HomeMy WebLinkAboutT15N R1W SEC 8 LT 119 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 I. Street - Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTE-'M AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT LEGAL DESCRIPTION I~_~ ~)ISTANCETO: I W?~,O /.TL Absorl).ZL~] IF HOMEMADE: Well DISTANCE TO: /el//'9 tInside length Dwelling Wdt] ~gt ~h line DISTANCE TO: No. of lines Top of tile to finish grade 'Length Width Type of crib Crib diameter DISTANCE TO: Depth /,,-' TotaJ length of lines Material Nearest lot line Trench width Material beneath tile N ~B E DR OO~M~. PF~IT;,N,,C~./ '-2 ! /' No. of cofi~p~ents Liquid depth PERMIT NO, Liquid capacity in 9aliens PERMIT NO, Distance between lines DISTANCE TO: Building foundation Sewer line OTHER PIPE MATERIALS SO' L TEST RATING R EMAR KS /_//~- '~' .5' ?'/¢ /A/_F' '?/) ~ ~ ~- y~7, LEGAL Total effective absorption area inches Total ,,fec-t ,~e LOT E;IZE [:,R FI I NF' I El..[:, '~t',~HBE Z '.5 '~r _ FIRE' FEET MI:4::'::IMi...II"I NIJi'IE:ER OF' E:EE:'ROOhlS = Ifil ': '"'':' --'uIL RRTING '::SC:'! F'F''''E$;:)= t±'--' THE REQLI:[RED "----";iZE OF THE :!~;OIL. Iqb--'U~.[ TZUI'I--'1::'1E. It':'''-- .... ' Z'='"''"' THE LENGTH [)II"IENL:;IOI"~ IS THE LENGTH <IN FEET) OF' THE TRENCI.4 OR DRFIINFiEL.D. TFIE: [:,EF'TH OF R TRENCH OR PIT IS; THE [:'I':;I'F::INCE BETFIEEN THE '.SURF'RC:E OF THE GROUND RP,ID THE BOTTOM (:iF THE EXCR'v'RTION (IN F:'EET). THE: GRR'v'EL [EFlll I!:.--', THEE HINiMIJI,1 [:,EF'TH OP- GRFI',,,'EL BETHEEN THE OLITF'FILL F']:F'E RI'.,I[:, THE E,. I TuII OF' THE ..... E:,,_.tiSI-IIZ_ ~ iIi'.,I FEE;T). :'ERHIT ' ' I ..... :* qFFLZ_.'N PIll:, THE RESPON5;ZE:ZLZT'.r' TO ZNFORM TIIZ:," '- C'EF:'R~:TidENT [:'URZNG THE [NSTFfl~.LRTIC¢.,I ZN:FE_.TZUN-.,'-;" F - - OF FINY HELL:,'- FIDJFICEI",IT ]~0 "'IHZ...,': F'ROF'ERTY FII',ID THE · 41JHE:ER OF RESZE:,ENCES THFIT 1"HE HELL HZLL ': ~ ,- -,EK, E. .,IIL. F..FILLINa ElF FINY ': :'-" ~' ', :'", · - . ..... :., _ FEI1 HITHOUT FINHL IN_[ EuT.[_H FINE:, RPF'RO',,,'FIL E:Y' ]HI.:, )EF'FIF. SrT1ENT 14ILL EE :,UE,..IEL.] TO F'ROL:E].TT]N 'III',IIHUH E:,ISTRNCE E, ETIIEE. N R HELL F:II'.,I[:, FIh,l'.r' ON-2;ITE ..,Ell...~[r. [..[_,Fu.~,I41._ :5"r'STEM .[::, [.E~:~ FEET FER R F'RI'v'RTE HELL. OR t50 "FO ~.~:.~l~a FEE]' FROI'] FI F'I...IE:LIC 14ELL DIEF'ENE:,ING .PFH THE TYF'E r'F FUI:,LZ... HEI_L.. "IZNZI,IL.IIq CZ_,1hI,I_.E FROI'I FI F'Rt',,,'RTE 1.4ELL TO R PRZ'v'FITE SIEF.IER LINE ZS 2E FEET RIqD ['O FI C:Cfl','IHIJNZTY SEP.IEI:;'. LINE ,. c, FE:EI". . I FIbF. RE6¢JIRE}'IEN'FS I','IRY t: F: F"L.'¢. 'q:,- · - ",: -, ,- _ ~ E .., Z F Z ,,. ~T Z _ N:, RNE:, CON2;'I'[~' _ '" T Z ON [:, I FIGRFIMS I=IRE t,HJ. LJd[:,L.E TO ZNSI_IRE PR]PEP ZH_ FPLLhlFZ_N. AND HELLS I: CEF..'T I FY THFIT L: I Rid FRIqILZFiR HI'TH TFIE IRE[.:!UIREHEI'.,ITS FOR ON-SITE :SEHERS :OR'TH E;Y THE HUI'-,IICIF'FiL. ZTY OF FINCHORFIGE. Z: I F.IXLL. INSTRLL THE S'.r%TEH IN RE:CORDFiNC:E HI]"H THE CODES. :~:: I UNDERSTRN[:, -FHRT THE ON-.SITE ~;EIqER S"r'STEH MR'T' REI;~UIRE ENLFIRGEHEI'qT ?.ESZDEI'4CE ~S REMO[:,ELED TO ZNOLU[:,E I'IORE THAN 4 BEDROOMS. ' :- .: Z:: ' ~:IR~ .]~EC{~R ........................ RS _,1:1 ]: F' THE k MUNICIPALITY OF-ANCH01~AGE- DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTEC'rlON [3 PERCOLATION TEST SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST DATE PERFORMED:Z. ./- /'~ WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? ,' IF YES, A'r WHAT. · ' .... ' DEPTH? ~'OMMENTS 775 V,. 8LO 'E' SIT[: PLAN Reading Date Gross Net Deplh to Net Time Time Water Drop CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION CERTIFICATF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM APPROVAL TO CONSTR uc'r , L~-"t~'~ .,(q_, --. *~ ~'C/~'I-~:~° O"'~ public water system located in__ ~,"~<z-~J ~'7~ (: Jk,l.~(~ ,<z..k)_, Alaska, submitted in accordance with 18 AAC 80.100 ~ approved. [] (see attached conditions), conditionally approved If construction has not started within two years of the approval date. thi~ certificate is void and new plans and specifications must be submitted for review and approval before construction. APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS ~nange (conLract order no. or descriptive reference) /~pproved by Date -the "APPROVAL TO OPERATE" section must be completed before any water is made available to the public. APPROVAL TO OPERATE The construction of the public water system was completed on (date). The system is hereby granted interim approval to operate for 90 days following the completion date. BY TITLE DATE As-built plans submi[ted during the interim approval period, or an inspection by the Department has confirmed the system was constructed according to the approved plans. The system is hereby granted final approval to operate. BY DATE /00 ¢ ',~Y H, I-;g/(' '%¸ T' / / .i DEli~T. OF EN¥1RONI~IENTAL CONSEIlYATION ANCHORAGE DISTRICT OFFICE 3601 "C" STREET, SUITE 322 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 WALTER J. HICK,EL, GOVERNOR 563-6775 July 9, 1991 Mr. John T. Looett, P.E./R.L.S. JIL Engineering Company P.O. Box 110688 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 SUBJECT: Lot 119, Section 8, T. 15 N., R. 1 W., S.M., Chugiak, Alaska, ADEC Project Number 9121-DW-053, (;lass C Public Water System Source Will. Dear Mr. Looett: This is in response to your submittal, received in this office on ,June 14, 1991, in which your supplied information on the newly installed Class C Public Water System Source well. I have reviewed the submitted information and have the following comments: Based on the submitted information, I am assuming that the new source well was installed in the location approved by Mr. Hayden and myself. My review revealed that the submitted design calculations regarding the needed water storage volume did not include the demand from the metal shop which you stated will bs connected to the water system. Another item noted in your submittal was that the well pump used to conduct the well yield test was removed and the new owners well be installing their own pump and well be completing the water system. I interput the above information as meaning that the existing public water system has not been completely installed. As a result, I can not issue either interim or final operation approval for this public water system. In order for me to do so will require verification that sorne type of well pump (manufacture's specifications and pump carved), all necessary water storage tanks and water lines (water system as-.b, uilts) have been installed. If you have any question,,;, please do not hesitate to 60ntact me at 563-6775. cc: Clare L. Jaeger John Smith, DHHS KKK/pf Sincerely, Keven K. Kleweno Environmental Engineer DEPT. OF ENVIRON MENTA]~ CONSERVATION ANCHORAGE DISTRICT OFF:ICE 3601 C STREET, SUITE 322 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 WALT~E~R J. HICKEL, GOVERNOR June 3, 1991 Ms. Clare L. Jaeger 7700 Dover Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99504 RE: Lot 119, Section 8, T. 15 N., R. 1 W. S.M., Chugiak, Alaska, ADEC Project Number 9121.-DW-053; Installation of a Class C Public Water System Source Well, Review Dear Ms. Jaeger: This is in response to your submittal, received in this office on May 29, 1991, in which you requested that the original approval to drill a Class C Public Water System Source Well on the above-referenced lot be renewed. I have completed my review of the submitted information and have the following comrnents. Based on the submitted information, only the location of the proposed Class C Public Water System Source Well can be approved at this time by the Department. The location of the proposed well is approved for concerns of this Department, in accordance with the provisions of 18 AAC 80, Drinking Water. A Construction Certificate, constituting this limited approval, is enclosed. It is emphasized that this approval is only for the location and installation of the well for the above-referenced water system and is subject to the following requirements: Drawdown and a well yield test results will need to be submitted to this office along with an adequacy analysis of the test results and a copy of the well Icg. Bailing or air blowing may be used to estimate the well yield; however, only test pumping when yield and drawdown measurements are being taken will be considered. Satisfactory analytical results for bacteriological and inorganic chemical (nitrate (as nitrogen)) contaminates will need to be provided to this office prior to serving water to the public. The manufacturer's specifications and performance curves for all new components (well pump, storage tanks, water lines, and water treatment) of the public water system will need to be submitted to this office under the stamp of a Professional Engineer (P.E.). Included with this information should be design calculations for the different components of the water system. This approval does not imply the granting of any additional authorizations nor obligate any state, federal, or local regulatory body to grant required authorizations. In regards to the existing wastewater disposal system, verification that it has not been used since it was installed in 1983 will need to be submitted to this office prior to issuance of any type of approval. This submittal will need to be submitted to this office under the stamp of a Professional Engineer registered in the State of Alaska. In addition, the submittal should verify that the existing lift station is able to correctly operate. Thank you for your cooperation with this Department. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ///~/ Keven K. Kleweno Environmental Engineer Enclosures: As Stated cc: John Smith, DHHS, w/o Enc. Jim Sullivan 688-2510 or 258-2510 745-2510 Fax 688-2543 Alaska Distributor c~c WELL J SUPPL~Y P.O. Box 197 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 NV~VA CERTIFIED PUMP INSTALLER N o 8 9 3 4 Payment due on receipt of Invoice unless other arrangements made. Da~ I~/CO~r~'_plellon C.s,omerOrder.o. ( P,ge2 Price Z/?5- .--' O~y. DescripTion Receivecl in Satistacto~y Condition IotAL 4 7.~'" · Please pay by Invoice, All account Past Due will be charged 1½%. $25 second billing charge THANK YOU