HomeMy WebLinkAboutSCHOMMER S-11558-1Schommer 5-11558-1 Eagle River Engineering Services Christopher R. Wood, P.E. 10421 VFW Rd., Suite 201 Eagle River, AK 99577-3294 www.eres-ak.com 31 May, 2006 To: Mr. John & Nancy Schommer, PO Box 672554 Chugiak, AK 9957 Cc: Mr. Dan Roth Manager, On -Site Services Municipality of Anchorage PO box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519 (907) 694-5195 tel (907) 694-3297 fax Re: BLM Lot 150 T15N, R1W, Sec. 8 Subdivision into Lot I & 2 On-site Water and Wastewater Disposal Subdivision Soils Report Dear Mr. & Mrs. Sehommer and Mr. Roth, Eagle River Engineering Services (EKES) is pleased to present you with this On -Site Wastewater Disposal Soils Report, for the proposed subdivision of the lot noted above. EKES was contracted by Mr.& Mrs. Schommer to perform a soil investigation for the proposed subdivision to determine the feasibility and suitability of the proposed new lot to support on-site wastewater disposal systems and private wells. OVERVIEW The subdivision consists of splitting the existing 2.5 acre parcel into 2 halves. Two test holes were excavated on the undeveloped half of the lot by the homeowner with a rubber tired backhoe with extend -a -hoe. These test holes were logged by Chris Wood of ERES in early May, 2007. Soils percolation tests were performed adjacent to these test holes, with water table monitoring conducted through June, 2007 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS The following represents a summary of our findings. The proposed lot subdivision lies on the upland bench west of Peter's Creek off of Sunset Boulevard south of Jayhwk St. The proposed subdivision has a sparse cover birch trees, with occasional cranberry and alder patches. A majority of the proposed new lot has already been cleared of trees The underlying soil encountered can be characterized by being brown slightly silty sand & gravel with some cobbles, underlain by brown and/or blue clay. UCS classification would consider this soil to be SW or GW. Clay, and/or gravelly clay is present beneath this soil layer. However, saturated SW and GW soil on top of this clay layer prevented us from determining the depth and extent of this underlying soil layer. The limiting design factor is the water table, rather than the impermeable layer. Satisfactory percolation results were obtained in both test holes. Shallow groundwater was found in both of the test holes, perched above the underlying impermeable layers. This groundwater was monitored during our observation period of May, 2007. No surface water was noted within the confines this proposed lot subdivision, nor within 100' of the proposed wastewater disposal area. The proposed subdivision's topography only exceeds 25% slope along a slope break running north south, and along the proposed lot line, and is clearly identified on our site plan. No septic system is proposed to be within 50' of the uphill break in topography. With the exception of the slope break, the remainder of the topography is gently sloping west, or flat, not exceeding approximately 5% slope. We believe the two proposed lots can safely support a primary and two replacement on-site wastewater disposal fields. Due to the nature and apparent limited extent of the free -draining soil deposit, the reserve sites on the new lot will need to utilize category III treatment systems. Lot Size exceeds 40,000 square feet (minimum lot size required for installation of an on-site wastewater disposal system) on both lots. ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL RECOMMENDATIONS ERES has confirmed that suitable soils and area exist on both lots conforming to Anchorage Municipal Code Chapter 15.65, and can provide safe wastewater disposal systems that are protective of human health and the environment. We recommend that the leachfield sites be recorded on the plat, rather than be included in a "general area" of 10,000 square feet, as the location of the free -draining soil appears to be limited to the area where the test holes were excavated. Leachfields for the new lot would need to be of abed or shallow drainfield type with at least 2' of MOA approved sand for a filter layer, and to provide adequate clearance to the observed water table based on historic data, and at the time of installation. WATER SUPPLY Several well logs obtained in the general area of this subdivision and have been included for your review. Well production rates appear to vary. A well has already been drilled on this property, and it produces approximately 0.48 gallons per minute. Nearby wells produce anywhere from 0.5 gpm to 8 gpm. We do not believe that this new well will adversely impact the water availability on adjacent lots due to the sparse spacing of wells in the general vicinity, and the nature of the recharge of this aquifer. NITRATES EKES has found some Nitrate concentration information on the lots surrounding this subdivision. ERES does not believe the construction and use of an on-site septic system on the proposed lot subdivision will adversely affect the surrounding lots' potable water supplies. Available samples include levels of 0. 19, 1.87, and 6.22 mg/L. LIMITATIONS Test hole findings reflect local conditions at the test hole locations only, and are subject to natural variations and changes. Conditions during leachfield installation may be different from those found in the test holes, and must be designed around accordingly. ERES appreciates the opportunity to provide you with continuing services on this project, and is looking forward to working with you on future projects. Please contact us if you have any questions. We can be reached at 694-5195. Sincerely, EAGLE RI ER EN E NG SERVICES Christopher R. Wood, P.E. Principal ICY 900 fT�RED LOT 15 IV SE TIC RESERVE SITES WELL 1 REWIRE SE OF CAT.111 SYSTEM OUS 106 I. 10' H 1 HOUSE f�a EXI 71 R REV�E77pSHt REp6RT . � M970137 , 3 ' o • 50. • — MONRORBE /G/7�IPROPSED LEACH ELD 2. NO KNOWNoSEWER C EAN 0 /f3. NO SEPTICS + — WELL MEW PLEA ELD 4. N WELLS Y WELL/SEPTIC SITE PLAN LEGALJ15N, R1W, SEC.8, LOT 150 OWNER: NANCY SCHOMMER CONTRACTOR: UNKNOWN JOB# 07-017 1 DATE:6/27/2007 I SCALE 1 "=50' EACLE RIVER ENGINEERING SERVICES 10421 VFW RD. SUITE#201 EAGLE RIVER, AK. 99577 (907) 694-5195 FAX: (907) 694-3297 Li OF I jD %CHRISTOPHER R. WOOD.' J, CE -10387 • * �1.� \ ... ' cf'� /v`�// i� \ ��P* • a�/31111 311 •1 I % ^o' 00 ri W L, mu / ,sroaz rApf000 w •? O O m I. Z 8 Y � cx O a w W'1 I I J O U W I #u ► 1 1 sq nn �U J4 .. t F \.' ... Z yy O V1 = hi \ o o 2 CL W a �Z awz r.WADM x Al '®•o¢� III Wo Lo I w �T / \ U •"� rn. Ch n T IJLJ i 1 1 �� 0 ( i`• \I `\� \\ W2 Q 4 J� in 2Q., 0 o z ma �� W W� EAGLE RIVER SENGINEERING 10421 VFW RD, 201 EAGLE RIVER. AK. 99577 (907) 694-5195 FAX: (907) 694-3297 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST OF,q�4 .CHRISTOPHER R. WOOD. CE -10387 PERFORMED FOR: NANCY SCHOMMER DATE PERFORMED 5/2/07 2 .•• LEGAL DESCRIPTION: T15N, R1W, SEC. 8 LOT 150 TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION T15N. R1W, SEC.8 06/03/2007 TEST HOLE N 1 DEPTH 1 DATE ANU PILL 1.2' 2 .•• 05/08/2007 3 0 • CRAY GW -SW 06/03/2007 • WELL GRADED 7 •0 • SAND AND GRAVEL 4- 5 H2O SEEP e 7 10 11 12 13 14 is 16 17 Is 19 21 WATER TABLE DATA DATE WATER LEVEL 05/02/2007 5.5 05/08/2007 3.2 05/16/2007 3.2' 06/03/2007 3.9 SITE PLAN(NOT TO SCALE PERC TEST RESULTS READING DATE IGROSS TIME INET TIME IDEPTH TO WATER JNETDROP 1 2 3 PECOLATION RATE WAS FASTER THAN 1 MINUTE PER INCH 4 5 6 7 8 PERCOLATION RATE= 0 (MINIINCH) PERC HOLE DIAMETER -6' TEST RUN BETWEEN AND COMMENTS-• FILTER 1 R REQUIRED SOILS LO ED B R 6TOPHER WOOD PERCOLATION TEST BY: CHARLES BALZARINI ICERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERF RMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE. PERF 7- EAGLE RIVER ENGINEERING =�P�F. �F.9s,�, 10421 VFW RD, SUITE 201 i 7 EAGLE RIVER, AK. 99577 � * . 1 (907) 694-5195 FAX: (907) 694-3297 00. .. ' ........ M '.CHRISTOPHER R. WOOD. .I SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST �, CE -10387 PERFORMED FOR: NANCY SCHOMMER DATE PERFORMED 5/2/07 tlk\V, E` I: ••�' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: T15N, RAW, SEC. 8 LOT 150 TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION T15N. RAW, SEC.8 TEST HOLE # 2 10 11 12 13 18 21 WATER TABLE DATA DATE WATER LEVEL 1 7.5' TOTpRRppANOOGIIEEL ANDSfILL 2- 05/16/2007 6.9 3- 34 72 • •o 4— •' t CRAY CW -SW + WELL GRADED 5 SAND AND GRAVEL 6 7 SEEP ° • B .o. o. p o••: •,a' b': 10 11 12 13 18 21 WATER TABLE DATA DATE WATER LEVEL 05/02/2007 7.5' 05/08/2007 T 05/16/2007 6.9 06/03/2007 72 SITE PLAN NOT TO SCALE Awe •.,.ca. •eem > I PERC TEST RESULTS READING DATE GROSS TIME NET TIME IDEPTH TO WATER INETDROP 1 2 3 4 5 PECOLATION RATE IS FASTER THAN 1 MINUTE PER INCH - 6 7 8 PERCOLATION RATE- <1 (MINlINCH) PERC HOLE DIAMETERW CO • FILTER LAYER REQUIRED bolls G Y: RISTOPHER WOOD PERCOLATION TEST BY: CHARLES BALZARINI I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PE�R•F%RMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: (; /03 O Municipality of Anchorage all .� Development Services Department Building Safety Division s♦ arr MEMORANDUM DATE: December 22, 2006 TO: Jerry Weaver, Jr., Platting Officer, CPD FRONTO aniel Roth, Program Manager, On -Site Water and Wastewater Program SUBJECT: Comments on Cases due December 28, 2006 The On -Site Water & Wastewater Program has reviewed the following cases and has these comments: ,S 11558 1-. h Schommer Subdivision y Information to satisfy the requirements specified by AMC 21.15, AMC 15.55 and AMC 15.65 must be submitted for each lot within this proposed subdivision. This information must include, but may not necessarily be limited to: 1. Soils testing, percolation testing, and ground water monitoring must be conducted to confirm the suitability for development using on-site wastewater disposal systems. Ground water monitoring must be conducted during high ground water season in either the fall (October) or spring (May). 2. Areas designated for the original and replacement wastewater disposal system sites must be identified and must meet all criteria specified in AMC 15.65 including slope and slope setback requirements for each lot. 3. Topographical information must be submitted. 4. Provide documentation for water availability to serve water wells. S11559-1 Hundred Hills 1" Addition Subdivision 1. Provide an inspection report from a registered professional engineer for the newly constructed wastewater disposal system. 2. Provide a well log for the water well and provide a pump installation log from the pump installer that installed the pump in the water well. Please fill In the Infonnation asked for below. -nepon switrona petrooner] w orscose ON9 N me,3w wppme,lu IUm. rwWOW W,Vye umur y,ucar,ry,n Wugrr.wn.,. PROPERTY INFORMATION Property Tax #(000-oo"moo): - V5 - 0 PETITIONER REPRESENTATIVE (IF ANY) Current legal description: (use additional sheet 0necessary) `JE&ey-� C6 --r Pl l,J zoning: 5 PETITIONER• Grid # Name(last namefirst) # Tracts: Total #parcels: Name t name �)Ouocsp VS. ailing Address MaIng Address q S k al '1 Contact ne: Day: f. Night: ctUj- , Contact Ph : Day: M1.51.7-7Night a,�O-,g7qp-7 FAX: FAX: E-mail E -mal: -nepon switrona petrooner] w orscose ON9 N me,3w wppme,lu IUm. rwWOW W,Vye umur y,ucar,ry,n Wugrr.wn.,. I hereby certify that (I am)(] have been authorized to act for) owner of the property described above and that I petition to subdivide it In conformance with Title 21 of the Anchorage Municipal, Code of Ordinances. I understand that payment of the application fee is nonrefundable and is to cover the costs associated with processing this application, and that it does not assure approval of the subdivision. I also understand that assigned hearing dates are tentative and may have to be postponed by Planning Department staff or the Platting Board, Planning and Zoning Commission, or the Assembly lordmtnlstretl a reasop� fl A =11 711 "1101 H stmorlzation) )sed legal description: (use additional sheet in necessary) Linc \ --\,e L& a MI -1558 JAN 0 12007 'Accepted by: o PasieraAfda�t _., �. Fee-•- -"'� case rhrmtilif IIII II PROPERTY INFORMATION Property Tax #(000-oo"moo): - V5 - 0 Site Street Address: Current legal description: (use additional sheet 0necessary) `JE&ey-� C6 --r Pl l,J zoning: 5 Acreage: a. 5 Grid # # Lots: # Tracts: Total #parcels: I hereby certify that (I am)(] have been authorized to act for) owner of the property described above and that I petition to subdivide it In conformance with Title 21 of the Anchorage Municipal, Code of Ordinances. I understand that payment of the application fee is nonrefundable and is to cover the costs associated with processing this application, and that it does not assure approval of the subdivision. I also understand that assigned hearing dates are tentative and may have to be postponed by Planning Department staff or the Platting Board, Planning and Zoning Commission, or the Assembly lordmtnlstretl a reasop� fl A =11 711 "1101 H stmorlzation) )sed legal description: (use additional sheet in necessary) Linc \ --\,e L& a MI -1558 JAN 0 12007 'Accepted by: o PasieraAfda�t _., �. Fee-•- -"'� case rhrmtilif IIII II Applicatim for Preriminary flat continued Page 2 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFORMATION Anchorage 2020 Urban/Rural Services: ❑ Urban ❑ Rural Anchorage 2020 West Anchorage Planning Area: ❑ Inside OLOutside Anchorage 2020 Major Urban Elements: Site is within or abuts: ❑ Major Employment Center ❑ Redevelopment/Mixed Use Area ❑ Town Center ❑ Neighborhood Commercial Center ❑ Industrial Center ❑ Transit - Supportive Development Corridor Property Title: ❑ Certificate to Plat Eagle River-Chugiak-Peters Creek Land Use Classification: ❑ Commercial ❑ Industrial ❑ Parks/opens space ❑ Public Land Institutions ❑ Marginal land ❑ Alpine/Slope Affected ❑ Special Study ER Residential at dwelling units per acre ❑ Subdivision drainage plan Girdwood- Tumagain Ann ❑ Commercial ❑ Industrial ❑ Parks/opens space ❑ Public Land Institutions ❑ Marginal land ❑ Alpine/Slope Affected ❑ Special Study ..Residential at dwelling units per acre ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION (m or-w—tm of site affected) Wetland Classification: ® None ❑ C. ❑ B. ❑ 'A' Avalanche Zone: None ❑ Blue Zone ❑ Red Zone Floodplain: None ❑ 100 year ❑ 500 year Seismic Zone (Harding/Lawson): 0'1' 022' 0 0 ❑'S' RECENT REGULATORY INFORMATION (Events that have oemrred in last 5 years brag or portion of site) ❑ Rezoning -Case Number. ❑ Preliminary Plat ❑ Final Plat - Case Numbers ❑ Conditional Use - Case Number(s): ❑ Zoning variance - Case Number(s): ❑ Land Use Enforcement Action for ❑ Building or Land Use Permit for ❑ Wetlandpermit: ❑ Army Corp of Engineers ❑ Municipality of Anchorage POTABLE WATER AND WASTE WATER DISPOSAL Potable Water provide by: ❑ Public utility ❑ Communi well I&Pdvate well Wastewater disposal method: ❑ Public utility ❑ Communi s stem Private on-site 20.003 (Rev. 01N2)Sack APPLICATION CHECKLIST Fee: Plat: Copies ❑ 42 (long plats) ❑ 32 (short plats only) ❑ 8%11 reduced Copy Other maps ❑ Aerial photo ❑ Housing stock ❑ Zoning Mandatory on plat depictions: ❑ Pedestrian walkway ❑ Landscaping required by zoning Property Title: ❑ Certificate to Plat Additional required documents unless specifically waived by Platting Officer. ❑ Site topography (4 copies minimum) Waived by ❑ Soils Investigation and analysis reports (4 copies minimum) Waived by ❑ Subdivision drainage plan Waived b 20.003 (Rev. 01N2)Sack Schommer Subdivision Background Information Property History: Case S-10316 and Case 5-10742-2 both were requests to vacate a portion of the 50 foot BLM easement. ,It was incorrectly believed by the Municipality that vacation was needed in order for the property set back to be in compliance. However after further review by the city attorney, it was determined that for BLM lots without dedicated ROW's, set backs are determined from the property line (road center line) rather than from the BLM easement. The efore, the vacation request was withdrawn.'�plvai$��C� %1'% elzz-O . -k • iD bE C.li21 CQ b� mtul Zoning: The lot is zoned RSA. Streets: In accordance with the Official Streets and Highway Plan and Chugiak-Eagle River Transportation Plan, the property is bordered on the south by a planned local road (Tarika) with a 60 foot ROW width. A 30 foot dedication is proposed. The property is also bordered on the east by an existing Class M collector that with a 70 foot ROW width. A 35 foot dedication is proposed. Setback Requirements: The southern property line that borders the planned Tarika roadway is considered the front yard with a 25 foot setback requirement. The closest structure to the southern property line is 68 feet. With the proposed property line after the 30 foot dedication, the front yard setback will be 38 feet -still meeting the 25 foot setback requirement. The eastern property line that borders Sunset Boulevard is considered the secondary front yard with a 12.5 foot setback requirement. The closest structure to the eastern property line is 58.2 feet. With the proposed property line after the 35 foot dedication, the secondary front yard setback will be 23.2 feet -still meeting the 12.5 foot setback requirement. All existing structures are currently and will continue to meet setback requirements. See attached municipality email message for clarification of front yard and secondary front yard designations. Acreage Requirements: R5A lots require a minimum of 43,560 square feet. The current lot acreage is 108,900 square feet. After dedication and subdivision each lot is planned to contain 44,250 square feet each. Lot Coverage: R5A allows a maximum of 30% lot coverage. After subdivision, existing structures will cover only approximately 7% of Lot 2. Lot 1 will be unimproved. Legal Access: Legal access to Lot 2 is via a public Class IB collector. Legal access to Lot 1 is via an existing 20 foot wide by 300 foot long driveway along a portion of the planned Tarika roadway and extending along a 20 foot wide by 25 foot long portion of the ROW adjacent to Lot 155A. Driveway is constructed on the 50 foot BLM portion of Lot 156 rather than the 30 foot ROW that borders Lot 149B. An municipality Access Agreement exists between Lot 150 and 156. See attached Access Agreement and ROW Permit. Johnson, Mary K. To: Weaver, Jerry T. Subject: S•10316 Petitioner has asked for clarification of our comments concerning the primary and secondary front yards. It Is appropriate to call the Tarda frontage the primary front yard requiring a 25 foot front yard setback, and the Sunset frontage the secondary front yard requiring a 12.5 foot setback. This would allow a vacation of 15 feet of the BLM easement for Sunset Boulevard and stili meet the setback requirement. As ��scRt3FiD 21i�lsr� FrR- 12Aoy �css Page 1 siqr(A cep AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE ACCESS The Municipality of Anchorage (hereinafter the "Municipality'), and John J. Schommer and Nancy IG Schommer (hereinafter the "Owners'), and Guy W. Tavoliero, Jr. (hereinafter the "Neighbor'), enter into the following AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE ACCESS which shall become effective on the date the Agreement is fully executed. The Owners are a tenancy by the entirety, and John .T. Schommer and Nancy K. Schommer execute this Agreement in the capacity of tenants by the entirety. The Neighbor is an individual, and Guy W. Tavoliero, Jr, executes this Agreement in the capacity of an individual. The Owners own a parcel of real property described as: Lot 150, Section 8, Township 15 North, Range 1 West, Seward Meridian per a Bureau of Land Management plat accepted May 13, 1955, located in the Anchorage Recording District, Third Judicial District of the State of Alaska, shown on the map attached hereto as Appendix A, referred to herein as the "dominant parcel". The Owners desire to utilize the dominant parcel for the specific, limited purpose of a single-family dwelling, and the Owners must provide access to meet the requirements of the Anchorage Municipal Code. The Owners may in the future subdivide the dominant parcel into two (2) lots, each developed with a single-family dwelling. The Neighbor owns an adjacent parcel of real property described as: Lot 156, Section 8, Township 15 North, Range 1 West, Seward Meridian per a Bureau of Land Management plat accepted May 13, 1955, located in the Anchorage Recording District, Third Judicial District of the State of Alaska, shown on the map attached hereto as Appendix A, referred to herein as the "servient parcel". The servient parcel may provide access for the dominant parcel as it currently exists or as it may be subdivided into two (2) lots. In accordance with Title 21 of the Anchorage Municipal Code, the Owners and Neighbor, and their heirs, successors, and assigns, covenant and agree to use the servient parcel to provide access for the use and benefit of the dominant parcel (as it currently exists or as it may be subdivided into two (2) lots) as shown on the map attached hereto as Appendix A. The above-described limited use of the Agreement to Provide Access (Section 8, T15N, RIW, Lots 150 and 156) Page 1 dominant and servient parcels shall run with the land. The above-described limited use of the dominant and servient parcels shall not be altered, restricted or expanded in any manner that does not comply with this Agreement, existing zoning requirements, and the Anchorage Municipal Code. The above-described limited use does not inure to the benefit of any other parcel or person not a party to this Agreement without the prior written consent of all the parties to this Agreement This Agreement shall terminate upon the recording of a written release issued by the Municipality of Anchorage. It is understood that violation of this Agreement shall constitute a violation of Title 21 of the Anchorage Municipal Code, and shall be subject to all penalties and remedies provided by law for such violation. OWNER Title: Te nt b the entirety Date:-71aflo16 By Name: Guy W. Tavoliero, Jr. Title: Individual Date:C 0/ OyA(o OWNER By: �zn� Name: Nancy K. Schommer Title: Tenant by the entirety Date: ,13\101: MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE By. lam. Name: . t Title: Code Enforcement Officer Date: e — 4— CYo After recording return to: Municipality of Anchorage, Planning Department Attn: Land Use Reviewer (Don Dolenc) P.O. Box 196650, Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 Agreement to Provide Access (Section 8, T15N, RIW, Lots 150 and 156) Page 2 STATE OF ALASKA ) ss. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 2!�— day of/I�A,s t' . 2006, by /,2D A %.2n An it G . a Code Enforcement Officer of the Municipality of Anchorage, on behalf of the Municipality of Anchorage. STATE OF ALASKA ) ss. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) G., A—e'4e� Notary Public in and for Alaska p My commission expires The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this % S}day of 2006, by John J. Schommer and Nancy K. Schommer, in the capacity of tenants by the entirety. s i NOTi1RY = Notary Public in and for Alaska PUBLIC ` My p� J; -Q1. � My commission expires Cortunle8bn rae STATE OF ALASKA ) ss. T MRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this -'—I day of aT&2006, by Guy W. Tavoliero, Jr., in the capacity of an individual. 4�'1 Q9 Notary Publi6 in Xnd for Alaska My commission expires 1 Agreement to Provide Access (Section 8, T15N, R1W, Lots 150 and 156) Page 3 5 Appc-,&\ M.914 Ill reo 70 I -E-.. E- so-, P.I..l F.O.W — — — — — I I — — — — 14 .erve AREA TO BE DEDICATED S" 115 58'JAN 0 1 2W7 M•I l a_r / 1 /4\I • .1�� � '44.1 ^/ r o <271. --ll liu f 1 A 11,E 1. 1 //de� • / ,•/—'r ,/ �. j Q i iii ..N4N r• ' n n r. t� 1 esi � j �1 /flA 1 I. I A5� lI� i' S- 115 58 JAN 0 1 2007 -A2 Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 6 HUMAN SERVICES 825'L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST !• ROBERT c COWAN Q �0 PERFORMED FOR: J AGv Sci4crviM 62 DATE PERFORMED: 8-Zz• elL "� LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT /So Township, Range, Section. TIS4A RILAJ�. -Tac. 8 r—� SLOPE SITE PLAN 1 2- 3- 4- 6 4 6 8 ,�. 9 10- 11 0 11 12- 13- 14 2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 COMMENTS SM fslcrf s.,Ad7s L.11rH1 So►IE G+tMcl WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES. AT WHAT DEPTH? 5 L O P E Depth mWater Nanimrinp? O pity Bare 3.28'11 PERCOLATION RATE L40 (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER b r TEST RUN BETWEEN J FT AND FT S 6 5 ENGINEERING n/ /iC� PERFORMED BY: 17034 reagle It'~ I ��'` �� ppp�S� r) r4 CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WI7TPIRL 9�e pTQDL CIF•AL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: 77-008 IS". 41951 _ Net Tima Time Depth to Water Net Drop WReadinqDsteGross 4;ot S" k:10 It k: K it s ss It 4t: 7.0 It $3 " u It s Yz t I PERCOLATION RATE L40 (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER b r TEST RUN BETWEEN J FT AND FT S 6 5 ENGINEERING n/ /iC� PERFORMED BY: 17034 reagle It'~ I ��'` �� ppp�S� r) r4 CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WI7TPIRL 9�e pTQDL CIF•AL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: 77-008 IS". 41951 _