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TURNAGAIN Block 3 Lot 13
" HEFTY DRILLING" $540 AKULA DRIVE ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99516 (907) $45-0593 Cfty/Borough: 1- Subdivision~USS: Mcr/dian .... ~ Township Lot: N Long: W STATE-OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES MINING, LAND, WATER HYDROLOGIC SURVEY WATER WELL LOG Drilling Started: __/__/ , Completed: Block , Lot PropertyOwn~rName&Address: Range Section t/4 of ¼ of .¼ of . ..... NAD: 2_27 OR 8~3 Elevation: BOREHOLE DATA: (from ground surface) Depth 'Material: Type, Color & wetness I From I Drilling method: [] Air rotarY,'D 'Cable tool, Other Well use: [] Public supply, [] Domestic, [] Other Depth of hole: ~.~' fl, Casing stickap: ~ ft Casing b~pe: ~¢ ~e.] Thickness ,0.2.5'" inches Casing diameter: ~ ' inches Casing depth ~.~.ff' tt Liner type: Diameter: inches Depth: fl Static watei'ffrom top orca}sing): ~ fton ,,2; 1~/ ~.~ Pumping level & yield: . D feet after /Td hours at ~ gpm Recovery rate: <~ gpm, Ivlethod of testing: Development method: Duration: Well intake opening Lype: XOpen end, [] Open hole ~ Screened; Start: ft, Stopped ft Screen type: Slot/mesh sLze [2 Perforated;Start: ft, Stopped ft Start: fi, Stopped ft Note: Grout type: ,/D//'] Volume Depth; from/ I2, to ft Pump intake depth: ft Pump size hp, Brand name: Was well disinfected upon completion? ~Yes, © No Method of disinfection: ~' J-O~, 0 y Driller connnents/disclaimers: ~-~.5, .1L [j ~ rtz/p.~L ~r Well Driller Name: Company Name: HEFTY DRILLING Mailing Address: 3540 AKULA DRIVE City: ANCHORAGE State: ALASKA Phone Number: %907-345-0593 .Zip: 9951 Drillers Signature: ~dlhin 45 days. [::;xc× arc acccpmhJc, (AK statutes 38.05.020, 38.05.035, 41.08.020, 46. l 5.020 and AK regulations 11 AAC 93.140). DEPARTS'lENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Mining, Land & Water Hydrologic Sum'ey 550 W "/th Ave., Suite 900A Anchorage, AK 99501-35'/7 Telephone (907) 269-8639 and FAX (90'/) 562-1384 Within the City of Anchorage, k is required that a copy of the well log be sent to the appropriate city office within 60 days and that another copy of the well log be sent to the well/property ozmer vdthin 30 days. Permit Number: j Date of Issue: / ./. Parcel Identification Number: Is well located at approv~'d permit location? [] Yes or ~ No