HomeMy WebLinkAboutNEAR POINT KNOLL BLK 2 LT 15N or Point Knoll Block 2 Lot 15 #041-021-56 EXPIRED PERMIT '.~ · An~;hor~.ge · Mtmicil, alit5, ofAl. l.chorag¢ Ali.America Ci~ Geor[te P. 1Vuerch. .u,~j,,'r 2002 March 11, 2003 Jos.eph & Gail Tolliver 646 King Arthurs Circle'. Anchorage AK 99518 · subject: On-Site Water and/or Wastcwater Permit. · Pc;mit Number: SW020070 '. ~di/gal Description: Near Point knoli Block 2 Lot 15 ': Dear'Joseph & Gall Tolliver: An. On-Site Water/Wa'stewater Permit, number SW020070, issued by this office for a single-family system, will expire on April 22, 2003. This permit was valid for 365 calendar days. If this was a well permit and the well has been drilled, ~ well log must be sent tO this office for documentation of the installation and' to close the permit. .If this permit was for a wastewater disposal system, an original as-built inspection report must be sent to this office for review~ apl~rovai and documentation. This'as-bfiilt insp'~cti6n report must be signed by the licensed Professional Engineer who inspected the installation ofthe system. As-built inspection reports are required to be submitted within 30 days of .the completion of the system. If no system was installed under this permit, and y9u are still planning to install a well or wastewater disposal system, a new permit must be obtaihed from this office. A new permit for ~i second year may be issued for a fee of $100.00 if the renewal application is received on or before the expiration date of the original permit. When applying for a new permit, the fees are: $400.00 for a wastewater permit and $150.00 for a well pemdt. If you have any questions, please call this'office at 343-7904. ' Ja es Cross, P E la_njtes Cr . . Manager On-Site Water and Wastewater Program Eno: Copy of permit P.O. Box 196650 ·Anchoragc, Alaska 99519-6650 *Tclcphonc: (907) 343-8801 · Fax: {907) 1343-8200 4700 South Bragaw Strcct· Anchoragc, Alaska 99507 ht t in//www.ci.m~choragc.ak.us MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Development Services Department On-Site Waler & Wastewater Pregram 4700 South Bragaw Street P.O. Box 196650, Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 (907) 343-7904 ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT Initial Date Issued: Apr 22, 2002 Expiration Date: Apr 22, 2003 Permit Number: SW020070 Legal Description: NEAR POINT KNOLL BLK 2 LT 15 Design Engineer: 0040 Phukan & Sorenson Consulting Owner Name: Joseph & Gall Tolliver Owner Address: 646 King Arthurs Circle Anchorage, AK 99518- Parcel ID: 041-021-56 Site Address: Lot Size: 72891 SQ. FT. Total Bedrooms: 4 Permit Bedrooms: 4 This permit is for the construction of: J~l Disposal Field [] Septic Tank [] Holding Tank [] Privy [] Private Well [] Water Storage All construction must be In accordance with: 1. The attached approved design. 2. Ail requirements specified in Anchorage Municipal Code Chapters 15.55 and 15.65 and the State of Alaska Wastewater Disposal Regulations ( 18AAC72 ) and Drinking Water Regulations ( 18AAC80 ). 3. The engineer must notify DSD at least 2 hours prior to each inspection. Provide notification by calling (907) 343-7904 ( 24 hours ). ( Not required for a Water Supply Permit only ). 4. From October 15 to April 15, a subsurface soil absorption system under construction during freezing weather must be either: A. Open and closed on the same day. B. Covered, sealed, and heated to prevent freezing. Received By: Issued By: Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division On-Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw St. P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 www. ci.anchorage.ak, us (907) 343-7904 ON-SITE SEWER/%/ELL PERMIT APPLICATION FOR A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Parcel I.D.. o~-I- o~/- ~; Permit Number Property owner(s). ,.T'o$¢/~ ,w' G~..'{' Mailing address (1) Mailing address (2) Legal description (Lot, Block & Sub'&) Legal description (Section, Township & Range) ' Lot Size /,67//7~.,~/ Acres/Sq. Ft. ! THIS APPLICATION IS FOR: Sewer Only Sewer and Well [] Sewer Upgrade [] THIS PROPERTY CONTAINS: Hot Tub [] Swimming Pool [] Therapy Pool [] Day phone ..<'.Zz- 7~'¢Z ~/,~ ~ 4~o.~ ¢..,q~- Zip Code po;,, r/~o/~ ~.~;~ Number of Bedrooms ~- Well Only [] Water Storage [] Jacuzzi Water Softening Unit I certify that the above information is correct. I further certify that this application is being made for a Single Family Dwelling and is Tn accordance with applicable Municipal Codes. (Signature of property owner or authorized agent) Permit Fees: 4 ~ ~-'~- Date of Payment: Receipt Number. {Rev. '12/00) Waiver Fees: Date of Payment: Receipt Number. Civil · Geotechnical * Surveyin_qg · Environmental · Construction April 16, 2002 W.O. # 02033.1 Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department On-Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw Street Anchorage, Alaska 99519 Re: Lot 15, Block 2, Near Point Knoll Subdivision On-Site Wastewater Disposal Permit Application Impacts to Adjacent Properties Dear On-Site Services Engineer: We are submitting an application for the installation of an on-site wastewater treatment system for the referenced lot. The owner of the lot intends to construct a new four-bedroom home. Included in our submittal are the Permit Application, three drawings, a Soils Log/Percolation Test completed on April 9, 2002, three (3) sieve analyses completed April 12, 2002, and a Property Owner Agreement for the Maintenance of an On-Site Wastewater Disposal System. The three drawings show existing conditions (improvements) on the referenced lot and adjoining lots (Sheet I of 3), design site plan (Sheet 2 of 3), and design details (Sheet 3 of 3). A single test pit was placed on April 9, 2002 to a depth of 15.8 feet. No ground water was encountered while excavating the test hole or after monitoring for seven (7) days. No bedrock was encountered either. The percolation test was run between 7.5 and 8.5 feet. More than three readings were faster than 1 minute/inch. Sieve analyses were performed on three soil samples. Each soil analysis shows that more than 51% of the sample passes the No. 4 sieve. The on-site wastewater system desi.qn is based on the following: 1. Lot Size: 72,891 Sq. Ft. 2. 1,500 Gallon Biocycle 3. Effluent Application Rate for Advanced Wastewater Treatment System, Category II, Based on 4-9-02 Soil Percolation Rate of Less than 1 Minute/Inch and Sieve Analysis: 4 Gallons/Day/Sq. Ft. from Table C 4. Number of Bedrooms: 4 5. Drainfield Type: Typical Deep Trench, 2 Ft. Wide 2702 Gamb¢ll//201 · Anchorage, AK 99503 · 907-272-7111 · (Fax) 277-3177 · (E-mail) phukan~:gci.nct April 16, 2002 Page 2 Therefore: Absorption Area 4 BDRMS x 150 GallonslDay/BDRM 4 Gallons/Day/Sq. Ft. = 150 Sq, Ft. Using 4.5 Feet of Sewer Rock Below the Perforated Drainfield Pipe: Trench Length = .150 Sq. Ft. = .150 Sq. Ft. = 16.67 Feet 2 x 4.5 Ft. 9 Ft. Use 17 Feet Trench Length + 2 Feet Each End = 21 Feet Deep Trench Drainfield Desiqn Dimensions are as Follows: Trench Width: 2 Feet Trench Length/Perforated Drainfield Piping: 17 Feet Overall Trench Length: 21 Feet Sewer Rock Below Perforated Drainfield Pipe: 4.5 Feet Total Depth at Midpoint of Trench: 9.8 Feet (Bottom of Drainfield) Cover at Midpoint of Trench: 4 Feet Near Point Knoll Subdivision is served by a community Class A water well. The Class A well is located more than 300 feet north-northeast of the northern property line of this lot. Installation of the on-site wastewater treatment system with primary and replacement drainfields will not prevent septic systems to be constructed on the adjoining lots nor result in a significant change in the general slopes of the area. The proposed system will not be located in an area where ponding occurs and its installation will not result in future ponding or concentration of surface runoff. There are no surface water bodies or drainage courses within 200 feet of the proposed on-site wastewater disposal system. An existing single lane dirt/gravel road crosses adjacent Lots 14 and 16 and Lot 15 approximately 65 feet easterly of the proposed wastewater system. It will be blocked off at the northerly property line of Lot 15 by the owners, Joe and Gail Tolliver, The Existing Conditions Sheet (Sheet 1 of 3) shows improvements on adjacent lots. A small mobile unit is located on adjacent Lot 14 near the dirt/gravel road. It is reported to be occupied seasonally. There are no known water wells or April 16, 2002 Page 3 septic systems associated with this unit and no records were recovered in the Municipality of Anchorage database. Please contact me at 272-7111 if you have any questions regarding the proposed on-site wastewater disposal system design. Thank you. Sincerely, PHUKAN, INC. ~an, D.I.C., P.E. Enclosures: On-Site Sewer Permit Application Existing Conditions Sheet Design Site Plan Sheet Design Details Sheet Soils Log - Percolation Test Sheet Three (3) Soils Analysis Sheets Property Owner Agreement for the Maintenance of an On-Site Wastewater Disposal System P'ERUff No: EXISTING CONDITIONS ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM LOT 15, BLOCK 2, NEAR POINT KNOLL S/D P.I.D. No: 041-021-,58 NORTH IIOT 7 VACANT LOT 11 HILLSIDE NORTH DATE PREPARED FOR: Joe ond Goii Toiliver 646 King Arthur Circle Anchoroge, Ak. 99518 (907) 522-7642 PHUKAN INC. 2702 ~mbell Street, Suite 201 Anchorage, ~aska., 99503 Tele: (907) 272-7111 Fax: (907) 277-3177 [m~il: phukanOgcl.,net DAT~: 4/16/02 I EXISTING ~ sc~.~: ~'=~'CONDITIONS P£RMIT No: DESIGN SITE PLAN ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM LOT 15, BLOCK 2, NEAR POINT KNOLL S/D ¢0R1 P,I.D. No: 041-021-56 Lot 1 4 Lot 16 (21' MIN.) (21' ,/;, Tract PREPARED FOR: Joe (]nd tail Toll[vet 646 King Arthur Circle Anchorage, Al<. 99518 (907) 522-7642 Tract B1 PHUKAN INC. 2702 Gambell Street. Suite 201 Anchorage, A~aska., 99505 Tele: (907) 272-7111 Fox: (907) 277-3177 Email: phukanOgct.net 41,61o2 j DESIGN sc,~: ,'=.o' I SITE PLAN PERMIT No: DESIGN DETAILS ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM LOT 15, BLOCK 2, NEAR POINT KNOLL S/D P.I.D, No: 041-021-5§ SOILS tOO - T.H. I~1 ~'~/~ I "":":'"~""° o.,...~, I ~ F F'-I,-,' , ~. ...., ~~~', _. ~x~ ~. I ~ "'""""'"" ~'" "'¥' *. P~[D foR: PHU~N INC. 2702 ~mbe(I S~e[ Su;te 201 ~.~ · ..... ? ~ doe Grig ~QiI /Ofl~ver g~ t ~ % CE 5227 · '~-~ . · . e ~ *,, ,,'~ 646 Krug ~hur C~rcle , ~ , mr~s~'¢. ~: ~/~6/e~ DESIGN DETAILS ~A~ ~ (907) 522-7642 Municipality of Anchorage  Development Services Department Soils Log - Percolation Test I' Lecal Des~p~cn: Z~/~ ~/?c.~ ~. ~e~ r ~,;- f ~eflT~shlp, Range. SecS~: " Slcpe Site P~n 131t- O.c,-. -- I$~- &o/ko,,., 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 19- 20- t ?ece~-/,:, lpg!r,'? . I I WAS OROUND WATER ENCOUNTE.OED? IF YES. AT ~T DEP~? Dep$~ toWater A~er ~onitotlng? I I Reading Dale 3 I Gross Time COMMENTS PERCCLATICNRATE ~ /, . mi.'~utes, fr.c.'q ~-'_ST~,'~-:. ?~ rr ~,:o 8-s /o ,.C/e.,.e e,q..,,/,v,rYJ , ~ Net Time j Depth to Water I O::go J /Z" FERC HOLE DIM.tETER FT Net Drop PERFORMED BY: p~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ..~, c. I '~-~_L ' -' CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT OH THIS DATE. DATE: 4''cJ'- O Z. PAN '&"r. - ~9.o U.S. STANDARD SIEVE OPENINO IN INCHES U,S. STAN'DARD SIEVE NUMBERS ltYDROMETER #40 979.2 ~90.2 ~0.~ I 39.9 ~ ~0 · /. s AX~ ?o Bi0 SIZE - 0.20 ~ ~ poorly - ~raded sand wX~ I PAN '~'r, - ~9,0 U.S. STANDARD SIEVE OPEN'lNG IN INCHES U,S. STAN'DARD SIEVE NUMBERS ltYDROMETER ,,,,., _ _ .. _ a40 979.2 8~,2 ~. I 39.9 ~ 50 $0 ~ s~.o is.o ~ ~ I I 1 ~ -- DIoS~ - 0.20 ~ ~ ~ SIZE + TARE XVT. RETAINED PASSING #20 1035.1 950.4 60.2 39.$ ~ #60 1470.3 13S2.6 87.6 12.4 6O ,2OO PAN ]665.6 1655.9 I ~77.91565.2 99.4 0.6 ~ ~~~~~--, 40 20 gO D SIZE - 030 Coeff. of Utd formhy, Cu - 24.1 0 100 CoetT.. of Curvature, C¢ - 0.2 500 100 50 10 ~ t 0.5 0.1 0.05 0.01 0.005 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS '1'~? ItOL£: I CLASgWI~ATION PRO.IECT: Lo~ 15 Blk 2 SAMPL£ NO.: 2 CLtI~rr: Joe Tollivet o~rn oF s.~L£ u~n~ SO~L CLASS S'WmOL: poorly-graded sand with gravel AP. EA: Anchocase $.$ COMMENTS: SP w.O. #: 2033.00 I DATE: 12-Apr-02 #20 1038.1 950.4 60.2 39.$ ~ ~ S40 1237.4 11493 72.8 27.2 ~ 50 ~ ,-- ~r~-~--,--r-- 50 ~ 0~ 14703 1392.6 87.6 12A ~ PAN WT. 913 U.S. STANDARD SIE%'E OPE2,,TNG IN INCHES U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMBERS HY'DRO~e. ~s- 4-~ ~- ~- ,~- ~- ~- ~- ~ 4 6 * i0 i~1~20 ~0 40 ~0 ~ ioGi40 2~ WET XVT. - PAN %VT. ' 1956.6 100 0 #40 1407.5 1316.0 686 I 31.4 ~ 50 ....... 50 % GRAVEL - 46 30 ~ ?0 20 ~ 80 D~PTHOFSAt,(PL£ L~Itlt. uSOILCLASSSYMBOL: poorly-graded sand with gravel ARt=A: Anchon~ge 8.5 CO.VIM~q'I'S: ~ W.O. ~: 2033.00 [ DATE: 12-A1~'.,02 I PAN WT. 913 U.S. STANDARD SIE%'E OPE2,,TNG IN INCHES U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMBERS HY'DRO~t e. I £R S~E + TA~ ~. ~A~ P~S~G % G~L - 46 30 ~ ~ ~ 70 ~0 ~ 80 DIoS~E 0,21 ~ ~ ~ ',, ' 01/07/1995 23:52 9872773177 gO7 343 ~ZSO PAGE 02 PROPERTY OWNER AGREF, MI~.NT FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF AN ON-SITE WASTEWAT~R DISPOSAL 5YSTI~M Dev~ ~a'vtee, Dep~tn~ (DSD) .nd t~e pmpem/own~O of: This a~ is trmde f~r th~ i~ of malnt~inlni an on-~ite wns~ewa~er disposal system on (l~rintect NaCre) Kelly Tmkler. Nota~. Public