HomeMy WebLinkAboutJON LT 1 '~NICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Heal'and Environmental Protec~ , Fourth Floor West 825 L Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM NAM _ , . LOCATIO~ SEPTIC TANK DISTANCE FROM WELL_ MANUFACTURER PHONE c,,q ii MATERIAL NUMBER OF EOM PA RTM ENTS INSIDE LENGTH INSIDE WIDTH LIQUID DEPTH LIQUID CAPACITY.__ GALLONS TILE DRAIN FIELD DISTANCE FROM WELL # of Lines ABSORPTION AREA_ DEPTI t FOUNDATION DISTANCE BETWEEN LINES TOP OF TILE lO FINISH GRADE NEAREST LO[ LINE TOTAL LENGTH .OF LINE TRENCH WIDTH IN TOTAL EFFECTIVE SQ FT LENGTH OF EACH LINE DEPTH OF FILTER MATERIAL BENEATH TILE __IN ABOVE TILE IN SEEPAGE PIT' Log Crib Rings BUILDING FOUNDA'fION__ DIAMETER OR WIDTH .... LENGTH , DEPTH Crib S~ze: DIAMETER___DEPTH DISTANCE FROM WELL TOTAL EFFECTIVE NEAREST LOT LINE . ABSORPTION AREA (WALL AREA) ,.SD FI Well Class: Depth: Well D~stance To: Lot Line Bldg: Sewer Line: P~pe Materials: # of Bedrooms: Installer: Remarks: D AT E~)~.,~-- .~A P P R O V E [ ' " 825 '"L" srF:'.EET., RNC:HORRF~E., RK LOCRT I ON TTMI3 THY ' LEGAL El,-'2 OF L'r ~4 JUN NRXIMIJM NUMBER OF BEB~_ILH:, = THE RE~T~IJiRED SIZE OF THE SOIL HB~LRFTION S'¢S'IEM 1S B. FLF'-F H= J_2 L EMI3 i- THE LENGTH DIMENSION IS THE LENGTH (IN FEET) OF THE TRENCH OR DRA1NFIELD THE DEPTH OF R TRENCH OR PIT' IS [HE DISTANCE BETWEEN THE SURFACE ['iF ]HE GROUND AND IHE BOTTOM OF IHE Ek~[.:.RVRTION (1N FEET;, THERE I~, NO SE[ WIDTH FOR TRENCHES [HE GRAVEL DEPTH IS THE MINIMUM DEPTH OF GRAVEL BETWEEN THE OUTFALL PiPE AND THE BOTTOM OF I"HE EXCAVATION (IN FEET:) F'AC:i-(:~'-IGE F"I Al'-.ll' ~::,F'-F I r._)t'-.I fl PAC:K'AGE PLANT MAY E;E INSIRLLED RT THE PERMITTEE"'S OPTION SUBJECT TO FHE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS .1 EZIHER A CLASS I OR I1 NSF APPROVED PLANT MA'r' BE INSTALLED 2 A CONTINUOUS MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT IS REQUIRED IF A MAINTENANCE AGREEMENF IS NO[ KEPT CURRENF YOU MAY BE REQLtlRED 10 ENLARGE filE S~;OIL AB2..ORPIlUN S¥SFEM RND.,"OR YOU MAN' BE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION -r l.,,..I ,:l ,-: 2 .:. i t'-.I ~ F F_ _. T ICI I'-.I ~_"; R 14: E F." f{ ~:.::! ~.-~ i F-" F_' BACKFILLING UF ANY ~]EH WIIHOUT FINAL INSF'EC [IUN AND APPF.:O',,,'AL B'¢ 1HIS DEF'AF..'TMENI' WILL BE _sUE, JEL. T TO FRO:,EUUTICIN bllFIIMUM DI.~] ANCE'Z ' BETWEEN A WELL AND ANY ON-S1 [E c-_,ELiHLJE--, .... DISPOSAL S'¢SI'EM 1S .1~_a0 FEET FOR'. A PRIVRIE WELL OR 200 FEEl" FUR A FUBLJ_ WELL .... '- -' I ....... '1 '" "' ~ '""" ': OTHER REL:.!UIF.'.EMENI'S MAY AF'F'L¥ ,=,pEf".IF1CRTIi_~INS AND ULN~IRU~IiLN D1HIJRHII_, ARE AVAILABLE 1CI IN_c, URE F~CFER INN, TALLAT10N F"F_:I~."I"""i I "r F2_.-"~. F ~ F.."E "~. 13',E ~,~ECI"'~E. EF~." _~::~,... '-IL"=-" ,"" i I_.ER1 IF ~ 1 HAT ,. ---,c · 1 I RM FAMILIAR W1 [H THE RE~I,JIREMEN1''~ FOR FIN-C;ITE =,EWERS_, AND WELLS AS .SE [ FORTH BY THE MLINICIPALI"F¥ OF ANCHORAGE · -, ' ....... ' -."- Nll"H THE CODES -- 1 WILL INSIALL THE S¥SI'EM 1N HI~UI_IRDHNUE 3 I UNDER_,IHND 'FHAT "[HE ON-SITE SEWER SN~FEfl MAY RE2(JIRE ENI_HRJEMENI IF '[HE RESIDENCE IS REMLIDELED FID INCLUDE MORE FHRN ~ ~EDROOMS Z SSUEE:, E¢¥- _ ........ E:,R I E_ __~ ..... 2204 Cleveland Anchoraqe~ ~laska 99503 Performed For $cha¢~le 3xeavatznq Oate Performed 8-24-77 Le~al ~escr~t~on' Lot 1 Block Subdivision 5on Th~s Form Renorts So~s Loq ¥__~es, (~ 1/2o~ lot 24)Percolation Test neoth Soll Characteristics ~et 6"To~ soz! 2~ 6 Brown S~lt Interlayed Black Coal & Gravel,. 12-- Gray Sand 14 - 16 18 20 Bottom of Test Hole Was Ground Water Encountered~ I~ Yes, At what Denth~ Read~nQ Date Gross Time Denth to H20 Net Dron Net T~me Percolation Rate ~nute Proposed Installation. Seenaoe Pit Dra~n F~eld Denth of Inlet Den~ Cn~,ENTS 125 square feet'd~a~na~e area recLg~re~_~d.~r bed~om_f~_om __ m~nus 10' to 15.5'. Date. _ Anchorage 3000 A~'~IC BOULEVARD ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 277-7622 GEORGE M SULLIVAN, MA YOR DEPARTMENT OF ENTERPRISE ACTIVITIES Sewer & Water Ut~hty September 13, 1979 Mr. James A. Kudrna Colonial Realty, Inc. 4460 Business Park Blvd. Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Dear Mr. Kudrna: Lot l, Jon Subdivision, is in T~mothy Sanitary Sewer Lateral Improvement District #96. This project is presently under design and scheduled for construction in 1980. The Anchorage Water & Sewer Utilities can in no way guarantee that the construction of this L.I.D. will be completed during the 1979 construction season. From time to time, problems are encountered in design and construction that may delay completion of the L.I.D. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. ~S~OSE VICENTE~/P.E. ~//~r~tglel~at~eErn~l~ee~err Utilities JV:MK:mm File: 05-05-040-00096 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ~ ~ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONDEPT OF t~EALTH & 825 L Street - Anchorage, Alaska 99501 ENVIRONMENTAL PROrFCTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION AU6 1 6 197g Telephone 264-4720 REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL WATER AND SE&E ~iLVI'B~ DIRECTIO~IS Complete all parts on page 1 Incomplete requests wdl not be processed Please allow ten (10) days for processing I PROPERTYOWNER ~)j~J PHONE ,~ MAILING ADDRESS' PROPERTY RESIDENT (If different from above) PHONE PHONE 3 LENDING INSTITUTION J PHONE ~AI LINg ~D~ ESS PHONE MAILING ADDRESS 5 LEGAL DESCRIPTION ' ;TREET LOCATION 6 TYPE OF RESIDENCE I NUMBER OF BEDROOMS ~ ~ ~ Four ~INGLE FAMILY ~ Two ~ Fwe ~ MULTIPLE FAMILY ~ Three ~ S~x [] Other 7 WATER SUPPLY [~ODIVIDUAL~ MMUNITY [] PUBLIC UTILITY * ATTACH WELL LOG A well log ~s required for all wells drilled s~nce June 1975 For wells drilled prior to that date, gwe well depth (attach log ~f avadable ) 8 SEWAGE DI_SP~SALSYSTEM [~iNDIVIDUAL/ON-SITE*~ [] PUBLIC UTILITY / **If ~ndw~dual/on-s~te, g~ve ~nstallat~on date 7'/ If system is over two (2) years old an adequacy test ~s required by th~s Department NOTE THE INSPECTION FEE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH REQUEST BEFORE PROCESSING CAN BE INITIATED 72 010(3~78) THIS SIDE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY DATE RECEIVED INSPFCTION APPOINTMENTS 3 IME TIME TIMF DAIF DATE -- DATE I NSP ECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR DIRECl IONS 1 TYPE OF RESIDENCE NUMBER OF BEDROOMS [~ SINGI E FAMILY L~ ONE L~ THREE [] FIVE [~ OTHER F~ MULTIPI E FAMILY [] TWO [] FOUR [] SIX PERMIT NUMBER 2 WATER SUPPLY (-J INDIVIDUAL DEPTH OF WELL I -~ COMMUNITY DATE DRILLED [%] PURl lC LI1 ILI~ Y Connection Verified. LOG RECEIVED 3 SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT NUMBER L IINDIVIDUA[/ON SITE DATE INSTALLED ~]PUBLIC UTtLI FY Connection Verified ..... INSTALLER L~Septlc ~ anl< o~ [_ll4olchng Tank Size tf %]nl< m homemade SOILS RATING ~E ~ ~AN~ MANUFACTURER TO1 AL ABSOHPTIO~ ~17~ MATERIAL ~ DIS"IANCESwELL TO Sept,c/Hold,ng Tank IAbsorpt,on Area [SPwer L]ne ] Nearest Lot Ir_lne'- ~%sor~l~ Au, a Lo n( arest Lot I me ~ COMMENTS .... ~]-~-APPROV ED FOR ~ BEDROOMS ~;~]' [~ CONDIIlONAI APPROVAL (letter must accompanycertlhcate)~ LEGAl DESCRIP FION 72 010 (Rev 3//8) August 20, 1979 Elmer/Shirley Palm, Jr. Star Route A Box 1123 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Subject: Lot I Jon Subdivision Approval of your individual sewer and water facilities =an not be granted until the follming items have been completed: (1) The Water analysis report be delivered to this office from Chem Lab, 5633 B Street, for our review. (2) A 1,000 gallon septic tank needs to be installed and a permit from this office be issued. (2) A percolation test be performe~ on the existing leaching area. This test will determine if the system is adequate a=cor~ing to National standards. A listing of private firms performing =he test is enclosed. If there are any furthsr questions, please contact this office at 264-4720. Sin=erely, Robert C. Pratt, Associate Specialist acP/lJw Alaska Pacific Bank % Sue Peters 101 Benson Boulevard Jim Kutera % Colonial Realty, Inc. 4460 Business Park Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99503 274-4561~ t~ Date Received ~-~ . ,-.,~..~~ ~ Time of Inspection ~~ ~~~ Date of Inspection ~-~ ~ FOR 3. 4. 5. 6. Approval requested by- Mailing Address' Property Owner: Mailing Address. Phone' Phone. Legal DesCription. ~-///~ ~ ~ ~ Location: ~~_ Type of facility to be lnspJcted~~ Well Data' ~/~ A. Type B. Depth No. of bedrooms C. Construction D. Bacterial Analys~s 7. Sewage Disposal System: A. Installed C. Septic Tank' D. Seepage P~t 1. S~ze 1. Absorption Area E. Disposal Field: D~stances: A. Well to' Septic tank Nearest lot line B. Foundation to septic tank B. Installer 2. Manufacturer 2. Mater~al Total length of l~nes , Absorption area , Other contamnatlon , Sewer Lines , , Absorption area C. Absorption area to nearest lot l~ne EQ-034 (1/74) Page 1 of two pages Pag.e 2 of two pages - Re~,~_~t for Approval of Individual S~.~r & Water Facilities Legal Description Approved Approval ,Valid for one year from date sign~ ~ Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Department of Enwronmental Quality DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM certify that the information contained in th~s request for approval to be a true and accurate representation of the subject sewer and water facilities and these facilities are operating satisfactorily. SIGNED Date EQ-034 (1/74)  Department of [nvlronmental Quality ' 3330 "C" St., Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - 274-4561 ________~_~1~ ~IDIVIDUAL SEWER & WATER FACILITIES Type of Inspection CMRO VA · . FHA CONV 2. Property Owner: ~ Mailing Address , Day Phone 3. Name of Buyer. Malllng Address' Day Phone 4. Name of Lending Institution. Mailing Address' Phone Name of Realtor or Agent ~/~ ~-~ Mallll~g Address: ~,~9~ ~~Phone 6. Legal Description: ~/~ ~.~ ~ ~-=~ ~/~-2~/¢~,) /) 7. Type of Facility to be ~~ No Bdrms~ ~ 8. Water ~upply ~ Type of Supply: Public Utility If Individual, number of dwellings presently served ~ If Individual, depth of well Sewage D~sposal System Type of System. Public Utility Individual / (on-site) ,b/[. If Individual, date of installation Eq-037 (~/74) Page 2 of two pages - Re~.~t for Approval of Individual S~..yer & Water Facilities Legal Description Comments Approved Disapproved Date Approval ,Valid for one year from date s~gn Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Department of Environmental Quality DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM certify that the ~nformat~on contained in this request for approval to be a true and accurate representation of the subject sewer and water facilities and these facilities are operating satisfactorily. SIGNED Date EQ-034 (1/74) 8 DTI000804' I ~-CARLINE ~ PLACE 49829 CH ~ o