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d i a 9 s Y d 9 ��•� • I y - - MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519.6650 -PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION A. Please fill in the information requested below Print one letter or number per block OFFICE USE RECD BY 1 Vacation Code 2 Tax Identification No :,3 Street Address ❑ 1�1��1�I4131�1�' I�IAIRI I�IIIEIwI I�I�I�I�IEI I H I H I I I I OZOo¢3/ / 4 NEW abbreviated legal description (T12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34) 5 EXISTING abbreviated legal description (T72N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34) full legal on back page �I�IRI�I`IEI Isl`rl�l°�ylvl/ISI/���� I�RI�I� i �3I9I �£� ��3�SI Ir�y��lrl��l)I 6 Petitione's Name(Last- First)I 4 7 Petitioner's Representative IM�CI#rI112Iglla4lEl IDIr-jVjI`I-1jP�jCj�l i L N��IRI/d IEINI�I/IalElfl�l/I�41 IP14A)l d S G r 1/ G / GCC I OV 4r f S'aAVEYIIV 7 ,.T/c.t Address `%¢¢/ f%BRo7T �a0/n .QOiid Address S/ 3/ .S�lde2a[10 /,'Jay City AL e"16E State tg.< City 11^/6/lO/Z e.t State ,ge Phone # 9¢6 -.U¢7 Zip 99S_0 7 Phone # S6 Z - by so Zip 9 f -f-1 R ,j 8 Petition Area Acreage 9 Proposed 10 Existing11 Grid Number 12 Zone - - Number Lots ' ` Number Lots " 1311-1316111 � _ 131 ZI 31 -7 I I 'I411.511 • 13 Fee $ no 14 Community Council /cFf 8t3G7` �iL��,e B I hereby certify that (I am) (I have been authorized to act for) the owner of the property described above and that I desire to subdivide it in conformance with Chapter 21 of the Anchorage Municipal Code of Ordinances I understand that payment of the basic subdivision fee is a nonrefundable and Is to coverthe costs associated with processing this application, that it does not assure approval of the subdivision I also understand that additional fees may be assessed if the Municipality's costs to process this application exceed the basic fee I further understand that assigned hearing dates are tentative and may have to be postponed by Planning Staff, Platting Board, Planning Commission, or the Assembly due to administrative reasons Date �� 2 �%� �4' 110e�c- 4nature 'Agents must provide written proof of authorization zoom n.. pia .,vy C Please check or fill in the following, I ' s . I �,., s r, 'Z �`,- 1 Comprehen/yya Plan— Land Use Classification I - V Residential Marginal Land i Alpine/Slope`Affected , Commercial _ �Commercialllndustnal ., , , « Industrial ParlmOpen Space Public Lands/institutions Special Study 1 , I Transportation Related 2 Comprehensive Plan —Land Use Intensity Dwelling Units per Acre iSpecial Study -1 ` Alpine/Slope Affected ), i 1 ' 3 Environmental Factors (d any) - - -- - - - - a Wetland vl l b Avalanche i 1: Developable. _ P I �.._ � � Ic Floodplain j 2 Conservation d Seismic Zone (Harding/Lawson) 3 Preservation i D. Please indicate below d any of these events have occurred in the last five years on the property I Rezoning Case Number Subdivision Case Number {' Conditional Use i Case Number f _ Zoning Variance �. Case Number Enforcement Action For Budding /Land Use Permit For Army Corp of Engineers Permit E. Legal description for advertising F. Checklist -I _ _ _� �� Waiver " 40 Copies of Plat (Long Plat) _% Fee 30 Copies of Plat (Short Plat) ✓ Drainage Plan - - - - "Reduced Copy of Plat (8 1h x 11) _V-1, Topo Map 4 Copies Certificate to Plat Soils Report 4 Copies t�' Aenal Photo , I Pedestrian Walkways "' ✓' Housing Stock Map Landscaping Requirements Zoning Map - - •• //�/ Water. __ Pnvate Wells 5 Community Well - Public Utility NON4— Sewer. Private Septic Community Sys Public Utility main e.a,m.• oust" , „' , i I MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE • +� Department of Health and Human Services P.O. Boa 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Date: April 15, 1999 To: Zoning & Platting, CPD From:es Cross, PE, Program Manager, On-site Water Quality_ Subject: Request for Comments on Subdivision(s) —April 16, 1999" U The Environmental Services Division, On -Site Services Program, has reviewed the following case(s) and has these comments S -10302-A S-10323 S-10429 S-10433 Eaglewood Addn #10 No objections Chevigny Hills Subdivision —Revised No objections Charlice Subdivision, Tract D-1 No objections Shan Gri La Subdivision & Revised Submittal Information to satisfy the requirements specified by AMC 21 15 and AMC 15 65 must be submitted for each lot of this proposed subdivision I This information must include, but may not necessarily be limited to 1 Soils testing, percolation testing and ground water monitoring must be conducted to confirm the suitabilrt for devInp . ,a, on- _� site wastewater disposal systems round water monitoring mu be conducted during high water season in either the fall (October or spring (April — May) �2 Areas designated for the original and replacement wastewater disposal system sites must be identified and must meet all criteria specified in AMC 15 65, including slope and slope setback requirements _ 3 Topographical information must be submitted 4 Supporting documentation on evotcr availability muet be provided S J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING, INC. July 22, 2002 VIA FACSIMILE 346-8057 Mr. Earl Ford Anchorage Development and Construction, LLC 9441 Abbot Loop road Anchorage, AK 99507 Re Results of aquifer testing at Shangri La Subdivision, Anchorage Dear Mr Ford. This letter is to present the findings of recent aquifer testing performed at Shangri La Subdivision in Anchorage The purpose of the evaluation is to obtain Municipality of Anchorage approval that adequate quantities of water are present for residential use without impacting water supplies at surrounding properties. This work supplements my previous report to you dated March 20, 2002. This report confirms the findings of the previous report that groundwater supplies are available at the property to support the planned on-site wells without impacting surrounding properties Background Shangri La Subdivision has received preliminary plat approval and has been referred to the Public Works Department for approval subject to a finding that there are adequate reserves of water for the 22 platted lots without affecting surrounding property owners (Jim Cross, oral communication, Municipality of Anchorage, March 14, 2002) Water will be obtained from on- site wells at each lot, consistent with surrounding development Mr. Cross provided guidance on performing aquifer testing at the subdivision to meet MOA requirements (see attached) Test pumping was performed between July 12 and July 21, 2002, according to the MOA guidelines Wells Three wells were drilled during June, 2002, as described on the attached well logs For the purposes of this report, the well on Lot 20 is termed Well 1, the well on lot 13 is termed Well 2, and the well on lot 14 is termed Well 3 (see attached map) The distance between the wells varies from about 80 ft to about 250 ft All wells obtain water from a fractured rock aquifer. The pumping and water level data were collected by Mr. Brian Wille of Aarow Pump and Well Service, LLC 5701 PENNY CIRCLE, ANCHORAGE, AK, 99516 lamunterQarchc net PHONE (907) 345-0165, FAX (907) 348-8592 J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING, INC. Attached is a narrative description of the aquifer testing program and water level and flow rate data sheets Each well was pumped for 24 hours in accordance with MOA guidelines because little to no drawdown was observed in the monitoring wells Results of Testing Well 2 Well 2 had an initial static water level of 24 ft and was pumped down during the first few hours of pumping to a level of 195 ft, which was maintained during the duration of the 24-hour test The pumping rate after the first three hours of pumping was approximately 2 5 gpm There was no water level change observed in the other wells in response to pumping The most reliable estimate of transmissivity from this test is derived from the specific capacity of the pumped well at the end of the 24 -hr test. A commonly used relationship is that: T= 2000 x SC where: T = Transmissivity (gpd/ft) SC = Specific Capacity (gpm/ft of drawdown) = yield/drawdown In this case, SC = 2.5 gpm/171 ft = 0 0146 gpm/ft of drawdown and T = 2000 x 0 0146 = 29 gpd/ft The recovery rate showed that the well bore gained 54 ft of water in the first 30 minutes of recovery, which averages 2 7 gpm for the six-inch hole (using 1.5 gallons/ft) This confirms the estimated transmissivity of the aquifer Storativity of the aquifer is not possible to calculate with drawdown data from only the production well According to the well log, the well is reported to obtain most of its water from the interval of 32 to 40 ft below land surface. This suggests that the long-term sustained yield of the well may not be significantly larger than the 2.5 gpm rate pumped. Using a Theis analysis for projecting the effects of long-term pumping at a typical domestic use rate of 450 gpd, 10 5 ft of drawdown is calculated for the nearest well 80 ft away after 200 days of pumping This assumes no recharge, which is overly conservative Considering the absence of drawdown in nearby wells from the aquifer test, the results of the calculations shown above, and the areawide analysis provided previously, the effects of the future use of this well on surrounding wells is concluded to be negligible. Results of Testing Well 3 Well 3 had an initial static water level of 24 ft and was pumped down during the first few hours of pumping to a level of 280 ft. The flow rate and water level in this well fluctuated irregularly 5701 PENNY CIRCLE, ANCHORAGE, AK, 99516 jamuntera,,arctic net PHONE(907)345-0165, FAX(907)348-8592 J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING, INC. during this test as if the aquifer production rate vaned substantially At higher water levels, the flow rate was found to by higher as a result of the reduced lift required to pump water. This behaviour is considered to be the result of irregular flow in the fractured rock aquifer There was no water level change observed in well 1 in response to pumping, however well 2 located 80 ft away showed 2 ft of water level change after 24 hours of pumping The average rate of pumping was approximately 7 gpm with drawdown in the pumped well after 24 hours of pumping of approximately 253 ft The most reliable estimate of transmissrvity from this test is derived from the specific capacity of the pumped well at the end of the 24 -hr test A commonly used relationship is that T= 2000 x SC where. T = Transmissivity (gpd/ft) SC = Specific Capacity (gpm/ft of drawdown) = yield/drawdown In this case, SC = 7 gpm/253 ft = 0 0277 gpn /ft of drawdown T = 2000 x 0 0146 = 55 gpd/ft The recovery rate showed that the well bore gained 50 ft of water in the first 10 minutes of recovery, which averages 7.5 gpm for the six-inch hole (using 15 gallons/ft) This confirms the estimated transmissivity of the aquifer The drawdown data collected from well 2 showed only minimal response These data indicate that the two wells are poorly interconnected, and use of standard methods for the observation well data is not appropriate from a well hydraulics perspective since they are not really tapping into the same aquifer Storativity of the aquifer is not possible to calculate with useable drawdown data from only the production well. The long-term sustained yield of the well cannot be greater than the pumping test rate of 7 gpm, which fully utilized the available drawdown in the well Considering seasonal fluctuations, the long-term sustainable flow rate from this well is likely in the range of 3-5 gpm Using a Theis analysis for projecting the effects of long-term pumping at a typical domestic use rate of 450 gpd, 5.4 ft of drawdown is calculated for the nearest well 80 ft away after 200 days of pumping. This assumes no recharge, which is overly conservative Considering the limited drawdown in nearby wells from the aquifer test, the results of the calculations shown above, and the areawide analysis provided previously, the effects of the future use of this well on surrounding wells is concluded to be negligible 5701 PENNY CIRCLE, ANCHORAGE, AK, 99516 jatnuntera,ardiC net PHONE (907) 345-0165, FAx (907) 348-8592 J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING, INC. Results of Testing Well 1 Well 1 was found to be caved in to a depth of 178 ft at the time of the test pumping The well had an initial static water level of 33 ft and was pumped down during the first 30 minutes of pumping to a level of 161 ft, which was closely maintained during the duration of the test The average pumping rate after the first 30 minutes of pumping was approximately 4 2 gpm There was no water level change observed in the other wells in response to pumping The most reliable estimate of transmissivity from this test is derived from the specific capacity of the pumped well. A commonly used relationship is that, T= 2000 x SC where: T = Transmissivity (gpd/ft) SC = Specific Capacity (gpm/ft of drawdown) = yield/drawdown In this case, SC = 4.2 gpm/128 ft = 0 0328 gpm/ft of drawdown T = 2000 x 0 0146 = 66 gpd/ft The reported recovery rate showed that the well bore gained 118 ft of water in the first 29 minutes of recovery, which averages 6 1 gpm for a six-inch hole (using 1.5 gallons/ft) It is unusual to have a recovery rate that is higher than the pumping rate. Mr. Wille rechecked his notes and believes an error my be present in the time recorded for the reading and that the correct time for the 38 ft reading was 2.45 p in This would mean that the recovery rate is 4 1 gpm, which closely matches the pumping rate Assuming that the true recovery rate was similar to the pumping rate of 4 2 gpm, the estimated transmissivity of the aquifer is confirmed Storativity of the aquifer is not possible to calculate with drawdown data from only the production well The long-term sustained yield of the well cannot be greater than the pumping test rate of 4 2 gpm, which fully utilized the available drawdown in the well Considering seasonal fluctuations, the long-term sustainable flow rate from this well is likely in the range of 2-3 gpm Using a Theis analysis for projecting the effects of long-term pumping at a typical domestic use rate of 450 gpd, 4 2 ft of drawdown is calculated for the nearest well 180 ft away after 200 days of pumping This assumes no recharge, which is overly conservative Considering the absence of drawdown in nearby wells from the aquifer test, the results of the calculations shown above, and the areawide analysis provided previously, the effects of the future use of this well on surrounding wells is concluded to be negligible. Conclusions The findings of the aquifer testing is fully consistent with the findings of my previous report Existing aquifer testing, water level, well yield, and water budget data all consistently indicate 5701 PENNY CIRCLE, ANCHORAGE, AK, 99516 lamunterRarctic net PHONE(907)345-0165, FAx (907) 348-8592 J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING, INC. that adequate water supplies are available from wells at Shangri La Subdivision without adversely affecting nearby well users The aquifer does not exhibit evidence of long-term, area - wide stress from existing development The aquifer testing requirements of the MOA have been met, and the required approvals for on-site wells for Shangri La Subdivision should be issued Should you have any questions, please call meat 345-0165 or 727-6310 Thank you Sincerely, J. A. Munter Consulting, Inc. James A Munter, Certified Ground Water Professional Principal Hydrogeologist Attachments MOA test guidance Well Logs (3 p.) Aquifer Test Narrative (2 p ) Test Data Sheets (4 p ) Site Map (1 sheet) 5701 PENNY CIRCLE, ANCHORAGE, AK, 99516 7amunterRarctic net PHONE(907)345-0165, FAX(907)348-8592 Three water wells shall be drilled on three adjacent lots within the proposed subdivision The hydrogeologrst shall determine the separation distances between these wells, which shall be between 50 and 300 feet Larger separation distances maybe justified based on information obtained when drilling the first well Final well layout shall be approved by DSD The middle well shall be pumped for a period of 2 to 4 hours to obtain data to determine the approximate transmissivity of this well After allowing the well to recover at least 90% of the measured drawdown, a 24-hour pump test shall be conducted The 24-hour pump test shall be conducted at a constant discharge rate that will cause 70% or greater drawdown in the well During this pumping test, the remaining two wells shall be monitored and data shall be collected to determine the aquifer transmissivity, the storage coefficient (if possible), the long-term production capacity of the well and the likely or predicted impact on surrounding wells Following the 24-hour pump test, each well shall be monitored during the first 24 hours of recovery Data from the recovery test shall be used to verify the aquifer transmissivity If either of the other two wells does not draw down during the initial aquifer test, these wells will also be tested with a 24-hour drawdown test following the procedures above Otherwise, the other two wells shall be pumped for a period of 4 to 8 hours to determine their approximate transmissivity and long-term production capacity All of the data obtained from these tests shall be submitted to the Development Services Department along with a summary and interpretation done by the hydrogeologrst {� 3` b_gos7 31,15 d zQ> FROM : ALPINE DRILLING FAX NO : 907 345 0202 Jun. 21 2002 10'16AM P3 or,MuMunicipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services 10;U 825 "L' Street P.O Box 198650 Anchorage, Alaska 89519850 Rick Mystrom hUpllwnw d.amhwage akus Mayor Permit Number. #SW Date of Issue: Parcel Identification Number-- Date umberDate Started: 6-14-02 Date Completed: 6-15-02 is well located at approved permit location? ® Yes ❑ No Legal Description: Shen9d La Estates Blk 1 Lot 20 Property Owner Name & Address: Anchorage Development & Construction, LLC Well Intake Opening Type: ® Open End ® Open Hole ❑ Screened Startfeet Stopped feet ❑ Perforations Startfeet Stopped feet Grout Type: Beniomle granules Volume: Depth. Start 0 feet Stopped 13- feet Pump: Intake Depth feet Pump size hp Brand Name Well Disinfected Upon Completion? ® Yes ❑ No Method of Disinfection: chlorine fablets Comments: Well Driller: Alpine Dn/ling & Enterpnses PO Box 110496 Anchorage Alaska 99511 Attention: The well driller shall provide a well log to the property owner within 30 days of completion and the property Anchorage, Alaska Borehole Data: Depth (ft) Method of Drilling ® air rotary ❑ cable tool So>7 Type, Thida ess & Water Strati From To Casing type: steel stick-up 0 2 Wall Thiclmess 20 inches silty cobbly gra vel 2 5 Diameter inches Depth 13 feet Bedrock 5 307 Liner Type Diameter: inches Depth feet Casing stickup above ground: 2 feet H2O wlintennittent fractures Static water level (from ground level) 23 feet throughout with male source 30 35 Pumping levek-&Lfeet after 2 hours pumping 6 gpm Recovery Rate: 6 gpm Method of Tiding* gt Well Intake Opening Type: ® Open End ® Open Hole ❑ Screened Startfeet Stopped feet ❑ Perforations Startfeet Stopped feet Grout Type: Beniomle granules Volume: Depth. Start 0 feet Stopped 13- feet Pump: Intake Depth feet Pump size hp Brand Name Well Disinfected Upon Completion? ® Yes ❑ No Method of Disinfection: chlorine fablets Comments: Well Driller: Alpine Dn/ling & Enterpnses PO Box 110496 Anchorage Alaska 99511 Attention: The well driller shall provide a well log to the property owner within 30 days of completion and the property FROM : ALPINE DRILLING FAX NO. : 907 345 0202 Jun. 21 2002 10:16AM P2 • Mina cipality of �nchoro � ARM Degan blimelnt of Heafth and Hwnaln seines 825 `L" Street P O Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Ack Myahom http.tiwww a anchorage ek us Mayor Permit Number: #SW Date of Issue: Parcel Identification Number: Date Started: 6-16-02 Date Completed.&- 7-02 Is well located at approved permit location? ® Yes ❑ No Legal Description: Shangd La Estates Blk 1 Lot 14 Property Owner Name & Address: Anchorage Development & Construction, LLC Anchorage, Alaska Borehole Data: Depth (ft) Method of Drilling [@ air rotary ❑ cable tool Soil Type, Thiclmess & Water Strata From To Casing type: s�j stick-up 0 2 Wall Thickness W inches silty cobbly gravel 2 11 Diameter- flinches Depth: 37 feet Bedrock 11 307 Liner Type - Diameter. inches Depth: feet H2O w/ Intermittent fractures Casing stickup above ground: 2 feet 20 gpm cased off 29 32 Static water level (from ground level) erect Pumping level. -LO -7 -feet after Intermittent fractures throughout 2 hours pumping io gpm with main source 55 60 Recovery Rate: 20 gpm Method of Testing, air lift Well Intake Opening Type: ❑ Open End ® OpenHole ❑ Screened Start feet Stopped feet ❑ Perforations Start feet Stopped &d Grout Type: Rentonnte granules Volume: Depth. Start 0 feet Stopped 13- feet Pump: Intake Depth feet Pump size hp Brand Name Well Disinfected Upon Completion? ® Yes ❑ No Method of Disinfection: chlonne tablets Comments: Well Driller. Alpine Drilling & Enterprises PO Box 110496 Anchorage Alaska 99511 Attention: The well driller shall provide a well log to the property owner within 30 days of completion and the property .. .. . n . .. .. ... . .. .. .... .. ,. .. FROM : ALPINE DRILLING FAX NO : 907 34S 0202 Jun. 21 2002 10:16AM P1 Municipality of Anchorage jai Department of Health and Human Services 825'L' Street P O Box 198850 Anchorage, Alaska 99519.8850 ibck Mystrom h11pJ/www d anchorage akus Mayor Permit Number. #SW Date of Issue: Parcel Identification Number: Date Started: 6-19-02 Date Completed: 6-20.02 is well located at approved permit location? ® Yea ff No Legal Description: Shanqd Le EyYates 81k 1 U 13 Property Owner Name & Address: Anchorage Development & Construction, LLC Anchorage, Alaska Borehole Data: Depth (ft) Sort Type, n1clo ess & Water Strata From To sock -up silty cobblygraysl Bedrock gravelly slit H2O wllntarMtent factures throughout with main source 0 2 2 10 10 307 Method of Drilling ® air rotary ❑ cable tool Casing type: heel Wall Thickness 2Q inches Diameter: 6 inches Depth: 20 feet Liner Type - Diameter inches Depth feet Casing stickup above ground: 2 feet Static water level (from ground level) 29—fed Pumping level: 307 eet after 32 40 2 hours pumping 24+gptn Recovery Rate: 2ft gpm Method of Testing. air r Well Intake Opening Type: ❑ Open End ® Open Hole ❑ Screened Start feet Stopped Scot ❑ Perforabons Start feet Stopped feet Grout Type:.6entontte granules Volume: j ig Depth Start Q fed Stopped = feet Pump: Intake Depth feet Pump size hp Brand Name Well Disinfected Upon Completion? ® Yes [] No Method of Disinfection: chlorine tablets Comments: Well Driller. Alpine Drilpng & Enterprises PO Box 110496 Anchorage Alaska 99511 Attention: The well driller shall provide a well log to the property owner within 30 days of completion and the property D I ! JUL-11—t1bN2 12:16 AM 12.WIL3RNER 907344196060 P.02 nQ�^��. f�Yr�t/ day 07.}- 4 e1 q hr. RerAJdry . heouere 4Q fo CA//okyvo raw1w bw e�G'tµ�y.rir J 4r.)�i�ia�4wk C(f 31 v/rS. �Y 4, Te-sf: prla..a;w+d fL.e O� tG- dvrt%4 a`(.�c. ?�s� Rtcouerr-c� 5 cE,ar " -& %Oh 3,ptta- 33' /d ON-ad/ .4b ell I S5 f 4 w v� �o►r r S E1'� x" '%n (�c, .cf tk� f _ 4� �! IK r �� 'w? Its/k►a/ri 4N d !'ctc�raerw4/:r�a�,.5—GP.t'1t'F�rr 7►`�r ('p/�draru�%�ii�iMsctr GV r �' 1 Oft .4 tpk i` a 4'vS em u S it (`PION.? d► 001.0 4.4 U-1 tt—,, S Neu 4w.k �%e�A pl O 11 1. r. JAA 11+5. / Lo tewal%k7 G�rl.rPutwArel oh aurro�c �7%.Q .O?hf ,. toi �i� S4JL -rlucu o 5r�i'oar3" 4*t.. P�lo'� {� r { t� i./Q.W fo ft![ �iak�r�_ ADta, Q tear- 45o eac45o i • f wL p�Lrltvt-1S Drew wh... ��� �a�, /5�%yr �K CJ iw4C qs,/ P Al Jk- :}Qvrra9 � T�flt�r�?m F Q? q, D gph TQC_ -k4 we NkA.0 , at NeoOrrrdi k,. fess 74i*t.. 3 � 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , JUL-21-2002 06:07 AM 12.WIL3RNER 907344196868 P.01 r ul •n a.,r.,.• w� ,• i •t • . u e 30 Y9OI -31 _ le) s �hi 1a4..S�trj/ �var lr�r+' ,�a f toe 4&bw I tA 1�Ivol't ,l �, ui t�. Mr...►1 , t�r�jW fG trf / y► d leo 1' a ��•��_ ,Per 4;rwoeo. 11"bee elt� A�q.!f" Q $I*.* J. Per �F44.J a i xtended Page 2.1 t i It J __oto(/ # 3-"-1*7'�1� 5'c✓L. l d ble yd ?� D 7 ?, 4/ 3'vo ? S CoQ co 6:W K �o 176iM 10�1M JUL—L1-2002 06:06 AM 12.WIL3RMER � r I 'I � ,1 rv+7�"p, rrlrl rnullf�. IHllk 'n tlLrvr$• Jir' r I T ?130 cz 39 , 3 `-/ 00' 13 r �Irwr i r i 7 i I. 1 rl j'HII+II 907344196868 P.02 R r " r ' 0 'llV 'I �I 1bA �^ Y.4 i♦ 1 1 � 907344196868 Inl'1 ..� .t • � n y� Ir. k.1.. 41.rt • 4 . Oe c ; �a c/,s' f;50 ,o ''DQ,.t oci ♦ . 7�U l 100: (c)�l©67�♦ %% Glr 0' V. oa ; t 310 ev, 5' 1,POO , p2 '. ).aa �� ��,-: p P.03 Y� Y� 1�1 l 6d ZIA J u3Jt mato e, t C�a MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE • -. Department of Health and Human Services P.O. Boa 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Date: August 31, 1999 To: Zoning & Platting Division, CPD From: ,�James Cross, PE, Program Manager, On -Site Services Program Subject:' Request for Comments on Subdivisions -September 17,1999 The Environmental Services Division, On -Site Services Program, has reviewed the following cases and has these comments 97-029 Silvertip Subdivision Addn #1 -Agreement Time Extension - PHN No objections S-9272 Patriot Park Phase 5 Subdivision- 2nd Time Extension - PHN No objections S-9936 H & N Subdivision- 2"d Time Extension - PHN No objections S-10003 Dowling Subdivision No objections S-10196 Apprenticeship Subdivision - I" Time Extension - C A No objections S-10211 Quiet Woods Village Subdivision - I" Time Extension - CA No objections S-10433 Shangri La Subdivision, Lot 1- 22 In addition to my previous comments on this case Specifically, the documentation of water availability for this subdivision must include a hydrologist's report determining that the appropriation of sufficient water to support this proposed subdivision will not unduly effect the water availability to surrounding properties S-10496 T12N R3W Section 33 Lot 232A No objections MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519.6650 PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION A. Please fill in the information requested below Print one letter or number per block -1 Vacation Code - 2. Tax Identification No - 3 Street Address ,w 1 - OFFICE USE RECD BY - - S - �b 433 ❑ Inlalololyl 31 % W IFIAIRI IJIt IEIwI I?I1-IPICIEI I 4 NEW abbreviated legal description J12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34) a - r \1 I I Null�\Ivl\ISI -Imlll I`IC)IIISI I I lalal I I I I I I I I I 5 EXISTING abbreviated legal description CT12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34) full legal on back page 1 INI°I11I1-NI`IEI ISIb ISIbI I VI \1'!,l I al III 11111111-171!;l 1311111111 1 6 Petitioner's Name (Last - First), 7. Petitioner's Representative IMIC Iv%jo 9-LjGIFI9 JJS ISI� 0 11 ILkIlL La N adc- VIdNOrd �INIF= I£IRI\INIr.IrMLIAII,I Address 4`1 11 �(3� CC ` �o P��E\b Address 71L,� \ Si\ �I EQq���R'k ,��c\E \-�0( City P\ State (�\k<N city �NCN.of2(a(-.F ,State AK Phone tt .5L\ — a\N*\ Zip 99,501 Phone # 561--6060 Zip C10I S t Fi i 8 Petition Area Acreage ' 9 Proposed' Number Lots H11131$111- ® < -- 13 Fee $ f.� '10. Existing ' 11., Grid Number 12 Zone Number Lots _� I3IOI3I9I I I ISI I1IUISILI 14 CommundyCouncil B. I hereby certify that (I am) (I have been authorized to act for) the owner of the property described above and that 1 desire to subdivide n in conformance with Chapter 21 of the Anchorage Municipal Code of Ordinances I understand that payment of the basic subdivision fee is nonrefundable and is to cover the costs associated with processing this application, that it does not assure approval of the subdivision I also understand that additional fees may be assessed if the Municipality's costs to process this application exceed the basic fee I further understand that assigned hearing dates are tentative and may have to be postponed by Planning Staff, Platting Board, Planning Commission, or the Assembly due to administrative reasons Date 8113 �9S - soave Fav iw. wA Signature 'Agents must provide written proof of authorization C Please check or fill in the following 1 =f Comprehensive Plan — Land Use Classification Residential Marginal Land — _ CommerciaVlndustnal Parks/Open Space Public LandsAnstrtutwns — Transportation Related t. .: Alpine/Slope Affected Industrial Special Study 2 Comprehensive Plan —Land Use Intensity Dwelling Units per Acre Special Study 'i -'I r --r r Alpine/Slope Affected 3 Environmental Factors (rf any) N o N E : TF '4 ` . , , ,} S ' ' Ta " Wetland - -__ _ _ __ _ _ __ _l__ btt - Avalanche c Flood lam '1 ,Developable P t __x �..,., 3 " 2 -Conservation" '- - --�d Seismic Zone (Harding/Lawson) --� - �- • 3 Preservation i i� '.t '., I,—1 �, Vii, _�_7_ D Please indicate below d any of these events have occurred in the last five years on the property it ` `Rezoning `' ` "' Case Number - - -- - --- - -- Subdivision S, Case Number ' ` Conditional Use -r- Case Number Zoning Variance Case Number Enforcement Action For r Buddmg,/Land Use Permit For i Army Corp of Engineers Permit E Legal description for advertising A ce��`�•,v:S,� nq! '\ C t_ _ _ _ �_ _ �F.Checklist'-HN2 4 �_)_�_ _i _3 L + _'Waiver V ATCopies of Plat (Long Plat) Fee 30 Copies of Plat (Short Plat) i ✓ Drainage Plan _Reduced Copy of Plat (8'A x 11) _� Topo Map 4 Copies Certrficate to Plat Soils Report 4 Copies ✓ "' Aerial Photo v l Pedestnan Walkways ' + ✓ • Housing Stock Map ., , - v Landscaping Requirements ✓ Zoning Map -� b^ MoN 6 Water Private Wells Community Well Public Utility IV0NF Sewer ~Private Septic Community Sys Public Utility �+ h noro e.e,�n.. aa� W- j COBBLESTONE HILL E. 156 AVE ..... �1 dy–E 1561h AVE _--._— 4 j 5800 3930 I"1 63001 F 300 u e I OI t 13600 NO D 'G wl !aY 1364 16H Q B O 15701 p 1 v 7 O C 13701 4 ]AI SUNWOOD CIR 16701 13700 13735 13721 C 13700 i 13640` 4�'t�— iN ISM 'If^\ J JADEWOOD'443�40 Q `� SHFRW nn HEIGHTS o !AI Plat 4G WEST C13 1 3 n 13000 6446 65401 15611 Ajl H � ISB01 DAhVOMDGC wm GOLDEN WOOD LN, py 3 W 13610 = Q 6240W 1 j I W !di SAJ !0 7A >D y 7f 7F q13931 IsSq Omys 15912 sc m 3 15910 13933 > 1 E 160 AVE. I I I PTA /GAN 0057 16001 A j L 16001I 19001 ILRABETH I I a P 1 ! SA �60a0 160401 I 1604 4 i K34 16361 m 2 P 14 B ] moo - 3 / 4 16350 I ZSB 16101 S Z-- " 163a u 4 4 cg, 16aoo 5601 3971 fool 4101 y Kzal Qr It E. 162 AVE. 4136 W 6000 Q 16543 3 i I 16230 Yi " 4200 ' 16201 2/ IA J 0 YE B 6 30 4233 PB W 4236 4235 L 6241 4240 4236 16301 a 16300 16301 4 16300 t 16160 ro 31 4A TR 3/ 4A 7 16200 16220 - 16335 3C 4B 16336 4337 33 40 4333 I =1 AVE B PTAR GAN OOST GR. 3238 365 372 371 + 373 Car74art 1687 rn 381 r NW 114 SEG 2, TUN R3W SEE OVERVIEW MAP R' MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION OFFICE USE ° ' RECD BY A. Please fill in the information requested below Print one letter or number per block _ 1 Vacation Code 2 Tax Identification No 3 Street Address ❑ 16MddgNIIal IR11IDIGIEIVIIIEIwI 1,0Pd MEI 4 NEW abbreviated legal description (f12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34) � ISI�IAINIIGIR111I�-IQIISI°hlDl`IJItI5111oINllll�lol1lslIIII`IDIIIIIIIII 1 5 EXISTING abbreviated legal description (f12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34) full legal on back page I�i°IRIQI �IEI ISIki e> b 11v 1 t 15111° I�I I�`I�IPI�� I' 131gl I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 6 Petitioner's Name (Last - First) 7 Petitioner's Representative hAILNIC cI�INIshIRI�Ic�IE11IF11-10LI�IGIehir Na�� Isul IEINIGI' ItJICIEIRIIIMIGI,I?ILighi i IIIII Address C1'�41 A(�QxriV��ooP�ogD Address $I,�1 StWERFpa�g4 St tE H'ao� City State PkK City State Phone # 3ylo- a1y'1 Zip °195 -ort Phone # Zip 995-1%, j 8 Petition Area Acreage 9 Proposed 10 Existing 11. Grid Number 12 Zone Number Lots Number Lots x191, 311 1 o I11 � Illllil �IIIIIII 13 Fee $ 55-c1 14 Community Council r cg66kT C RE6� B 1 hereby certify that (I am) If have been authorized to act for) the owner of the property described above and that 1 desire to subdivide it in conformance with Chapter 21 of the Anchorage Municipal Code of Ordinances I understand that payment of the basic subdivision fee is nonrefundable and is to cover the costs associated with processing this application, that it does not assure approval of the subdivision I also understand that additional fees may be assessed if the Municipality's costs to process this application exceed the basic tee I further understand that assigned hearing dates are tentative and may have to be postponed by Planning Staff, Platting Board, Planning Commission, or the Assembly due to administrative reasons Date 3II�Iol9 t �a.tllrulc> Signature 'Agents must provide written proof of authorization n loam rw rw. w; - C Please check of to the following 1 Comprehensive Plan —Land Use Classificauon " l ' Residential Marginal Land Alpine/Slope Affected Commercial "`. "*" CommerciaVlndustrial - Andustnal _ Parks/Open Space Public Lands/Institutions Special Study Transportation Related 2 Comprehensive Plan — Land Use Intensity Dwelling Units per Acre " i + ` Special Study ( Alpine/Slope Affected _T II Tt) lr , �'o•� _ , 3 Environmental Factors (d any) Iii o mr �a Wetland - I i I I i t b Avalanche 1 "Developable i cFloodplain 2 Conservation d Seismic Zone (Harding/Lawson) 3 Preservation D Please indicate below d any of these events have occurred ui the last five years on the property I Rezoning Case Number Subdivision Case Number -,-r- ,- 7I — Conditional Use , „ Case Number Zoning Variance Case Number Enforcement Action For — - -- ' Building /Land Use Permit For Army Corp of Engineers Permit E Legal description for advertising ��1AN GRA �P, wE3DvV�Ston) t�o—rs �� T�Rouvh`(� F Checklist 40 Copies of Plat (Long Plat) 30 Copies of Plat (Short Plat) _Reduced Copy of Plat (8 rh x 11) r Certificate to Plat ✓ Aerial Photo Housing Stock Map _Zoning Map Waiver ' Fee ✓ - Drainage Plan - --- - - --- —V Topo Map 4 Copies "✓ Soils Report 4 Copies ' Pedestrian Walkways _ Landscaping Requirements NON Water Private Wells ' Community Well Public Utility t M o N F Sewer Private Septic ` + ° , Community Sys Public Utility aoam e.n twr ucs , HOLE NO. LOCATION Lo f oZ TOP ELEV. DATE a - -7. T3 PROJECT % .Z4- -7SEiz BY Ro� DEPTH FEET CLASSIFICATION / 2 - p s• /7y G rave- 3 ave3 -� 00 4 -i mD 5 -� e� 6 -i Q� 7 -� v, 8 c i ! n 11—p� K 13-4 fF ve / s f 14- pv Y kW 15- o D 16�Op 17- 18- 19- 20 S 10 4 3 3 MAY- 5 1999- DATE 999 SAMPLE DATA LEGEND JJJ ORGANIC JJJ MATERIAL JJJ JJJ PEAT GRAVEL SAND SILT CLAY FROST ;0 0°0,o 000 0 0 00 0 00 000 tn; j WATER Q TABLE ® GRAB SAMPLE W C WATER CONTENT S A SIEVE ANALYSIS LANf ARAE L7V0[jV ERfNG & SURIfRYING ENGINEERING SURVEYING PL4NNINC P 0 BOX 230064 ANCHORAGE, AK 99523-0084 TEL (907) 562-6050 I HOLE NO. LOCATION 407` 3 TOP ELEV. DEPTH CLASSIFICATION FEET v✓ 1 ---r oma. 2 —%al S /fJc Gave 3 4 —ov 5 a� 0 6 —6 60 7 —oo by $ — e ° rave 10- 11- 12- 13— as 10 -11 -12 -13—p 14 - 15— i rz) 4-15-16 6 °" 17— DATE 5Z-/7- qcl PROJECT S,i�%mGR1 L4>. BY RoOPt71/ SAMPLE LEGEND DATA ORGANIC MATERIAL PEAT 0 0 000 GRAVEL o a 00 000 000 SAND SILT CLAY 18— FROST 19— WATER v_ 20 TABLE S 10 4 3 3 MAY 5 1 ® CRAB SAMPLE9W CONTE W C WATER CONTENT S A SIEVE ANALYSIS LANff.4Rfr EIVGINEE'RIrVG &• SURVEYING E'NG/NFERINC SURVEYING PLANN/NG P 0 BOX 230084 ANCHORAGE. AR 99523-0084 TEL (907) 562-6050 HOLE NO. DATE o2 - ;7- 17 LOCATION Go 7' PROJECT Aja C4 SrOa� TOP ELEV. BY RoJcr l 6w -4e A DEPTH CLASSIFICATION SAMPLE LEGEND FEET DATA 1 2 J c 5'li4 Grave -1 3 —�6 ORGANIC 6 MATERIAL 4 — o. 5 o PEAT 6 -� b r 7 �u o r o 00 $ GRAVEL 0 o 0 0 0 0000 00 I O—%ci a o SAND 12— t7 o u jJ I 13- °6 SILT e14-4 ' is15- // 16 d° CLAY %% i 17— 18— FROST 19 WATER v 20 TABLE _ S 10 MAY 5 1999 W GRAB SAMPLE W C WATER CONTENT S A SIEVE ANALYSIS LANILIARfI ENGINEERING & SURVE'YING G6NG/NLLlZINC SUl7lrL'YlNC PLANNING P 0 BOX 230084 ANCHORAGE, AK 99523-0084 TEL (907) 562-6050 I HOLE NO. / LOCATION 50 ' 50,4#i o>r Ze 1--15- TOP --1 Cer�v TOP ELEV. DEPTH FEET CLASSIFICATION or DATE �2 - {?' 477 / PROJECTly f�/L 14 Scc Go( BY Xooer/ 1%3<,✓'neA/ SAMPLE DATA LEGEND 1 3 b al e Lrave ORGANIC -VI MATERIAL a 4 — :L c 5 -� o PEAT 6 -nom i a o � 10.0 GRAVEL GRAVEL o 00 i 9 ° o0° —i 0°° �o a P SAND 12— D C 13— SILT 14 0% 15— •c Gi �tAJ� I CLAY 17- 18— 7- t8— FROST 19 WATER p 20 TABLE E GRAB 1 0 4 3 3 MA 5 1999 W C WATERSAMPLE CONTENT S A SIEVE ANALYSIS LfIN1 ARHf ENGINEERING & SURVEYING FNGINE'BRING SURt1ErlNG FL4iVjVir1V0 P 0 BOX 230084 ANCHORAGE, AK 99523-0084 TEL (907) 562-6050 HOLE NO. LOCATION Zo-161, 71 00 TOP ELEV. DEPTH FEET CLASSIFICATION y Or�a�:� .✓Iu�er.d/ 1 o° ,--o 3 — °i �l r v 4 5 6 —o u 7 —vo J r —00 c 10— a0 11— do �/�a✓�/ 12—o a 0 13 14— 15—wel /J 16— 17— 18— 19— 20 DATE v2 - l 7- q 9 PROJECT 49s!,U/C�/L11r�iQ Sv6oI BY �OJer rn¢ r� � 5 10 4 3 3 MAY S 1999 SAMPLE LEGEND DATA ORGANIC MATERIAL JJJ JJJ 1 - PEAT 60-0 000 O O GRAVEL 0 000 00 00 000 SAND SILT CLAY FROST WATER p TABLE T ® GRAB SAMPLE W C WATER CONTENT S A SIEVE ANALYSIS L4jVff,4Rff L1VGfNL'LRfNG & SURVEK11VG ENG?llVEER/NG SURl1EYjNC PLkViVlNG P 0 BOX 230084 ANCHORAGE. AK 99523-0084 TEL (907) 562-6050 LOEi OF TAT PIT HOLE NO. DATE �z - %7- C77 LOCATION /00' Vc / 41 q Carr%r PROJECT 159L/-7 TOP ELEV. BY o�ier� Clw.+e7-7 DEPTH FEET CLASSIFICATION SAMPLE LEGEND DATA a� S.' H� / 3 — o ° ORGANIC O MATERIAL 4 o v 1-- 5 -� o PEAT 6 -� PIP 7 -� 1� o o i o°° 6 -10 GRAVEL 00 9 - V1 000 °O° O°° 10--, v ° SAND 11 v� c 12-o o , ✓.-' (-c-tv2 13—..GL?. SILT 14— ... 4cr 15— oMe2 .1 CLAY 16— 17- 7-1g— 18- FROST 19 WATER p 20 TABLE S 104 33 MAY 5 19W ®CGRAS WATERSAMPLE CONTENT S A SIEVE ANALYSIS L4jV 4Rff ZNGIIV=RING & SU)?VTrING SNC/Nf'ER/NC SURVEYING PL4iV%jNC P 0 BOX 230084 ANCHORAGE. AK 99523-0084 TEL (907) 562-6050 HOLE NO. lJ LOCATION Gp� TOP ELEV. DEPTH FEET CLASSIFICATION � 1 oB, 2 — o B✓ 5, �f� G�a„� l 3 4 ✓o 5 6 —oo i 7 00 8 —6� _ e 9 o D �j/'uve 10— r0 d o 11— r �0 12 13— 14— S- 15— 16— 16— 17— DATE 7 q% PROJECT j�SdL/G�/ -5', �,/ 4 BY nOerT liw-.,e ll SAMPLE LEGEND DATA J JJ ORGANIC MATERIAL JJJ JJJ PEAT 0 000. GRAVEL p'9 00 000 000 SAND SILT CLAY 18— FROST 19 WATER v_ 2p TABLE S 10 (,�, + 3 3 MAY 5- Af t ® GRAB SAMPLE 1 ��jf WC WATER CONTENT SA SIEVE ANALYSIS L4NrLL4Rfr ,E vc1yvE RING & s&Rr v YING ENGINEERING SURVEY11VO PLANNING P 0 BOX 230084 ANCHORAGE, AK 99523-0084 TEL (907) 562-6050 KND ENGINEERING 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-8736 (907)696-6111/FAX (907)696-8111 September 18, 2000 Mr Jerry Weaver, Platting Officer ^ Economic and Community Planning Department ECEIVE Municipality of Anchorage P.O Box 196650 SEP 2 12000 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 con"CIPAIIry Dear Jerry. M'P�ANNINc&pfVELppNGNT REF: S-10433 Shangri La Subdivision Attached you will find the information regarding on-site well and septic for the above referenced plat that you requested in your letter dated September 8, 2000 to Mr Bob Burnett Available recorded data pertaining to water availability in the adjacent area shows there to be adequate water production. The percolation tests found in the attached soils report for the proposed plat were conducted in accordance to the standards set out in section 15 65 060B The individual owners will be responsible for the operation and maintenance of their water supply and sewage disposal facilities We believe the proposed plat will have no adverse effect upon surrounding properties and that availability of safe and adequate volume of water for domestic purposes and the capability to adequately dispose of all waterborne domestic wastes of the proposed subdivision does exist and is in accordance with AMC 2115 110B Respectfully submitted, IISN D Engineering enneth uffus, Project Engineer CC. Earl Ford Bob Burnett file Attachments as noted waw ti I 10 j a .I 11 1J ♦. f»1, o L .di l ma Intsfa milV�Irj; yyff w®, NS ( ♦ I ll •~\ 111(/y-y �.1 .-A,/�.♦ 11J✓1/ 1 •..''1 I 1 Lt 001YH1• �will cN•� 1 O i"'�•' Lr aKS1V 1a W! t: a Y Y •� I[ Ir O YI I Y•=� YYIL � �..�_^'xY ___�tY[�- y•L • V w3ra • � y • • e m I I I 0 uu J t.7 ala Tal[ � AM 1w Y ¢ an W •nn u I �n MR vMI1 11,444, ► m _.'{,[��(f' V • II • 3 ads'I m aO r acnes j{ hlSi/ Z,","' NO= KL s Ldp a IIN fa IASL A. n L M 1 ♦ { 7/" i• �o� • N ' 'J I-H-Y = 3110t3110t• MX .uaKK: •.YlLuof Mr mq m Y R iVt1 �Y p�p1 I NRKY VIILYRYq gIm[r KEKI, M I ! 8-1./4 Mr 23-023 "MILE WISIVISM LW i ! i 7 10-0-O AIMS KV PKC • MOD L CIG 1 A6 2317235 LIP ► . Iva et.Xf r 741-97 UMS srl •7 S rA7 4 Pal W rLx • ,�Y Y.! • - 1-6-11 23Ma K/ af11 ! L= KI AS COW LIP Cf wed/ ' Ira-u 23lllal aKIlmrKv pill. xIK VO MEW w 33a 3A• 0 • I 2-12-10 V6 11Y1 t>LMINKV KRATS WIS. M 1l. LA A �r �Lr� u-Lr10 4WL 1 W L MIL AM KI,- M 14 r lY 710E Ew .�. • S'Z.J 9�> ��� U ,pr�i • 1It2-90 Lx LWMIuu W Al 7!Y Yea= 1111, Y4 fM cl • I va •LJ, LLLa131 Ka ww wtwz t LA LVL /b(/O 1- -If 1a 14M W0 IIRS X LA r1 LJS y 2-14-23 PIAT 04-471 MILK VIN -r7 WIN LVL x •v' f w1 • 1 \J} ; _ 44'•t RAT •T411 131141 no I17a ILL m L (+� , 1.4gpfi u Y-o9P� I 17o va7»xrwrKa u 7-11-12 aLl{1 ann KAr Y-W l.1, L ul IIS g,73 V as-11 LOT Y L 2LXM~ K leer 11-0 LIK .}rte I 1_ 7.0 .tom • • 4-71 vd wYR suna , w Iin N!f. I� ,(I• 1-a1 VII U7{31VIN al LVI� ; 1-n-77 vn wa ILI, KY{ ii {-7Jam" •-7l. 1-m >!L !�K?YL frr ,//'a'JILL Ire 3•�'� .}'t�'' • .;f Wr Kwfws IUM o p� 143f CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION. INC. 1; 6. fo, i I O/1'1 xYlasprl ,. M • �r•1l by Kf ®amrl rit v U�Y�K"UR ml'ri♦'Y[Io� °'il °1q�16 Ym I.-AI'y[r tlKl 1ML�1Mal rmlYa�TYIL mW Mf1 V=0IK (� •a 34sf I „, a f WALL I FACILITIES MAP Y ,,�"L1YN « ' YfP^' • • �a .,, : I GRID NUMBER 3238 AREA !y(oq '�aaxw �,54� 1 721 m2 a .. � (,.3 `r �PA> \ :t Ir?•Y rola / r a Y ip 'gxabuyx 2 1 K D11 11.YYP 111 i _ _ _ Arx• _ � _ - __J1•L>• _ rp1 IW ,I _ rw /If 1KMNdCv P,K iJ o 0 I I s i 1 1 1 ■ J 111 i l l l fill{'"o-DYY 11'"l.7 ro is A b 40 43 N 2a NU Y is p 43 10 11 i MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE (MOA) HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL (HAA) CHECKLIST - FEBRUARY 1984 264-4720 ''II Legal Description LOT 7fj �ao1�LKvi4ztr N- )44S A WELL DATA Awv Well Classification 2 If A. B. C. D EC Approved (Y/N) Well Log Present (Y/N) Date Completed Yield P p�rvlr•J�<s L _ Total Depth C? t Cased to' 9b t Depth of Grouting HOt4b Static Water Level q1 Pump Set At $e A •*, Casing Height Above Ground O )K Electrical Wiring in Conduit (Y/N) $vvri. of Separation Distances from Well To Septic/Holding Tank on Lot 7� To Nearest Edge of Absorption Field on Lot To Nearest Public Sewer Line Now -e Cleanout/Manhole NON•e- Water Sample Collected by p S Water Sample Test Results Comments W& -CG On k;l4f'n; 4l<, PC --is i d: L- � I. e [10,,Wt+a 9 8 SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK DATA Sanitary Seal on Casing (Y/N) y Depression Around Wellhead (Y/N) 1\/ , On Adjoining Lots 1,50 f fOA ; On Adjoining Lots To Nearest Public Sewer To Nearest Sewer Service Line on Lot Date /O/2,o/db 46Ad44 r,-a,.//�P . r- d i S taNd'wt iX/R.f� t' Date Installed (0/111/70 Size 7,t 0 e Standpipes (Y/N) %/ Air -tight Caps (Y/N Depression over Tank (Y/N) N Pumping/Maintenance Contract on File (Y/N) Holding Tank High -Water Alarm (Y/N) Nla Separation Distances from Septic/Holding Tank To Water -Supply Well 7 To Property Line so To Water Main/Service Line a e7 t Course A4 o r E Comments Page 1 of 2 ! ]9J19GH VPI 3 No of Compartments Foundation Cleanout (Y/N) r Date Last Pumped 10A l�{� K�•�4 fori/� Temporary Holding Tank Permit (Y/N) To Building Foundation °� `V To Disposal Field To Stream, Pond, Lake, or Major Drainage I I 09/14/00 'THU 17:18 FAX 907 946 8057 CEF INC SONSHINE ENT laffos ent of Health of Anchorage Department M Health end Human Services HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL CHECKLIST ' 7}7P/Y] rCy Nn/ F -MO -Ir Sctdc.') Legal Description 54 'e'er 21 LoT /2 Paroell,D. OZGelJ'iZgO A Well Data Well type 1/� �)� If A. B. or C etlaeh AOEC letter ADEC water system number Leg ptesenylYjN) `%/ / Dale completed �-I�7I X72-- Driller .i& Total dopU• I (, (p" Cased to IE' 7 Casing height���/TTL � Sanitary seal Y t�) 7 Wires property protoclat (Y hl) X l I FROM WELL LOG AT INSPECTION !*/:;!51 q +L N�•t-t W L'L_, frwMOFAUR a • e Date of teal rN�(jRC1A'tiJ1Al sEgvKe4 otv1510N Static water level W AUG 3 0 1993 Well towcpm gpmr `' C Pump lavelt I GO t RECH V LD • SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM WELL TO, - r Septic/holding tank on lot Iib :On adjacent Iols 1 Uat4- r Absorption held on lot 141b : On adjacent lots (�f Public sewer main le— Public sewar manhote/cleanout oie'— r Sewer servos line 1 4— _Petroleum tank ti. lz- WATER SAMPLE RESULTS Coliform d Nitrate •!�'40 ✓ InW-L-_Otherbacteria Date of sample ?IV-I�j'3 Collected by -Sk ei B. SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK DATA Date instilled. �' �Bi-I1tZ. Tank site I2�� /ypL_.CompaAments 7� Cleanout (Y I) Foundation eleanou V/) Depression (Y/�f j High water alarm t M 1 Alarm leatod (YM) -v Date of pumping N��' Pumper OC-d) SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM SEPTICfHOLDING TANK TO Well(3) on lot 1401 on adjacent lots 103r'h Foundation20 To property line l A- Absorption field rJ r•I" Water marnfeervroe fine to 14 - Surface watar/dralnage IGD t r fa.tas rY!0GY F" CONTINUED ON BACK PAGE i � / r Y • J u ti Y• 1 r} Munic Department E HEALTH AUTHC Legal Description T'MI?M 16L RC,6S-r T1 �6WN'MrirKW }V'<*r+F a �! •'nst 7.•s., e t p 3r .u. 3 Y 1 SPS T hY t li nchor9 a a Hurr an Services 10VAL CHECKLIST Parcel I D{X�".,, A WELLOATA , i . �7Y,x♦ s � �' Well typeEms' MoA-1E " If A B or C• attach ADEC letter Log present ON) YDS Date completed Totaldepth D- Cased to AR 141 1 Y r?R"Ea`r Sanitary seal &N) _ , VEC 'Wires pn �+ FRO's WELL LOG;, Yi Date of test a (A Static water level Well flow mz• Pump level SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM WELL T00 Septic/holding tank on lot 2 t Ilv' 1 r� Absorption field on lot Public sewer main r WA Sewer aeNlCe line v. WATER SAMPLE RESULTS Coliform / Nitrate O.7� Y Date of sample �!�-2 i1-9 2 £' "F `Co Y S f �' isY R SEPrIC/HOLDING TANK DATA * �` # r Date installed 1�%'f� �S Tan'k266'" 'II Cleanouts (ON) —(WO Foundation cleanout (YA High water alarm (Y/0t`O/'/�r6'` Date of pumping � pr SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM SEPTIC/H TA Well(s)on lot rllota To properly Frio �rz l/".•• •Absorgt:on field �'• •' 1 Surface waver/drainago � � •' • •'� .ty. 73426(nav 7Nq Fm r 1 ;• + 31 1, i if -117i "Y w, C, f� Yd.,�iLiM1�S ACED water system number n `b ��.y%�—� ? s Driller —'. 4kf�CEwa:..Si. ,♦. =1 i "� tt 't d.i � \ :cORouC Casingheight" l� ' ' rc ��• party proro tected/N) J a i +a ATINSPECTION �y.,t' 8-9 2 o, r.,=;. Ml1NIGPALEEY OF AhU1J NSE +- •.�(, cuwcoPUAEMAL SERVKE701YISIC:1 3 3 T�'��sd` �� i�h- • 1 ,' , (vanyt .RECEIVED Wr On adjacent lots )n adjacent lots I��r¢¢meyya��nyyhola/cleanout %' N%A• '% sumq}}}���,,, tank a . / l)An1E —� k"wri Other bacteria ✓ n led by F'i 17 r r �= F Compartments � Depression n (Y/(D iUa arm tes'+ted (Y//(�� 044 " r Pumper'` M PYa- HimTO' \�UfcFxf F rr FcundeElon T Watarmai�n,3ieer+ice lino• SJ 'i' •' CONTINUED CV BACK PAGE `x�'�i�w l;i:••:<: ..'�. �. 't i9d 1.•-+..:.anis . . i•• : V • I a W'+.e:!-,M{►.�pwa�' 1a..n�i'i ♦ r ♦ .. . 09/14/00 -THU 17:17 FAX 907 948 8057 CEF INC SONSHINE ENT 0005 MUHICIPA= CF ANCFORAGB (MCR) 1,97 1 a V.4 OMM AVDORI1Y APP11MAL (BAA) CHECKLIST - FEBRUARY 1984 C ri it1;Y D A. *a= Q4TA Legal Description: LSI '7 f3Lxle pr mt�� Rv6cr, furs Well Classificationru'DI:J1DJA4_ If A, a, CC C, E.E.C. ApprowedtY/N) Alla Well Log Present (Y/N) Date Completed W)/J9k4 Yield Total Depth 385' Cased to '3 M ' Depth of Crwtinq� JA s ')� static Water Level ZOr PJM Set At 3O0 Casing Height Above Ground _?V Sanitary Seal on Casing (Y(N) w -j Electrical Wiring in Condit (Y/N1 VCS Depressicn Around Wallhead (YMIRIA Separation Distances from Fall: To Septie/Ho)Aing Tank o: fat lot / r on Adjoining Lots %% I v0 To Nearest Edge of Absorption Field on Lot IUs r i On Adjoinir* Lots *>I O' To Nearest Public Sewer Lire ^/Q. To Nearest Public Sewer Cleancut/Hanhole N%Q 110 Nearest Sewer Service Line on Lot _/V%d Water Sample Collected By M&3 t Date IIAmq 8q Water Sample Test tesults 4i q 77 c tqc Tve7 Co=nts A. SEPTIC/WLAING TANK 04TA Cate Installed :517-41&1 Size 12<0 No. ei Capartrects Z ' Standpipes •WN) Nrs Airtight Caps (YM) yt: 5 Fared tion Cleanout (Y/N 14rs Depression over Tank (Y/N) ),( N Cate last Pi aped ).,/4- PunpirWMaintenanee Contract on File SY/N)r1//a- r fes A/�A_ Bolding Tank High-water V^rn CY/N) OA//A Taeperary Bolding Tank Permit (Y/N)ASIA— Separation Distances tram Septic/Polding Tanks To Water -supply Fall 101 JI To Building Foundation i'i To Property Lira _'>. 7n'f To Disposal Field r -i54' To Fater Mairvtorvirs Line AI/yL To Stream, Fond, take, or Major Drainage Ca=se JJ(n C:cmmnts '11�4•�:ct> [Page 1 of 2) 2-15-54 i i 0$/14/00 ,THU 17:19 FAX 907 346 8057 CEF INC SONSHINE ENT @100 HEALT'H " ;gin; ,.^. -' _ ���.. r.r .�y .fur ':W'r Y•'�,} Y 3 �i w,fwvRra: , v+8h '� y #+ b a r < +Ca• /���x ' h A. 8.'or C, noAb letter E to loyetem nurrN * ti►t S :fir �' 'RP ^I if ♦ NJ 'T 44 tr.1 T/ i "-,, proeant(Yft� . `y - po►ocomplotadASi'b�;�.,.=fiDrdkrt:°, wt�Jre�'> ., `•� `'' �' otal depth' PT 1 Casedto Casing height 2 0 r Sar ary eosl N"% Whet propery protopto (YIN) R 7'�•� • ,. Y n't c., t",;� _+:- x},i i[+haP F.v ,..:.� vr.atri ♦ .� iL:l -'. FROM, WELL LOO :' r r AT INSPECTIONZ. R_l!t .A ! • + , .f.i e3C [' MA'' y�yyg� d{ YµO rte. 'Y r 1IY1 F' J,` M!j C „� r Y' ,p. r to of tttt_�,�•qwo �t0 lQfYr "fi rr ..L. aj<,7117'�T� • '' n P° VVf{h{ } �'I„ Ietlel't '' �';yh'.;•iti:,�;fi S r�a'�rNP:' s''�' ia,"9F s� Y.. < ya' ���N( ''�'CA}i:�.'•�:.ur �I o-, .,' 1, ^r. r rva:. /j•`^,y/�..�P i' 'y �� ... y z e f10w A- aS ppmF'ItQ pr,•�, a` -,' N' Aa t7 IRo4 h.lE OIt :•r " �.C. r "-^fir wf•,.nF.r ' s�1 �� vS"y �' ,�A, �v,'^Jt �' y.: ,14 r , , •i l' — .s i r, !.".y"' v•,..,r ,. y .• g, [.'. JAa'', ,"•.-'';'.•,P%Ms SEPARATION DISTANCES f90M WELL TO: ro.' :i "'a •' ' p a~ ' ''" ;'.'". Septkfiolding tank an W Its ` J , a On a4acen.it:l'!ob} • iv o s L / , ••t ,,�� r 'xY Y i�,r F1 .o , i •. ' A 11bw 3 ul AI»or}ption fktd an bl ` ' "a Op 10'7 ' '`^"' ..:' a �ayoontbts••'"•'A'` 'i'yV'�f* t''^w':,,.:":FC `• i' 'r+'`:r s� ^•,,, + r. i,v. t°4 ra Pubflo tower mato _ '�/Arc Pu�Dt: sewir tna�daanout �f/�r4 ` ' , : r Ina yy";.Ya}, 'pig .. .r } r y.4Y: ktTx >., el s r :•�`,, Sower tendte Ono i to Polrolatiin tank'" �(]17 +' yY " v'YVATER SAMPLE RESULTS. i Irw,... .. , • r � �, dt'SI •Copfoml Nitrate O�"7 ° ' ` Otharbadmta DatO of eerrple: lfl�Qhi ; +" .. * ,•, . r a Moved t ��y'-..r . r A r'�: .vl :r_. . J�. ��i :�.i'.k'�-Jr ti.r� r. g•�• }7�w'..�.�,Y'.',„'� 8. SEPTIC HOLDING TANK DATA Date tristatiod' 8'1 1;78 /A I Tank W. / 5 01-0> Companments Clean" (YA O _ Y Foundation deanout (YIN) f� l Depreaafon (YM) J.ell :s.MpFi.wate'r elarm (YIN) 'N/A Alar tested (Y/N) f' L'•• $ � Y ma y (. 1t t. ' r tiLv : 1).e-. A S RAY � P 1 •, , / ' '' (F ry r ^ k, so � �+s- PUIT1Pef ... " � �1 f7CG GI.S ", ^ �.�r 1 ' 'u r"-: •, {fFi� h : «r '. � „ 4- i_.. ..... Y: ,. TO"—'� %SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM SEPTI LDING ')NK K on ec>)acengy�5l lots � t r }4 .a', ,•f r• r Y T e !(t} otJ lot "" W Foundation A t Te Pr nY p!+! `� t'a Ab!orptlon field ' i r ' '"'."mater inalii/aorv�Ci pna ` �` • "a• OYflar`i�wateWratnaps w. �� Or ,r ` ,.� • _ i p s [ .0 ¢ Cdn rl. Y+ y ..y , 1.,-,yy..I.. vm J�1+.s SHANGRI LA SOILS REPORT September 8, 2000 D ENGINEERING 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-8736 ed okW Ni "✓.:'i1i1.kY5 "uw SK (907)696.6111/FAX (907)696-8111 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-8736 (907)696-6111/FAX (907)696-8111 September 8, 2000 Mr. Earl Ford Sonshme JV 9441 Abbott Loop Rd. Anchorage, AK 99507 Dear Mr. Ford RE: Testhole Report for On-site Systems — Shangri La SID Enclosed are the results of our investigation of 22 testholes on 22 lots for the proposed subdivision Testholes were logged on August 4s, 56, 7w, 25"' & 281' of this year with percolation testing occurring through the following weeks Water monitoring was conducted on August 14' and September 5'. Existing Conditions The area is moderately sloping from southeast to northwest and densely covered with fir, spruce, birch, alder and grasses No overland water flow was observed indicating that the majority of the moisture was being absorbed into the underlying soil strata. This was confirmed during our investigation as we found relatively dry soil conditions in the upper organic layer and the in-situ material being comprised of low moisture content. Procedures Lot centers were located and staked by Lanmark Surveying, prior to excavation. Testholes were excavated utilizing a Hitachi EX200LC operated by Sonshine Excavation Monitoring tubes, comprised of 4" perforated F810 pipe were installed in 22 testholes Percolation holes were presoaked and testing was conducted in accordance with the falling head percolation testing procedures. All percolation tests met minimum regulatory requirements Ambient summer temperatures were above 32°F during our testing and therefore we did not have to worry about special protection of the sites. RE. Testhole Report for On-site Systems — Shangn La S/D September 8, 2000 Page 2 of 2 Results On the 22 lots we excavated 22 testholes and conducted 22 percolation tests Bedrock was frequently encountered at various depths during excavation We observed water in two of the 22 testholes during excavation (Lot 6 at 10' and Lot 19 at 11'). After water monitoring, we observed water in testholes for lots 6 & 19 at approximately the same depth mentioned previously, and additionally in testholes for lots 9 and 14 at depths of 11.8' and 8 5' respectively. No testholes had ground water at levels that would preclude construction of a conventional on-site septic system However, due to the presence of shallow bedrock in some of the testholes we would recommend that the majority of septic systems on this site be constructed in the top 4' of soil This may require that the houses be constructed above normal levels or include lift stations and innovative septic systems If after your review you have any questions regarding the results of our investigation please contact me at 696-6111/FAX 696-8111, at your convenience. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you and we look forward to working with you in the future. Respectfully submitted, 1KMD Engineering G%::�: -/ Kennethf:ffus, P E. Attachments Soils logs (22) Site map cc: Lanmark file 0 264.00 264.00 264.00 I 57'779& Ft'f LOOT 61,004 Sq Ft. 2° 0 LOT 4 q 1.33 Acs, 25140•Acs. a 61,004 Ft e 0 �s 61,004•�Sq Ft. jo0 g t R 1.40 N 1.40 ACS. ti 5 38 Acs lz�p 20' SLOPE 6 SNOV D �j X166.59 STORAGE ESMT z �J VE 7 i 264.00 264.00 264.00 265.29 -1'r. ` 60 LOT 5 1.41 Acs, rc 265.29 10� -1 66.39 1Yn=H 2661M. ,:. RII3GEVIEW Ri E r. �.. +;a iw Z., s '�9'c.n 781.73 - $ 23721 251.24 159.01 244.86 a°o f c No' OT 8 LOT i� < LOT 6 ae LOT 7 LOT 9 o.6023 �S t. X100 59,4813.,5 Fto q N591.37 Ft � r �q q � 54,B4�3 FtN 1.37 Acs ,z 4,686 Ft _ 1.38 Acs 137 Acs.°°° 1.26 Acs. .� q°?° 126 Acs. / "Zo 21276 23724 11172 125.20 436.52 LOT* 22 ? 56,896 Ft a LOT• 21 woe 1.31 Acs, 65,263E#, ao ° �a�t. > 1.49 Acs. �° e s�o�S LOQ 14 109,610 Sq Ft. r bq �P 2.52 ACS. b LOT• 20 `VQ~ o oe° oo � 20 56,8c -5q F 1 " 130 Ac `' yA L❑ 15 0 q "� 109,141 Ft. NN. m 191.40 JPS 2.51 Acs! LOT 19 54,74Ey, Sq Ft 126 cs. /• LOT 16 63,189 Sq Ft. 1.459,.Acs� • LOT 17 55,450--Sq.F 1.27 Acs! • • LO�T �18 72,027 5q Ft. 165 Acs 442.34 299 95.$9 r 13 27 Acs. X,,e° \ 0 411O S Lo Op St LOT 12 218,285.&q Ft 5 01 Acs. 90' TEMP TURNAROUND 30'x300' ACCESS ESMT ( 821.46 u IINICII-PDTWTnFT� 1140 • 1169 Q 12 LOT 111 N 1220 234,175 Sq Ft. Q 5 38 Acs lz�p D z \tea_ ° �2e 12910 TESTFtalE Lotl}?lO1JS I OF AtAw K D ENGINEERING A * �49L i H 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD mo•'�••• ••••..... •••• ••..:.•• k�! EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-8736 � •••..«.. �. �Itto �•KennCE 7116uf u :'a� �. �F` ••. .�' aCs j SOILS PERCOLATION TEST e1:FOn':1•••��2uav``� H I Performed for Project Depth (Peet) 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- Earl Ford Date Performed 08/05/00 Lot 1 Shangrila TEST HOLE # KND 00-1 SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN I ORG — rootmat FOR HOLE LOCATION SM/GM - loose tan brown Was Ground water encountered? NO What depth? NA Depth to water after monitoring? NA Date? 08/14/00 I, Kenneth M Duffus, certify that this test was performed in accordance with all State and Municipal guidelines in effect on this date Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop GP/GW - w/sand & cobbles to 2' loose, med dense w/depth 1 8/10/00 100 - 9" - 2 110 10 mm 42/16" 414/16" 3 " 111 - 9" - 4 121 10 mm 43/16" 413/16" 5 " 122 9" - 6 132 10 mm 4 6/16" 410/16" 7 " 133 9" B.OH no bedrock encountered 8 143 10 mm 49/16" 47/16" 9 " 144 9" - 10 154 10 mm 49/16" 47/16- 11 155 9" - 12 205 10 mm 49/16" 47/16" • Water Added Percolation Rate 2.25 (mm/m) Pere Hole Diameter 6" HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TEST Test Run Between 3 feet and 4 feet I, Kenneth M Duffus, certify that this test was performed in accordance with all State and Municipal guidelines in effect on this date i i I i D ENGINEERING 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-8736 SOILS PERCOLATION TEST Performed for Project Depth Earl Ford Lot 2 Shangrila ORG — rootmat Date Performed TEST HOLE # or c� ; ^•e fi $ •.49 .v i ..oe........I Kenneth M L' s'y cent, 08/04/00 00-1 SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN FOR HOLE LOCATION Was Ground water encountered? NO What depth? NA Depth to water after monitoring? NA Date? 08/14/00 Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop GP —brown med dense sandy gravel w/cobbles & boulders 1 8/10/00 100 9" - 2 110 10 min 61/16" 215/16" 3 111 9" - 4 121 10 mm 67/16" 29/16" 5 " 122 - 9" - 6 132 10 mm 611/16" 25/16" 7 133 9" - 8 143 10 mm 613/16" 23/16" Density increasing w/depth Larger angular cobbles/boulders 9 144 613/16" B.O.H. boulders 17- 18- 19 - HOLE PRESOAKED 20- PRIOR TO TEST 10 154 10 min 410/16" 23/16" 11 • 155 9" 12 205 10 mm 613/16" 23/16" " Water Added Percolation Rate 4 57 (mm/m) Perc Hole Diameter 6" Test Run Between 3 feet and 4 feet I, Kenneth M. Duffus, certify that this test was performed in accordance with all State and Municipal guidelines in effect on this date D ENGINEERING 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-8736 i I SOILS PERCOLATION TEST ji Performed for Earl Ford Date Performed Project Lot 3 Shangrila TEST HOLE # 08/05/00 00-3 I, Kenneth M Duffus, certify that this test was performed in accordance with all State and Municipal guidelines in effect on tlus date Depth (Feet) SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN ORG — rootmat FOR HOLE LOCATION I 1 ' SP — gravelly sand 2 t Was Ground water encountered? NO What depth? NA SP/SM —dense brown sandy ( 3 gravel Depth to water after monitoring? NA Date? 08/14/00 i i t Intermittent sand lenses Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net j 8"-10" thick Time Time Water Drop i i 1 8/10/00 1100 9" - 7 i 2 1105 5mm 314/16" 52/16" 8 r 3 " 1106 9" - 9 4 1111 5min 313/16" 53/16" 10 5 " 1112 - 9" - ( 11 i 6 1117 5nun 315/16" 51/16" 12 ' 1 71118 9" - a 1 8 1123 5min 41/16" 415/16" 1 9 " 1124 - 9" - 15 BO.H 10 1129 5mm 41/16" 415/16" I 16- 11 " 1130 - 9" - { 17- t 12 1135 5 mm 4 1/16" 415/16" } 18- Water Added 19- Percolation Rate 101 (mm/m) Perc Hole Diameter 6" HOLE PRESOAKED I 20- PRIOR TO TEST Test Run Between 4 feet and 5 feet I, Kenneth M Duffus, certify that this test was performed in accordance with all State and Municipal guidelines in effect on tlus date I a I D ENGINEERING 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-8736 SOILS PERCOLATION TEST Performed for Project Depth (Feet) 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20 - Earl Ford Lot 4 Shangrila ORG – rootmat GP—brown dense sandy gravel sand lense GP—dense dark brown sandy gravel Locally Ig boulders >3' Dark black weathered shale B.O.H. bedrock HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TEST Date Performed TEST HOLE # E OF A4 �qB Cy: '••`�9 �d � �` • � � to � :, �r � B;i 4fs�As o.•euuorpwenou ., ® �n Kenneth M CE 711 IPROFESS1ZZ;sp0NPe 08/04/00 00-5 SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN FOR HOLE LOCATION Was Ground water encountered? NO Depth to water after momtonng7 NA Reading Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 8/10/00 Gross Time 1100 1130 1131 1201 1202 1232 Water Added What depth? NA Date? 08/14/00 Net Depth to Net Time Water Drop 30 min 512/16" 5 4/16" - 11" 30 nun 512/16" 5 4/16" 11" 30 min 512/16" 5 4/16" Percolation Rate 5.7 (mm/m) Perc Hole Diameter 6" Test Run Between 2 feet and 3 feet I, Kenneth M Duffus, certify that this test was performed in accordance with all State and Municipal guidelines in effect on ttus date i 9 i D ENGINEERING 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-8736 SOILS PERCOLATION TEST Performed for Earl Ford Date Performed Project Lot 5 Shangrila TEST HOLE # OF 08/05/00 00-4 Depth (Feet) l SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN ORG — rootmat I FOR HOLE LOCATION , 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- CE 7116 Was Ground water encountered? NO What depth? 08/05/00 00-4 Depth (Feet) l SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN ORG — rootmat I FOR HOLE LOCATION , 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- CE 7116 I, Kenneth M Duffus, certify that this test was performed in accordance with all State and Municipal guidelines in effect on thus date Was Ground water encountered? NO What depth? NA SP/SM —dense brown silty sandy gravel Depth to water after monitoring? NA Date? 08/14/00 Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Tune Time Water Drop 1 8/10/00 1100 - 8" - 2 1105 5min 214/16" 42/16" 3 ` 1106 8" - Boulders larger but fewer 4 1111 5 nun 213/16" 4 3/16- 5 " 1112 - 8" - 6 1117 5nun 315/16" 31/16" Large weathered shale boulder 7 " 1118 - 8" - 8 1123 5mm 31/16" 315/16" 9 1124 - 8" - BOH 10 1129 5 nun 31/16" 315/16" 11 ` 1130 - 8" - 12 1135 5nun 3 1/16" 315/16" " Water Added Percolation Rate 101 (mut/m) Perc Hole Diameter 6" HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TEST Test Run Between 25 feet and 35 feet I, Kenneth M Duffus, certify that this test was performed in accordance with all State and Municipal guidelines in effect on thus date i X D ENGINEERING 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-8736 SOILS PERCOLATION TEST Performed for Earl Ford Date Performed Project Lot 6 Shangrila TEST HOLE # Depth (Feet) ORG — rootmat SM SP/SM — Med dense silty /sandy gravel BOH seeps at 9 8' 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19 - HOLE PRESOAKED 20- PRIOR TO TEST Irf'J a ' �{1� •p �9 $m i C g'J,*** CE 7116 s 08/07/00 00-22 SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN FOR HOLE LOCATION Was Ground water encountered? YES What depth? 9 8' Depth to water after monitoring? 81' Date? 08/14/00 Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop 1 8/10/00 100 - 9" - 2 110 10 mm 515/16" 31/16" 3 * 111 9" - 4 121 10 mm 63/16" 213/16" 5 * 122 9" - 6 132 10 mm 66/16" 210/16" 7 133 6 6/16" - 8 143 10 mm 314/16" 28/16" 9 ' 144 - 9" - 10 154 10 mm 68/16" 28/16- 11 155 - 6" - 12 205 10 mm 3 6/16" 2 8/16" * Water Added Percolation Rate 4 0 (nun/in) Perc Hole Diameter 6" Test Run Between 3 feet and 4 feet I, Kenneth M Duffus, certify that this test was performed in accordance with all State and Municipal guidelines in effect on this date D ENGINEERING 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD. EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-8736 SOILS PERCOLATION TEST Performed for Project Depth 16- 17- 18- 19- 20 - Earl Ford Lot 7 Shangrila ORG - rootmat GP—brown sandy gravels w/ cobbles to 24" SP- Mod dense sand GP—brown sandy dense gravel B O.H HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TEST Date Performed TEST HOLE # 08/04/00 00-11 SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN FOR HOLE LOCATION Was Ground water encountered? NO What depth? NA Depth to water after monitoring? NA Date? 08/14/00 Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Trine Water Drop 1 8/10/00 1100 9" - 2 1105 5mm 312/16" 54/16- 3 " 1106 - 9" - 4 1111 5mm 314/16" 52/16- 5 1112 - 9" - 6 1117 5mm 41/16" 415/16" 7 1118 9" - 8 1123 5mm 43/16" 413/16" 9 * 1124 - 9" 10 1129 5mm 43/16" 413/16" 11 " 1130 9" - 12 1135 5mm 4 3/16" 413/16" " Water Added Percolation Rate 104 (mm/m) Perc Hole Diameter 6" Test Run Between 3 feet and 4 feet I, Kenneth M Duffus, certify that this test was performed in accordance with all State and Municipal guidehnes in effect on this date +�E OF A� ti1 DENGINEERING Wore; : •••N••• •*• 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD. * :49j_4 •.......*. EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-8736 ,,,;,�,,;,,,e � �.> � % M r�.r.ti�ry i I c-1 Kenneth M DO CE 7116 3 SOILS PERCOLATION TEST �e19Fo••.....••...•• 1 Oasi` P+. Performed for Earl Ford Date Performed 08/04/00 Project Lot 8 Shangrila TEST HOLE # 00-10 3 Depth ry 1 I 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- is- 19- 20- I, Kenneth M Duffus, certify that tlus test was performed in accordance with all State and Municipal guidelines in effect on this date SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN ORG - rootmat I FOR HOLE LOCATION SP— Loose silty brown sand Was Groundwater encountered? NO What depth? NA Depth to water after monitoring? NA Date? 08/14/00 GP --brown dense sandy gravels Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop 1 8/10/00 1100 - 8" - 2 1110 10 min 414/16" 3 2/16" 3 1111 8" B.O H 4 1121 10 min 414/16" 3 2/16" 5 1122 9" - 6 11.33 10 min 4 10/16" 3 6/16" 7 * 1134 8" - 8 1144 10 nun 414/16" 3 2/16" 9 " 1145 8" - 10 1155 10 min 414/16" 3 2/16" 11 * 1156 - 8" 12 1206 10 nun 414/16" 3 2/16" " Water Added Percolahon Rate 32 (nun/in) Perc Hole Diameter 6" HOLE PRESOAKED I - PRIOR TO TEST Test Run Between 3 feet and 4 feet I, Kenneth M Duffus, certify that tlus test was performed in accordance with all State and Municipal guidelines in effect on this date I I t E i D ENGINEERING 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-8736 SOILS PERCOLATION TEST Performed for Earl Ford Date Performed Project- Lot 9 Shangrila TEST HOLE # Depth I- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20 - 08/05/00 00-6 SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN ORG - rootmat FOR HOLE LOCATION GP - soft, brown sandy gravel cobbley SP -dense brown sand gravel Was Ground water encountered? NO What depth? NA Depth to water after monitoring? 118' Date? 08/14/00 I, Kenneth M Duffus, certify that this test was performed in accordance with all State and Municipal guidelines in effect on this date Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Tune Time Water Drop 1 8/10/00 1100 9" - GP- dense brown sandy gravel Large cobbles 2 1105 5 min 314/16" 52/16" 3 " 1106 - 9" - 4 1111 5mm 313/16" 53/16" Weathered rind very dense 5 • 1112 9" - 6 1117 5mm 415/16" 41/16" B O.H Bedrock 7 " 1118 - 9" - 8 1123 5mm 41/16" 415/16- 9 " 1124 - 9" - 10 1129 5mm 41/16" 415/16" 11 " 1130 - 9" - 12 1135 5mm 41/16" 415/16" " Water Added Percolation Rate 101 (mm/m) Perc Hole Diameter 6" HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TEST Test Run Between 3 feet and 4 feet I, Kenneth M Duffus, certify that this test was performed in accordance with all State and Municipal guidelines in effect on this date i 0 I C'2p( ..•.....••* qs, D ENGINEERING y� +I �;,� • s9*�j N 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD. too., "•••'••'•*•••••� I••'� EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-8736 //rte"/•' ••••••�-� .w i 2�, ;i i�s�� f%— . KennCE 7716ut 44 4 SOILS PERCOLATION TEST qi I Performed for Earl Ford Date Performed 08/05/00 Project Lot 10 Shangrila TEST HOLE # 00-7 Depth (Feet) !SIS! ORG — rootmat SP/SM — dense brown sandy gravel Cobbley < 1' dia BOH 15- 16- 17- 18- 19 - HOLE PRESOAKED 20- PRIOR TO TEST SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN FOR HOLE LOCATION Was Ground water encountered? NO What depth? NA Depth to water after monitoring? NA Date? 08/14/00 Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Tune Time Water Drop 1 8/10/00 1100 - 8" - 2 1105 5nun 214/16" 42/16- 3 1106 8" - 4 11.11 Smut 213/16" 43/16- 5 " 1112 8" - 6 1117 5 mm 315/16" 31/16" 7 " 1118 8" - 8 1123 5mm 31/16" 315/16" 9 * 1124 8" - 10 1129 5mm 31/16" 315/16- 11 * 1130 - 8" - 12 1135 5 mm 3 1/16" 315/16" * Water Added Percolation Rate 101 (mm/m) Perc Hole Diameter 6„ Test Run Between 3 feet and 4 feet I, Kenneth M Duffus, certify that flus test was performed in accordance with all State and Municipal guidelines in effect on this date I I D ENGINEERING * Gross �.-A 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD. v...•....T`"5....... v EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577 -8736th .......... ..., Trine KennCE Water 7116 +�O SOILS PERCOLATION TEST jq.PROFEssr 100 �0�at®• 9" Performed for Earl Ford Date Performed 08/25/00 Project Lot 11 Shangrila TEST HOLE # 00-8 Depth (Feet) ORG — rootmat GP—brown sandygravel w/ cobbles to V B O.H bedrock 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19 - HOLE PRESOAKED 20- PRIOR TO TEST SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN FOR HOLE LOCATION Was Ground water encountered? NO What depth? NA Depth to water after monitoring? NA Date? 09/05/00 Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Trine Time Water Drop 1 9/05/00 100 9" 2 110 10 mm 3 9/16" 57/16" 3 * 111 9" - 4 121 10 mm 312/16" 54/16" 5 122 9" - 6 132 10 mm 314/16" 52/16" 7 * 133 9" - 8 143 10 rain 4" 5" 9 144 - 9" - 10 154 10 mm 4" 5" 11 " 155 - 9" 12 205 10 mm 4" 5" * Water Added Percolation Rate 2 00 (mm/m) Perc Hole Diameter 6„ Test Rum Between 3 feet and 4 feet I, Kenneth M Duffus, certify that flus test was performed m accordance with all State and Muuucipal guidelines m effect on thus date ic. I i v�fL OF Al D ENGINEERING i * ?49L►i 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD • • •••••••••••� EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-8736 .... ,''z, {s � Wit. Kenneth M p s S� �•.• Kenneth SOILS PERCOLATION TEST / �I9Fo•••••••• 4% "ROFES' Performed for Earl Ford Date Performed 08/25/00 Project Lot 12 Shangrila TEST HOLE # 00-9 Depth (Feet) ORG - rootmat/loam red/black 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20 - SM -brown silty sand SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN FOR HOLE LOCATION Was Ground water encountered? NO What depth? NA Depth to water after momtonng7 NA Date? 09/05/00 GP—mod dense sandy gravel Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net w/cobbles to 1' Time Time Water Drop 1 8/10/00 100 9" - 2 110 10 mm 213/16" 63/16" 3 • 111 9" - 4 121 10 min 3" 6" 5 122 9" - 6 132 10 mm 32/16" 514/16" 7 ' 133 - 9" - 8 143 10 min 35/16" 511/16" moist 9 144 - 9" - B.O.H bedrock 10 154 10 mm 35/16" 511/16" 11 155 9" - 12 205 10 mm 35/16" 511/16" Water Added Percolation Rate 176 (min/m) Perc Hole Diameter 6" HOLE PRESOAKED I PRIOR TO TEST Test Run Between 4 feet and 5 feet I, Kenneth M Duffus, certify that this test was performed in accordance with all State and Municipal guidelines in effect on this date i I D ENGINEERING 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-8736 SOILS PERCOLATION TEST Performed for Earl Ford Date Performed Project Lot 13 Shangrila TEST HOLE # Depth (E OF gC'1%10 t f49114* �+ ,t CE 08/05/00 00-12 SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN ORG — rootmat FOR HOLE LOCATION SP/SM -dense brown silWas Groundwater encountered? NO What depth? NA ty, gravely sand w/ increasmg Depth to water after monitoring? NA Date? 08/14/00 density & cobbles/boulders w/depth B 0.11 bedrock 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19 - HOLE PRESOAKED 20- PRIOR TO TEST Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop 1 8/10/00 1100 9" - 2 1105 5mm 313/16" 53/16- 3 ' 1106 9" - 4 1111 5mm 314/16" 52/16" 5 1112 9" - 6 1117 5 mm 315/16" 51/16" 7 ' 1118 9" - 8 1123 5mm 41/16" 415/16- 9 1124 9" - 10 1129 5min 41/16" 415/16- 11 1130 9" 12 1135 5nun 41/16" 415/16" • Water Added Percolation Rate 101 (mm/m) Perc Hole Diameter 6" Test Run Between 3 feet and 4 feet I, Kenneth M Duffus, certify that this test was performed in accordance with all State and Municipal guidelines in effect on this date D ENGINEERING 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-8736 4_2i �.. �._'.r�li �'.. r. , ..,�,-..u31A"*.... 'u'eEa=.is�.=id-�� SOILS PERCOLATION TEST Performed for Project- Depth rojectDepth 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20 - Earl Ford Lot 14 Shangrila ORG – rootmat Date Performed TEST HOLE # �k\ "ROFESSO"- �� Q%A 08/25/00 00-15 SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN FOR HOLE LOCATION Was Ground water encountered? NO What depth? NA SP—brown trace of silt, gravely sand w/ cobbles to 2' 1 Depth to water after monitoring? 8 5' Date? 09/05/00 1, Kenneth M Duffus, certify that this test was performed in accordance with all State and Municipal guidelines in effect on thus date Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop 1 9/05/00 1100 9" - 2 1105 5nun 312/16" 54/16" 3 * 1106 9" - 4 1111 Smut 315/16" 51/16" GP—gray/brown angular rock to 1' 5 * 1112 9" - B.O H bedrock 6 1117 5 mm 4 3/16" 413/16" 7 * 1118 9" - 8 1123 5mm 44/16" 412/16" 9 ' 1124 9" - 10 1129 5mm 44/16" 412/16" 11 * 1130 - 9" - 12 1135 5 mm 4 4/16" 412/16" * Water Added Percolation Rate 1.05 (mut/m) Perc Hole Diameter 6" HOLE PRESOAKED , PRIOR TO TEST Test Run Between 3 feet and 4 feet 1, Kenneth M Duffus, certify that this test was performed in accordance with all State and Municipal guidelines in effect on thus date i I =1P(E OF A� D ENGINEERING E* 1�1�.V i .. 49•..1•1•i... 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD i EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-8736 , 'rW 7.KennethM D " CE 7116 SOILS PERCOLATION TEST f +`ie� ........ �oaolwa' Performed for Earl Ford Date Performed 08/05/00 Project, Lot 15 Shangrila TEST HOLE # 00-16 Depth (Feet) I SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN ORG - rootmat FOR HOLE LOCATION 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20 - Was Ground water encountered? NO What depth? NA Depth to water after moiutonng? NA Date? 08/14/00 I, Kenneth M Duffus, certify that flus test was performed in accordance with all State and Municipal guidelines in effect on flus date Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop SP/SM - brown/gray silty gravely sand 1 8/10/00 100 9" - 2 110 10 mm 4" 5" 3 ' 111 - 9" - 4 121 10 mm 43/16" 413/16" B.O.H bedrock 5 " 122 - 9" - 6 132 10 min 45/16" 411/16" 7 133 9" - 8 143 10 min 47/16" 49/16" 9 " 144 9" - 10 154 10 mm 47/16" 49/16- 11 " 155 - 9" - 12 205 10 nun 47/16" 49/16" " Water Added Percolation Rate219 (mm/m) Perc Hole Diameter6" HOLE PRESOAKED I PRIOR TO TEST Test Rim Between 3 feet and 4 feet I, Kenneth M Duffus, certify that flus test was performed in accordance with all State and Municipal guidelines in effect on flus date e �Q(�OF q, ,..«..... 'WKN D ENGINEERING v * ' �9 M- 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD �" """"'•�* EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-8736 r t �•�--- `..,KennCE 7116 p,4.. SOILS PERCOLATION TEST t';�> qFES" Performed for Earl Ford Date Performed 08/28/00 Project Lot 16 Shangrila TEST HOLE # 00-21 Depth 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- is- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- SEE 0- 11- 12- 13- 1415- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN ORG— rootmat FOR HOLE LOCATION ` Was Ground water encountered? NO What depth? NA Depth to water after monitoring? NA Date? 09/05/00 GP — loose, brown sandy gravel I, Kenneth M Duffus, certify that this test was performed in accordance with all State and Municipal guidelines in effect on this date Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Tune Time Water Drop 1 9/05/00 100 9" - 2 130 30 mm 1 8/16" 7 8/16" 3 131 9" - fragmented angular rock BOH bedrock 4 201 30 min 1 7/16" 7 9/16" 5 202 9" - 6 232 30 mm 1 8/16" 7 8/16" 7 8 9 10 11 12 " Water Added Percolation Rate 4 (mm/m) Perc Hole Diameter 6„ HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TEST Test Run Between 2 feet and 3 feet I, Kenneth M Duffus, certify that this test was performed in accordance with all State and Municipal guidelines in effect on this date D ENGINEERING 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-8736 Q`k0� SOILS PERCOLATION TEST Performed for Earl Ford Project Lot 17 Shangrila Depth 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- ORG — rootmat GP — loose brown sandy gravel B.O H Bedrock HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TEST P�(E, 0...A t gsli'491h*l • 1 . of .... Kenneth M Duf us . W '*_ CE 7116 Date Performed 08/28/00 TEST HOLE # 00-19 SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN FOR HOLE LOCATION Was Ground water encountered? NO What depth? NA Depth to water after momtonng7 NA Date? 09/05/00 Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop 1 9/05/00 1100 8" - 2 1105 5min 4 4/16" 312/16" 3 1106 - 8" - 4 1111 5 mm 4 3/16" 3 13/16" 5 " 1112 8" 6 1117 5min 45/16" 311/16" 7 * 1118 9" - 8 1123 5 min 51/16" 315/16" 9 1124 9" - 10 1129 Smm 51/16" 315/16" 11 " 1130 9" - 12 1135 5 mm 5 1/16" 315/16" * Water Added Percolation Rate 127 (mm/m) Perc Hole Diameter 6" Test Run Between 2 feet and 3 feet I, Kenneth M Duffus, certify that this test was performed in accordance with all State and Municipal guidelines in effect on this date i f 9 a J D ENGINEERING 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-8736 Performed for Project Depth 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- �Sr. .�• .,Iixxxi ''" _. `11 0� R'C : Kenneth M D CE 7116 SOILS PERCOLATION TEST\F�PgOFESSI Earl Ford Date Performed 08/25/00 Lot 18 Shangrila TEST HOLE # 00-20 I, Kenneth M Duffus, certify that thus test was performed in accordance with all State and Municipal guidelines in effect on this date SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN I FOR HOLE LOCATION ORG — rootmat red Was Groundwater encountered? NO What depth? NA Depth to water after momtonng7 NA Date? 09/05/00 GP — brown sandy gravel w/ boulders to 4' Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop 1 9/05/00 100 9" - 2 110 10 min 4 8/16" 4 8/16" fragmented angular rock 3 " 111 9" - 4 121 10 min 4 7/16" 4 9/16" B O H bedrock 5 122 9" - 6 132 10 min 4 8/16" 4 8/16" 7 " 133 9 - 8 143 10 min 4 8/16" 4 8/16" 9 " 144 9" - 10 1.54 10 min 4 8/16" 4 8/16" 11 " 155 - 9" - 12 205 10 mm 4 8/16" 4 8/16" " Water Added Percolation Rate 2.22 (mm/m) Pere Hole Diameter 6„ HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TEST Test Run Between 2 feet and 3 feet I, Kenneth M Duffus, certify that thus test was performed in accordance with all State and Municipal guidelines in effect on this date I a D ENGINEERING 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-8736 SOILS PERCOLATION TEST Performed for. Project Depth (Feet) 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20 - Earl Ford Lot 19 Shangrila ORG – rootmat GP/SP—brown loose GP – brown/gray gravel w/ cobbles & boulders to 3' moist seeps B.O H HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TEST Date Performed. TEST HOLE # ft. Qq \�y "v OF q.. X11 p� ............. qs, 01 KennethM Duff ip ll• GE 7116 087�O FESSIO 00-18 SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN FOR HOLE LOCATION Was Ground water encountered? YES Depth to water after monitoring? 10 7' Reading Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 9/05/00 r r Gross Time 100 130 131 201 202 232 Water Added What depth? 11' Date? 09/5/00 Net Depth to Net Time Water Drop 30 mm 1 4/16" 912/16" 30 mm 14/16" 912/16" - 30 min 1 4/16" 9 12/16" Percolation Rate 3 08 (mm/m) Perc Hole Diameter 6" Test Run Between 2 feet and 3 feet I, Kenneth M Duffus, certify that this test was performed in accordance with all State and Municipal guidelines in effect on this date a s i i f D ENGINEERING 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD. EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-8736 SOILS PERCOLATION TEST Performed for Earl Ford Date Performed 08/05/00 Pro)ect Lot 20 Shangrila TEST HOLE # 00-17 Depth (Feet) 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20 - I, Kenneth M Duffus, certify that this test was performed in accordance with all State and Municipal guidelines in effect on this date SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN I FOR HOLE LOCATION ORG — rootmat Was Ground water encountered? NO What depth? NA Depth to water after monitoring? NA Date? 08/14/00 SP/SW — brown silty gravelly sand Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Trine Water Drop 1 8/10/00 100 7" _ Boulders & cobbles to 2' dia 2 110 10 mm 3 8/16" 3 8/16" 3 " 111 - 7" 4 121. 10 mm 3 7/16" 3 9/16" 5 " 122 - 7" - 6 132 10 mm 3 8/16" 3 8/16" 7 " 133 7" _ 8 143 10 mm 3 7/16" 3 9/16" B O.H 9 " 144 7" _ 10 154 10 mm 3 8/16" 3 8/16" 11 " 155 7" - 12 205 10mm 3 8/16" 3 8/16" Water Added Percolation Rate 2 22 (mm/m) Perc Hole Diameter6" HOLE PRESOAKED I PRIOR TO TEST Test Run Between 2 feet and 3 feet I, Kenneth M Duffus, certify that this test was performed in accordance with all State and Municipal guidelines in effect on this date 1 OF ' 14 D ENGINEERING;' cIa 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD. ....... ...... EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-8736 _ 9;°" ••• �` ° . ti .._ _.. ac - ., a"c "" .,.."":?c 'w'tlme ..,.„ a,. iii ®� �N:•. KannCE' M u•. 77 SOILS PERCOLATION TEST @�I�Foa ••a4F @��tia���•,?R Performed for Earl Ford Date Performed 08/05/00 Project Lot 21 Shangrila TEST HOLE # 00-14 Depth (Feet) I SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN FOR HOLE LOCATION 1 ORG — rootmat l SP/SM — brown silty sand or 2 sandy silt Was Ground water encountered? NO What depth? NA 3 I Depth to water after monitoring? NA Date? 08/14/00 SP/SW — brown silty gravelly sand Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop 1 8/10/00 100 - 9" - Occasional boulders/ cobbles 7 " m 2 130 30 m 1 8/16" 7 8/16" 8 B.O.H 3 131 - 9" - 9- 4 201 30 mm 1 7/16" 7 9/16" 10- 5 • 202 9" - 11- 6 232 30 mm 1 8/16" 7 8/16" 12- 7 13- 8 14- 9 15- 10 16- 11 17- 12 18- Water Added 19- Percolation Rate 40 (mm/m) Perc Hole Diameter 6" HOLE PRESOAKED 20- PRIOR TO TEST Test Run Between _ 3 feet and 4 feet I, Kenneth M Duffus, certify that this test was performed in accordance with all State and Municipal guidelines in effect on flus date Y I, Kenneth M Duffus, certify that this test was performed in accordance with all State and Murucipal guidelines in effect on this date see D ENGINEERING i * r49 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD o.......Y................... o � � ...•Y.�, EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-8736 / �; Kenneth M Duff : �% . !' sl, CE 7116 ' < SOILS PERCOLATION TEST AV 14 ';moa 16P��� Performed for. Earl Ford Date Performed 08/05/00 Project- Lot 22 Shangrila TEST HOLE # 00-13 Depth (Peet) ` SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN 1 ORG - rootmat I FOR HOLE LOCATION 2 Was Ground water encountered? NO What depth? NA Depth to water after monitoring? NA Date? 08/14/00 SP/SW —brown trace of silt, gravelly sand r Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop 6 1 8/10/00 100 - 7" - 7 2 110 10 min 3 8/16" 3 8/16" B.O.H very dense (hardpan) 3 • ill - 7" - 9- 4 121 10 mm 3 7/16" 3 9/16- 10- 5 122 7" - 11- 6 132 10 mm 3 8/16" 3 8/16- 12- 7 1.33 7" - 13- 8 143 10 mm 3 8/16" 3 8/16" 14- 9 • 144 - 7" - 15- 10 1.54 10 mm 3 8/16" 3 8/16" 16- 11 ' 155 - 7" - 17- 12 205 10 mm 3 7/16" 3 9/16- 18- " Water Added 19 -HOLE Percolation Rate 2 81 (mm/m) Perc Hole Diameter 6„ PRESOAKED 20- PRIOR TO TEST Test Run Between 2 feet and 3 feet I, Kenneth M Duffus, certify that this test was performed in accordance with all State and Murucipal guidelines in effect on this date 01/07/00 12 29 FAX 007 343 4220 Community Planning CROSS i i MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE PLATTING BOARD Summary of Action January 5, 2000 A. ROLL CALL { Board Members Present: Cary, Deak, Poulton, Ward, Richter, Board Members Excused. Caress, Penney, Welker Staff Present. Weaver, Palmer, Hansen B. SUMMARY OF ACTION AND MINUTES Summary of Acton for 12/1/99 - APPROVED Minutes for August 18, 1999, September 1, 1999, October 6, 1999, November 3, 1999 and December 1, 1999 - APPROVED C SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS 1. Time Extensions a 5-10252 Southcreek Subdivision Approved an 18 -month time extension to June 17, 2001. 2 Findings of Fact a 5-10433 Shan Gri La Subdivision - APPROVED b S-10521 BLM Lots 84 & 85, Section 15 - APPROVED D CONSENT AGENDA E OLD BUSINESS 1. Pubhc Hearings Z002/012 a 11 04/99 11 49 FAX 907 343 4220 Planing Board Summary of Action October 6,1999 Page 6 Community Planning a CROSS 2010,017 18) Constructing the access Luna Street to xvithstand the weight of a fire truck in the first phase witl= a public access easement or dedicated right-of-way 19) Approval of the TIA by Traffic Engineering, Transportation Planning and the Fire Department. 20) Signing the streets for no on street parking 21) Eliminating lots if they cannot meet the above conditions 22) Resolving the need for a trail easement adjacent to Goldenview Drive with Parks and Recreation 23) Dedicating 60 feet of nght-of-way or tracts (private streets) for all streets E OLD BUSINESS F NEW BUSINESS 1 Public Hearings a S-10003 Dowling Subdivision - with Vacation Postponed to December 1, 1999 at the request of the petitioner. b --1=S-10433 Shan Grii Lar Subdivision ar. Horace Subdivision '' Postponed to the November 3, 1999 Platting Board Meeting to be placed as the first agenda item under Old Business C: S-10499 Smithson Subdivision - with Vacation Public hearing continued to the November 3, 1999 Platting Board meeting to be placed as the second agenda item under Old Business d S-10500 Gilmore Subdivision - with Vacation Approval of the request to vacate the south 20 feet of the 50 - foot BLM easement along the north boundary of Lot 9, Section 8, T15N, R1W. 11/02/00 16 07 FAX O 348 4220 CommunlrY Planning CROSS Platting Board Summary of Action November 1, 2000 Page 2 C. S-10423 Ascot Village Subdivision 02 The first 18 -month time extension approved to April 21, 2002 --INQ2 Findings of Fact 6.10433 ,�haa_Gsi`.a�8a'iioraee Subdivision Approved as written E. OLD BUSINESS F. NEW BUSINESS 1. Public Hearings a 5-10654 MHTL Subdivision Approval of the plat subject to the following amended conditions of approval 1) Resolving utility easements 2) Providing a temporary easement for the multi -use paved trail along the east boundary of Tract 1 that is to be automatically vacated upon relocation of the trail in conjunction with an amended site plan approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission 3) Resolving the following with the Wetlands Coordinator in the Planning Department (a) The need to show the wetlands on the plat and the need to survey the boundary. (b) The need for a non -disturbance setback from the Type 'A' wetlands on the plat and the need for any additional plat note(s) 4) Providing an access easement or entering into an access agreement on Municipal form with Land Use Enforcement, if access to Tract 2 is to be via Tract 1. i Z003/010 Shan Gn La Subdivision Average Slope Chart j Lot# Interval i Length (X) 0 0023 Area(Acres) % { j 1 4' 3798 34.94 1.77 1974 2 4' 2710 2493 127 1963 3 4' 2673 2459 127 1936 4 4' 3062 28 17 142 1984 5 4' 2599 2391 133 1797 6 4' 3586 3299 207 1594 7 4' 14475 133 17 5 003 2662 8 4' 13910 12797 502 2549 9 4' 11808 10864 507 2143 10 4' 13891 12779 528 2307 Tract A 4' 16983 15624 9 15 1707 j Tract B 4' 2350 2162 134 1613 a SLOPE CHART B t B TO DATE PHONE hG � I I G UY -;P Inc. LARSEN CONSUDING GROUP architecture • engineering . surveying 3710 Woodland Dr, Suite 2100 Anchorage, Alaska 99517 Phone (907) 243-8985 Fax (907) 243-5629 Jim Cross, P E Program Manager On-site Wastewater 6/4/02 WE ARE SENDING YOU ® Drawings Change Order Copies Sheet No I TRANSMITTAL FROM TIME RE ® Construction Documents ® Specifications Rev No Title or Description Field Report/ Table Project Number Greg McConnell, P E Civil Project Engineer greg@larsen-anc com 245-8894 1.13 PM Shangri-La Subdivision Groundwater Monitoring © Report RI THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below © As requested ® For review and comment ® For your use ® For approval Comml' AJ /u UNI . S?-! COPY C;, Lk i C�C@,� Inc LARSEN CONSULTING GROUP DATE: June 4, 2002 FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT TO: Jim Cross, P E Program Manager, On-site Wastewater Systems Planning, Development & Public Works 4700 S Bragaw St Anchorage, AK 99519 Date of Site Visit: May 15 - 28, 2002 Weather: Clear to Cloudy, 55-65°F Site Conditions- Moist areas, pockets of snow melting rapidly Conducted by: G McConnell, D Martin OBJECTIVES. Document groundwater depths in test hole monitoring tubes located at each of the 22 proposed lots (see sods report, Sept 2000, KND Engineering) FINDINGS: Groundwater depths were measured starting 15 May 2002 The configuration of the new subdivision layout was revised in March 2002 to satisfy the slope to size requirement for R-10SL zoning Lots 9, 12, 20, and 22 did not have test holes due to the realignment of property lines The existing test hole at Lot 6 was located at the edge of a partially excavated hole where silt from the upper sod layer was allowed to run into the hole Over time, precipitation carried silt into the hole and monitoring tube, creating a seal and both were filled with water On May 16, 2002, new test holes where dug for Lots 6, 9, 12, 20, and 22 using a tracked excavator Monitoring tubes (4 -inch perforated drainpipe) were installed at each hole and depths and sod types were recorded All the new test holes showed sods consisting of gravels and sand with traces of silt and some cobbles at depth No silt layers where found and the percolation rates are expected to be similar to those found at the other 22 test holes Groundwater levels were monitored the table enclosed Test holes are (KND report) Sincerely, GcConnell P E eg , Civil Engineer until May 28, 2002 and the measured depths are listed in listed by new lot location along with the original lot number Attachments Table - Groundwater Depths/ Sod Profiles/ Map OF q4 ,9s�''�I 49TM* 9 .. • �r �. EGORY L IAeCONNELL �''d'�,•, •SCE 10163 ' w` � �, 1 1 1 Q I � I ,5 1 1 1 2--T---, --T-- 4---�-- s ---� I I I I I I I SANDPIPER DRIVE -- 1 TH -- -- „ 10 I I I 1 I I 8 9 TH _ 13 I I I I I i IE! I N�R�;LA LIn �TH I . I I 20 / i I 19 I O 21 / 1 / 1] e � TH 22 SHANGRI-LA SUBDIVISION - NEW TEST HOLES SOILS TEST HOLES (MAY 16, 2002) LOT 6 A =IORG — ROOTMAT 1 2e o 3� 4 ` ;SAND/GRAVEL 5, W/ COBBLES, a ;SOME AT DEPTH 6 x'18"-24" ROCKS 7> 8. .sx 9 �? 10 BOH LOT 9 --= ORG — ROOTMAT 1 2 3 p ~' SAND GRAVEL 5 W/TRACE SILTS 6 7Q MOIST AT7.5' 8._�'' 10 B 0 H BEDROCK LOT 20 1ORG — ROOTMAT 2 3'a 4rSAND/GRAVEL & 5 6-p COBBLES TO 18" 6 �?\ W/TRACE SILTS 7 8 .?` 7 WATER AT 8' 9' 10 B 0 H FRACTURED ROCK DRAWING NAME. SHANGRI-LA SUBDIVISION TEST HOLES LOT 12 ORG — ORG — ROOTMAT 1�T" 2Q' 3 3 SAND/GRAVEL 4 Q Vit' TRACE SILTS 5 W/COBBLES 6( SEEPING FINES AT 6R 7 ex` 8 l 8 6, {` 9 9 10 10 ��B0H BOH LOT 22 ORG — ROOTMAT 1 2 ��o 3 4 'CLEAN SAND GRAVEL 5o; W/18" COBBLES 6 z' ra, FEW 24"-30" AT DEPTH TRACE FINES . 7.�':: 8 l 9 10 ��B0H DESIGNED BY' GLM SHEET DATE 5/24/02 SCALE NO SCALE JOB NO 33002 OF Measured Depth SHANGRILA SUBDIVISION of Test Pipe Lot No Recorded Depth New Lot No (KND Soils Report) of Test Hole 147 No Water (feet) 1 1 128 2 2 162 3 3 150 4 4 128 5 5 150 6' n/a 100 7 7 150 8 8 90 9• n/a 100 10 9 110 11 10 100 12' nla 100 13 13 92 14 14 110 15 21 80 15a 22 80 16 20 140 17 16 90 18 17 80 19 15 100 20• n/a 100 21 12 145 22• n/a 106 'Indicates Test Holes Dug In New Location Measured Depth Measured Depth of Test Pipe Surface to Groundwater (feet) (KND Report Aug 2000) 128 No Water 147 No Water 148 No Water 113 No Water 150 No Water 97 140 No Water 83 No Water 77 110 118 100 No Water 100 90 No Water 83 85 70 No Water 75 No Water 128 No Water 90 No Water 80 No Water 99 No Water 100 145 No Water 86 SHANGRILA SUBDIVISION New Old Depth of Groundwater Lot No Lot No Measured Distance Ground Surface to High Groundwater 1 15 -May -02 20 -May -02 21 -May -02 22 -May -02 23 -May -02 24 -May -02 28 -May -02 1 1 119 122 123 123 125 125 No Water q2 2 No Water No Water No Water No Water No Water No Water No Water 3 i 3 3 No Water No Water No Water No Water No Water No Water No Water 4 4 93 97 98 100 102 103 108 5 5 No Water No Water No Water No Water No Water No Water No Water S. We x No Water No Water No Water No Water No Water No Water 7 7 No Water No Water No Water No Water No Water No Water No Water 8 8 80 63 66 68 68 72 76 9. n/a x No Water No Water No Water No Water No Water No Water 10 9 x 95 95 96 96 98 98 11 10 47 67 69 73 73 77 85 12• n/a x 48 46 48 51 50 53 l 13 13 83 83 83 86 89 No Water No Water 14 14 No Water No Water No Water No Water No Water No Water No Water i 15 21 48 45 48 52 53 55 60 i 15a 22 41 71 73 No Water No Water No Water No Water 16 20 81 85 88 92 95 96 103 17 16 No Water No Water No Water No Water No Water No Water No Water _ 18 17 No Water No Water No Water No Water No Water No Water No Water 19 15 46 46 52 53 54 58 20• n/a x 57 50 50 52 55 58 21 12 118 128 133 135 138 140 Trace 22' n/a x No Water No Water No Water No Water No Water No Water *Indicates Test Holes Dug In New Location L C�44;0�, Inc LARSEN CONSULTING GROUP To: Municipality of Anchorage J Weaver/ M O'Brien, Planning Department Jim Cross P.E , Program Manager, DHHS From: Greg McConnell, P.E Larsen Consulting Group 3710 Woodland Dr., #2100 Anchorage, AK 99517 ;rrt Date: April 2, 2001 Re: Shangn La Subdivision S-10433 Lot Configurations/ Slope Profiles and Site Grading Plan The original proposed subdivision contained 22 lots with two roads intersecting Sandpiper Drive The enclosed revised layout contains the same number of lots with the two roads combined into a "Y" configuration The paved roads are 24 -foot wide centered within 60 -foot rights-of-way Lot Sizes/ Slope Profiles A topographic survey was completed on the 40 -acre tract containing the Shangn La Subdivision The topographic map and profiles were developed using AutoDesk Land Development software Lot configurations are shown with areas that include half of fronted right-of-ways The minimum actual lot size is 41,624 square feet (Lot 11) and the maximum lot size is 197,579 square feet (lot 21) Lots 6 through 22 on the subdivision plan have section cuts shown with corresponding profiles generated to show the general slope of the terrain Site Gradinq Plan The grading plan shows each lot layout with an 1800 -square foot building footprint, a driveway, a 10,000 s f reserve area for septic dramfields, and a well location with a 100 -foot separation radius Lot 21 has terrain with slopes ranging from 21 % to 28%, gradually decreasing to 15% at the top corner Soils tests show a depth of 14 5 feet to bedrock and a percolation rate of 17 minutes/inch The sods are uniformly sands and gravels with no evidence of a confining silt layer Septic drainfield trenches located in these types of sods would be expected to perform well, even with natural grades slightly exceeding 25% A proposed drainfield reserve area, to be served by a gravity system, is shown on the site plan in an area with slopes approaching 26% An alternate drainfield area is shown at the top corner of the lot in an area with slopes of 15% The alternate area can be used if a STEP system is installed The project design is nearly complete and will be submitted to Project Management & Engineering If you have any questions or design changes please call me at 245-8894 P\321-330\33001 Shangn-La Subdivision\Correspondence\DHHS32602 doc Page 1 Platting Board Summary of Action November 3, 1999 Page 5 4) Resolving the following with Traffic Engineering: (a) Submit plan and profiles of streets to show that streets can be constructed to MunAipal standards. (b) Demonstrate that access to the property to the south is not being cut off, and that street access to the property can be constructed to Municipal standards • 1 Y ^Y.iav Vii' � i�.�:t 'Y k' Y JkN' (c) Demonstrate that driveway access to each lot can be constructed 'with grades not to exceed 15%. 5) Providing a stormwater treatment plan, as described in the Municipality's Stormwater Treatment Plan Review Guidance Maimal, to the Department of Public Works NPDES Stormwater Review. 6) Resolve the following with Land Use Enforce$ient:N (a) f Submit - average slope calculations for the proposed lots to Land Use Enforcement to determine compliance with minimum lot size and lot design requirements (b) Clarify nature of "30' x 300' access easement" on Lot 12, state whether easement is for public or private access. (c) Y Correct drafting errors - some lot lines appear to extend to centerline of right-of-way 7) Resolve with Transportation Planning the exact location of and design of an unpaved hillside multiuse; trail, and need for an easement and trail construction " within the right-of-way or within 30 feet of the perimeter of the subdivision. 8) kProviding - DHHS information .to , , satisfy the requirements specified by AMC 21.15 and AMC 15.65 for each lot of this proposed subdivision, to include the 14) Resolving with DCPD & Traffic Engineering the need for street lighting with the intent to minimize: the amount of street lighting required, sky glow, and the impact on adjoining developments. b. S-10513 Henning Subdivision - with Variance Denial of the variance from AMC 21.80.300.D. required 100- foot lot depth. Approval of the plat subject to: 1) Resolving utility easements. 2) Placing the following notes on the plat: 3) Access to Lots L-lA and L-lB shall be limited to one access point onto Strawberry Road at the flag stem of Platting Board Summary of Action November 3, 1999 Page 6 documentation of water availability for this subdivision which must include a hydrologist's report determining that the appropriation of sufficient water to support „ this proposed subdivision will not unduly effect the water availability to surrounding properties. 9) Resolve with the Department of Community Planning and Development the final subdivision design if any lot size changes are required by DHHS, Land Use Enforcement, Traffic Engineering, or Project �.. , - . �-Management and.Engineering: 10) Adding a note to the plat'stating that the temporary turnaround is to be automatically vacated upon extension. 11) Correct Street Names: Change Ridgeview Drive to Sandpiper Dr1roe;-Rename Hillside Drive. 12) Correct Map Information: Area east of plat is Tract 2 Horace Subd. —� 13) Annexing into a Limited Road Service Area. 14) Resolving with DCPD & Traffic Engineering the need for street lighting with the intent to minimize: the amount of street lighting required, sky glow, and the impact on adjoining developments. b. S-10513 Henning Subdivision - with Variance Denial of the variance from AMC 21.80.300.D. required 100- foot lot depth. Approval of the plat subject to: 1) Resolving utility easements. 2) Placing the following notes on the plat: 3) Access to Lots L-lA and L-lB shall be limited to one access point onto Strawberry Road at the flag stem of Project Number L a " Pin . LARSEN CONSULTING GROUT' architecture • engineenng• surveying 3710 Woodland Dr, Suite 2100 Anchorage, Alaska 99517 Phone (907) 243-8985 Fax* (907) 243-5629 TRANSMITTAL TO Jim Cross, P E FROM Greg McConnell, P E. Program Manager Civil Project Engineer On-site Wastewater greg@larsen-anc com DATE 6121/02 TIME 9 02 AM PHONE RE Shangri-La Subdivision Groundwater Monitoring/ Perc Tests WE ARE SENDING YOU W Drawings ® Construction Documents ® Report ® Change Order ® Specifications Worksheets Copies Sheet No Rev No Title or Description 1 Lots 1-22, Groundwater monitoring, sods/perc Tests THESEARE TRANSMITTED as checked below © As requested ® For review and comment W For your use W For approval COMMENTS Copy To Signed I Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division L Onsite Water and Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw Sl P O Boz 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 www mum org/onsite (907)343-7904 Solis Log - Percolation Test OF A4 1 rI...t; r.. . .... : REGORY L. MCCONNf11:� CE -10163 Performed For Anchorage Development and Construction, LLC Date Performed 15 MAY 02 Legal Description Lot 1, Shangrl—La Subdivision Township, Range, Section T71N, R3W, SEC 2 (NE 1/4) Slope Site Plan Depth (feet) I- 2— SEE SOILS REPORT 4— SEPTEMBER 2000 5— (SND ENGINEERING) 6— LOT 1 7- 8- 9— WAS GROUND WATER S 10— ENCOUNTERED? NO L 0 11— IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? N A P E 12— 13— HIGHEST MEASURED DEPTH TO WATER 119— (/ /5/15/02) AFTER MONITORING 14- 15— GROUND WATER MONITORED DATE. t6— BETWEEN Reading Date 15—MAY-02 AND 28—MAY-02 17— is— is- 2G— PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN COMMENTS e w Grose Time I Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop SSE SOILS REPORT SEPT"BER 8000 (Urzi ` MTMERING) LOT 1 (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER FT AND FT PERFORMED BY' GREG McCONNELL I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE 14 JUNE 02 1 OF AtZ�vg�®t L��1!`� D ENGINEERING ®- •• -."v 4 w :3c .. r..« ........ ........' 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD Owe.. , . EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-8736 .� ...... .. �4 �ti, : Kenneth M DUE C CE 7116 SOILS PERCOLATION TEST Performed for Earl Ford Date Performed 08/05/00 s Project Lot 1 Shangrila TESTHOLE I KND 00-1 Depth (Feet) ORG - rootmat sir SM/GM-loose tan brown GPIGIV - w/sand & Lobbies to 2' Ioose, med. dense w/depth S O.H. no bedrock encountered 15- 16- 17- 18- 19 - HOU PRESOAKED 20- PRIOR TO TEST SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN FOR HOLE LOCATION h'as Ground water encountered.' NO 1,%'hat depth? NA Depth to water after moratormg' NA Date? 08/14/00 Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time water Drop 1 8/10/00 1100 - 9" - 2 1.10 10mm 42116' 414116- 3 1.11 - 9" - 4 1.11 10mm 43/16' 413/16- 5 6 1-32 10 nun 46.116" 410/1o' 7 1'33 9- - 9 1-43 10 naa 4 9116" 47/16" 9 1:44 - 9' - 10 1:54 IOmm 49/16" 47/16" 11 1_85 - 9" - 12 2�05 10min 49/16" 47/16" Water Added Percolatton Rate 215 (min/m) Par Hole Diameter 6" Test Run Between 3 feet and 4 feet I, Kenneth bL Duffus, certify that this test was performed n accordance with. all State and Municipal gtudelines in effect on this date lot �P,��•OF •q`;9If- Municipality of Anchorage �? y Development Services Department *;,,•491H 00 Building Safety Division . 1.•Xr r On Water and Wastewater Program % E RY L tICCONNELL•: e 4700 South Bragaw St ♦ V^'• '� P 0 Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519.6650 I,d'iff. • CE -10163 •: �.>c`"= www muni org/onslte I e4' •.41�'� (907) 343-7904 ,�� R... ... Solis Log - Percolation Test Performed For Anchorage Development and Construction, LLC Date Performed 15 MAY 02 Legal Description Lot 2, Shangri—La Subdivision Township, Range, Section T11N, R3W, SEC 2 (NE 1/4) Slope Site Plan Depth (feet)TH —I r s s Ili i O i Ii I- 2- _3 3- SEE SOILS REPORT SEE 1 411- 1 ' I ■ I s 5- SEPTEMBER 2000 (AWD ENGINEERING) ill ---�-- —r 6- LOT 2IS .-- W J I 7— a u _ 8— 9— 10— WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? NO S L O 11— IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? N/A P E 12— 13— HIGHEST MEASURED NONE DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING 14— 13 GROUND WATER MONITORED DATE 18— BETWEEN 15—MAY-02 AND 28—MAY-02 Reading Date Grose Time Not Time Depth to Water Na! Drop 17- 18— Ig— EE SOILS REPORT SEPTEMBER 2000 20— "NGINEERING) 2 PERCOLATION RATE (minutes/inch) FERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND FT COMMENTS: PERFORMED BY GREG MCCONNELL ( CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE 14 JUNE 02 I I MWD ENGINEERING 20341 PTAIWG.9N BLVD EAGLE RIVER, AK 9951 7 8736 SOILS PERCOLATION TEST Performed for. Earl Ford Date Performed Project- Lot 2 Shangrila =HOLE # Depth (Feet) ZBEW QRG — rootmat GP —brc wn med dense sandy gravel w/ cobbles g boulders Density rncrea<_rrrg w/depth Larger angular cobbles /boulders B OIL boulders 17- is- 19 - HOLE PRESOAKED 20- PRIORTOTEST SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN FOR HOLE LOCATION was Ground water encountered? NO What depth' NA Depth towaterafter moretoring' NA Dater 08/14/00 Readmb pate Gross Net Depth to Net Trme Time Water Drop 1 S/10/00 1.00 - 9" - 2 1.10 10 min 61116" 215/16" 3 ' 1:11 9" - 4 131 10 mut 67/16" 29/16- 5 " 1.22 9" - 6 132 10 nun 611/16' 25/16" 7 1:33 - 9" - 6 1-43 10 min 613/16' 23/16" 9 1:44 - b13/16" - 10 154 10 min 410/16" 23/16" 11 " 1-55 - 9" - 12 2-05 10 min 613/16" 23/16" Water Added PereoIahon.R.ate .457 (min/m)Perc Hole ihametez 6" Test Run Between 3 feet and 4 feet 1, Kenneth M. Duffus, certify that this test was performed in accordance with all State and Munuapal gtddehnes in effect on flus date 1 7 a Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division { y,r Onsite Water and Wastewater Program SC 4700 South Bragaw St P 0 Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 www mum org/onsite (907) 343-7904 Soils Log - Percolation Test Performed For. Anchorage Development and Construction, LLC Date Performed 15 MAY 02 Legal Description Lot 3, Shangrl—La Subdivision Township, Range, Section T11N, R3W, SEC 2 (NE 1/4) Slope Site Pian Depth ' (feet) I , s s Ili i i �TH Ii I— -DPJVE 2— I SSS SOILS REPORT 1l e I l e 4- SEPTSYBER 2000 I I 5- (AWD ENGINEERING) f -� --- —�- 6- LOT 3 -- -�- 1 7— g r 1 ,s e- 9— WAS GROUND WATER S t0— ENCOUNTERED? NO L O It— IF YES. AT WHATN/A E DEPTH? 12— HIGHEST MEASURED NONE 13— DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING 14- 15— GROUND WATER MONITORED DATE BETWEEN Reading Date Grose Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop 15— 15—MAY-02 AND 28—MAY-02 17- 18- 19- SES SOILS REPORT 20- SEP7NArBA -2000 eXlVD M,rNEERING) SOT 9 PERCOLATION RATE (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND FT COMMENTS- PERFORMED OMMENTSPERFORMED BY- GREG McCONNELL I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE PATH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE DATE 14 JUNE 02 5 J J _F "511 Fos 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD. ..:.,..� EAGLE RIVER, AK 993-8736 9 N .'.� af._tw#. 9`I, t.. yr , r�. d}.,�::,<i.....<.w.....-_ �• ...,.s° -� _ .."'�_ ru.".>'�.t......"".��v.-t . Ar Ch,�n��,.:N;...S... �� j d� e•KeMa 711 M_ C a�� SOILS PERCOLATION TEST �Q8 q`rOp'- �••• ZSA�� Performed for. Earl Ford Date Ferformed. 05/05/00 Project; Lot 3Shangrila TEST HOLE # 00-3 Depth 16- ORG - rootmat Sr - gravelly sand SP/SM - dense brown sandy gravel Interuuttent sand lenses 8"-10" ttuck M:f V.- 18- 19 - HOLE PRESOAKED 20• PRIORTO TEST SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN FOR HOLE LOCATION Was Gmunduaterencov tered? NO Wbatdepth- NA DepAhtowatexafter monuonng' NA Date' OS/14/00 Readuig Date Gross( Net Depth to Net I Time Time Water Drop 1 5/10/00 1100 - 9" - 2 11:05 5mm 314/16' 52/16' 3 ' 11--06 - 9" - 4 11.11 5mm 313/16" 53/16" 5 * 1112 - 9" - 6 11.17 5nun 315/16" 51116- 7 11:18 9" - 8 1133 5min 41/16" 415/16" 9 * 1124 - 9" - 10 1129 5mm 41/16' 415/16" 11 * 11.30 - 9" - 12 1135 5mm 41/16" 415/16" ' Water Added Percolation Rate im (nun/in) Perc Hole Diaweter=" Test Run Between 4 feet and S feet I, Kenneth T2 Dutfus, certify that this test was performed in accordance with all State and Municipal gwdellnes nt effect on flus date Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division y,r On -Site Water and Wastewater Program r, 4700 South Bragaw St P 0 Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 9951 M650 www mum arg/onsite (907) 343-7904 Soils Log - Percolation Test Performed For Anchorage Development and Construction, LLC Legal Description Lot 4, Shangrl—La Subdivision Slope Depth (feet) 1 e?ROFESSIII-, Date Performed 15 MAY 02 Township, Range, Section T11N, R3W, SEC 2 (NE 1/4) Site Plan I- 2- 4- SEE SOILS REPORT SEPTEMBER 2000 5- (AAD ENGINEERING) 6- LOT 4 7- e- 9— WAS GROUND WATER S 10— ENCOUNTERED? NO L O 11— IF YES, AT WHAT N/A E 12— DEPTH? 13— HIGHEST MEASURED 9 3 (5/15/02) DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING 14— 15— GROUND WATER MONITORED DATE 18— BETWEEN Reading Date 15—MAY-02 AND 28—MAY-02 17— Is- 19- 20- PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN COMMENTS s i s 4 I s 0 � TH Grose Time Net Time Depth to Water Not Drop S'EE SOILS REPORT SEPxffK8RR 2000 (IlND-rNGAVEERING) LOT 4 (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER FT AND FT PERFORMED BY- GREG MCCONNELL I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE DATE 14 JUNE 02 t 1 L� ENCiINEMUNG r �- - -• 24441 PTARMIGAN BLVD_ e EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-8706 + KCuu,eE 1 SOILS PERCOLATTON TEST 4 P 6 17OfE" Performed for Earl Ford DatePexformd 08/04/00 Project Lot 4 Shanola TEST HOLE # 00-5 Depth (Feet) ORG- rootmat GP—brown dense sandy gravel sand lease GP—dense dart, brown sandy gravel Locally lgboulders >3' Darkblack weathered shale B O$ bedrock SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN FOR HOLE LOCATION I Was Gavtmd- ater encouraered' NO What depth, NA Depth to watez afhi momtonng7 NA Dates OS/14/00 Redding -1 3 4 5 6 7 3 9 10 11 L Date Gross Time 18/10/00 11:00 1130 1131 12M. L'-02 12.-32 Net Depth to Net Time Water Drop 30 nib 512/16" 5 4116- 116"11"30 11- 30min 512/16' 5 4/16- /16-11-30 11- 30mut 512/16" 5 4/16" Water Added HOLE PRESOAKED Percolation Ram 57_ (minim)Perc Hole Diameter 6 - PRIOR TO TEST Test Pam Between 2 feet and 3 feet I, Ketui -di M Duffus, certify that this test was performed m accordance with all State and Muruapal gmdelutes m effect on this date I. Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division r yt On -Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 Southagave St P 0 Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6850 WWW muni org/onsite (907) 343-7904 Soils Log - Percolation Test 9 t s tEWRY L 110001 CE -10163 r'•. 10FESSI`, Performed For. Anchorage Development and Construction, LLC Date Performed 15 MAY 02 Legal Description Lot S. Shangri—La Subdivision Township, Range, Section T11N, RX SEC 2 (NE 1/4) Slope Site Plan Depth (fest) I- 2— 3— SSS SOILS REPORT +- SEPTSYBER 2000 5- (MVD ENGINEERING) a- LOT S 7— a- 9— WAS GROUND WATER S 10— ENCOUNTERED? NO L 0 11— IF YES, AT WHAT NSA E DEPTH? 12— 13— HIGHEST MEASURED NONE DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING 14— 15— GROUND WATER MONITORED DATE 16— BETWEEN Reading Date 15—MAY-02 AND 2a—MAY-02 17- 1s- 19- 2G— PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN COMMENTS ■ 1 a Grose Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop SSS SOILS REPORT SEPTEMBER 2000 (,an►"NGINEERING) LOT -5 (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER FT AND FT PERFORMED BY GREG MCCONNELL I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE OATS 14 JUNE 02 i I KV -1 D ENGINEERING r' 20441 PTARNUGAN BLVD EAGLE RIVER, AK 995W-8736 . SOILS PERCOLATION TEST gra ROFEssI' 0is�®a Ferfortaked for Earl Ford Date Performeck 06/05/00 Fro)ect Lot 5 Shanola TESD HOLE 4 00_4 Deptb ORG — rootmat SPISM — dense brown silty sandy gavel Boulders larger but fervet Large weathered shale bonle] B.O-H. 16- 17- 18- 19 - ROLE PRESOAKED 20- PRIOR TO TEST SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN FOIA HOLE LOCATION Was Ground water encountered? NO What depth? N,4 Depth to water after nwtdtormg7 NA Date' 08/14/00 Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop 1 8110100 11-00 - S" - 2 11.05 5nun 314/16' 42/16" 3 ' 11:06 - S" - 4 11.11 5mm 213116' 43/16' 5 " 11.12 - S. - 6 11--17 Saran 515/16^ 31116- 7 ' 1L1S - S- 8 11.23 5nut 31/16" 315/16" 9 " 1124 - S" - 10 11;9 5 min 31116" 315116' 11 ` 11:30 - S" - 12 11.35 5 mm 3 1116" 315/16" Water Added PenblatiortRate 1-01 (rtW in) Perc Hole Diamebe t " Test Run Between i5 feetand 33 feet I, Kenneth M Duffus, certify that this test was performed m accordance mth all State and Mtunctpal guidelines in effect on this date. � `J I 9 OF e41l Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department 491H ;* 0 Building Safety Division % yr On -Site Water and Wastewater Program IRY L MCCONN0.L: e,. +' 4100 South Bragaw St ♦ 6, • W 0 P 0 Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 �q i,J,f CE -10163 •• .'N � www munt org/onsite / .^q •. IF (907) 343-7904 1I,,p\"5"'1' .� Soils Log - Percolation Test Performed For. Anchorage Development and Construction, LLC Date Performed 15 MAY 02 Legal Description Lot S. Shangrl—La Subdivision Township, Range, Section T71N, R3W, SEC 2 (NE 1/4) Slope Site Plan —� -_--____SMIAPIQE8�811�----- Depth (feet) TH (o— e e � � r 1— `1 12. ORG — ROOTMAT14 rz� GW — GP CLEAN 5— .•�'�, ,,'>� SANDY GRAVEL I i �t _�• `'Y ^ WITH COBBLES _ b 18'-24- ROCKS r•'�i' _ y'.'k`. AT DEPTH , t/ ��' •• m 9- J�✓i�, r w '+' WAS GROUND WATER S 1G— F-F"r B O.H ENCOUNTERED? NO L HARDPAN 0 11— IF YES, AT WHAT N/A E DEPTH? 12— HIGHEST MEASURED NONE 13— DEPTH TO WATER 14— AFTER MONITORING GROUND WATER MONITORED DATE 13 JUNE 02 15— BETWEEN 18— 20—MAY-02 AND 28—MAY-02 Reading Date Grose Time Net Time Initial Depth • Net Drop 17— 1 6/13/02 1 29 10 min 6- 6 1/2- 18— 2 6/13/02 1 39 10 min 8' 6- 19— 3 8/13/02 1 49 10 min 6- 6' 20— 4 6/13/02 2 59 10 min 6- 5 3/4' HOLE PRESOAKED 5 6/13/02 2 09 10 min 6- 5 3/4 - PRIOR TO TEST 6 6/13/02 2 19 10 min 6- 5 3/4- 6 REFILLED TO 6- DEPTH EVERY 5 MINUTES PERCOLATION RATE 17 (minutes/Inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 8 inch TEST RUN BETWEEN 40 FT AND 45 FT COMMENTS PERFORMED BY' GREG McCONNELL I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE DATE 14 JUNE 02 J e Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Omsion i y,r On -Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw St P 0 Box 196650 Anchorage AK 99519-6650 r www muni org/onsite (907) 343-7904 Soils Log - Percolation Test OF .:A4 14S CE -10163 "ROPES N. pafpnned Fcr. Anchorage Development and Construction, LLC Date Performed: 15 MAY 02 Legal Description Lot 7, Shangrl—La Subdivision Township, Range, Section T11N, R3W, SEC 2 (NE 1/4) Slope Depth (feet) PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN COMMENTS Site Plan U, Groes Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop SBE SOILS REPORT SfBPr''ffMHRR 2000 NBERING) T-7 (minutes/Inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER FT AND FT PERFORMED BY GREG MCCONNELL I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE. 14 JUNE 02 2- 3 - SEE SOILS REPORT 4- SEPTEMBER 2000 5- (AWD ENGINEERING) s- LOT i 7— B- 9— WAS GROUND WATER S 10— ENCOUNTERED? NO L O 11— IF YES, AT ?MAT N/A E DEPTH? 12— 13— HIGHEST MEASURED NONE DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING 14— 15— GROUND WATER MONITORED DATE. is— BETWEEN Reading Date 15—MAY-02 AND 28—MAY-02 17— is- 19- 20— PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN COMMENTS Site Plan U, Groes Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop SBE SOILS REPORT SfBPr''ffMHRR 2000 NBERING) T-7 (minutes/Inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER FT AND FT PERFORMED BY GREG MCCONNELL I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE. 14 JUNE 02 i t M'TED ENGINEERING 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD. EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-8736 SOILS PERCOLATION TEST Per#ornz3foz r�7a Date Performed— 08/04/00 Project Lot 7 Shangrila TEST HOLE 00--lLL Depdi ORG – rootmat GP -+romp sandy gravels w/ cobbles to 24" SP–Mad dose sand GP—brown sandy dense gravel 16- 17- 18- 39- HOLEPRESOAICED 20- PRIORTOTEST SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN FOR HOLE LOCATION Was ground water eneountered> NO What depdt7 NA Depth to water aftermawtormg? NA Date? 08/14/00 Readutg Datc Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop 1 8/10,00 11.00 - 9" - 2 1105 5mm 312/16" 54/16" 3 * 11:06 - 9- - 4 11.11 5 mm 314/16" 52/16' 5 ' IL-12 - 9" - 6 11.17 5ntut 41/16" 415/16" 7 11:15 - 9' 8 1128 Slum 43/16" .113/16" 9 1124 - 9" - 10 11:29 5mm 43/16" 413/16- 11 11:30 - 9" - 12 + 1135 5nun 4 3/16" 413/16" Water Added PercolattonRate 1.0A (mm/m)Perc Hole Diameter ti, Test Run Between a feet and 4 feet L Ketuteth M. Dutfus, certify that tics test was pe foraned m accordance math all State and Mmuclpal guidelines in effect on this date. OF Municipality of Anchorage A`�`r��i Development Services Department 11�? 491u**. 91H*• Building Safety Dmslon•••• .,.,e I y� On -Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 South Bra aw St ' g / GORY L MCCONNEll P O Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 �.�•. W www mum erg/onslte �� �`r! ,• CE -10163 •• .��= (907)343-7904 ��fVf'• E�� Soils Log - Percolation Test t pe food For Anchorage Development and Constmetton, LLC Date Performed 20 MAY 02 a $ Legal Description Lot B. Shangri—La Subdivision Township, Range, Section T11N, R3W, SEC 2 (NE 1/4) ( Slope Site Plan Depth (feet) 1— SSS SOILS REPORT 4— SEPT9MBER 8000 NGIXSSRIXG) s- (SNDOT B 7- 8- 9— WAS GROUND WATER S 10— ENCOUNTERED? NO L 0 11— IF YES, AT WHAT N/A E DEPTH? 12— 13— HIGHEST MEASURED 8 3 (S/20/02) DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING 14— 15— GROUND WATER MONITORED DATE. 1B— BETWEEN 15—MAY-02 AND 28—MAY-02 Reading Date 17- 18— Is- 20— PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN COMMENTS i I& ' 7 I e 7H t ' I ' r ,. Grose Tlme Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop SSS SOILS REPORT SEPz-jrMBSR 8000 (SVD E'XGIXE`SRIXC) (minutes)1nch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER FT AND FT PERFORMED BY GREG MCCONNELL I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE. 14 JUNE 02 i R, I ENGINEERING 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD. EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-87.46 N ati >.?..i'A. SOILS PERCOLATION TEST Performed fcr Farl Ford Date Performed. Protect Lot 8 Shangrila TEST HOLE # I I Depth (Feet) ORG - rootmat ,-M SP- Loose siltp hroum sand GP—brown dense sandy gmTls ICP 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17 18- 19- HOLF PRESOAKED 20- PRIOR TO TES i OF XIX. �e F:emoth l+� D CE 7716 opna�ss a�A� 00-10 l SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN FOR HOLE LOCATION 117as Gmund water encountcmdi NO What depth? NA Depth towateraftermonatoinir NA Date? 03/14/00 Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Tuve Time Water Drop 1 S/10/00 1100 - 8" - 2 1110 10 nun 414/16' 3 2/16" 3 1111 - 8" - 4 7121 10 nun 414/16" 3 2/16" S 1112 - 9" - 6 11M— 10 mm 410/16" 3 6116- 7 " 1134 - 8- 8 11.44 10 umn 414/16" 3 2116' 9 s 11.45 - 8- - 10 11:45 10 min 414/16" 3 21le 11 11-56 - 8- - L' 1206 10 mm 414/1b" 3 2/16" • Water Added Percolation Fate 32 (min/m) Pert Hole Diameter F" TestRun Between 3 feet and 4 feet 1, Kenneth M Dufius, cectif-v that this test was performed in accordance with all State and Municipal gurdehnes in effect on tial date, Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division f y,r On -Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw St PO Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 www, muni org/onsite (907)343-7904 Soils Log - Percolation Test Performed For Anchorage Development and Construction, LLC Date Performed 20 MAY 02 Legal Description Lot 9, Shangrl—La Subdivision Township, Range, Section T11N, RX SEC 2 (NE 1/4) Slope Site Plan ----_�SANOPJPEB_OBII�_______----- Depth (feet)'_'-�----"T"-- I OTM I 12' ORO — ROOTMAT i s I e I le I n PARTIALLY FROZEN I I I ) " T__�__ 13 i to r p 12 t 4— ryu} f r fcTjy GP SANDY GRAVEL NTH TRACE SILT 7— •tis xH.",� v' MOIST SOIL AT 75' DEPTH �� A i �_ / I/�• �\ s0 ��. 8— .. r X 9 {t}•, 10 WAS GROUND WATER S NO ' ^ BEDROCK ENCOUNTERED? 0 �+ 11— j int\ IF YES, AT WHAT P DEPTH? N/A E 12— n j I a 13— HIGHEST MEASURED NONE DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING 14— 15— GROUND WATER MONITORED DATE 1 18_ BEETWEEYN-02 AND 28—MAY-02 Reading Date Groes Time Net Time Initial Depth Net Drop ? 17— 1 6/12/02 3/4- 1 26 10 min 6- 23/4- 18— 18— 2 6/12/02 1 36 10 min 6' 2' 19— 3 6/12/02 1 46 10 min 6- 1 7/8' { 20— 4 8/12/02 1 56 10 min 6' 2 - HOLE PRESOAKED S 6/12/02 2 06 10 min e- 2 - PRIOR To TEST 6 6/12/02 2 16 10 min 8- 2 - PERCOLATION RATE 50 (minutes/Inch) PERO HOLE DIAMETER 6 Inch TEST RUN BETWEEN 30 FT AND 35 FT COMMENTS PERFORMED BY GREG MCCONNELL I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE NTH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE DATE 14 JUNE 02 Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division S y,t On -Site Water and Wastewater Program R 4700 South Bragaw St P O Box 196650 Anchorage AK 99519-6650 www muni arg/onsite (907) 343-7904 Soils Log - Percolation Test �� OF A4 "lit C7 ?? , �,,.. EGO L MCCONN W � CE-10163 Performed For Anchorage Development and Construction, LLC Date Performed 20 MAY 02 Legal Description Lot 10, Shangri—La Subdivision Township, Range, Sectlon T11N, R3W, SEC 2 (NE 1/4) Depth (feet) 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7— B- 9— to— it- 12- 13- 14- 15- 18- 17- 18- 19- 20- Slope Site Plan SBE SOILS REPORT SBPTEJIDER 2000 (MVD ENGINEERING) LOT 9 WAS GROUND WATER S ENCOUNTERED? NO L 0 IF YES, AT WHAT P DEPTH? 118 E HIGHEST MEASURED B S (5/20/02) DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING GROUND WATER MONITORED DATE BETWEEN Reading Date 20—MAY-02 AND 28—MAY-02 PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN OO TH ' u ,4 1Fw-5," ,9 Groes Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop SNB SOILS REPORT SBP;fWMBBR 2000 (AV"NGINNNRING) LOT 9 (minutes/Inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER FT AND FT COMMENTS PERFORMED BY' GREG MCCONNELL CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE 14 JUNE 02 A 0 r=4D n,tGngEmNG 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD - EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-8736 [[',i; t - v SOILS PERCOLATION TEST Performed for Earl Fora 08/05/00 Protect Lot 9 Shangrila TEST HOLE # 00-6 Depth 1• 2• 4- S 6- 7- 8- 9- lo- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- III;- 19- 20- ORG - rootmat I SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN GP — soft, brown sandy gravel FOR BOLE LOCATION cobbley Was Gro and water encountered' NO What depth? Ma SP- dense biaasa sand gravel Depth to water aftermonitonng' 11.8` Date' OV14/00 HOLE PRESOAKED Percolation Rate I - Q1 (mm/m) Petc Hole Dtametet 6" PRIOR TO TEST Test Ram Between 3 feet and 4 feet I, Kenneth ?vL Duffus, certify that this test was perforated in accordance with all State and Municipal guadehnes m effect on this date. Readuag Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time 4tiater Drop 1 S/10/00 1100 - 9" - GP- dense brown sandy gravel Large cobbles 2 1105 Salm 314/16- 52/16- a 1106 - 9" - 4 11.11 Smut 313/16" 53/16^ Weathered find very dense 5 ' 1L12 - 9^ - 6 1117 5mm 415/16" 41/16" B.O.H. Bedrock 7 ' 1L1S - 9" - 8 1123 5mm 41/16" 415/16- 9 1114 - 9" - 10 11.29 5mm 41/16" 415/16" 11 1130 - 9" - L' 11.35 5min 41/16" 415/16" Water Added HOLE PRESOAKED Percolation Rate I - Q1 (mm/m) Petc Hole Dtametet 6" PRIOR TO TEST Test Ram Between 3 feet and 4 feet I, Kenneth ?vL Duffus, certify that this test was perforated in accordance with all State and Municipal guadehnes m effect on this date. Municipality of Anchorage Development Seances Department Building Safety Division { Onsite Water and Wastewater Program 4700 South Bregaw St P O Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 www muni Org/onsite (907) 343-7904 Soils Log - Percolation Test OF A �P *; 491H CE -10163 f� "ROFESSION�� Performed For Anchorage Development and Constmation, LLC Date Performed: 15 MAY 02 Legal Description Lot 11, Shangrl—La Subdivision Township, Range, Section T11N, R3W, SEC 2 (NE 1/4) Depth (feet) 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15— t8- 17- 18— is- 20- Slope Site Plan SEE SOILS REPORT SEPTEMBER 2000 (AND ENGINEERING) LOT 10 WAS GROUND WATER S ENCOUNTERED? NO L O IF YES, AT ?MAT N/A E DEPTH? HIGHEST MEASURED 4.7 (5/15/02) DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING GROUND WATER MONITORED TIAL' BETWEEN Reading Date 15—MAY-02 AND 28—MAY-02 PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN 13 a Groes Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop SEE SOILS REPORT SEPTEMBER 2000 (MVD- ZNGiNEERING) LOT—f0 (minutes/inch) PERO HOLE DIAMETER FT AND FT COMMENTS PERFORMED By. GREG McCONNELL CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE DATE 14 JUNE 02 0 � a KIND DENGwuruNG s etch �B 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-8736 �,•».. ' • Koracrh Pl. Cv � ^:�i �i'r�ri .rte e.";r -'�. .. ,k. !?",.,.. "" G.".7 �,.7."n's m:„.:° i'Ci. �; �Y.dr: ,", "t.r .,c^, ,w..., ,__F.,,:t,.�.v.,l ia��- ;..�' ��i�ti• Ge7116 a d SOILS PERCOLATION TEST rerformed for. E—arl Fora Date Perfox-Ined 08/05/00 Project Lot TO ShangziIa TESL HOLE q 00-7 DePth (Feet) '!O!R!►!R' ORG- rootalat SP/SM-dense brown sandy gravel Cobbley c 1' dia 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- HOLEPRESOAKED 20. PRIOR TO TEST SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN FOR HOLE LOCATION Was Ground watereneoimtere&7 NO What deptlh- NA Depthtowatezafter momtonr ? NA Date? 03/14/00 Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time 1511te Water Drop 1 8110/00 11.00 - 8' - 2 1105 5nun 214,/16" 42/16- 3 1196 - 8” - 4 I 11.11 Sawn 213/16" 43/16" 5 1112 - 8" - 6 1117 smut S15/16" 31116" 7 11.18 - B. - 8 1113 5min 31/16" 315/16" 9 114 - 8" - 10 11,29 5nun 31/16" 315116^ 11 1150 - B. - 12 1135 5 mm 3 1116" 3 15116" ' Mater Added Percolation Rate 1M (mat/m) Perc Hole Diameter n " Test Run Beticeeti 3 feet and 4 feet I, Kenneth M Duffus, certify that this test was performed in accordance with all State and Municipal gtudelmes in effect on this date Municipality of Anchorage 0 Development Services Department Building Safety Division Cyr Onsite Water and Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw St P 0 Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 www mum arg/onsite (907) 3437904 Soils Log - Percolation Test Performed For Anchorage Development and Conetmetion, LLC Legal Description Lot 12, Shangri—La SubdIAsIon Slope 1 �E. ..F • q4 4S.,i in C7: 49n* tECORY L MCCO CE -10163 it VOFESS10 Date Performed 16 MAY 02 Township, Range, Section T11N, R3W, SEC 2 (NE 1/4) Site Plan COMMENTS PERFORMED BY' GREG MCCONNELL I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE 14 JUNE 02 I se Depth (f -t) to 12. ORG — ROOTMAT 12 ' s.. yr� 3 "�.•`. y'y v, GP SANDY CN17H �,,�� —__ '�• 4— iC,ey" COBBLES S TRACE 6— _r':^� SILT in 8— `k,t w WATER AT 8' 7— in B 0H HARDPAN WAS GROUND WATER S 10— ENCOUNTERED? NO L 0 1t— IF YES, AT WHAT N/A E DEPTH? 12— 13— HIGHEST MEASURED DEPTH TO WATER 48 (5/21/02) AFTER MONITORING 14— DATE 12 JUNE 02 15_ GROUND WATER MONITORED 18_ BETWEEN Reading Date 20—MAY-02 AND 28—MAY-02 Grose Time Net Time Initial Depth Net Drop 17— 1 6/12/02 251 10 min 8- 3- 18— 2 6/12/02 301 10 min 6- 2 3/4- 19— 3 6/12/02 311 10 min 6- 2 1/2- 20— 4 6/12/02 321 10 min 6- 2 1/2 - HOLE PRESOAKED 5 6/12/02 3 31 10 min 6- 2 1/2 - PRIOR TO TEST e 8/12/02 3 41 10 min 6- 2 1/2 - PERCOLATION RATE 40 (minutes/Inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6 Inch TEST RUN BETWEEN 30 FT AND 35 FT COMMENTS PERFORMED BY' GREG MCCONNELL I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE 14 JUNE 02 I se Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division yt On -Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw St P 0 Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 995IM650 www mum crg/onslte (907)343.7904 Soils Log - Percolation Test OF A4 'It 1 *; 498 ?EGORY L MCCONNELL:,Zr CE -1D1 63 11%,10F SS1 Performed For. Anchorage Development and Construction, LLC Date Performed 15 MAY 02 Legal Descriptlon Lot 13, Shangrl-La Subdivision Township, Range. Section T11N, R3W, SEC 2 (NE 1/4) Depth (feet) 1- 2- 3- 4- 7- a- 9- to- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- is- 17- Is- 19- 20 - COMMENTS Slope Site Plan __ SANOPIPER�g( ____________� i s I e l to I tt i l l t � t t ill �- -' i to11 1412 i SEE SOILS REPORT -- 1H1 SEPTEMBER 8000 (SND ENGINEERING) LOT 13 WAS GROUND WATER S ENCOUNTERED? NO L O IF YES. AT WHAT N A P DEPTH? E HIGHEST MEASURED 8.3 (5/15/02) DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING GROUND WATER MONITORED DATE' BETWEEN Reading Date 15 -MAY -02 AND 28 -MAY -02 PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop SES SOILS REPORT SEPTEMBER 8000 (� l'ND �`N411NB`ERINC) 7"s — (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER — FT AND FT PERFORMED BY' GREG MCCONNELL I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE DATE 14 JUNE 02 i RUM ENG NEMMG 20411 PTAMIGAN BLVD. EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-8736 11 C;Ms x-,ra�l�in1+1,`.�r..-,.a.�lbr+�.�•..��.-��r��i;�Far�w�,'G"�i� SOILS PERCOLATION TEST Pert ..^ed for BaTl Ford Date Performed. 08/05/00 Project Lot 13 Shanola TEST HOLE # 00-12 A-pth t tFeet) Was Ground water encountered' NO I SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN ORG — rootmat - SP/SM — dense btowr silty, IL FOR HOLE LOCATION 1Q- 11- 12 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- is- 19- 20 - t Tltater Added HOLE PRESOAKED PercolatiortRate 1-01 (mtn/m) Perc Hole Diameter 6 PRIOR TO TEST Test Rim Between 3 feet and 4 feet I K<ermeth M Duffus, Certify that thu test was performed in accordance with all State and Municipal guidelines in effect on this date t Was Ground water encountered' NO What depth? NA SP/SM — dense btowr silty, gravely sand w/inc easmg Depth to water aftermonitonng? NA Date' 08/14100 density g cobbles/boulders w/depth Readmg Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop 1 5/10/00 1100 - 9- 2 1105 5min 313/16' 53/16- 3 ' 1L06 - 9" - 4 11:11 5 mm 314/16" 5 2/16" B.O$ bedrock 5 ' 11:12 6 I1:17 5 m 315/16" 51/16' 7 11:18 - 9" - 8 11•.23 5min 41/16' 415/16" 9 11.24 - 9" - 10 11'19 5mm 41/16' 415/16- 11 • 110 - 9" - 12 11.35 5min 41/16" 41_5/16" t Tltater Added HOLE PRESOAKED PercolatiortRate 1-01 (mtn/m) Perc Hole Diameter 6 PRIOR TO TEST Test Rim Between 3 feet and 4 feet I K<ermeth M Duffus, Certify that thu test was performed in accordance with all State and Municipal guidelines in effect on this date 0 Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department BuildingSafety n On -Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 SouthSt P 0 Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 www mum arg/onslte (907)3437904 Soils Log - Percolation Test OFAC 9 i , s' -14 e *: 491H*'. 9 Sb� 9* i { i •�.• EGO L MCCONNELL•: �av 44#414 I�a'�f E-10163 Ali PROFESSIO N:e: pyfamne i For Anchorage Development and Construction, LLC Date Performed• 15 MAY 02 Legal Description Lot 14, Shangrl-La Subdivision Township, Range, Section 111N, R3W, SEC 2 (NE 1/4) Slops Site Plan i Depth 7 I s I s to (feet) 1- is 2- 3- - TH SSS SOILS REPORT SEPTEMBER 8000 e (SND'4NGINESRING) 7- B- 9 - WAS GROUND WATER S 10- ENCOUNTERED? NO L O 11- IF YES, AT WHAT P DEPTH? &5 E 12 - HIGHEST MEASURED 13- DEPTH TO WATER NONE AFTER MONITORING 14- 15- GROUND WATER MONITORED DATE 18- BETWEEN Reading 15 -MAY -02 AND 28 -MAY -02 Date 17- 18- 19- 20 - PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN COMMENTS. e % is TH t-� It a 4 Grose Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop SEE SOILS REPORT SEP76MBZR 8000 (.kND�`NGINBa'BING) LOT—f 4 (minutes/inch) PERO HOLE DIAMETER FT AND FT PERFORMED BY GREG MOCONNELL I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE 147H ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE 14 JUNE 02 IRJ?'`� 141 ENGINEEP.ING 0* . AO �4 b 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD. I ••• EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-S7336 CE AA SOILS PERCOLATION TEST C@®dao Pe.-fomcd for Farl Ford Date Performed: 05!25/00 Project Lot 14 Shangrila TEST HOLE 4 00-15 Depth (Feet) ORG - motmat SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN FOR HOLE LOCATION Was Ground water encountered' NO What depth? MA Sr --brown trace of silt gravely $andvc/cobblestn2 Depth to water after momtormg?8-F Date? 09105/00 GP—gray/brown angular tock to 1' S.O.IL bedrock Reading f Gross Net IRJ?'`� 141 ENGINEEP.ING 0* . AO �4 b 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD. I ••• EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-S7336 CE AA SOILS PERCOLATION TEST C@®dao Pe.-fomcd for Farl Ford Date Performed: 05!25/00 Project Lot 14 Shangrila TEST HOLE 4 00-15 Depth (Feet) ORG - motmat SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN FOR HOLE LOCATION Was Ground water encountered' NO What depth? MA Sr --brown trace of silt gravely $andvc/cobblestn2 Depth to water after momtormg?8-F Date? 09105/00 GP—gray/brown angular tock to 1' S.O.IL bedrock Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop 1 9/05/00 1100 V - 2 1105 5mut 312/16' 54116- 3 * 11:06 - 9" - 4 11:11 5,,,,n 315/16' 51116" 5 * 11:12 - 9' - 6 11.19 5nun 43/16' 413/16- 7 11.18 - 9- - $ 11:23 5nun 44116' 41`/16' 4 11:24 - 9` - 10 1129 5nun 44116" 412/16' 11 * 1130 - 9" - 12 11-.35 5 m3 4 4/16' 412!16" ' Water Added IIOLEPI.ESOAKED Percolation Rate 1.05 IminJuL)PercHole Diarneter b' 20- PRIOR TO TEST TestRun Eettareen z feet and 4 feet I, Kenneth M. Duffus, eerhfy that flus test was performed lit accordance vvt& all State and Municipal gtudehnes in effect on flus date Performed Far Anchorage Development and Construction, LLC Legal Description Lot 15, Shangri—La Subdivision Slope Depth (feet) Date Performed 15 MAY 02 Township, Range, Section T11N. R3W, SEC 2 (NE 1/4) 1- OF 2- Municipality of Anchorage* ' 49-M Development Services Department Building Safety Division ; y,t On -Site Water and Wastewater Program M N , e'i'. 4700 South Bra aw St PO Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519.6650 ♦ CE -10163 l;•, , •'`y�'� x(907) 343-79041te X414 \R`"isa%00 7- Soils Log - Percolation Test Performed Far Anchorage Development and Construction, LLC Legal Description Lot 15, Shangri—La Subdivision Slope Depth (feet) Date Performed 15 MAY 02 Township, Range, Section T11N. R3W, SEC 2 (NE 1/4) 1- 2- 3— SSS SOILS REPORT SEPTEMBER 2000 5- (END ENGINEERING) B- LOT 22 7- 8— g_ , WAS GROUND WATER S 10— ENCOUNTERED? NO L O 11— IF YES, AT WHAT N/A E DEPTH? 12— 13— HIGHEST MEASURED 41 (5/iS/02) DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING 14— 15— GROUND WATER MONITORED DATE. 18— BETWEEN Reading Date 15—MAY-02 AND 28—MAY-02 17- 18- 19- 20— PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN COMMENTS Site Plan Grose Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop SES S0 SAW&A (AWD E. 2 REPORT ' 2000 (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER FT AND FT PERFORMED BY' GREG MCCONNELL I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE 14 JUNE 02 I e � r ur J- ENGmmumG v �` s 4m* _ a 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577m-8736 -,wi —x .: t -N �'. i4 \�z •---y... ':N r ..m"!.... F s r.4 iyy+ r a !\i nm M_ui 16 i 4. n SMS PERCOLATION TESTQ�a8�DP90FESS10�A_: Perfwmed for. tat i rord Date Ptxbrmed-09105100 Protect Lot 22Shangrila 1ESIHOLE 4 00-13 bpd' ORS- roaimat SPISW - brown trace of silt, gravellysand B.O.il very dense (hardpan) SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN FOR HOLE LOCATION Was Ground water encountered? NO What depth? NA Depthto water after monutormg? N.A. Date. 08/14/00 Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop 1 8/10100 1-00 - 7" - 2 L10 10r m 3 $/16" 3 8/16' 3 L•11 - 7" - 4 1:21 10 mm 3 7/16` 3 9116- 6 1.32 10 mut 3 8/16' 3 8/16^ 7 • 1.33 - i - 8 1-43 10 mm 3 8/16" 3 8/16' 9 ° 1:44 - 7" - 10 1:54 10 mill 3 8/16" 3 81•16" 11 1.55 - 7- 12 2!05 :to=n 3 7/16" 3 9/16' ' Water Added 19- 1 HOLE PRESOAk'ED Percolation Rate 781 (mau/in) Pexe Hole Diameter_ -67— 20 PRIOR TO TEST Test run Between ' feet and 3 feet I, KentrethM Duffus, certify that this test was performed in accordance with all State and Mu mdpal guidelines in effect on this date. ` nF A i I Municipality of Anchorage W C7 • �[� � Development Services Department Building Safety Division *; 49n rev ••• c �1 • • E.4, 10 •• At f y,M On -Site Water and Wastewater Program South Bragaw St ,e • GO L ONN 4700 P 0 Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 ♦ .^ . 0 9, . CE -10163 ,I ra^,v'•• �-- www mumarg/onslte (907) 343-7904 .•' Soils Log - Percolation Test Performed For. Anchorage Development and Construction, LLC Date Performed 15 MAY 02 Legal Description Lot 18, Shangri—La Subdivision Township, Range, Section T11N, R3W, SEC 2 (NE 1/4) Slope Site Plan Depth (feet) 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7— B- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 18- 17- 18- 19- 20— SES SOILS REPORT SEPTJFMBER 2000 (8ND NNGINENRING) LOT 20 WAS GROUND WATER S ENCOUNTERED? NO L 0 IF YES, AT WHAT N/A E DEPTH? HIGHEST MEASURED 81 (5/15/02) DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING GROUND WATER MONITORED DATE BETWEEN Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop 15—MAY-02 AND 28—MAY-02 SEN SOILS RNPORT EPrffAtA1ZR 2000 (�aN"NGINEERING) 110"0 PERCOLATION RATE (minutee/Inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND FT COMMENTS PERFORMED By. GREG MCCONNELL I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE DATE 14 JUNE 02 ND FNGIN=,ING 20141 PTARMIGAN BLVD. EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-5736 SOILS PERCOLATION TEST Performed for Earl Ford Date Performed-_ 08/05/00 Project Lot 20 Sharcula TEST HOLE 4 00-17 Depth (Feet) ORG - rootmat SP/SW- Mntivn silty graveRy sand Boulders ez cobbles to 2' Glia S.O.fL SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN FOR HOLE LOCATION 1 Was Ground cater encountered' M hri at depth- NA Depth to water aftermomtomng-NA Date' OS/14/00 Reading Date Gros Net Depth to Net 1"Mte Time Water Drop 1 MUM 1-00 - 7' - 2 1:10 10 min 3 8/16" 3 8/16" 3 L'11 - 7" - 4 1.2.1 10 mut 3 7/16" 3 9/16" 5 1-22 - 7" - 6 132 10mm 3 8/16" 3 8/16- 1-33 - 7" 8 1-43 10 mm 3 7/16" 3 9/16- 9 144 - 7" - 10 1:54 10 min 3 8/16" 3 8116- 11 155 - 7" - 12 205 10 min 3 8/16" 3 8/16" ' Water Added 19 PercolafronRate 2 HOLE PRESOAKED �2� (nmfin) Perc Hole Diameter F" 20- PRIOR TO TESL Test Run Between 2 feet and 3 feet L Kenneth M Duf(vs, certify that this test was performed in accordance with aU State and Mmkipal gmdefines m effect on 0us date. Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division f yr OnSde Water and Wastewater Program C 4700 South Bragaw St P 0 Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 www mum org/onsite (907) 343-7904 Soils Log - Percolation Test Performed For Anchorage Development and Construction, LLC Legal Description Lot 17, Shongri—La SuhdMalon Slope Depth (feet) 0"�...\\li A4 •OF . 491H*' 9 ia* •, :GORY L MCCONNELL:fti,� CE -10163 pROFESSIWL ON� Date Performed 15 MAY 02 Township, Range, Section TI1N, R3W, SEC 2 (NE 1/4) 1- 2- 3— SEE SOILS REPORT SEPTEMBER 2000 5- (SND ENGINEERING) 6- LOT 16 7— e- 9— 10— WAS GROUND WATER S ENCOUNTERED? NO L O 11— IF YES, AT WHAT N/A E DEPTH? 12— 13— HIGHEST MEASURED NONE DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING 14— 15— GROUND WATER MONITORED DATE. 16— BETWEEN Reading Date 15—MAY-02 AND 28—MAY-02 17— Is- 19- 20— PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN COMMENTS Site Plan Groes Time Net Tlme Depth to Water Net Drop SEE SOILS REPORT SEPTEMBER 20001 (( D 16NGiNEERJN�) (minutes/inch) PERO HOLE DIAMETER FT AND FT PERFORMED By. GREG McCONNELL I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE 14 JUNE 02 M i r .a R6 OF 4L��ae M— M EI G-R\TBERING ,t a • 91" 20441 PTAM41GAN BLVD. EAGLE RIVER, AK 0195.7 3736 t Z. Kennelh M D CE 7116 SOILS PERCOLATION FEST 6��Fov `L9aso®S1-' Perforntedfor. Earl Ford Date Performed. 08/28/00 Project Lot 16Shangrfla TF51HOLE# 00-21 Depth (Fret) la il- 13- lb- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- ORG- rootmat SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN FOR HOLE LOCATION Was Ground water encomttemd? NO What depth? NA Depth towater after morutoang, azL Date? 09/05/00 GP -loose, brown sandy gravel ' Readmg Date Grass Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop 1 9/05100 1.00 - 9" - 2 1.30 30 mut 1 8/16" 7 8116- 3 9" - fragr ented angular rock B.0.11 bedrock d 2.01 30aurt 1 7/16" 7 9116' 5 * 2.-02 - 9" - 6 2.'32 30 min 1 8/16" 7 8/lE" 7 8 9 10 11 12 ' Water Added Percolation Rate (min/m) Per( Hole Diameter HOLE PRESOAKED I PRIOR TO TEST Test Fant Eetw een 2 feet and -4 feet I, Kenneth M. Dufius, drily that this test teas perforated in accordance with all State and Mtuuapal gmdelines ut effect on thts date A Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division C .yr Onsite Water and Wastewater Pragram R 4700 South Bragaw St P 0 Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 www mum org/onsne (907) 3434904 Soils Log - Percolation Test Performed For Anchorage Development and Cmetmetion, LLC Legal Description Lot 18, Shangri—La Subdivision Slope Depth (feet) , It IYA %- Date Performed 15 MAY 02 Township, Range, Section T11N, R3W, SEC 2 (NE 1/4) Site Plan 1- 2- 3 SRS SOILS EXPORT 4- SEPTEMBER 2000 5- (SND RNGIINXXEING) 6- LOT 17 7— e- 9— WAS GROUND WATER S 10— ENCOUNTERED? NO L 0 11— IF YES, AT WHAT N A P DEPTH? E 12— 13— HIGHEST MEASURED NONE DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING 14— 15— GROUND WATER MONITORED DATE' 78— BETWEEN 15—MAY-02 AND 28—MAY-02 Reading Date 17— i s- 19- 20- PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN 1.1e!.L!IQl1F!I Groes Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop SRR SOILS REPORT SEPTEMBER 2000 (&ND—E NGINRRRINC) LOT 17 (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER FT AND FT PERFORMED BY' GREG MCCONNELL I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE 14 JUNE 02 I w Gross Net Depth to Net J� 41 .LJ F_NGINE.WG 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD— {{EAGLE RIVER AK 99577-8736 Ir 1e�1i`1H �1 �i �M^y?Fi l'+.�",. .I a 11A'' rP�f v�u�.k �, u�� } ��Y flJ.� nr^'t•^.ti m � hS",%M�l wu�l e.�a,irl� !�,('in::'� SOILS PERCOLATION TEST Performedfor. Earl Ford Project; Lot 17 ShanSrila Depdt 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- F- 9- 10- 11- L- 13- 14- ls- 10- 17 18- 19- 20- ORG - rootmat GP- loose brown sandy gavel HOLE rRESOAISD PRIOR -m TEST Date Performed TEST HOLE lti 08/.^-8/00 00-19 I SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN FOR HOLE LOCATION Was Groundwaterencountered7 NO WhatdepdP NA Depth to water aftermo[utomta? NA Date? 09/05100 .Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Thne Torte Wath• Drop 1 9/05/00 11-00 - 8" - 2 1105 5aun 4 4116" 312/16" 3 1106 - 8" - 4 11.11 5min 4 3/16" 313/16" 5 ' 11.12 - 8- 6 11:17 5 min 45/16- 311/16" 7 " 1118 - 9" - 8 1123 5nun 51116" 315/16- 9 1124 - 9" - 10 11:29 Smut 51/16" 315116- 11 • 11.30 - 9" - 12 11:35 5min 51/16" 315116" • Water .Added I Percolation Pate 1.7 (=r0a)PercHoleDtameter 6' Test Rum Between I feet and 3 feet L Kenneth M. Duffus, certify that ties test was performed in accordance urith all State and Municipal gutdelmes in effect on flus date. Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division S y2 On -Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw St P O Bax 196650 Anchorage, AK 99SIM650 www mum org/onsite (907) 343-7904 Soils Log - Percolation Test OF A4 1411 *: 491d :GORY L MCDONNELL:�� CE -10163 pA0rE5510N►��� Perforned For Anchorage Development and Constmetion, LLC Date Performed 20 MAY 02 Legal Description Lot 19, Shangri—La Subdivision Township, Range, Section T11N, R3W, SEC 2 (NE 1/4) 11- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7— a- 9- 12- 13- 14— Is— is- 17— la— Is- 20— Slope Site Plan re i Depth 16 14 (feet) SBS SOILS REPORT ' O SBPTEMBER ,2000 j � � � (AWB ENGINEERING) LOT 18 n i to 7 -/- r / COMMENTS' WAS GROUND WATER S ENCOUNTERED? NO L 0 IF YES, AT WHAT N A P DEPTH? E HIGHEST MEASURED 48 (5/20/02) DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING GROUND WATER MONITORED DATE BETWEEN Reading Date 15—MAY-02 AND 28—MAY-02 PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN Groes Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop SBS SOILS REPORT EPINKLIER 2000 (RWD-ZN VEERING) 10"5 (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER FT AND FT PERFORMED BY GREG MCCONNELL I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE DATE. 14 JUNE 02 i tea..—.. OF A TC -ND, ENGINEERING � R = 49� 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD.v' {EAGLE MER, AK 99577-8736 dd i __.. h .�� Tk: :i. ....r r- R% ✓.�a�tiK'ul..,.nn4".... A...1 r.. ?+.. Lri 14:u.�,7.. $!rS CE 7116 SOILS PERCOLATION TEST g�k8'opRo •• Performed for Earl Ford DzK-Perf--med 08/05/00 Project Lot 15 ShangUa ?EST HOLE 4 00-16 Depth (Feet) ORG- rooMmt SP/SM-brown/gmy silty grav,dy sand B.O-II. bedrock 11- L'- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17 18- 19 - HOLE PRESOAKED 20- PRIOR TO TEST SEE ATTACHED SITE PIAN FOR HOLE LOCATION Was Ground water encountered? NO Mmt depth? NA Depth to water after monitorme? 1,U Date? 03/14/00 Reading Date Gross ! Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop 1 8/50100 1:00 2 110 lunuz 3 * 111 - 9" - 4 111 10 mm 43/16" 413/16- 5 * 1:222 - 9" - 6 132 10 ami 45116" 411/16` 7 133 - 9" - 8 1-43 10min 47/16` 49/16- 9 1.41 - 9' - 10 1:54 10 nun 47/16` 49116" 11 Y5s - 9" - 12 205 10 min 47/16" 49/16" Watex Added Percolation Rate 2-19 (num/in) PercHole Diameter 6" Test Run Bete een 3 feet and 4 feet L Kenneth M- Duffus, comfy that ties test was performed m as ordance with all State mid Mmuapal guldeilnes m effect on this date. Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division y� On -Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw St P 0 Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 www mum arg/onsite (907) 343-7904 Soils Log - Percolation Test Performed For Anchorage Development and Construction, LLC Legal Description Lot 20, Shangri—La Subdivision Slope Depth (feet) 1 ......::.qs ,l 491B IJV 9* CE -10163 Date Performed 20 MAY 02 Township, Range, Section T11N, R3W, SEC 2 (NE 1/4) Site Plan 111 �j � 1:rrEry� pl!+ 12. ORG — ROOTMAT 1_ '{3iutiih�i?' 2—'•"''+r` GP SANDY GRAVEL "'• NTTH COBBLES 'TRACE SILT COBBLES AND •.,,, "_'s,`: ROCKS TO 18- DIA 4— [ x )•, k' AT DEPTH 5— hs' �4 p ry 1• qk' 10— .,y FRACTURED ENCOUNTERED? NO L 7— -•.t,. ^ �-7 1 ......::.qs ,l 491B IJV 9* CE -10163 Date Performed 20 MAY 02 Township, Range, Section T11N, R3W, SEC 2 (NE 1/4) Site Plan 111 �j COMMENTS PERFORMED By. GREG MCCONNELL I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE DATE 14 JUNE 02 WATER AT 8' r I r . WAS GROUND WATER S 10— !..`r + FRACTURED ENCOUNTERED? NO L ^ �-7 BEDROCK 0 11— ^ IF YES, AT WHAT P N/A E DEPTH? 12— 13— HIGHEST MEASURED 5 0 (5/21/02) DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING 14— DATE. 12 `RINE 02 15_ GROUND WATER MONITORED 1g_ BETWEEN Reading Date 20—MAY-02 AND 28—MAY-02 Grow Time Net Time Initial Depth eP Net Drop P 17— 1 6/12/02 4.13 10 min 8- 2 1/2- 18— 2 6/12/02 4.23 10 min 8- 2 3/8- 19— 3 6/12/02 4.33 10 min 8- 2 1/4- 20— 4 8/12/02 4.43 10 min G. 2 1/4 - HOLE PRESOAKED 5 6/12/02 4.53 10 min 8- 2 - PRIOR TO TEST 6 6/12/02 5 03 10 min 8' 2 - PERCOLATION RATE 5 0 (minutes/Inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6 Mch TEST RUN BETWEEN 3.0 FT AND 3.5 FT COMMENTS PERFORMED By. GREG MCCONNELL I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE DATE 14 JUNE 02 Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Budding Safety Division { yr Onsite Water and Wastewater Program - 4700 South Bragaw St P O Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 �-- www mum org/onsite (907) 343-7904 Soils Log - Percolation Test �E..F•q.<q.S .r tom: 1 *. 49H GOFL MOCONNELL': W E-10163 .�\�` pROfEs510Al':�� Performed For Anchorage Development and Construction, LLC Date Performed 15 MAY 02 Legal Description Lot 21, Shangrl—La Subdivision Township, Range, Section T11N, R3W, SEC 2 (NE 1/4) Depth (feet) 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7— a— a— to— It- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20— COMMENTS. Slope Site Plan +• i:�I IS SBS SOILS REPORT SEPTEMBER 2000 (SND ENGINEERING) LOT 12 WAS GROUND WATER S ENCOUNTERED? NO L O IF YES, AT WHAT P DEPTH? N/A E HIGHEST MEASURED 11 8 (5/15/02) DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING GROUND WATER MONITORED DATE' BETWEEN Reading Date 15—MAY-02 AND 28—MAY-02 PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN OO TH Is a Groes Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop SBE SOILS REPORT SEPTEMBER 2000 ( G) LO"2 (minutee/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER FT AND FT PERFORMED BY GREG MCCONNELL I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE 14 JUNE 02 I Of At "%t RUITK -0 ENGINEEMNG P49T 2LI441 PTARMIGAN BLVD. EAGLE RIVER, AK 995777-8736 K E 7116 SOILS PERCOLATION TEST 1paAerform 08/25/00 Dates F Project Lot 12 Shangxila TEST HOLE 0 00-9 Depth ORG - rootmatfloarn redfblack SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN FOR HOLE LOCATION 11%7asGromidw- terencountered' NO What depth? NA SM -brown silty sand I Depth to water after monitoring? NA Date, 09/05100 1 GP—mod densesandY gravel ur/cobbles to V is- B.0 n bedrock 16- 111%_ is- 19- HOLEFRESOAKED z0__ MORTOTEST Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop I 8/10/00 100 9^ - 2 1-10 10mm 213/16" 63116' 3 1-11 9- 4 1M 10 n= 3. 6- 5 I;= - 91, - 6 1.32 10 mm 32/16- 514116" 7 1.33 9- - 8 1:43 10mm 55/160 511116- 9 1'44 9- - 10 1:54 10 mm 3 5116, 511116" 11 1:55 9- 12 2415 10 mm 3 5/16- 5111160 1 Water Added Percobazon Rate 196 (mum/in) Perc Hole Diameter___E Test Run Between 4 feet and 5 feet I Kamigth M. Duffns, cerb4y that tins tort was performed m accordance with all State and MurnapaI guadelnies m effect an this date Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division yr On -Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw St P 0 Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 www muni org/onslte (907) 343.7904 Soils Log - Percolation Test Performed For. Anchorage Development and Construction, LLC Legal Description Lot 22, Shangri—La Subdivision Slope Depth (feet) OF .qG 491 CE -10163 : �� Date Performed 20 MAY 02 Township, Range, Section T11N, R3W, SEC 2 (NE 1/4) Site Plan - 12. ORC — ROOTMAT '. is 3 � A n �.�j' y 4— CW — GP SANDY . ,t j^zF,• • '<t+�'zr�N' GRAVEL WITH .r---------- 5— COBBLES TRACE to /- OTH 8— 1 FINDIA EROCKS IN <r'i' . AT DEPTH/ -----�' .• yu1 BOH WAS GROUND WATER S 10— •, rt. HARDPAN ENCOUNTERED? NO L 0 1t— IF YES, AT WHAT P DEPTH? N/A E 12— HIGHEST MEASURED - 13— DEPTH TO WATER NONE AFTER MONITORING 14- DATE 13 JUNE 02 15_ GROUND WATER MONITORED 18— BETWEEN Reading Date 20—MAY-02 AND 28—MAY-02 Groes Time Net Time Initial Depth Net Drop 17— 1 6/13/02 3 25 10 min 8' 4- 18— 2 6/13/02 3 35 10 min 8- 3 1/20 19— 3 6/13/02 3 45 10 min 8- 3 1/2- 20— 4 6/13/02 3 55 10 min 8' 3 1/2 - HOLE PRESOAKED 5 6/13/02 4 05 10 min 8' 3 1/4 - PRIOR TO TEST 6 6/13/02 415 10 min 8- 3 1/4 - PERCOLATION RATE 31 (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6 Inch TEST RUN BETWEEN 30 FT AND 3 5 FT COMMENTS PERFORMED By. GREG MCCONNELL I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE DATE 14 JUNE 02 06/25/02 16:22 FAX 907 343 4220 Community Planning CROSS 12004/014 C. D. E. F. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE PLATTING BOARD SUMMARY OF ACTION June 19, 2002 ROLL CALL Board Members Present: Capps, Caress, Hooyer. McKay, Poulton, Richter, Walsh Board Members Excused- Dealt, Shnver Staff Present: Weaver, O'Brien. Soule SUMMARY OF ACTION AND MINUTES 1. Summary of Action 2. Minutes SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS CONSENT AGENDA 1. Time Extension 2. Findings of Fact and Conclusion 3. Commercial Tract 4. Others OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 1. Public Hearings a S-10433 Sbangri La Sub & Horace Sub -Amendment to Condition of Approval Approval of the request to amend Condition 13 as stated on the Summary of Action for the 11/3/99 Platting Board meeting to read: 06/25/02 18.24 FA% 907 943 4220 Community Planning » CROSS T1j010/014 i a Platting Board Summary of Action + June 19, 2002 y Page 7 Tract A -2C clearly indicate were these associated easements exist in the current Right -of -Way or dedicated easement. b. The need to create a non -motorized trail easement along the cast section line of Tract A -2C also to be included in the Baron Avenue Right -of -Way for a future planned Multi -Use Unpaved Trail in rough alignment with Glacier Creek in accordance with the 1997 Areawide Trails Plan. 21. Ensuring that all lots within the proposed subdivision have sufficient frontage to meet the two-fifths limitation on driveway width under AMC 21.80.330.D and still provide the 14 -foot driveway width required by the Traffic Department. 22. Resolving the need with Project Management and Engineering for a plat note regarding the need for engineered foundations within the subdivision. 23. Placing the following notes on the plat: a. "Direct vehicular access to the Alyeska Highway from Tracts A -2A, A -2B and A2 -C and Lot 1, Block 2 is prohibited " b. A note stating that a 100 -foot setback from the creek is required by the Anchorage Wetlands Management Plan, if required C A note identifying the easement along the north property boundary as a screening easement where the existing vegetation is to be left undisturbed and that it is exclusive of any utility easements. d. A note specifying the Use and intent of the easement shown from Alta Drive to Tract 06/25/02 1624 FAX 907 343 4220 Community Planning + CROSS 2009/014 Platting Board Summary of Action June 79, 2002 Page 6 16. Identifying the dashed line indicating an easement shown from Alta Drive to Tract A-21). This is intended to provide public access to Tract A-213, which is proposed to be acquired as a neighborhood park. Use and intent for the easement should be noted on the plat. 17. Identifying the 10' x 245' parcel/tract shown between proposed Lots 23 and 24 and specifying whether it is an easement or dedication for public access to the proposed park on Tract A 2D. 18. Resolving the need to submit a site and landscaping plan to the Community Planning Department showing the extent of the area to be cleared, the building pads and driveways for all single-family residential lots, the multi -family development and commercial areas in accordance with the Best Management Practices of the Anchorage Wetlands Management Plan. The site plan should provide a detailed landscape plan of the vegetation to be preserved especially the mature growth trees in the upland area of the site. A note should be placed on the site and landscaping plan requiring that the vegetation to be retained is to be flagged in the field and construction fencing or other firm barrier be used to ensure the survivability of the trees and vegetation. 19. Resolving the need to submit a final plat to the Planning Department to determine whether the plat shall be reviewed again by the Platting Board if the final plat differs from the preliminary plat in accordance with AMC 21.15 120.13. 20. Resolving with Parks and Recreation: a. The location of a grade separated crossing in the vicinity of Glacier Creek, Alyeska Higliway, and the north Section line of 06/25/02 16.24 FAS 907 943 4220 Community Planning + CROSS 0008/014 Platting Board Summary of Action June 19,2002 Page S 8. Providing a stream maintenance easement "at least 25 feet wide on either side of the stream" as required by AMC 21.45.210 and 21.80.040 and showing the easement on the plat. 9. Submitting a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan to the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC), if the planned development of the subject parcel(s) will result in an area of land disturbance equal to or greater than five acres. 10. Resolving the final alignment of Kami Way at the west property boundary line relative to Glacier Creek and future alignment of Kami Way right- of-way through State of Alaska land to the west with Transportation Planning and the Traffic Engineer. 11, Resolving with the Traffic Engineer the need for and design of a turnaround at the proposed eastern terminus of Alta Drive. 12. Providing a 70 -foot right-of-way with either a 5 - foot development setback on each side of the right-of-way or a 10 -foot development setback along one side of the right-of-way for Kami Way. (Note; The setback area should not encroach Into the open space greenbelt portion of Tract A - 2D.) 13. Resolving the need for a 60 -foot right-of-way dedication for Barren Avenue with Project Management and Engineering and Municipal Right -of -Way Division. 14. Submitting a plan to the Alaska Department of Transportation (ADOT) for an Other Agency Review for access to Alyeska Highway from proposed Kami Way. 15. Identifying the easement shown along the edge of the property bordering Alyeska Highway as a screening easement. 06/25/02 16 25 FAX 907 349 4220 _ Communlur Planning + CROSS 0007/014 Platting Board summary of Action June 19, 2002 Page 4 C. A hydrology report as required by the Anchorage Wetlands Management Plan with a copy submitted to the Commumty Planning Department d. Base flood elevation data has been provided for subdivision proposals and other proposed development which contains at least 50 lots or five acres, whichever is less to the Development Services Department as required by AMC 21.60.050.C.3 prior to the issuance of a land use permit e. A comprehensive storm water site plan in accordance with the guidelines of the Municipality's Storm Water Treatment Plan Review Guidance Manual for review and approval prior to the issuance of any fill and grading or land use permits. f. A final site grading and drainage plan with appropriate horizontal and vertical elevations for the development to Public Works for approval, with approved copies to be filed with Building Safety and the Planning Department. g. A copy of the approved wetlands permit issued by the Corps of Engineers, if required. 6. Resolving with Project Management and Engineering the need for additional explorations to determine the extent of peat throughout the site and the need for additional borings if pile foundations are required as recommended in the 1985 Geotechnical Report prepared by Myck, Nyman and Hayes. 7. Surveying the creek and showing the surveyed creek boundaries on the plat. 06/23/02 16:23 FAX 907 343 4220 _ Communit9 Planning + CROSS Platting Hoard Summary of Action June 19, 2002 Page 3 and submitting a copy of the approved permit to the planning Department and Development Services Department, if required. 4. Entering into a subdivision agreement with the Private Development Section, Development Services Department for: a. Construction of Barren Avenue, Tanner Circle and Kami Way to urban full street standards b. Extension of public water and sanitary sewer. C. Installation of telephone, electric, cable and gas utilities. d. Drainage improvements. e. Erosion and sediment control. f. Installation of street lights, street name signs and traffic control devices. g Construction fencing for preservation of landscaping 5. Submitting the following to Project Management and Engineering, Development Services Department: a. A comprehensive drainage impact analysis for the development of this property. b. Site grading and drainage plan and erosion and sediment control plan that addresses effects on adjacent properties and includes an appropriate drainage outfall for surface water and roof drainage prior to the issuance of any land use permit. la 006/014 1 06/25/02 16.23 FAX 907 043 4220 d Platting Board Summary of Action June 19. 2002 Page 2 Community Planning + CROSS IaOOS/014 "Submitting an application for annexation into a Limited Road Service Area to the Street Maintenance Department within the timeframe required for the annexation application to appear on the April 2003 ballot." b. S-10816 Amendment to AMC 21.88 Approval of an amendment to AMC 21.85.030 to add natural gas facilities to subdivision improvements in the urban and suburban areas of the Municipality. Approval of the addition of a new section, AMC 21.85.155 requiring installation in accordance with specifications of the Municipality and the utility providing the service. C. S-10930 Alpine View Estates Subdivision with Vacation A. Approval of the request to vacate St. Anton Way and partial vacation of Alta Drive rights-of-way subject to filing a suitable replat within 60 months. B. Approval of the Four -Phase flan shown on the preliminary plat. C. Approval of the plat for 60 months subject to: 1. Resolving utility easements. 2. Resolving with AWWU: a. Providing a 30 -foot protective easement and/or right-of-way for the sanitary sewer mainline along the west property boundary. b. Entering into mainline extension agreements with AWWU for the provision of public water and sanitary sewer to the proposed lots and tracts. 3. Obtaining a wetland permit from the Corps of Engineers prior to the issuance of any perlmt Sent By: J A Munter; 348 8692; Jun -24-02 9 47AM, ... yPage 4/4 FROM : ALPINE DRILLING FAX NO : 907 345 MM Jun 21 2002 10 16AM P3 Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services as OV Street P O. Box 196650 MCBorape, Alaska 69519-W50 AId hatrjrwwwtl.arnWntow.akm Mayan Permit Number. #SW Date of Issue Parcel Identification Number. Dote Started: 6-14-02 Date Completed:¢15-02 Is well loaded at approved permit locauon7 0 Yea i] No Logal Description: 9henp111A Estafes 1111{ 1 Lot 20 Property Owner Name de Address: Androrage Developmeit d Constnne6on. LLC AWXM*, Alaska Borehole Data: Depth (ft) Method of Drilling ® air rotary ❑ cable tool Sal Type,' kimm a wow Stub Flom To Casing lypr. wee sf ok-up 0 2 Wall Thickwu:,Q inches silty cobblygnaved 2 5 Diameter ¢ inches Depth..0 feet Bedrock 5 307 Liner Type Diameter: inches Depth fest H2O w/lntem*bntfrarlum Citi stielmp above groUd: 2 feet shrnuDhout we mak! source 30 35 Static water level (from ground level)_ 29 feet Pumping level jQZ,feet after 22 haus pumping!) Spm RoMery Rate: 6 Wrn Method of Testing skoft Well Intake Opening Type: ®Open End ®Open Hole 0 Screened Start feet Stopped feet 0 Perforanoos Start fed Stopped Suet Grout Types Penkmie ¢rtvwks volume: ,L¢g Depth: Sw25ed Ssoppedj,-Det Vamp: Intake Depth feet Pump stn hp Brand Name Well Disinfeded Upon Completion? 0 Yea 0 No Method of Disinfeeton: chlodne tablets Comment: Well Driller: Alpine DMng & Enterprises PO Box 110496 Androrwo Alaska 99511 Attention; The wall duller shall vn wide a well log to the property owner wrthia 30 days of compleuoo and Ore property Sent By, J A Munter; 348 8692; Jun -24-02 9.46AM; Page 3/4 FROM : ALPINE DRILLING FAX ND : 907 345 0202 Jun. 21 2002 10 16A11 P2 ° Municipality of Aachoro r W hit it at iiaalNt and "off," 825 V Street P.O Boz 198650 Anchorage. Alaska o851M50 Rick lly/rrNr Mtpin✓~ anehersawakm Mayor Permit Number: #SW Date of Issur. Pared Identification Number. Date Started: 6.16-02 Date Completed ¢1 r-02 Is well located at approved gamut location? ® Yes ❑ No Legal Description: Shand La Estates Elk 1 Lot 14 Property Owner Name & Address: AnchorW Lkw/opmerg & Conshucibn, LLC Borehole Data: Soil Typg nWimm $ wat r strata suck -up sW cobhlygravel Bedrock 1120W/kdem*bW fractures 20 gpm cased off Infam tent finduras throughout Wim main source A Khotage, Alaska P� h (T ) 0 2 2 11 11 307 EU M Method of Drilling ® air rotary ❑ cable tool Casing type: $10/ wall Thidmeas:.= inches Diameter• Q inches Depth 2_7 Seat Liner Type: Diameter inches Depth feet Casing stielorp above ground: 2 feet 32 Static water kvd (from ground level): ?meet Pumping IevN:_Zfeet atter 2 hours pumpiDg Z gpm 60 Roeovary Rate: $Q pm Method of Testing: ffi(Jtg Well Intake opening Type: ❑ Open End ® Open Hole ❑ Saemed Stat feet stepped sac opuftenoris Sart flet Stopped Beet Grout Type: Pento are rwadev Volume. LIC Depth- StattQfeet Stopped feet Pomp: Intake Depth feet Pump size hp Brand Name Wali Disinfected Upon Completion? ® Yes ❑ No Method of Disinfection: cModns tahkt5 Comments: Wan Drilla.. Alpine DrNhV 6 Enferprtses PO Bar II048 Anchorage Alaska 99511 Attention. The well dnUor shau provide a well log to the properly owner within 30 days ofcomplohon sad the propeny Sent By: J A Munter; 348 8692; Jun -24-02 9,46AM; Page 2/4 FROM ' ALPINE DRILLING FAX NO. : 907 345 0202 Jun 21 2002 10 16W P1 *ffCkrMWM Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services 825 •L• streetP0,BoX196850 Anchorage, Alaska 99519 50 ha jMww.dand wan a%o Mayor Permit Number: #SW _ Date of Issue: _ Parcel Identifitatioo Number: Date Started: 6.1� Date Completed UQSI 8 well located at appm W permit location? ® Yes U —Na Lead Descr ptioo: Showd Le Estates Of 1 I r 13 Property Owner Name alt Addre : AndW1 ge Development 3 COnsbueffon, LLC Anchorage. Alaska Borehole Data: Depth (ft) son 7' 9e, Thidmess 4c we= SO!= Flom To stick-up 0 2 srllycoDhygrav6t 2 10 Bedrock 10 307 grevol yslit H20w/Informs terdfrodures throughout w1Ni main wume 32 40 Method adDe'ning � airmtary Q cable tool Casing mm aw Wall Thickness, ,W inches Diameter. a inches Depth: 20 fed 7.iner Type- Dzenieter —inches Depth feet Casing stickup above ground: 2 Seat Static water kvd (9rom ground levely a&d h Pumping level _:V7 Ext after ; 2laws pumping M gpm Reeovery RatC RQ_+ Win Method of Testing. aim Wet Intake Opening Type: Q Open End ® Open Hole Q Scrcoocd Start Soot Stoppod `_ fat Q Perfonhom Start feet Stopped feat Grout Type-. Pen"He rramdes VeNmot .LbB Depth Stadj2le0 Stopped _ fat Pump: Intake Depth — fed Pwnp size hp Btmd Plume Well Dbmfeetod Upon Completion? ® Ya Q No Method of Dialefeetion: d 0ofine tablets Cenamenb: Weft Driller. AWrio Diftg 6 Enlslpnses PO Box I lam Anchorage Aktska 99511 Attention: Ile well dnIler shall provide a waft log to the property owner within 30 days of eornpWm and the property 04/11/02 11.33 FAX 907 343 4220 Community P19nnin8 + CROSS 1@007/022 MIMCIPALPCY OF ANCHORAGE PLATTING BOARD SUMMARY OF ACTION APRIL 3. 2002 A. ROLL CALL Board Members Present: Barrier, Caress, Deak. Hooyer, Poulton, Richter, Shriver, Walsh Board Members Excused: Capps Staff Present: Weaver, Soule, Thiel. Bartels B. SUMMARY OF ACTION AND MINUTES 1. Summary of Action 2. Minutes C. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS D. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Time Extension a. g"` 6-10433 Shan Gri La & Horace Subdivision { (rime extension approved to 10/4/03.. '4 b. S-10646 Chinook do Dimond School Site Time extension approved to 10/4/03. 2. Findings of Fact 3. Commercial Tract a. S-10897 East Dimond Center Fragment Lots Approval of the Commercial Tract Fragment Lot Site Pian subject to: Municipality of Anchorage O Development Services Department ae a • � Building Safety Division MEMORANDUM DATE: May 17, 2002 TO: Jerry T. Weaver, Jr, Platting Officer, CPD FROM: & Cross, PE, Program Manager, On -Site Water & Wastewater SUBJECT: Comments on Cases due May 17, 2002 The On -Site Water & Wastewater Program has reviewed the following cases and has these comments W 04334 :"Shan Gn La Subdivision and Horace Subdivision.) Naic request l.fv S-10811 Grandview Subdivisions Same comments as given on previous routing S —10881-2 Bluebell Subdivision/Prominence Pointe Phase 3A No objections to specific request S-10892 North Woods Phase 2/ Glenn View Estates North No objections to specific request S-10907 Great Land Estates #3 & Greenbelt Same comments as given on previous routing S-10918 Patterson Street / Creekside Park No objections S-10919 Goose Lake Land Exchange & Alaska Methodist University No objections S-10921 Third Addition / Denali School Subdivision No objections �in M A LARSEN CONSULTING GROUP April 16, 2002 Mr Jerry Weaver Supervisor, Community Platting and Development Office of Zoning and Platting Municipality of Anchorage 632 West Sixth Avenue, Suite 320 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Re File S-10433�gri-La Subdivision i:kequebL lo, Removal of a Special Condition of Approval to Plat Dear Mr Weaver We would like to request inclusion to the agenda of the 2002 Platting Board Meeting scheduled for June 5, 2002 At that time we would like to officially request that an existing special condition of approval to plat be removed from the above referenced file, specifically Item 13 as listed in the November 15, 1999 Summary of Action °Annexing into a Limited Road Service Area" (LRSA) ' Our client has no objection to inclusion in the LRSA but is unable to appear on the ballot until Apnl of 2003 Also, the majority of current LRSA residents must approve the measure This, combined with the possibility of being voted -down in the election, creates an undue hardship for our client Our client is not attempting to nullify the intent of the condition The j chronology of this project creates an untenable situation in that, at the time the plat was created, it was as simple as making an application to be included to, or modifying the boundaries of a LRSA The legislative act of last July changed all of this by making it mandatory that the majority of residents in both areas involved must approve any changes We appreciate your cooperation in this matter Feel free to contact me at the office with any r questions, my direct line is 245-8602 You will find attached a check for the fee amount of $370 00 Sincerely, el % 0. Rob Wickett, PLS P \321-330\330 01 Shangn-La Subdivision\Correspondence\Special Condition Removal - Final doc 3710 Woodland Drive, Suite 2100, Anchorage, Alaska 99517 W Telephone (907) 243-8985 Fax (907) 243-5629 ,Platting Bnard Summary of Action November 3, 1999 Page 6 iii► is S t 0,-/ P� documentation of water availability for this subdivision A `�� which must include a hydrologist's report determining 7/3010Z�}- that the appropriation of sufficient water to support �this proposed subdivision will not unduly effect the AW water availability to surrounding properties. 9) Resolve with the Department of Community Planning and Development the final subdivision design if any lot size changes are required by DHHS, Land Use Enforcement, Traffic Engineering, or Project Management and Engineering. 10) Adding a note to the plat stating that the temporary turnaround is to be automatically vacated upon extension. 11) Correct Street Names: Change Ridgeview Drive to Sandpiper Drive; Rename Hillside Drive. 12) Correct Map Information: Area east of plat is Tract 2 Horace Subd. 13) Annexing into a Limited Road Service Area. 14) Resolving with DCPD & Traffic Engineering the need for street lighting with the intent to minimize: the amount of street lighting required, sky glow, and the impact on adjoining developments. b. 5-10513 Iftnning Subdivision - with Variance Denial of the Nriance fro 21.80.3O0.D. required 100 - foot lot depth. \ / Approval of the plat 40jeet to: 1) Resolving 2) Placing the 3) Access tots L -1A and access po t onto Strawl on the plat: B shall be limited to one Road at the flag stem of 072