HomeMy WebLinkAboutJODHPUR Lots 1A & 3 Plat# 92-100 S-9150 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE MEMORANDUM DATE: November 14, 1991 TO: Department of Economic Development and Planning Zoning and Platting THRU: FROM: John Smith, P.E., Program Manager, On-site Services Department of Health and Human Services ~~ Susan Oswalt, On-site Services ~ Department of Health and Human ~ervices SUBJECT: Request for Comments on Subdivision(s) The Environmental Services Division, On-site Services Section, of the Department of Health and Human Services has reviewed the following cases and has these comments: S-9150: Lots iA, 3 Jodhpur Subdivision ~1 We have now received additional information on the proposed development. We are still missing water availability information on this development. Prior to final plat, the applicant must provide us with percolation testing (performed according to the E.P.A- Design Manual, p. 41). MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: October 21, 1991 Jerry Weaver, Platting Officer, DECP John Smith, P. E., Mgr., On-Site Services, DHHS_~JQ~ S-9150, Jodhpur S/D We are returning the above case. The lots in this subdivision will apparently be served by on-site wastewater disposal systems and private wells. Since none of the information required by either AMC 15.65 or AMC 21 was included with the application, we are unable to review the case. Should this information be submitted as required, we will be glad to evaluate this project. Encl. cc: Don Alspach /425 L 0 T 4.5~tA& - . 5ZS.~G' I 3. ~G \ ~8~o SO' lS" kV (ENGINEER'S SEAL) Munlclpallly o! Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG ~ PERCOLATION TEST Allan W. WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? SLOPE SITE PLAN IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Oeplh to Waler After 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 lg 20 Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Data Time Time Water Drop (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER ~ ,I TEST RUN BETWEEN --7 . FT AND "7. ~' Fl' COMMENT" 72-008 (Rev. 4/85) MACHINE USED ~ >%~;~ ~- ~ k '[Ca<c _A.~ Murfitt Company_ HOLE ~ ~ METHOD USED SOILS LOG TOTAL DEPTH TIME STARTED ~i,~b~ ... FINISHED ~',3D~ DATE VEGETATION, DRAINAGE · gENERAL TOPOGRAPHY gROUND WA~ER ~~/~ ~i~/o o ~/~/~ ; ~ ~/~ ~ VARYINg~ ICE ~PE~ BONDINg OR TOUeHNESg~ DRILLINg NOTEg FF , , Permit No. Page -~ of 4 Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION P.O. Box 196650 · Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 · Telephone: 343-4744 On-Site Wastewater Disposal System and/er4Ne!! Inspect!on Report Legal Description: LOT f/~ 73DC:t4Lt,~ ~Lt~D. ["~'~j~ I PID No' GRA IN SIZE DISTRIBUTION PROJECT. D. Kincaid, Jodphur Subd. Addn. #1 I_OCATION OF PROJECT Lot lA, Anchorage, Ak .. SAMPLE NO. 1 -2 TESTED BY DS JOB. NO. 91-234.01 BORING/TEST PIT NO. 1 DEPTH OF SAMPLE 8 to l0 Ft. DATE OF TESTING 10/31/91 GRAVEL SAND COURSE TO FINE SILT CLAY MEDIUM PERCENTAGES 1.1 68.5 30.4 U.S. standard sieve sizes I 1 oo 8O ~ 60 20 0 Grain diameter, mm SOIL DESCRIPTION SILTY SAND (SM), light brown. Natural Moisture 13.2%. Laboratory Percolation Rates (1/92): 8 min./in, at 8 to 8.5 Ft. & 6 min./in, at 8.5 to 9.0 Ft. SOIL CLASSIFICATION SILTY SAND (SM). OTHER TESTS PLATE A.W. Murfitt Company_ 2 CONSULTING F2NGINEERS & TESTING Munlclpallly ol Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Slreet, Anch6rage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST {ENGINEER'S SEAL) Township, Range, Section: ~ ~ ,~1~,) ~.~ ~,~ SLOPE SiTE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED7 .~0 S L IF YES, AT WHAT O DEPTH? p E ~eplh lo Waler After I MonllorinD? Id0/~, Date: Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE ~--' ~ .(minutes/nch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN ~, 0 FT AND ~"-~ FT 72-~8 (Rev, 4/851 MACHINE USED ............................ ~ ~z~,~ A.W. Murfitt Company. iHoLE ~' [ ~v~oo us~o SOILS LOG rOyaL oe~v. ~,~ ~, PROJECT ~, TIME STARTED J~OP~ FINISHED Z~0F~ DATE VEGETATION, DRAINAGE 6 GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY GROUND WATER 0 ~ 0 I 5- .... ~ - GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION PROJECT D. Ktncaud, ,h:~:[~d. Addn. #1 LOCAl]ON OF PROJECT Lot 3, Anchorage, Ak SAMPLE NO. 2-~_ TESTED BY DS JOB. NO. 01 -93a~01 BORING / TEST PIT NO. 2 DEPTH OF SAMPLE 11.5 tO~3--F~ DATE OF TESTING 10/~!/9] GRAVEL SAND COURSE TO FINE SILT CLAY MEDIUM PERCENTAGES 2.5 74,3 23.2 U.S. standard sieve sizes I 1 oo 80 ~ 60 20 o Grain diameter, mm SOILDESCRIPTION__SAND (SP), wJ_th SILT, light brown. Natural MniRt,J~ 11_6% SOILCLASSIFICAIlON SAND (SP). OTHER TESTS PLATE A.W. Murfitt Company_ (3 CONSULTING ENGINEERS & TESTING Murfitt Company_ CONSULTING ENGINEERS & TESTING 13810 Venus Way [] Anchorage, Alaska 99515 [] (907) 345-2737 Mr. R. D. Kincaid 3835 West 35th Avenue Anchorage, AK 9951.7 November 11, 1991 RE: Subsurface Soil Conditions Proposed Subdivision Jodphur Subdivision, Addition #1, Lots lA and 3 Anchorage, Alaska Our Job 91-234.01 Dear Mr. Kincaid: Pursuant to your request, two (2) test borings were drilled on October 28, 1991 at the locations shown on the attached Site Plan, Plate 1 to evaluate subsurface soil and groundwater conditions in order to finalize the Plat for the referenced proposed subdivision. Also attached, are the logs of the two borings as well as soil grainsize reports for a soil sample from each boring. This letter report is intended to summarize our findings. The proposed subdivision is located immediately south and west of the intersection of Jodphur Street and Kincaid Road in Anchorage, Alaska. The subdivision is generally located northwest of the now abandoned Sand Lake sand pits. The sites have large, mature stands of birch, with sparse spruce and alders as vegetation. Drilling was done in two cleared areas, one for each lot, in areas where future septic system drain fields could be located. Both holes were drilled to depths of 16.5 feet and 1-1/2" di~neter, slotted, PVC standpipes were installed in each hole to allow future ground water level observations. Observations for ground water were made on October 28, 1991, November 5, 1991, and Novel)er 9, 1991. Soil samples recovered from each boring were returned to our Anchorage soils testing laboratory for visual examination and testing. Both lots, in excess of three acres, appear to be well drained and the areas where the borings were made appear to be ideally suitable for the disposal of on-site waste water. The site soils consist of relatively loose, water and wind worked, near surface SANDY SILTS (ML) underlain by SILTY SANDS (SP) which are co,~lon to this area of Anchorage. No ground water was observed in these borings and it is highly unlikely that a ground water table woald be present in the 30 feet of the soil profile in view of the sand mining pits adjacent to this subdivision. We estimate that the SILTY SAND (SP-SM) soils below a depth of to 8 feet at each site to have a waste water soil absorption rate of 100 to 150 square feet per bedroom, however, we have retained sufficient soil samples to perform falling head permeability testing to more accurately evaluate the soil absorption rate at each site. This additional testing can be performed at your request once the final Plat has been approved. Page 2. D. Kincaid 91-234.01 November il, 1991 A review of the Municipality of Anchorage, Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Environmental Services, On-site Services Section files indicated that there were no recorded wells or septic systems within 200 feet of the lot lines of this proposed subdivision. We appreciate this opportunity to be of continued service. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions or, if we can be of additional assistance. Yours truly, A.W. Muyf~tt Company Civil Engineer 4977-E ATTACHMENTS: Site Plan. Test Boring Logs, 1 and 2. &rainsize Distributions. / / / / L/or IA 3. ZG -+Ac. ~ACHINE USED ; ~q~x~,~ ~-to\ vPj~q<, A.W. Murfitt Company_ ..... ,o~ I ~ I METHOB USED SOILS LOG ~" ~ : ........ TOTAL DEPTH, ~'~'~ PROJECT ~, T~E START[D ~, F~N~SH[D ~',~ DATE VEGETATION~ DRAINAGE 6 GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY' GROUND WA~ER TIME I ~4 1'.3oF~ ~ ~ DEPTH ~3~)~ LOCATION DIAGRAM ~ NOTES. ~R~O SU,~', ~" ~ ~ m j m a a ~ ~ ~ ~ VARVINg~ ICE ~PE, BONDING OR TOUgHNESS~ DRILLINg NOTES ~ I / -'""- HJ" - .... ~ - - A~'ctlc Civil and Geotechnlcal Engineering Consultants i SH EE T_L_ OF ~ _ MACH~N~ USED ~q~ g-bt v~c.~ '.: A.~ Murflt~ Company_ ~HO~ us~ SOILS LOG g~ ~2~ TOTAL DEPTH I~,S F~, _ VEGETATION~ DRAINAGE & eENERAL TOPOGRAPHY GROUND WA~ER ~- ~i ~ ..... , ','",, ,",'": , ........ GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION PROJECT D. Kincaid, Jodphur Sub& Addn. #1 LOCATION OF PROJECT Lot 1Al Anchorages Ak SAMPLE NO. 1-2 TESTED BY DS JOB. NO. 91-234.01 BORING/TESTPITNO. 1 DEPTH OF SAMPLE 8 to 10 Ft. DATE OF TESTING 10/31/91 loo GRAVEL SAND COURSE TO FINE SILT CLAY MEDIUM PERCENTAG ES 1.1 68.5 30.4 U.S. standard sieve sizes I 8O ~; 6O 20 SOIL DESCRIPTION o Grain diameter, mm SILTY SAND (SM)~ light brown. Natural Moisture 13.2%. SOIL CLASSIFICATION SILTY SAND (SM). OTHER TESTS PLATE A.W. Murfitt Compan 0 CONSULTING ENGINEERS & TESTING ~-- GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION PROJECT D. Kincaudi d°dphur Suhd. Addn. #l LOCATION OFPROJECT LOt 3, Anchorage, Ak SAMPLE NO. 2-2 TESTED BY DS JOB. NO. gl -734.0! BORING/TEST PIT NO. 2 DEPTH OF SAMPLE 11,5 tO 1 3 Ft. DATE OF TESTING 1 n/3!/9! 'GRAVEL SAND COURSE TO FINE SILT CLAY ~ MEDIUM PERCENTAGES ?_~ : 74,3 23.2 ! U.S. standard sieve sizes ' r Grain diameter, mm SOIL DESCRIPTION SAND (SP)? with SILT: light brown. Natural Moigturo SOIL CLASSIFICATION SAND (SP). A.W. Murfit~!c0mpa ~ny~~ ' OTHER TEsTs PLATE CONSULTING ENGINEERS & TE~TING '~ 3 DESCRIPTION LOT 27, HERITAGE HEI?~TS SUBDIVISION ( ~ Sec. lA, T12N, R3W, S.M., AK) Records of the Anchorage Recording District, Third Judicial District, State of Alaska. _ _ L f ..... ~ , CERTIFICATE ~ U...~~:..:~'¢' SURVEYOR FOR .... TITLE IN.RANGE PURPOSES ONLY~ I, CIInt Flnst~d, ~ registered L~nd Surveyor in the State of Alaska, hereby certify thor the improvements I~ted within the ~bove described trdct, ~nd th~t these improvements lie ~olly within the.property lines, ~nd,do not overlap onto ~dj~cent property, thdt no Improvements on ~e property lying ~djdcent thereto encrouch upon the pr~mises in question except ~s s~wn, dnd]~t th~o~dw~ys, transmission lines, or ~ny other visible e~semenfs, except Clinton Fin~t~d - Lmnd Surveyor.- 3908-S Prepared For: HENRY T,4 YLO,~' ZGO K Street Su/'te I01 Xnchoroge, XK 99501 Pre. pared F~ y..: F/ns/od E¢ Xssoc/oles d.~£/'ngstad E¢ Xssoc/ales R O. Box I0-112~ Xnchoroge, Xk. ~11 27~- /25S~ 544-7205 Date: ,/o/2/;'~, Scale: / "; 50' Job No. '4'°7~'/'~ Fid. Vol. z~-o2. Dwn. L.,4. G. Chk. /~' J' P' r