HomeMy WebLinkAboutJESSE D NICHOLS Community Well Informationnesse D. Nc\f\ols Commu Y Qe•ii imi4.o June 16, 1970 l,k. j~se D. Nichols Uoneral Deliver}' Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Dear ~.~. NiSeis: 'Ibis letter is to confimn the fact that Lots 12~ 15 and 14 of Nid'~ols Subdivision ~t be held by ~.h'. Nid~ols in order to provide, thc req~rod p'rotectiv~ r~i~ ~r a p~lic well on Lot 13. gincercly, CLI1TOFg) P..~DKINS, A~}inistrativ~ Director BY; JRL: rn cc: Assessing Department ? SePte~er 1985 ~ro Jesse Nlchol~ De~r ~ro ~lchol~ P~ ~lchols Subdivision Water The a~g~eet plans have b~n ~evfawed for compliance with the alaska Admini~t~tlv~ Code~ Chapter 2, Subchapter I as adopted by ~he Greater Anchorage Area ~oreugho 1~ You mu~ ~ain ~ner~hlp o~ Lots Ii~ ~ ~ ~d l~end p~ohth/~ ~he ln~alla~i~ of ~y se~a~e facilities on ~hese lo~ ~hi~Oul~ 20 The ~ate~ line muir b~ ~lo~ina~et as foil.s p~lo~ ~o ay u~eo in such a m~er that they ufil conflict ~fth aPp~ved uatev sup- ~adf~al ~y Fe p'l e River, September ?, 1965 ~nc~orage Boroush Dep't. of He~!lth 217 E. Street ~'~mchora ge, Als ska ;.ttention of }¥. Clifford Judkins De~r Sir: I herewith so?mit in duplicate the plan of suppqlying v~,~}ter to ray Subdivision at 5}~gie River for your inspect~ou ,~a' ~pprova] Also enclosed is a separ~;te detail.ed description of the improvements cs planned. Costs as estimated for the various itams ~re ¥~ell Hains & Connections Pump~ Tank & related eouipment PO;%D House Total Cost ~ 960.00 2,683.00 700.00 6o0.0o I rofe~ you to r~Uf banker~ i,T~ Richard ;farm';rd ~ ; Bank of Anchorage ss'~o ~:'fJ..naH~{al ~e~tn~i~it~ cz the,lasks ~ - .... _ .... ~ and ability %o oaFry out thJ_s project. Respect folly, iJ'T~, SEN, I~CE TO.,NIC~{OLS SUBDIV!S!ON~ ?YELL Depth 75 Feet ',?~-~ter Output approx~nahely '~nenty (2~) gallons Per minute. step lethal from s~.rface: ]t~'Fee~. CasinS perforated 68 fee~ to 73 feet fro~ surf,zee. Approx~imately ~ feet of gPo'ah around casing Case or drilling Page 1 of 2 ps?:eso i~ 96o. oo Drilled by Northern Drilling Company, F, agle River, Als, aka D '~ rz~~ler: D~le Pierson Kind of F ' or~P. tlon ! OR~_x [ ONe PASSED TNI~OUGH Color of SN3rted at Ended sb ~ ormebmon .¥hat depth '..b,a~ depth Total thickness of Forms tio_u Crs~vel-rock l~rown 0 20 20 Clay-gravel Grey 20 35 Clay-Sa nd Brown 3~ ~5 12 Clay-gravel OFey~ Sand-gravel Black 68 7~ Clay Blue 75 78 5 (S~gned) Dele Pierson~ Driller. ~,rA TER };rain lin. es 2" g~lvanized pipe. SERVICE CONNECTIONS: 3/Zt" pipe. Both lines to be mnsos±_eo !0' belo~',~ the surface. Curb Stops: 3/l~" cu. rb stops ~ill be" ~ -I ' 2' ~.nstal~e~ inside property line 10' from corner. Clean-out plugs ~ill be instal!ed st e~,ch end of main line for periodic clash Service co_~mection lines w/curb stops will be installed after cons'0mer has mede ~p]~ lication for v.,:~ber service. Ail ne~ m~terial purchased from ~. ~o Z ~ ' v~, __. ~lumbz.ng Comp~ny sb ..... ~le River, ~leska ~,pprox-{~mte cost: Pipe &, Fittin~Is: ~!900, }:-'.,scavsbing~ backfill & Clearing} ~1 ~'~ __, . ;. ~ x.,--~ p ~ Labor: ~ ~ ~2 6~3 O0 o6'~8, Total estiraabed cash of~,~o .... bop ?'i~ls & Connec6ions: ,TAT~ SE!~V!CE TO NICHOLS SUBDZV_i_SION~ PGLE Rt\8~R~ 2LASKA Page 2 One horsepov:er Submersible Pump with all accessories and fit~ingso One ~O0--ssllon Sslvsni%ed NsteP hsnk~ dilmeter 3~ X 10' ¥iilsh all fi~tings. A!l ner~ e:uipment purchased from A ho Z Plumbing Co/~?a. ny~ Eagle River,~ Zlaska Cost: ~}700.00 PN,'P HOUSE 6~ X 12'~ 8t~ndsrd fr,}me construction 7!/ concrete fo'ond;~hion. Outside: Red¥{ood sJ.ding~ sLained~ Door: Fiber-glass i.nsulo.~ed. PibeP-glsss insols~ed ceiling and side l%eofing: !/2" P1p'~ood shethinS. 95J~ Rock surface Roofing ?per. NeaLins: Electric heater !~/~hePmosLstio Electric entre}nee box & meter. Cos~: 7~pproxJ.:~ahely {}600.00 ELEVATION OF !iELL & PU}{P -~" ~on' 25~ to ~0' above s].l four corners of Subdivision. S~:PPIC ..... l x~ & CESSPOOLS Septic tanx"s {~nd cesspools are ell__ over 260'~ dist,?ncc fron v~teP well. _]~:-~ch purchaser of a lob in bhe subditd, sion is given ~ 1//166h shsPe in ~he !.,~8~ep supply sysbem~ nJ~h ~he subdivider re6aining con~rol of bhe msnagement. At such time as yin,reP is aw},ilsble from a bona fide Public U~itity or ~iu.nicipal ?aber Company., e!l Pigh%s-of-¥~ays~ ~;eell~ e~c. ~ Rill Fever% ho Jesse D. Nicho].s~ his he'.Ps uP assip~nee ¢'i (FS-'I44)FO 03~093A~ON~ C }, (86-17)F0 (84-465) F0