HomeMy WebLinkAboutNEVILLA PARK LT 84 INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE AND WATER FACILITIES (Fill out in Triplicate) ' Name .of person requesting appr. qval ..... /.~_.~-'F~.. a. BacteriaA b0 Detergent. ..... 6, WeZ.Z data: b. Depttl .... . - ' - * Casing Size Dis?nee fr~X~osest e×isting or proposed: 2. Septic tank , Cesspool~ ...... 5. Property Line houses, barn, drainage ditch, etc. Sewage disposal system. a. Age of system --!' -~ '~ ~ .' Other sources of possible contamination~ i.e., creeks, lakes, / ,' 'i: ;': ,. '." Septic tank capacity in gallons, /~ ~ ~_~ , 1, If "home made" show diagram on reverse ~£de of this form. Dis~qsa]. fleld om seepafe pit size and type~~L__ ppoper~y. ~ne~,~to house lo.clarion~ ~ , 1. Distance to e. Percolati~m~ Temt '~esults he reverL, e ,s.~de of th.~s form to ' ' ' ' show diagram. D~agram should include following information, p.~operty lines', .w~ll location, houoe location, ~ptic tank location, disposal area locatlon~ location of percolation test, a~.~ direction of ground slope. 9. The ~for~at±on on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. ~, ~Ignature of Appll ~ Date $zgned T__O. BE FILLED OUT BY HEALTH PE}~SONNEL _ .......... DEPAET!.~ENT ]e above 611owlng Conditions: described uanita~y facilities are hereby approved, eon~i~ion~,,: The above described sanitary facilities are disspproved for the following ~easons: '--~roval is valid :flor one year following the date of approval. · ,~ CPJ: cw