HomeMy WebLinkAboutNEVILLA PARK Lots 18, 37, 57, 38, 58, 77, 27, 28, 47, 48, 67 & 68 NEVILL^ PAPK Pl~t t~ P-384 Building and Use Restrictions i.n connection with tho above subdivision or Plat No, P-384 are hereby amended by adding the following subparagraph to paragraph 1 thereo:f ~ namely: "Four (4) rosidence units, not over one .and one half stories in height, or residence units of smaller capac~ty~ may be constructed on the following lots: Lots 18~37,38~57~58~??, and 27,28,47,48~67, and 68. All other provisions of restrictions recorded 6-1-62 are modified accordingly," DATED at Anchorag~ Alaska this 9th day of June, 1962, NI':~'[LI_~.~- ' PARlf SUBDIVISION Building and Use Restrictions PURPOSE OF RESTRICTIf)NS The purpose of these covenants is to assure that property owners in Nevilla Park Subdivision will be fully protected from poor quality surroundings and they will be assured pleasant, sanitary, attractive and safe sites upon which to erect their homes. I. LAND USE: Only the following lots shall be used as business lots or for business purposes, or for all multiple residence use exceeding four units of one family each; or, for a combination use of both business and residence. Residence units may be from one unit upwards to as many as may be erected in compli~ce with all other building restrictions as set forth herein. Lots allowing these uses are: Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, only. The following lots may have either one or two residence units constructed on each lot, but shall not allow more than two. Where two are constructed, they shall not be separate buildings, but shall be of duplex design. Lots allowing as many, but no more than two residence units are: Nos. 8 through 17, inclusive, and Nos. 18, 27, 28, 37, 38, 47, 48, $?, 58, 6?, 68, and 7?, only. No other lots in the subdivision shall be used for any other purpose than single family residence. No single famiiy use lot may have a garage larger than is reasonably adequate for two cars. No multiple unit residence lot shall have garage space in excess of one space for each residence~unit allowed. .. II. BUSINESS BUILDINGS - QUALITY, SIZE AND IDCATI;N2'x, No business building or multiple use business and residence building loca- ted in the subdivision shall exceed two stories in height, nor shall any such building exceed one hundred twenty (120)feet in depth, east and west. Corner business lots Nos. 1, 2, and 3 must have a setback distance from east-west streets of not less than five feet, but'no setback distance is required from the ~side lot lines of Lots 1 through 7, inclusive. Where buildings are constructed to inside lines of said lots, 'there shall be constructed a fire safety wall, which may be a part of the building, which · wall'ghall be equ~llin~ddgign~afid:ma'teCialg to the building code of the City of Anchorage. Where fire safety walls are not provided, there is and shall continue to be a setback from said inside lines, of not less than ten feet. There shall, be not less than thirty feet setback distance from both the front line and the utility, line at the rear of these said lots. No building of any description may be mo~ed on any log in the subdivision except a building of new.construction which was designed and built for a Page 2 specific lot and completed not more than six months prior to such moving. Any such building that is moved onto any i )t according to this provision, must be of such design and quality and equ~l to a similar use building which could pass the building cocic, of the City of Anchorage, had it been constructed in the city, whether it be a business or residence building. The foundation for any such building% must be of such construction design and.quality as would be equal to the same city code requirements. Any building constructed upon ant of the:~;e lots must be of a standard quality construction, according 1.~ <enerai].y acceptable normal building procedures, and any and all buJ:!d.{~?:s mt~.~.t be completed on their outside within eighteen months from the ~a;.~ of ~he commencing of its construction, with not less than two coats of !mint, o~~ ~he equivalent thereof. QUANTITY, SIZE AND LOCATION '~" III. MULTIPLB RBSIDBNCE BUILDI ~ ,> '. Only the following lots shall be permitted to have single family or duplex buildings to be constructed to a height not exceeding two stories, lots No. 8 through No. 17 inclusive. No other lots shall have a residence build-. lng of more than one and one ha].f stories in height. No duplex unit shall contain less than 850 square feet of floo~- space. No multiple residence building containing more than two units shall have more than 1,400 square feet for any unit. Any and all. residence units in a building allowing more than one family, where such units are built in an approximate horizontal plane to each other, shall consist of properly constructed fireproof walls between units. Where second story units are constructed, there shall be not less than one inch of sheetrock on the ceiling of the lower story for fire protection, or, the equivalent of said thickness of sheetrock, of other equal quality material may be used. Ther~~ shall be not less than ten feet setback for lots No. 14 and No. 15 from ~he eas~mnt line of the street named Nevilla place. There sha].], not be'. less than twenty feet setback for Lot No. 8 through 17, from the easement line of the street named State street. There shall be not less than five feet setback from.the utility line on and for lot No. 8, which utility line or easement is on south side of Lot 8. There shall be not less than five feet setback from the street easement line which is bordering on north side of ].or No. 17. On rectangular shaped lots, their narrow dimension which borders on a street in the subdivision shall be known and treated as tl~ front of the lo't; the long or greater dimension of each lot shall be known and treated as the side line of the lot · IV. SINGLE ~A~IL¥ AND OTHER DU?LBX BUILDING - SIZB AND LOCATION, The following lots shall have not less than twelve feet setback from their sidelines which border streets; lots No. 18, No. 27, No. 28, No. 37, No. 38, No. 47, No. 48, No. 57, No. 58, No. 67, No. 68, No. 77. Bach and every building on these lots which may be of duplex or single family design, shall be restricted to not more than one and one half stories in height. No duplex unit shall have less than B50 square feet of floor space. No single family unit shall have less than 850 square feet of floor space on the ground floor. There shall not be less than twenty feet for front setback from the street which corresponds with the front of each lot, as described above.' There shall not be less than five feet setback from the sidelines of residence lots other than those identified by lot numbers above,~ich shall, have the greater smdelmn setback There shall be not less than .twenty feet setback distance from .the utility easement lines at page 3 the rear of lots which are restr]ct,?d to ~':,sidence use only, for the main residence building. Priva1:e !u~rag<,:~ as described above in I. shall be constructed as near as possible b.~t no nearer than two feet from the utility easement line, provided t~at no building of any descrip- tion shall be constructed or moved on the limited cesspool locations as set forth hereinafter. V. ~UALITY OP ALL SINGLE AND MULTIPLE FA!~[LY RESIDENCE UNITS Each and every residence bulling within this subdivision shall be built of specific materials, whose dimen~sions, qual. ities and component soundness of body and fiber shall be consistent with all building rules, regulations and construction approval procedures as are, or would be, fully acceptable to F.H.A. requirements at the time of commencing con- struction, insofar as the build:ings and all of their related parts are concerned. This is not to be construed to require F.H.A. financing, but only to define 'the quality of the structure, regardless of other interests or procedures. VL. SUBDIVISION LIMITATIONS The area of lots within the subdivision shall not be reduced in size by resubdivision, except that an owner of three contiguous lots may divide the inner or middle lot, thus increasing the size of the two remaining lots, or an owner of two adjoining lots may likewise replat them into one larger lot, and such changed and replat:ted lots may be used and treated for all purposes pertinent to the building and use restrictions, as enlarged single lots. VI I. NUISANCES. - ..... No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried"on~ 6pqn any lot, nor shall anything be done or allowed 'to remain thereon which may be, or may become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. Among other various acts which could or would be prohibited according to the foregoing are the parking of and working on any heavy construction, or other type heavy equipment, or any type of commer:[ca], mechanical work on any type of large or automotive equipment, or, the erection of any unusually large type of radio aerial, or the use of any type of ham radio equipment in the sub- division. VI I I. TEMPORARY STRUCTURES No stmucture of a temporary character, trailer, basement, tent, shack, hut, garage, barn or other outbuilding shall be placed orused on any lot at any time, nor shall any such structure be allowed to become a residence for any period of time. IX. SIGNS No sign of any kind shall be dlsplayed ~o the public view on any lot devoted solely to residence purposes except one professional sign or not more than Page 4 one square foot in size, or one ~;ign of not more than five square feet in size advertising the property for sale orrent, or signs used by a builder or a real estate broker to advert]se the property during the construction or sales period. X. OIL AND MINING OPBRATIONS. No oil drilling, oil development operatJ, ons, oil refining, quarrying or mining operations of any kind shall be permitted upon or in any lot, nor shall oil wells, tanks, tunnels, mineral excavation or shafts be permitted upon or in any lot. No derricks or other structures designed for use in drilling for oil or natural gas shall be erected, maintained or permitted upon any lot. Any oil or mineral rights Jn relations to this subdivision or its streets are hereby reserved unto SSgurd M. Johnson and, or Nevilla Johnson, of Spenard, Alaska. XI. LIVBSTOCK AND POULTRY. No animals, livestock or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred or kept on any lot, except that dogs, cats or other household pets may be kept, provided that not more than two dogs and two cats may be kept on each lot along with an occupied home, and on the same lot as the pet owners' home is located. Not more than one dog may be of a husky, or sled type breed, and no pets shall be kept, bred or maintained fo? commercial purposes.. XII. GARBAGB' AND REPUSB CONTAINERS AND DISPOSAL~ No lot shall be used or maintained as a dumping. groun'd for rubbish. Trash',, garbage or other waste shall not be kept in"any'~other manner than in sanitary type containers, which shall notbe allowed tO contain undisposed of garbage on .the property .for more than one week. '~'All equip- ment for the ·storage and Naste shall be k(~pt in a reasonably clean and sanitary condition. All Owners of' dogs shall be responsible for prev~ent- lng th.em from disturbing garbage containers, or from disturbing the peace and quiet of the subdivision. XIII. FBNCBS AND SIGHT OBSTRUCTIONS. No front fence:nor any portion of any sideline fence shall be placed further forward on any loS'than the setback distance required for particular buildings. No front fence shall be more than four feet in height, nor any sideline or rear fence more than six feet in height, ex- cept that sideline fences which are placed on the street side of the following lots shall not be more than fou~' feet i~ height: lot Nos. pa ge $ 1.8, 27, 28, 37, 38, 47, 48, 57, .5.~, '67, ,.'~f~. and 77. No rear fence nor any port].on of any sideline fence sha.l.l be placed nearer the rear utility easemen't line than two feet. XIV. SEWER INSTALLATION UNITS ~l'fl) [.OCAT:'( >~; PUBLIC SEWER SYSTEM. At any time that an adequate sewer ¢lis',)os~ 1. system is installed to t.he subdivision and its services are avail, abl( and the s~stem is of a pub. lic or community type, there shall not bo. thy further installations of private sewer units, and the usc of any a I-:eady installed shall not be permitted after one year from the comp~et.ion of said public system. Any and all sewer disposal systems ins~al, lled in tl~e subdivision, either public or private, shall be so conszructe, c: tl]az they comply with the laws, rules, regulations and ins. tal. la'tion .orocedures of the Alaska state Department of Health. Cesspool..% shall, be iastall, ed in the following locations only, and when installed, they .:ixa-ll be placed as near the rear and side lines of the lot ,-,:~ ~tle S'[a~e Departmen~ of Health allows. The southeast corner shall be tl'~e only ar,:a' on the following lots where a cesspool may be located; lot :'!,.~s. 1, 3, . , 7, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37,. 49, 51., 53, 55, 57, 69, 71, 73, 75, ':'?. 78, q(, 82, 84, and B6. The northeast corrter shall be ¢ ~e only ar(a on the foil. owing lots where a cesspool may be installed; Lol. Nc',s. 2, , 6, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 60, 62, 64, 66, 79, 81, 83~ and ~45. The souzhwest corner shall be t:, ~ly ~ :r a of the foliowing lots where 28, 30, 32, cesspools may be installed; Lot .,~,-. .q 0 1.2, 14, 15, 17, 34, 36, 48~ 50, 52, 54, 56, 68. c ?2, 7. and 76. The Northwes~ corner is the onl a.t ea o,' ~he following lots where cesspools may be installed; lots Nos. 9, 1.3, .t(). 38, 41, 43, 45, 47, 59, 61, 63, 65 and 67. · Designation of the location of ~;e, ss[>ool~ on the following lots are not contained in these original restrictions, therefore any person desiring to {nszall any type of private sewer disposal system on any of same, shall first obtain clearance from the Al-a.~;ka State Department of Health or other department of health which ~as 3u%'isdiCgion of such ma~ters at the time of installation; '~' ' ' lot Nos. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24'/,i~2.~, 26'i 27,'.and 87. :~. XV. RESTRICTIONS, BNFORCBMBNT. ' : ~ ' ..... individuai or groups of · e 2hes restrictions may be enforced by any individuals owning proper~y in the. subdivision. XVI. GENERAL PROVISIONS: and shall be binding on all ~ e ;hes covenants are to run witl: the 1. and parties and persons claiming under .~h. em for a period of twen'~y'-five years .... d" ::' Af'ter this time has run from tile daze these covenants are z.eco~ ,~=d., . ~z;;:~';~;;h,~,~ ":": ~ ....... - ,.-,-, ~II~I~'~I~TII~!"~ · Page 6. said covenants shal. 1 be automatica].[y exteaded for successive perios of ten years unless an instrument signed by a majority of zhe then owners of the lots is recorded, agreeing ~o cha~'[ge said covenants in part or in whole. XVII. SEVBRABILITY Invalidation of any of these cov(?nal'lts b;/ .iudgment or court order shall in no wise effect any of [he o~her l:,','ovisions, which shall re- main in full force and effect. We herebyce.ct~..,_y: ~'' ": '~:.ii:i.s '-to'-1')~ a. tru. e and exact copy. ALAS'ifA .............d'0'A P, ANT ~' CO~:4f'AN¥ gREATER ANCHORAGE AREA bOROUGH HIEAI.TH DHPARTM[NT PHONE 272-~4~ May 22, 1968 MT. Charles La G~.ant 8124 East Second Avenue Anchorage ~ Alaska 99504 SUBJECTs Sewage Disposal Facilities, 812q E. Second (East of 8124 ~;. 2nd) The G~ate~' A~ohc~a~- A~a Borough H~alth Depa~,~menl: ma4m an ina~c~io= of ~he sewaEe, disposal system y¢)u~ new home di~ot34~ east of 8124 East Seoond~ and found the system to be adequate in tepee of the sizs of the hom~. Sincemely, DAVID K. L, DUNCAN, M. D. Medical D{~ec~oz' DBH/s~ David B. Hamkness S~,ttt amian / DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & WELFARE / DIVI$101t OF EHVIRON,~EHTA[ HEALTH/POUCH H -- JUNEAU 99801 May 4~ 1970 Mr, Rolf R, Strickland, R,S, Environmental Health Supervisor Greater Anchorage Area Borough Health Department P.O, Box 968 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Dear Mr, Strickland: Re: Heitghts, Improvement/ District NO,~lS~ 1970 / Plans and Application for Approval of Plans, together with D4ckinson- Oswald's lettep to you dated 24 April 1970, were forwarded to this office by your meorandum of 24 April 1970. The plans were marked "Preliminary" and were not stamped or signed by an Alaska registered engineer. The plans deal only with sanitary sewers, As Dickinson-Oswald's letter stated, the plans ape "essentially complete," ie are, 9f course intePested in the specification~ and on Peck Avenue Sheet 6) the size of pipe intended, While. this ~s not an approval l~cking specifications and the final plans)~ we have no objections to wMt is shown here. Sincerely yours, Richard H, Britt, Sanitary Engineer Division of Environmental Health RHB:cso cc: Dickinson.Oswald GRE, ER ANCHORAGE AREA BO UGH HEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 EAGLE STREET · P. O. BOX 968 * ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 DATE: April 2~.% ].970 FROM: F, ol:[: Ro 8trlcklaad, I~.S, Hnvi~.onmental Health Supe¥,vlso:p to: R, II. Bx. ttt ~ Sanitar,y Englnec~z, Environmental ileal.th, Juneau SUBJECT: GAAB~ Sewep Improvemenl; Di.'stmict 1.5 (Dicklnson-Oswald ~- Paptnep, s) Transmitted herewith fox, youz, mevlew and comments a~e one se'~ of plans and associated . . '~:~; 3. S an extension of Bopo'ugh facilities. You~ doour~nts :[:om 'the s~ject apppoval is ~co~elldod. RRS: ~n ~, . . . , . . , · · · USE THIS FORM FOR YOUR.REPLY DICKINSON-OSWALD & PARTNERS ENGINEER.{~ AND SURVEYORS PHONE gO? ~77-16B§ SOO CORDOVA STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 April 24. 1970 Hr. Clifford Judkins Greater Anchorage Area Borough Department of Health 327 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Re: GAAB- Sanitary Sewer Improvement District 15 Dear Mr. Judkins: Submitted herewith are 2 sets of plans and applications for subject GAAB Sanitary Sewer Project. This project is scheduled for advertising next month. The plans are essentially complete except for verification from the }i.O.W. department as to easements. Please review and comment. Very truly yours~ D~cKI~soN-OSWALD g PARTNERS Lewis E. Dickin,;on LED:bv Attachment~2 sets of prints cc: Mr. Robert: Morris GAAB- PW Director LEWIS E. DICKINSON. P,E. MAURICE P. OSWALD, L.S. KENNETH B. WALDH, DIEP kRT ENT HI ALTII NVELFARE DTV~$~0N 01? ~VIE0~N~TAL H~^LTH / WILLIAU A, EGAN, Governor $OI~'fltCENT£AL ,~E~IONAL OFFICE ftO0l~ 222, MACKAY BUILOIN6 358 OENALI ST,~EET-- AlVCHO£A~£ 99501 December 1'?, 1970 Mr. Rolf Strickland, R.S. Environmental Health Supervisor GAAB Health Dept. 327 Eagle St. Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Dear Mr. s~i6'klan Re: Heights Sanitary Sewer Extenslon, Improvement: I)?':~TM~No. 15, GAABP~rk and Jellnek...~ The subject"p-~ns are approved for the features with this Department is concerned. An engineer representing the consulting firm which did these plans informs me that the GAAB Dept. of Public Works quite often makes changes aftem the plans have been reviewed by this Department. This was his reason for provid- ing me with an unstamped set of these plans. This is a highly undesimeable situation to say the least. In the future w~ ~ill require that only the finished plans be submitted to this Department for review and if necessary after the GAAB Dept. of Public Works has completed thei~ review and revisions have been made. We are only interested in the plans when they reflect the latest revisions. If you desire furthem clarification on this point, please feel free to contact me. KJC/j f cc: R.H. Britt James Anderegg Lewis Dickinson Yours truly, . Regional Sanitary Engineer SCRO-AnchoraEe GRE, , ANCHORA6E AREA HEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 EAGLE STREET* P. O. BOX 968 · ANCHORAGE, A~SKA 99501 DATE: Dece~o~ ].1, 1970 FROM: Aolf R. Strickland, R.S. ~Jnvironmental l~Iealth Supe~isor TO: Kyle,,Gh~rry, Reg. lh~g. San. .~ny~zomr~tal lleal~h, ~achorage su~JaCf:N~villa P~k ~d J~linek tleights 8~itary Sewer ~xtens~on ~3icki~ o~(,s~ald ~ ~artners) Tr~smitted horewi*h for your review and co]~aent is one set of plus ~d associated documents fo~ the subject projects. Your approval is reco]~mnded. USE THIS FORM FOR YOUR REPLY December 9, 1970 Greater Anchorage Area Borough Department of Health 327 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Attn: Mr. Cliff Judkins : ,tie: Nevilla Park and Jelinek tteights Sanitary'Sewer ~xtension Gent lemen: Transmitted.~:your approval are two sets of plans for the Sanitary Sewer NxtensiOn to serve th~ Nevilla Park and Jelinek Heights Subdivisions. This proposed system will tie into an existing G.A.A.B. trunk which was recently installed in the Muldoon area. Pipe sizes have been established to serve noi only the improvement area but also an additional 85 acres to the North of Boundary Ave. The 12" and 10" lines have been kept deep so that 'this additional area may be served at a later date. Inspection and administration will be performed by the Borough Dept. of Public Works with all construction conforming to their standards and specificat:lons. ()ur crews have located as many wells within the improvement district as possible, however, to make certain that adequate safety stand- 'ards are maintained, I would request that a well survey be performed by your department to confirm our findings. Enclosed are two additional key maps for your use in locating the wells. If any additional informa- tion is required, please contact us. The Department of Public Works has asked us to have these plans ready for bid by the 15th of January. Due to this early bid date, I would also request that the well survey be accomplished as soon as possible, ciated. Your prompt consideration and approval would be greatly appre- LED:bv Enclosure Yours ver~ truly, ,,~SON-OSW~L)D & PARTNERS Lewis E. Dickinson, P.E. LEWIS E. DICKINSON, P.E. MAURICE P. OSWALD, L.$, KENNETH B, WALCH, P,II. 1930 (;m~betl,,A.nohor~, A~.a~ka 99901 ,~l, llp ~, dasd 11 ,Y~ 1973, conce~.n~q~ their J':av~r°~ntal ~v'l~ ~'Om~ dWollin~ at 81~5 {~. lti;h A~n~* ~chor~, Al~ka. As lndlca~d, in t~.r ~Or~, Z~con~c~ %o av~tl~ ~ueO~ec~ MEMORANDUM TO VA PENDING FILE PROM R. ALEXANDER: SANITATIOM gRCRETAR¥ DATE APRII, 30, 1.963 SUBJECT. LETTER TO SPARKMAN & MC LEAN REGARDING NEVILLA PARK SUBDIVISION The original and two copies of a letter dated April 30, 1963, regarding the Nevilla Park Subdivision, was picked up by Mr. S. G. Heflin in order that it might be hand carried to the Sparkman & McLean office. Removed from our office on April 30, 1963. 30 April 1963 Sparkman & McLean Co. 440 5th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska Ne. villa Park Subdivision A~chorage, Alaska Daar Sirs: ~rt refereuce to the Nevilla Park Subdivision, Muldoon Road, Anchoraga~ Alaska, '£his deDarg~ia,~ will approve individual s~wage disposal ~ystems on a absox'pt:ion of s~wage~ ,~o wal:er ;interference, and a prescribed soils percolatlort Ces~ perforated by a rugistered engineer, The watur for th$a subdivision is supplied by Spenard Utilittes~ a company ghat ha~ bee~t ~nder close ~urveillan~e by thi~ department for a aumber ofmon~,s' ~' ~ al~d has been found ~o be a safe source of water. DAVID R. L. DUNCAN, M.D. Medical Direc~tor Do,mid }1. Penuer, Sanitarian D~P:ra 30 A~il 19~3 Nevilla Park 8ubdiviatou In ~:e~cw~ea Lo thc i,le'qill, a Park ,']ubdiviaion, iluldoon 'Aoad, Auc. horagc~ DAVit) g, L. DUN{I/~N~, DJ-1P ~ i~'a 546 4t:h Avenu:~ l~: Nevilla Park I. reference co I:he Novi. lla Park Subdivi,Dio~l, lacated on Muldoon until aoila pcrcolt~tton g~glI a~e pa~iormed o~ every loC. Also, a complage plan of the co~ammigy water ~yoceiu, i~dicatiug depth~ Thia dcpaz'tmeut wilt approve individual m-.wa~ di.~posal !~yatc~ms, o~ a lot to lot basi~ provided each lot imlic~ates adequate ~oil for abao~'p~;t.o~ of sewage, no wat~r table Lnterfer~mce, and ~ pro:mrfb~d pe~colatiolt tlfl~t perfol:l;~d by a ragistered ~,nain~r. DAVID R. l,. DUNCAN~ l~dical Director Donald DHP: ra J forward o~ any J~o~. than tho .;(~t1~dc distance required. ~oz' p~rti~,!ar buiidit~g:~. phtced oii the ~treet side ,)f the tfol. loi~lug lo~8 aimll not bo i~'[ore tha~.fo)ur ~d 68, ' ~,,, ~,J, 37, ,38~ 47, ,*o''~ 5'7~ ~, 67~. ~a!d ]1. and the'ua~ of &iy already installed ehall not bo permitted after one ~;y~}tems. inlctailml ht tho ~mbdivlM. on, either publLc tt, the following locations oniy~ and when hotalled, ~ .... ahail h~ ThiilSbudmar~g co~h~'b ~lha'[l. be t:he only ayes on the follow~ng iot~ where a 57, 69, 71, 731 15~ 77, Yh{(No:r'thea~t cotq~ dml_l -a the only area [,oo!,~; IwJ-l/ be isoCal, led; lots No~. 8, 10, 48, ~,~0, 52,' 54, 56, 513, I0, 72, 74, and umy be iiisLalicd; lot Nog, 9, 11, 13, !.6; 38, 41, 43, 4S, 41, 59, 65 at, d 67. tim follo~4ng !',Jr D)a. ltl. 19, 2~L 21, :g2, 23, 24. 25, 2~, 27 ~q &~ESrfRiCTiOt~S o~atng property itL the aul,dividion. ~'hea+ covenant~ a~:e to run with tho land ~nd ahalI ho binding on all ~rtio~' and parsons clraitdLng unda~ them fo~ a period of t~n'ty-five y~t'~ from the shall be auton~tl.¢atly extended ~or successive periods of ten yearn tm'tua~ at~ im;i:rt~nt ~Jigned by a r~m.'jority o~ the then o~ero of th~ lot~ fa recorded, agreeinli b) change ~laJ.d covatanta In part: or in whoio.