HomeMy WebLinkAboutSCHROEDER EAST Block 7 Lot 17-At Ilampo fc MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE • DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Environmental Health Division CASE REVIEW WORKSHEET CASE NUMBER: S-8313 DATE RECEIVED: October 18, 1985 COMMENTS DUE BY: November 8, 1985 SUBDIVISION OR PROJECT TITLE: Lot 17A, Block 7 Schroeder Subdivision, East Addition. ( .*%) UBLIC WATER AVAILABLE ( ) PUBLIC SEWER AVAILABLE (COMMUNITY WATER AVAILABLE iU?Crycct COMMENTS: _ / C�.�'r't-. ��tit.(-c -i'J �.�! �e , Ll_ ,wGc�L.c�C • �( iGt..t�(' i1, � t a_�?P�r-�-l/ — Y�/ /Jov n (.i_.r eta ..� C=r:2- . r^. / •i r?✓... -', (: a . F` �� tCIO, STATE CP ALASKA DEF'ARMENT OF QnNMONMENTAL CON EAVATION yri APPROVAL OF Oft -SIM RESIDENTIAL WATER AND SEWFm� SYSTEMS PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Wt, Block 6 Subdivision or US. �1/i�Ck -7, Certllic¢le la¢ucd br Appllr¢tfar fda: CQ /M This approval does not constitute a civa.rantee of any kind, explicit or implied, as to the, performanco of the water supply and wastewator disposal systems. VILI ER SUPPLY /. recent water sample w u tix&(l and found to meet Drpartrncnt_ ivlronmontal Conservation drink ing water standards for total &o't ortzr bacteria. „� " Name M`TEVIATER DISPClSAL. The domestic wastewater system was: L -j hispected by the, Department of environmental Cons ivation and found to be in compliance with applicable requirements of 1B AAC 72; CJ Inspected by a Professional Engineer who certifies that the system complies with applicable re- quiroments of tea AAC. 72; ❑ installed by a Certified installer who certifies that the system complies, with applicable roquirements of 14 AAC 72; or tested by a Professional Engineer who certifies that the performance of ilio systern is saatlsfactory and that the system complies t:ith the minimum separrtion distance; specified in 18 AAC 72. This approval is valid for a I__; single family Li multi -family unit with a total of be Brooms. --- -- T � o __. Dat{a- 1 / e � f 11111 .sfIFFFIELD, GOVO OR DEPT. QiEN Sfl 6VN39W,1F'lrA1, CONq, frWW'Tfa0p 1 ANCHORAGE/WESTERN DISTRICT OFFICE � 437 ' E ' STREET, SUITE 303 ANCHORAGEo ALASKA 99501 2.74-2533 d Il June 169 1986 S 3 S Engineerimi ATTN: Robert A� Schafer, PE SRB 1961( Eagle River, Alaska 99577 SUBJECTa Lot 17 I, 18, SCHROEDE'"R EAST_ SUDDIVIS1011 Ingle River, AK8621-()A--172, 8621--FA--148 Dear Sir: We have reviewed the plans and specifications for the subject project and are hereby issuing this letter and a "Certificate to Construct" which constitutes written apProWli required by A.S. 46-03.720(a) for construction of the winter connection. Final approval wil-1 require the submission of Engineered as -built plans f�howing proper will abandonment, A certificate for the cja5tewater 5y5torn is attached. Inspoct:ion and sign off of a5 -built plans shall be performed by a Profes�)ionai Engineer ret istered in the "taste of Al-aska. Arrangements for this inspection work is the respom ibili.ty of the developer. In addition, the owners signature, address and telephone number is required. Any future expansion of the F?AJbi0ct project ,,ii.l l require additional Approval from this a'ficr.- All ftit ure correspondence should include the above assigned project number, Sincerely, "ySteven 61. x, PE District `Engineer SWE a p k k ENCLOSA.IRE T S)"i A E OF ALASKA Dokil,4,MTNIICNT or-' fiNVIFICMWENTAL CONSGIVA710H 1BAYM D 3 0 M, R lil IF AT r Vir Ulf EPOZ) RUmm; JASER Man-) Mr. ---- --- . ........ . .. . .... puhll^ viamrci,14,torn tocated in Alauka, fmbinittod in nccordamo with Iii AAC W-10*0 havo, hoon roylov."Od tarn] 'Pro approved. oppFoved (`?of, :mwMd condlflomn )- UY CIA -1 P TWE It constmation hg's no% Warled Within V00 thin apnrovai dato, M!,q certillocita ig vokl andnow join„ tend SP000knuons IMUSM UUNYAt0d for loview end aq)pvoval Lagoro corintruotion. nPriOVE'D CRAWCF Approved by Pato ------ ---- APPrRIQV-r0 TO OPENAI llw TO 01-IfiPA-117" 60C11011 MUSt h:! Completed cmd 5igned by the bolero any w-,ilcr Is made ava-ilaWe to tho pmb!ic. Tho CUMUCIA011 Of MU. wator sys!orn wv.s comp I Bod C) ia). Titoj:3 V,r;,eby -- (dct granWd Iroorim approval to oroMtci fQr followinq th3 compleflOn d,.'tO. --------- --------- OY TYLE DATr hs -built Qm, t;io- InNriryi ?Pproval poriod, or an InapectIon by Um DePwIment, has cuArmed tho syMuryj was cmaku(Mod occamUnf,: to tho appmrA plons. The is hjrr;:)y quaMed fiscal approval to oporato. . ... ......... ATE J<dY:, 1 "A r I U jc(Cmi, bhp gC.;,