HomeMy WebLinkAboutCANYON VIEW ESTATES S12545 Ph 2Canyon View Estates, Phase 2, Block, Lots 8-11 and Tract 2A May 31, 2022 Soils Report Engineer's Soils Report Canyon View Estates, Phase 2 Lots 8-11, Block 2 Tract 2A Municipality of Anchorage Prepared for: Hulquest Homes, Inc. 12570 Old Seward Hwy, suite 204 Anchorage, AK 99515 S4 Group 124 E 7th Avenue Anchorage, AK 99501 Prepared By: Pannone Engineering Services, LLC P.O. Box 1807 PALMER, AK 99645 P.O. BOX 100217 ANCHORAGE, AK 99510 Submitted By: Steven R. Pannone, P.E. Principal, Civil Engineer 31 May 2022 Canyon View Estates, Phase 2, Block, Lots 8-11 and Tract 2A May 31, 2022 Soils Report Engineering Report Project Description This soils report is to identify the suitability of the soils on the lot for an on-site septic system. The subject lots are the proposed subdivision of CANYON VIEW ESTATES PH2, BLOCK 2, LOTS 8- 11 and TRACT 2A. This report will detail the soils encountered during the soils investigation, existing topography, impact to surrounding wells and septic system and the suitability of the soils encountered for the use of an on-site wastewater disposal system and water supply system. The lots range from approximately 1.53 acres to 11.7 acres in size. The lots are currently undeveloped. Soils Investigation This tract of land has had two very thorough soils investigation performed over the past 30 years. In the summer of 1983, Mr. James Roberts, P.E., R.L.S. performed 24 soils test pits, the test pit locations are shown on our overall site plan in Appendix A. His report is included in this report as Appendix B. The location of Mr. Roberts soil test pits are noted on the attached drawing. Mr. Roberts' test pits verified that there was no bedrock in this area to a depth of 16 to 18 feet below the ground surface. These test pits did included the identification of ground water static water levels discovered during the excavation of the test pits. Mr. Roberts report did not include seasonal high ground water levels nor soil percolation tests. The Municipality of Anchorage expanded the Canyon Road, which bisects this tract of land. The MOA hired Lounsbury and Assoc., and Shannon & Wilson, Inc. to perform the soils exploration for the road upgrade. The Soils investigation found similar soils to both James Roberts, P.E. and what PES found. Additionally, the borings extended to a depth of sixteen and a half feet (16.5') below the road grade. The borings did not encounter any bedrock. The ground water levels were monitored in May of 2022 (Season high ground water month) and found the water levels to be approximately five to ten feet below ground levels, where ground water was found at all. Some test borings were dry. The MOA soils investigation is contained in Appendix C. Pannone Engineering Services performed a soils investigation on October 2, 2019 through October 11, 2019 throughout the proposed subdivision. The intent of the investigation was to verify the percolation rate of the soils and to obtain seasonal high ground water levels. The verification of bedrock depth greater than 16 feet was verified by Mr. James Roberts, P.E., R.L. S. The test pits were excavated by White Raven excavation using a Komatsu 160 track excavator, and were excavated to the maximum extent of the excavator or until refusal. On October 6, 2020 through October 8, 2020 Pannone Engineering Services performed additional soils investigations, verifying the lack of bedrock to 16 feet in each of the 2019 test holes, and performed additional soils investigations to verify the percolation rate of the soils and obtain seasonal high ground water levels in additional locations due to reconfigured lot lines in the proposed subdivision. The test pits revealed a variety of soils as shown on the attached Soils Logs for each of the proposed subdivision lots. Water monitoring was conducted on all 33 test holes on October 11, 2019. Additional water monitoring was performed in May of 2020. Canyon View Estates, Phase 2, Block, Lots 8-11 and Tract 2A May 31, 2022 Soils Report Groundwater was monitored on the new test holes on October 28, 2020. Finally two additional test holes were excavated on May 21, 2022 due to lot lines moved for Phase 2 and groundwater monitoring was performed on May 28, 2022 Topography The proposed subdivision is characterized as sloping terrain and is on the north side of a mountain valley. In general, the entire area starts sloping down from the northeast to the southwest (see attached subdivision site plan). There is a gently sloping bench, adjacent to both sides of Canyon Drive that provides an excellent area for home sites without requiring large cuts or fills that are typical of steeper hillside lots. Existing water and wastewater systems The Phase 2 lots are currently undeveloped. There are developed lots to the northwest of the proposed Phase 1 lots. Phase 2 also has developed lots to the east. The existing water supply systems are private wells and have a 100 -foot protective radius around them (i.e. a new wastewater disposal system may not be located less than 100 feet from these private water wells.) The documented wells are far enough back on the lot that their protective well radiuses do not affect the proposed subdivision lots. The surrounding properties also do not exhibit shallow bedrock conditions, further proving the viability of this subdivision and that bedrock depth is not a concern. Surface water Rabbit Creek runs from east to west to the south of the proposed lots. On Phase 2 there are ephemeral drainage ditches on Block 2, lots 10 & 11, and Tract 2A. All required separation distances have been observed. Engineering Criteria For Phase 2 PES conducted six percolation tests on the proposed lots and found a percolation rate varying from less than one minute per inch (<1.0 mpi) to over one hundred twenty minutes per inch (120mpi). Based upon the soil test results there are several optio s for systems that could be installed on all of the lots with the exception ofBlock Lot 1, and ract 1 hat wil_ I require platted AWWTS instal included in the desi n ac et . However, additional testhole and soils investigation have the potential to find more suitable soils on these proposed lots, at a later time. There are no steep areas within the respective reserve areas. Canyon View Estates, Phase 2, Block, Lots 8-11 and Tract 2A May 31, 2022 Soils Report The table below has the testhole depths, percolation rates and depth to ground water on each perspective lot in the subdivision. BLOCK, LOT TH # TH DEPTH PERC RATE GROUND H2O LEVEL REQUIRED RES AREA B2, L8 TH31 14.0 >120 N/A B2, L8 TH32 16.0 0.5 2.8 10,000 B2, L9 TH32A 16.0 3.2 3.5 10,000 B2, L10 TH33 16.0 2.93 2.6 10,000 B2, L10 TH34 8.5 2.6 3.9 B2, L11 TH34A 16.0 <1 2.0 10,000 Site Information The Municipality of Anchorage (MOA) Regulations (15.65) govern for single-family homes. These regulations require a minimum of four (4) feet vertical separation between the bottom of a soil absorption .system and groundwater for a conventional wastewater disposal system, six feet (6') to bedrock or other impermeable layers (tight silts and clays) and must be located greater than 100 feet horizontally from any surface water (Creeks and ponds). Additionally, the accepting soils must have a percolation rate of less than 120 minutes per inch. A lot must have room for a primary and reserve soil absorption system. Advanced treatments systems have been approved for use by the MOA and have approval for much smaller separation distances than conventional systems. Advanced treatment systems are an option for development of any of these lots as well. Water Availability Based upon surrounding lots in the subdivision there is availability for a private water system on the proposed lots. A survey of the well data from the surrounding lots is provided on the table below. Data shows ample water availability in the lots surrounding the above referenced lot. A majority of the wells in other sections of the subdivision are bedrock wells with a depth to bedrock ranging from 70-150 feet. Further reducing any concerns for shallow bedrock within this development or the surrounding areas. No major geologic changes to the area have occurred to affect the existing aquafers since well before settlement of the Anchorage area and tend to happen over larger time -spans than are of concern to this subdivision. Earthquake related changes to individual fissures that have an effect on individual wells cannot be predicted in the same way as a whole aquafer. When you look at historical well driller logs vs COSA well adequacy test results the adequacy test generally shows a lower production because the maximum flow that can be tested for a COSA is the rate that the pump can produce, not the high rate that a well driller can pump and prove that the well is capable of producing as shown on the well log. AMC 15.55 requires a report that indicates there is sufficient water available. Based on the neighboring subdivisions, there is sufficient water available. There are relatively Canyon View Estates, Phase 2, Block, Lots 8-11 and Tract 2A May 31, 2022 Soils Report few areas in the municipality with any type of limited water availability. This is not one of those areas. This subdivision is located at the top of the ground water area, and there are no additional subdivisions above this proposed subdivision. To emphasize this we have included several additional well logs located on the same geologic bench area further than the required 250 -feet. Legal Description Well Depth Well Production Static Water Level Nitrates SPENDLOVE VIEW HTS 63 L6 366' 2gpm 1996 / 1.4gpm 2011 46.8' 3-2011 / 1.4 mg/I SPENDLOVE VIEW HTS B3 L1 208' 3gpm 2002 / 1.7 2008 0' 5-2008/ 4.35 mg/I SPENDLOVE VIEW HTS B3 L2 45' 30gpm 1974 / 3.8+gpm 2019 +2' 5-2019 / 8.59 mg/I SPENDLOVE VIEW HTS B3 L3 60' 30gpm 1997 4' 8-1999 / 4.56 mg/I SPENDLOVE VIEW HTS 133 L4 166' 4gpm 1996 0' NO DATA SPENDLOVE VIEW HTS 133 L6 386' 2gpm 1996 / 1.4gpm 2011 21' 4-2011 / 1.4 mg/I T12N R2W SEC 30 BLM LT 4 W300' OF N440' OF 5690' NO DATA 6.94gpm 2008 / 6.8gpm 2013 22' 2-2008 / 2.17 mg/I 8-2013 / 1.72 T12N R2W S31 NW4NW4NE4 225' 4.5gpm 2005 30' NO DATA BEEDE 131 L2 -120' 1.7gpm 1993 111' 4-1993 / 1.94 mg/I HOCKER Bl BA 106' 60gpm 1993 / 6.2+gpm 2021 28' 11-1993 / 2.1 mg/I 2-2021 / 3.16 mg/I Hocker 132 L4 140 20gpm 1980 / 6.5+gpm 2017 27.3 7-2017 / 2.27 mg/I Hocker 132 L2 46 5gpm 1982 / 2.84gpm 2013 23 5-2013 / 2.84 mg/I Hocker B2 Ll No Data 2.46gpm 1994 6.5 No Data Hocker 61 BA 106 60gpm 1993 / 6+gpm 2021 28 2-2021 / 3.16 mg/I Hocker 84 L1 153+ 2.9gpm 1994 38 11-1994 / 1.82 mg/I Beede 131 L7 84 7gpm 1982 31 1-1988 / 1.4 mg/I Beede B1 L5 105 10 gpm 1979 35 No Data Beede 61 L4 109 15 gpm 1984 / 8gpm 1986 40 No Data Echo Hills #1133 L1 90 15gpm 2016 41 7-2016 / 2.58 mg/I Echo Hills 133 L2 180 10gpm 1985 142 No Data Echo Hills #1133 L3 68 20 gpm 1992 / 7.5gpm 2014 18 7-2014 / 2.81 11-2014 / 2.46 Canyon View Estates, Phase 2, Block, Lots 8-11 and Tract 2A May 31, 2022 Soils Report Appendix A Soils Plans and Logs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 TH 31 OR TOPSOIL GM/SM SAND & GRAVEL SM/GM SAND & GRAVEL BOH 27MAY20 S_ SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST SLOPE I TEST HOLE SITE PIAN 1 1 1 1 SLOPE TH 1 L 1 v WAS GROUND WATER SOIL TEST RESULTS/ANALYSIS DATE PERFORMED: 030CT19 ENCOUNTERED? N a PERCOLATION RATE >120 mpi(minlinch) NO GROUNDWATER: 11OCT19 (Hydrologic Soils Group: HSG A) IF YES, AT WHAT 6 REQUIRES AWWTS & ERS DEPTH? —NA— . PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6" • TEST RUN BETWEEN 2 FT AND 3 FT. DEPTH TO WATER AFTER . TEST RUN FOR OVER AN HOUR, LAST MONITORING? DRY THREE READINGS PROVIDED. DATE: 11OCT19 DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING? 11.2' DATE: 27MAY20 COMMENTS: Test hole excavated by WHITE RAVEN PERFORMED BY: PES. I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDLINES IN EFFECT ON THE DATE OF THIS TEST. READING DATE NET TIME WATER LEVEL NET DROP READING RATE (MPI) 1 11OCT19 5.900" 2 30 MIN 6.300" 0.4" 75 3 5.900" 4 30 MIN 5.900" 0.000" DNP 5 5.900" 6 30 MIN NOTES: PAMONE ENG SVC LLC Date SOILS REPORT P.O. BOX 1807 PALMER, AK 99645 ��8•• 05/31/2022 PHONE (907) 745-8200 FAX (907) 745-8201:•'•• Scale ••� NTS .... •+ ....... P.I.D. NO CANYON VIEW ESTATES, PHASE 2 •.�®vee =nope DRAWN DRM LOT 8 C 8149 . Sxxxxx PERMIT N0. SITE: CANYON ROAD •'•05/31/202?.• SOLS LOGS ANCHORAGE, AK ""••••• Sheet 2OF7 —7 TH32 WATER LEVEL READING 1 OR TOPSOIL 2 5.900" 27MAY20 3 2 MIN —� 4 0.33 3 5 GM/SM SAND & 4 GRAVEL 6 6.000" 0.5 7 5.900" 8 6 9 11.900" 6.000" 0.5 SM/GM SAND & 10 GRAVEL 11 12 11 OCT19 13 14 SW SAND & GRAVEL 15 16 BOH DATE PERFORMED: 040CT19 HOLE EXTENDED: 070CT2020 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST SLOPE I TEST HOLE 1 /SITE L N L / N NP\ \ \ 3 \ \ J \ TH3 \ \ \ \ O� TH32 \ I I � I � \ SLOPE TH 1 WAS GROUND WATER SOIL TEST RESULTS/ANALYSIS ENCOUNTERED? Y . PERCOLATION RATE <1 mpi(min/inch) (Hydrologic Soils Group: HSG A) IF YES. AT WHAT Y PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6" DEPTH? —14.0'— . TEST RUN BETWEEN 2 FT AND 3 FT. • TEST RUN FOR OVER AN HOUR, LAST DEPTH TO WATER AFTER THREE READINGS PROVIDED. MONITORING? 12.0' DATE: 11 OCT19 DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING? —2.8' DATE: 27MAY2020 COMMENTS: Test hole excavated by WHITE RAVEN PERFORMED BY: PES. I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALLSTATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDLINES IN EFFECT ON THE DATE OF THIS TEST. I NOTES: I SOILS REPORT DRAWN JDRM SOILS LOGS READING DATE NET TIME WATER LEVEL READING NET DROP RATE (MPI) 1 11OCT19 5.900" 2 2 MIN 11.900" 6.000" 0.33 3 5.900" 4 3 MIN 11.900" 6.000" 0.5 5 5.900" 6 3 MIN 11.900" 6.000" 0.5 PANNONE ENG SVC, LLC P.O. BOX 1807 PALMER, AK 99645 PHONE (907) 745-8200 FAX (907) 745-8201 CANYON VIEW ESTATES, PHASE 2 LOT 8 SITE: CANYON ROAD ANCHORAGE, AK Date 05/31/2022 Scale NTS P.I.D. NO PERMIT NO. Sxxxxx Sheet 2OF7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 TH 32A OR TOPSOIL FROST FROM 1.5 TO 2.5 �2�8MAY22 GP/SW _ SAND & GRAVEL 21MAY22 GM/SM SILTY GRAVEL AND SAND BOH DATE PERFORMED: 21MAY22 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST SLOPE TEST HOLE WAS GROUND WATER SOIL TEST RESULTnGroup: YSIS ENCOUNTERED? Y PERCOLATION Rmpi(minlinch) (Hydrologic Soil H KIF YES. AT WHAT PERE HOLE DIA" DEPTH? -5.5'- 6 TEST RUN 13ETWEEN 2 FT AND 3 FT.. • TEST RUN FOR OVER AN HOUR, LAST DEPTH TO WATER AFTER THREE READINGS PROVIDED. MONITORING? 3.5' DATE: 28MAY22 COMMENTS: Test hole excavated by POMRAINING EXCAVATION PERFORMED BY: PES. I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDLINES IN EFFECT ON THE DATE OF THIS TEST. NOTES: SOILS REPORT DRAWN I DRM SOILS LOGS READING DATE NET TIME WATER LEVEL READING NET DROP RATE (MPI) 1 21MAY22 3.27" 2 21.6 MIN 9.27" 6.00" 3.6 3 3.27" 4 10 MIN 6.61" 3.34" 3.0 5 3.27" 6 10 MIN 6.50" 3.23" 3.1 7 3.27" 8 10 MIN 6.45" 3.18" 3.1 9 3.27" 10 10 MIN 6.42" 3.15" 3.2 11 3.27" 12 10 MIN 6.40" 3.13" 3.2 PANNONE ENG SVC, LLC P.O. BOX 1807 PALMER, AK 99645 PHONE (907) 745-8200 FAX (907) 745-8201 CANYON VIEW ESTATES, PHASE 2 LOT 9 SITE: CANYON ROAD ANCHORAGE, AK Date . 05/31/2022 ��•' •• Scale NTS .... .. .. ....... P.I.D. NO •• .even inn"e PERMIT NO. 01` 8149 Sxxxxx 05/31/2027 Sheet 4OF7 BOH DATE PERFORMED: 040CT1 9 HOLE EXTENDED: 07bCT2O20 SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST SLOPE I TEST HOLE SLOPE Ti; 1 WAS GROUND WATER SOIL TEST RESULTS/ANALYSIS TH33 Y • 1 OR TOPSOIL 2 IF YES. AT WHAT. 27MAY20 PERC HOLE DIAMETER. 6" DEPTH? —6.0'— .. 4 GM/SM 11OCT19 5 DEPTH TO WATER — THREE READINGS PROVIDED. MONITORING? SAND & 6 DATE: GRAVEL 7 SM/ML SAND & AFTER GRAVEL 8 10 MIN DATE: 27MAY2020 2.93 ANGULAR 9 COBBLEW W/ TIGHT SAND 10 & SILT 11 12 13 14 15 16 BOH DATE PERFORMED: 040CT1 9 HOLE EXTENDED: 07bCT2O20 SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST SLOPE I TEST HOLE SLOPE Ti; 1 WAS GROUND WATER SOIL TEST RESULTS/ANALYSIS ENCOUNTERED? Y • PERCOLATION RATE .2.9 mpi(min/inch) RATE (MPI) 1 (Hydrologic Soils Group: HSG A) IF YES. AT WHAT. • PERC HOLE DIAMETER. 6" DEPTH? —6.0'— .. TEST RUN BETWEEN 2 FTAND 3 FT. 4.090" • TEST RUN FOR OVER AN HOUR, LAST DEPTH TO WATER AFTER THREE READINGS PROVIDED. MONITORING? 4.5' 10 MIN DATE: 11OCT19 2.88 5 DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING? —2.6' 10 MIN DATE: 27MAY2020 2.93 COMMENTS: Test hole excavated by WHITE RAVEN PERFORMED BY: PES. I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDLINES IN EFFECT ON THE DATE OF THIS TEST. NOTES: I SOILS REPORT DRAWN IDRM SOILS LOGS READING DATE NET TIME WATER LEVEL READING NET DROP RATE (MPI) 1 11OCT19 5.900° 2 10 MIN 9.990" 4.090" 2.44 3 5.900" 4 10 MIN 9.368" 3.468" 2.88 5 5.900" 6 10 MIN 9.312" 3.412" 2.93 PANNONE ENG SVC, LLC P.O. BOX 1807 PALMER, AK 99645 PHONE (907) 745-8200 FAX (907) 745-8201 CANYON VIEW ESTATES, PHASE 2 LOT 10 SITE: CANYON ROAD ANCHORAGE, AK Date 05/31/2022 Scale NTS P.I.D. NO PERMIT NO. Sxxxxx Sheet 5 OF 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 TH 34 DATE NET TIME OR TOPSOIL RATE (MPI) SAND & 11OCT19 GRAVEL W/ GM/SM FRACTURED 2 ROCK 9.980" 4.08" 2.5 27MAY20 SM/ML SILTY SANDY GRAVEL 4 ANGULAR BOH/ COBBLEW W/ HARD PAN TIGHT SAND EXCAVATOR & SILT REFUSAL SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST SLOPE I TEST HOLE T� PLA TH33 I \ 34 \ \ I\ I � I I I t\ / SLOPE TH 1 WAS GROUND WATER SOIL TEST RESULTS/ANALYSIS DATE PERFORMED: b70CT19 ENCOUNTERED? Y . " PERCOLATION RATE 2.6 mpi(minlinch (Hydrologic Soils Group: HSG A) IF YES. A f WHAT . PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6" DEPTH? —6.0— e TEST RUN BETWEEN 2 FT AND 3 FT." • TEST RUN FOR OVER AN HOUR, LAST DEPTH TO WATER AFTER THREE READINGS PROVIDED. MONITORING? 4.5 DATE: 11OCT19 DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING? 3.9' DATE: 27MAY20 COMMENTS: Test hole excavated by WHITE RAVEN PERFORMED BY: PES. I CERTIFYTHATTHIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALLSTATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDLINES IN EFFECT ON THE DATE OF THIS TEST. NOTES: SOILS REPORT DRAWN I DRM SOILS LOGS READING DATE NET TIME WATER LEVEL READING NET DROP RATE (MPI) 1 11OCT19 5.900" 2 10 MIN 9.980" 4.08" 2.5 3 5.900" 4 10 MIN 9.810" 3.91" 2.6 5 5.900" 6 10 MIN 9.790" 3.89" 2.6 PANNONE ENG SVC, LLC P.O. BOX 1807 PALMER, AK 99645 PHONE (907) 745-8200 FAX (907) 745-8201 CANYON VIEW ESTATES, PHASE 2 LOT 10 SITE: CANYON ROAD ANCHORAGE, AK Dote 05/31/2022 Scale NTS P.I.D. NO 'ERMIT NO. Sxxxxx Sheet 6OF7 DATE PERFORMED: 21MAY22 WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? Y IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? —4.0 DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING? —2.0 DATE: 28MAY22 SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST SLOPE TEST HOLE SOIL TEST RESULTS/ANALYSIS • PERCOLATION RATE <1 mpi(min/inch) (Hydrologic Soils Group: HSG A) • PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6" • TEST RUN FOR OVER AN HOUR, LAST THREE READINGS PROVIDED. COMMENTS: Test hole excavated by POMRAINING EXCAVATION PERFORMED BY: PES. I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDLINES IN EFFECT ON THE DATE OF THIS TEST. SLOPE TH 1 TH34A OR RATE TOPSOIL 1 SILTY SAND LEVEL 2 GM/SM ANI]�/-GRAVEL 3 27MAY20 4 21MAY22 WATER ABSORBED TOO FAST TO ACCURATELY READ 5 GP/SW 27MAY20 6 5 T00 FAST TO ACCURATELY READ 7 5 s 8 9 10 11 GP/SM SILTY SAND WITH GRAVEL SCATTERED 12 THROUGH 13 14 15 16 BOH DATE PERFORMED: 21MAY22 WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? Y IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? —4.0 DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING? —2.0 DATE: 28MAY22 SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST SLOPE TEST HOLE SOIL TEST RESULTS/ANALYSIS • PERCOLATION RATE <1 mpi(min/inch) (Hydrologic Soils Group: HSG A) • PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6" • TEST RUN FOR OVER AN HOUR, LAST THREE READINGS PROVIDED. COMMENTS: Test hole excavated by POMRAINING EXCAVATION PERFORMED BY: PES. I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDLINES IN EFFECT ON THE DATE OF THIS TEST. SLOPE TH 1 NOTES: PANNONE ENG SVC, LLC SOILS REPORT P.O. BOX 1807 PALMER, AK 99645 PHONE (907) 745-8200 FAX (907) 745-8201 CANYON VIEW ESTATES, PHASE 2 DRAWN DRM LOT 11 SITE: CANYON ROAD SOILS LOGS ANCHORAGE, AK Date 06/16/2022 Scale NTS P.I.D. NO 'ERMIT NO. Sxxxxx Sheet 7OF7 WATER RATE READING DATE NET TIME LEVEL NET DROP (MPI) READING 1 21MAY22 WATER ABSORBED TOO FAST TO ACCURATELY READ 2 TEST BETWEEN 1' AND 2' 3 4 5 T00 FAST TO ACCURATELY READ 6 5 s NOTES: PANNONE ENG SVC, LLC SOILS REPORT P.O. BOX 1807 PALMER, AK 99645 PHONE (907) 745-8200 FAX (907) 745-8201 CANYON VIEW ESTATES, PHASE 2 DRAWN DRM LOT 11 SITE: CANYON ROAD SOILS LOGS ANCHORAGE, AK Date 06/16/2022 Scale NTS P.I.D. NO 'ERMIT NO. Sxxxxx Sheet 7OF7 WATER RATE READING DATE NET TIME LEVEL NET DROP (MPI) READING 1 16JUNE22 WATER ABSORBED 2 TEST BETWEEN 3 2.5' AND 3.5' T00 FAST TO ACCURATELY READ 4 5 s NOTES: PANNONE ENG SVC, LLC SOILS REPORT P.O. BOX 1807 PALMER, AK 99645 PHONE (907) 745-8200 FAX (907) 745-8201 CANYON VIEW ESTATES, PHASE 2 DRAWN DRM LOT 11 SITE: CANYON ROAD SOILS LOGS ANCHORAGE, AK Date 06/16/2022 Scale NTS P.I.D. NO 'ERMIT NO. Sxxxxx Sheet 7OF7 _= ::-_ _-< `� - F- - \`, = ., i. --_ - __-:a -% ' :fir`'' `� f` \y�, \ ' \ i -[_ �+ 'C , ,WELL P ', / `'`r \ r-=_ ` .{i-`'' • / ' ,WELL P 1. I` .' 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