HomeMy WebLinkAboutSMITHSON LT 97B Onsite File Smithson Lot 976 DIVISION OF WATER Fax:907-334-2415 Jan 26 2010 14:40 P. 02 • L J Q L! SEAN PARNELL. GOVERNOR 555 CORDOVA ANCHORAGE,Al(99501 DEPT. OF ENVJBONMENTAL CONSERVATION / Phon: (907)269 269-7519 487 DIVISION OF WATER httn://www.statc.ak.us/decl • WASTEWATER DISCHARGE PROGRAM June 18, 2007 a-�- Jeffrey A. Gayness,P.E. JGi'.sz/2_(0 ZD 1 Garness Engineering Group, Ltd. 3701 E.Tudor Road, Suite 101 Anchorage,Alaska 99507 Re: T 15 N,R 1 W, Section 9,Lot 97-Brichwood-Final Approval for a new Onsite Wastewater System Dear Mr. Garness: On June 12 the department received a plan submittal for an onlot wastewater treatment system with,a new 2,000 gallon septic tank and a new soil absorption system(15 'x 70' bed type)with sand liner was designed for a 5 bedroom system at the above location. The installation has followed this design even though the present use may be less. We have talked concerning the design and by your most resent faxed information,the property lines have been altered and the system shown for the 4 bedroom home is now located beyond the class C well radius of 150 feet. The new 2000 Ballon septic tank and the onsite soil absorption system, which is in a poorly graded gravelly sand material that field tested at a percolation rate much faster than 1 minute per inch(5 minutes to drop 6 inches). The Department has reviewed the engineering plans submitted for the subject project and per the Wastewater Regulations 18 AAC 72.240 approval to operate is hereby issued. A completed"Certificate to Construct" for the wastewater system is enclosed. please request plan approval on these er designs Qom, when the owner requests an increase in the size. This approval does not imply the granting of additional authorizations nor obligate any state, federal or local regulatory body to grant required authorizations. Any person who disagrees with this decision may request an adjudicatory hearing in accordance with 18 AAC 15.195- 18 AAC 15.340 or an informal review by the Division Director in //X4-; accordance with 18 AAC 15.185.Informal review requests must be delivered to the Division o Director, 555 Cordova Street,Anchorage,Alaska 99501,within 15 days of receiving the decision. -444-69/Adjudicatory hearings requests must be delivered to the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Conservation, 555 Cordova Street,Anchorage,Alaska 99501,within 30 days of 41- the decision. If a hearing is not requested within 30 days,the right to appeal is waived. 7 5— egie a Printe'on Re^_y^_:ed Paper DIVISION OF WATER Fax:907-334-2415 Jan 26 2010 14: 41 P. 03 Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at 269-7519. '' Respectfully, K. a"17 William R.Rieth,P.E. Environmental Engineer Enclosure: As stated cc:William Smyth,WW,w/o enc. 5/Zi (c Date Received STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DOCUMENTATION OF CONSTRUCTION I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1 Submitted by: Legal Description of the Location T15N, RTW SECTION 9, LOT 97, BIRCHW00D, ALASKA 0 Certified Installer D Approved Homeowner MI Registered Engineer — Installer Name: Onsite Wastewater System Serves: OWNER (BRIAN PORTERFIELD] 0 Single Family. Number of Bedrooms Mailing Address 0 Duplex. Number of Bedrooms P.O. BOX 878605 a WASILLA, AK 99629 an Small Commercial Facility With Estimated - Ok Design Flow of less than 500 GPD. SII. WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM (SECTION R IS OPTIONAL) ice of Water and Containment(Check all that Apply) Type of Water Supply Sys. Treatment of Water(Check all that Apply) ii D SF/Duplex ■ None 0 Chlorination Drilled or Driven) 0 Surface(identify) p 0 Filtration 0 Mineral Remove ❑ Roof htnent , ❑ Holding T ❑ Other(Identify) ill Public Q Other: Well Dem ❑ Yes 0 No Is the height o e well casing more than 12"above the ground? G IN •es 0 No • Is a sanitary seal or we a•installed on the well casiuB. Is drainer•e directed awe From• around the casin:within a radius of 10 fat o'••a well casin:? �\ ❑ Yes C] No Dyes LJ No is well wires enclosed in conduit? Date 1 l•• Depth of Well(Feet) (Feet) C.41411 Yield(If available) Pump Rate t7favadable) u•:ration atstance •tn •e 1'e asmg to eat:o •e o owing .•••• o ontammsgo Absorption Area on Lot "Septic/Holding"tank on Lot 'Srawer Lines••Lot Feet Feet Feet 'Closest Septic/Holding tank on Adjacent Lot 'Closest Sewer Lines•:), . • -• Lot Closest Edge of an Absorption Arca on Feet Feet Adjacent Lot Feet Indicate separation distance from toxic material including fuel tanks,paints,lu• '•' u:•d other On Lot FeetIOn Adjacent Lot Feet petroleum based materials,pesticides,fungicides or herbicides to well cas'•:. Water Samples Taken by: (Name) Sampler is: 0 Buyer 0 Engineer ,Address 0 Banker O Government official Water Sample Results: p Unsatisfactory- :• e Attach Copy 0 Satisfactory-Date` 1—Comments/Recommendatio . 1 Sys•;,F•— t S O•.^�� S` P•". •H i t,: ., •••.t' t tjtm tjoIL an. _ • •vided in ouLatachetil.dwjll.s...lS C0 Tele ;Signature Typed/Printed Name Title i Dale JEFFREY A. GARNESS, P.E. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER s/ jC Nose; 1. This Ir i hould be si: ••••by a C•• Oa Installer,Professional Engineer.DEC staff or Owner/Builder 2. All p bli er system must . • 0EC plan approval prior to constructs,. See 18 AAC 80 State ofAfo.ska Drinking Water Reg ata for specific requirements. Ir WASTEWATER DISPOSAL 'Legal Description: T15N, RI W, SECTION 9, LOT 97 Type of Wastewater System: 0 Septic Tank with Conventional Soil Absorption System o Package Treatment Plant(requires engineered design) p Holding Tank: Material Type: Size in Gallons: Manufacturer: _ _ ❑ Other-Specify Type: 0 Alternate Onsite(requires engineered design) ■ Small Commercial System(<500 GPD) With Estimated Daily Wastewater Flow of: 500 Gallons Per Day(GPD) Criteria Used to Estimate Daily Wastewater Quantity: III NEW SYSTEM 0 REPAIR TO EJCMSTING SYSTEM (Certified Installer Installation Notification Date: Name of Installer: OWNER (BRIAN PORTERFIELD) ,Date Installed: 8/11J2006 System Installed: 0 By a Registered Engineer ■ With Inspection by a Registered Engineer p By Approved Homeowner(attach copy of approval letter) 0 By a Certified Installer/Installer Number ______ Septic Tank:Material: Manufacturer. Size(Gallons): Number of Compartments: STEEL ANCHORAGE TANK 2000 2 - Type of Soil Absorption System: 0 Deep Trench 0 Shallow Trench 0 Seepage Pit ■ Bed 0 Mound 0 Other,Specify Soil Classification: GP & SP 'Soil Rating: 1.2 Dimensions/Size of Absorption Area: 70 X 15 = 1050 SQ. FT. Grading/Size of Distribution Rock: 3/4" TO 1.5" Thickness/Depth of Distribution Rock: 1' Percolation Test Results,Attach Copy of Report: Percolation Test Performed by: GARNESS ENGINEERING <1 Minutes per Inch N/A Sq.ft.per bedroom _p.eccotation test results must be sealedisigned by a registered engineer. List ground cover in feet over: Septic Tank: 4'+ Absorption Area: 4'+ Sewer Pipes: 4'+ Cleanout Pipes/Caps Installed: Foundation Cleanout: YES Septic Tank: YES Monitor Tubes: YES Indicate p ration distances from septic tank or absorption area,whichever is closest to,to all nearby: Public drinking water sources within 200 feet: 150'+ _ Private drinking water sources within 100 feet: 100'+ Nearest water bodies(see 18 AAC 72.020(b)): 100'+ Lot Line: 1 0'+ Separation Distance from allot Sewer Lines to: Public Drinking Water Sources: 100'+ Private Sources: 25'+ Separation Distance from Bottom of Distribution Rock to: Groundwater Table: ,4'+ Bedrock: 6'+ Separation Distance from Absorption Area to Slope exceeding 25%: 50'+ Comments/Recommendations: o!u��� L w� Et L.cs---a L,,.E;a. G �� ri c Sy S7 '3'4 07 ler/+» ertify tha the informa •n,and that provided in our attached drawinjs,is correct: Reg./Cert No.,Inst.No. Date ignature ) Typed/Printed Name / ,� o' JEFFREY A. GARNESS, P.E. I PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER I0 r 2. D NOTE: Mu- •,si; •by• taller,Professional Engineer,DEC sae,or Approved Homeowner. !f engineering seat bears printed name, registration •.• ,and is sign.. .•. blocks need not be completed for engineered rubmluats. �� l' SEAL a��'='. ,;._)F 0' � `�s�o Registered ProfeEngineer oral ,��� p Engineer V ,C: 49 }i 1A .v*0A /L...„..,/1 4 11 V 0 .• J- • : •. - ess• Q 00 o CE-7953 DO 4 04°dprotess\0C S' �•�Dood� .• PERMIT NUMBER: AS-BUII,T DRAWING PARCEL ID NUMBER: - \ 1---- . ,- A B \ 0611 23.4 69.0.1 \ 0B12 23.2 69.5 (:),) _ . ST1 18.3 70.1 \ 512 31.1 74.5 \ MTI 8.3.4 94.5 \ 1412 95.4 107.0 \ --. MT3 132.2 107.7 \ CO1 131.1 106.1 5XE• \ CO2 126.8 100.5 1 1" •• 40' r CO3 123.4 95.4, \ 104 121.6 93.1 1 1 1 l 1 i _.... 150' WELL RADIUS NEW I ,• DRANFIELD I / ( -....-f - ,•••:, '''•'.' in.../:-::7 .;•-•,. ,1..*,>:.. 'f,:,..••..,••!;: :::.. .: #-. :•' '•,• *!:!:v . r - iN •• '.'....',... •••'','•••• .• • •'• • .' .• ••21.' *.,, •.••*. •• .."-•-4.•,.... *a: •• ..'. ..! .,•.7 ..• : / urfc-----,-) : -:.:...... ..;„,.....'• • ••• 1 i 6•-;;.•-:-',..::.,:,•!'•• I I .e? Clofre( '.4•.` ....,;•;...:' zt: ::: e i 1 i rat•I US 1,:: • ' I. . • TH#l s....-';'..... 4 :-...,...se;..'i• I I 1 ,. ., . I i ..4 I• ""'•'. EXISTING •• • r 7,..f.... • i : 1 GAS STATION •• : . t'.••••".'1'' 406LUE / I . - •..:. .. ... s •...-',.. •• BOARD INSULATION / ..;..1........; I i I 4' WIDE ' . '.52,..,:. / I 1 .. ......;, / 'k:..•.: ••'..'....1. -- •: •• • i I ••••-: :••.,.r..,:......... .:- / .- -•..., / / ... .• . •' i.,.. L!: I 1 / :.•,*•-••• ori -4 / 1 A .1:••-• '-.:. \ ,•••• •,....f, :f . DBL1&2 /r • •"1,7*, . ': / • - -.. ,. .... - - - --1,___ - ... / STy ST2 • • . • ...,.,.,..:.•:..:...::: .. e, \ .... . .:.•• •.• .... ---M---EW--2000 GALLO/i/ 2 I-* \ ..i 6 •.........„:.. ........--- SEPTIC TANK 6 a b 8 .., . . . . :•• . .. .4z.,' OF N), -- c...... •a.• .. cs.\4 GARNESS ENGINEERING GROUP, Ltd. 41 ... • y InL N .r..s...s....ameyamagrxwra•t CONSULTANTS&GENERAL CONTRACTORS 71.0, D r t OON POW,WTI 101 •MCNOlt#7.7.AK 9O507•PW0117(907).373 -8S79•FAX(07)334-3 112371T.: 41• Inciparrolionlameingsam A r If t : ,• gi PREPARED FOR: 1PHONE NUMBER. PAGE NUMBER: % I i /-f . 1 1 . v POMP! PORTERFIELD 351-6151 3 OF 4 i,Q la ...Jer •. Gar(ess: % .. i LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 DRAWN BY: 0 ell ',I/ OA7. • • 4.,..}.3 ) ,.• T15N, R1W, SECTION 9, LOT 97 B.F.M. ‘111'‘ 1 o12.3.1Db•c.,<,4,">' TYPE OF WORK: DATE: AS-BUILT DRAWING OF SEPTIC SYSTEM UPGRADE 8/31/2006 . _ .. (Re,ovos) I PERMIT NUMBER: S_13TJILT DRAWING PARCEL ID NUMBER: FINAL GRADE = 100.36 ST1 ST2 TOP OF TANK TOP OF TANK AT INLET a 95.86 &— AT OUTLET = 95.85 NEW 2000 GALLON INVERT OF BUNG SEPTIC TANK INVERT OF BUNG AT INLET - 95.36 AT OUTLET - 95.07 L FTNAL RAD 102.24E FILTER FABRIC r 1 Mir Tk�!1 ORM 00 92 l— TOP OF SAND FILTER - 93.44 (AVG.) Y�y!w. .n4 �.: > G;%s;?�`.�‘�. OF A.D.E-'-^,e,¢�1L. TN4J, 'V�•i ‘r . .!ir.aL'Yt; :ti.. . t ,��.t1g.'.yrAPPROVED ,.r*14; vJs '�,rt' „ �.':lT. ;, ' . �;•('•'Ys�x g47r..r.••,rS� SANp FILTER, ,i-„.p4,-.x `.- c't. y: w- ; .c.+ INVERT OF DISTRIBUTION I' - yw • ti .f�^'' 1•'S ':