HomeMy WebLinkAboutSKY MANOR LT 4 SKY MANOR5 ky Manor Lot 4 #051-193-43 Municipality of Anchorage ) ' IFAI Community Development Department Page 1 of \ On-Site Water & Wastewater Program 7 _ 4700 Elmore St. • P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 • http://www.muni.org/onsite • (90;%-4414` l'y ON-SITE WASTEWATER INSPECTION REPORT Permit Number: OSP141026 PID Number: 051-193-43 ® New El Upgrade Name: JOHN THOMSON W/ CT CONSTRUCTION ABSORPTION FIELD ❑ Deep Trench ❑ Shallow Trench ® Bed ❑ Mound Address: 11404 JESSIE MAE CIR. * EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577 ❑ Other Phone: No. of Bedrooms: (907) 240-2020 6 (DUPLEX) Soil Rating: 0.7 GPD/Sq. Ft. Total Depth from original grade: SEE DWG Ft. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Depth to pipeSEE from original grade Fl Gravel depth beneath DWG65 Ft. Subdivision: Block: Lot: SKY MANOR N/A 4 Fill add" above original grade: SEE DWG. Ft. Grovel length: 87 n. owns ip: anger ea ion: _ Grovel width: Beds Number of lines: Distance between lines: 15 Ft. 3 5 Ft. SEPARATION DISTANCES Total absorption ores: 1305 Sa. Ft. Number of trenches: — Dist. between trenches: — Ft. To From Septic Tank Absorption Field Lift Station Holding Tank Public/Private Sewer Linea Well 200'+ - - 25'+ TANK IN Septic ❑ S.T.E.P. ❑Holdin El Other Manufacturer: capacity: Surface water 100'+ - - ANCHORAGE TANK 2000 Gal. Lot Line E5'+ 10'+ — —N/ASTEEL Material: Number of compartments: 2 STATION Foundation to'+ — —LIFT Curtain DrainNONE KNOWN Manufacturer: cal. Remarks: 'Pump on' level at: ump off I High water alarm at: Pump Make & el: Electrical Inspections performed by: PIPE MATERIAL House to tank D-3034 Tank to D-3034 drainfield InstallerGREEN GENERAL Drainfield D-3034 CO/MT D-3034 Inspector GEG, Ltd. BENCHMARK (Assumed elevation) 102.81 Ft. Inspection Dates: 1 st 6/5/14 2nd 6/6/14 Location and Description' 3rd 6/7/14 4th 6/9/14 BACK DOOR THRESHOLD NEAR POINT "A" Community Development Department Approval Conditional approval: Date: ENGINEERS SEAL oob0000� o�OFA opo o* 9 H �0 ...:.... ....... ........ Approved: / �. �() e/l Date: I D - - zf �Q °o E-79 3 �k sf •. •'aF'O 4 �peQ'P"'*io�oq esS ��40000�� v PROPOSED I TTH#4 6 BEDROOM DUPLEX AT H#3 _ $THp3A Lot 3 Y AS -BUILT DRAWING iTHM6 6 BEDROOM {� DUPLEX _ _I_ NEW 2000 GALLON -- ` SEPTICTANK ° ST7 1 • D8L BL2 15' (PE C01� MT1_____-_ �5_____d9I3� I CO21 I C04 0031 ICOS �________________J 1C06 I MT4r NEW TH# I DRAINFIELD E --------1--T L____ -______J ALTERNATE SITE 1 WILL REQUIRE ADVANCED I TREATMENT 1 I I I 1 GARNESS ENGINEERING GROUP, Ltd CIVIL &. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS 3]W EWDORR D.SUITE 101•ANCHORFOE, FK04�'PHfNE(90]J33]81]9'FgXgp]13363548'WEBSITE: w.w.ePmeaalWlaulM.tan PREPARED FOR: PHONE NUMBER: PAGE NUMBER: JOHN THOMSON W/CT CONSTRUCTION 240-2020 2 OF 3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: DRAWN BY: SKY MANOR SUBIDIVISION; LOT 4 J.L.M. TYPE OF WORK: DATE: AS -BUILT DRAWING 9/8/2014 i PARCEL ID NUMBER: 051-193-43 N SCALE: NOR 1"=40' Lot 5 APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF NEW WATERLINE (PER CONTRACTOR) FCO 21.0 59.2 ST1 22.4 60.6 ST2 30.8 64.6 DBLi 32.3 65.3 DBL2 33.2 65.8 MT1 37.5 95.7 CO7 36.3 97.0 CO2 43.3 99.2 CO3 48.1 101.6 MT2 48.7 101.1 MT3 80.2 40.3 C04 81.3 40.5 C05 83.5 45.2 C06 86.2 50.1 MT4 85.5 51.0 HdR, 4.c; 7 sr p�ESS���i♦♦ FA ,PERMIT NUMBER: OSP141026 TOP OF TANK AT INLET = 97.4 INVERT OF BUNG AT INLET = 96.81 1 AS -BUILT DRAWING 2" OF INSULATION FINAL GRADE = 100.5-100.6 NEW 2000 GALLON SEPTIC TANK 15WIDE FINAL GRADE = 100.9-102.2 FABRIC STOP OF TANK AT OUTLET = 97.48 INVERT OF BUNG AT OUTLET = 96.71 RELATIVE ELEVATION OF BOTTOM OF TEST HOLES -TH#5 = 88.781 TH#5A- 87.78 (BOTH TEST HOLES DRY) GARNESS ENGINEERING GROUP, Ltd - CIVIL & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS 3101 ENBOR ROAD. SUM 101•ANd10MGE. AN NPW-PHONE 007)W -6H79- PAS SYS) }A63T48' MBSI7Exxv SaMmt4Sl ftm 'REPARED FOR: I PHONE NUMBER: I PAGE NUMBER: JOHN THOMSON W/CT CONSTRUCTION 240-2020 3 OF 3 AL DESCRIPTION: DRAWN BY: SKY MANOR SUBDIVISION; LOT 4 J.L.M. E OF WORK: DATE: PROFILE AS -BUILT DRAWING 9/8/2014 PARCEL ID NUMBER: 051-193-43 ORIGINAL GRADE AT HIGHEST POINT = 104.78 - INVERT OF DISTRIBUTION LINES = 96.44 (AVG.) TOP OF SAND FILTER = 95.79 BOTTOM OF EXCAVATION =93.78(AVG.) GARNESS ENGINEERING GROUP, Ltd CIVIL & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS 3nl E.TUMRROA Mn 101'ANCH°R4 AK9007-% NE UM MM79-W (M 33& M'N B51E:xw.vgnrvnes,pYweiig LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SKY MANOR SUBDIVISION; LOT 4 PERFORMED FOR: JOHN THOMSON W/ CT CONSTRUCTION DATE: 6/13/2014 DEPTH ---_- (fee ORGANICS TEST HOLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 SM (LOAM) SOIL CLASSIFICATIONS 6/13/2014 DRY GW GP _� ORG ML GP -ML o""I i:.>,vi: OF�P ONS X05 GM CL GC OL _°° o SW MH 0'• : SP CH SM OH SC GP W/ SOME SILT & f.ARGE COBBLES/ BOULDERS DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER DATE DRY 6/13/2014 DRY 6/26/2014 3y�\NUIf'S DATE READING CLOCK NET TIME WATER LEVEL NET DROP TIME (MINUTES) READING (INCHES) 3y�\NUIf'S OF�P ONS X05 PERCOLATION RATE <1 (MIN./INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA. 6 (INCHES) 19 TEST RUN BETWEEN 6 FT. AND 7 FT. 20 A FOUR HOUR PRESOAK WAS PERFORMED: ❑ YES ENO SOILS LOGGED BY: JODYMAUS PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED BY: JODYMAUS COMMENTS: PERCOLATION READINGS ARE WITHIN 1/16 OF INCH. PERFORMED BY GEG, Ltd. I, JEFFREY A. GARNESS, CERTIFY THAT THIS WAS PE 0 MED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALLSTATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE: eI Sa On -Site Wastewater Disposal System Permit MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Development Services Department On -Site Water & Wastewater Program 4700 Elmore Road, PO Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 Telephone: (907) 343-7904 Permit Number: OSP141026 Tax Code Number: 05119343000 Work Type: Septic Initial Permit Effective Dates: February 27, 2014 to February 27, 2015 Design Engineer: GARNESS ENGINEERING GROUP LTD Subdivision: SKY MANOR Site Legal Address: SKY MANOR LT 4 G:1159 Owner/Address: THOMSON JOHN E 11404 JESSIE MAE CIR EAGLE RIVER AK 995770000 Site Mailing Address: Lot Size in Sq Ft: 40000 Total Bedrooms: 6 This permit is for the construction of: Y Disposal Field Y Septic Tank N Holding Tank N Privy N Private Well N Water Storage All construction must be in accordance with: 1. The attached approved design. 2. All requirements specified in Anchorage Municipal code Chapters 15.55 and 15.65 and the State of Alaska Wastewater Disposal Regulations (18AAC72) and Drinking Water Regulations (18AAC80). 3. The wastewater code requires inspections during the installation. The engineer must notify the Development Services Department at least 2 hours prior to each inspection. Provide notification by calling (907) 343-7904 (24 hours). 4. From October 15 to April 15, a subsurface soil absorption system under construction during freezing weather must either: A. Open and Close on the same day. B. Covered, sealed, and heated to prevent freezing. Special Provisions: The entire subsurface disposal field and/or alternate is not within a 30 foot radius of a percolation test. The Engineer needs to do an additional percolation test prior to the construction of the septic field. Please submit stamped and signed results with the As -built Inspection Report. If the results require a design change, construction of the system will stop pending On -Site review and approval. AMC 15.65.060.B.3 Received Issued By: MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Community Development Department Phone: 907-343-7904 Development Services Fax: 907- 343-7997 On -Site Water & Wastewater Program Mayor Dan Sullivan On -Site Sewer/Well Permit Application For A Single Family Dwelling Parcell.D. Property owner(s) JOHN THOMSON W/ CT CONSTRUCTION Day phone 240-2020 Mailing address 11404 JESSIE MAE CIRCLE * EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577 Site address NEEDELS LOOP * CHUGIAK, AK 99567 Legal description (Sub'd, Block & Lot) SKY MANOR; LOT 4 Legal description (Township, Section & Range) Lot APPLICATION IS FOR: (® all that apply) Absorption Field Septic Tank Holding Tank ❑ Privy ❑ Private Well ❑ Water Storage ❑ Sq.Ft. Number of Bedrooms 6 APPLICATION IS AN: TYPE OF DEWELLING: Initial ® Single Family (SF) ❑ Upgrade ❑ (w/wo ADU) Duplex (D) Ren�r I � y'T � A } Multiple Dwellings E]V\ �Y�� 1 L (SF and/or D) FEB 2 5 2014 THIS APPLICATION INCLUDES A VARIANCE/ WAIVER REQUEST FOR: Distance: I certify that the above information is correct. I further certify that this is in accordance with applicable Municipal codes. GARNESS ENGINEERING GROUP, Ltd. (Signature of property owner or authorized agent) Permit/Rush Fees: 5601— Waiver Fees: Date of Payment: ;;4051,q Lb _ Date of Payment: Receipt Number: bol (.Jq (A Receipt Number. Permit No. 0-Z' \0 ;z0 -Se Waiver No. (Rev. 09/12) GARNESS ENGINEERING GROUP, Ltd., owamwaasasnowaim CONSULTANTS & GENERAL CONTRACTORS February 21, 2014 Municipality of Anchorage Development Service Department On -Site Water & Wastewater Program 4700 Elmore Road P.O. Box 196650, Anchorage, Ak 99519-6650 (907)343-7904 Ref: Proposed Septic System for Sky Manor Subdivision; Lot 4 To whom it may concern: The proposed 6 bedroom duplex is to be served by a community water system (under construction) and a private septic system. We are proposing to install a new 2000 gallon septic tank and a bed type drainfield. Two test holes were excavated on the property. An additional confirmation test hole is to be excavated prior to construction. The primary drainfield and alternate site will be designed around the 30 foot radii of TH#5 and this new test holes. Comments regarding the design are summarized as follows: 1. SOILS: See the attached logs which shows the soil classifications, groundwater monitoring, and the percolation test results. 2. DRAINFIELD DESIGN: See attached design drawing for drainfield specifications. 3. SURFACE WATERS: There are no surface waters within 100 feet of the proposed septic system. 4. TOPOGRAPHY: As can be seen on the attached site plan and design drawing, the topography is shown. In short, there are no slope concerns with this installation and there are no cutbanks such as road ditch with 50 feet that will impact the installation of the septic system. We are unaware of any adverse impacts this installation would have on adjacent wells or septic systems. If you have any questions, please contact us at 337-6179. Thank you for your assistance. P.E., M.S. N `UTE. Attached is a site plan drawing, a design drawing, two soil logs, which are all part of the design package for this septic system. (Contact G.E.G. Ltd. for 7 page construction specification letter.) 3701 E. Tudor Road, Suite 101 * Anchorage, AK 99507-1259 Ph: (907) 337-6179 * Fax: (907) 338-3246 * Website: www.garnessengineering.com oEUL CIA St } LOT 28 T` i LOT 29 I CO� 30 Lot 1...-.. - TIC ....� f SYSTEM Lot ALTERNA�E + gLTERNATE/ SITE !/ I / (::avuc"-� LOT 31 COT 32 \\\ i LOT 33 I L I \\( SERVES LOT 31 @ 12 1 \ e ! \.\ JE5U BDIVISIDN / TUNDRA LOT 1 I 1 \I I EXISTING CHUIII I S•� XUiCN , , �— I I 1• _ IN GARNESS ENGINEERING GROUP, Ltd. CONSULTANTS & GENERAL CONTRAGTOR3 �......... ... ...... .......... 701 E. MOOR RORO. SURE 101 • CNCHOR99E. AN 99907 • PHONE (907)337-6179 • Fm (WII)339-3246 KSSRE: m, rilxemgmuin .can O PREPARED FOR: PHONE NUMBER: PAGE NUMBER: •• •• • • ......•• .•..•.•• JOHN THOMSON 907-240-2020 1 OF 3DRAWN BY: O f rneeS.- �m E 795 dG LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ' SKY MANOR SUBDIVISION; LOT 4 J.L.M. �O� @04ofe siO oo TYPE OF WORK: DATE: 04 SITE PLAN FOR PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM 2/21/2014 i... ...� `E Lot 5 / )SED iH PROPOSEDD..,,� 6 M'Ep' UPLEX UPLEX rs _ /.. --. .. . ..... 20 de ,P - �.- PR OSE , Hr} • --- _v I �' SYSTEM ......... _....... ............ tNATE„SITS _ ALTERNATE SITE ......._.. 3 _ --� r I 74-,- -----_ _._._:-:- EXIST WATER MAIN J0 FWT ER9EMENT ........ •"`FOF WRIER WIN \.\ JE5U BDIVISIDN / TUNDRA LOT 1 I 1 \I I EXISTING CHUIII I S•� XUiCN , , �— I I 1• _ IN GARNESS ENGINEERING GROUP, Ltd. CONSULTANTS & GENERAL CONTRAGTOR3 �......... ... ...... .......... 701 E. MOOR RORO. SURE 101 • CNCHOR99E. AN 99907 • PHONE (907)337-6179 • Fm (WII)339-3246 KSSRE: m, rilxemgmuin .can O PREPARED FOR: PHONE NUMBER: PAGE NUMBER: •• •• • • ......•• .•..•.•• JOHN THOMSON 907-240-2020 1 OF 3DRAWN BY: O f rneeS.- �m E 795 dG LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ' SKY MANOR SUBDIVISION; LOT 4 J.L.M. �O� @04ofe siO oo TYPE OF WORK: DATE: 04 SITE PLAN FOR PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM 2/21/2014 ----- DESIGN CRITERIA: 7&� ESMT _�} NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 6 _ _r _ _ _ _ GALLONS PER DAY (GPD): 900 PERCOLATION RATE/S: <1 MIN/INCH PROPOSED APPLICATION RATE: 0.7 - MINIMUM DRAINFIELD SO.FT.: 1266 DRAINFIELD DESIGN: , '' � r � �' \ ':•a. \ MAXIMUM DEPTH: 11 FEET WIDTH: 15 FEET `Ci �.• `� �' • ;,;., �,cfad0.kl6A LENGTH: 66 FEET M.O.A. APPROVED SAND FILTER: 2 FEET /' �1 v • '. • EFFECTIVE: 0.5 FEET •'��.•,.�_ `�` REDUCTION FACTOR: N/A ACTUAL SO.FT.: 1290 / PROPOSED iH#6 """" ' - - 6 BEDROOM PROPOSED I TH#4 \\ ` DUPLEX ----_- �� 6 BEDROOM ,� DUPLEX �/ \``� t PROPOSED i WATER LINE N FCO LOCATION , PROPOSED CO `\ 2000 GALLON -� _ SCALE: SEPTIC TANK -" - �I- 1 40 CO . INSTALL moTHg5 DOUBLE T`- CLEANOUTS�_ Lot 5 LtT -__ ° --__*.H#7 `/i, PROPSED DRAINFIELD '- -- — — �� =� ALT. SITE DESIGN CRITERIA: l Lot 3 NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 6 i ''"'' PROPOSED CONFIRMATION ` _3� TEST HOLE. TO BE GGALLONS `\I� PER DAY (GPD): 900 PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. PERCOLATION RATE/S: <1 MIN/INCH ^ ALTERNATE SITE PROPOSED APPLICATION RATE: -4.0 " ______/ �� MINIMUM DRAINFIELD SO.FT.: 225 _____ �'" -FOR CAT II ADVANCED TREATMENT GEG, Ltd HA A 7 PAGESPECIFIC TION LETTER THAT PERTAINS TO THIS DESIGN.DRAINFIELD `\t� DESIGN: TO OBTAIN A COPY OF THE LETTER CONTACT GEG. BY PROCEEDING FORWARD NOTE: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE MAXIMUM DEPTH; 11 FEET WITH THIS INSTALLATION, THE ENGINEER, THE EAST AND WEST PROPERTY LINES FLAGGED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. ` WIDTH: 5 FEET �•'CP CXI�-`)"-��'� WELL DRILLER, CONTRACTOR AND LENGTH: 45 FEET PROPERTY OWNER AGREE THAT THEY__"--"� I M.O.A. APPROVED SAND FILTER: 2 FEET HAVE THESE SPECIFICATIONS TO L _ ot G, EXiStT;NG KEY BOXES ACTUALVSOST.: AGREREAD ACCEPT AND CONDITIONS OUTLINED. WATER MAIN ` 225 TEXISTING — QoovP�F,. GARNESS ENGINEERING GROUP, Ltd. p 4�p CONSULTANTS S, GENERAL CONTRACTORS .......... ... ...... ......:....D 3701 E. TUDOR R . SURE 101 • P HOWE, M 99307 • P1 (90))33)-8179 • FRIG (907)339-3995 • Kftn: ­.99meaR,ginaeriwW PREPARED FOR: THOMSON PHONE NUMBER: PAGE NUMBER: 907-240-2020 ••••• �� '•, f A. Go ness.: JOHN LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 2 OF 3 DRAWN BY: O� s '•, O�e,P' SKY MANOR SUBDIVISION; LOT 4 J.L.M. • .ytf. [I d6 ��OO4 TYPE OF WORK: DATE: f"sio DESIGN OF PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM 2/21/2014 ROM SEPTIC TANK 12� ►- � D 2.5' 4" PERFORATED PIPE SOLID PIPE _____0 2.5' L — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — J � — 82 FEET 86 FEET LONG GARNESS ENGINEERING GROUP, Ltd. :CONSULTANTS & GENERAL CONTRACTORS I E. TUDOR ROM. SUITE 101 • MCHORWE, Y 99507 • NICHE (907)33)-61)9 • FM (90])1]6-3246 . WEMTE:....gom ai,e An9.c JOHN THOMSON LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SKY MANOR SU PHONE NUMBER: 907-240-2020 LOT 4 TYPE OF WORK: DESIGN OF PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM 3 OF 3 J.L.M. 2/21/201 GARNESS ENGINEEERINGG RAL GROUP, Ltd. CONTI CONSULTANTS & LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TUNDRA JEWEL RANCH; LOT 20 - PROPOSED SKY MANOR, LOT 4 '. f y A. GOrness� PERFORMED FOR: JOHN THOMSON 6/5/2007 DATE: 6 5 2007 av// CE 753 �FQO DEPTH ��aa®ate. ey Pr (feet) _ ORGANICS TEST HOLE #51 lessor^°off LOAM ��aa�aa SOIL CLASSIFICATIONS 2 ...,.:' GW ORG ............ r.re„ ..r;:iic GP ML- - GM CL Ir- GC sw OL MH SID CH 5— SM OH sc SEE ATTACHED DRAWINGS 7 ,e :V y GP W/ SOME :Ri: SILT AND y-ci- LARGE 10 ;-ti:"•:�> COBBLES/BOULDERS 12 13 t :moi 15',.` 16 B.O.H. 17 18 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER DATE DRY 6/5/2007 DRY 6/12/2007 DRY 2/6/13 ��aa®ate. 19 I PERCOLATION RATE <1 (MIN./INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA. 6 (INCHES) —SIL—IIl TEST RUN BETWEEN 4.5 FT. AND 5.5 FT. 20 A FOUR HOUR PRESOAK WAS PERFORMED: ❑ YES NO SOILS LOGGED BY: JODY MAUS PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED BY: BENNY MAUS COMMENTS: PERFORMED BY GEG, Ltd. I, JEFFREY A. GARNESS, CERTIFY THAT THIS WAS/ P RFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE: L • • • aaaaa ��aa®ate. ��aa�aa ��aa�aa 19 I PERCOLATION RATE <1 (MIN./INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA. 6 (INCHES) —SIL—IIl TEST RUN BETWEEN 4.5 FT. AND 5.5 FT. 20 A FOUR HOUR PRESOAK WAS PERFORMED: ❑ YES NO SOILS LOGGED BY: JODY MAUS PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED BY: BENNY MAUS COMMENTS: PERFORMED BY GEG, Ltd. I, JEFFREY A. GARNESS, CERTIFY THAT THIS WAS/ P RFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE: L GARNESS ENGINEERING GROUP, Ltd. CONSULTANTS 3 GENERAL CONTRACTORS— Mi E RM MOA SUI[ 101 • -MCHMMM ML • RS•E -•1 • FM • ,s�wpYrrN SOIL LOG - PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TUNDRA JEWEL RANCH; LOT 20 — PROPOSED SKY MANOR, LOT PERFORMED FOR: JOHN THOMSON DATE: 6/5/2007 DEPTH(?��� (feet) ORGANICS ••i�►��iiQ)Nr� DATE DRY 6/5/2007 DRY 6/12/2007 DRY I� •' 111111111 11141 VZZZ.010 /_% NNN • 0. 51 IIIIIIIII Tbw • vM2 IfilI! V",, • l;zlm; DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER DATE DRY 6/5/2007 DRY 6/12/2007 DRY 2/6/13 SEE ATTACHED DRAWINGS 19 ' I PERCOLATION RATE <1 (MIN./INCH) FERC. HOLE DIA. 6 (INCHES) �jl�Jl� TEST RUN BETWEEN 4.5 FT. AND 5.5 FT. 20 A FOUR HOUR PRESOAK WAS PERFORMED: ❑ YES E NO SOILS LOGGED BY: JODY MAUS PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED BY: BENNY MAUS PERFORMED BY GEG, Ltd. I, JEFFREY A. GARNESS, CERTIFY THAT THIS WAS E ORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE: L Municipality of Anchorage On -Site Water & Wastewater Program (907) 343-7904 CERTIFICATE OF ON-SITE SYSTEMS APPROVAL Parcel I.D. 051-193-43 Expiration Date: 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Complete legal description SKY MANOR; LOT 4 Location (site address) 22724 & 22726 NEEDELS LOOP *CHUGIAK AK 99577 Current Property owner(s) JOHN THOMSON (C&T CONSTRUCTION) Day phone 240-2020 Mailing address 11404 JESSIE MAE CIRCLE *EAGLE RIVER AK Real Estate Agent Day phone 2. TYPE OF DWELLING: ❑ Single Family (w/wo ADU) 0 Duplex SUB&IMAL ❑ Multiple Dwellings (Single Family and/or Duplex) OCT g 2014 3. NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 6 4. TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: TYPE OF WASTEWATER DISPOSAL: Individual Well ❑ Individual On-site N Individual Water Storage ❑ Individual Holding tank ❑ Community Class A Well Community On-site ❑ Public Water System ❑ Public Sewer ❑ WaiverNanance request for; n/o _ Distance: Received by: Date: COSA to be released to the engineer, unless otherwise requested by the engineer. COSA Fee $ (Q0l 41D Date of Paymentt.r3 3llq /2 Receipt Number b(I311 G COSA# ot)uq Itj;�f Waiver Fee $ Date of Payment Receipt Number Waiver # 5. STATEMENT OF INSPECTION BY ENGINEER As certified by my seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, I verify that my investigation, based on procedures outlined in the Certificate of On -Site Systems Approval Guidelines for this application, shows that the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is (are) safe, functional and adequate for the number of bedrooms and type of structure indicated herein, i further verify that based on the information obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage files and from my investigation and inspection, the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is(are) in compliance with all applicable Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect at the time of installation. Name of Firm GARNESS ENGINEERING GROUP, Ltd. Address 3701 E. TUDOR ROAD, SUITE 101 * ANCHORAGE, AK 99507 Engineer's Printed Name JEFFREY A. GARNESS, P.E. Engineer's Comments: In conducting this evaluation, GEG, LtD. attempted to provide a thorough, conscientious engineering analysis of the system in accordance with ADEC and MOA DSD Guidelines & Regulations. The reported results described the performance of the system under the conditions encountered at the time of the test and separation distances measured to readily identifiable features. The operational iffe of all wells and septic systems depend on the local soils condition, groundwater levels that may fluctuate during the year, and the water usage of the family being served by the system. These conditions are outside the control of the evaluator of the system. Satisfactory test results do not guarantee future performance of the system, nor do they guarantee that there are no hidden defects or encroachments. GEG, LTD. can therefore not provide any warranty or future estimate of how long the system will continue to meet the operational requirements of the ADEC or MOA DSD. The content of this report is for the sole benefit or the owner listed above. Any reliance upon or use of this report by any other person or party is not authorized, nor will it confer any legal right whatsoever. 6. DSD SIGNATURE System #1 Approved for --G— bedrooms. System #2 Approved for Disapproved. Conditional approval for -39 bedrooms. bedrooms, with the following Phone 337-6179 Date 10 3 1 00��4 .. ;......... '.SDG 0 Alv r �V9 .ON-SITE WATER AND o WASTEWATER Zo PROGRAIM Original Certificate Date:__ 7 The A&filcipality or AncWrage Deveiop,emt Services Division (DSD) issues Certificates of On -Site Systems Approval (COSA) based only upon the represenatations given in paragraph 5 by an independent professional civil engineer registered in the State of Alaska. The Municipality of Anchorage is not responsible for errors or omissions in the professional engineer's work. 7. ATTCHMENTS: COSA Checklist F Nitrate Advisory Septic System Advisory Arsenic Advisory Well Flow Advisory Other raev 11MS1 If more than 1 septic system is on the lot: COSA Checklist # _of_ Structure served by this system Certificate of On -Site Systems Approval Checklist Legal Description: SKY MANOR; LOT 4 Parcel ID: 051-193-43 A. WELL DATA PUBLIC WATER Well type A Date completed Total depth ft. Date of test Static water level Well production WATER SAMPLE Coliform / If A, B, or provide PWSID# 218807 Well Log (Y/N)- Sanitary seal (Y/N)_ Wires properly protected Cased to ft. Casing height (above -lin FROM WELL LOG 9.p -m. AT colonies/100 ml. Nitrate mg./L. Collected by: ft. He in. A ic: ug./L. Date of sample: B. SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK DATA Tank Type/Material SEPTIC/STEEL Date installed 6/5-9/14 Tank size 2000 gal. Number of Compartments E Cleanouts (Y/N) YES Foundation cleanout (YIN) YES Depression over tank (Y/N) NO High water alarm (Y/N) N/A Date of pumping NEW Pumper – C. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA BELOW FINAL GRADE Date installed 6/5-9/14 Soil rating (.p.d./ft r ft2/bdrm) 07 System type BED Length 87 ft. Width 15 ft. Gravel below pipe 0.65 ft. Total depth *5.1-6.4 ft. Eff. absorption area 1305 ft2 Monitoring tube YES Depression over field NO Date of adequacy test NEW Results (Pass/Fail) PASS For 6 bedrooms Fluid depth in absorption field before test — in. Water added =gal. New depth =in. Elapsed Time: = min. Final fluid depth — in. Absorption rate >= 900 g. p. d. Any rejuvenation treatment (past 12 mo.) (YIN & type) NONE If yes, give date – D. LIFT STATION Date installed Size in gallons Manhole/Access(YIN) "Pump on" level at in. "Pump ofr level High water alarm level at in. Cycles tested Meets alarm & circuit requirements? E. SEPARATION DISTANCES SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM WELL ON LOT TO: Septic tankAtft station on lot Absorption field on lot Public sewer main Sewer /septic service line areas On adjacent On adjacent lots manhole/cleanout Holding tank Manure/animal excrete storage areas SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK ON LOT TO: Building foundation 5'+ Property line 5'+ Absorption field `>'+ Water main 10'+ Water service line 10'+ Surface water Wells on adjacent lots 100'+ PRVIATE & 200'+ PUBLIC SEPARATION DISTAL `CE FROM ABSORPTION FIELD ON LOT 'O: Property line 1(;'+ Building foundation 10'+ Water 10" Water service line _ 1(1'+ Surface water 100'+ )riveway, parldng/vehicle storage 10'+ Curtain drain NONE. KNOWN Wells on adjacent Iot8100'+ PF' ✓TATE & 200'+ F. COMMENTS G. ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION I certify that I have determined through field inspections and review of Municipal records that the above systems are in conformance with MOA COSH guidelines in effect on this date. Engineer's Printed Name JEFFREY A. GARNESS Date r °/ 3/14 (Rev. 11105) ----- ----- ----- mss' i ��-E-�- [] • • • 60 JL' WlifCll h 0 1 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT 1 HAVE SURVEYED THE SCALE: FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY:[�� 4a DATE ........... AND THAT NO HNCRbACHMENTS EXIST EXCEPT AS INDICATED. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE e L OWNER TO DETERMINE THE EXISTENCE OF ANY GRID: ° "" $ EASEMENTS, COVENANTS„ OR REf;TRICTIONS WHICH DO NOT APPEAR ON THE RECORDED SUBDI- �q ore n' ,k se Ya, VISION PLAT. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD FB*� .• s-a� ANY DATA HEREON BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION �S9 # "2yfD � CP OF OF FENCE LINES, OR FOR ESTABLISHING BOUND- ARY LINES. wo