HomeMy WebLinkAboutSCHROEDER LT 69`jch�foeCler 510 Dso p52 25 000 INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM < Name � .��..� l-�a '�t ling Address 1�0 obP, f $` 1' YoecleY' RQ Ph.# Loeation �'DA ti+ 6 Legal Description 6c_rKY2�i SEPTIC TANK: Distance from well Material Number of compartments Liquid capacity/000 gallons, Inside length Inside width liquid depth. SEEPAGE SYSTEM: Seepage Pit: Number of pits Outside diameter or width—/() , length ( , depthlining material a ra ,e -.L. Distance from wellbuilding foundations , nearest lot line Total effective absorption area (wall area) 1l& sq, ft. PILE DRAIN FIELD; Distance from well, foundations, nearest lot line 'Dotal length of lines Number of lines Distance between lines Trench width in. Total effective absorption areae sq, ft. Length of each line e Depth: Top of tile to finish gradDepth of filter material beneath tile-_ in. Above tile WELL: T ND`t: ', 4_�� WELL: Type , �epth i distance from building foundation, nearest lot line., nearest sewer line_ , septic tank, seepage system , cesspool., other sources �16"A _-_ DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM DISTANCES: � a�'P�r� c_ g f�1: m 'S' / 1 DATE: C:` , / I )I , j[C.?_ I � l APPROVED. He lth Authority tlugun t 20, 190; IAS:. Dnn Rtpaloo Local Re preaantat.lvr� Vaternne Administration VX. Box 1399 Anchorage, Alaahn 99501 sf##NIla'CT: Sewer and Water home of Fir. Raahoo, Stevonsong W69 Scshoodder Subdolow, Dear Mr. Rapaa lee : At SO time or within the next ye:at: there i8 no possiEjjlity that public water or a0wox will be available to Wa subject: Tivat:ion, Sincerely yout'rt, WNW Wroc cor David B. Hari<nesn' R.S. August 18, 1009 Dan Rapalec Local Voterann Administration P. 0. BOX 1398 Anchoraye, Alanka 99soi. SUMM: Sewvqn and proposed water favi litior for jot 69- Gy"ro(yonr Subdivision, V.ACoco 9165-05, I)ORIC of Robert Dear Mr. Rapaloo: The oxiotiny sawayn jimpoual ayntem yop thq Ipbloct locltjo, consig" Of a 10DO Y0110n OPPVC tank in conjmnntion AW on, adequato SeepaRe aroa, Our office Insnected thQ nystly at TY Wo OV its installation 1" octobep OF 1968, % thn Plot adQqu"to volumna of lafo wqter hnvo !Cqn nntJ!nJ(J from a drillad =11 ).Qi w"On 501 and 00' in WOU in thiq nuh- divIsIon, This well aho"In Ly located p minmun of Lon, frorr, all exintinr nowalo apoai. SnacrOy 1 OAVIn Q, L. DWAN, P,W WON 94"Cntol, 01vill UnWICI)Cq�, sauitarin-) ?H/V)I July 2A, 100 Mr, Mort Hickmnii padaral Aouslug AdmiulstuatioT, P.O. box 4M) Auchoparn, Ak. 99501- qUMOCT: KwAn Mul Prmlulcd m("' racillben "or Tot bq, Mahrowder >wdt&aionl P,H.A. CIM! 1165-475 w Op. Hickmin: Thp onintinv 1019"n diqn0la1 07"M " " """M Innation consists Q o 1000 qallan septio tank iq COW"npt"H ""A a' adoqmot„mom ni nvAa. Our office W=Wd th- '100 " th(--A Kwe of Un Wduly 11on in ACLAy- W 1963. H, woull emnont that an adequate volume OF MY" "enemy" 05c"W"d NOW a Avilled wall hKaeow sit lad Sn' in Amb, UP s.1. m: be jacated a AM?= Of 1001 From all oxktinq Seep - ago orols. Sincyraly, DAVID R, L. menw, Andinil Mroctor m: Onvid ANYTAPIM! (�r�`: t�ta>b Dr*tfing Ing by DOC Co. tlCa DRILLER'S NAMES SULLIVAN WATER WELLS P. O. BOX 272, CHUGIAK, ALASKA 99567 • TELEPHONE 688-2759 /5,q rl,L! OWNER OF LAND JE r' f �/Sr g� �,, ,' DEPTH OF WELL _ 8 ADDRESS t ! Z0 r i 5" C STATIC LEVEL OF NATER FT. D —_ LEGAL DESCRIPTION 4 6-!2 IY 2 4' 2' DRAW DOWN FT. X-1) DATE - Started Z, 27 Ll Ended GALS. PER HR 7—C�l PERMIT NUMBER / G� KIND OF CASING KIND OF FORMATION: From Ft, to r' Ft.— �� �t �� �� �� ��' From Ft. to Ft. From ' Ft. torr�/tJ49 From Ft. to__ Ft. From.—Ft. to -Ft. From Ft. to Ft. _ From-_/(f_Ft. to 7 2 Ft. ! <r" f From Ft. to_ Ft 2AGE MUNICIP From_LE-Ft. to Ft. FromFt. to— o Ft II -- From _Ft. to Ft. From—Ft.-to—Ft. From__ Ft. to Ft._ From - Ft. to_Ft. From_ Ft. to Ft._ From Ft. to Ft. p�cED iy-►.,, � I YV From__Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From_ Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to—Ft. From_ _Ft. to Ft.— From Ft. to Ft. From- Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to --Ft. From- Ft, to Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From --Ft. to Ft._ From Ft. to Ft. From_ Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From__Ft. to Ft. From_ Ft. to___Ft MISCL.INFORMATION: DRILLER'S NAMES SOAP 1 74, (112 5 A to 7 1 A 1 MY 0 owl --i� DEPRR�MENT /�ERLTH HN� ENVlRONMENTAL �OTECTICH ^ 925 '� �TREETHNCHORHGE. Or 9Y. 1 264~4720 PERMIT PM ( 811186 ) HPPLlCAN T ROGER D EMGELSON LOCHT[ON �HYIS ST LEGHL L69 SCHROEDER (l�\���1 8OX 158 DHVIS ST ` / LOT SIZE 12629 SQUHRE FEET I CERTIFY THAT 1 I RM FHMILI�R HITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ON~SITE SEWERS HNE:. NELLS HS �ET FORTH BY THE MUNlMOM TY OF HNCHORHGE. 2 I WILL INST8LL THE SYSTEM IN HCCORDHNCE 111 T THE CODES SlGNED x -A/. i1:15-1 J f L ocE I ,Ott I. I F;Na, "* I 1,iF I (-I hl W I I HN k ) 04, v to it T., f : F;f L I'l -- '1:-. Ok F; Ff': I YWI k, f -A-, t. I t.tf # !_ "i F (,it'. j 4 JIB 1 Y -T 04- r MA J C. HE 1. L. IS ni F},i I. I ONCT I, tl.lM N,! j lv,tVi P -L Pit P..! L J 14 SE ED 10 1.3 WE I S; 15 F U! I N (!Ul [,.'f x, mum Fs Knimporto ul nwT pf MY f-41011- Will JLM APB) ENUMFICUUM EIRIARMIRS ITT - 1C, 3 ;jFAQ;T ry,Ey jl4n,l FA, ! f;l yllf 't- W ,M -1 , I - F- "51-1 _-I !I-,,;-- .-- , 1:0 f- I 'F- 1,11..;1 F. ! - . .-: i. ., 21 SINT: -1 - 1 FUI F pUll I I W: N T Z H I Ff NE Klkl I fa Pit PT I on I W& W& & 1 1 F 01 LONS I'M wr I- i.. -,. F;.,. _`-t:1 W WO All FRRM:WH- j I'll Lit pil I I 111"IFU L low OsAmpi it! L ,-,uN REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE AND WATER. FACILITIES (Fill out in Triplicate) llama of person requesting approval 6 2. ;r�u�: of property- 3. :.e al r1A,,cr,j pt i nr 4. Numbez-nf,bedrooms in house 13 5. Water.A.nalysis: a. Lacteri.al b. Detergent 6, Wel]_ data: a. 1Yp% b. Depth C. Casino, Size d. Distance from well to closest existing or proposed: 1. Sewer ling 2. Septic tank 3. Seepage Area 4. Cesspool' 5. Property Line 6. Other sources of possible contamination, i.e., creeks, lakes, houses, barn, drainage ditch, etc. 7. Sewage disposal system,i` a. Ape of system b. Septic tank capacity in gallons. C. Name of septic tank manufacturer I. If "home made" show diagram on reverse side of this form, d. Disposal field or seepage pit size and type_ /jar I l 1, Distance toert ro P P Y lineto house foundation e, Percolation Test results f. Percolation Test performed by n. Use the reverse.side of this form to show diagram. D.i=iFram should include i,he fo-1lowi.nf, information: property lines;•well location, house location, tank location, disposal area location, location of percolation test, a<<d direction of Fround slope, 9. The i„s-,,,,+;nn nn this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Si.pnature of Appticant DateSigned TO BE FILLED OUT BY HEALTH-DEPART';ENT PERSONNEL, "The above described sanitary facilities are hereby c-pproved, subject to the 0110_ winf COnC� 1 ,is: wm Conditions; !�7-- Q The above described sanitary facilities are disapproved for the followinv, reasons: SiPnature oficia. ' Date k r Approval is valid for one year followinL; the date of approval. CPJ:cw