HomeMy WebLinkAboutWALTER G PIPPEL ADDITION BLK 6 LT 7oT.O -s—= F k n i s 7 L 3 7'HE S']` IT LASKA GDvlla NOR BILL WALKER Steve Eng, P.E. NorthRim Engineering P.O. Box 770724 Eagle River, Alaska 99577-0724 Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Water Wastewater Discharge Authorization Program 555 Cordova Street Anchorage, AIC 99501 Main: (907)269-7519 Fax: (907)334-2415 September 20, 2017 Re: Eagle River -Walter O. Pipel Addition, Block 6, Lot 7- Waiver of Separation Distance from Manhole and Wastewater Collection Line-ADEC Plan Tracking Number 273 WW 263A Dear Mr. Eng, On September 20, 2017 a waiver request was submitted for the above listed property. The request to waive separation distance between the source well on the property and the wastewater collection line shown to be 60 feet in horizontal distance and the manhole of 72 feet were reviewed. This well head was found to be in order with at least 18 inches above the ground and sloped away. The manhole and the wastewater lines are in Coronado Road with diches on both sides of 5% leading westward the source well is north of the line. A review of the well testing for nitrates indicates the well has 4.71 mgil of nitrate as nitrogen, a concern but less than 10 mg/1 where actions to treat the water would be advised. Sampling to assure the lower levels is advised at this time. (yearly) Based upon the submitted documentation and the sampling and well log along with the engineers recommendation that the waivers were not endangering public health. The Department has reviewed the information and concerns for the waivers which are herein evaluated. The separation distance from the source well on this lot to the manhole is reduced from 100 feet to the existing 72 feet. The separation distance from the source well to the community wastewater collection line is reduced from 75 feet to 60 feet based upon scales drawings provided by the engineer. These waivers are based upon the engineer's recommendation and the engineering controls established upon the lot which assure the protection of public health. Should it be found that the site conditions endanger public health or are a public health concern, the wavers will be rescinded. This approval does not imply the granting of additional authorizations nor obligate any state, federal or local regulatory body to grant required authorizations. Any person who disagrees with this decision may request an adjudicatory hearing in accordance with 18 AAC 15.195- 18 AAC 15.340 or an informal review by the Division Director in accordance with 18 AAC 15.185. Informal review requests must be delivered to the Division Director, 410 Willoughby Avenue, Suite 303, P.O. Box 111800, Juneau, Alaska 99801, within 15 days of receiving the decision. Guidance information on the informal review process may be found at http://www.dec.state.ak.us/commish/Review- Guidance.htm. Adjudicatory hearings requests must be delivered to the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Conservation, 410 Willoughby Avenue, Suite 303, P.O. Box 111800, Juneau, Alaska 99801, within 30 days of the decision. If a hearing is not requested within 30 days, the right to appeal is waived. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at 269- 7519. Respectfully, William R. Rieth, P.E. Environmental Engineer I~ APPLI~ ~T FILLS OUT UPpER~HA[~I,~)NLY Propert net Address ~ ~ Zip Code ~Other No. of Bedro0~ : Water Supply  Individual A~ACH WELL LOG. A w~l Icg is required for all wells drilled since June 1975. Community For wells drilled prior to that date, give well depth (attach Icg if available}. ~ Public Utility ~ Individual Year Indiv~ual Installed: ~Ho~dlngPUblic UtilitYTank ~>'~ ~' ~'~'~" ~ 't~ When Connected to Public Utility: ,'~ NOTE: THE INSPECTION FEE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH RE~EST BEFORE ~OCESSING CAN BE INITIATED. Time Time Time Time Date Date Date Date Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector ~ ~..-.~,~ MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE .... ,~ ~ ~ .... ~',:-.~ ~ ~L _ t.~ ~ ...~ ~ ~1~u.01982 ( ) APPROVED BEDROOMS -- [ ~ ~"*~DIT~SO~'APP~ ~,,~_/ /S~-Z~--X~ ~ ~ ~F/~'~; ~ll ~/'~ ~:1 /' /~/~ _, 72-023 September 21, 1982 Larry W. St. Pierre P.O. Bo× ].071 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Dear Mr. St°Pierre: This will follow up your recent <~iscussions with Dr. Wilson and ¥~ith me~ ;~nd will also respond to your letter of 8(:ptember 2, 1982. The Anchorage water~ell standards a~:e contained in chapter 15.55 of the Anchorage Hunicipa! code~ These stendards ~ere pro- mulg~ted as a result of experience in Anchorage as well as other parts of the country which was gained as a result of the analysis of failures '~bioh, in some cases contributed to ~ajor health problems. %'he reason for that standard which requires the %?eli casing to extend above ground is to allo%; the condition of the well to be visually inspectefio Otherv~ise it ~.~ould be impossible 'to ascer- tain the condition of the components of the %~ell, short of digging the entire system up. ~ir. Ji~ Roberts, the Inspector ~ho visited you on Augu~t 24, l~U2 ~]id not iaspect the system in your presence b~t did %'eturn one hour later and ~as unable to find any above ground evidence of a %;oil. This is the reason he 'was unable to certi~i~ that the %~ater system met applicable standards. The analysis of ~gate[~ from a %~e!t is a good in{~icator of whether contau~ination has poilnted that particular %-~e!l. Hog, ever, it has no }}earing on %~hether or not the well meets applicable construc- tion standards. ~['here are many ~ells ~;hicb ~ere constructed prior to tho promulgation of the existin9 standa~ds %~hi, ch test out very well, hog,ever, the probability of th~se ~ells becoming con- taminated is much greater than for wel[{s %~hich %~ere constructed in accordance3 with the standards. :fhig could occur through corrosion of the pipe Daterial, through crack~; in the pipe caused by earth move~,~ent, or through surface contamination ~ghich is able to seep do%~n to wells ~&hose intakes ~;ere constructed less tha~% the required 40 foot depth. your questions have been z~atisfactorily ansgered. Please Environ~entat ileal, t!,, Division c~. Dro ~oca~m ~-~ilson, Dire. ctor (]to,9 .l~.ff~_~, lt,., ~ Office of th<~ O~bu~!s~uatl c/o [~ynamic Realty P~O. !lox 677 DATE: Mumc pahty of Anchorage MEMORANDUM September 9, 1982 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Rodman Wilson, Director, Department of Health and Enviroomental Protection 'HUAIICIPALITy ~ Greg defferies, Office of the Ombudsma Carbon copy letter from Larry W. St. Pierre ' On Friday, August 27, this office received a call from Mr. L~ Pierre, who resides in Eagle River. He was attempting to ge{- a mortgage on his home through Alaska USA Federal Credit Union and neede~'~ Municipal approval of his water supply prior to loan approval. The Environmental Health Division had disapproved the on-site well because the system was buried which made a physical inspection impossible. Mr. St. Pierre was extremely upset when he first spoke to this office because of the overall attitude of the the staff he was dealing with at the Municipal Water and Sewer Control along with being informed that his well was substandard. Once it was learned that approval of Mr. St. Pierre's loan did not depend on Municipal approval of his water system, this office heard nothing more from Mr. St. Pierre. We were aware of his dissatisfaction with the new well standards and that his water system would need to be upgraded if the property was ever sold, but the original concern of obtaining loan approval had been resolved. On Tuesday, September 7, a copy of Mr. St. Pierre's letter to you was sent to this office. We a~k~p&q~r~y~e~s.~g~..e~..~.~ St. Pierre also be sent to t~hi~ o~f~fi~?~ If you have any questions about our original contact with Mr. St. Pierre, please call. GJJ:sl HEP DIR, OFC LARRY W. ST. PIERRE P.O. Box ~.07! 694-9474 ~'*~' '* Ea~le River, AK 99577 R~v. July 1958 ~/ FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION ~ Budget Bureau No. 63-R296. HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PART I.--TO BE COMPLETED BY FHA ~NSUmNO GraCE MORTOAGEE SERIAL NO. FJ.r~t National P. ank o~ ^nchoraffo Federal ltousing fidmAni~tr~tlon Bo~ 720, Anchoraffe, Alaska 60-008623 MORTOAOOR OR SPONSOR j F~OPERTY ADDRESS TOTAL NUMBER: BASEMENT [~¥es F~No ] New installation Can attic or other area be made into additional bedrooms? (If Yes, how many~) WATER SUPPLY BY: [] Public system SYSTEM DESIGNED FOR F--] Community system [] Individual NO. Op 8DRM$. GARBAGE DISPOSAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL BY; [] Public system [] Community system [] Individual l, [] Yes [] No PART II.--TO BE COMPLETED BY HEALTH DEPARTMENT HEALTH DEPARTMENT INSPECTOR'S SKETCH It is the opinion of the ~ State [] County [] Local Department of Health that this individual water-supply system ~.is [] is not satisfactory as a domestic water supply for the subject property. It is the opinion of the t~ State [] County tern with proper maintenance: []Can be expected to function satisfactorily, and ~: ' is not likely to create an insanitary condition ~] Local Department of Health that this individual sewage-disposal sys- J--J Cannot be expected to function satisfactorily PART Ill.--FOR USE OF FHA OFFICE TO THE CHIEF UNDERWRITER: SIGNATURE E~ CHIEF ARCHITECT DEPUTY FOR CHIEF ARCHITECT DATE HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM FHA Form 2573 REPORT OF INSPECTION--INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE-DISPOSAL SYSTEM Septic Tank: Distance from well ~.~,,t~ feet. Total liquid capacity, Inside iength, ~eet. Distance from: Well, Inside diameter, PRIMARY TREATMENT consists of ~Septic tank. [] Cesspool. / O:?O g no.s. /'//.-,~' Number of compartments Capacity inlet compartnlent, ,.- L.~. .gallons. feet. Liquid tiepin, ~et. feet; foundation, feet; nearest lot line at [] front, [] side, [] rear,. feet. Depth, feet. Liquid capacity, gallons. Lining material SECONDARY Tg[ATM[NT consists of [] Tile disposal field. ~Seepage pits. Other Tile Disposal Field: Distance from: Well Total length of tile lines, Trench width, Length of each line, Type of filter materiah [] Gravel. feet; foundation, feet; nearest lot line at [] front, [] side, [] rear,, feet. feet. Number of lines, Distance between lines, feet. inches. Total effective absorption area in bottom of trenches, .square feet. feet. Depth, top of tile to finish grade, inches. [] Broken stone. Other Depth of filter material beneath tile. inches. Depth of filter material over tile, inches. Seepage Plts~ '"' / Number of pits / Ontsj~Je diameter, feet. Depth, ~' feet. Lining material Distance from: Well,~feet; building~oundation ~'~ feet; nearest lot line at n front, ~side,5 rear /~ feet. Inspection mudo by: ~State. ~ County. ~ Local Health Authort~. ~ / ~ ,~ Date of mspecuon ~t , -*.'1 -~ - , 19 {fit. ~"~"'t,t~~~ , REPORT OF INSPECTION~INDIVIDUAL WATER-SUPPLY SYSTEM Distance to nearest public water main, "*'*~ feet. Size of main, *'~*~' inches. Individual wells ~are [] are not customary in neighborhood. Give most recenfFecord of failure of wells in immediate vicinity to fi~r_nish ajequate supply of water Properties m neighborhood 5~are [] are not being developed w~ oth m&wdual water-supply and sewage-disposal systems. Lot size: t/__:;~ -."~ feet wide. ./att· [.' feet deep. Dwelling set back frosn front property line ,. feet. Individual water supply from:~.~'Drilled well. [] Driven well. [] Dug well. [] Bored well. Distance of well from~ Bu,ldmg foundation,. ,4{/ feet; neare~ lot line at ~front, [] side; [] rear, ~,~-,. f feet, cast ,run sewer,~ feet; t,le sewer, ~g)~,o feet; septic tank,_ ~.t feet; disposal field, feet; seepage pit. ~.~ f/ feet; cesspool, .,-~-,~, feet; other sources of possible pollution,. "' .... feet. Well construction: Dia,neter,~/~5~inches. Total depth, 7~/'feet. Type of casing, .'5:'%/'o~-~':v, t Deptb of casing, 7db~' feet. Approximate depth to pumping level of water in well. f, rZ'-,O feet Approximate y e d, d/~ gallons per minute Sealed watertight to depth of .~7~ feet. Exterior space around casing sealed with: [] Cement grout. [] Puddled clay. [~Ordinary backfill. Well cover: [] Concrete. [] Wood. [2~Metal. Openings in well cover watedight: [5]0(es. [] No. ~ · . Pump [] S m ow we [~Deep we Length of drop p pe, ~'[~' feet Pump capac ty, //-- ~/di gad.00~ per initiate, ' "'' Located in: [~Basement. [] Pumproom off basement. [] Pumpbouse above ground. [] Pump pm Pumproom properly drained: ,~Yes. [] No. Pump mounting watertight: ~Yes. [] No. Type of storage F~'Presstre ~ [] Gravty Capacty ~'o~-~ ga ons Has bactenolog~cal exa~mmmat~on of water been made. .~Yes. []No. Ifanswer,s yes, g~vedate~.,,~,~},??0 i?,~:, , 19_RTcJ Quality of water q~is [] is not satisfactory for human consumption. Installation K2cloes [] does not comply with approved exhibits, if any. //' ' Inspection ma~e by: [C~State. [] County. [] Local Health Authority. / 7' .. Inspe.ed by Date of inspection ~'1 ,'2 -~,~. , 19 [rB~'} ..... /,~