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T13N R3W SEC 33
Lot 51A
05/04,'2016 20:17 907-345-x1202 AALPINE DRILLING PAGE 02/02
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Municipality of Anchorage
Community Development Department
On -Site Water and Wastewater Prucram
47511 Eimore St, a P.O. ®ox 196650 Anchoraga, AK 99519-6650 • Itttp:l/www.inuni.orniortsitu w (907):343-7904
Well Decommissioning Lo
Subdivision _._ Block � Lot _—
T? R_,? . �_ Section Let S-14
Onsite Water & wastowatar Program certified contractor par'orrrmrg tha wen de,rxnm ssioning: —
Wel: decommtssioning date -✓ q- Method of docemrnissionhq: AMC 15.55,06OL1
Location: Uae thq :pace below to provide a drawing of the property ohowing the following Iters: v
• North arrow
• Doconmrssigned well, f
• Othar, wator walls on the property,
• Two separate swing tic dlstaress for each well shown on the aravoing,
Mote. TrH m4y-tie distarces shall be rneaaured fron oitner permanent structures or the property corners.
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