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Onsite File benaly Estates #512372 \CRTI—: I M ENGINEERING SteveEng.com Denaly Estates Subdivision, May 2018 SOILS SUMMARY The latest phase of eighteen lots for Denaly Estates Subdivision is planned for the upper Eagle River valley(S12381).The proposed subdivision is surrounded by developed subdivisions,except to the south which comprises the Eagle River Greenbelt. These surrounding subdivisions successfully utilize on-site water wells and septic systems. Denaly Estates Subdivision will also utilize on-site systems. A large number of test holes have been completed the past several years within the proposed subdivision. Over 70 test holes reveal a similar soil. The soil is generally sandy with some gravel and silt. This soil is typical for the Eagle River valley; ablation glacial till. Most of the test holes exhibited groundwater at depth. Some test holes revealed shallower groundwater, but meeting the minimum requirements. The soils in this latest phase of Denaly Estates Subdivision have generally been found to be consistent with the soils in the surrounding subdivisions. The soils were placed as glacial till, and are predominately sand,silty sand,silts,and gravel.Bedrock was not encountered in the test holes. Groundwater is not an issue; all the test holes have adequate separation to groundwater. Most test holes exhibited no groundwater.The test holes,septic system reserve area,and possible water well locations have been depicted on the accompanying drawing. Drainages have been mapped for the subdivision. Drainages consist of typical mountain run-off, directed toward Eagle River. Most drainages ultimately reside underground, due to the highly permeable soil. The soils logs completed have been predominately found to be consistent with MOA requirements for on-site systems. Soil and percolation tests have been completed over the past 16 years-these have been compiled, field-checked and included in the soils report. Some minor errors have been noted in the percolation test results;these are not significant and do not reveal any inconsistencies in this subdivision phase. Percolation tests over the years have not consistently followed the requirement for measuring to the nearest one-sixteenth inch or for one-hour in duration-these omissions do not appear to effect the adequacy of the soils. A large utility easement crosses the northern tier of proposed lots. This easement required special scrutiny in placement of septic reserve sites and proposed water wells. The septic system reserve site for Lot 13 straddles the utility easement;the large size of the reserve area allows adequate development without impacting the utility easement. Other lots along this easeartCn la4�wise allow development without impacting the utility easement. .�.��. Cqs, / Zyn 4 �• VIJ 411411W A �, .. Steven W. • • Li I� v®G' • �' e ���OFESS\ma c " S❑ILS LOG - PERC❑LATI❑N TEST ZCRTI- IM Date Performed: 6/10/02 ENGINEERING Performed For: S4 Group Legal Description: Denaly Estates Block 2 Lot 1 DEPTH (FEET) T.H. Location: See Attached Test 1 - ///% Organic Q Boring Location Map 2 - p 0 GM/ML 3 - • SP Sand 5 - .: 6 _ . . . .` ._., to SM Groundwater? Yes 7 .....l. :..-.: : Depth 12' 8 - . 0 Water Depth 9 - 1.' After Monitoring. None Date: 10/3/17 10 - "•\•--1- .: • # Date Gross Time Net Time Depth Net Drop 11 - :: .:: .. 1 6/10 0 -- 6" -- 12 - .. 2 6/10 10 10 min. 3.25' 2.75" 13 - ,(1....2 3 6/10 20 -- 6' -- 14 - 4 6/10 30 10 min. 3,5" 2.5" 15 - 5 6/10 30 -- 6' -- 16 - 6 6/10 40 10 min. 3,75" 2.25" 17 - 7 6/10 40 -- 6' -- 18 - 8 6/10 50 10 min. 3.9' 2.1' 19 - 9 6/10 50 -- 6" -- 20 - 10 6/10 60 10 min. 3.9" 2,1" 21 - Percolation Rate 4.7 min/in Perc Hole Diameter 6" Test Run Between 5' & 6' omments, erformed By NorthRim Fng, I .3_ CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS 'erformed in Accordance with All State/Municipal Guidelines in Effect N THIS DATE. DATE: IrmNiu ails.-.. '4 DENALY ESTATES TH1 N OR THRI M 4..- ENGINEERING •*• ••••• • •• BLOCK 2 LOTS 1-18 FOR PO Box 770724 'ogle River, Alaska 99577 TESTH❑LE LOG S4 GROUP 907.694.7028 1015117+. tate: 'SHEET: GE❑TECHNICAL 10/5/17 1 of 18 NETS❑ILS L❑G — PERC❑LATI❑N TEST IE Date Performed: 6/10/02 ENGINEERING Performed For: S4 Group Legal Description: Denaly Estates Block 2 Lot 3 DEPTH (FEET) T.H. Location: See Attached Test Organic 1 Boring Location Map 2 - p. . .Q. GM/ML 3 0 SP Sand 4 to SM 5 - 0 W/Gravel 6 - Groundwater? Yes 7 - Depth 10' 8 - :.0: Water Depth 9 - After Monitoring. None Date: 10/3/17 10 - # Date Gross Tine Net Tine Depth Net Drop 11 - 0 1 6/11 0 -- 6' -- 12 - 2 6/11 9 9 nin. 3.25" 2.75' 13 - 3 6/11 9 -- 6' -- 14 - 4 6/11 18 9 min. 3,5" 2.5" 15 - 5 6/11 27 -- 6' -- 16 - 6 6/11 36 9 nin. 3,75" 2.25" 17 - -- -- 18 - 19 - -- -- 20 - 21 - Percolation Rate 4 min/in Perc Hole Diameter 6" Test Run Between 4' & 5' Comments: Performed By NortbRim Fng. I . . CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS Performed in Accordao.ce with All State/Municipal Guidelines in Effect ON THIS DATE. DATE: SJ397d 1'0'.- DENALY ESTATES TH3 N OR THRI M c : ENGINEERING •* :4s '', F. BLOCK 2 LOTS 1-18 FOR PO Box 770724 "Ole Eagle River, Alaska 99577 ..,:s.7-371TESTH❑LE LOG S4 GROUP 907.694.7028Date: GE❑TECHNICAL 10/5/17 Isrof 18 SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST NET FR I M Date Performed: 6/10/02 ENGINEERING Performed For: S4 Group Legal Description: Denaly Estates Block 2 Lot 3 DEPTH (FEET) ////// T.H. Location: See At • ched Test 1 - Organic 2 - 0 Q. GM/ML Boring Locatio Map 3 0 SP Sand 4 •. . . . ikeJ to SM ` 5 - - W/Gravel ;Desok 6Groundwater? Yes 7 - Depth 10' 8 - :.Q: Water Depth 9 - After Monitorina. None Date: 10/3/17 10 - # Date Gross ime Net Time Depth Net Drop 11 - 01 6/11 0 -- 6' -- 12 - 2 6/11 9 9 min. 3.25' 2.75' 13 - 3 6/11 9 -- 6" 14 - 4 6/11 18 9 min. 3,5" 2.5" 15 - 5 6/ 27 -- 6" -- 16 - 6 ./11 36 9 min. 3,75" 2.25' 17 - -- -- 18 - 19 - -- -- 20 - 21 - P:rcolation Rate 1.5 min/in Perc Hole Diameter 6" 'est Run Between 4' & 5' omments: erformed By Nor • Rim Fng, I - CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS erformed in A' cordance with All State/Municipal Guidelines in Effect N THIS DATE. PATE: 0112m141s�PE .�c` DENALY ESTATES TH3 NOR T. RlM *. � , .: ENGIN ERING BLOCK 2 LOTS 1-18 FOR PO Box 770724 oge Rlver, A/osko 99577 7y TESTHOLE LOG LS4 GROUP o�ss4.�o2a � �i�.7.�.,�17+ GEOTECHNICAL r110/5/173 of' 18 S❑ILS LOG — PERC❑LATI❑N TEST NICRTER Date Performed: 10/3/17 ENGINENEENGINEERING Performed For: S4 Group Legal Description: Denaly Estates Block 2 Lot 5 DEPTH (FEET) T.H. Location: See Attached Test 1 - ,, Organic 0 Boring Location Map 2 - 0. . 0 SW Sand 3 - . 4 _ .0 W/ 5 - 0. 6 _ Gravel Groundwater? No 7 - .. • Depth -- 8 - JQI Water Depth 9 - 0 After Monitoring. None Date: 10/11/17 10 - # Date Gross Time Net Time Depth Net Drop 11 - `0' 1 10/3 0 -- 6' -- 12 - 2 10/3 10 10 min. 1' 5' 13 - 3 10/3 20 -- 6" -- 14 - 4 10/3 30 10 min. 1' 5" 15 - 5 10/3 30 -- 6" -- 16 - 6 10/3 40 10 min. 1' 5' 17 - 7 10/3 40 -- 6' -- 18 - 8 10/3 50 10 min. 1' 5' 19 - 9 10/3 50 -- 6' -- 20 - 10 10/3 60 10 min. 1' 5' 21 - Percolation Rate 2 min/in Perc Hole Diameter 6" Test Run Between 3' & 4' :omments: 'erformed By NorthRirn Fng, I S CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS 'erformed in Accordance with All State/Municipal Guidelines in Effect IN THIS DATE. DATE: 417"%4 -';S--°F '..`. DENALY ESTATES TH5 NOR THRI M ...• ENGINEERING * *• BLOCK 2 LOTS 1-18 FOR PO Box 770724 sw.ei 'ogle River, Alaska 99577 TESTH❑LE LOG 1 S4 GROUP 907.694.7028 _10/5/17 Ioote: SHEET: GEETECHNICAL _; 10/5/17 5 of 18 • S❑ILS LOG — PERC❑LATI❑N TEST \CT1-SIM Date Performed: 6/10/02 ENGINEERING Performed For: S4 Group Legal Description: Denaly Estates Block 2 Lot 7 DEPTH (FEET) ,,,,,,,,,,, Organic T,H, Location: See Attached Test 1 - • • GM/ML Boring Location Map 2 - 3 - 4 - SP Sand 5 6 _ to SM Groundwater? Yes 7 - Depth 9' 8 - :.0: Water Depth 9 - After Monitoring, None Date: 10/3/17 10 - # Date Gross Time Net Time Depth Net Drop 11 - ' • 1 6/11 0 -- 6' -- 12 - 2 6/11 2 2 min. 0" 6" 13 - 3 6/11 2 -- 6' -- 14 - 4 6/11 4 2 min. 0' 6' 15 - 5 6/11 4 -- 6' -- 16 - 6 6/11 6 2 min, 0' 6' 17 - -- -- 18 - 19 - -- -- 20 - 21 - Percolation Rate <1 min/in Perc Hole Diameter 6" Test Run Between 3' & 4' omments: 'erformed By NorthRin Fng, I .5-- - CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS 'erformed in Accordance with All State/Municipal Guidelines in Effect IN THIS DATE. DATE: NORTHRIM 4SC". DENALY ESTATES TH7 * ' '• 'S , BLOCK 2 LOTS 1-18 ENGINEERING • • - F❑R Po Box 770724 •'lfl ,�• 7 _1 :ogle River. Alaska 99577 of TEST H❑L E LOG kS4 GR❑UP 907.694.7028 1 = Lte: �"EET: GE❑TECHNICAL 10/5/17 17 of 18 S❑ILS LOG — PERC❑LATI❑N TEST \C,?TI—SIM Date Performed: 6/11/02 ENGINEERING Performed For: S4 Group Legal Description: Denaly Estates Block 2 Lot 9 DEPTH (FEET) Organic T,H. Location: See Attached Test 1 - 0 , GM/ML Boring Location Map 2 - 3 - : 0 4 - .. Q SP Sand 5 - to SM 6 _ 0. . 0 Groundwater? No 7 - Depth -- 8 - •:0: Water Depth 9 - After Monitoring. None Date: 10/3/17 10 - Q. . . # Date Gross Time Net Time Depth Net Drop 11 - 1 6/11 0 -- 6' -- 12 - 0- 2 6/11 2 2 min. 0• 6' 13 - eTh - 3 6/11 2 -- 6' -- 14 - - 4 6/11 4 2 min. 0' 6' 15 - 0 5 6/11 4 -- 6' -- 16 - 6 6/11 6 2 min. 0' 6' 17 - -- -- 18 - 19 - -- -- 20 - 21 - Percolation Rate <1 min/in Perc Hole Diameter 6' Test Run Between 3' & 4' ;omments: 'erformed By NorthRirn Eng. I .SI CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS 'erformed in Accordance with All State/Municipal Guidelines in Effect ]N THIS DATE, DATE: NORTHRIAA *A . DENALY ESTATES TH9 ENGINEERING BLOCK 2 LOTS 1-18 FOR PO Box 770724 �__.---- _cg,e River, Alaska 99577 sv�,»- u� T E S T H❑L E LOG 1 S 4 GROUP 907.694.702& 1.0./-5f1.7 4 dote: EEr. GE❑TECHNICAL 10/5/17 19of 18 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST " M Date Performed: 6/12/02 ENGINEERING Performed For: S4 Group Legal Description: Denaly Estates Block 2 Lot 11 DEPTH (FEET) T.H. Location: See Attached Test ���� Organic 1 - Boring Location Map O. 0 GM/SM 3 - . 4 - '. 0 . 5 - 0 . 6 - Groundwater? Yes 7 - Q Depth 10' 8 - Water Depth 9 - ..4.Q. After Monitoring. None Date: 10/3/17 10 - - . . # Date Gross Time Net Time Depth Net Drop 11 - • - . 0' 1 6/12 0 -- 6" -- 12 - • 2 6/12 10 10 min. 1" 5" 13 - 3 6/12 20 -- 6" _ -- 14 - 4 6/12 30 10 min. 1" 5" 15 - 5 6/12 30 -- 6" _ -- 16 - 6 6/12 40 10 min. 1" 5" 17 - 7 6/12 40 -- 6" -- 18 - 8 6/12 50 10 min, 1' 5" 19 - 9 6/12 50 -- 6" -- 20 - 10 6/12 60 10 min. 1" 5" 21 - Percolation Rate 2 min/in Perc Hole Diameter 6" Test Run Between 4.5' & 5.5' :omments: 'erformed By NorthRim Fng, ICERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS 'erformed in Accordance with All State/Municipal Guidelines in Effect IN THIS DATE. DATE: +' E,. . '1( DENALY ESTATES ' TH11 NORTIIRIM ;';P••' ENGINEERING * ' * BLOCK 2 LOTS 1-18 FOR PO Box 770724 _ogre River, Alaska 99577 \i. ce-41268: ••• E• T S T H O L E LOG S4 GROUP 907.694.7028 0/5/17 Dote: EET: GEOTECHNICAL 10/5/17 rill of 18 M /� S❑ILS LOG - PERC❑LATI❑N TEST NET 1- 1Date Performed: 6/12/02 ENGINEERING G Performed For: S4 Group Legal Description: Denaly Estates Block 2 Lot 12 DEPTH (FEET) T,H, Location: See Attached Test % %j/ Organic 1 _ ,. ,, CIO Boring Location Map 2 - p. 0 GM/SM 3 - . 4 - 5 - 0. 6 - Groundwater? Yes 7 - .. Depth 10' 8 - Water Depth 9 - 0. u After Monitoring, None Date: 10/3/17 10 - # Date Gross Tine Net Time Depth Net Drop 11 - a 1 6/12 0 -- 6' -- 12 - 2 6/12 30 30 min. 2' 4" 13 - 3 6/12 30 -- 6' -- 14 - 4 6/12 60 30 min. 2.5' 3.5' 15 - 5 6/12 60 -- 6' -- 16 - 6 6/12 90 30 min. 2.5' 3.5" 17 - -- -- 18 - 19 - -- -- 20 - 21 - Percolation Rate 8.6 min/in Perc Hole Diameter 6" Test Run Between 4.5' & 5.5' Comments: Performed By NorthRim Fng, I .S__. CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS Performed in Accordance with All State/Municipal Guidelines in Effect ON THIS DATE. DATE: 3747°N NORTHRIM �! _ ' DENALY ESTATES TH12 ENGINEERING BLOCK 2 LOTS 1-18 FOR PO Box 770724um a, t m. _�� S 4 GROUP Eagle River, Alaska 99577 ct-•m• T E S T H❑L E LOG 907.694.7028 k#614-4' GE❑TECHNICAL °at 10/5/17 12 En 18 S❑ILS LOG — PERC❑LATI❑N TEST NETER'M Date Performed: 6/12/02 ENGINEERING Performed For: S4 Group Legal Description: Denaly Estates Block 2 Lot 13 DEPTH (FEET) T.H. Location: See Attached Test 1 - j/% Organic 0 Boring Location Map 2 - 0 . 0 GM/SM 3 - 4 - 5 - 0. 6 - Groundwater? Yes 7 - :.. • Depth 12.5' 8 - Water Depth 9 - 4 After Monitoring. 15' Date: 10/3/17 10 - # Date Gross Time Net Time Depth Net Drop 11 - • 0 1 6/12 0 -- 6' -- 12 - 2 6/12 30 30 min. 3.25' 2.75' 13 - 0 3 6/12 30 -- 6' 14 - 4 6/12 60 30 min. 3,5• 2.5' 15 - 5 6/12 60 -- 6' -- 16 - : . 6 6/12 90 30 min. 3,5' 2.5' 17 - -- -- 18 - 19 - -- -- 20 - 21 - Percolation Rate 12 min/in Perc Hole Diameter 6" Test Run Between 5' & 6' ,omments: 'erformed By NorthRirn Fng, I S' CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS 'erf ormed in Accordance with ALL State/Municipal Guidelines in Effect ]N THIS DATE. DATE: DENALY ESTATES TH13 NORTHRIM 4�?• • ENGINEERING BLOCK 2 LOTS 1-18 FUR PO Box 770724 Eog/e Rive; Alaska 99577 .. TESTH❑LE LOG S4 GROUP 907.694.7028 1� 10 74 5 I 1 • Dote: T: GE❑TECHNICAL 10/5/17 1117 of' 18 S❑ILS LOG - PERC❑LATI❑N TEST N1CRT M Date Performed: 7/11/05 ENGINEERING Performed For; S4 Group Legal Description: Denaly Estates Block 2 Lot 14 DEPTH (FEET) T.H. Location: See Attached Test ///r// Organic 1 Boring Location Map 2 - '00 0 GM 3 - ' 0 4 -5 - 0 GW/GM 6 - Groundwater? No 7 - Q Depth -- 8 - 8 Water Depth 9 - 0.. `J After Monitoring. None Date: 10/3/17 10 - # Date Gross Time Net Time Depth Net Drop 11 - 0 1 7/11 0 -- 6' -- 12 - 2 7/11 30 30 min. 0, 6' 13 - SW/GM 3 7/11 30 -- 6' -- 14 - 4 7/11 60 30 min. 0' 6' 15 - 5 7/11 60 -- 6' -- 16 - 6 7/11 90 30 min. 0' 6' 17 - -- -- 18 - 19 - -- -- 20 - 21 - Percolation Rate 5 min/in Perc Hole Diameter 6" Test Run Between 6' & 7' Comments: Performed By NorthRirn Fng, ICERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS Performed in Accordanc with All State/Municipal Guidelines in Effect ON THIS DATE. DATE: -*)//‘ Psi ... DENALY ESTATES TH14 NOR THR/M 6; ENGINEERING • BLOCK 2 HUTS 1-18 FOR PO Box 770724 .e Eagle Rive; Alaska 99577 sts°"! ' TESTH❑LE LOG S4 GROUP 907.694.7028f i Dote: EET: 7ro GE❑TECHNICAL 10/5/17 R4 of 18 S❑ILS LOG - PERC❑LATI❑N TEST Tf- RI M Date Performed: 6/10/02 1\iNGINEERING Performed For: S4 Group Legal Description: Denaly Estates Block 2 Lot 15 DEPTH (FEET) T.H. Location: See Attached Test %/ 0 / Organic 1 - Boring Location Map 0 . Q. 2 - 3 d 5 .. *Q GM/SM 6 • Groundwater? Yes 7 - Depth 15' 8 - :.0 Water Depth 9 - After Monitoring. None Date: 10/3/17 10 - # Date Gross Time Net Time Depth Net Drop 11 - 0• 1 6/11 0 -- 6' -- 12 - 2 6/11 9 9 min. 0' 6" 13 - 3 6/11 9 -- 6" -- 14 - 4 6/11 18 9 min. 0" 6" 15 - 5 6/11 27 -- 6' -- 16 - 6 6/11 36 9 min. 0' 6' 17 - -- -- 18 - 19 - -- 20 - 21 - Percolation Rate 1.5 min/in Perc Hole Diameter 6" Test Run Between 6' & 7' ,omments: 'erformed By NorthRii Fng, I S CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS 'erf ormed in Accordance with All State/Municipal Guidelines in Effect JN THIS DATE. DATE: •''��'.... ' `• DENALY ESTATES TH15 N OR THRI M P• ,, ENGINEERING * •' " '' • * BLOCK 8 LOTS 1-18 ; FOR PO Box 770724 .•t stiesa- -_� Eagle River, Alda 995771/4., �-• T E S T H❑L E LEG ! S4 GROUP 907.694.7028 0./•5 Y 1 •' Oats: SHEET: GE❑TECHNICAL 10/5/17 15 of 18 S❑ILS LOG - PERC❑LATI❑N TEST NICR-11- 11M Date Performed: 6/10/02 ENGINEERING Performed For: S4 Group Legal Description: Denaly Estates Block 2 Lot 17 DEPTH (FEET) T.H. Location; See Attached Test 1 _ ��4 Organic 0 Boring Location Map 2 - �. 0 GM/SM 3 _ . 4 - 6 - . . Groundwater? Yes 7 - .•. . Depth 12' 8 - . ::.Q Water Depth 9 _ .:. After Monitoring. None Date: 10/3/17 10 - ' . .- # Date Gross Time Net Time Depth Net Drop 1 6/10 0 -- 6' -- 12 - .s 2 6/10 10 10 min. 3,5" 2.5' 13 - ,;0:.••::0 3 6/10 20 -- 6 -- 14 - . " ' . 4 6/10 30 10 min. 3.6" 2.4' 15 - 5 6/10 30 -- 6' -- 16 - 6 6/10 40 10 min. 3.6" 2.4" 17 - 7 6/10 40 -- 6" -- 18 - 8 6/10 50 10 min. 3.6" 2.4" 19 - 9 6/10 50 -- 6' -- 20 - 10 6/10 60 10 min. 3.6" 2.4" 21 - Percolation Rate 4.2 min/in Perc Hole Diameter 6" Test Run Between 5' & 6' :omments: 'erformed By NorthRirn Fng. I Sc CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS 'erformed in Accordance with All State/Municipal Guidelines in Effect IN THIS DATE. DATE: SC-. °F.. '.. �+ DENALY ESTATES TH17 N OR THRI M c�P., ENGINEERING * BLOCK 2 LOTS 1-18 FOR Po Box 770724 (*.nik ;. .a „ S4 GR❑UP _ogle River, Alaska 99577 ca- TESTH❑LE L❑G907.694.7028 S 10/5•/'17 + itis: !SHEET: GE❑TECHNICAL 1 10/5/17 17 of 18 S❑ILS LOG - PERC❑LATI❑N TEST NICRTI- IM Date Performed: 7/11/05 ENGINEERING Performed For: S4 Group Legal Description: Denaly Estates Block 2 Lot 18 DEPTH (FEET) T.H. Location: See Attached Test �'�4 Organic 1 Boring Location Map 2 - 0 0 GM 3 - 4 - 0 5 0 6 - GM/SM Groundwater? Yes 7 - Q Depth 12' 8 - Q Water Depth 9 - 0. Af ter Monitoring. None Date: 10/3/17 10 - # Date Gross Time Net Time Depth Net Drop 11 - 0 1 7/11 0 -- 6' -- 12 - 2 7/11 30 30 min. 0' 6" 13 - SM 3 7/11 30 -- 6' -- 14 - 4 7/11 60 30 min. 0" 6" 15 - 5 7/11 60 -- 6" -- 16 - 6 7/11 90 30 min. 0' 6" 17 - -- -- 18 - 19 - -- 20 - 21 - Percolation Rate 5 min/in Perc Hole Diameter 6" Test Run Between 5' & 6' Comments: Performed By NorthRim Eng. I S_cr CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS Performed in Accorda e with All State/Municipal Guidelines in Effect ON THIS DATE. DATE: -5/dd/ICP ' / . . \ DENALY ESTATES TH18 NORTHR/M BLOCK 2 LOTS 1-18 ENGINEERING * '49�, •• . * F❑R PO Box 770724 "Air ''' ' ' Engle Rive,, Alaska 99577 . ' T E S T H❑L E LOG S4 GROUP 907.694.7028 ' $`?� i' • Dote: T: GE❑TECHNICAL 10/5/17 118 of 18 -moa. Well •. Well 1000• Z `ell Tract 8-2 c ,��o Septic �..• > g�Q� L. Well Septic --� Septi \ • NOTES: �- o'• aC IrcIe:0 J c \ PW = Proposed Well _ \ RA = Reserve Area Wastewater Lot 11/ N/ Slope/ Block 10K+FT �SP3 / 5%-'Slop- PW % % ` � � \ � --� RA // (l `a_ 9 -q 10K+FT2 of 18 10% 'lope b01/,/ 1\ \ 10K+FT2 • w, 51:,:..! H 1�p0q o \ > � • � Lot 9 i #1 �: #�:R � PW 4- 10K+FT2 ‘ Lor , t 1 ç �� \ ‘ I 5% Slope �i TH#8 2K+F ';0114111164vw \ 1.% Slope \ •Lot S PW , . � \ Lo '3 .ot 16 \ \ 5% op.eiiiie • .. Lot 1) I \ / PO Wel 'o0.W \RA •K+F .� Q \ 10K+F12 RA \ t ,1 A !�a �� S4 y�� /iii / r%i H#7 OK+FT2 RA \ :i //. ## ..1, /� Septic3 wlys,A \ \� # OK+F iiHRA10% to �% '519 l� 30' Trail Easement see note 18 TH 65 lope �\ 10K+F12 % % \ RA Tract B Lot 7 PW ' i�#5 OK+FT2 - 1RA+Ak '! °°. ••i• TH#4 5% Sloped ��#1 � %.:. \ \ 5%S •pe PW.. a / T: l Wel 'oaao ��y�,/ / ` •t 1 /Sub division 5% Slope ,�- 10K+FT2 Fo 5s1 �. enoi / 9/ � RA PW ,..m �� 00-12 • e / ► Septic R/ger 3 TH \ Lot 2 8oth 0 5\ 8� Cre Lot 1 .•.. / \ `3g e/7be/t Lot 5 Wel / *IF .Block 2 _ 51SI,pe \ \ Lot 3 \ \ 5i SI.',,e :, Lot septi \ i/ Lot 5 e \ / TH ' Wel % Septi \ OK+FT2 , 46 A Lot 6 i c3____ >\\ RA .... sI Slope septi• \ / 51 Slope Lot 7 Lot 4 / Wel ' L•t 23 \\ Lot 8 I Tr.C_ septic 1 " = 200' NOR THR/M a••�� . . . . . .. 1 0DEIN ALY ESTATES TEST HOLES ' ENGINEERING ...s _ �V SteveEng. com ' 9111 3LOC < 2 LOTS 1 18 S12381 PO Box 770724 feta __._....__..._. ..__.___._.__ c fl Eagle River, Alaska 99577 ��� . ESE V E AREA F 0 S 4 G O U P 907.694. 7028i 1 1Dote: EET: c .. . SITL SEPTIC 5/30/18I /30/18 1 TERRASAT, INC. 1413 West 31st Avenue,Anchorage,AK 99503 (907)344-9370 Geological Consulting • Environmental Restoration • Regulatory Compliance An Evaluation of Groundwater Resources for the Denaly Subdivision Eagle River, Alaska Prepared for: Eklutna Inc. 16515 Centerfield Dr. Eagle River,AK 99577 By: TERRASAT, INC. 1413 West 31st Avenue Anchorage,AK 99503 August 22, 2017 ©Copyright TERRASAT, Inc. 2017 Table Of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Site Description J 2.0 OBJECTIVES I 3.0 DATA SOURCES 2 3.1 Aerial Photography 2 3.2 Geologic/Hydrologic Maps and Relevant Publications 2 3.3 Well Logs and On-Site Services Reports 2 4.0 DATA INTERPRETATION 3 4.1 Area Aquifers 3 4.2 Aquifer Types 5 4.2.1 Bedrock Aquifers and Wells 6 4.2.2 Unconsolidated Aquifers and Wells 6 4.2.3 Flowing Wells 6 4.2 Area Geology 7 4.3 Evaluation of Lower Confined Unconsolidated Aquifer 7 4.3.1 Data Derived from Driller's Well Tests 8 4.4 Observed Aquifer Conditions and Well Yields 8 4.5 Nitrate Occurrence 9 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 10 6.0 CONCLUSIONS 11 Figures Figure i Site Location Map Figure 2 Map of Wells Used in Study Figure 3 Map of Surficial Geology Figure 4 Area Aquifers Based on Static Water Elevation Figure 5 Wells in the Lower Unconsolidated Aquifer Figure 6 Elevation of the Top of Aquifer for Local Water Wells Figure 7 Location of Flowing Artesian Wells in Study Area Figure 8 Depth of Wells in Study Area Figure 9 Depiction of Bedrock Boundary Conditions Figure 10 Standardized Sustainable Well Yields of Wells in Study Area Figure 11 Surface Elevation Contour Map of Area Figure 12 Average Nitrate Concentrations for Subdivisions in Study Area Appendices Appendix A Well Log Database Appendix B Example Worksheet of Standardized Yield and Maximum Drawdown 1.0 INTRODUCTION Eklutna, Inc. (Eklutna) contracted TERRASAT, Inc. (TERRASAT) to evaluate ground water quality and resources beneath the Den aly subdivision and surrounding properties. TERRASAT examined the most current publicly available information for: • Well logs for water wells within a 1/2 mile radius of the property, including some that are not within the public record; • Municipality of Anchorage On-site Inspection report files (including engineer's well yield tests) Included as background information in this report is information and analyses from these sources: • Stereo aerial photographs (both low altitude high-resolution and high altitude color infrared) stereo aerial photography; • Available geologic and hydrologic maps and reports compiled by the United States Geological Survey for the area; The results of this investigation consists of data interpretation and correlations that are presented in a geographical information system (GIS) format. Tables and text within the report contain the information and methodology on which the results are based. The data as a whole describe a hydrological model for the investigation area. The model suggests that adequate to abundant ground water exists beneath the subdivision and that the proposed development will likely have minimal or no impact on surrounding well users. 1.1 Site Description The physical location of the property is the eastern portion of the undeveloped sections of Denaly Subdivision, also known as Tract Al, in Eagle River. Previously Lots 1-25 of Denaly Subdivision were developed. The tract is located at approximately mile seven of Eagle River Road on the southeast side of Eagle River Road. Figure i shows the location of the property of interest within the Municipality of Anchorage. 2.0 OBJECTIVES Our objectives for this project are as follows: • Evaluate the available well, aquifer and groundwater quantity data. • Identify the number and type of aquifers that lie within the investigation area. P:\2017 Projects121711 - Groundwater Resource Ivestigation Update for Denaly Subdv - Eklutna Inc\Report of Groundwater Evaluation 20171An Evaluation of Groundwater Resources for Denaly Subdivision.doc Page 1 of 12 • Evaluate aquifer conditions and estimate the water production potential of the proposed Denaly Subdivision. • Assess potential impacts of the proposed development to surrounding well users. • Assess potential impacts of surrounding well use to the proposed subdivision. • Recommend whether or not additional investigation is warranted, based on our findings. 3.0 DATA SOURCES 3.1 Aerial Photography TERRASAT examined stereo aerial photographs to gain an understanding of the regional geology. We examined both high-altitude color infrared photos to identify regional geological trends and low-altitude color photos to evaluate local surface features that may influence or control the flow of ground water through the area. 3.2 Geologic/Hydrologic Maps and Relevant Publications We examined the United States Geological Survey's (USGS) Water Resources report entitled "Geology and Ground Water for Land-Use Planning in the Eagle River- Chugiak Area, Alaska" (USGS Water Resources Investigations Open-File Report 74- 57, 1974). This report describes the surficial geology near Denaly subdivision. We examined a previous water evaluation and aquifer test report completed for the local area. The water evaluation, performed by TERRASAT and dated December 1999, is entitled "Ground Water Evaluation: Proposed McIntyre Subdivision." The aquifer test report performed by TERRASAT and dated September 15, 1999 is entitled "McIntyre Subdivision Aquifer Test Evaluation". Figure 3 is a map of the surficial geology of the area. 3.3 Well Logs and On-Site Services Reports TERRASAT identified 194 water well records for wells located within 1/2-mile of the property. Well logs were primarily acquired from the Alaska Department of Natural Resources (ADNR) online Well Log Tracking System (WELTS)database at: https://dnr.alaska.govJwelts/#show-welts-intro-template and the Municipality of Anchorage's On-Site Services Laserfiche Weblink (previously the Water and Wastewater Image Database), which also contained well reports, at: http://onsite.ci.anchorage.ak.us/WebLink/CustomSearch.aspx?SearchName=Searc hOnisteDocuments&cr=1. A small number of well logs were available from the United States Geological Survey. We tabulated the information from these sources and created an extensive database (Appendix A). P:12017 Projccts\21711 -Groundwater Resource lvcstigation Update for Dcnaly Subdv-Eklutna Inc\Report of Groundwater Evaluation 2017Wn Evaluation of Groundwater Resources for Dcnaly Subdivision.doc Page 2 of 12 Information provided by the well logs or listed on the On-site Services reports includes well location, well yield, well depth, aquifer type, static water level, and water quality test results. Often, only some of these parameters were listed. Using a geographical information system (GIS), we plotted the water well locations. In the database, we used the WELTS well ID number where available. When a WELTS number was not available, TERRASAT assigned each well an arbitrary identification number in the 40000 or 50000 range. In cases where two or more wells exist on the same lot, the additional wells were listed if the well logs showed new aquifers or important information not seen in the original well log. This was also the case when a well was extended to deeper depth to gain access to more water. Figure 2 shows the locations of the 194 wells included in the database. Well surface elevation was determined for each of the 194 well in the study and well surface elevation was then used to determine elevations of other parameters such as static water levels (n= 184 of 194), top of aquifer elevation and others. TERRASAT used driller's well test data, for 41 wells with available data to calculate standardized yields, transmissivity, storativity and drawdown of the wells. An example of these worksheets are found in Appendix B. TERRASAT hydrogeologists interpreted the thicknesses and depth of aquifers and bedrock when adequate information was available from wells logs or reports. 4.o DATA INTERPRETATION 4.1 Area Aquifers TERRASAT created a conceptual hydrogeological model to visualize subsurface conditions at and near to Denaly Subdivision. The conceptual model is based on interpretation of well logs, stereo air photo interpretation and published geologic reports. Figures A and B below are conceptual models showing the hydrogeologic conditions present in the study area. Figure A shows a diagrammatic cross section of a river valley and two confined aquifers. Figure B shows a longitudinal cross section of the river valley and illustrates ground water flow. Static water elevations for 184 of the 194 wells used in this investigation are portrayed in Figure 4. Data was unavailable for ten of the study area wells for classification into an area aquifer. This elevation data was statistically divided, based on modal values of the static water elevations, into five categories that represent different aquifers. The five aquifers are named Aquifers 1-5 in Figure 4. The lower unconsolidated aquifer (Aquifer 1 in Figure 4) is shown separately in Figure 5. Wells in the unconsolidated lower aquifer have a lower average elevation to "top of aquifer" at 321.4 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) compared to the other main aquifer that exists south of Eagle River Road, the unconsolidated upper (Aquifer 2 in Figure 4), with an average "top of aquifer" elevation for its wells of 417.8 feet AMSL. In Figure A, below, The unconsolidated lower elevation aquifer, the predominant P:\2017 Projects\2171 I -Groundwater Resource Ivestigation Update for Denaly Subdv-Eklutna Inc\Report of Groundwater Evaluation 20171An Evaluation of Groundwater Resources for Dcnaly Subdivision.doc Page 3 of 12 aquifer in the proposed Denaly Subdivision, as well as in the already developed sections, is seen at a lower elevation that the unconsolidated upper elevation aquifer. Figure 6 shows the elevation of the top of aquifer for wells in the study area. The wells south of Eagle River Road are also predominantly in the unconsolidated lower elevation aquifer or the unconsolidated upper elevation aquifer, with only two wells in Aquifer 3. No wells south of Eagle River Road occur in Aquifers 4 or 5. \ Eagle �' i` River rr ‘,.!;',';• �_ V rIXIM -1.r r 5 Aquifer 2 l{'' +,y "mak r. i ' ,,tri fs '1'r••. `; ,q ,1.' L' �°�4 c?i j 'K • S vi,, ' , .�- ��: lug•' �.� ?•,y ,t,4y *' ' Aquifer 1 t+R sa 1 • lf.4410 .:iu `r> ? N'��. z. ° . , . .,. 'Z3w t ,•!.40.?` t t+ ' y :de%„#.4 0tc , r w xis l w4 vtz a + c �> r+ '.7.5.0,..„=01(.. • .t r ,; r� . >ti:» ie '' ' U't:�► 4x3 .eif t Figure A:Lateral cross section of a river valley. The two aquifers shown represent ancient river channels. Aquifer 1 is commonly referred to in this report as the lower confined unconsolidated aquifer,while Aquifer 2 is also referred to as the upper confined unconsolidated aquifer. Glacier Recharge Area„..,"V' ( -= ,� • pi N-/-\\___-=.--,-----;„ f4,,,,,,,.... ''pie„.... Surface Flowing Well �,t►�1111 � -gymt.;-, t, • gi- moi,--....,=—..--.k.„ \,i1:, .,.4. r • ; . + ;:� \1V 1 \.l• t ►, "4 Vit^ (411\\\ Ohl ...,. 11111111_ 11111111,,\\ 111111 ll _, t II+� �4�4�,L•1}_4:� Confined \-7 ---V �\ _ S/ ,07 A•utfers ,ci \,1,\,\,\,,j\\\s' )\,\,,\\,,, Ali)lk,„\,\.\ 1111 111 \,,.\-\'. \,...t ,t,/,., Figure B: Longitudinal cross section of a river valley. This figure shows how ancient stream channels behave as aquifers and how a confined aquifer behaves in relation to static water level. P:\2017 Projects\21711 -Groundwater Resource lvestigation Update for Denaly Subdv-Eklutna lnc\Report of Groundwater Evaluation 2017\An Evaluation of Groundwater Resources for Denaly Subdivision.doc Pagc 4 of 12 4.2 Aquifer Types The five aquifers (based on static water elevation categories) have wells that are of two main types, confined unconsolidated and confined bedrock: • The unconsolidated confined lower elevation aquifer — Unconsolidated — 76 wells • The unconsolidated confined upper elevation aquifer — Unconsolidated— 62 wells • Aquifer 3 — Bedrock - 21 wells • Aquifer 4 — Bedrock — 15 wells • Aquifer 5 — Bedrock— 10 wells Bedrock aquifers are found in solid, or mostly solid, rock and consist of fractures. Unconsolidated aquifers are found in a variety of non-solid material, usually sand and gravel. Materials such as clay or compact silt are too compact to be good water bearing material. In addition to bedrock or unconsolidated aquifers,aquifers can be confined or unconfined.A confined aquifer is a water-bearing formation where groundwater is isolated from atmospheric conditions at the point of discharge. The isolation is a result of an impermeable layer above the aquifer. Water is under pressure in confined(artesian) aquifers and the static water level rises above the top of the aquifer. When a well flows at the ground surface, the appropriate term is artesian and flowing. The layer of material separating the aquifer from the surface pressure is called an aquitard and clay is a common aquitard material found in the Eagle River valley. Figure B above shows how confined aquifers and static water level are related. Finally, confined aquifers can be classified into another group if the pressure is such that the water will flow, not only above the height of the top of the aquifer, but all the way to the land surface where it flows onto the ground if not secured. These are often call artesian wells, but technically should be referred to as "flowing wells". An artesian well is actually any confined aquifer where water rises above the top of the aquifer formation. A shallow unconfined aquifer likely exists within the Denaly Subdivision. This unconfined aquifer is commonly called a water table aquifer. The static water level in an unconfined aquifer is at atmospheric pressure, meaning the water level does not rise above the top of the aquifer. We are unaware of wells within the Denaly Subdivision exploiting the upper, unconfined aquifer. Well types of 18o of 194 wells in the study were identified. Fourteen of the 194 well records did not contain information that allowed a determination of aquifer type. P:\2017 Projccts\21711 -Groundwater Resource Ivestigation Update for Denaly Subdv-Eklutna Inc\Report of Groundwater Evaluation 2017\An Evaluation of Groundwater Resources for Dcnaly Subdivision.doc Pagc 5 of 12 4.2.1 Bedrock Aquifers and Wells A majority of the wells completed in bedrock lie north of Eagle River Road, at higher elevations and in a band roughly parallel to Eagle River. One hundred-one (ioi) of the one hundred ninety-four (194) wells within a 1/2 mile of the subject property are found to obtain their water from bedrock wells. Seventy-six (76) of those are located north of Eagle River Road and twenty-five (25) are located south of Eagle River Road. 4.2.2 Unconsolidated Aquifers and Wells Seventy-nine (79) wells completed in unconsolidated aquifers are found in the study area and most of the wells south of Eagle River Road are unconsolidated. Most of the recharge for wells in these unconsolidated aquifers originates far up the valley. 4.2.3 Flowing Wells Twenty-one (21) of the wells in the study area are classified as "flowing" artesian wells. Two (2) of these are completed in bedrock and nineteen (19) are completed in an unconsolidated aquifer. Twenty (20) of the twenty-one (21) flowing wells are located in the unconsolidated lower elevation aquifer. All of the flowing wells are located south of Eagle River Road. Figure 7 shows the location of the twenty-one flowing wells in the study area. The most common aquifer in the Denaly Subdivision is the lower unconsolidated confined aquifer. This aquifer is under artesian pressure and may have static water levels as much as 18 feet above ground surface. While parts of Anchorage have aquifers that barely produce enough drinking water, this aquifer has an abundance of water under pressure. Therefore, a risk of water flowing around the outside of the well casing exists. The consequences of a flowing well include the potential to produce icing in winter months, basement or crawl space flooding and a waste of groundwater resources. TERRASAT contacted Wayne Westberg, of M-W Drilling, to discuss safe drilling practices within the Denaly Subdivision. M-W Drilling's recommendations include the following procedures: 1. Drill and install 10-inch surface casing to 4o feet. 2. Install 6-inch casing inside the 10-inch and fill the 10 X 6 annulus with bentonite chips or #10 granules to ground level. 3. Pull the 10-inch casing back to 20 feet before advancing the 6-inch casing. 4. Drill and advance the 6-inch casing to total well depth maintaining the bentonite chip grout at ground level by filling the annulus with chips. 5. Leave the 10-inch casing in place until the well is completed. P:\2017 Projccts\21711 -Groundwater Resource Ivestigation Update for Denaly Subdv-Eklutna Inc\Report of Groundwater Evaluation 20171An Evaluation of Groundwater Resources for Dcnaly Subdivision.doc Page 6 of 12 6. Remove the surface casing while maintaining the grout level at the minimum depth of the intended pitless adapter installation. TERRASAT concurs with M-W Drilling's recommendations. We recommend that the Platting Board place a condition on the plat that requires homeowners to follow these recommendations when drilling a well or use a method approved specifically for this subdivision by the Municipality's On-Site Services. 4.3 Area Geology "Geology for Land-Use Planning in the Eagle River-Chugiak Area, Alaska," describes the surficial geology of the Eagle River valley. The local geology consists of alluvial channel deposits in terraces, flood plains and small fan-shaped deposits, glacial lake deposits and younger glacial moraine deposits in the Eagle River valley. Valley walls are composed of colluvium (slope deposits). Fractured, low-grade metamorphic bedrock occurs at higher elevations (Figure 3) and bounds the valley. Denaly Subdivision is constructed on two unconsolidated surficial deposits, glacial moraine deposits and colluvial deposits. The moraine deposits are described as beds of moderately well sorted gravel, sand and silt. The colluvium is composed of reworked glacial till deposits and exhibits a wide range of grain sizes. 4.4 Evaluation of Lower Confined Unconsolidated Aquifer TERRASAT conducted an aquifer test within the Denaly Subdivision during 1999. One well was used as a production well and a second well was used as an observation well. Water was extracted at the rate of 113 gallons per minute continuously for 24 hours. Final drawdown in the observation well too feet away was 0.5 feet. The static water level recovered within minutes. Drawdown within the observation well fit a classical pattern for a confined aquifer that matches a Theis equation. Drawdown within the observation well was used to calculate a transmissivity of 19,328 gallons per feet per day and a coefficient of storativity of 0.00056. Applying the derived transmissivity and coefficient of storativity with the Theis equation shows that the aquifer is capable of producing 1,150 gallons per minute for a 24-hour period. We interpret this aquifer to be a very high yielding aquifer. The Theis equation predicts that typical drawdown from a single-family residence will be 0.02 feet 100 feet from a production well. Since aquifer recovery is very rapid, we estimate that drawdown 100 feet away will likely not occur. The Theis equation was used to evaluate impacts from the entire subdivision. We assumed that 45 houses using 450 gallons per day would have a combined drawdown of o.3 feet 500 feet away, the interface of the bedrock aquifers. This P:\2017 Projects\2171 I -Groundwater Resource Ivcstigation Update for Dcnaly Subdv-Eklutna Inc\Rcport of Groundwater Evaluation 2017'An Evaluation of Groundwater Resources for Dcnaly Subdivision.doc Page 7 of 12 means that the Denaly Subdivision will have an insignificant impact on the surrounding community,likely not even measurable over time. 4.3.1 Data Derived from Driller's Well Tests Thirty-three percent (33%) of the well logs for the unconsolidated lower elevation aquifer had sufficient data to calculate standardized yields, and aquifer parameters. The transmissivity used in the calculations was the same as that determined during the 1999 well pump test of the confined lower unconsolidated aquifer. These results were as follows: • Median Standardized Yield = 31.5 gallons per minute • Transmissivity= 66.7 gallons per day per square foot • Storativity = 0.0000496 • Available Drawdown = 149.84 feet These results show that the average well in the proposed new development, completed in the unconsolidated lower elevation aquifer, will be able to produce at least 32 gallons per minute for 24 hours of pumping before drawdown reaches 150 feet (the average maximum available water). This describes a well with a high yield and the ability to pump water for extended periods before drawdown in the well approaches loo%. A typical residential house uses 450 gallons per day or o.3 gallons per minute. 4.5 Observed Aquifer Conditions and Well Yields Figure A on the previous page is a conceptual illustration of two aquifers, the unconsolidated lower elevation aquifer and the unconsolidated upper elevation aquifer found within Denaly Subdivision area. The unconsolidated lower elevation aquifer is the lower of the two. Most of the wells in the proposed expansion of the Denaly Subdivision are likely to be completed in the unconsolidated lower elevation aquifer with the unconsolidated upper elevation aquifer being the only other likely aquifer that would be encountered during new well installation in the proposed new subdivision area. Figure 8 shows depths of each well, with wells depths ranging between 64 feet to 660 feet deep with an average of 248.1. Wells completed within the previously developed portions of the Denaly Subdivision are relatively similar in depth and are in a range of between 64 and 301 feet deep with an average of 172 feet. The top of aquifer elevation for the unconsolidated lower elevation aquifer exists at an average of 321 feet (72 of 76 wells in aquifer) feet above mean sea level (AMSL) and the average thickness of the aquifer is 16.76 (70 of 76 wells in aquifer). Figure 6 shows the top of aquifer elevations for well in the study area. P:\2017 Projects\21711 -Groundwater Resource Ivestigation Update for Denaly Subdv-Ekluma Inc\Report of Groundwatcr Evaluation 2017\An Evaluation of Groundwater Resources for Dcnaly Subdivision doe Page 8 of 12 TERRASAT evaluated available well yield test results for and standardized those results to account for inconsistencies in the testing and recording methods of the drillers and engineers. We evaluated available well yield data reported in driller well logs for well logs within the search radius. Neither the driller's estimates nor the engineer's estimates of well yield are an accurate measure of actual yield. They are estimates based on a rate water was pumped at the time of well construction and testing, not the ability of the well to produce a maximum amount. Thus, we calculated a standardized yield, assuming that the well pumped continuously for 24 hours. While this is a conservative estimate, the process standardizes well yields from the available data. Figure 10 shows the standardized yield of wells in the study area. We selected well data within the unconsolidated lower elevation aquifer and statistically evaluated the driller's well yield data. Using the Shapiro-Wilk test of Normality on the driller's yield data for wells in each aquifer, we determined that each data set exhibits log normal distribution. Therefore, the median of the yield values best describes each aquifer. The median driller's yield for wells in the unconsolidated lower elevation aquifer is 32 gallons per minute (gpm). This was calculated using 25 of 76 well in the unconsolidated lower elevation aquifer. The other aquifers with sufficient number of wells (30% or more versus total wells) were Aquifers 3, 4 and 5 with median standardized yields of 1.2, 1.5, and 2.6 gallons per minute for aquifers respectively. This illustrated the fact that the unconsolidated lower elevation aquifer is a high yield aquifer compared to the other four. The unconsolidated upper elevation aquifer (Aquifer 2 in Figure 4) had a median yield of 0.85 gpm but was calculated with only 3 of 62 wells (4.84%) and therefore that median value cannot be considered. The average driller yield (not standardized) for the unconsolidated upper elevation aquifer was 8.17 gpm,based on 59 of 62 wells. Standardized well yields for the lower confined unconsolidated aquifer have a median value of 31.5 gallons per minute with an open-ended casing. The screened production test well shows the aquifer is capable of producing 1,150 gallons per minute with continuous pumping for 24 hours. We conclude this aquifer, beneath the Denaly Subdivision, is more than adequate to supply water to this subdivision without significant impacts to surrounding water users. We also conclude that recharge is abundant, receiving waters from the Raven glacier and the Eagle River Valley. Importantly, the unconsolidated lower elevation aquifer has a very high recharge rate as well, meaning that any time that water is not being pumped from a well, it fully recharges in a matter of minutes. Many aquifers in Anchorage take much, much, longer to recharge, particularly bedrock aquifers in general. 4.6 Nitrate Occurrence The Denaly Subdivision proposed new development is located at the lowest elevation compared to surrounding subdivisions. Figure 11 is a map of the surface elevation P:\2017 Projects\21711 -Groundwater Resource Ivestigation Update for Denaly Subdv-Eklutna Inc\Report of Groundwater Evaluation 2017\An Evaluation of Groundwater Resources for Denaly Subdivision.doc Pagc 9 of 12 contour showing this relationship. This prevents nitrates or any other concentrate from migrating to other subdivisions. For the proposed new development, however, this is not a concern. The average nitrate concentration for wells in the already developed portion of Denaly Subdivision (5o tests) is 0.653 mg/l. Surrounding subdivisions with higher nitrate averages are: Hamann (22 tests) with 1.47 mg/L, H &H with 1.40 mg/L and Bob Well (7 tests)with 1.22 mg/L. The remaining area subdivision average nitrate concentrations are: Sandhill (11 tests) 0.11 mg/L, Valley View Estates (33 tests) with 0.49 mg/L , Majestic Valley Estates (63 tests) with 0.75 mg/L, Charlice (0.067), Donald Schroeder (0.29), Groll (0.47), Hulse (o.34), Loye (0.25), McIntyre (0.61) and Magnificent Mt. Slopes (0.09). The highest individual well test in the study area was for Hamann Subdivision Lot 17 with 4.92 mg/L nitrate. The ADEC standard for nitrate levels in drinking water is 10 mg/L. No subdivision or specific well in the study area has nitrate concentration levels that are a concern. Figure 12 shows the average nitrate concentration for the subdivisions in the study area. 5.o RECOMMENDATIONS Based on our current ground water evaluation of Denaly Subdivision and surrounding properties, we recommend drilling wells to approximate depths of 130 to 342 feet above sea level to utilize the unconsolidated lower confined aquifer.These depths will likely produce wells in the proposed new subdivision that exhibit artesian flow. Our professional opinion is that additional aquifer testing is unnecessary in the Denaly Subdivision. Results from the 1999 aquifer test show that adequate groundwater resources exist. Water well logs from residential wells in the Denaly Subdivision support the conclusion that adequate water supplies are available. We recommend the following procedure for new well installation within the proposed new subdivision: 1. Drill and install 10" surface casing to 4o feet. 2. Install 6"casing inside the 10"and fill the 10 x 6 annulus with bentonite chips or #10 granules to ground level. 3. Pull the 10"casing back to 20 feet before advancing the 6 inch casing. 4. Drill and advance the 6"casing to total well depth maintaining the bentonite chip grout at ground level by filling the annulus with chips. 5. Leave the 10"surface casing in place until the well is completed. 6. Remove the surface casing while maintaining the grout level at the minimum depth of the intended pitless adapter installation. P:\2017 Projccts\21711-Groundwater Resource Ivcstigation Update for Denaly Subdv-Eklutna Inc\Report of Groundwater Evaluation 2017\An Evaluation of Groundwater Resources for Denaly Subdivision.doc Page 10 of 12 Alternately, TERRASAT recommends using a method approved specifically for this subdivision by the Municipality's On-site Services. 6.o CONCLUSIONS TERRASAT evaluated the occurrence and sufficiency of groundwater to support the Denaly Subdivision. We also evaluated what impact water wells would have on the new subdivision in on the surrounding neighboring water wells. We found that groundwater is recharged from the upper Eagle River Valley, which is far in excess of what the existing community will use. TERRASAT concludes that recharge is expected to remain abundant for the demands of residential use. We found that recharge for surrounding bedrock aquifers are likely from snowmelt and precipitation at higher elevations within the Eagle River valley, a separate source from the unconsolidated aquifers within the Denaly subdivision. Available water well logs and our statistical analysis shows that the community within a half-mile of the Denaly subdivision exploits groundwater from at least five different aquifers. Recharge for these aquifers are up gradient from the Denali subdivision. Therefore, TERRASAT also concludes that, drinking water quality is expected to remain unaffected by the new land development. Aquifer test data on driller's well logs shows that average well yield is approximately 34 gallons per minute for the existing Denali subdivision. Aquifer testing, completed by TERRASAT in 1999, shows that the confined unconsolidated aquifer is capable of producing 1,150 gallons per minute. Wells in the subdivision are expected to use on average of 0.31 gallons per minute. We predict that the drawdown 100 feet away will be approximately 0.02 feet, an insufficient amount of impact to neighboring lots. The entire subdivision, with each well pumping at 0.31 gallons per minute, is expected to have a drawdown 500 feet away of 0.31 feet. Five hundred feet is the distance to the bedrock aquifer north of the subdivision. Therefore,we conclude that impact to the surrounding community and adjacent lots will be insignificant. TERRASAT evaluated the occurrence of nitrate in aquifers in aquifers that surround Denaly subdivision. We found that, nitrates average anywhere from 0.067 to 1.47 mg/L in the surrounding subdivisions. The maximum nitrate value was 4.9 mg/L. We conclude that, nitrates are not a concern in this portion of the Eagle River Valley. Denaly subdivision, with an average nitrate concentration of 0.653 mg/L, is one of the lowest in the area. We predict that the expansion of the Denali subdivision will have a minimum to no impact on the upper unconsolidated aquifer because it has fairly abundant recharge which would cause dilution. The unconsolidated aquifer underlying Denaly subdivision would also act as a filter for bacteria, encouraging denitrification of nitrates. Please contact us at 344-9370 if you have any questions. P:12017 Projects\21711 -Groundwater Resource Ivestigation Updatc for Denaly Subdv-Eklutna lnc\Report of Groundwater Evaluation 2017\An Evaluation of Groundwater Resources for Denaly Subdivision.doc Page 11 of 12 Sincerely, TERRASAT, Inc. Prepared by: Approved by: Steven Smith Dan Young Environmental Scientist Principal CPG #7811 • P:\2017 Projects 12171 I -Groundwater Resource lvestigation Update for Denaly Subtly-Eklutna Inc\Report of Groundwater Evaluation 20171An Evaluation of Groundwater Resources for Dcnaly Subdivision.doc Page 12 of 12 . . ild;e/h,OO, 4o `, �^ tir„A • ... 400 ,. . . ,. ,...;,ii ... P ° --- . ,-,,4' •.:,' .... _. ..- •' Darby - , , . ' ''''... . . . .4 . s. g . ..... . _. .. ,...4. . 4,,. ,,,,,. \e . . ..... - . . . .,- . • }' hr' illi r, . r GO ire'”, `., i� • ..A. ' • 'fit .41. Middle; a.c u. Monte:rp A^ ..t :.� ..z.. .0 -. , dse• •'• -"''''',,,„.' • AN. * ltolls!e- . Nil • , to a. GAJ r '3 �a i - • e - Driftwood Bay e,. tr a�. :rif.rr- .. art.. ye :::-�-'� - 4:Ph. I. CZ:v 111 . /Vend i& - ?� /'.• ,� r- • ''' ••: _ • ** Stonehiii • v , r \ ' O - " • Unnamed f. Z ig r } _ 1. r , r. M • .� . It N ' • . - e,` w. _�. . 9.ut�t Fra., ✓mow ros„ ca / , ���,e�0 ? •^ ` 0 %tip <. CI 7� r.. Jam. t•-•/7 Ark , , . . . iii �' •v,� • ,y, II. ,i 'P,' r .A - ...r '.�' ` •r o y; f 414P? '.;• Legend 'Unnamed +.# , - t Denaly Project Area --- st_segments 0 2,150t,300 8,600 Feel x t'r5 1Z`J 0117.14 ye..Eai streams 1,,gib r ,e ,@FID,15.: and th-d Figure 1 Location of Project Site in Eagle River, Alaska By: • SCS Prepared For: Eklutna, Inc. Date: TERRASAT, INC. August 22, 2017 e'L., . 4 lit.. =, 11,L,,,\11,- . , -qui1.J 4 ,--1-- Assion. , 4 .rra§relt eittorir ------_,A _ ___ . .. , „. . .,... , , , , ........,„ .. Lk_ .., ..., ,..,., . t.*..74/9.0/4. . ---443 :;,-(,',,,,,-;, ,- ' ‘ +,?.. {� tt0 001 ♦ v kyr , p, II „ fF ! 395. OP�7 r 64•1;::.! 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August 1, 2017 N ,'ri 1. tier i Fe we .. q/aeh9, r Retfh oh, Cates a,1200/2 ` Mary -__________. :-.,r Ile rYsta/Cree nna112ed 414. ea eerryhill •f/ower 3 4 hite Spruce c Vallihi \ Imperia� �� �� O �uinda / ehd'na .• ow --\___ 4 ....., Legend st_segments Denaly Project Area Moraine 2 streams _________I Bedrock vnan�A�, \ - Colluvium 0 370 740 1,480 Feet \ � Alluvium i- _ Source:Esri,DigitalGlobe,GeoEye, IIIIIIIII ---___N USDk,USGS,AeroGRID,IGN,and Figure 3. Surficial Geology of the Project Area By: SCSDate: Prepared For: Eklutna, Inc. TERRASAT, INC. August 21, 2017 a • .• ,r:,� y�1e+r. �� ) ._ � ,f Alpine Laur � . 0 iii -...,,441 f; � .4i ,, ,i= i- ..,,ir IVY N. '''. A- - - --4 ®, TCatesO -loot _ �f - ..., .:...,) ,?..,,, ,,,„.:., ry.:si) * ' Y `'•- .E'(jl is ♦i__-.... \�����'''��\�����,,, r / tail it) 0,,,,,,k‘1111D:. P.‘, ,, ...Alt ',0.049"1411,0181,0 00fflit '' :4 Qt%„.0._.- 0.- 410o Look- 10,7(...... -ilF , , II h' ♦i L .1e`• .,e Wii1te i ,�, ,� L'"."' Rte` \O� t • \, \\\ / ik\40- 'N'N'... .' '‘A:?:':10i.iiiPo 144______.-c+ii_.% _.,0 \: it •� 44 .y/ , •Y! i s & �1�.e� •f•YO °_j'MN' /. pr• 1, • + rr ✓ ,•+! a y ��, 1,,,p-in * - � CjtrR .ti' ''..-,:j•-... W 1 1t�e, L�`` �Q �i!/ • �a p• 1 ,i f r ,, 4' .1 R ':,itj•ilf "',•r. •-. ,�,t,.,4•••+.•• rfr ,. , e t'•4.1,..,r„,_,y� �>• �i �•�ydd r , •e',. - 4. a Rt �1 /�y * t f �' �\ >:e�7� y' ! ` "�41 .,y.n- ii.A.. lki)" t � . Legend ' _ 4Y4.' af' AtS'�;•: f ';i» �: '". Bedrock Wells ' : RX: '�' ' ~ t -^-_ ti Static_Ele i '_ • • 7 - •,. •. o Aquifer 1:318.0-469.3 ! • e .. 1 #'4 ,,,,;!,:t-,:::,:;•01- 1 s ,..-...• ' Aquifer 2:469.4-616.0 • -a; 7, }.. 40 r 1, r• 0 Aquifer 3:616.1 -765.0 (i ` • • ` 7 O Aquifer 4: 765.1 -914.0 'iarne d N .y„ 1' ., ti e t• E ;, :�' ip Aquifer 5:914.1 - 1063.0 QHalf Mile Buffer , • st_segments �,..,. . ,�, y .. streams .,. 41' 1 Denaly_Tract_A1 ,`0 290580 1,160 Feet gitalGlobe,•G'-o'Eye Eartl parcels Map to Scale: 1 inch = 1,160 feet tic• - �Ae oGRdDtlrAand;the'- Figure 4. Five Aquifers Found in Study Area Based on Static Water Elevations By: Date: SCS Prepared For: Eklutna, Inc. August 9,2017 TERRASAT, INC. -----;:::-...- II 4 • -----....„..... i. . 4'..4 ---:--ats- 1114. • . -N. . •, - . ° i . ., • .`" ,,.. ,..... • 11111111111111111 4**41.1\.....;.......L4..., '-f- 1k; ' gi, 111 , . WIMP '1°4 Nillari:Vr . ' ' "11 ll I . _ - ( _6„:114,1111, , , " " ilk - Yilik..\'' . . • I r: .' -C..) 1 lkil ,71, . ,,,,, ",_• llkiii.iiiii„iie.••. ..,, .c 10936 °4 r 6-- ••A•':---.''i-':;-- ''.', ' ' 0 ' -7 .4 L''•- -‘q-.,t. i30,.. . . . . • , A .-.0-„--,I - U6 1pV . nll836 50022 ylini . ..- 2 :,,..„..,,... ... .. C) _74.-0-0 15° 33,aZ ea ti'-.-- Ii liktu .omiolliiillk, o$ v!, . :Niillsor,„L'olio:., \\:"'''s-, 1062911.1)...4‘.17**411;u•42744it'lik. ‘ .• - • ... . ... ., ,,,,.- ,..„„„,.. --,...., -- • ;493 '5226--2 ..,... ',pip N111110 lilit - cr(!jo." '• 04,-,A.----4-kiC_RALitlios. -_. .. latr' ' '1': •: 1110,0--------ft, Ile ' 59 - ' e --- -- \Otirr5,1N. kJF5' •CAVt . •o) o.' . .3$ . $ .• - ' ,c$ 41 _ --5460-- 5, , '•. . ''' ' ‘-r - 4,„-`,.*-1..11-,--• ''..-. . . ' ''.:".. . $,, ,.,4 , --.7e414- ••• e 4 1 „ • f , ', . ' • 't:- "1.4.",*:): r. ,-P,e:'' ' ,--`.-,. --•.- - •-:. . tv'- -.01:eac "rf 1,Z-__9,-• , Liliri.4 a!1.1.fd `N ', .., ' .,„,..pr; ,. . 4,A,..t,..fe,'•?f,/,`" ,,.. , , - ,,: ,..7: t . ' 'Ae ':'• • • - ' ' -`49W'''' t', ,',. , •,- ,, 40,16.„4„- -,.: --,r, 4•01P2-#-- leDge,9752v4' -,"1,,if iil --, .•,'' ' • --__. , s- .....,...;,'4. , ' ,.. -...,....‘' -...... wk..,,,--A3) lope - ....„\ ''',,, '' ,_'., ... •,.' . .... 1,:.4 ‘,),... , _-;AI, ',AClolko$ ,I, ;$ •••• - ' 7013or *- %., , --t,„.. 'A.1.,:,,l' •"- .: 944,,..:Yr--'''174;g:4,4'i,. . 'l4.i.-:4,• - - c°,„\ r°2- '''•:- - -- -I- ' -ito '.,,,:',,,,.:"'51%--,.;,-.•;;.,,,,,,,.4::,/....V.,,,,,i, ...---44, ,...'•-s' . .......--' '•,''.274:S.1' IF,4-1,,.'4,,..7::,,, '...::;;‘,...2,141?- - ' - '7;t7 "r••"•,-• ."•;.-- ` . .,;;•.: J. '.- ,. t.:. - '•• .4 . ,'- .70" • .'..: .; ', ,. - .,•<7.0-*-, I •4'....J.- '-7,":. ;:, J.' :I " `-; "--•..-r -. 14, . ::,: ,,,, . ..., , .,, ___,,_ - 1.• . - =A • • . - • - ._,,,,,:,,7, ,A , , , .. .• ...m... , Ac.„; 0,,, ' .- - ..4i/itii, ,,f,. '.idl „et:- , ...Ail!•*. -.. ',.s _,<:41•••:: X -4 ,,. . .•-•• • -• 7 -.!...yr ; \r NIIR,At, 7 - F ' J, ' i ' '" .- Aff:K!''.,4.1,- - ;,:. ' ' 'Skr-"4?"; '• 4P* ••'.:'' ,.. , ,frritzt„ 't...,,,,,:ifj• .,,' .y,4,1!"-; j . ;"P • - l...74, L.41.r -•:"-..?..e....m• '., . k • ‘1,,....-- -0,4, '• . Legend , , ''7'7'. istr.. 4., w''41's- ,/ • . _ .4." 1 :- . • ...:..,_ . . ,. .."- - -,-'•: 4: or.,•t...' 4,-,04 4 A,,7$ ' Static_ ; Ele 4.0 - * ,' -,,-:-.''r,L-t.. • ' .. .' ... . - ---."..,',.. '• . ,It. 0 Aquifer 1:318.0-469 3 i ,i,i' -' - .•?r,416,;-;.' It-- .:. • •‘" - - ( •`, . .• !. 0 44Aquifer 2:4694-616 0 7r/a,s_ :: -P ,. ''' ' ''.• Cal. -.4 ,i..", . -1.dkv...i-,.-4t)&,- !, '• 0 Aquifer 3:616.1 -765.0 e . ,411 V.i •,"-, ' •.• 7,,• ., ." "'•- . - ',-. 't . . . s - - ... '- 0 Aquifer 4:765.1 -914.0 • :•7 : , ;..,3 ' t, ' " '',. 0 Aquifer 5:914.1 - 1063.0 - •.', ItilP 7. A/IF • - • • . ' - ....Tv - ,. . , •Lc. .11 Half_Mile_Buffer i , • '911!':" •' .'• -'.....'* st_seg ments t - '-- •' ' . .•,.i streams — 0 312. 25 1,250 Feet1.11 Map to Scale: 1 inch = 1,250 feet iz-"f-,H,L721-3.=_nf-.1-lifclictra,,,i.' o -yei, .ii parcels E- r . L,7 ,gs.-ia,i,ft.-,TAMLIVIrai,1011 the • 'Y'''' -- - Figure 5. Location of Wells Completed in the Lower Unconsolidated Aquifer By: Date: SCS Prepared For: Eklutna, Inc. August 9,2017 TERRASAT, INC. It-4.,-it ic..... ,,, , , .,,,, ,,,__ . . , . . A ........„.._ ....,.. ., • • ... 4,...„. .,...„, ,, . .. ,.?.. , . , .. \ -.414,;., ° '' ilk 674: . ". 4...1'` -.* ,. ',HO t Qap,..--dik '''. '' 7 '.i. I. a. --'"I'••:.•, !' +ter ?a .. -- r •.Wil.," J9_, �. '\ 1,y` �,..0 1.6'&4„ � .e n' /14,,.. + Mao Ifti•t� t• i• V. • �r •,.« , „ �► t i M ` Legend • F kir Y t .E ;, " ' �:�a a ilS . `.i',,, - r Top_Aq_EIe v A. W...1.,, ' �. ,../ ,L�.(�� t�rief � sr,. 4t......„, .4—is, ,-,, m 0.0 259.0 ,,.., #,,,,,,. ,. •$ce. „, •a `..,e' it` �. O 259.1 392.0 - i, ; % '* r4.).„ , 4.' �, , 0 392.1 - 534.0 �' �,r'+•'. No i 7 • ��'� �'� ! '/,{ r Q 534.1 754.0 r' P. 754.1 986.0 q..t a r • 'l .. .,,r),". IfJjfJ` DenalyProjectArea M ° • '» # 'p,� p st_segments 0 320 640 1,280 Fee C . r'Source- rce-EsnL igita1GIp o•GeoEye.Fa; streams 5,,� ' OP•USCI,tr6GRl{D,Vi.nd1 ...s.»..: .ted... :,4 Figure 6. Top of Aquifer Elevation for Wells in Study Area By: Date: SCS Prepared For: Eklutna, Inc. TERRASAT, INC. August 21, 2017 • 1{ 5,"-,;;;",,•2'2' '•,,i..,/-." /t raw �. �^ r"` tty^! rot.+�`1�. or l� . . .'" rj 1k,E t • � 2 bie "' '442.# 11.1 4)'R U� + 7 .t ° .�7f, .!! ` 1 � ` + 1 tL' `* h ff itt-r at, �,�� { r 34%:y�yylti (/I .S'+ 3 rJJrs.- >7 .y1 !` d 1_ 1 � t t- 7 . �'r� 7't1 ti;,,i^'.i; b,r� jr. : at l n! 'N Y"t a-ry" � ,y.!3 �=.�^' ',14;_t"--;‘,".'S ._.•!;4,f +f•r C.�u�.r�i r� a r..^` ;• p ►: 1 a1.. ! ,q fr,". ..1f"• • -".7.'fr,. If' ,-.r> S •..r• , i'.4: .• •.ir• iA� �Ya' t4/1 ;� 't.,.L• ialam.. ��nt, i e �1 $ .. '1 p .,,...t•-.,-, w i y� Ye. >< ,� r fY r ',,40.7-44:-", � 4 ti :..r, t .- ,fwrr rwA ..;'S 1- .. Asi •�e,7t :of 1. ;' L r1J ,73s ii,-ri • r� • • gliSe'y, h \ry�� 1 'K.. .0 n, ' .. .. , t ,c,-t• hf!.lir,�[ 3'en..• � , --• — ___ _ ,spit...._ —„F g `ddb . rY , ..L ••• a. .. o 1 � ;� t.i .rte y, � �' ��1� y .Fi V" fir. ; '� �� 4ZtV,. — - / '' '' -c.<4.kk, --- c' - i' '• - . ' . ' -. • -,-, ,"` . - - " : ' .3k z `� 1t= 4. 11. 01 I ,iti,' + +, -� \ ,'4V. joiNiqopot. %kb --ft,11 4 • . 64,.. , . et— - L - 1 . ,., et *,,,,. ,,,„ , , ,I•‘•Ai" ••••• ..-„mir, .,,,, 1:•...' ''',I, ".'4,, .., :,'`'4;ii 1 •,„,0,. - •, .;gF.'`' 4 t‘. ' r‘• ‘",:.. a••••II, ••'4 111 .• ;-7-/- i‘11::- 1'1---... ---.- .40 * ` tf `�\�_ ^ � �. . .y } .�; `:' w . • < ... • - - , -•1:. ' .,:i''•••:*..•-,,,';'4: '' '' "(ill''::• . ' ,,,, . '4*.': , .. • k- .4 ,," , : , . : ,ir'.' ''% i , s Legend 4 ` Well > 4' 7 J ' ,Y• streams 0 260520 ',+' iY x R o Esri I,ioita 6 obr,Ge Denaly Project Area Map to cafe: 1 titch=1,1 1 act ;,s�. ` Vic,_ Irt9fa� -U�, t_ p' o G Pr ( • .. Figure 7. Location of Flowing Artesian Wells in Study Area FB = Flowing Confined Bedrock and FU = Flowing Confined Unconsolidated By: SCS Date: Prepared For: Eklutna Inc. August 22,2017 TERRASAT, INC. 9 r '• ( , , ., 7P f .� Sr`t_ . 'j+y.. 1,•• `• "r• • • 4 - ' W‘ - 0 --. \N7"4 t :;4. • .,...„..m, 4.- •l'-' i -,1.4.• ,'. ••••.111, i -' 4L1 • f.c• o, : . a t.. th AO, 1 ! • 3l 1 - 2:-• Ale +^ '.> •@ w ` .. ••. _ •: CLW ,!:4�..s4,,,,,,N)7...--Ars t,. ti; *'' �c ` •' v • \ ;'fir r• 't .1,f ,. "4131SAfkl:**4‘ ' . "irr-''-qtr. O‘Vii-lt.-• .. '-'-N•:'41. 71:• :". ., t r \ L\.Nt .• :• fc'' !11 "A5 y 1. /. �^ \ .— . •+ • ty •`• j�y'. • ;• -. ), , .7 s,' •t,:, ,,, ..1-k. ..' 4...V."e. 4'.' , a Ili ‘dir Nli. L'..),twi.04.,,_., .1111114r1Lar.i.t.. ....N..';',1!.,.3 A,;',..'‘,..(1 r'T ! 9 • L,ylrjY t 111,1 i... t. O C •,'� r� •� k.•, • ' �- P•/ • .4dir '4 ' • :y,.fyr • �. ` ,o•V ;7•,• , ('��•t ,. - • 5- 't • `•.� "6 t ,e- �,' 'r J•� r�i� S . '=fi �; ty,Y.j�y• wr yT.�. T ,� •^r n:s,\;.:!, �� .. ; i 'Y • r t �, r frr" L1'� 'fit, ,t . •W, ;( j41j,1 a ° ~ y�j '. r... ,,.., ' \ '.f.r 'v�� 1, 'tyr..Z•.'#.0 k.,,`-: Legend t„ .. .. r r ole 0[ -1...k..6,:..' ,t.. ' g -;,,,-4 �.. MJ. �' �.,. �' 'Well_Depth > ''1t ; ?,». �. ` ;: r" J ;�� . 0 20.5 152.0 i 4 r • " • 4, $rr�? S t••y , Z�•,i,) Q '• Ao, 0 158.0- 273.0 t ,r ,+�tx r S. 280.0 420.0 7.-:::.:, ,,,,, . ...„, 4 .., .' ,e � R d , +' '• ,, 4„. .,: •, ,' ,, r .r:,�• ,/l� cdK ,.• ; O 440.0-660:0 .0 tliW 4.., �- x °, ,, .-1x� ;' Denaly Project Area �y�p/j ,+� f3 " y ;� ';;,ti ` y st_segments ♦1^._• 1.., M,.r —Y ;/ 4J jfA� l • ' �' 4 .-,. ` • \• t I' r y /..4% • • 0 320 640 1,280 Feet" .`; ' ',� 1, w.*, ..' ;Niro 1',v• -•:••;`r•( i "''!,,' • r �`� USD' ..VA, .eru r I© INvana ` • ro_�•a✓1-ar '•..g/ • _I. -i'-^-aw.tJ...,. a -.,.•4!' -1.. �. Figure 8. Total Depth of Wells in Study Area By: SCS Prepared For: Eklutna, Inc. Date: TERRASAT, INC. August 21, 2017 Jif\,J,, r „ , •ti `rt , Eagle ' `�N, River t �• r , .,......,• -...K t .•.t , Fi N 'iat J tr Yytd'l v`. .i,y-t +� �r ''./.:1,,,,::,.‘..,..,:::,.........• :',. tee. �x 3 r ca. ., gi 1 t4/` ti'ra yam• t� �, ,n9 . ` i i" + .•i �. '1`l�j3^ 1�. 3' `�.o ` Sry.r rFr�+ d ,i y���,1 e3"t{ f •t �' : •,,•,_ edrark Rt Jndar for Aquifer 2 „ I I• rf ,ate '" con "dated Aquifer ,_, R S LL !. 4 y�y� `! ,. � d KJi •brei+' Aquifer 1 ;�-. iSarwyl�(flvt ..t '` . r,' t c 01.1carrect, .j . J}�PSy r �' ' fitly F ,. a, � r: + .`41+.1� � * ' • , ', , : , r, +� ' 4tarn61tldc.ft edro ( •- ?!▪ s !4 sem t':s� 'y..a , fi t.} 1•4:411.2,2l.y1 ,1"0 x•44'. , 3 k. r •;• ,1 t..} 1, ' • I ''.'t., 1,•'^ 1 v.wi, Igo ''.7-11•••,1,....' S i r•K ,t r ti }'S t y r' Figure 9. Depiction of Bedrock Boundary Effects on an Unconsolidated Aquifer By: SCS Prepared For: Eklutna, Inc. Date: TERRASAT, INC. August 21, 2017 :14)S6,,N. t '*‘4,, s. , � �� "n " ter t!•'4 s ` Aird t ?L. ' s .l / �y,., ' 'rte v.� .{ n.. N:f�� , ' '1 �_� .r u lifer,O • '' � _ � ,. t .,_ . .... . :It\........z Iv\ ,fi v > ,� . _�'' �_. • _.� 44 . ,, e!3"r�'7i /tri ,�I�. ? 's•Cr t. �� TTT J r `t ufir• ,. `: �' ��� J�� v--,- • -,,,.. . •„, • t.( ,i f, - Legend ' ',`` ' 4 . r 4.' .J��, .a,1. Stan _Yield .'' , e;��� ' to 4 0 0.3-9.0 X } it t?.s`•E .,,,,,' `k 0 11.3-24.8 •r �" '' ', e- - '13cliPt"' .41:02!„..)0,,'" 0 38.2- 101.0 • ..r_, ti ••,7st Y •.> '4,R210.0 u:. ic- ' lr 'f-, •.-:: S O f� r�r,,•' ., �'�l'sz 'fir :�• r, + M• r O'er Denaly Project Area .. L ` ,g ,„ �` •r-"•�, — st_segments 'k:. �.'a i . ar rt''•\ e, • 320 640 1,280 Feel Source Esri,Digital iobe Geo ye;Ear streams L� Ua eroG`R I9, •G nd,the;' n. - , Figure 10. Standardized Yields of Wells in Study Area By: SCS Prepared For: Eklutna, Inc. Date: TERRASAT, INC. August 21, 2017 1A;N-124 "�'_.__ CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP AND DEDICATION r!cm,,�. .1AT p-. pI .,..;44:4, G • '11.7••_ 'OW)xROv 041Nv Tx•T 1 CPC KU,M 1014 210012.MCKIM I IITMY t•peel•p) TS x4.118•Ti M�rt 1• wmCT1 8 DC PR.r•TP DOM AIM 105011![0 WIMP .(K)I[R/1 aYr ARA[?�) KOx�1[10 M u1AC.N1•v <A Id01AU Nl ARAS UP m0 r(.I SE AA 1�y::' ' As NOM 0110,CA.MNTS.SORTS.NAM MOROII1M0M[S.PAMS. A�•� '''.:::::::7:1-2:0., .Ab•T.p10 r.i •• no...K A NO OMRO2/80 MEAS000ex NI M MR 31001.E8011[5[111[0 t.gA ,�'� rg1 �P+)�. 10102x0 TO DC on•cATFo STORTS SIMM MOM A ACK O[YRoltom `mm _• - .y. 1(SP IN,510810£0 M CANT..%•T AA(nit tact a 1 S RCT 1 X'24'`."1• E rl W•I.1 y,u ITdII0.124 no CAtx 1 root saTOx(in ro 1)Or TUl a ILL IDR M \• A,y_,1. r abwti - aNSi1NEPOPOV RDri�r rn�e1[0 n 1(81000 1,0000•011G 10(110'110 aWTORi lI KMS rut w. 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