HomeMy WebLinkAboutNEVILLA PARK LT 72A PLEASE FURNISH SE, RVICE(S) IND CATED BY CHECKED BLOCK(S) ~ Show to whon1, date and address ~ Deliver' ONLY I I. where delivered ~ I to addressee RECEIPT 'k ~ ~NATU~NAME O~ADDRESSEE (My~plwa~ b~l~(~in) m ~EGISTERED t{o. .- . . ~ ~0/'~/7~ ~;~L~ ~' ~ O¢:ober 16, lg74 81;74 E{lst 4th Avenue An~or{lge, ^laska ~)g504 M{lnd{ltory sewer connection - Lot 72, ~,levtlla P{lrk Subdivision Dear Mr. Hauser: ~{ove~3er 20, 197~1.. Lus ~uc~llollz, ILS. 5ant %{l~'~ an LB/ko Certified i',lo. 740392 September 18, 1974 Raymond Rogers ~F~ 8124 ~ast 4th Avenue /~ ~F~-~'~'[ ' , ~ ~Z~_~ Anchorage, Alaska .~ ~. 99504 Mandatory sewer' hookup - Lot 72, Nevtlla Park Subdivision Dear Hr, Ro(jers: 1974. Les Bucl~holz, P~, Sanitarian L~/ko Certified No, 740370 r~ Showto whon~ dateand address f~ Deliver ONLY .¢~'_ ~ _ ~ where ?I~re~ -~~ [~ tg addresse~ 9-18/74 - Nev~tJ~a~ RECEIPT ~ numbered :r~bed belew ...... art[ es( m Rogers/Buchholz ~ ,~~ ~ .... t~mV~g~ t¢ ~eo~t~. ~ ZIP Co~ ~ PLEASE FURNISH SF.I~VICE(S) INDICATED DY CHECKED BLOCK(S), REQUIRED FEE(S) PAID.  Show to wllom. (fate, and address t--1 Deliver ONLY where delivered [~_ to addressee R£GIST[U EO NO NO, SIGNATURE OR ElAM E C: ADDRESSEE (~J.~st a/w#)'s be filled it;) ', IF ANY DATE DELIVERED d RECEIPT FOR {:E[tTIW'I[iU NIAIL-~30c (plus postage) J- SENT TO POSYMARK OR DATE s-,-.F~T ~N~,.O - - ' P,o STAI'E AND ZiP CODE AI,~, tt)?l ;VI U;; I~i'ZRNATIONAL MAIL - (;1'0:1072 '~ ~,- ~'~' GRBATER ANCHORAGE AR£A BOROUGH . ~'~ ~500 Tudor Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99507 279~8686 - ~ (~ ~ W Time of Inspection ~/,~,-/o~, R~qU~ST FOR APPROVAL OF ' I~IVIDUAL SE~ER g WATER FACILITIES ~ P~ooertv O~ne~: ~ ~~..,? .;~f~{~ Phone~ '---~~ " Location: Type of Facility to be Inspected: Number of Bedrooms: Wel I Data: , B. Depth ...... Co Construction D. Bacterial Analysis A. Installed B. Installer C. Septic Tank: 1o Size D, Seepage Pit: 1. Size Disposal F~eld: 8. Distances: 2, Manufacturer 2. Material Total Length of Lines A. Well To: Septic Tank , Absorption Area Sewer Lines , Nearest Lot Line , Other Contamination ocptlc Tank > Absorption Area B, Foundation to C, Absorption Area to Nearest Lot Li~e f<m(.lm£% fey Approwql of Individual SeNer & Water Facilities ~,¥roved ~ ~--,~,-~- Disapproved Date~ Approval Valid for One Year Prom Date Signed Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Department of Environmental Quality DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM ] certify that the information contained in this request for approval to be a true and accurate representation of the subject sewer and water facilities located at: Signed Date January 7, 1973. Oommerc ia I Rea I ty 2960 0 street Anchorage, Alaska SUBJECT: ANCItORAGE g$501 Lot 72, Nevilla Park Subdivision -8124 East 4th Avenue Gentlemen: This office has no objection 't'o the escrowing of funds to cover connection of the dwelling to public sewer by June 30, 1974 and the use of the existing cesspool until that time. We are in complete agreement with the requirement-s set out in Mr. Rumfelt's le±ter of December 24, 1973. i1' you nave any turther question please con?act me. Yours truly, A_ Regional Environmental Engineer cc: GAAB-DEQ/ Oecember ~4, ]~73 Co~c, rci ~1 Re~ 1 Ihirk Subdivision - 8124 ~¢;~cs gnd ~ater f'acttitias servirig Lot 7k ~¢~vtila On ,')~,..,~,.c- :!1. 197:~ lsm~ .~ahiect facilities wer~ inspected by this duparu.emt. 'lite ............ Utilities, Tile sewage disposal ~,ater ser. vin~.~ t;~e subject to~ is via Central .. .~ ar.,proxim~te'lv to 'bhe souLh of facilili~c cOnst~t of ,~ cesspool only, lo,.ate tile ~w(~l 1 i )rim' t~X ,mh~: ,>¢, ~ 7~..~ ihe miner h~us[ also obtain thial ~;amt~, tef;iporary approval from Hr. Kylq~ (.harry of the :%;tt~ f)epart)~tmt of ~nvir~¢m~aental Co)ls[~vatton ;.ts State action supersedes this dfo~);irtl:ir:jlt;~S ~pf)~OVA) will go it~to ~',r,'~:~ . this del~a, rb:~nt at 274-45(;1, extension 1 ~5. Si ncere. 1 Y, 'ftm Rur:~fc'lt, .~;.S., Sani tartan GR~!ATER AIFJtnRAGE AREA !]epartment of Environmental qt a'l i ty December 26, 1 ~{ ~; R 0 RA 1/ D U ~ Oece~ber 19, 1974 James 1~,, $~ing Directs: of ~ublic Works F~OH: Leroy C,, Reid Diractoi~ si ~wiromaentaJL quality Si~DJ~C;~ii Haadato~y ConnecLtou to ~ublic Se~er ~e have another case on our hands similar to :he OtvilL Lee cruse. have h~d a ~m~c at~ issued to ~t, H~Vset, based on int'o~ton sub,lit:ed hy your department. ~ave~ ye ~ ~ind that ~t, ~et has been co~mcted to ~ublic s~et a~e ~y .197&. T~S,' ~ congi~d by c~tact ~tl~ your luapector on Decade= 19, 1974, ~te atCach~ tugor~cion, from L~ Buchholz, e~plai~ ~ha problem ~]~la Park lC ia very ambarraaing Co tho Dorough and leaves u~ liable te £a~se arrest charges rhea ye prosecute caneg ~l~h ieproper iufor~agioa, ~ ~ould apprecl£ate iC tf you vould look i~to Chis problem andlLet u~ kno~ ~hac ~m tim do to keep this from happmtiug in tike /~uture.' Tlmk~ 7cu. e~&losurea LCR:p~h GR[ATER ~*tCHOP, AGE AREA BOROUGIf ~partment, ef Envirormmntal Quality HEMORANDUM ~(ovember 27, 1!)74 TO~ r~orough P~secutor FP, OH: Les §uchholz, RS, Sanitarian SUi~dKCT: SaF~ford t.la)Jset - Handatory connection to public s,e~er Lot; 72, t(evtlla Park Subdivision 9-18-74 10-16~74 10~21~74 11~20-74 11-2§~74 This Dept. beca~m aware of the subject lot not connected toavail- able public ~wer ,ahile processing lean approval papers. The State Dept. of Emv!ronmental Conservation wrote a ~aiver on the existing cesspool in violation p~nding con~ect'lon to public sewer by ,)une 30, 1974. .L_btter sent to Rayr~ond Rogers rc, questino connection to public Record check sho~s proper:y has been sold ~o Sanford Hauser, Ocr,tilted letter sent to Sanford tlauser n~questlng connection to public sewer. Letter received. Tt~e period for connection expired. Public ~o~ks Dept. informed this L)ept. that no connection had been ~ade or, inspected. Summons issued. ~o EnclosuPes GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Department of Environmental Quality MEMORANDUM November 27, 1974 TO: FRO~I'. SUBJ [CT: 12-24-73 9-18-74 10-1-74 10-16-74 10-21-74 11-20-74 11-21-74 11..26-74 Borough Prosecutor Les Buchholz, RS, Sanitarian Sanford Hauser - Mandatory connection to public sewer Lot 72, Nevilla Park Subdivision This Dept, became aware of the subject lot not connected to avail- able public sewer while processing loan approval papers. The State Dept. of Environmental Conservation wrote a waiver on the existing cesspool in violation pending connection to public sewer by June 30, 1974. L_?ter sent to R~ymond Rogers requesting connection to public sewer, Record check shows property has been sold to Sanford Hauser. Certified letter sent to Sanford ltauser requesting connection to public sewer. Letter received. Time period for connection expired. Public Works Dept. informed this Dept. that no connection had been made or inspected. ,. Su~ons issued. ko Enclosures ~lJ~lJ~JJ~ GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH DATE ANSWER RECEIVER: REQUESTED ACTION SCHEDULE · ~j:J',:,: ~o~ M~g~AT~ ACVON : CALL ME B~FO~E YOU ANSWE~ /}lj ...... : FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION NEED YOUR R~COMMENDATION ' k~: OTHER