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Onsite File Woodhaven #3 #511989 J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING, INC. September 9, 2016 Mr. Andre Spinelli Spinwest, LLC 1900 W. Northern Lights Blvd #200 Anchorage AK 99503 Re: Evaluation of aquifers in the vicinity of Woodhaven Subdivision, Addition No. 3, Anchorage, Alaska. Dear Mr. Spinelli: This letter report is to provide the findings of recent aquifer testing and evaluation of aquifer conditions in the vicinity of the proposed Woodhaven Subdivision, Addition No. 3 (hereafter in this report termed Woodhaven Subdivision) in Anchorage, Alaska. Woodhaven Subdivision is located approximately 1/4 mile north of Huffman Road and west of Elmore Road in South Anchorage. Woodhaven Subdivision has received preliminary plat approval for 13 lots and two tracts on approximately 19.5 acres and is now subject to approval pending a finding that an adequate water supply from the planned on-site wells is available without adversely affecting the ability of surrounding wells to provide water. Hydrogeologic Setting The project area is located just west of the Anchorage Hillside area, where general groundwater conditions were described by Dearborn and Barnwell (1975). Glacial deposits in the area are expected to be more than 250 ft thick. Wells are expected to tap sand and gravel aquifers of varying depths. Bedrock is too deep to constitute a significant potential aquifer. Methods and Sources of Data This evaluation encompasses three major parts: a vicinity analysis, a site evaluation including an aquifer test, and predictive modeling to evaluate the potential effects of the proposed development. First, a review of well logs and well adequacy reports from surrounding properties was performed to evaluate the general conditions in the area. Historic water -level trends are evaluated to determine if there is a pattern of declining water levels in wells. A pattern of declining water levels would indicate that the aquifers are being pumped at rates higher than their replenishment from recharge. Also, water -budget information is used to estimate potential sustainable aquifer yields using methods similar to those used by the U. S. Geological Survey report for the nearby Hillside area. Second, three test wells were drilled in 2014 for aquifer testing purposes. Locations of the test wells are shown on the attached Well and Septic Plan (see attachment). On September 1-2, 2016, an aquifer test was conducted using these wells. The results of the aquifer testing are described in this report. The test data were collected by Sullivan Water Wells. .5701 PENNY CIRCLE, ANCHORAGE, AK, 99516 iammnter it,aretic.net PHONE(907)345-0165; FAX(907)348-8592 J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING, INC. Finally, a commonly used model is used to predict the effects of the proposed well development on the aquifer. The results of the model are used to evaluate potential effects of pumping on future well owners within the subdivision and surrounding water users. VICINITY ANALYSIS Aquifer Recharge and Water -Supply Potential The aquifer in this area receives recharge through the overlying glacial deposits and from upgradient groundwater flow flowing generally west to east. Regional data indicate that average annual precipitation in this part of Anchorage is approximately 16 inches/year. Assuming that approximately 30 percent of this amount recharges groundwater, then the 19.5 -acre tract should recharge an average of approximately 7,000 gallons of water per day to local aquifers. This amount equates to 535 gallons per day for each of the 13 planned homes on the parcel. These data suggest that on-site recharge of water alone is potentially sufficient to sustain aquifers with the quantity of water needed for subdivision use. Dearborn and Barnwell (1975) studied the Anchorage Hillside hydrology in the area just east of this project to determine the long-term potential yield of water -supply aquifers. They concluded that the sustainable yield of groundwater aquifers in areas underlain by glacial drift aquifers (such as this area is) was in the range of 2-4 million gallons per day for their study area. This converts to 8,600 to 18,000 gallons per day for the 19.5 -acre tract, or 660 to 1400 gpd for each of the 13 planned homes, which is consistent with the recharge estimate provided above. Their study provides support that groundwater supplies in this area are potentially sufficient to provide water for residential development as proposed on a sustainable long-term basis. Review of area well records The MOA's On-site files were searched for records from adjacent and surrounding properties. (http://onsite.ei.anchorage.ak.us/scripts/LFWebLink.exe/weblink/browser.htmi) The WELTS well log database (http://www.navmaps.alaska.gov/welts/) maintained by the ADNR was also examined for well logs. Table 1 presents the results of the data search. Thirty well logs were identified not including the three test wells drilled for this development. Following is a table of key data elements from well logs in the vicinity of the proposed development. Transmissivities (T) were estimated with a widely -used empirical equation used to estimate transmissivity from aquifer test data. This relationship (Sterrett, Robert J., 2007, Appendix 6.N) is: T=2000 x specific capacity; where specific capacity = reported yield/drawdown. Full drawdown is assumed where data were lacking, resulting in conservative (i.e. low) estimates of T. Evaluation of aquifers in the vicinity of Page 2 of 9 September 9, 2016 Woodhaven Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING. INC. Table 1. Summary of data for wells near Woodhaven Subdivision. Location Well depth (feet) Reported yield or flow rate and year of measurement (gpm) Estimated transmis- sivity (gpd/ft) Aquifer lithology Static water level in feet below land surface and year of measurement Homestead Hills L6 B3 267 7 2006 280 Gravel 217 2006 Homestead Hills L5 B3 268 13 1981 560 Sand and Gravel 222 1996 Homestead Hills L7 B3 263 12 1979 Not Calculable unknown unkno wn 1979 5.92+ 2003 237 2003 5.6 2010 233 2010 Jenkins L2 B 1 231 15 1992 545 Sand and avel 170 1992 Shenendoah Hills Lot 7 Well 1 64 18 1977 7200 Sand and Gravel w' clay 30 1977 3 2003 32 2003 Shenendoah Hills Lot 7 Well 2 86 30 2005 950 Gravel and sand 23 2005 Shenendoah Hills Lot 8 87 6 1978 480 Gravel and sand 55 1978 8.6 1994 4.4 1994 Shenendoah Hills Lot 9 65 7 1980 155 Sand and Gravel 4.5 1980 8.0+ 1997 -2 1997 7.48 1991 -2 1991 8.5 1987 0 1987 Seifker Add 3 L2 Tr 5 100 10 1976 310 Sandy Gravel 35 1976 Seifker Add 3 Tr 5 L8 110 10 1976 400 Sand and Gravel 60 1976 4.44 2000 45 2000 Seifker Add 3 Tr 5 L9 87 5 1984 435 Gravel 57 1984 Seilker Add 2 L1 B4 117 5 1983 710 Gravel 103 1983 6 1994 96 1994 5 1989 111 1989 5 1 1988 10,000 111 1988 Seifker Add 2 L2 B4 228 20+ 2006 540 Silty sand and avel 136 2006 Seifker Add 2 L2 B4 184 5 1977 555 Sand and I gravel 161 1977 Seifker Add 2 L4 B3 241 100 2007 1670 Sand and gravel 121 2007 Seifker Add 2 235 1 12-15 1980 400 1 Sand and 1 168 1980 Evaluation of aquifers in the vicinity of Page 3 of 9 September 9, 2016 Woodhaven Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska I A. MUNTER CONSULTING, INC. Location Well depth (feet) Reported yield or flow rate and year of measurement (gpm) Estimated transmis- sivity ( d/ft) Aquifer lithology Static water level in feet below land surface and year of measurement L4 B4 6.7 1994 gravel 159 1994 Seifker Add 2 L3 B5 278 15 1985 625 Gravel 230 1985 Seifker Add 2 L4 B5 256 6 1984 2400 Gravel and sand 225 1984 Seifker Add 3 Tr 2 105 8 2015 500 Silty sand and ravel 67 2015 Talus West no. 1 LI B7 73 12 1977 2400 Gravel and sand 33 1977 18 2015 10.5 2015 6.8 12006 22 2006 2.4 1 1996 17.5 1996 Talus West no. 1 L2 B7 116 10 1977 2000 Sand and gravel 71 1977 5 1996 69 1996 Talus West no. 1 L7 B6 82 15 1978 1670 Sand and gravel 44 1978 5.1 2005 21.4 2005 5.2 2003 22 2003 7.05 1986 21.4 1986 6.4 1 1989 21.5 1989 Talus West no. 1 L8 B6 93.5 8 1981 615 Sand and gravel 60 1981 4.8 2006 23 2006 6.7+ 1995 15 1995 7.56 1984 365 16.76 1984 Talus West no. 2 Ll B6 272 7.5 1977 3000 Sand 247 1977 4.05+ 2013 232 2013 5.3 1992 230 2013 5 1 1986 1250 260 1986 Talus West no. 2 L2 B6 50 1 8 1981 1100 Gravel 35 1981 3.8 2010 39.8 2010 Talus West no. 2 L3 B6 87 15 2004 460 Silty sand and gravel 22 2004 6.7 2013 21 2013 Woodhaven No. 2 Tract A 106 20 1980 800 Gravel 55 1980 Woodhaven No. 2 Tract B, L2 64 20 1976 3100 Gravel and sand 39 1976 Woodhaven No. 2 Tract B, L1 72 15-20 1976 2200 Gravel and sand 42 1976 Woodhaven Ni. 2 Tract C 108 10 1987 530 Sand and gravel 57 1987 5.6 1998 54 1998 Evaluation of aquifers in the vicinity of Page 4 of 9 September 9, 2016 Woodhaven Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING. INC. Summary of Well Record Review All wells in the vicinity were found to tap a sand and/or gravel aquifer. Reported yields of wells range from 3 to 100 gpm, and inspection of water -level data collected during different years shows that water levels in the aquifers have remained relatively stable with no apparent long- term lowering of water levels. Static water levels range in depth from flowing artesian to 237 ft below land surface. Well depths range from 50 ft to 278 ft below land surface. Calculated transmissivity values range from 155 to 10,000 gpd/ft. The median estimated value of transmissivity is 620 gpd/ft. Two main aquifers appear to be present, with wells to the west, northwest, southwest, south, southeast, and east of Woodhaven Subdivision consistently tapping an aquifer ranging in depth from 50 to 120 feet deep. The aquifer is confined and is overlain by silty glacial deposits. Wells north and northeast of the proposed subdivision appear to tap a deeper confined aquifer ranging in depth from 228 ft to 278 ft deep. Numerous wells are reported to have undergone health authority reviews and approvals since they were drilled as long as 40 years ago, and the available well data indicate that wells in the vicinity are capable of supplying sufficient water to single family homes on an on-going basis. Summary of Vicinity Analysis. The proposed subdivision is located in an area where numerous wells already tap sand and gravel aquifers. Existing data show that the aquifer is not exhibiting water -level declines from existing development. Area -wide water budget and potential aquifer recharge data also suggest that the aquifers have the potential to supply the water required for indefinite sustainable on-site use for the proposed Woodhaven Subdivision. SITE EVALUATION Test -Well Drilling Three test wells were drilled at the approximate locations shown on the attached site plan for lots 6, 7, and 8. Logs of the wells are attached. For this report, the well drilled on lot 7 (124 ft deep) will be called Well 7, the well drilled on Lot 6 (124 ft deep) will be called Well 6, and the well drilled on Lot 8 (1 l8 ft deep) will be called Well 8. All of the wells appear to tap the same sand and gravel aquifer at a depth range of approximately 110 to 124 ft. The wells were developed by air-lift pumping, with estimated reported yields at the time of drilling ranging from 10 to 40 gpm. Aquifer Testing Results Testing of Well 7. Aquifer testing was performed using Well 7 as the pumped well and Wells 6 and 8 as observation wells. A flow rate of approximately 6 gpm using a 6 gpm flow restrictor was selected to start a 24 -hr test at 12:05 pm on September 1, 2016. The flow rate was confirmed with a bucket and watch. The monitoring wells both responded to the pumping. Evaluation of aquifers in the vicinity of Page 5 of 9 September 9, 2016 Woodhaven Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING, INC. Drawdown and recovery data collected during the test were analyzed using AQTESOLV software, and the results are shown in the attached figures and summarized in Table 2. The data are relatively consistent, indicating that the aquifer tapped by the three wells is relatively uniform in the vicinity of the wells. Well Distance from Estimated Estimated pumped well transmissivity, storativity, S T d/ft unitless Well 7 - pumped Not applicable 1800 Not meaningful well Well 6 91 feet 1400 1 x 10" Well 8 135 feet 1700 1.7 x 10" note: T in the attached AQTESOLV results is reported in units of ft /day, which converts to gpd/ft by multiplying by 7.48 gal/ft'. The geometric mean transmissivity calculated from the three wells is 1600 gpd/ft. The average value of storativity is 1.35 x 10"4. Summary of Site Evaluation The test drilling and surrounding vicinity analysis indicates that all of the new wells at Woodhaven Subdivision are likely to tap a confined sand and gravel aquifer in a depth range of approximately 80 to 120 feet below land surface. Testing of the aquifer shows that nearby wells can be expected to be hydraulically connected and to respond to pumping from other wells if they are close enough and pumping rates are high enough. The transmissivity of the aquifer is estimated to be approximately 1600 gpd/ft, which is slightly higher than the median estimated transmissivities of surrounding wells. However those estimated transmissivities are likely biased low because of limitations in reported drawdown data on drilling logs. Thus, the mean transmissivity determined form the aquifer testing described in this report is likely representative of the aquifer tapped and suitable for predictive estimates of the effects of future new pumping at Woodhaven Subdivision. POTENTIAL EFFECTS OF NEW PUMPING A Theis (1935) analysis was performed to estimate drawdown in surrounding wells from pumping new wells at Woodhaven subdivision. These calculations required certain simplifying assumptions. They assume that the aquifer is infinite in lateral extent without boundary conditions, is homogeneous and isotropic, and that recharge or leakage through confining layers does not occur within the simulation time period. While these assumptions are simplifications of actual aquifer conditions, the Theis model is widely used and can provide an initial assessment of the magnitude of the likely effects of pumping on nearby wells. For each scenario described below, the aquifer transmissivity is assumed to be 1600 gpd/ft and the aquifer storativity is assumed to be 1.35 x 10-4, based on the aquifer testing performed. The period of pumping is assumed to be 200 days. This time period represents a winter period of low Evaluation of aquifers in the vicinity of Page 6 of 9 September 9, 2016 Woodhaven Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING. INC. recharge, after which it is assumed that additional water would be available from spring recharge. The first scenario evaluated is of the effects of pumping a single well on a neighboring well located a nominal 30 feet away. Many of the planned well locations are arranged in such well pairs - see attached site plan. If both wells are pumped at a rate of 450 gpd, then each well would be expected to experience approximately 0.5 feet of drawdown at the end of 200 days of pumping just from its own pumping. Each well would also have the effect of causing an additional 0.3 feet of drawdown on the other well, for a total of 0.8 feet of drawdown in each well. The wells in the subdivision are expected to have available drawdown that are similar to the approximately 70 feet found in the three test wells. Thus, the projected effects of wells on their immediate neighbors is expected to be negligible. Secondly, the potential effects of pumping of all the new wells in the subdivision were simulated, for simplicity, by assuming that all of the new pumping comes from a single well located at the center of Woodhaven Subdivision. The rate of pumping is assumed to be 450 gpd/lot, or 5850 gpd total for the 13 lots. Drawdowns are calculated from the center of Woodhaven Subdivision out to a distance of 500 feet, representing the approximate distance to the nearest surrounding wells. Using these parameters, the Theis model calculates drawdown of 2.3 ft after 200 days of simulated pumping. A review of the data in Table 1 shows that all but one of the wells that tap the shallow confined aquifer are reported to have 25 feet or more of water in the casing to accommodate water level fluctuations such as those caused by nearby wells. These wells all yield enough water that the effects of these small amounts of drawdown are expected to be negligible. Thus, these surrounding wells are not expected to be adversely affected by the proposed new wells. One well is reported to be 50 feet deep and had an engineer -measured static water level of 39.6 feet deep in 2010. The well was drilled in 1981 and presents something of an anomaly. While the static water level was reported by the driller to be 35 feet, the well also reported a "distance to water" of 32 feet while pumping at 480 gallons per hour (8gpm). This is backwards, as the distance to water while pumping should be greater, not less, than the distance to water under static conditions. The most likely explanation of this anomaly is that the two water level readings were mistakenly transposed. If this is the case, then the well should experience approximately 1.4 feet of drawdown while pumping at the 2010 reported rate of 3.8 gpm (likely the yield of the pump in the well at the time). Thus, considering the 39.8 ft depth to water in 2010, the well has approximately 10.4 ft of available drawdown. Allowing two feet for pump submergence, 2.3 feet for drawdown from the proposed new wells, and 1.4 feet for drawdown caused by the well itself, the well would only be projected to have a total of 5.7 feet of drawdown and should continue to function without difficulty, even with the proposed new wells at Woodhaven Subdivision. Also, since the wells at Woodhaven are deeper, there may be significantly less drawdown at the 50 -foot well because it only partially penetrates the aquifer. Evaluation of aquifers in the vicinity of Page 7 of 9 September 9, 2016 Woodhaven Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING. INC. The other anomaly concerning this well is that it is unusually shallow. It is the shallowest well of all the wells shown in Table 1. Also, the wells on adjacent lots immediately to the north and south are 272 and 87 feet deep, respectively. The 87 -foot deep well has approximately 65 feet of water in the casing under static conditions. Thus, it appears that the 50 -foot well is tapped only into the very top of the shallow confined aquifer in this area. The well site of the 50 -foot well is also likely underlain by at least one deeper confined aquifer. Thus, deepening or redrilling the well either deeper into the aquifer it is tapped into or into a deeper aquifer, should it be needed, are viable options. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS All wells in the Woodhaven Subdivision are likely to tap a confined sand and gravel aquifer at a depth range of approximately 80 to 120 feet. Aquifer testing shows that observation wells at distances of 91 feet and 135 feet responded to the test pumping as would be expected in a hydraulically connected aquifer. The data show that the aquifer characteristics are similar to those estimated from numerous wells in the vicinity. Reviews of data files and area -wide hydrologic analyses show that water -level declines are not evident in the area and the local hydrogeologic regime appears to be adequate to support existing and new water demands from wells as proposed. Model calculations indicate that approximately 2.3 ft of drawdown is possible at surrounding wells. These calculations suggest that some amount of water level response could occur in surrounding wells as a result of pumping from new wells at Woodhaven Subdivision. A review of well logs shows that all but one well in the vicinity have more than 25 ft of available drawdown, indicating that such water -level declines would not adversely affect the performance of those wells. A detailed analysis shows that even the 50 -foot well, with less than 11 feet of available drawdown, should be able to continue pumping without noticeable effect even with the new development. The modeling analysis performed contains a number of conservative assumptions, and the effects of pumping new wells could be even less than calculated. Should the 50 -foot well need additional water, however, the analysis shows that it is highly likely that a well tapping deeper into the same aquifer or tapping a deeper aquifer at the site would obtain adequate yield. Such deepening, should it be needed, is reasonable considering how shallow the well is. Numerous lots in Anchorage have initially been developed with relatively shallow wells only to find at a later date that a deeper well is needed to reliably supply water. The results of this investigation provide consistent support to the findings that there is an adequate supply of water to support the proposed Woodhaven Subdivision and that the new use of water will not adversely affect the ability of surrounding water users or future residents of the new subdivision to obtain water. CLOSING Should you have any questions about this report, please call me at 345-0165 or 727-6310. Evaluation of aquifers in the vicinity of Page 8 of 9 September 9, 2016 Woodhaven Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING, INC. Sincerely, J. A. Munter Consulting, Inc. a James A. Munter, CPG, CGWP Principal Hydrogeologist Certified Ground Water Professional No. 119481 Alaska Licensed Professional Geologist No. 568 Attachments: Well and Septic Plan for aquifer testing Spinell Woodhaven Lot 6 well log Spinell Woodhaven Lot 7 well log Spinell Woodhaven Lot 8 well log Aquifer test results References Cited Dearborn, L. L., and W. W. Barnwell, 1975, Hydrology for Land -use Planning, the Hillside area, Anchorage, Alaska, U.S. Geological Survey Open -file report 75-105. Sterrett, Robert J., ed., 2007, Groundwater and wells, 3rd edition, Johnson Screens, A Weatherford Company, New Brighton, Minnesota, 812 p. plus appendices. Theis, C. V., 1935, The relation between the lowering of the piezometric surface and the rate and duration of discharge of a well using groundwater storage. Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 2, pp 519-524. Evaluation of aquifers in the vicinity of Page 9 of 9 September 9, 2016 Woodhaven Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska I TtLVt IfN[NM[NO 0 YNf Y(DIYIDC YNSUSDIYI D[D J[FRIx SUf6 ITN( XIlL3 f • S S I E IN EN N=..] ADEN _• I I r WOODHAVEN EUt f I A00 N. N0. ] �zfsL (-------------- ---- IF NO ADN•Y[N fuaI •OO DNAY(N AODIOI NO. 1 IR N I NYN0. ApOx. �� N0. L A 093 •N ] 11111 � II - _WELL AND SEPTIC SYSTEM PLAN SCALE 1" = 200' WEST M0.® TALO• WEST LEGEND T.w NNN p�'pgUm x•a lacvlbn 3 D 48 i S P a 3.6 C e M e t 2.4 ( f t 1.2 9 Data Set: Date: 09/03/16 10. 100. 1000. 1.0E+4 Time (min) PUMPED WELL Time: 14:03:03 PROJECT INFORMATION Company: J. -A. MunterConsulting,..lnc, Client: Spinwest, LLC Location: Woodhaven Add 3 Test Well: WeII 7 Test Date: 911-2/2016 WELL DATA Pumping Wells_ __ Observation Wells Well NameX ft Y ft Well Name X ft Y(ft) Well 7 0 _0 _Well 7 __--- 0 1 0 SOLUTION Aquifer Model: Confined Solution Method: Theis T = 237.1 ft2/day S = 0.002914 — Kz/Kr = 1.� b = 20 ft 10. -T , --- � ,._r , , ...._.. D 1 i s p I a 0.1 - c e m e n 0.01 - t ( f t 0.001 1.0E 4 - --- 10. 100. 10. Time (min) WELL 6 1000. Data Set: Date: 09/03/16 Time: 21:06:49 PROJECT INFORMATION Company: J. A. Munter Consulting, Inc. Client: Spinwest, LLC Location: Woodhaven Add 3 Test Well: Well 7 Test Date: 9/1-2/2016 WELL DATA I 1.0E+4 Pumping Wells Observation Wells Well Name X (ft) Y (ft) Well Name X (ft) Y (ft) Well 0 0 Well 91 0 SOLUTION Aquifer Model: Confined Solution Method: Theis T = 189.6 ft2/day S = 0.0001003 Kz/Kr = 1. b = 20. ft 10. D s p a 0.1 C e m e n t 0.01 f t 0.001 1.OE-4 1. 10. 100. Time (min) EXTIitj WELL 8 Data Set Date: 09/03/16 Time: 14:31:12 PROJECT INFORMATION Company: J. A. Munter Consulting, Inc. Client: Spinwest, LLC Location: Woodhaven Add 3 Test Well: Well 7 Test Date: 9/1-2/2016 WELL DATA Pumping Wells Observation Wells Well Name X (ft) Y (ft) Well Name X (ft) Well 7 0 0 Well 8 0 SOLUTION Aquifer Model: Confined Solution Method: Theis T = 228.1 Aday S = 0.0001744 Kz/Kr = 1. b = 20- ft Y (ft) 135 ANDERSON ENGINEERING P.O. BOX 240773 ANCHORAGE, AK 99524 522-7773 677-7766 (FAX) September 28, 2016 Municipality of Anchorage Building Safety Division On Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 Elmore Street Anchorage, AK 99507 Attention: Debbie Wockenfuss Subject: Woodhaven Subdivision No. 3, S-11989 Septic System Feasibility Study We have completed an ongoing study of the proposed subdivision with the intent of determining the locations of on site septic systems. The proposed Woodhaven Subdivision No. 3 is located near the intersection of Elmore Road and Huffman Road in south Anchorage. The parcel will be divided into 13 individual lots. The tract is currently identified as Tract DAB -A, Woodhaven Subdivision No. 2 and is unoccupied. The new subdivision will be known as Woodhaven Subdivision Addition No. 3, Lots 1 through 13 and Tract B. A new road will be constructed to provide access to each of the lots from Elmore Road. The ground surface of the lots slopes from the east to the west at a grade approximating 10% to 15%. Flatter areas were located on all of the proposed lots for home sites and septic systems. Lot sizes are all in excess of 40,000 square feet in surface area and sufficient space is available for placement of wells and septic systems to meet the 100' setback requirement. Test holes were placed on the proposed lots between January 16 and January 31, 2013. Soil assessment and percolation testing continued until mid February. Water monitoring has been ongoing with readings taken during the high water periods. The purpose of the test holes was to assess the underlying soil conditions and to determine whether septic systems could be placed on the lots to serve single-family homes. The test holes were placed to various depths ranging from 11' to 18' with no bedrock or impermeable lenses of material encountered. The locations of the test holes were determined in the field for use in the future for developing septic systems. Percolation Woodhaven Subdivision Addition No. 3 September 28, 2016 Page 2 benches were constructed at various depths in the holes, but primarily 4' to 5' below the original ground surface. A percolation cavity was prepared to determine the absorptive characteristics of the soils encountered. The cavity was presoaked in accordance with Municipal requirements and a percolation test performed. The results of the tests are included in the attached documentation. In every case silty sand and gravel (SM/GM/ML) with varying degrees of silt was encountered to the bottom of each test hole. The percolation rate in this material ranged from 28 minutes to more than 100 minutes per inch. All work was completed under the direction of technicians and engineers at Anderson Engineering. The results of the percolation tests and test hole logs are included as well as the water monitoring results. Groundwater was found in all of the test holes and has been monitored through the high water periods to insure the separation distance of 4' between the bottom of the septic system and groundwater can be maintained. The presence of groundwater will severely limit the placement of the absorption systems. The groundwater level ranges from 3' to more than 11' below the surface, but was consistently found close to the surface. An open space containing wetlands bisects the subdivision near the midpoint. Some surface water is found in this area during breakup and after major storm events. For the majority of the time no standing water is noted in the area. All septic system reserve areas are located more than 100' from any surface water. Based on our field study and water monitoring completed to date it appears all lots of the proposed subdivision are capable of supporting an onsite septic system. All of the lots will require a Category III Nitrate Reducing Septic System due to slow percolation rates and the presence of high groundwater. Most of the systems will be constructed above ground with final mound elevations up to 6' above the existing grades on the tract. Well and septic system permits have already been issued for the parcel designated as Lot 11. The design and permits were issued for a four bedroom home and included an Advantex Treatment System along with a 1,200 square foot absorption system. The primary and alternate sites are shown on the attached plan. Well permits have been issued for proposed Lots 6, 7 and 8 to allow for the aquifer study. The locations of the wells are also shown on the plan. Septic reserve areas totaling 16,000 square feet each have been identified on each lot of the subdivision along with the location of the private wells for each lot and other drainage features. The square footage was determined based on the use of Category III Nitrate Reducing Wastewater Treatment Systems with an application rate of .5 Gallons per Day per Square Foot. This area is similar to that required for subdivision development with standard septic systems with application rates between .45 and .6 Woodhaven Subdivision Addition No. 3 September 28, 2016 Page 2 Gallons per Day per Square Foot. A plat note stating that Category III Nitrate Reducing Septic Systems are required will be added to the final plat. The note will read as follows: 1. Category III Nitrate Reducing Advanced Wastewater Treatment Systems approved by the Municipality of Anchorage are required on all lots. Test hole logs with percolation test results and a Well and Septic System Site Map are included which illustrate soils encountered, percolation rates and the respective location of septic system reserve areas on the individual lots. Well locations on the lots surrounding the proposed subdivision are also shown. Sincerely, Michael E. Anderson, P.E. Attachments KI ain AND-Rscv \ —L— /I is 11 / . I i U N S U B D V I D E D `\ i D 0 J E N K I ITR --S U B D. iT H EE HHI L\L S-/ II Fn.e No wells within 200' of the Property line I U N S U B D I V I D E D I y,,GyNT isles •+worn / I IIf r-c- sNNW a•aYo,a r— T1��T ® 1 1 1 • e �1� I i r - I I W 000 H A V E 13•� a.` 1 Lara r L _ _ \ LOT r l li / I `W E S T .sew I I SUED. ADD� "' f 1` D'll aarr�.mve,.r owY~on. N O. 2 I S ww+++ q I 'or cw�. �M.a c m..' II S I E F K E R I I I I • 186 i a �� j M L=i'r.�o-- �' A I I ' I I m _------� � ae--r�M i\I ,sn 'm p i a ' e.�•�.r� p[ ate,e.�Far �MLY.oIlios13: n.m LoLOT /�` 1 k' / //is (ooa_ g6• --- JI \ �1 i. ,�t ) c Im''i •^a" q�E © I i li L a•"z ll =-elsliflis �t •ruL,Al �_ L��a—_1u €I {i A D D N. I ii , I •a 'S L ] �= tr�gM' u I i / /�, P'a ,1•.a'«. .o..v'lalt I 4d 1 UT P •/$�\/ b k $ I I I N 0. 2 1 VACANT II I w I/ -�. o.'win ,s T. L I Ela - T.•r. I = j I I T A L U S 11 A I Clyz- 10 E W O O D H A V E N S U B D.I ADDN. N0. 2 I WEST mYCT M I M WACTO N 0. 3 VACANT A —T--T-- a I • I r •',,••• S iE F K LR OF j_ ............ .................. • A o DD N. r�; N0.I 3 49th .......................................... MICHAELLE. ANIIERSDN � a sea nLYT o -,M w — ' J Y ,Y Ya,Y ala,xx mrt. lose m ,. • c nen. IeM UrAllsit I tY ,ml•r scan urrlmy A a wwYrx - aa.0 M _ a..Ymrt _ wa'1Le ]i u i•r. A __ • �w� �___ slowness O,wAn I SU B D.H AD DN. I X41 N 0. 1 a I � I� ___Y •INett «e.fYM ___ Ierr '«2 YM,YpI) Ir.cr o -a I W O A D D AIV ENNU B D. O. 2 WELL AND SEPTICI SYSTEM PLAN SCALE 1•e = 200' a S UI8 D. NQ. 1 LEGEND �3 0 Test Hole Designation and Location Well Location with 100' Protective Radius NOTE: Absorption Ponds are not expected to contain standing water for extended periods. 0'S 89'54'18"E 299.50'(M -206.39 ---- ---164. 0'---- -- 17b. 0'---------19 .5 '---- - 205.73'_---- 1 v' BI a.a I S 90'00'00"E 300.22'(R2) I ('4-&5) TE . ESMT. 83-497 16,000 S.F. eptic _ ! I I 16,000 S.F. Septic I: Reserve Ar \ ; / / I B MT. D APIN I II / I W E S T Reserve rea m r- ®TH6 In LOT 4 L � 0/ 2 I \ L T 1 I �I O L(% �� �e J nvvvv���� nl N W 0 OBD-H--A- V E N ^ i — �o �� r00, / / y1 ,000 S.F. Septic I / ,/ 16, 00 S.F. Se tic II Reserve Area / S U� D. A N.o I z serve Are 25' DRAINAGE ESMT. DTM \ o M I L T 5 ut ut 16,000 S.. Septic o / N 0. 2 89'56'2 "E o �. v Resery Area 10' T. & E. ESMT. n / g 17S -- - o 3 m I 10- E. ES -TH2 - - Trl,0 I .. TRACT C \I o l 74.70 \4604 E / ` ; �TH4 `.' ; L _ ®TH3 184.69' �- C1 ¢ I C5 0 � � I sS ,,,,, 0' 04 89'58' "E 204.8 "[ N < 2 Z Z '� 4S n / '^ ' OS° �92' •22" 263.3_0' C3 n a \ LE 000 0 `° \/ 3• °� BSG$ / 8 ..•oCE E CIR -- 8491--- 2p I --- I b b I n \ I J2 0 L3 5-0 -� 10' T. E. ES I I 00 ,M,� N m S U B D. I G 1 - SEE TE 12 I I I z z �f '^ I a I o 89'55 " 30020'(R7) D 15' SLOE ES / 1... OPE & W ®TM 3 ( I o W \ ESMT• M) 25 'DMI c ES (D w 89'57'15' 300.10' (M) I I —� RAC ` // 1 ST0 �� 9 \ I I t2 m o w -- in- �-��-- % :� I , \N (E ts,oo S.F. s LOT 13101 r--- z r- NOTE 4 10' T. a F. F�IY t,,�oSEE DMi. )DTM) PEN SP E /!/ -A- Re .'rnp Re rve Are ,a I �I 0 w I I Ilr.,v/ 3S< 1 72,832 S.F. v / \ �10 in 5 '� I n NI I LOT ® / bo I 1.672 ACRES I/� \ w� / 1 �T B S Rene Se Aree tic I / I oa I O i 31 P / /\ TRA• ITH71 BUF ER LA CAPIN II b 6 a a 1 000 S.F. a tic ro / 1O, ( Q l I eserve A ea I z I/ / ( 1' II ( I o I m 1 5' ELE. MT. 3-497 3TSg eIr90 s 61s G'2 \C23/ G.�'L / % o ®� �Lb I M3-�199.33� - 481' -- I-II I 3 719 6/� S 9' 18"E 404.20' (M) w I I 15 & E. E MT. (84-8) 3 654694 // I //�� ,® 'y9tiS 8 '59'46"W 404.23'(R7) I m I I N o a l LOT 7 I Z I \Exyiyselrcj)E -}/ s s S ~ I w I 1 v o 16,00 S.F. Se is -[ _ 20' DRMNAG� ESMT. / ^� r rn I N 0. 2 \ N _NI I Re erye Area I/ �' N (DTM)- 1"'i S 9. 3s, �ij�� I 10' T. E. ES (84-83) 0- f o,-. N 5g`T4' '�y'� / EN �S F- - -S i '5 '1 "E _ 43' .5 < (YAS Sv9 S♦ - 15 .8 I n r - N 89'56 25 20#6 - 2 1 1 LOP S - C\ 10' EDESTRI ACCESS ESMT.(DTM) — — oo 4"� = I ES sc'" in N \ I (RACT B) I I I T A U U S SII N T.&E. ES \ w' I 4 l r- , Qj $ N �>?i ng I (S NOTES 12 & 13) w w I of NI m a. a ig II 0 1 o I m o� ' 16,0 0 S.F. eptic m N o •� z W 0 D H A V E N S U B D. �� f�serve ea k rw I I A D D N. N 0. 2 I 7 0- b < n TRACT D-1B-B — — — m o o 10SE .& E. 1 SMT. m TF79 m N / EE NOTE 4 b\ LpT o / n m I moo 89'm6 srE S''08.88` z 37 I \ / Q y w w .'��� OF >1�4'• I l'ooz /� n / 43, S.F. g ^ , •N Y\ ............ .•••.,, ♦1♦ I 8 z I I N ^ TH71 0 o i {�`"?� 49�th�• .'�♦♦1 I W E S T I I T ACT B °`� rH10 ® z z i lir tom. 2 a" f-•, N 16,000 .. Septic 6,000 S.. epti 'MICHAEL E. AN➢ERSDN I i I OP SPAC♦'• I — Is R serve Area Res a Areo l 194, 22 S.F. ♦♦�J�, No. cE-4ae[ '�,� o 01 nal 4.45 ACRES --21J ♦♦"fA •.,r Y l�+e�'' �� n FRONTIER LANE N 89'59' "E 363.28' ,•cll�� w� ��••• I — — i I REEK RROW CI I 10' SNOW STORAGE ES — n I 10' T. & E. ESMT. I � 1_ N E2 E3 \� `` 50' RADIUS TEMPORARY URNAROUND I 10' PEDESTRIAN (DTM) WOODHAVEN SUBDIVISION, ADDN. NO. 3 E4 �I \ TO BE OMATICALLY VACATE i - I I (TRACT B) WHEN STREET IS E NDED LOTS 1 THRU 13, TRACTS A & B STREAM PRO CTION S EB ---414.90' -- M6 A RESUBDIVISION OF TRACT D-18-A, WOODHAVEN SUBDIVISION, ADDN. NO. 2 (84-83), M p S 89'58'42"E 834.93' (M) n LOCATED WITHIN THE SE1/4, SECTION 21, T12N, R3W, SM, ALASKA, ANCHORAGE RECORDING I S 89'59'50"E 834.84'(R1) ,� ro - - - - - - - � DISTRICT, THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT, AND CONTAINING 19.79 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. CLEO AVENUE n n M4 SCALE 1 " = 100' MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4700 BRAGAW STREET ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: WOODHAVEN SUBDIVISION No. 3 PERFORMED FOR: SPINELL HOMES DATE: 1124113 PROJECT No.: PARCEL IDA`: TECHNICIAN: A. HARALA DEPTH ITEST HOLE No. 1 Iral> 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 OB/OG SILTY GRAVEL WITH VARYING SILT GM/ML F4 15 BOH @ 15' 16 17 18 19 20 WAS GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED? No IF YES @WHAT DEPTH? DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING: 3• DATE OF MONITORING: 5/15/13 5/15/14 3' 49th /'V MICHAEL E. ANDERSON jyyppb,, % No. CE -4381 r'., SITE PLAN SEE SITE PLAN R DATE READING GROSS TIME (MINUTES) NET TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH To (INCHES) INET DROP (INCHES) 1/24 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: 1 9:13 1.25" 2 9:43 30 1.875" .625" 3 9:44 1.50" 4 10:14 30 2.125" .625" 5 10:15 1.50" 6 10:45 30 2.125" .625" PERCOLATION RATE: 48 (MIN/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA.. g (INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN: 4 FT. and 5 FT. COMMENTS: TEST HOLE PRE SOAKED PRIOR TO TEST. TEST PERFORMED BY ANDERSON ENGINEERING. 1, MICHAEL E. ANDERSON CERTIFY THAT THIS WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPLE GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE: 3/12/13 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4700 BRAGAW STREET ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 DEPTH (feet) 0 1 - 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17 18- 19 - SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: WOODHAVEN SUBDIVISION No. 3 PERFORMED FOR: SPwELL HOMES DATE: 1/25/13 PROJECT No.: PARCEL ID#: TECHNICIAN: A. HARALA TEST HOLE No. 2 OB/OG SILTY SAND WITH VARYING SILT SLOPE 4L 49th •' SITE PLAN SEE SITE PIAN E. ANDERSON WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? NO IF YES Q WHAT DEPTH? NET TIME (MINUTES) WATERD (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING: 4 1 DATE OF MONITORING: 5/15/13 .75" 5/15/14 3' 2:45 30 DATE READING GROSS TIME (MINUTES) NET TIME (MINUTES) WATERD (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) 1/25 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: 1 2:15 .75" 2 2:45 30 2.625" .875" 3 2:46 1.00" 4 3:16 30 1.875" .875" 5 3:17 1.125" 6 3:47 30 2.00" .875" PERCOLATION RATE:34.2 (MIN/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA. 8" (INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN: 4 FT. and 5 FT. COMMENTS: TEST HOLE PRE SOAKED PRIOR TO TEST. TEST PERFORMED BY ANDERSON ENGINEERING. I, MICHAEL E. ANDERSON CERTIFY THAT THIS WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPLE GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE: 3/12/13 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4700 BRAGAW STREET ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: WOODHAVEN SUBDIVISION No. 3 PERFORMED FOR: SPiNELL HOMES DATE: 1/25/13 PROJECT No.: PARCEL IDH: TECHNICIAN: A. HARALA DEPTH TEST HOLE No. 3 (feet) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 OB/OG SILTY SAND WITH VARYING SILT SM BOH @ 15.5' SLOPE WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? NO IF YES Q WHAT DEPTH? DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING: 4• DATE OF MONITORING: 5/15/13 5/15/14 3' 49th E. mDERSON SITE PLAN SEE SITE PLAN t Y a DATE READING GROSS TIME (MINUTES) NET TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH TO WATER (INCHES) I(INCHES) NET DROP 1/25 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: 1 4:05 2.25" 2 4:35 30 3.50" 1.25" 3 4:36 2.00" 4 5:06 30 3.25" 1.25" 5 5:07 2.125" 6 5:37 30 3.375" 1.25" PERCOLATION RATE: 24 (MIN/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA. g l (INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN: 4 FT. and 5 FT. COMMENTS: TEST HOLE PRE SOAKED PRIOR TO TEST. TEST PERFORMED BY ANDERSON ENGINEERING. I, MICHAEL E. ANDERSON CERTIFY THAT THIS WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPLE GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE: 3/12/13 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE . DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4700 BRAGAW STREET ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 DEPTH (fee0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1c 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: WOODHAVEN SUBDIVISION No. 3 PERFORMED FOR: ';PiNFLL HOMES DATE: 1122113 PROJECT No.: PARCEL ID#: TECHNICIAN: A. HARALA TEST HOLE No. 4 OB/OG SILTY SAND WITH VARYING SILT SM BOH @ 16' SLOPE WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? No IF YES @ WHAT DEPTH?- DEPTH EPTH? DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING: 31 IEPU„ DATE OF MON1717ORING: 5/15/13 5/15/14 3' :.. z MICHAEL ANDERSON n No. CE -4381 ESSI Professional Eneineers Staran: SI I L PLAN SEE SITE PLAN L, t DATE READING GROSS TIME (MINUTES) NET TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH To WATER (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) 1/22 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: 1 10:04 .875" 2 10:34 30 1.625" .75" 3 10:35 1.00" 4 11:05 30 1.75" .75" 5 11:06 1.125" 6 11:36 30 1.875" .75" PERCOLATION RATE: 40 (MIN/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA. 8" (INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN: 4 FT. and 5 FT. COMMENTS: TEST HOLE PRE SOAKED PRIOR To TEST. TEST PERFORMED BY ANDERSON ENGINEERING. I, MICHAEL E. ANDERSON CERTIFY THAT THIS WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPLE GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE: 3/12/13 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4700 BRAGAW STREET ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 DEPTH (fee[) 0 1- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11- SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: WOODHAVEN SUBDIVISION No. 3 PERFORMED FOR: SPINELL HOMES DATE: 1/17/13 PROJECT No.: PARCEL ID#: TECHNICIAN: A. HARALA TEST HOLE No. 5 OB/OG SILTY SAND WITH VARYING SILT SLOPE .� 49th: MICHAEL E. ANDERSON No. CE -4381 SI I t PLAN SEE SITE PLAN Y `s WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? NO IF YES Q WHAT DEPTH? .S DEPTH O (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING: 9, 1 DATE OF MONITORING: 5/15/13 1.375' 5/15/14 9' 1:45 30 DATE READING GROSS TIME (MINUTES) NET TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH O (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) 1/17 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: 1 1:15 1.375' 2 1:45 30 2.00" .625' 3 1:46 1.50" 4 2:16 30 2.125' .625 5 2:17 1.25' 6 2:47 30 1.875' .625' PERCOLATION RATE: 48 (MIN/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA. 8H (INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEENFT. and 5 FT. COMMENTS: TEST HOLE PRE SOAKED PRIOR TO TEST. TEST PERFORMED BY ANDERSON ENGINEERING. I, MICHAEL E. ANDERSON CERTIFY THAT THIS WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPLE GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE: 3/12/13 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4700 BRAGAW STREET ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 DEPTH (feet) 0 I - 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 II I SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: WOODHAVEN SUBDIVISION No. 3 PERFORMED FOR: SPINEL„ HOMES DATE: 1/18/13 PROJECT No.: PARCEL ID#: TECHNICIAN: A. HARALA TEST HOLE No. 6 OB/OG SILTY SAND WITH VARYING SILT SM TRACE COBBLES DAMP BOH @ 17.0' WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? No IF YES @ WHAT DEPTH? ,S DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING: 11' LL DATE OF MONITORING: 5/15/13 5/15/14 II' .�:,• Ly. 49th *•.* MICHAEL E. ANDERSON No. CE -4381 SITE PLAN SEE SITE PLAN i Y DATE READING GROSS TIME (MINUTES) NET TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH TO (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) 1/18 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: 1 9:02 2.50" 2 9:32 30 3.75" 1.25" 3 9:33 2.25" 4 10:03 30 3.50" 1.25" 5 10:04 2.375" 6 1 10:34 1 30 1 3.625" 1.25" PERCOLATION RATE: 24 (MIN/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA. 8" (INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN: 4 FT. and 5 FT. COMMENTS: TEST HOLE PRE SOAKED PRIOR TO TEST. TEST PERFORMED BY ANDERSON ENGINEERING. I, MICHAEL E. ANDERSON CERTIFY THAT THIS WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE'WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPLE GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE: 3/12/13 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4700 BRAGAW STREET ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 DEPTH (feet) 0 1- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 II 14 15 16 17 18 19 I SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: WOODHAVEN SUBDIVISION No. 3 PERFORMED FOR: SPiNFLL HOMES DATE: 1/21/13 PROJECT No.: PARCEL ID#: TECHNICIAN: A. HARALA TEST HOLE No.7 OB/OG SILTY SAND WITH VARYING SILT DRY SM TRACE COBBLES 10" TO 12" BOH @ 15.5' SLOPE 4L MICHAEL E. ANDERSON 4 SITE PLAN SEE SITE PLAN U i WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? NO IF YES @ WHAT DEPTH? .S DEPTH TD WATER (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING: 6- LL 1 DATE OF MONITORING: 5/15/13 1.125" 5/15/14 6' 11:40 30 2.375" 1.25'' DATE READING GROSS TIME (MINUTES) NET TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH TD WATER (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) 1/21 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: 1 11:10 1.125" 2 11:40 30 2.375" 1.25'' 3 11:41 1.00" 4 12:11 30 2.25" 1.25" 5 12:12 1.501, 6 12:42 30 2.75" 1.25" PERCOLATION RATE: 24 (MIN/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA. 811 (INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN. -FT. and 5 FT. COMMENTS: TEST HOLE PRE SOAKED PRIOR TO TEST. TEST PERFORMED BY ANDERSON ENGINEERING. I, MICHAEL E. ANDERSON CERTIFY THAT THIS WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPLE GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE: 3/12/13 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4700 BRAGAW STREET ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 DEPTH (feet) 0 I- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10- H- 12- 13 0H- 12 - 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: WOODHAVEN SUBDIVISION No. 3 PERFORMED FOR: 4PINELL HOMES DATE: 1122113 PROJECT No.: PARCEL ID#: TECHNICIAN: A. HARALA TEST HOLE No. 8 WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? NO IF YES @WHAT DEPTH? L DAMP DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING: 8� DATE OF MONITORING: 5/15/13 5/15/14 e' BOH @ 15.5' f 49th ' ..i .. .......... . ]...�. • . MICHAEL E. ANDERSON i L SITE PLAN SEE SITE PLAN G r DATE READING GROSS TIME (MINUTES) NET TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH To WATER (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) 1/22 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: 1 3:11 1.50" 2 3:41 30 2.125" .625" 3 3:42 1.25" 4 4:12 30 1.875" .625" 5 4:13 1.50" 6 4:43 30 2.125" .625" PERCOLATION RATE: 48 (MIN/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA. 8" (INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN: 4 FT. and 5 FT. COMMENTS: TEST HOLE PRE SOAKED PRIOR TO TEST. TEST PERFORMED BY ANDERSON ENGINEERING. I, MICHAEL E. ANDERSON CERTIFY THAT THIS WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPLE GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE: 3/12/13 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4700 BRAGAW STREET ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 DEPTH (feet) 0 1 2' 3' 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: WOODHAVEN SUBDIVISION No. 3 PERFORMED FOR: SPINELL HOMES DATE: 1122113 PROJECT No.: PARCEL ID#: TECHNICIAN: A. HARALA TEST HOLE No. 9 SLOPE 17 OB/OG SILTY SAND WITH VARYING SILT SM WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? No IF YES @ WHAT DEPTH? .S DAMP DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING: 12' LL DATE OF MONITORING: 5/15/13 5/15/14 12' GLAZING SIDEWALLS BOH @ 15.5' a, 49t MICHAEL E. ANDERSON >t SITE PLAN SEE SITE PLAN ie t DATE READING GROSS TIME (MINUTES) NET TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH TD WATER (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) 1/22 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: 1 3:26 .75" 2 3:56 30 1.25" .50" 3 3:57 .50" 4 4:27 30 1.00" .50" 5 4:28 .75" 6 4:58 30 1.25" .50" PERCOLATION RATE: 60 (MIN/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA. g (INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN: 4 FT. and 5 FT. COMMENTS: TEST HOLE PRE SOAKED PRIOR TO TEST. TEST PERFORMED BY ANDERSON ENGINEERING. I, MICHAEL E. ANDERSON CERTIFY THAT THIS WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPLE GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS T)ATF• 3/12/13 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4700 BRAGAW STREET ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 DEPTH (feet) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: WOODHAVEN SUBDIVISION No. 3 PERFORMED FOR: SPINEL@ HOMES DATE: 1/23/13 PROJECT No.: PARCEL ID#: TECHNICIAN: A. HARALA TEST HOLE No. 10 SLOPE OB/OG - 1.3' SILTY SAND WITH VARYING SILT SOME COBBLES SM SI I L PLAN SEE SITE PLAN y i BOH @ 15.5' DATE WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? No IF YES @ WHAT DEPTH? - - GROSS TIME (MINUTES) NET TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH To WATER (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING: 4• LL TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: 1 DATE OF MONITORING: 5/15/13 1.25" 5/15/14 4' 2 1:39 30 2.00" 10/15/14 BOH @ 15.5' DATE READING GROSS TIME (MINUTES) NET TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH To WATER (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) 1/23 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: 1 1:09 1.25" 2 1:39 30 2.00" .75" 3 1:40 1.125" 4 2:10 30 1.875" .75" 5 2:11 L00" 6 2:41 30 1.75" .75" PERCOLATION RATE: 40 (MIN/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA. g I (INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN. -FT. and 5 FT. COMMENTS: TEST HOLE PRE SOAKED PRIOR TO TEST. TEST PERFORMED BY ANDERSON ENGINEERING. I, MICHAEL E. ANDERSON CERTIFY THAT THIS WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPLE GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE: 3/12/13 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4700 BRAGAW STREET ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 DEPTH (fee[) 0 1- 2 3 4 5 6- 7 8- 9- 10- 11- 14 15 16 17 18 19 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: WOODHAVEN SUBDIVISION No. 5 PERFORMED FOR: 4PINELL HOME,- DATE: OMESDATE: 1/24/15 PROJECT No.: PARCEL ID#: TECHNICIAN: A. HARALA TEST HOLE No. 11 OB/OG SILTY SAND WITH VARYING SILT SM TRACE COBBLES 6" To 10" WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? No IF YES @WHAT DEPTH? S DRY DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING: 4� DATE OF MONITORING: 5/15/13 5/15/14 4' innsnl. L BOH @ 15.5' SITE PLAN SEE SITE PLAN L i DATE READING GROSS TIME (MINUTES) NET TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH TO WATER (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) 1/24 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: 1 10:10 3.25" 2 10:40 30 4.00" .75" 3 10:42 3.00" 4 11:22 30 3.75" .75" 5 11:23 3.125" 6 1 11:53 30 3.875" .75" PERCOLATION RATE: 40 (MIN/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA. 8" (INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN: 4 FT. and 5 FT. COMMENTS: TEST HOLE PRE SOAKED PRIOR TO TEST. TEST PERFORMED BY ANDERSON ENGINEERING. I, MICHAEL E. ANDERSON CERTIFY THAT THIS WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPLE GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE: 3/12/13 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4700 BRAGAW STREET ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: WOODHAVEN SUBDIVISION No. 3 PERFORMED FOR: SpINELL HOME, DATE: 1/25/13 PROJECT No.: PARCEL ID*: TECHNICIAN: A. HARALA DEPTH TEST HOLE No. 12 (kec) 07z7M OB/OG Ii 3 READING SILTY SAND NET TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH To WATER (INCHES) WITH VARYING SILT 4 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: 5 12:05 1.25" sM 6 12:35 30 7 .31" 8 12:36 9 DAMP TO WET 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 SLOPE WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? YES IF YES @ WHAT DEPTH? 10' DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING: L.0• BOH @ 11.0' DATE OF MONITORING: 5/15/13 5/IS/IL L' mnsai. c• i 49th E. ANDERSON Z SITE PLAN SEE SITE PLAN 8 t x DATE READING GROSS TIME (MINUTES) NET TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH To WATER (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) 1/25 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: 1 12:05 1.25" 2 12:35 30 1.56" .31" 3 12:36 1.125" 4 1:06 30 1.435" .31" 5 1:07 1.25" 6 1:37 30 1.56" .31" PERCOLATION RATE: 97 (MIN/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA. 8" (INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN.— and 4—FT. COMMENTS: TEST HOLE PRE SOAKED PRIOR TO TEST. CATEGORY III SEPTIC SYSTEM REQUIRED. TEST PERFORMED BY ANDERSON ENGINEERING. 1, MICHAEL E. ANDERSON CERTIFY THAT THIS WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPLE GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE: 5/24/16 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4700 BRAGAW STREET ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: WOODHAVEN SUBDIVISION No. 3 PERFORMED FOR: SPINELL HoMFs DATE: 1/23/13 PROJECT No.: PARCEL ID#: TECHNICIAN: A. HARALA DEPTH ITEST HOLE No. 13 (Feet) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I 1 1 SLOPE OB/OG SILTY SAND WITH VARYING SILT oM DAMP TO WET WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? YES IF YES @ WHAT DEPTH? 9.4 DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING: 3 DATE OF MONITORING: 5/15/13 5/15/14 3' BOH @ 11.0' 10/15/14 3' SITE PLAN SEE SITE PLAN Y DATE READING GROSS TIME (MINUTES) NET TIME (MINUTES) Wq ERD (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) 1/23 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: 1 11:42 2.625" 2 12:12 30 3.00" .375" 3 12:13 2.50" 4 12:43 30 2.875" .375" 5 12:44 2.25" 6 1:14 30 2.625" .375" PERCOLATION RATE: 80 (MIN/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA. 8" (INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEENFT. and 3 FT. COMMENTS: TEST HOLE PRE SOAKED PRIOR TO TEST. CATEGORY 111 SEPTIC SYSTEM REQUIRED. TEST PERFORMED BY ANDERSON ENGINEERING. I, MICHAEL E. ANDERSON CERTIFY THAT THIS WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPLE GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE: 3/12/13 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4700 BRAGAW STREET ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 DEPTH (feet) 0 1 ' 2' 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 1 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: WOODHAVEN SUBDIVISION No. 3 PERFORMED FOR: SPwELL HoMEs DATE: 1/18/13 PROJECT No.: PARCEL ID#: TECHNICIAN: A. HARALA TEST HOLE No. 14 OB/OG SILTY SAND WITH VARYING SILT BOH @ 15.3' SITE PLAN SEE SITE PLAN k Y a WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? NO IF YES @ WHAT DEPTH? NET TIME (MINUTES) WPTH To (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING: 3 1 DATE OF MONITORING: 5/15/13 .75" 5/15/14 3' 9:42 30 10/15/14 3' 3 DATE READING GROSS TIME (MINUTES) NET TIME (MINUTES) WPTH To (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) 1/18 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: 1 9:12 .75" 2 9:42 30 2.00" 1.25" 3 9:44 .625" 4 10:14 30 1.875" 1.25" 5 10:16 .75" 6 10:46 30 2.00" 1.25" PERCOLATION RATE: 24 (MIN/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA. 811 (INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN: 4 FT. and 5 FT. COMMENTS: TEST HOLE PRE SOAKED PRIOR TO TEST. TEST PERFORMED BY ANDERSON ENGINEERING. I, MICHAEL E. ANDERSON CERTIFY THAT THIS WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPLE GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE: 3/12/13 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4700 BRAGAW STREET ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 DEPTH (feeq 1• 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: WOODHAVEN SUBDIVISION No. 3 PERFORMED FOR: SPwELL HoMEs DATE: 6/1/16 PROJECT No.: PARCEL ID#: TECHNICIAN: W. ROBERTS TEST HOLE No.7A] OB/OG SILTY SAND WITH VARYING SILT SM/ML DAMP TO WET SLOPE 1 O WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? YES IF YES (9 WHAT DEPTH? 8 DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING: 5 11 DATE OF MONITORING: 6/10/16 12 13 BOH @ 13.0' 14 15 16 17 18 19 pi. 49th •': ...i. ......... ..f�.. ....z !....!....,...� T'-.MICMREL E. ANDERSON No. CE -4381 P.&.i... I E.m.. Sw.m : SITE PLAN SEE SITE PLAN It a DATE READING GROSS TIME (MINUTES) NET TIME (MINUTES) D ATERQ (INCHES) i(INCHES) NET DROP 6/1 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: 1 1:09 0.63 2 1:39 30 0.88" .25" 3 1:40 0.50" 4 2:10 30 0.75" .25" 5 2:11 0.63" 6 2:41 30 0.88" .25" PERCOLATION RATE: 120 (MIN/INCH) PERC. HOLE DTA. 8" (INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN. I—FT. and 4 FT. COMMENTS: TEST HOLE PRE SOAKED PRIOR TO TEST. CATEGORY III SEPTIC SYSTEM REQUIRED. TEST PERFORMED BY ANDERSON ENGINEERING. 1, MICHAEL E. ANDERSON CERTIFY THAT THIS WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPLE GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE: 8/1/16/16