.2759 OWNER OF LAND ADDRESs LEGAL'DEscRIPTION D,~TE- Started * ' PERM IT NUMBER E.dea II/~0 . DEPTII OF ~VELL ,;.~DO. · STATIC LEVEL OF WATER FT. DRAW DOWN FT. ' G^LS. PER.R . /~O ~INI) OF C~SING ~ '~'~0'0' KIND OF FORMATION: Fi. tnt:::~ Ft.~'~sI'~J ~ S~'Ic ~ffu~l~ From From Ft. to Fl. ~/ ~0~ F,om . From~Ft. to Ft. ' ' ' From From.~.FL to FL From From 'FL to Ft~ From 'FI. to Ft. FI. Io~FI. Ft.'to FI, · FI. to Ft. FI. Io~FI. 8~1090.7 JUL I 7 DRILlER's NAME SITE PLAN DESIGN ~ . . '-~ ~ ~. ~ ,~o~, ~ / 7 I y--~-/-t~-- ~ / [[ g: I N ~a / ~ ~ I ~ I ' SITE PLAN DETAIL 1" = 40' _r~...~ / Z TENTIM [ I 6 ~ q / I f Sec I0 T 15N, R I W, SM L~3d 150'10d 50' 0 ~00' 4oo' 60o' 80d O°nt0LIt lnterval~ 4' Date of Original Ph~)tography; May 13, t977 3 ----- 4 5- 6 9 --.-.- 1{:)- ...--., 11 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 I.., Straat, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST SOILS LOG DATEPERFORMED: ~IF/ · '~." · " ~ WAS GROUND WATER · : · ENCOUNTERED? 12 13 14- 16- 17 18 lg 20- /-/o Z..E . . . . E IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? [] PERCOLATION TEST 72-00~ (6/79) EST RUN BETWEEN .__....--.-- FT AND . FT COMMENT~ ~' PERFORMED EY:~"~~'" ~.~.b ~,fA 'f.¢~ CERTIFIED BY:_, DATE: Gross Not Depth to Net Re~ling Data Time Time Water Drop SITf 8 CANT ROCK Pt. AN1ER$ ASPHALT DRr~ APPROX. POSITION DUE TO ICE 60.2 + GUY ,~/ POLE Performed For:. Municipality of Anchorage ~2 Devel°prnent Services Department ' ~ Building Safety Divtston 4700 South Bragaw St. P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage. AK 99519-6650 www.cl.anchora~e.ak,u~ ·(~07) 343-7904 Sods Log - Percolation Test Township. Range. Section: Site Plan 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 11- 12- 13- 20- ENCOUNTERED? IF YES. AT WHAT DEPTH? DepthtoWaterAfter ~ .//3 ,~ J,J~ P Monitoring? ~'[/[.//~ J.'"' E Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop 06/10/02 14:42 FAX 907 343 4220 Com~unlgF Planning * CROSS ~008/009 Platung Board $.~m~, of'Action Junc 5. 2002 Page ? S-10919 Patterson Street/Creekside Park - Right-of-Way Vacation Postponed indefinitely. ~.,h.; *"71~i S~!0907,,Great Land Estates #3 and Greenbelt ,! ;.. Postpone to July 17.' 2002," , i. S-10921 De_nnll School Subdivision Approval of.thc plat subject to: 1. ResoN~ng utility casements. Resolving with Project Management and Engineering the nccd to providc a comprehensive dra/nagc impact analysis for the dcvelopmcnt of the parcels, to resolve the need for drainage casements and drainage improvements, including footing drains and footing dl~in stub-outs. Resolving with Parks and Beaui~cation thc need for trails casements to bc dedicated with this plat along 9th and 10~ Avenues, and along C Street and Cordova Street. t Showing the development setbacks for A Street and East 9~ Avenue on the plat (I0 feet for 9a Avenue. 20 feet for A Street). Placing a note on the plat prohibiting access to A Street. Placing a note on the plat indicating that thc yard setbacks are in addition to development setbacks per AMC 21.45.140.C, e C~,ing out the underlying plat in thc title block_ Resolving access to the site with Traffic Department. Correcting thc foUowing: Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: March 26, 2002 Jerry T. Weaver, Jr., Platting Officer, CPD (~~ross, PE, Program Manager, On-Site Water & Wastewater Comments on Cases due April 4, 2002 The On-Site Program has reviewed the following cases and has these comments: S - 10906 The Alaskan Village Subdivision. No objections. S - 10907 Great Land Estates//3 A wastewater disposal system reserve site must be identified for proposed Lot 2A and this site must meet all criteria specified in AMC 15.65 Wastewater Disposal Systems. S - 10908 Drake Subdivision. This property appears marginally developable with on-site wastewater disposal systems. Prior to approval, the following must be accomplished. Information to satisfy the requirements specified in AMC 21.15 and AMC 15.65 must be submitted for each lot of this proposed subdivision. This information must include, but may not necessarily be limited to: 1. Soils testing, percolation testing and groundwater monitoring must be conducted to confirm the suitability for development using on-site wastewater disposal systems. Ground water monitoring must be conducted during high ground water season in either the fall (October) or spring (April-May). Soils tests must be located within 30 feet of each proposed wastewater disposal system site. 2. Areas desi~tmated for the original and replacement wastewater disposal system sites must be identified and must meet all criteria specified in AMC 15.65, including slope and setback requirements. An original and two replacement wastewater disposal system sites shall be identified and shall be recorded on the final plat. 3. Topographical slope intbrmation must be submitted. 4. Supporting documentation on water availability must be provided Perfon'ned For:. Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safely Division On-Site Waler and Wastewater Program 4700 South Brag'aw SL P.O. Box 196650 Ancflomge. AK 99519-6650 www. cL anchorage,ak.us (907) 3437904 · Soils Log - Perb~lation Test 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- L~,O , H Township, Range, Section: ~qite Plan 'Ir. lC ENCOUNTERED? s IFYE$.ATWHATDEPTH? ~ t 0 DepthtoWaterA~ter · /.~ ,~ ~ p Monitoring? ~'I./(,.,//~ ~ E ReadingDate Gross TimeNet Time Depth to Water Net Drop /~,~ Z4z" /,//.,, I '""~' /Z", q Zs" /" H ~ PERCOLATION RATE 7 J (m, nutesr, nch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER ~-~ ~,~ TEST RUN IBE~NEEN ~,~-- FT AND z~,6~ FT · '. ' 150'100' 50' 0 200' 400' 600' 80d '- 'r._o. eo .rn.~ff .._ S 10907 Contour Interval: 4' Date of Original Photography: May 13,.1977 U4/llY02 11:34 FA.l: g07 343 4220 Community Plannln~ ~ CROSS ~0d2Y022 SHORT PLAT SUMMARY OF ACTION AprR S, 20O2 .8-10906 Als.slum Village Sub_division, Tracts .! ~m.~ Approval of the plat. subject to: 1. Resolving utility ¢-_~ements. Providing a 50-foot creek maintenance easement along both sides of the crock for a total of 100 feet. 3. Placing the following note on the plat. a. Vehicular access to DeBarr Road and to Muldoon Road is requtred to be pe,u~IRed and approved by State DOT. Portions of this subdivision ~re situated within the flood hazard district as it exists on the date hereof. The boundaries of the flood hazard distrlct may be altered from time to lime in accordance with the provisions o£Sectlon 21,60.020 (Anchorage Mtmicipal Code.) All construction activities and any land use within the flood hazard di~trlct shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 21.60 [Anchorage Municipal Code.) c. This subdivision shall be developed in accordance with A.O. 2001-24(S) or any other subsequent ordinance governing the land use of the property. d, No structure shall be placed within the 50-foot creek maintenance/protection setback easement. 4. Identifying the rigl~t-of-Way width of Det3arr Road. 5. Correcting map information and title block info~tlon per Development Services comments. {li~ IO9O7 Great The plat is returned for redesign and modification W comply with the following:.~- !: 1.. ForwaSd the application to the Platting Board to glve comprehensive notice .concc~ng the resubdivisivn of the greenbelt parcel. ;,2. Resolving utLllty easements. 3.I ,,l~Ioving the lot line to the south on proposed Lot 3 to create a lot with a rntrlL~t ]tn of :. 40,000 square feet as required for lots with on-site systerms. ~t. Providing adequate soils Information to On-site Services to determine if thc lots can { meet current standards for on-site septic systems. ' Post-It" brand fax transmittal memo 7671 [, of psoe, · ~.. o.,,. ,.o.,. 77 7 9ol 3~3 4220 Couu~ltr Planning . CROSS ~oj/'o2~ ............ Shot[ Ph%t Sumn~ry ef Action April 8. ~00'~ Pa~c 2 ;Jnfo~matlon to satisfy the requirements spectlled by alVlC 21.15 and AiVIC 15.65 to be submitted for each lot of this proposed wabdivisiox~ This info~aUon must include, but may not necessarily be limited Softs reel/rig, percolation test/rig and ground water monitoring must be conducted to cont'wm the suitability for developnzent using an on-site wastewater disposal system. Ground water monitoring must be conducted during high ground water season in either the fall (October) or spring ]April-May). Areas designated for thc original and replacement vastewater disposal system sites must be identified and musl; meet all criteria specified in AMC 15.65 including slope ~und slope setback requirements. c. Topographical info, marion must be submitted. d. Supporting doo,mentation on water availability must be provided. 4. Submitting an as-built survey to ~nd Use Enforcement to verify compliance yard setbacks. 5. Correcting Uric block information to reflect "Great Land Estates Unit ~t3-. ,6., ~orrecUng map information per Development Services comments F~[0908 Drake Subdivision Approval of the plat subject to: 1. Resolving utility ea.~emenm. 2. Redes~n!~g the lots so that both lots meet the rntn~um R-6 lot square footage of 54.450 $.F. when 1/2 of the abutting right-of-way and a 1% variance is included. 3. Corrccitn~ street type for Maylen .Circle. 4. Correcting drafting errvr~ per Development Services comm,.Hts. 5. Providing adequate softs lnformntion to On-site Services to deterrane if the lots can meet curr~t standards for on-site septic b-yst~m~. InformaUon.to saUsfy the requirements speclfled by AMC 21.15 and AMC 15.65 to be submitted for each lot of/his proposed subdivision. 'rhl.~ information must include, but may not necessarily be limited to: bo Soils testing,.percolatlon testing and ground water monitoring must be conducted to confirm the Suitability f0~' development using an on-site wastewater disposal system. Ground water monitoring must be conducted during hi&~h ground water ~eason in either the fall (October) or spring )April-May). Areas designated for the original and replacement wastewater disposal system sites must be identified and must meet all criteria speci~ed in AMC 15.65 including slope and slope setback requirements. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE I COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT P.O. Box 196650 I REC'D BY: Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION OFFICE USE A. Please fill In the Information requested below. Print one letter or number per block. 1. Tax Identification No. 2. Street Address 3. NEW abbreviated legal description (T12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB I~LK 3 LOTS 34). IHoI'[I I~1.1 IslLIol=.l~l I~1.1 I~l~.lel~J'~l,'l~,l,l~,l Id~kl,,Nl~l~l 1~131/ I I I I I IHohl I~-IAI.I :l~ldol:l~L I'~.1 IGl~-Id~hlul^l~l~l lel,l'~l~,l'~ld~l 1~13t I I I I I · ,/ 4. EXISTING abbreviated legal description (T12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34} tull legal on back page. I~1,.1~1~1~1,,1~1~.1'[1:1 I~ldolc. l~l I'+1.1 Id,.IdAh'ld~'l~d 1~l~l-~14wld~l i~.~1 I I' I~-~1~1 I~1.1 I~lLlol~-I~ I~1.1 I~,l~l~l'~lLlml~l~l I~.I~I'~I~'~I~Isl I~1 I I I I I I 5. Petitioner's Name (Last - First) 6. Peiitioner's Representative t~1~.~1o1,.,1~1~ IAI ~1 I~J~l~lehl~J I~1,1 IN ,...1'~1o1~ I~lt I~ .I IHolMN~del I I I Address ~, G ,~ ~~ Phone~. ~' ~ ~p ~5~ FAX. ~ ~- ~ I~1 I~,1 Isl le. lNlt4~lNIdd~d~l~lc4 I I I I I I I II1'11 Address ~ c,y ~F.n.~\~ ~,_~_ state Phone ~ ~ ~' ~ Zip 7. Petition Area Acreage I~.l~hl IIIIIIII 8. Propos&:l 9.: Existing '~ 10. GridNumber tt. ;)one Number Lots Number LOts 12. Fee $. t3. Community Council I hereby certify that (I am) (I have been authorized to act for) ~e owner, o! the property described above and tha~ I desire {o subdivide It in conformance with Chapter 21 of the Anchorage Municipal Code of Ordinances. I understand that payment of the basic subdivision fee Is nonrefundable and Is lo cover the costs associated with proce§$1r~g this application, that it does not assure approval of Ihe SubdivisiOn. I also understand that additional fees may be assessed if the Municipality's costs to process this application exceed the baSlc fee:' I turther understand that assigned hearing dates are tentative and ma~,have to be postponed by Planning Staff, Platting Board, Planning Commission, or the Assembly due to administrative reasons. Date: ~/ "~' ~-/0 "z.--. Signature *Agents must provide written proo~ O~ authorization. ' · 20-003 (Rev. 6/00}* Front ,C. Please check or fill In the followlng: 1. Comprehensive Plan ~ Land Use Classlfication ~ Residential Commercial Parks/Open Space Transportation Related Marginal Land Commercial/Industrial Public Lands/Institutions Alpine/Slope Affected industrial Special Study 2. Comprehensive Plan ~ Land Use Intensity Special Study Dwelling Units per Acre Alpine/Slope Affected Environmental Factors (if any): a. Wetland ' ~} 3. '~' b. Avalanche. , I'~'1 A c. Floodplain ~ I ''~' d. Seismic Zone (Harding/Lawson) Please Indicate below If any of these events have occurred In the last five years on Ihe'prope~ly. Rezoning Subdivtslon Conditional Use Zoning Variance Enforcement Action For Buildirig/Land Us6 Permit For Army Corp of Engineers ~e~'mit Case Number Case Number Case Number Case Number Eo Legal description for advertising. ! Checklisl 42 Copies of Plat (Long Plat) 32 Copies of Plat (Short Plat) Reduced Copy of Plat (81/~ x 11) Certificate to Plat Aerial Photo Housing Stock Map Zoning Map Water: Sewer: 20.oo3 Back (Rev. 6/00) · "~ Private Wells '~ Private Septic .~;'~ Fee '"" Drainage Plan ~ Topo Map 4 Copies ~ Soils Report 4 Copies '"'" Pedestrian Walkways ~ Landscaping Requirements Community Well · Community Sys. Waiver Public Utility Public Utility SITE PLAN DETAIL · -- SCALE / /~, / / ~ -- / / ~' / ~ ~ / FRONT Y*RO / ~ X ~'~' ~~ ~ / ~ / ~ -~.~ / / [~ / . /" ~',~ INSTALL , ~ . - ~~~~U ~;~ J~, TRENCH ~ ~ ~'--, - ~=~ _, __ J ~-~ / I I I I '~.,~,~, PLAN DESIGN ~SITE ~ ~ '-;.~ ~.. ~ ~ .~/c :~x~) ~. ~ .... / x. ~,/,.~./ ! / /.~ A //L-~-'Y-='--n F Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safer7 Division On-Site Water47g0 South Bragaw SLand Wastewater Program P.O. Box ~o~so (907) 343-7904 Soils L_og - Percqlation Test /-.O '7'.-~ 'ro~nship, Range, 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9. 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- Site Plan ENCOUNTERED? s IFYFS, AT WHAT DEPT}-I? ~ L O DepthtoWaterAfle~' ~ )./'3 d ,I ~:: p Monitoring? ~'1./(.,/1~/.....-- E Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop / -- ..a,, ... . I ~"- ~.d,, l.y-.; ,1 ?.a,/~, ~" I,,5-" 1~'~ /~, q l,s" ~//~ u PERCOLATION ~ (minute~nch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TESTRUNBE3WEEN' ,~f'L~ FT AND Z~'*,~.S'"- FT --. v ..-~_ j~ '2' .d/~d~,'-//.,,~,id. - ~ Y--=:~..~