HomeMy WebLinkAboutRIVER VIEW ESTATES BLK 4 LT 3050 ?si 8 oclc: MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Str0et - Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT TPHONE NAME MAILING ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOCATION DISTANCE TO: [ Well ¢_~,, Absorptio~rea DISTANCE TO: Manufacturer IF HOMEMADE: I Inside length JDwelling Foundation DISTANCE TO: No, of lines Well Length of each line Top of tile to finisl~ grade Length Type of crib DISTANCE TO: DISTANCE TO: Dwelling ~,.~ Material ~,~.~. EL Width JMaterial Nearest lot line Total length of lines Trencl~ width Material beneath tile Depth Crib depth inches inches NO. OFBEDROOMS No. of compar.~-nents Liquid depth ~) in PERMIT NO. Liquid capacity in gallons PERMIT N 0...,,~ ~,1,~ i~.~ Distance between lines Total effective absor~ti~ a~a PERMIT NO. Total effective absorption area Building foundation Nearest lot line Deptlr Driller Distance to lot line Building foundation Sewer line Septic tank PERMIT NO, Absorption area(s) OTHER SOIL TEST RATING INS~LLER DATE 72-013 (Rev, 3/78) LEGAL ?',!t.l!'!lii',F:Ft I:')l::' !;i:li!:i:i:;:i:l)!~:l.,iC~!i?!!; TI'IF!T I'I~1!ii: H!:i:l.!. !,I:I:1_i T.H. No. 1 Lot 3, Block 4, Riverview Estates Subdivision, Eagle River, Alaska Jerry Bender Property NOT TO SCALE Distances are approximate and have not been measured by surveying methods as to location of test hole. Michael B. Bergmann Consulting Geologist Box 191, Star Route A Anchorage, Alaska 99502 (907)344-9150 T.H. No. 1 8-27-78 .0.0' Organics & Organic Silt, sl '~moist, loose, dk bm. ~-' -- --0.5' __Drganic Silt: sl moist, loose, -~ dk brn. (OL) \ ~ ..... 1.5' Sandy Gravel: w/low trc silt, occ cobbles, sl moist to dry, loose, trcs bed rock frags in lower portion, gray bm. (GW) · ' '7.0' Highly weathered & fragmented bedrock in a matrix of sand & some to trc silt sized particles, med dense, dry, dk gray brn to gray brn. --biO.O' ed Bedrock with some weathered material filling gaps in bedding planes. ll.0'TD N~OWATE~R TABLE ENCOUNTERED Test Hole Log represents soils encountered on Lot 3, Block 4, Riverview Estates Subdivision, Eagle River, Alaska Jerry Bender Property August 29, 1978 Mr. Gary Chilcott Linc Construction 1605 Sanya Circle Anchorage, AK 99504 Subject: Soils investigation for sanitary sewer system; Lot 3, Block 4, Riverview Estates Subdivision, Eagle River, Alaska. Dear Mr. Chilcott At your request of August 25, 1978, I conducted a soils investigation at the proposed location of a sanitary sewer system on the subject lot. This investigation, which was accomplished on August 27, ].978, consisted of the visual examination of soils exposed in a 1] foot deep, backhoe dug, test pit. The soils encountered are graphically shown on the accompanying test hole log. The soils consisted of a layer of Organics and Organic Silt to dept}~ of approximately ]..5 feet, overlying a Sandy Gravel with a low trace of Silt to a depth of 7 feet These soils were underlain by a zone of highly weathered and fragmented bed rock set in a matrix of sand and a trace to some silt si~ed particles to a depth of 10 feet, overlying weathered and partly fractured bedrock with some weathered material filling gaps in the bedding planes to a total depth of 11 feet. The topography of 'the area where the soils test was conducted, is sloping to the Northeast at approximately a 30% grade. Vegetation consists of dense birch to 30 - 40 feet tall with an occasional spruce and some alders and willows to 20 feet tall. The ground cover consists of grasses to 3 feet tall with some mosses. No water table was encountered. An accompanying sketcth shows the subject lot with the approximate location of the test pit in relation to the property lines. I appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this soils investigation. Very truly yours, Box 191, Star Route A Anchorage, Alaska 99502 (907)344-9150 Attachments: Drawing of test hole log with location sketch. xc: Department of Health and Environmental Protection I)li!SF::'l:::ll:;ii'l'l'dEi~N'l' OI IEii]:::ll ."F['I I:::l["~l[:, ]!;N*','' ;[ [::iiCU",H"IliiilI",FFRI_. I::' i"[:iii[':T ]i iii ;:::'!;:;';I !!: 1~(. 'l"l...l[)(i]l:;i'. I:;ii1').., l'-:ll",l(ii:llli3l'~l::llii:flii~, I~11.:(. I1,, II Il!iT I1..... II ....... Il I, :.. I1 .. I ]E '"11"' ,' .i::,~!il; 5.i::,l~:; I:::11:::'1:;:'i .. i[ ~'ii:l:::ltq'T' I:::11..11:;;'. i[ (ii; t... .... I:;:. ,,, I.:.L..... I" I"'ll::.r.,l"" I "I.F ::: :~ S Ei:l:;iil:::l(]:il:~d,I ............ I '" L. lii;(3FIf l...;.!i: tii:,q. I:;i:;I;, ~i;1:~.' 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