HomeMy WebLinkAboutJEWEL LAKE TERRACE LT 3 Septembsr 23~ 1977 976700 Bob Walthall 9031 Emerald Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Subjects Permit Expir tlon Dear ~. Walthall~ · A permit issued by this departm~nt~for well and/or on-site sewer installation on Lot 3 Jewel Lake Terrace Subdivision has expired since the issue date exceeds one (1) year. In the event you ~ttlt plan to ~ns~all the w~ll and/or site sewer system~ a new pez~it is r~quiredo The original soil t~st may be use~ to obtain a c%~rent permit. If the,Well has been drilled, a well lo9 should be sent to this ~epar~aent to document the installation date. If Y°U~ have any questions re9ardin9 the above matter, please do not: hesitate to contact this office' Lu~ediately at 264- 4720~ g~erely, RObert c.. Pratt, ~J~nitar~an / !...3 ..:rli:!:FtiZL, I.,.i=il<:IiS: T[3::i:R . .. ::, .:. I.. il . :. 'T'HE L.E:I",!Cii'['H [::, :[ i"lEl'.,l'='!!; :~ Ol'.,I ]: :i:i; Ti-'l[:i: L. EI'-,IGTH TH[ii: Ii::,lii~t.:'"l"l.I OF:' I:::1 "t't:;i:E::I'.,iCH OF;: F:'ZT :[:i!i; 'THE G F;;: Et LI F,II::, 'i"HE:I::;:E!: :i: L.'"; I'.,tO :i~:lE"r' I.,.! :1: D'TH F:'O~: THE: f:::!I",i[::, 'i'l...ll~i~: EI(:)TTOI',I Ed:::' THE: lii~:=.~:l::i:::l~,,,'l::T'l''] ]: C:[ii:t:;i:"l" :l: I:::".r' 'THF:fT August 11, 1976 R & M NO. 656283 Bob Wathall 9031 Emerald Drive Anchorage, Alaska RE: Test Hole and Soil Log Report for Sanitary System Jewel Lake Terrace Lot 3 Section 10 T12N R4W Dear Mr. Wathall: We are submitting herewith the test boring results and our comments regarding soil conditions encountered at the subject site. This investigation was performed in accordance with your request of August 4, 1976, and those procedures outlined in a letter dated July 15, 1975, by Mr. Rolf Strickland of the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Department of Environmental Quality. A single test hole was put down within the subject site area for the purpose of defining general subsurface soil conditions for the proposed sanitary system. Excavation was accomplished with an auger type drilling rig and the test hole was extended to a total depth of 20 feet below ground surface. The final log prepared for the test hole has been included in Drawing A-01. Ground water was not encountered in the test hole while drilling. Based on visual classification of the soil and the requirements set by the Municipality of Anchorage, it has been determined that a percolation test is not necessary on the subject site. We appreciate being given this opportunity to be of service to you. Should you have any questions with regard to the above, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours, R & M CONSULTANTS, INC. James W. Rooney~ Vice President /~g~ JWR/ddp x¢: GAAB 8/6/76 T.H. 1 0' --~. S~l~_y Organic Material Sand w/some gravel 4I Gravel w/some Sand (GP) Sand w/Tr Silt (sw) -13.5' 20' T.D. No Water Table W.D. soil conditions within. Lot Jewel Lake Terrace Sec,lp ID-aTE: 8/6/76 R&N1 CONSULTANTS, INC. Sanitary Sewer Test Hole Bob Wathall Anchorage, Alaska IIF'8. GRID: 1/PROJ.NO, 656283 jLow . o. -Ol ~J. ~7- , 5?6 LOT 2 S 86943,~5. E 219,30' ~b .31,0 ~ o ; f ,, w:~,o ~ N 89 58 45' - 30' Anchor Easement P~OPOSEP LOq HOqgE ON CONCR-E'FE [~A.~EMENd' LOT 3 ~- I,N ooo D~cK. 196,97 LOT 4 LOT 56 SCALE I" = 30' TOP or FOUN~TION WALL ELEVATION = [OC]' ~ ' ~LEW~,O.S GAAB 1972 P.[.A.~D ~o~0b Wal thal 1 IOEPLOT PLAN JHH "~T-~ 6- 7 6 I' I] ' 81lllO0. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSlR[LITY OF THE BUILDER OR OWNER TO VERIFY THAT BUILDING LOCATION SHOWN MEETS ALL SUBDIVISION COVENANTS AND LOCAL ZON- ING CODES AND ORDINANCES. LOT 3 , BLOCK - JEWEL LAKE TERRACE !}apartme~H; of EnvSro~]mental Qu~!ity 3500 Tudo~ 5h:,ad, &nchorage, Alaska 99507 270-8686 Time of Inspection .~,~. Date of !nsnec~ion 6. Wel] Data: 7. Sewage Discos'a? System: Oeot!~. ........... f]acteria i Ana!Tsis A. Installed 8, Instal]er C, Septic Tank~ 1. Size 2, Manufacturer D~ Seepage Pit: ]o Size 2, Material Eo Disposal F~eld: Tots] Length of Lines Distances: A. Well To: Septic Tank .................... , Absorption Area , Sewer Lines , Nearest Lot Line o Other Contamination Foundation to Sm>tic Tank "> AbSorption Area C, Absorption Area to Nearest Lot 'Line July 28, 1972 Mary Ynostroza, Social Worker Department of Health & Social Services Room 222 HacKay ~uildtn§ 338 benali Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Subject; Lot 3, Jewel Lake Yerrace Subdivision Dear tis. Y))ostroza: Tf~is depart)~ent is unable to deter~iine what the sewer system servtn~j the subject proper~y co~sists of. The well ~ppears to be serving ~ore tha~) one family, c)assif(es it as a se;r)i-p~bltc wello If this is the c~se, the se~:;i-))ublic ,~ell distances trrom the. well 'to the sea*er sys~et~ have not bee~) ~,~et. Therefore, this department is unable to approve or disapprove th~ ~.~.ter and se~,~er systems for th~ subject property. If you have any questto)~s regarding the above, please contact this office. Sincerely, Lynn S. Co~d Sanitarian II mb cc: Hr. Robert Walthral , ORANDUM TO= r Lynn S. Code Greater Anchorage Area Borough Department of Environmental Quality 3500 Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99507 FROM: APPROVED: Miss Mary C. Ynostroza Social Worker I ~ Anchorage DO Mrs. Mildred L. Hayes (Acting) District Representative Stete ef Aleske DATE : 6/29/72 SUBJECT: I'm in the process of studying a home as a perspective foster home. The well is a source of their water and a lab analysis will have to be done. It is the home of a Mr. & Mrs. Robert Walthral and it is located at 1931 Emerald in An- chorage. Both Mr. & Mrs. Walthral are employed and it would be a good idea to call before you go out. Their phone number is 344-7103. Thank you for your cooperation. NCY/rh 'JUL 7 t 72 GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL (~UAL;TY