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T12N R3W SEC 33 LT 57
Nf,ny 30 i 9 ', 2:05p M&ici-age',P !e!l & Pump Sst- 9072430742 p,2 bevelopr-Lient Services be-partment Building 5afety bivision 5ita Water & Wastewater Program ter.47,00 Ejrjo�,e POO ,d Allark SqgjaJ7 P.O. 8ox 1966-50 Alkyor Anc.horaoe, A K 99507 1 4SA E (907) 343-7904 PIUM P Installation Log Well Drilling -PCr'-1'ft Number: SW___ Date of f (C/ -parcel Ide"tification Nurnher; 0-11 eWl Description-- Pl*opertv r NaTe ess: 712N KSQ Sec -33 L51 lveLA,-Y Aj,�rveT PU PInstallation Pullip Intake Depth Belo %v Tii) Of WOT feet Pump l`vlan�ufaci.c e is Name- 4 a7 Le script - 12 Pninp J)ur,lp intake D PUMP Model: CC) C-3 12 Pump Size Pitless Adapter Burial Depth: feet TWOS Adapter _Nalwle. Pffless Adapter Instaffer: Well Disinfected UPOID COMpietiull? IFETly"C"S Method of Disinfectj.,.)n: Comments! Yf�-N(J 5 PUMP 111staller Maine: i rl Attention: The pump h7staller Sj4-""j provide F- PLJJp jr,';Lalja, j,�rj L09 to the DSD wiil-�in 30 dais of pump i- .13tayjaticr..