HomeMy WebLinkAboutSCHROEDER EAST BLK 4 LT 5< OOOM 44:) elw,,, 5 1 t) / MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 264-4720 - , 825 L Street - Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT NANN1979;�----FOTNEW �� ❑ UPGRADE: l MAI NG ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION 49ee -- LOC ION NO. OF BEDROOMS f, Uy DISTANCE T0: Well �G� .rE Absorption at�ea �/ Dwelling �r PERMIT N0. 7� E- Z M �tufactu rer Mate/Sial—e / No. of compartments uaj Fa.. Z z ' L_ ' -� N Li capacity in gallons �'t6i IF HOMEMADE: Inside length Width Liquid depth � 6 � Z DISTANCE TO: Well � Dwelling PERMIT NO. B Z F Manufacturer �' Material Liquid capacity in gallons O w= DISTANCE TO: Well / l/� /r�CC� �''G Foundation _ �% 1:'C,-, Nearest lot line 2 �.� PERfy1IT NO. %�%i7 --C LU r Z F- ZLUL' No. of lines Length of e ch ine Total length of lines -- Trench width (a inches Distatanc between lines Q b. 0 Top of tile to finish grade ') � A � Material beneath til, �inches .......... Totall ffective absorption area /0'6'"�.L����— Length Width DepthPERMIT N0, r LU aF- Type of crib Crib diameter, ` diameter,)/,, Crib depth Total effective absorption area W FL In Well Building foundation Nearest lot line DISTANCE TO: _ w Class Depth Driller Distance to lot line PERMIT NO. J w Building foundation Sewer line Septic tank Absorption area(s) DISTANCE T0: OTHER PIPE MATERIALS (-, — SOIL TEST RATING 1-- INSTAL/LE�i 1 '�' REMARKSQ� y 1 —i '. _q APPFIA�VED C DATE LEGAL wRMTT HPIN, lC0NT HHS THE RESPONSIBTLlTY TO INFORM THlS DEPRRTMEN7 DIF! [NG THE IFAM HLLRTION {NSPECT/ONS OF MAY WELLS HDJHCENT TO TH/S PROPERTY HND THE NUMBER OF RESIDFNCES THRT THE WELL WILL SERV(7 Ji 11 P r: ::� : A 1: 1 (THOWS YWT v Q I ?I f 1 (Z � If ti !I.0����� —�— BHCKFILLING OF RNY SYSTEM NITHOUT FINAL lNSPECTIUN HN0 1XPROVHL BY THIS DEP8RTMESIT WlLL 8E SUBJECT TO PROSECUTlON MIN}MUM DISTHNCE BETNETAW R WELL HND HHY ON~SITE SEWRGE D/SP'Sun L SYSTFM IS 100 FEET FOR H PRlVHTE WELL/ OR 150 TO 200 FEET FROM H PURLlC NEL| DEPENDING UNIA THE TYPE OF PUBLl1 WELL OTHER REQUlREMENTS MHY 0PPLY, SPECIF}CHTIONS HND CONSTRUCTTON DIHGR01S HRE HVHILH8LE TO INSURE PROPFR TNSTHLLHTMIT 11 H. 11 :F" 1: OTTYS: V A 04 Z 0 A � 0 h T g �v T a ��� 1. Kv ?" � I �i; Y -.11j' /) ` /L/�) ' DEP8RTMENT UF HEHLTH 'L' HND ENVlRONMEMTHL 404/[EC1/OH 99381- S25 STREET, ��P,--���lr�� RNCH0RHGE, RK 264�4720 `�-- PERMIT N' Ar" PLIQUA T Rf ) ! HONG[HU 4220 BRXlER SP 12 3�� 2729 LOCATJON PRINCE OF PEHCE DR LEGHL 1-5 1 SCHROEDER E!:: 1S S/D LOT SIZE 22080 S0UHRE F�ET TYPE OF SOIL HBSORBTlON sYSism IS: DRHIto, IBr MHXIMUM NUMBER OF BEDROOM SOIL RHTlNG (SQ FT/BR)- 254 THE REQUIRED SIZE P10 IfAl hv�"l- 4 -9, OF THE SO[L H8SORPTION 0 A: 1 12- AM 4 A 1 1-1 SY�TEM I�� A OYQ {A VAX wo ww�k- Q-1 17 K J��= � THE LENGTH |)IMENSICIA I5 THE LENGTH (IN FEET) 0F THE [RENCH OR DRHINFI7LD THE DEPTH OF H TRENCH UR PiT 1S THE DlSTHNCE BFTWEEH THE SURFHCE OF THF GROUND HND THE BUTT(.1M OF THE EXCHVHTIOH (IN FE[T) 1:1 w 110 A I S: � �1:. :"1 if frn 1, THE GRHVEL DEPTH lS THE MINIMUM DEPTH OF GRHVEL BETHEEN THE OUTFRLL PIPE HN0 THE B lOM OF THF EXCRVRTlON (IN FEFT) � ���,� - �-��U�� �����'� 0 A Vol &P Q! 01 Y" 1 H Kv�� wRMTT HPIN, lC0NT HHS THE RESPONSIBTLlTY TO INFORM THlS DEPRRTMEN7 DIF! [NG THE IFAM HLLRTION {NSPECT/ONS OF MAY WELLS HDJHCENT TO TH/S PROPERTY HND THE NUMBER OF RESIDFNCES THRT THE WELL WILL SERV(7 Ji 11 P r: ::� : A 1: 1 (THOWS YWT v Q I ?I f 1 (Z � If ti !I.0����� —�— BHCKFILLING OF RNY SYSTEM NITHOUT FINAL lNSPECTIUN HN0 1XPROVHL BY THIS DEP8RTMESIT WlLL 8E SUBJECT TO PROSECUTlON MIN}MUM DISTHNCE BETNETAW R WELL HND HHY ON~SITE SEWRGE D/SP'Sun L SYSTFM IS 100 FEET FOR H PRlVHTE WELL/ OR 150 TO 200 FEET FROM H PURLlC NEL| DEPENDING UNIA THE TYPE OF PUBLl1 WELL OTHER REQUlREMENTS MHY 0PPLY, SPECIF}CHTIONS HND CONSTRUCTTON DIHGR01S HRE HVHILH8LE TO INSURE PROPFR TNSTHLLHTMIT 11 H. 11 :F" 1: OTTYS: V A 04 Z 0 A � 0 h T g �v T a ��� 1. Kv ?" � I �i; Steven A. Johnson Soils Log box 76 Percolation Test Chugiak, Alaska 99567 Phone: 688-3085 Performed for hill Mongeau Date 8/24/7b Legal Description Lot 5 Block 4 Schroeder East Subdivision _ Test Pit Location EO'N and 301W of the SE corner. It 11L I I01- 2' red brown sandy gravelly silt w/organa_cs ( MT. ) 275 ft2/bdrrn A., 4 6 12 14 16 5' 7' 2'4 13' brown silty sandy gravel with moist stringers of clean fine sand and boulders to 2 feet (GM) 225 ft2/bdrm gravelly sand stringer from 4' to 5' perc test from 5' to 7' water table at 10' Total. depth this test 13 feet AVERAGE ABSORPTION AREA REQUIRED FROM SOILS LOG = 254 T�_ft.2/bdrm. nAmF NET TIME(Min.)_ NE_T DROP (In.) _ PER RATE Min in 8/24/7830 1.20 ®25"5 e 30 1.0 � 30.0 120 3.50_34.3 - 30 0-75 � 42.0 e 0 0.75 42.o Percolation rate 42. 0 Signed minutes/inch Lvej�e %.welt, /11e, 99577 i 7l C;„,cavej ritlEl ezci:h j;w.Aldor:> : ilri borcip"'m `r2 Vii) Cnaa. ,+�Ici =,�F.Ei;Elr ._ 'tta�.acls't Loi` 5, BlocA !i .Schitoedeit �a-4,4.Subd. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPT. Cil' -,11 ._1 ENVIR0N;v1Erv1 -TION RECEIVED 9C_, .LOQ' a'1mi0” €yet -„6 • I 1.'0 Pr's vo ohoo !"I'd J,ackot ,`-,t q c AB z a. 11 a.v-. :L X Loi` 5, BlocA !i .Schitoedeit �a-4,4.Subd. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPT. Cil' -,11 ._1 ENVIR0N;v1Erv1 -TION RECEIVED Parcc Municipality of Anchorage. Development Setvice§ Dl rpartrnerit . Building Safety Didision On -Site Waley & Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw St. P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage,'AK 99519-6650 wmv.ci.anchorage.ak.us .(907)343-7904 CERTIFICATE OF HEALTH H AUTHORITY. APPROVAL FOR A 'SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING I.U. _050--0.62-17-000 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Complete legal description HAA= Expiration Date. -V SCHROEDER EAST SUBDIViVON: LOT 5, BLOCK .. r ... , .. > ..f .< _. ... .. . r .. n ✓ ., !' rw;N . a. tom_ . , 4. STATEMENT OF INSPECTION BY ENGINEER „•.., ,t' As certified by rny, seal af6ed heretd and as of the validation date shown below, ! verify that my. investigation, based on procedures outlined `in the Health Authority Approval Guidelines for this application, . shows that the on-site water supply andior was+evlater disposai system ,is(arc) safe, functional and adequate 'for the number of bedrooms and type of structure indicated hereto !further verify that based on the.',.! information obtained from the Municipality ofAnchorage files and from my investigation and inspection, the ori -site water supply.and/or ivastewatrr disppsal system is(are) in compliance with all applicabte'hburiicipat and State codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect'a't the time of installation.' Name of Firm _.•ALASKA \TATER & %VASTEWATER CONSULTANTS; INC phone 337-6179 -- — Address _ 6901 DEBARR ROAD, SUITE. 26 .' ANCHORAGE,. AK;;99504 Engineer's Printed Name JEFFREY A. GARNESS, R E Date `' `F �z`� ad U3, 1,�-- Engineer's Comments:. .. !Kt• ✓C, Inc. ale mole . Lo provide t' �. III conducting this cvrrA: Torr, 4�" ' a thorough, ronscienlious enginoerin, afia!ySiS Of tfrC' SytitelT iN F.CCJr'dcnce with ADEC anif hfJP: Ati'/ o p DSD Guidelures O 1\r �jJIL ions. The repor::;d resu'is doscribed the performance of the c.� �> ��' I i`5, t = system under tho condWorrs encountered at tire• tune• of tho test, and seperali'oir •. distl^rices measured to read,•':y idonfifiab'c features. Tfrc operational life of all we!!s and a ✓i; ' .. ' I I' I d: A septic systcrns depend on the local soils condition, ground•.•:aterlevels 'that rnay, G .. . . " fiuctuale during 1Le year, and the water usage of the fanrrly being served by tho system.. t% These conditions are outside the control of the evaluator of the sys,em. •Satisfactory test . a�4, r'csu4s do not quare?ntee Nhrre perfcrmarcc- of the system, nor do'they guarantee it f cy ,. G nc--s �� there are no hidden defects or encroachrrrents. AK'N✓✓C. Inc. can therefore not provrde C 7953 a,-?yw.arnanty or fulure cstirnafe of how long tho system :,fill conlinuo to meet fho o � i operational rcruirernonts of tho AD[C a' CSOA DSD. 77re content of this relied is for �� �'°v F . "' r�- CU�� tiYb sr.!c berrc(it o(lilc own 'r listed abo✓e. Any re•'ia: r,x u ion or usr; of this repod by any c �J.\Ci`i otl:crperson or party is not ruthori7cd. no, rvi!i it confer any legal fight whatsoover. 5. DSD SIGNATURE �_--. --,-„--- Approved for -- bodrooms. — -- Disapproved. r.:lr(r:l!rri _- Conditional approval for —_—_. bedrooms, with the fllov:ing stipulatio(l3`.:,•'e'^"'` . • ;; • ft � 71 LY ri °�. %�i�iVuR,�llr; ." V ZjJ) )7 )) Attachments: ,..� HAA Checklist Manitenance Agreements Septic System Advisory Supplemental Engineer's Reort Well Flow Advisory Other By:Original Certificate Date: 1/ra3 (Rev.1 1) Well production. ... UNK g.p:m 45. �•. . s- _:, 3 g.p:m WATER SAMPLE.RESULTS Coliform colonies/100 ml.. Nitrate.0, a mg /L Other_bacteria colonies/:100. ml. Arsenic: N . A .nig./L. Date of sample 1 /6/2003 Collected by: AKWWC, ,: INC ` B..SEPTIC/WOLDING.TANK DATA Tank Type/Material Date installed: Tank size gal. Number of Compartments _ Cleanou+s (Y/N) Foundation cleanodt (Y/N) _ Depressinn oyc, .lank (Y/N) High water ,alarm (YIN) Date'of PLimpingPumper C. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA: Date installed Soil rating (g.p.d:/ft of ftF/bdrm) _. System. type Length ft Width ft.: ;;Gravelbelow. i Total depth ft. Eff, absorption area ftZ : Monitoring tube Depression oyer,field Date of adequacy test Results P ail) For bedrooms Fluid depth in absorption field before t :_ in, Water added gal New depth.in. Elapsed Time:' . Final fluid depth -in. Absorption rate >= g.p.d. A venation treatment (past 1.2 mo:) •(Y/N & type) If yes, give date 1-10-03;10:38AM; :907 5615301 it 2/ 3 7 LtLME Environmental Services Inc. w' IPPIPPIPPPPPPPPPI00 CT&E Ret.# 1030182001 Client Name AK Water & Wastewater Consultants Inc. Project Name/# Schroeder East L5 B4 Client Sample ID Schroeder East L5 B4 Matrix Drinking Water Sample Remarks: All Dates/Times are Alaska Standard Time Printed Date/Time 01/09/2003 15:46 Collected Date/Time 01/06/2003 15:20 Received Date/Tlme 01/07/2003 12:00 Technical Director to/poen C�Ed Released By I Allowable Prep Analysis Parameter Results PQL Units Method Limits Date Date Init Waters Department Nitrate -N 0.200 U 0.200 mg/L EPA 300.0 (<=10) 01/08/03 JS r Microbiology Laboratory Total Coliform 0 col/100mL SM18 9222B (<=1) 01/07/03 KAP a., E 4 01/07/03 12:58:43 PM P. Edi Pace 7anm -'3c.s Hd- td 11' '1i;.jj F31L FFE.1 ..... ..... ................... .......................... .............. "X ForHal .. .... .... . ... .. . ..... .. ... ......... ...... ... .... . .. .. p . ..... , press F1 89.60% Paa.elofl 0 0 aig 0 �1 JJEENW0352-s,w - L. WELTS Record View For Key #: 837 NOTE: PDF files require the Adobe Acrobat Reader for viewing: maw- Page 1 of 2 Highlight red items in left column with your mouse to view definitions. Well Log PDF File: 837.pdf IKey 11837 1 (owner IIMONGEAU, WILLIAM (property Description IISCHROEDER E L05 B41 ILAS or ADL Number: II (Region: I122B (Date of Completion: 11 IDepth (feet): 11204 IMeridian Quadrant: IIsB I ITownship: 1114 (Range: 112 ISection: Ill ISecprts: IIADDC 1 IMap Number: 111-88 (Weil Log Status: IIs (Driller: IICOTTEN DRILLING I (Date of Entry: 111/14/1992 1Data Tags: II 1 (Remarks (1): Ii IRemarks (2): II IRemarks (3): II IRemarks (4): II http://info.dee.state.ak.us/welts/detail.asp?key=837 1/3/03 01/03./03 FRI 14:49 FAX 689.6498 VISTA REAL ESTATE ER O v .l 1, , y µ,:e, i1 ', 3 .. ;, �(�r e, k.c.•.; , • . . °; • • k+- � . r e� •� Ft-R•m.c' !G' _ ,t1 10. A.S-BUILT I hereby certify that T have surveyed the following desci ilied property: LO 7 Anchorage Recording' Precinct, Alaska, and that the improve - menta situated thereon are within the prolerty lines and do not overlap or encroach on the property lyisg-adjacent,there- to,.that no improvements on property lying adjacent thereto encroach on the premises in question and that there are no roadways, transmission lines or other visible casements on said property except as indicated hercom Dated at Eagle River, A3aska thi£ % ' 8fly of .. � . , 191? ROHEBT C. JOIiNSCI4 i[ SCALE: Registered Land Sup eyor No. 68o•LoS 1' ; 2,0 •' Boa 456, Eagla.River, Alaska Phone (07) 664.2543