HomeMy WebLinkAboutKINCAID ESTATES Tract 1 Withdrawn S-11177Kincaid Estates Tract 1 Withdrawn 5-11177 w �- Please fill in the information asked for below. 'Repan aaG4arw pomb w s ar M.. drw rooxrw• an uipp•rnsrsal lam FMaa1 W d..00 o niv bnlr "..I onnr• m•y Wwy pagHrq of I •ppi"ian PROPERTY INFORMATION PETITIONER' PETITIONER REPRESENTATIVE H an Nam• (.It I4nN NU) Kincaid Estates LLC N. (Wo n•nr h•() Lantech, Inc. M ..V Mara" 2848 Beluga Bay Circle Anchorage, AK. 99507 Munhy Mp•" 440 West Benson Blvd., Suite 103 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Contact Phone: Day: 907-868-79339 Night: Contact Phone: Day: 562-5291 Night: Fax: 907-868-7942 Fax: 561-6626 E-mail: E-mail: mail@lantechi.com 'Repan aaG4arw pomb w s ar M.. drw rooxrw• an uipp•rnsrsal lam FMaa1 W d..00 o niv bnlr "..I onnr• m•y Wwy pagHrq of I •ppi"ian I hereby herby Nat (I am) (I have been suNonzed to act for) owner of aro property described above and dolt 1 petition for subdivide it in conformance w to Title 21 of Ne Anchorage Muniople Code of Ordinances. I understand that payment of the application fee Is nonrefundable and Is to cover am costs associated with processing this application, and Nat it does not assure approval of the subdivision. I also understand that assigned hearing dates aro tentative and may have to be postponed by Planning Department Staff or the Planing Board. Planning and Zoning Commission. or the Assembly for administrative Masons. 9115/03 Date Signature (Agents must provide written proof of authorization) PROPOSED SUBDIVISION INFORMATION Proposed Legal Description: (use additional sheet if necessary) KINCAID ESTATES #1, LOTS 1.63 BLOCK 1, LOTS 1-52 BLOCK 2, TRACT L-1 & TRACT L-2 # Lots: 115 J# Tracts: 2 Total # Parcels: 117 Accepted by: Poster & Affidavit Fee: Casa Number. PROPERTY INFORMATION Property Tax # (000-000-00-000): 011-291-21-000 Site Street Address: NHN West Dimond Blvd. Current Legal Description (use additional sheet d necessary) KINCAID ESTATES, TRACT 1 Zonin : R -1A Acres e: 39.9 Grid #: 2323 # Lots: NONE 1# Tracts: 1 ITotal# Parcels: 1 I hereby herby Nat (I am) (I have been suNonzed to act for) owner of aro property described above and dolt 1 petition for subdivide it in conformance w to Title 21 of Ne Anchorage Muniople Code of Ordinances. I understand that payment of the application fee Is nonrefundable and Is to cover am costs associated with processing this application, and Nat it does not assure approval of the subdivision. I also understand that assigned hearing dates aro tentative and may have to be postponed by Planning Department Staff or the Planing Board. Planning and Zoning Commission. or the Assembly for administrative Masons. 9115/03 Date Signature (Agents must provide written proof of authorization) PROPOSED SUBDIVISION INFORMATION Proposed Legal Description: (use additional sheet if necessary) KINCAID ESTATES #1, LOTS 1.63 BLOCK 1, LOTS 1-52 BLOCK 2, TRACT L-1 & TRACT L-2 # Lots: 115 J# Tracts: 2 Total # Parcels: 117 Accepted by: Poster & Affidavit Fee: Casa Number. 2 2020 Urban/Rural Services: 0 Urban 2020 West Anchorage Planning Area: 0 Inside ❑Outside or abuts: ❑ Redevelopment/Nfxed Use Area ❑ Industrial Center Rural ❑ Major Employment Center ❑ Neighborhood Commercial Center ❑ Transit - Supportive Development Corridor ❑ Commercial ❑ Industrial ❑ Parks/Open Space ❑ Marginal land ❑ Alpine/Slope Affected ❑ Special Study ❑ Residential at dwelling units per acre. Glydwood-Tumagain Arm: ❑ Commercial ❑ Industrial ❑ Parks/Open Space ❑ Marginal land ❑ Alpine/Slope Affected ❑ Special Study ❑ Residential at dwelling units per acre. Wetlands Classification: None ❑ "C" Avalanche Zone: None ❑ Blue Zone ❑ Red Zone Floodplain: 0 None ❑ 100 Year ❑ 500 Year Seismic Zone (Harding/Lawson): ❑ "1" 0.21• 13-3" ❑ Town Center ❑ Public Land Institutions ❑ Public Land Institutions A E3-4- ❑ "5" ----- • • -- . • con r u.rummq 11VN (Events that have occurred in the last 5 years for all or ❑ Rezoning Case Number. 0 PreliminaryPlat ❑ Final Plat C 11 ase Number(s): S-10873, S-11029, S-10990 0 Conditional Use Case Num"b' e' ris)''T 2003-095 ❑ Zoning Variance Case Number(s): ❑ Land Use Enforcement Actionfor. 05u 19 of Land Use Permit for- Grading 02-5583 ❑Wetlandpennit - ❑/trmyCorp ofEngineers ❑MunicipalityofAnchorage Water provided by: 0 Public Utility ❑ Communi well ty L] Private well star disposal method: 0 Public Utility ❑ Communl system Ys tem ❑ Private on-site Plat: Copies 0 42 (long plats) ❑ 32 (short plats only) ❑Q 8 12'x11" reduced copy Other Maps 0 Aerial photo 0 Housing stock 0 Zoning Mandatory on plat depictions: 0 Pedestrian walkway 0 Landscaping required byzoning 'roperty Title: 0 Certificate to Plat _-...-.._.. _,,....— ,,,,,,,,,,,=,,,, umess specmcany, waived by Platting Officer. 0 Site topography(4 copies minimum) Waived by 0 Soils Investigation and analysis Waived by 0 Subdivision Drainage Plan Waived by .A t..... �.: ♦: t+w .r.�»"� ..wR',r''G� �u�:L R"••iP,• �n.�wyaC-��:::, 1e3:•+5�1. �r'•�• Tmt�a�aucrPt. Please fill in the information asked for below. nepan rwuvw Puuaewe a mauew arw m-oenr,ri an Muth ism rr,un w WVWaa lMrlar aMwnoal nrrau o.wwa m.y aawy peaeaaMtq w uw app�iun PROPERTY INFORMATION Property Tax # 000-000-00-000): 011-291-21-000 Site Street Address: NHN Dimond Blvd. Current Legal Descnption (use additional sheet it necessary) Kincaid Estates, Tract 1 i nemoy mrdry mar ti am) it nave peen sumonzea m as tor) owner or me property oescnoea aomm ano mar i am peuooning ror a suoamston vanarvxf n conformance with Title 21 of the Anchorage Municipal Code of ordinances. I understand that payment of the application fee Is nonrefundable and Is to cover the costs associated with processing this application, and that It does not &mum approval of the variance. I understand that the burden of evidence to show compliance with the wbdivision variance standards rests with me, the applicant 9/15/03 Date Signature (Agerrs must provide written proof of authorization) the requirement to: This existing situation is: One lot designed with Flag pole portion longer than 100'. Grantino the variance will allow: of Lot 20 Block 1. to have a flan Dortion lonaer than 100' Code Citations AMC 21. 85.300.g AMC 21. Accepted t0. Poster 8 Affidavit Fee: Case Number PETITIONER' PETITIONER REPRESENTATIVE if an N. IUM twnw teat) Kincaid Estates LLC Nama IMM nanw Iv M) Lantech, Inc. N "'Q A *" 2848 Beluga Bay Circle Anchorage. Alaska 99507 MMMp bnaw 440 West Benson Blvd., Suite 103 Anchors e. Alaska 99503 Contact Phone: Day: 907-868-7939 Night: Contact Phone: Day: 562-5291 Night: Fax: E-mail: greg@whiteravendev.com Fax: 561-6626 E-mail: mail@lantechi.com nepan rwuvw Puuaewe a mauew arw m-oenr,ri an Muth ism rr,un w WVWaa lMrlar aMwnoal nrrau o.wwa m.y aawy peaeaaMtq w uw app�iun PROPERTY INFORMATION Property Tax # 000-000-00-000): 011-291-21-000 Site Street Address: NHN Dimond Blvd. Current Legal Descnption (use additional sheet it necessary) Kincaid Estates, Tract 1 i nemoy mrdry mar ti am) it nave peen sumonzea m as tor) owner or me property oescnoea aomm ano mar i am peuooning ror a suoamston vanarvxf n conformance with Title 21 of the Anchorage Municipal Code of ordinances. I understand that payment of the application fee Is nonrefundable and Is to cover the costs associated with processing this application, and that It does not &mum approval of the variance. I understand that the burden of evidence to show compliance with the wbdivision variance standards rests with me, the applicant 9/15/03 Date Signature (Agerrs must provide written proof of authorization) the requirement to: This existing situation is: One lot designed with Flag pole portion longer than 100'. Grantino the variance will allow: of Lot 20 Block 1. to have a flan Dortion lonaer than 100' Code Citations AMC 21. 85.300.g AMC 21. Accepted t0. Poster 8 Affidavit Fee: Case Number for subdivision Variance continued Page 2 The Platting Board may only grant a variance if the Board finds that all of the following 4 standards are satisfied. Each standard must have a response in as much detail as it takes to explain how your propertys condition satisfies the standard. The burden on proof rests with you. Use additional paper if needed. re are special circumstances or conditions affecting the property such that the strict application of the provisions of the fivision regulations would clearly be impractical. unreasonable or undesirable to the general public. Iain: flag lots are an integral part of the subdivision design and will allow the planned lift station to be put at the back of the somewhat hidden from public view. granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public welfare or it I property is situated. Iain: length of the flag portion of a lot does not effect public safety or welfare. i variance will not have the effect of of the Municioalitv. purpose of the regulations or area in longer flag portion is only roughly 40 feet longer than maximum Indicated In 21.85.300.8. Because the additional length mal, the intent or purpose for this ordinance or the Comprehensive Plan have not been affected. would result from strict compliance with or requirements of Longer flag portion for this lot is required to access portions of the property that is otherwise inaccessible using this efficient type of design. 440 W. Benson Blvd., Suite #206 P.O. Box 210863 Anchoraxe, Alaska 99521-0863 Project Description: TRIAD ENGINEERING e-mail: S 111 7 7 NOV 0 52M3 IiINCAID ESTATES# 1 Drainage Impact Analysis Telephone 907-561-6537 Fax 907-561-6869 9-15-03 The project consists of 39.9 acres and is generally located west of Sand Lake Road and north of Dimond Boulevard. The property is zoned R 1-A, single-family residential lots and is a portion of the proposed 234 acres Kincaid Estates master plan. Existing Conditions: The elevations of the site vary significantly due to the gravel extraction operations, which have occurred over the last several decades. These activities have created a situation where there is no physical drainage outlet by gravity. The general drainage pattern for the area east of the proposed Kincaid Estates Drive is from north to south with the high point being at elevation 140 along Sand Lake Road at the northeast comer and the low point at 74 at the southeast comer. The lowest point of the entire site is the pond located west of Kincaid Estates Drive which is at elevation 42. The onsite drainage presently infiltrates into the existing soils. There are no existing underground storm drainage systems either on site or within the immediate area. The storm drainage within the Sand Lake area is basically overland flow using culverts at road crossings and ditches/swales for infiltration. It appears that storm drainage from the surrounding area infiltrates into the ground prior to reaching the Kincaid Estates site. The Hydrogeological and Geotechnical aspects of the site have been addressed in the attached reports performed by Terrasat, Inc. The report includes discussions relating to surficial geology, ground water, existing soil conditions, aquifers and water quality. Existing Drainage Studies: The Kincaid Estates site is included in a report entitled "Sand Lake Drainage and Water Quality Management Study" was written in 1981. The report addresses the various drainage sub -basins within the Sand Lake area including existing conditions, anticipated flows and recommended improvements when development occurs. Proposed Drainage Improvements: All proposed drainage improvements will be to municipal standards and dedicated to the Municipality upon completion and acceptance. Curb and gutters are proposed within the STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS �rA KINCAID ESTATES #1 CONSTRUCTION # 10JRS-PLANNERS-ENGNEERS WEST BENSONLOTS 1-63 BLOCK 1, LOTS 1-52 IORACE. ALASKA 99503 (907) 562-5291 BLOCK 2 TRACT L-1 & TRACT L-2 ODi I!U2 E5 t a ' � 3-5-25 SEPT. 13, 2007 NOT TO SCALE 2323 TRIAD ENGINEERING 440 W. Benson Blvd., Suite 0206 Telephone 907-561.6537 P.O. Box 110890 Fox 907.561-6869 Anchoraoe Alaska 99511-0890 davegrenlerAtriad-guest.com September 15, 2003 Municipality of Anchorage Department of Planning 4700 S. Bragaw St. Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6050 Attn: Jerry Weaver, Platting Officer Re: Kincaid Estates # 1 Traffic Impact Analysis Dear Mr. Weaver: Sti 117-7. Nov 0 S. 20 Attached is the Traffic Impact Analysis dated 4-26-02 for Kincaid Estates, which addresses the entire 234 acres development. Kincaid Estates # 1 is a portion of the master plan located in the southern end of the site consisting of 115 lots and 2 tracts on 39.9 acres. The street connections, existing conditions, trip generation, traffic assessment & conclusions outlined in the 4-26-02 report are applicable for this phase of the development. If you have any questions or need additional information, please advise. Sincerely, David A. TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS KINCAID ESTATES ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 4-26-02 I. INTRODUCTION A. Purpose and Scope The purpose of this report is to expand on the preliminary TIA and further quantify the traffic impact of the proposed Kincaid Estates Subdivision. Additional information has been obtained which includes field counts to determine peak morning and evening counts as well as measuring existing site distances at the two proposed intersections. This data was then compared to the report "FY 97 Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) for Kincaid Road at Sand Lake Road" prepared by Rader Econometrics and Engineering as well as the "Sand Lake Gravel Pits" Traffic Impact Analysis prepared by Bobby Burnett. B. Project Description White Raven Development, Inc. proposes to construct a 234 acre development located west of Sand Lake Road, north of Dimond Blvd. and south of Kincaid Road. The project, which was approved by the Municipality of Anchorage Platting Board on March 201h, is to proceed in phases over the next ten to twelve years. At this time it is expected to consist of approximately 546 single-family home lots hnd 80 duplex lots for a total of 706 dwelling units. Access to the project would be from Kincaid Road at Katandin Drive and West Dimond Boulevard at Snead Street which is proposed to be renamed Kincaid Estates Drive. C. Street Connections/Traffic Calming The main north/south street, Kincaid Estates Drive, will consist of 26 R of pavement, a Type 1 stand-up curb and gutter, a 5 R detached sidewalk on the east side and a 8 R detached bike trail on the west side. Two, four-way stop intersections are planned, one at Road H, the other at Road D. 30 R curb return radius are proposed at all intersections to allow for proper turning movements. The loop and cul-de-sac streets will consist of 29 R of pavement with a Type 2 rolled curb and gutter and a 5 R detached sidewalk on both sides of the street. The subdivision road and lot layout have been designed with small radius curves. One of the main benefits of this "coving" concept is that it discourages higher traffic speeds. It also allows for the house setback from the road to vary, which provides the opportunity for more off street parking. As the project develops, speed humps may be implemented as another traffic calming technique. These would be considered on the straight sections of the loop streets if traffic speeds were an issue. Other subdivision access connections include Road D extension at 80th to Lucy Street as well as the Road C extension to the west. Road C would also be the easterly access point to a potential school site either located on Tract G or on the 20 acre parcel directly west of Tract G. The school site selection has not been finalized as of this date and is not likely to occur for several years. Whether the school is located in this vicinity or if the parcel were developed as residential housing, Road C would eventually connect to Lucy Street providing an alternate route to the north and Kincaid Road. For purposes of this report, these connections were viewed as providing interconnectivity; no traffic volumes were assigned in determining the level of service. Another access point is planned at Sommer Place located at the southwest comer of the project. This is viewed as emergency access only and was also not assigned traffic volumes. Lucy Street extension to Road Hl was also studied. This connection was not included in the proposed layout due to topographic constraints. Road C was viewed as the logical Lucy Street connection. II. EXISTING CONDITIONS A. Site Kincaid Road is classified as a neighborhood collector road and is a two-lane, two-way roadway intersecting Sand Lake Road at a "f" intersection. Sand Lake Road is a minor arterial, class 2 road, and is a two-lane, two-way road. Dimond Boulevard, west of Sand Lake Road is classified as a residential collector, Class I and is also a two-lane, two-way road. Kincaid Road is scheduled for upgrading this coming construction season. The improvements will include straightening the alignment at Kincaid and Sand Lake Road plus smoothing out the grade from Sand Lake Road to Katandin Drive. A reduced copy of the proposed improvements is attached to this report. B. Traffic Traffic counts for this report were obtained on April 3, 2002 and April 4, 2002 from the hours of 6:00 AM to 9:00 AM and from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM. Traffic counts were recorded for the various turning and lane movements, then tabulated for every 15 -minute interval during these time periods. The results of this survey are attached as well as the referenced December 2, 1998 Rader report for the PM Peak Hour at Sand Lake Road and Kincaid. III. TRIP GENERATION A. Traffic Forecast Standard procedures per the Institute of Traffic Engineers were used to determine distribution and assignment of vehicle movements at specific intersections that would result from the proposed project. The projected full build out year is anticipated for 2014 with a growth rate of 1.8% per year used for the base traffic volume increase. B. Methodology The trip generation methodology used for this report is based upon applications developed by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). A trip generation average rate of 9.57 per dwelling unit has been used for the study. TABLE 1: DEVELOPMENT TRIP GENERATORS Type Daily Trips AMPeak PM Peak I PAIPeak Residential In Out Total In Out Total Residential 9.57 0.19 0.55 0.74 0.66 0.35 1.01 TABLE 2: DEVELOPMENT TRIP GENERATIONS Type Units I ADT I AMPeak I PAIPeak Residential Eastbound Right Rader Report In Ou[ Total I In I Out Total Totals 706 6756 134 388 522 466 248 714 It is assumed that one half of the trips generated will use Kincaid Road while the other half will use Dimond. The following table shows the comparison of the future condition, based upon this assumption and the proposed subdivision layout,. to the Rader Report. TABLE 3: SAND LAKE ROAD & KINCAID ROAD TURNING MOVEMENT COMPARISONS; CONDITION AT BUILD -OUT Northbound Left Northbound Throu h Southbound Through Southbound Right Eastbound Left Eastbound Right Rader Report 40 230 350 620 230 160 AM Existing 11 145 42 14 43 7 PM Existing 6 76 139 35 34 15 AM Future 38 145 42 50 197 33 PM Future 40 76 139 223 1 115 52 IV. TRAFFIC ASSESSMENT A. Level of Service Analysis Level of Services calculations were performed at the intersections of Kincaid Road and Sand Lake Road, Sand Lake Road & Dimond Boulevard, Kincaid Road & Snead, and Dimond Boulevard & Snead, for the existing conditions and for the future conditions based upon the traffic counts and trip generation. Calculations were performed in accordance with the analysis laid out in the Highway Capacity Manual, Special Report 209, 2nd Edition of the Transportation Research Board. 1997 and the Highway Capacity software from the Federal Highway Administration and McTrans, University of Florida, Gainesville, FA, for signalized and unsignalized intersections. The methodology for unsignalized intersections calculates the levels of service for individual approaches and the intersection as a whole based upon the average stopped delay per vehicle. The worksheets and calculations based upon the program are attached. Major streets for these computations are as follows: Intersection hlajorStreet Sand Lake and Kincaid Sand Lake Dimond and Sand Lake Dimond Kincaid and K.E.D. Kincaid Dimond and K.E.D. Dimond (K.E.D is Kincaid Estates Drive, presently Snead Street) Level of service is defined as "a qualitative measure describing operational conditions within a traffic stream; generally described in terms of such factors as speed and travel time, freedom to maneuver, traffic interruptions, comfort and convenience, and safety." There are six levels of operational conditions defined as follows: Level of Service A Little or no traffic delays Level of Service B Short traffic delays Level of Service C Average traffic delays Level of Service D Long traffic delays Level of Service E Very long traffic delays Level of Service F Extreme traffic delays It should be noted that traffic improvements should be considered for level of service "C" condition. 4 TABLE 4: LEVEL OF SERVICE FOR SUBDIVISION ENTRANCES Direction" Kincaid & K.E.D. Dimond & K.E.D. AM PM AM PM EBL A A EBT A A EBR WBL A A WBT A A WBR NBL A A — — NBT — — — — NBR A A — — SBL — — B B SBT — — — SBR — — B B Approach LOS A A BB Approach Delay 9.6 9.4 10.2 10.8 (K.E.D is Kincaid Estates Drive) EBL = Eastbound Left EBT = Eastbound Through EBR = Eastbound Right WBL = Westbound Left WBT = Westbound Through WBR = Westbound Right NBL = Northbound Left NBT = Northbound Through NBR = Northbound Right SBL = Southbound Left SBT = Southbound Through SBR = Southbound Right TABLE 5: LEVEL OF SERVICE COMPARISON SAND LAKE ROAD AND KINCAID ROAD Direction" Present Future Rader Report AM PM AM PAI PM NBL A A A A B NBT SBL A A B SBT SBR A A B B SBR A A B B Approach Delay EBL B B B B E EBR A A A A B Approach LOS A A B B D Approach Delay 9.9 9.8 . 12.2 11.8 TABLE 6: LEVEL OF SERVICE COMPARISON DIMOND BOULEVARD AND SAND LAKE ROAD Direction" Present Future AM PM AM PM EBL A A A A EBT SBL A A B B SBR A A B B Approach LOS A A B B Approach Delay 9.4 9.8 11.9 13.0 It should be noted that the State has improvement plans for the subject intersection that is scheduled for construction in the summer of 2002. The lane layout reflected in this report matches that layout. V. SIGHT DISTANCE Sight Distance measurements were made at Dimond Blvd and Kincaid Estates Drive as well as at Kincaid Road & Kincaid Estates Drive. The posted speed limit for Kincaid is 35 mph and for Dimond, 45 mph. The required versus the actual sight distances for right and left turns onto Kincaid and Dimond are shown below. Both intersections will require some clearing of existing vegetation to meet the sight triangle criteria for safe turning movements onto the existing roadways. This required clearing will be shown on the street improvement plans. Kincaid Road & Kincaid Estates Dr.: To the west, 650 feet To the east, 1000 feet + (after proposed state work) Required Stopping Sight Distance (35 mph): 250 ft Dimond Blvd & Kincaid Estates Dr: To the west, 1000 feet+ To the east, currently 350 feet Required Stopping Sight Distance (45 mph): 400 ft To obtain the necessary sight distance, Dimond will require minor regarding consisting of lowering of the existing roadway approximately 2 ft. This will result in a sight distance of 1,000 ft+. V. CONCLUSIONS The conclusion from the above discussion is that the Kincaid Estates Development does not exceed the capacity for safe operation of either Kincaid Road and Sand Lake Road or Dimond Boulevard and Sand Lake Road intersections at the build -out conditions. This is based upon the traffic movement calculations attached using the approved layout and number of units proposed. However, if the density approaches or exceeds the density used for the trip generation in the Rader Report, or if there are significant other future developments in the area, further improvements may be needed above those proposed by the State. Based upon the above parameters and proposed density, there is no need for left turn pocket into the project at Kincaid and Kincaid Estates Drive or a deceleration lane from Dimond onto Kincaid Estates Drive. The level of service indicates that the two proposed intersection configurations are adequate to provide safe and functional access to the project. Prepared By: Witcher Engineering, LLP Bruce Witcher, P.E. Submitted By: Triad Engineering David A. Grenier, P.E. �I'i I iii y C N •� I A D 1 w I H n Y s ru. ,.Yel TIW 43 w \ , f \\ 4 w + •I w I I u 1, 1 `1 ,1 fl 1. • I I I w w w 4 Ji r n ' I I a ,1 w IA',� l w Y n {{t! I I n A w n N „ r y V HEIGHTS (D O ACi•T I NO IS.IWT,ypyR }•Cf IA Trr L1 Ll DIMOND SANDS i 117 7 Nov "0 5 -- SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS um7r&mch KINCAID ESTATES #1 LANOENUCTION DUv1RS-PLANNERS-ENGINEERS LOTS 1-63 BLOCK 12 LOTS 1-52 440 WESTBS/03 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 562-5291 BLOCK 29 TRACT L-1 & TRACT L-2 WORK ORDER NU'M": WR: YNL 2003—S-25 SEPT. 15, 2003 NOT TO SCALE 2323 11 1 I I y � •' I I I IZI I I q I n IYCI ! I I I y \ u 1 y y w u� yen Trxt L -I w q I I r y I 1 r q '• I I L I � �� ' r •0 r EEE + n I i I r r r » r I p p z EW HEIGHTS y y *I g I I o I � I w I nucr u I I DIAMOND SANDS S11177 Nov o 52M3 STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS KINCAID ESTATES #1 LAN WEST CONSTRUCTION BENSON SURv101RS-PLANNERS-ENGINEERS LOTS 1-63 BLOCK 1, LOTS 1-52 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 562-5291 BLOCK 21 TRACT L-1 & TRACT L-2 worm NIGER 14 �rNF1t: aro ccCT 75. ?007 NOT TO SCALE 2323 ll; p I I H 1� Y \\ Y » W u, upon TIM 42 , Y Y n i 1 . u » Y Y s » I I I y a p l I ISI p w » Y �\ Y C a ! Z O \ U\ I I EO p .VIEW HEIGHTS '�\\\ Y 1, Tf �p I 0 Y✓., a I I \ BOYS r w.fs wA'�+f I f^'OT H" \ \ \ TIM Ln + DIMOND SANDS \ I $11177 NOV 0 52M3 \ WATER IMPROVEMENTS �� rh KINCAID ESTATES #1 LAND & CONSTRUCTION SURVEYORS -PLANNERS -ENGINEERS LOTS 1-63 BLOCK 1, LOTS 1-52 WEST BENSON BLVD. / 103 AN BLOCK 2, TRACT L-1 & TRACT L-2 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 562-5291 WORK ORDER NUMBER: DAR: %KL p'f 2003—S-25 SEPT. 15. 2003 NOT TO SCALE 2323