HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRAKE Blk 4 Lt 8 S-10908Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: March 26, 2002 Jerry T. Weaver, Jr., Platting Officer, CPD i5ross, PE, Program Manager, On -Site Water & Wastewater Comments on Cases due April 4, 2002 The On -Site Program has reviewed the following cases and has these comments: S —10906 The Alaskan Village Subdivision. No objections. S —10907 Great Land Estates #3 A wastewater disposal system reserve site must be identified for proposed Lot 2A and this site must meet all criteria specified in AMC 15.65 Wastewater Disposal Systems. S — 10908 Drake Subdivision. This property appears marginally developable with on-site wastewater disposal systems. Prior to approval, the following must be accomplished. Information to satisfy the requirements specified in AMC 21.15 and AMC 15.65 must be submitted for each lot of this proposed subdivision. This information ,A must include, but may not necessarily be limited to: �I s 1. Soils testing, percolation testing and groundwater monitoring must be 1 conducted to confirm the suitability for development using on-site wastewater rkli). disposal systems. Ground water monitoring must be conducted during high ground water season in either the fall (October) or spring (April -May). Soils tests must be located within 30 feet of each proposed wastewater disposal system site. 2. Areas designated for the original and replacement wastewater disposal system �f sites ust be identified and must meet all criteria specified in AMC 15.65, c uding slope and setback requirements. An original and two replacement • wastewater disposal system sites shall be identified and shall be recorded on the final plat. 3. Topographical slope information must be submitted. 4. Supporting documentation on water availability must be provided Municipality Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Telephone: (907) 343-4309 Fax: (907) 343-4220 http://www, ci.anchorage.ak.us George P. Wuerch, Mayor REQUEST FOR COMMENTS ON SHORT PLAT SUBDIVISIONS March 05, 2002 S10906 - S10907 --S10908 S10910 S10911 The Municipality of Anchorage has received application relating to the following short plat activity. ~Tl~e h~.~dllg d~[e is Monday, April08, 2002 and comments must reach our officeby~Y~, ~ti!~04~ 200Ztn order to be included in the staff conditions of approval. GreatLand Estates#3 <plY-~ ~-~.~-¢E c~r'C-- ~.T./__,?~4..~.~_r The Alaskan Village Sudivision Drake Subdivision . · Anchorage Industrial Park Smith Sub #1, Lampert #1 / S & L Subdivision/V. ~). Attached are copies of the proposed plats. PleaSe submit your comments in ' wdting, specifying any easements or other requirements that you department or agency may need. If no easements are required at this time, please provide a list of those plats to which there is "no comment" or "no objection". Sincerely, Jerry T. Weaver, Jr Platting Ofncer Enclosures MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE [ OFFICE USE COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT P.O. Box 196650 REC'D BY: Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION Ao Please fill in the information requested below. Print one letter or number per block. 1. Tax Identification No. 2, Street Address lol,171~l~l~lzl~l {'=q')l~,l /-I*~ PH, kl Pl~l~lfl I I I I IJoz.~..,..~ ~- 3. NEW abbreviated lega! description (T12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR'SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34), ILIoH I~1,,I I~1.1~1 I'%1 I'~ll Io1~1~ I,~1 IDIR¼1~I~I I~1~1~1~1 I I I I I I I I I I IIIIIIIIIIIII..11111111111111111111111111111 4. EXISTING abbreviated legal description (T12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34) full legal on back page. ILlol-ri I~1 I~1~1~1~ IWI_I~I~I, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 5. Petitioner's Name (Last - First) /I IIIIIIIIIII1'1111111 ilg/'lC ~ ~ r'~ ,'7' ~ State City Phone# ,5"~ ,-q- -//~ E,2-~ Zip ¢ FAX# ~1~1~ _lsl,,l~lz~l IsI,~F--I~.I~I'~IMM I,el~k,I I¢1~ I I IIIIIII1:1,11111111111111111 6. Petitioner's Representative Address p.O , ~0~'77,~, State z~p 7. Petition Area Acreage 8. Proposed 9. Existing 10. Grid Number 11. Zone ' ' NumberLOts NumberLots 12. Fee $ 13. Community Council ~loJ~'-~l'l~ ~'~ B. I hereby certify that (I am) (I have been authorized to act for) the owner of the property described above and that I desire lo subdivide it in conformance with Chapter 21 of the Anchorage Municipal Code of Ordinances. I understand that payment of the basic subdivision fee is nonrefundable and is to cover the costs associated with processing this application, that it does not assure approval of the subdivision. I also understand that additional fees may be,assessed if the Municipality's costs to process this application exceed the basic fee. I further understand that assigned hearing dates a'Je tentative and may have to be po~stponed by Planning Staff, Platting Board, Planning Commission, or the/~semblj, due to administrative reasons. ~ · _ L,~~ / . ~/,~71~, ~-- . ~ I~ ,'~~~. ~ . signature ~/ : *Agents must provide written proof of authorization. ~3-oo3 (Rev. 6/00)' Front Co Please check or fill In the lollowing: 1. Comprehensive Plan -- Land Use Classification J Residential . Commercial Parks/Open Space Transportation Related 2. Comprehensive Plan ~ Land Use Intensity Special Study Marginal Land Commercial/Industrial Public Lands/Institutions Dwelling Units per Acre Alpine/Slope Affected Environmental Factors (if any): a. Wetland FD 1. 'C' Alpine/Slope Affected Industrial Special Study b. Avalanche Floodplain d. Seismic Zone (Harding/Lawson) D. Please indicate below if any et these events have occurred in the last live years on the property. Eo Rezoning Subdivision Conditional Use Zoning Variance Enforcement Action For Building/Land Use Permit For Army Corp of Engineers Permit Case Number CaseNumber /0"t'7 Case Number Case Number Legal description tor advertising. Fo Checklist 42 Copies of Plat (Long Plat) 32 Copies of Plat (Short Plat) Reduced Copy of Plat (8 1/z x 11) Certificate to Plat Aerial Photo Housing Stock Map Zoning Map Water: Sewer: 20.003 Bac~. (Rev. 6/00) * JPrivate Wells' v'"i'Private Septic Fee ~.Drainage Plan .. Tope Ma.p 4 Copies Soils Report 4 Copies Pedestrian Walkways Landscaping Requirements Community Well Community Sys. Waiver Public Utility ,Public Utility Steven R. Pannone, P.E. Consulting Engineer P. O. Box 102954 Anchorage, Alaska, 99510 {907) 272-8218 November 28, 1999 Mr. Kevin I/~bner 301 Arctic Slope Avenue Anchorage, AK 995 i 8 Dear Mr. Leibner: Subject: Lot 8A & 8B Drake S/D Soils Investigation & Septic System Recommendations I am writing to summarize the results of the soils investigation I conducted on the referenced lot on October 31, 1999 and to give you my recommendations for the type ofseptic system that can be installed. Currently there is an existing d~velling on lot SA. The existing septic system appears to be in failure and requires upgrading. There is an existing well located on the northern portion of the lot, approximately 75 feet east ofthe western property line. The existing septic tank and crib are both located inside the well's 100-foot protective radius. Any upgrade will be required to be located greater than 100 feet from the existing well. Soils Investigation Seven test holes were excavated to determine the subsurface soil condition, though only three percolation tests were performed and logged. Generally speaking the soils on these lots is fill material. There is approximately eight to ten feet of fill over an existing organic mat. The soils below the organic mat are generally damp to wet silty sands to peat. The fill material range from organic material (roots and peat) to sandy gravel. Though no water xvas encountered in any test hole, information from you indicate that the water table is approximately eight to ten feet below the surface during the spring and fall high water periods. The first test hole excavated on the southern portion of Lot 8A had wet peat to ten feet. This test hole was located adjacent to the drainage easements and was not suitable for an onsite septic system. Three test holes showed suitable soils for an on site septic system. These were located on the eastem portion of lots 8A and the western portion of Lot BB. These soils were percolated to verify the absorption rate. The two on lot 8A percolated at 34 minutes per inch and 24 minutes per inch. The soils on lot SB percolated at 7 minutes per inch. ~\WORK'~rTERS~SMDRAKE.~I.DOC Recommendations Any new septic system will be required to be construct according to the Municipality of Anchorage On-site sewer disposal regulations. This requires that all soil absorption system be constructed a minimum of six feet vertically from bedrock and four feet vertically from the seasonal highest water table. Ali soil absorption systems must also be located greater than 100 feet from any existing private wells and 150 reel from existing Class C wells. Additionally, the soils must percolate at a rate of sixty minutes per inch or faster to be acceptable. Lot 8A has acceptable soils locate east of the existing dwelling. The surface of the lot steps up approximately halfway through the lot. The acceptable soils are located east of this step, and above the finished floor of the dwelling. A lift station x~511 be required to lift the effluent from the dwelling to the soils absorption field. The soils are generally tight and in the 250 sfper bedroom to 333 sfper bedroom range. The municipality requires the most restrictive rate to be used, which is 333 sfper bedroom. A conventional soil absorption system could be installed in this soil type. The system type would be a five-wide trench, with two feet of effective gravel and 140 feet long. The expected cost for this installation by a certified excavator is approximately $7,000 in materials and $6,000 in labor and equipment costs. Lot 8B has better soils for an on-site soil absorption system. Since there is presently no house on the lot, development of this lot should be done in an effort to minimize the septic system cost. A gravity system should be able to be installed on this lot. The system would require a conventional septic tank and a five- xvide trench system, with two feet ofeffective gravel and 80 feet long. The estimated cost to install this system by a certified excavator is approximately $3,000 in materials and $3,000 in labor and equipment costs.. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at 227-3522, Sincerely, ~.E. Civil Engineer Attachments: Soil Logs C:\WOR K~I J::'l ! IzRS%8-4DRAKE.001.DOC PERFORMED FOR: SOILS LOG - PEHOOLATION TEST PANNONE ENGINEERING SERVICES P.O. BOX 102954 ANCHORAGE, AK 99510 [907) 272-8218 DATE PERFORMED: 10-31-99 LEGAL DESCRIFrlON: . L~t 8Br Block 4 Drake S/D Test Pit 1 BOH Brown Silts w/ 'l'mce Gravel TEST HOLE WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNI-~:RRn? . NO IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? DEPTH TO WATER AIq'~:R MONrroRnqo~ , DATE: 11-10-99 Lot BA DEPTH OF RET WATFJ~ DROP 6 1/8 ~ 5/8 4 I/~' 6 1/4 ;~ 3/4 4 1/2° E, PEROLATION RATE ,7 .fm{n/incln) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6 incln~ TEST RUN BEt~r~.I~.N 3.5 Fl' anrl 4.5 Fl' . . .'OMMENTS: Test hole excavated by Owner. Test Hole was presoaked before pert test. I PERFO~i~R~i. ED BY: Steven R. Pannone, P.E~ I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH A., STATE AND MUNICIPAL OUIDLINES IN EFFECT ON THE DATE OB' THIS TEST. ~.0908 ~P~ 8 ~ SCALE 1" = lO0' SI10 SCG INCORPORATED ENGINEERS * ARCHITECTS · SCIENTISTS · SURVEYORS Job N~De_s~lio~ Ile?~,~ nsmitted/Remor~ Enclosed I'-I Under Separate Cover Dote If enclosed are not as noted, please notify us at once. Action to be To~'.en [] Per your request [] For your information and record [] For your approval [] For your review and comment [] Approved as noted [] For your consideration [] Other/Describe [] Not approved, revise and resubmit [] Copy To 301 Arctic Slope Avenue · Suite 200 · Anchorage, AK 99518-3035 · PHONE (907) 349-5148 · FAX (907) 349-4213 A subsidiary of Arctic Slope Regional Corporation Pannone Engineering Services, LLC Consulting Engineers (907) 227-3522 Anchorage, Alaska, 99510 (907)272-8218 F~x May 23, 2002 Municipality of Anchorage Dept. of Health & Human Services On-Site Services Section P. O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519 Attn: dames Cross, P.E. Subject: Lot 8, Block 4 Drake S/D Water Monitoring Dear Mr. Cross: I was contacted to perform test holes, percolation tests and xvater monitoring for the subdivision of the above referenced lot. I conducted seven test holes on October 31, 1999 over the entire lot. Three test holes were suitable for percolations and water monitoring. See the attached soils report. The test hole on Lot 8B had a percolation rate of 7 minutes per inch. The test hole was dry at the time of excavation to a depth of 10 feet. I have been monitoring the test hole on Lot 8B since October 31, 1999 through the seasonal highs. The following are my water monitoring findings from the past two years: Date Depth of Water May 2000 9 feet October 2000 9.5 feet May 2001 8.5 feet May 2002 8.75 feet Based on the above information and the soils infmmation gathered on October 31, 1999, there is sufficient space on this lot for a primary and reserve soil absorption system. Please contact me at 272-8218 or 227-3522 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Steven R. Pannone, P.E. Attachments: H:\STEVE\WORD DOCUMENTS\8-4DRAKE.001 .DOC Short Plat Summary of Action April 8. 2002 Page 3 c. Topographical information must be submitted. d. Supporting documentation on water availability must be provided. S-10910 Anchorage Industrial Park~ Lot 7A-1~ Block 2 Approval of the plat subject to: 1, Resolving utility easements. 2. Resolving with Development Services the need to carry over plat note from underlying plat 81-194 which states: "A 15-foot building setback exists along Viking Drive", 3. Submitting a landscape plan to Land Use Enforcement showing details of refuse screening and the location and type of plant materials used to satisfy the landscaping requirements of AMC 21.45.080.W.4.f and W.10. 4. Correcting map lnfo~'~nation per Development Services comments. 5. Resolving with Environmental Services (Air Quality) the need to pave the graveled parking lot. S-1091! S & L Subdivislonz .Tracts 1 & 2 Approval of the plat subject to: 1. Resolving utility easements. 2. Resolving the size and location of sanitary sewer easements with AWWU. 3. Providing a 6-foot arterial landscape easement along Denaii Street as required by AMC 21,40.180.N. 4. Providing 35 feet of right-of-way for Denail Street, 5. Providing a 5-foot development setback along Denaii Street as required by AMC 21.45.140 which requires a 40-foot from centerline development setback. 6. Placing the following notes on the plat: a. Arterial landscaping meeting the requirements of AMC 21.45~125,C.2 shall be installed and maintained within the arterial landscape easement by the property owner or his designee. b. The zoning district setback is in addition to the development setback per AMC 21.45. I40.C. c. Resolving the need for a TIA (Traffic Impact Analysis) with the Municipal Traffic Department. Short Plat Summary of Action April 8, 2002 Page 2 Information to satisfy the requirements specified by AMC 21.15 and AIVlC 15.65 to be submitted for each lot of this proposed subdivision. This information must lriclude, but may not necessarily be limited to: Soils testing, percolation testing and ground water monitoring must be conducted to confirm the suitability for development using an on-site wastewater disposal system. Ground water monitoring must be conducted during high ground water season In either the fall (October) or spring )April-May). bo Areas designated for the original and replacement wastewater disposal system sites must be identified and must meet all criteria specified in AMC 15.65 including slope and slope setback requirements. c. Topographical information must be submitted. d. Supporting documentation on water availability must be provided. 4. Submitting an as-built survey to Land Use Enforcement to verify compliance with yard setbacks. 5. Correcting title block information to reflect "Great Land Estates Unit #3". 6. ~orrecting map lnfo,mation per Development Services comments. S-10908 Drake Subdivision Approval of the plat subject to: 1. Resolving utility easements. 2. Redesigning the lots so that both lots meet the minimum R-6 lot square footage of 54,450 S.F. when 1/2 of the abutting right-of-way and a 1% variance is included. 3. Correcting street type for Maylen Circle. 4. Correcting drafting errors per Development Services comments. 5. Providing adequate soils information to On-site Services to detess~dne If the l~ts can meet current standards for on-site septic systems. Information to satisfy the requirements specified by AMC 21.15 and AMC 15.65 to be submitted for each lot of this proposed subdivision. This information must include, but may not necessarily be limited to: ao Soils testing..percolation testing and ground water monitoring must be conducted to confl~ m the suitability for development using an on-site wastewater disposal system. Ground water monitoring must be conducted during high ground water season in either the fall (October) or spring )April-May). bo Areas designated for the original and replacement wastewater disposal system sites must be identified and must meet all criteria specified in AMC 15.65 including slope and slope setback requirements. INCORPORATED ENGINEERS * ARCHITECTS , SCIENTISTS * SURVEYORS Ij~ Transmilted/Rema rks Enclosed [] Under Separate Cover I Il encJosed are not as holed, please notify us at once. Action to be Token [] Per your request [] For your information and record [] For your review and comment [] Approved as noted [] For your consideration [] Other/Describe [] For your approval [] Not approved, revise and resubmit [] Copy To 301 Arctic Slope Avenue * Suite 200 · Anchorage, AK 99518-3035 * PHONE (907) 349-5148 · FAX (907) 349-4213 A subsJdiory of Arctic Slope Regional Corporation Short Plat Summary of Action April 8, 2002 Page 2 Information to satisfy the requirements specified by AMC 21.15 and AMC 15.65 to be submitted for each lot of this proposed subdivision, This infor~ation must lficlude, but may not necessarily be limited to: Soils testing, percolation testing and ground water monitoring must be conducted to confluu the suitability for development using an on-site wastewater disposal system. Ground water monitoring must be conducted during high ground water season in either the fall (October) or spring )April-May). Areas designated for the original and replacement wastewater disposal system sites must be identified and must meet all criteria specified in AMC 15.65 including slope and slope setback requirements. c. Topographical information must be submitted. d. Supporting documentation on water availability must be provided. 4. Submitting an as-built survey to Land Use Enforcement to verify compliance with yard setbacks. 5. Correcting title block lnfo~ mation to reflect "Great Land Estates Unit #3". 6. Correcting map lnfou~iation per Development Services comments. So10908 Drake Subdivision Approval of the plat subject to: 1. Resolving utility easements. 2. Redesigning the lots so that both lots meet the minimum R-6 lot square footage of 54,450 S,F. when 1/2 of the abutting right-of-way and a 1% variance is included, 3. Correcting street type for Maylen Circle. 4. Correcting drafting errors per Development Services comments. 5. Providing adequate soils information to On-site Services to deteruxine if the l~ts can meet current standards for on-site septic systems. Information to satisfy the requirements specified by AMC 21.15 and AMC 15.65 to be submitted for each lot of this proposed subdivision. This information must include, but may not necessarily be limited to: Softs testing,.percolation testing and ground water monitoring must be conducted to confirm the suitability for development using an on-site wastewater disposal system. Ground water monitoring must be conducted during high ground water season in either the fall (October) or spring )April-May). Areas designated for the original and replacement wastewater disposal system sites must be identified and must meet all criteria specified in AMC 15,65 including slope and slope setback requirements. Short Plat Summary of Action April 8, 2002 Page 3 c. Topographical info~.~ation must be submitted. : d. Supporting documentation on water availability must be provided. $-10910 Anchorage Industrial Park, Lot 7A-l, Block 2 Approval of the plat subject to: 1. Resolving utility easements. 2. Resolving with Development Services the need to carry over plat note from underlying plat $1-194 which states: "A 15-foot building setback exists along Viking Drive". 3. Submitting a landscape plan to Land Use Enforcement showing details of refuse screening and the location and type of plant materials used to satisfy the landscaping requirements of AMC 21.45.080.W.4.f and W. 10. 4. Correcting map information per Development Services comments. 5. Resolving with Environmental Services (Air Quality) the need to pave the graveled parking lot. S-10911 S & L Subdivision~ Tracts I & 2 Approval of the plat subject to: 1. Resolving utility easements. 2. Resolving the size and location of sanitary sewer easements with AWWU. 3. Providing a 6-foot arterial landscape easement along Denali Street as required by AMC 21.40.180.N. 4. Providing 35 feet of right-of-way for Denali Street. 5. Providing a 5-foot development setback along Denali Street as required by AMC 21.45.140 which requires a 40-foot from centerline development setback. 6. Placing the following notes on the plat: a. Arterial landscaping meeting the requirements of AMC 21.45.125.C.2 shall be installed and maintained within the arterial landscape easement by the property owner or his designee. b. The zoning district setback is in addition to the development setback per AMC 21.45.140.C. c. Resolving the need for a TIA {Traffic Impact Analysis) with the Municipal Traffic Department. Municipalityof Anchorage P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Telephone: (907) 343-4309 Fax: (907) 343-4220 http://www.ci.anchorage.ak, us George P. Wuerch, Mayor DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING April 10, 2002 Kevin M. Uebner & John B. & Edna L. Johnson 12701 Lake Otis Parkway Anchorage, AK 99516 Dear Applicant: On Monday, April 08, 2002, the Platting Authority acted on your petition S10908 Drake Subdivision The petitition was APPROVED. Special Conditions, In addition to those of Title 21, attached by the Platting Authority are on the enclosed Summary of action. If you have any questions on these conditions or changes, please call our office at 343-4267. PRELIMINARY APPROVAL IS VALID ONLY FOR 18 MONTHS or as otherwise stated in the Summary of Action. Within that time, you must accomplish the following to finalize your request: 1. Negotiate a subdivision agreement with the Department of Public Wo[ks, if required. 2. Meet the conditions specified by the Platting Authority which are included In the attached Summary of Action In addition to those of Title 21 of the AMC. 3. Comply with all applicable provisions of the Municipal Land Subdivision Regulations. 4. In the case of subdivision, submit to the Department of Planning a properly executed final plat ready for filing. If you wish to appeal this decision or any of the condtlons, we will furnish copies of our appeal procedures. Please note that all appeals must be made within fifteen (15) days of the Platting Board's ~inn Sincerely, DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING Zoning and Platting Section cc: Kevin M. Llebner P.O. Box 103776 Anchorage, Ak 995100000 Steven R. Pannone, P.E. Consulting Engineer P.O. Box 102954 Anchorage, Alaska, 99510 (907)272-8218 November 28, 1999 Mr. Kevin Itr~bner 301 Arctic Slope Avenue Anchorage, AK 99518 Dear Mr. Leibner: Subject; Lot 8A & 8B Drake S/D Soils Investigation & Septic System Recommendations I am ~aSting to summarize the results ofthe soils investigation I conducted on the referenced lot on October 31, 1999 and to give you my recommendations for the type ofseptic system lhat can be installed. Currently there is an existing dwelling on lot SA. The existing septic system appears to be in failure and requires upgrading. There is an existing well located on the northern portion of the lot, approximately 75 feet east of the western property line. The existing septic tank and crib are both located inside the well's 100-foot protective radius. Any upgrade will be required to be located greater than 100 feet from the existing well. Soils Investigation Seven test holes were excavated to determine the subsurface soil condition, though only three percolation tests were performed and logged. Generally speaking the soils on these lots is fill material. There is approximately eight to ten feet of fill over an existing organic mat. The soils below the organic mat are generally damp to wet silty sands to peat. The fill material range from organic material (roots and peat) to sandy gravel. Though no water was encountered in any test hole, information from you indicate that the ~,ter table is approximately eight to ten feet below the surface during the spring and fall high ~vater periods. The first test hole excavated on the southern portion ofLot 8A had wet peat to ten feet. This test hole was located adjacent to the drainage easements and was not suitable for an onsite septic system. Three test holes showed suitable soils for an on site septic system. These were located on the eastern portion of lots 8A and the western portion of Lot BB. These soils were percolated to verify the absorption rate. The two on lot 8A percolated at 34 minutes per inch and 24 minutes per inch. The soils on lot 8B percolated at 7 minutes per inch. C:\WOR K~LI~TIERSk~I4DRAKE.00 I.DOC Recommendations Any new septic system will be required to be construct according to the Municipality of Anchorage On-site sewer disposal regulations. This requires that all soil absorption system be constructed a minimum of six feet vertically from bedrock and four feet vertically from the seasonal highest water table. All soil absorption systems must also be located greater than 100 feet from any existing private wells and 150 feet from existing Class C wells. Additionally, the soils must percolate at a rate ofsixty minutes per inch or faster to be acceptable. Lot 8A has acceptable soils locate east of the existing dwelling. The surface of the lot steps up approximately half v~y through the lot. The acceptable soils are located east of this step, and above the finished floor ofthe dwelling. A lift station will be required to litt the effluent from the dwelling to the soils absorption field. The soils are generally tight and in the 250 sfper bedroom to 333 sfper bedroom range. The municipality requires the most restrictive rate to be used, which is 333 sfper bedroom. A conventional soil absorption system could be installed in this soil type. The system type would be a five-wide trench, with two feet of effective gravel and 140 feet long. The expected cost for this installation by a certified excavator is approximately $7,000 in materials and $6,000 in labor and equipment costs. Lot 8B has better soils for an on-site soil absorption system. Since there is presently no house on the lot, development of this lot should be done in an effort to minimize the septic system cost. A gravity system should be able to be installed on this lot. The system would require a conventional septic tank and a five- wide trench system, with two feet ofeffective gravel and 80 feet long. The estimated cost to install this system by a certified excavator is approximately $3,000 in materials and $3,000 in labor and equipment costs.. lfyou have any questions or concerns, please contact me at 227-3522. Sincerely, ~E. Civil Engineer Attachments: Soil Logs C:\WORKkLI':I'I i-~RS~8-4DRAKE.00 I.DOC Municipality of Anchorage ,. Department of Health and Human Services ' (:~n-~le Weler mind Wa~,,.a~er PmlFm,n. 4700 Seth p.o,~l~ar~,o Anda,~mge, A~ ~t~S~0 Pege I of 4 ON-,.~ITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/Off WFl ! INSPECTION REPORT , Permit Number; SW$_W010242 PID..N. urn.be, r: 0t,7-462-01 Wastewat~r S~tem: [] New [] Upgrade I~70t I~k~ ~3~i_~_ gg~ ABSORPTION FIELD LEGAL DESCRIPTION 0.6 Wal: [] New I::} Upgrade 10 Alpine Drillin~ [_7/2412( 01 43 ~_:._Beek Construction 7/3q~001 SEPARATION DISTANCES ,, I'qs~ 1:3,.H~a,,121s.T~:p. . r-lo~. r~,,w~ 100+ ~00+ ~00+ ---~V UFT STATION 250 ~' Anch. Tank c,.~ t00+ 100+ 100+ 2p.OS105HH MOA IDSF Drain Held. 2' R.I. ,over e .r~_re.field. P~.s, um BENCH MARK gau~e located in laund~ ~ Initial mad'rog ~.0 I~i. Back D~ 331re~hhofd 100.0 rr~. St~m~ tnspe~ons pedormed by:. Pannone. Enq. S~C Date~: 1'?/30/2.0p 1 ,. Department of Health and Human Services approval 272 8218 I:~r. lB ~2 l~,:lBoYl P2 ND, ~C~ ~, SVmO~4~ AS-]~UtL/ f ~/ASTEVATER ADSORPTION SYSTEM UNDEVELBPE~ LBT ~.~ NE~ ~RAIN FIEL~ ~. ~ITHIN 100 FEET [ ~ , ~ ~O,x35'x3~ ID SAN]3 FI~TER I / ~ ~hDTTDMLESS- SEE 3ET~LS 1' ~$ ~TH4 '5 EXIST'G lO00g ~ ,~ ~.~. s.~?. ~. , c, '7- '~' / C4 ~ 8~ ~C ~ATE ~ NINON '~PRE~A~'-F~Ri ....... PANNDNE [~G." S~,' LLC ' ~ge~ ~ 99516 (~73 348~ ~7~-8818 Phone & F~x P£RH~T NO, SVO~O~4~ PH~I~3. : 2728218 P.I.~, NB' 017-462.-D1 L ~ ~~ ~lgli i i i ..... ...~ ~ I I I I I · . , ~.~ . ~. · ............ ~ ~ ~,~:~:,1 ~ F~--.I ...... I. - I.--L -- ~L , _J__l .... L ..... ~ ~ -- - ' I~ I ~~ I' ' . ~': I~~~ I PREPARED FBRi I PANNBNE ENG. ~VC.; LLC l [ 1~ L~e ~s ~ ' I ~~~- I ,~_._ ~ ~,. IANCHQRAG~, ALASKA 9gSiO a T~, e- ~S AS-gUILT I "~'~~ I ..... ~ ~ NO. : A~ B218 ~ bv~locmd~t .j~'e~J-~.l~?l~ Ye. [] ~qo l~el~.ty ~~ & ~ jct, w & Edna dohM~ 2 ~1t ~47 147 162 p o Box l~O4~J PHI31,E NC), : ~::~72 B'21B !~j~tALD~qCRD~IOiV: lx~t SA, _~r~,~. 4 D~=tBID PH~ ~0. : ~ 8218 Ap~. 18 ~ 9G:12AM P6 ~o~ ~o I~~~_~ / 8OIt~l LOG - PERCOLATION TEST PANNONE ENGINEERING SERVICES P.O. BOX 102954 ANCHORAGE, AK 99510 PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIP~ON: 2-- 4-- 5-- Teat Pi~ 1 OR OM-SM BOH Lot 8B~ ~ 4 Dr~I~- SLOPE sut~ w! HOlE WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTEred? NO IF YES, AT WHAT DF. PI'H? DEerH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING? Dr~ DAT~: 11 - 10-9~J DATE I~RFO~: I0-31-99 Lot GA mnp~ WATER 11,~5 30 ;~ 314 4 1/2' '~5 30 2 1/'~ 4 112' PEROLATION ~ 7 (~/~) ~RC HO~ D~R 6 ~ R~ B~i=~ 3.5 ~ ~ 4.5 ~ JOMMENTS: Test hole excavated by Owner. Test Hole wan presoaked before perc te~t. IPERFORMI~-D BY: Steve~ R. Pannone~ P.E. I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDLINES IN EFFECT ON THE DATE OF THIS TEST. 8OIL8 LOO - PERCOLATION PANNONE ENGINEERING SERVICES P.O. BOX 102954 ANCHORAGE, AK (907) LEGAL DESCRY~'I~ON~_ Lot 8~ Block Test Pit 2 OR T~. GM~M ~ WI OR ~ BOH 2~ 3~ 4~ 5~ 6~ ,/.~ 8~ 9 DATE PRRP'OR.MED: 10-31-99 Lot BA Lo'~ 81] WA~ GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? NO IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? ,. DEt-ll-t TO WATER AFIe;R MONITORING? Dry DATE: 11 - 10,-99 PEROIATION RATE 34 (mtn/!nr,h) PERC HOLE DIAM~ ~ op WA'I~R DROp 5 I/B & 1/4 "; 3/8 7lB' 6 5 114 7/8° TEST RUN BEWTEEN 5 FTnnd 6 FT .X)MMENTS: Test hole _~_~vated by, Owner. Test Hole was presoaked before perc test. IPERFORMED Steven R. P.E. I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE BY: V~I'I'H ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDLINES 1N EFFECT ON THE DATE OF THIS 'rESt. PANNONE ENGINEERING SERVICES P.O. BOX 102954 c orAa ., AC (907) PERFOR~r~ FOR: Mr. Kevtn I.eflmer DATE PERFORMED: 10-31-c~ LEGAL DESCRIF~ON; 6-- B~ ~4 ~? ]8 ]9 ~ot aA, ~k 4 ~ s/D Te~t Pit 3 c~/s~ OR BOH Dm.- WAIl (]ROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? .,NO IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? .- DEPTH TO WATER MO~WrO~NG? D~ DATE: WATER DROP P~ON ~ ~4 {~-1~) P~ HO~ D~ 6 ~ ~ R~ B~ 3.5 ~ ~ 4.5 ~ COMMENTS: Test hole e~_,~vated by O~i~er. Test Hole was pre~i~,~t before perc test. PERFORMED BY: Steven R, P~-none~ P,E. I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMm. r~ 1N ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDLINE8 IN EFFECT ON THE DATE OF THIS TEST, LAKE OTIS PARKWAY (~m I I . I 04/11/02 Community Plannlng ~ CROSS Short Plat Su,,,~-ry o/AcSon April 8. 2002 Page 2 Information to saUsfy the requirements specified byAMC 21.15 and AMC 15.65 be submitted for each lot of this proposed subdivision. This lnform~tion must include, but may not n¢cessarUy be limited to: Softs tc~ting, pcrcolaUon tesUng and ground water monitoring must be conducted to conFwm thc suitability for development using mn on-ate wastewater disposal m~rsterm Ground water monitoring must be conducted during high ground water season in either thc fall (October) or spring )April-May). bo Areas desigr~ated for the original and replacement wastewatex disposal system sites must be identified and must meet all criteria specified in AMC 15.65 including slope and slope setback requirements. c. Topographical information must be submitted. d. Supporting doo,mentation on water availability must bc provided. 4. SubmitUng an as-built survey to Land Usc Enforcement to ve~fy compliance with yard setbacks. 5. Correcting Uric block lnfo~-~-~aUon to reflect "Great Land Estates Unit ~3". 6. Correcting map information per Development Services comments. ~005/022 .., ......... Approval of the plat subject to: i '.' "" 1.. Resolving utility easements. · 2.· Redesigning the lots so that both lots meet the mb~tmum R-6 lot square footage of 54.450 S.F. when 1/2 of the abutting right-of-way and a 1% variance is included. Correcting street type for Maylen ,Circle. 4. CorrecUng drailing enuL~ per Development Services comments. . lh'oviding adequate ~ofls lnforrr~tion to On-site Services to deterL~ne if the lots can meet current s~andards for on-site septic syst~m.~. Info~-,aflon .to saUsfy thc requirements speclflcd by AMC 21.15 and AMC 15.65 to be submitted for each lot of this proposed subdivision. Tht.~ information must U~clude. but may not necessarily be Nmtted to: SoUs tcsUng..percolaUon testing and ground ,~ater monitoring must be conducted 1o confirm the suitability for development using ~'~ on-site wastewater disposal system. Ground water monitoring must be conducted during ~ound water ~ca$on in either the fall (October) or spring )April-May). bo Areas designated for the original and replacement wastcwatcr disposal system sites mst be identified and must meet all criteria speet~ed in AMC 15.65 including slope and slope setback requirements. 0~/11/02 Z1:34 FAX 907 34~ 4220 Co~munltF Plannlng ~ CROSS Short Plat Surnr~ry orAction April 8, 2002 c. TopographlcOJ information must be submitted. d., Supporting documentation on water awtl~btlity must be provided. [~004/022 ~10010 Aneh_.ol'e~e ludu~lal~ Park. Lot 7A-l, mock 2. Approval of the plat subject to: 1. Resolving utility easements. Resolving with Development Services the need to carry over plat no~e from underlying plat 81-194 which states: "A 15-foot building setback exists along Viking Drive". Submitting a landscape plan to Land Use Enforcement showing dei=tl-~ of refuse screening and the location and type of plant ~terlals used to sattsfy the I_andscaptng requirements of AMC 21.45.080.W.4.f and W. 10- 4. Correcting rr~p information per Development Services comments. 5. Resolving with Environmental Services (Air ~allty) the need to pave the graveled parking loL 8-1091i 8 & L ~dl. vision, T~cts 1 & 2 Approval of thc plat subject to: 1. Resolving utility casements. 2. Resolving the size and location of s~itary sewer easements with AWWU. 3. Providing a 6-foot arterial landscape easement along Denall Street as required by AMC 21.40.180.N. 4. Providing 35 feet of right-of-way for Denali Street. 5. Providing a 5-foot development setback along 13~1~ Street as required byAMC 21.45.140 which requires a 40-foot from centerline development setbacl~ 6. Placing the following notes on the pla~ a. Arterial landscaping meeting the requirements Of AMC 21.45.125.C.2 shall be inst-,ed and maintained within the arterial landscape easement by the property ow~er or his designee. b. The ~,onh~g district r, etback is in addlUon to thc development setback per AMC 21.45.140.C. c. Rc~olvlng thc need/'or a TIA (Traffic Impact Analy~l~) with thc Mun~cipal'lT~fflc Department