HomeMy WebLinkAboutNEVILLA PARK LT 20Pa,," x GO (,,, 0 ,,s'"'f d...-,~, Mt- Ihu£VIDUAL SEvlA.~E AND WATER FACILI~z£S Name of person Pequestlng adp ~. ~ ::~ . ~ blame, of property,, owner 't.. ,~ ~um~ o~ b~dr. ooms in house. b. Dete~ent " data: d. Distance from ~eli to eiosest existing o2 ppoposed: 1. S~wer line ,' 6. Othe~ sources of possi~l~ con~amlna%ion~ i.e,~ cpeeks, lakes, houses~ ba~n~ draina~e ditch, etc. Sewage disposal system. Age of system Septic tank capacity in gal2~ms /~ Hame of septic tank manufactu~gm 1. If "home made" show diagr, am on reverse 'aide of this fomm. Disposal field o~ seepage pit size and typq 1. Distance to pmoperty lln~_.O _~ to house f~mda'tlon Perco].~tia~l Test "mesults Percolation Test performed by Diagram should include Use the reverse ,side of this form to show diagram. ',]-the fo]lowing information: p?operty lines; .well location, house location, P-~ptiC tan]( location, disposal area location, location of percolation test~ a~,~ dJ.r, ection of ground slope. The ~n~,x,~tlon ,on this form is true and correct t~ the best of my knowledge. ~0 BE FILLED OUT BY HEALTH DEPARTHENT PERSONNEL The above described sanitaz~y facilities are hereby approved subject to the :ollow~.n? condilions: Conditions: The above described sanitary facilities are disapproved for the followinK t~asonsl - Approval is valid for one year following the date of approval. CPJ: cw July 22, 1970 ¥otorgns Administration Anchorago, Al~ka 99S01 ~ar Sirs: SUBJ[]CT~ Sew({r and h'atc'r Facilities for House, Lot 20, Nevilla Park Subdivision, 8047 Dubon; Cordon D. Halston, At the r(~quest of Mr. Ihdsten, m~ inspection was made of the sower mid wator facilities '['or tho subject houso. ~later is supplied by a shallow 30' drilled l~eli, Our f:ilell indicate that approximatel/ 8~-90% of the shallow (under SO') wells In this a~oa are contaminated, This is dtm to the high concentration of on-site sewage disposal in the Muldoor, alum, 'fids well cannot be oxpc-cted 'to provide a centin~d safe supply of water m~der these conditions. We shall req~ro connection to City ~iotor whirl) is available on Duben Avenue. 'lhe sewer sy.~tem consists of a log cess):.ool ~pproxt~,.qtely 74' frcm the well. Although cesspools are not approved by this Dapartm(:nt, appreval can be granl'.cd provided the 1, I~mr~¢liate connectto, to City Water is 2. Funds are placed in escrow to connect to public sewers which are scheduled to s~rve this lot in 1971, ()ur approval amdts con£irmation of both requests rogardin,?, sewer and water, Sincerely, CMH:ORD P. JUDKiNS, A~)inistrativm Director RNS: rn t~nvironn~ntal Health Supe~wisor cc: S.(;. lMflin Agency