HomeMy WebLinkAboutJEWEL LAKE TERRACE Lots 6-A, 6-B, and 6-C S-4802 2700 EAST TUDOR ROAD ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99507 TELEPHONE (907) 277.6591 January 25, 1979 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Central Alaska Utilities has been requested by the property owner of Lot 6A, 6B, and 6C of Jewel Lake Terrace Subdivision to extend water service north from the existing main to a point which would allow service to all lots as mentioned above. The Utility has conducted a preliminary study and will be cir- culating ballot cards for owner participation during February 1979. Should we obtain the necessary 66 2/3% "yes" vote, we would extend main line service during the 1979 construction season. CENT~L ALASKA ~T~LITIES ~ zery R. 'BOW~es ,..'"Customer Service Manager mb SERVING SUBURBAN ALASKA Mrs. C. J. Hoschouel~ Pl~mlng Assistant Grea'ter Anchorage Area Borough Planning Department 10l~ Nomthern Lights Boulevard Anchorage ~ Alaska Dear Mrs. Hoschouer: SUBJECT: I~ e~lly S ' ' ' R ' Ubdxvxsxon _ Teng~e~g Subdxvlsion-Finai. ~. Lake Spena~d PaPk Subd. - Final. 5. Burton Subdivision _ 6. Bruce Subdivlslon . Final. 7. Della Vlsta Subd.. CS S-1062 . 8. Alyeska Basln Subd. - Final. 9. Boling SubdiviSion CS No. S-1068 . Final. 10. T~acts 1 ~ 2~ N~ 1/g~ NE i/g~ Sec. 30~ T12N, R3W~ S~M. CS No, S-1069 . We have reviewed the subject plats for 'sewerage disposal and water mupply feasibility~ our comments are as follows: 1. Rei~l S~ivi~on _ Final. No conmmnt. 2. Jewel Lake -~ .... Terrace 3o T_~ee.~~dlvislon ~ Final~ ~e ¢oncu~'F~ 5. Bur~ton Subdivision . Final. · txons ~ ~ca~'$.on will PZ'obably not s%tppo~t on St~e sewage disposal systems~ This ~Partment has beton Cs. No. GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH 104 W. NORTHERN LIGHTS BLVD. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA PLAT STATUS DATE: Borough Tax Assessor Borough H~h,,.~p,~.m~' , Anchorage Natural Ga:s Corporation Chugach Electric Associai.i:on, Inc. City of Anchorage F_ire Marshall City of Anchorage Traffic Engineer City of Anchorage Telephone U~ility City of Anchorage Public i~orks Dept. Charles Harvard Alaska Railroad Spenard District Alaska Department of Highways Central Alaska Utilities Matanuska Electric Assoc. Matanuska Telephone Assoc. Asst. Superintendent of Mails City of Anchorage Property fdanagement Agent City of Anchorage Municipal Light and Power Dept. Dick IVatts - Planning Coordinator Re: Subdivision/~ Resl~bli1.vjslol~/ Vacation Description of Property: Gentlemen: LC'LE~ Petition has been received by the Greater ~chorage Area Borough Planning and Zoning Commission for the proposed of subject property, Attached is a copy of the proposed plat. ~Vitl you please submit your comments in writing, specifying any easements or other requirements that your department or system may need. If we do not hear from .you by assume that you do not wish to submit any~o~en~. we will Very truly yours, NOTE: 6/8/66 Planning Assistant If you have no. further use for attBched plat, please return with your comments. [~ ALt(~ 3 1966 GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA f)rovided that s~bdJvis[on P¢-~s[P:cLiona S~acif~c, al]~, and Wdtep fac.f i:[ Ii. es mu;:;L meeL Uopo~lgh Hnal-~h :~ c e t J, on s ,~ !)~ Jewel Lake TorPdce~ .... ~ - -<1 thai: ~-~!.1 sew~p~e disposal and wdtep Supp1}~ l,t(::.iJ..i.t'ies ape c. onaitPtcted in ac:c:oPdelice wl~t'h IboPoL~8h t ea21_'i:t~ l)epapN~ent spec:iflcal[ons~, Jewel f,ake is used as a swimm:n ~e col~cuP pPov~d~::d t:hat soi'l condl'[:ions ape aclequ~Le for, sewage dJs2d, sa_[ dnd f-t~z'Ute:p ppov:ided [hat t:he subdivision meet }3oPou~{h 4eai'i;h Depar'tmen[: Soec{fications~ ]1~ Beu~t{:i'e Si:)dlv{s~on C Pd' / C c GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH 104 lq. NORTHERN LIGHTS BLVD. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA PLAT STATUS DATE: Ji.u';~e % 2.966 Borough Tax Assessor ~orough Health Department Anchorage Natural Gas Corp. Chugach Electric Assoc., Inc. City of Anchorage Fire Marshall City of Anchorage City of Anchorage City of Anchorage City of Anchorage City of Anchorage Traffic Engineer Telephone Utility Public IVorks Dept. Charles Harvard Alaska Railroad Spenard District Alaska Dept. of Highways Central Alaska Utilities Matanuska Electric Assoc. Matanuska Telephone Assoc. Asst. Superintendent of Mails Property Management Agent ~nicipal Light and Power Dept, Re: Subdivision/ Description of Property: Subdivi,uic, n o.f Je,,~e~l ~" ........ ~ ~. 65~ locrt~d in ,Section 1.% ~i']gF' 21,5i~ r Petition has been received by the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Planning and Zoning Commission for the proposed subdivi~ion of subject property. Attached is a copy of the proposed plat. Will you please submit your comments in writing, specifying any easements..or other requirements that your department or system may need. If we do not hear from you by J~e 22~ t966 assume that you do not wish to submit any comments. Our next scheduled meeting after above date will be we will Very truly yours, Planning Assistant NOTE: If you have no further use for attached plat, please return with your comments. ENGINEERS -- sURVEYORS ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 723 - 6TH AVENUE June 7, 1966 Chairwoman Greater Anchorage Area Borough Zoning and Planning Commission 104 Northern Lights Blvd. Anchorage, Alaska Gentlemen: We hereby request preliminary approval of Jewel Lake Terrace. The purpose of this subdivision is to create smaller lots for future residential construction. At the present time water and sewer will be by on-site methods, however, a community system is anticipated in the near future. Respectfully submitted, Michael J. & Onnolee Mo O'Neill Box 2000, Anchorage Owners By:/'Joel Lounsbury Office Manager dL/dlm $ NOIJVOIjU~t33XV. 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