HomeMy WebLinkAboutDELUCIA LT 44 Case - 3AN-00-M101177 Time 10:30 a.m. Magistrate Geoffrey Comfort Donald G. Paterson vs. M.O.A. 3-17-99 Harvey Hains contacted me about his failed septic system. He stated that defendant constructed it between the dates of April 25, through May 4, 1998. Checked property records at D.H.H.S. and no record of a permit being taken out at the department or engineer designs or inspections for the construction. 3-19-99 Mailed citation to Donald G. Patterson. 4-1-99 Donald G. Patterson (?) refused the package from the post office. 4-5-99 I returned a call to Donald G. Patterson and he inquired what the package from our office was. When I informed him he was agitated and told me that I better not deliver the citation myself without a trooper or have a trooper deliver it. 5-23-99 Citation served by Anchorage & Mat-Su Process server. 6-17-99 Contacted Archie Giddings of the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation office in Wasilla and Thomas Tioey of the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (A. D. E.C.) office in Palmer to see if Donald G. Patterson may have believed that he was authorized by the state to construct this wastewater system. If so, then he would have been obligated to contact A.D.E.C. 24 hours prior to beginning the construction of the wastewater system and then submit an inspection report to A.D.E.C. after the wastewater system was constructed, pursuant to state law. Neither was done. Page: 1 Document Name: ENTERPRISE SERVER PARCEL: 051-141-05-000-00 CARD: 01 OF 01 RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY STATUS: RENUMBERED TO/FROM: 000-000-00-000-00 HAYNES HARVEY & BETTY R DELUCIA LT 44 PO BOX 670212 CHUGIAK AK 99567 0212 SITE 22838 NEEDELS LOOP LOT SIZE: 34,412 ZONE : R7 TAX DIST: 022 GRID : NOTES : FINAL VALUE 1997: FINAL VALUE 1998: FINAL VALUE 1999: EXEMPT VALUE 1999: ---DATE CHANGED--- OWNER : / / ADDRESS: 10/16/97 HRA # : .... DEED CHANGED--- BOOK : 0000 PAGE: DATE : 00/00/00 PLAT : 000000 ASSESSMENT HISTORY ---LAND .... BUILDING .... TOTAL--- 17,500 89,200 106,700 30,900 91,200 122,100 30,900 86,400 117,300 0 0 0 --EXEMPTION ..... TYPE-- STATE EXEMPT 1999: FINAL VALUE 1999: 0 117,300 -COMM COUNC CHUGIAK Date: 8/20/99 Time: 09:18:41 AM Page: 1 Document Name: ENTERPRISE SERVER PARCEL: 051-141-05-000-00 RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY TOPO: EVEN LIV UNITS: 001 LEVEL STREET : DIRT DIRT UTIL: PRIVATE WATER SEPTIC TRAFFIC : LOW ACCESS : GOOD WELL: N 08/20 WETLANDS : DRAINAGE : GOOD COMMON AREA: % OWNERSHIP: LEASEHOLD : INSP DT: / 02/91 EXTE MM/YY TYPE AMOUNT SOURCE SALES DATA 1: / 2: / 3: / .................... OTHER BUILDINGS AND YARD IMPROVEMENTS TYPE QTY YRBLT SIZE GRADE CONDITION Date: 8/20/99 Time: 09:18:45 AM Page: 1 Document Name: ENTERPRISE SERVER PARCEL: 051-141-05-000-00 RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY 08/20 STYLE : RANCH YEAR BUILT : 1972 TOTAL ROOMS: 08 FULL BATHS : 1 HEAT TYPE : CENTRAL FP: STACKS : EXTRA VALUE: CONDO STYLE: GRADE : AVERAGE STORY HT : 1.0 REMODELED: BEDROOMS : 03 HALF BTHS: 0 HEAT SYST: HOT WATER OPENINGS : EXTRA VAL: CONDO FLR: CST/DESGN: EXTERIOR WALLS: WOOD EFFECTIVE YEAR: 1972 RECREATION RMS: 0 ADD'T FIXTURES: 0 FUEL HEAT TYPE: NATURAL FREE STAND : 1 E-Z SET FIREPL: CONDO COM PROP: CONDITION : FAIR BASEMENT : 1ST FLOOR : HALF FLOOR: BASEMENT: ...................................... AREA ................................ 1,120 FIN/BSMT : BASEMENT GAR: 1 CAR TO 1,120 2ND FLOOR : 0 3RD FLOOR : 0 AR 0 ATTIC AREA: 0 RECROOM AREA: 812 1 ADDITIONAL FEATURES ......................... 1ST FLOOR: 2ND FLOOR: 3RD FLOOR: AR WOOD DECK ATTCH GREENHOUSE Date: 8/20/99 Time: 09:18:50 AM 24 ALASKA 01~2034 <~'t~-,i ALASKA DIVERS & UNDERWATER SALVAGE Eagle River ........................................ 694-0515 ALASKA DIVERSIRED ELECTRIC Pa~e~ ............................................. 745.7627 ALASKA DIVERSIFIED MAINTENANCE Palmer ............................................. 745-7627 ALASKA DIVERSIFIED PROPERTIES INC ~chorage ................................. 243-5400 ALASKA DIZZINESS & BALANCE CENTER 4045 Lake Otis Pkwy Anchorage .............. 561-2102 ALASKA DRILL SUPPLY 7330 Silver Birch Dr Anchorage .............. 243-7976 ALASKA DRILLING SERVICES CO Anchorage ........................................ .56t-3375 ALASKA DRIVING SCHOOL 2518 E Tudor Rd Anchorage ................... 56,3-8073 E 165 Parks Hwy Palmer ....................... 745-8511 ALASKA DRUM & SUPPLY 2401 Cinnabar I.~op Anchorage .............. 349-2167 ALASKA DURABLE PRODUCTS 1041 E 70th Ave Anchorage .................... 344-2101 AK DUST TERMINATORS 11427 Heritage Court Eagle Rh'er ............. 696-4985 ALASKA EQUESTRIAN ENTERPRISE Huflman Horse Cemer 12401 Gander AnchOrage ......................................... 345*7766 ALASKA EQUINE & SMALL ANIMAL HOSPITAL M,i 1 N Birchwood Loop Rd Cnugiak ..................................... ALASKA EXCAVATING AND DEVELOPMENT INC Wasilia ............................................. 373-6754 Fax ................................................ 373-6759 ALASKA EXCAVATING & EOUIPMENT 12100 Indust~ Way Anchorage ............... 345-2793 ALASKA EXCHANGE CARRIERS ASSOCIATION 338o C St A~',,~orage ........................... 561-6300 ALASKA EXCHANGE CORP 2525 Biue~'ry Rd Anchorage ................. 274-1031 ALASKA EXECUTIVE SEARCH INC 821 N Anchorage ................................ 276-5707 ALASKA EXPEDITERS Anchorage ......................................... 333-8870 Fax ................................................ 333-4066 ALASKA EXPERIENCE THEATRE AND GIFT SHOP 705 w {~I~ ^ye Anchorage ..................... 276-3730 ALASKA DYEWORKS Business Office ............................. 272-9076 300 w $~nson Ave Wasma ................... 373-6562 ALASKA EXPLORER ALASKA EMT CONSORTIUM INC MOTORCOACH CHARTERS 715 W Fireweed Ln Anchorage ................................. 277-8119 Fax ............................................ 277-8120 ALASKA EAGLE'S JUDO BOJO 8361 Straton Circle Anchorage .340-68~ ALASKA EARTH SCIENCES GEOLGIST 11341 0live Ln Anchorage ..................... 52.2-4664 ALASKA ECONO COPY INC 2609 Fal~oar~s St Ancflora~le...274-4965 ALASKA ECONOMICS INC 10746 Horizon Dr Juneau ...................... 565.9~77 ALASKA ECONOMY RVS 5011 Jewel Lake Rd Anchorage .............. 24~-~23 Fax ............................................... 24~9974 ALASKA EDUCATION AND RECREATION PRODUCTS SCHOOL SUPPLIES Anc~rage .................................... .243-8773 ALASKA EGGERY & RNNIDEE 2~06 W 33rd Ave Anchorage ................. .2.4,~..0432 AK ENVlROSEARCH Anchorage ....... 562-0370 AK GENERAL Anchorage .................272-6525 Or ................................................. .272-6520 Fax ............................................... 272-6530 ALASKA ELECTRICAL AGENTS 8106 I~m'be~ Anchorage ....... 248.-4.992 ALASKA ELECTRICAL TRUST FUNDS 2600 DenaJi St Anchorage Hea~ & Welfare Fund ................. .276-1246 Legal Fund ................................... 276-1246 pen,..~on Fund ............................... .276-1246 Toll Ree Dial 1 & Then ............... 800 478-1246 ALASKA ELECTRONICS SUPPLY INC 2020 E DoMing Rd Anchorage.563-3774 ALASKA ELECTROPLATING & BUMPER REPAIR 828 E 1~ A',~/~,'~chorage .................... 274-5024 ALASKA EMPLOYEE BENEFIT SPECIAUSTS 2600 Cor~o~-a St Ancho~e .................. 272-9278 ALASKA EMPLOYMENT SERVICE Eagle R~ ........................................ 694-6904 ALASKA ENERGY BLDG ~ e S~ Anc~ora~ ............................ 562-3087 ALASKA ENERGY & ENGINEERING INC Ancho~ge ..................................... 349-0100 ALASKA ENERGY RECOVERY Ancrmmge ........................................ 256-1558 ALASKA ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SERVICES INC ENVIRONMENTAL SUPPLY LASKA ENVIRONMENTAL SUPPLY -Anch~ ......................................... 344-4147 t w Northern Lights Bird Anchorage...~l CO Anchorage ......................................... 279-2160 ALASKA EXPLORER WORLDWIDE DOCUMENTARIES INC Anchorage ......................................... 586-0140 ALASKA EXPORT & TOUR Anchorage ................................... 344-0743 ALASKA EYE CARE CENTER Falconer James OD Falconer Maynard OD Thanepohn Denise OD Reber Patrick N OD 17o0 E Par~ Hwy Wasilla ...................... 376-5266 Anchorage 1345W 9~ ^ye ...............272-2557 Fax ................................................ 373-1887 ALASKA EYE CARE CENTERS 1345 W 9~ A~e Anchorage ................... .272-2557 Fax ................................................ 274-4932 TTY/'rDD Machine Access Only.263-7301 Suite 300 1700 E Parks Hwy Wasilia ....378-5266 ALASKA FAB 5610 Siiverac~ Way Anchorage ............... 562-6676 Fax ................................................ 562-6616 Anchorage ......................................... 349-30OO ALASKA FACTORY DIRECT FURNITURE ~01 W Intl k]r~o~ Rd Anchorage .............. 563.7905 Fax ................................................ 563-5814 ALASKA FAMILY CHILD CARE ASSOC 2221 E Northern Lights BI~ Anchorage.....258-5436 ALASKA FAMILY CHILDCARE FOOD PROGRAM 2221 E Nomern Lights Bird Anchorage....274.2237 ALASKA FAMILY DENTAL CENTER 281 N Mai~ S! Wasilla .......................... 376-0452 Fax ................................................ 376-0462 ALASKA FAMILY EAR NOSE & THROAT 1200 Ai~ort Heights Dr Anchorage .......... 278-1016 ALASKA FAMILY MEDICINE ASSOC 2841 D~a='r R~ Anchorage ................ .264.1435 Res Wa~!l Dr Eagle River .............694-4453 ALASKA FAMILY PRACTICE RESIDENCY PROGRAM 3546 La Touche St Anchorage ................. .561-4500 ALASKA FARM & DAIRY SUPPLY Wasilia ............................................. 376-5317 ALASKA FASHION WIGS Uoiversity C, en~r Anchorage ................... 561-3154 ALASKA FEDERATION OF NATIVES INC. 1577 C $1An~ra~e .......................... 274-3611 ALASKA FERRY CONTRACT AGENT Homer Te~inal Toll Free Dial 1 & Then Homer......800 382-9229 Kodiak Terminal T011 Free Dial 1 & Then ............... 800 526-6731 ALASKA FILE STORAGE 2100 Viking Dr ~chorage .................... .276-2906 ALASKA FILM & VIDEO An~omge ......................................... 345-2843 Fax ............................................... 345-3348 ALASKA FINANCE & INSURANCE CO INC 730 E ~ Ave Anchorage ...................... .277-9343 ALASKA FINANCIAL PROFESSIONALS R W Dick Antony 2008 E ~ Ave Anchorage ............. 581-588§ ALASKA RNANCiAL SERVICES INC 360 w Season 8~ Anchorage ............... 582-1600 ALASKA FINEST COFFEE 1227 E 75~ Ave A~:~orage .................... 349-8021 ALASKA FINEST PAINTING Anc~rage ......................................... 349-8678 Fax ................................................ 522-3156 ALASKA FIRE INC 1200 E ~6th A~ Anchorage .................... 349-6606 Fax ................................................ 34~52 ALASKA FIREPLACE & ACCESSORIES 8591 W Parks Hwy Bio !.~e ................... 892-7131 ALASKA FIREPLACE SERVICES 4300 Arctic Bird Anchorage ................... 561-4210 ALASKA FIRST AID INSTRUCTION Anchorage ......................................... 344-4024 ALASKA FIRST TITLE INSURANCE AGENCY 3335 ~ctic Bird Anchorage ................... 563-1727 Eagle River ........................................ 694-1725 137 E Arctic Ave Palmer ........................ 745-7966 775 E Parks Hwy Wasilla ....................... 376-2826 Toll Fr~ Dial 1 & Ti3en .................. 800 476-3563 ALASKA FISH & FARM PRODUCTS 1800 Ship Ave Anchorage ..................... 272-0504 Cache & Carry Branch 4970 Fairbanks St Anchorage .............. 563.3024 Fax ............................................. 353.3020 ALASKA FISH & WILDLIFE SAFEGUARD Anchorage ........................................ .269-5558 Outside Anchorage Toll Free Dial I & Then ............... 800 478-3377 ALASKA FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION INC 508 W 2nd Ave Anchorage .................... .276-7315 ALASKA RSHING CENTER 3685 Arctic Bird Anche~e ................... 563-1166 ALASKA FISHING & WILDLIFE ADVENTURES ALASKA FUR FACTORY 408 W 4~1 Ave Anchorag ALASKA FUR GALLERY Factor/& Showroom 428 W 4~ Ave Ancr~age Fax ............ ALASKA FUR & LEATHER ALASKA FURNACE CLEANING 5'10 E Inll Akport Rd Anti.rage .............. ALASKA FURNITURE FACTORY 610 E 15th Ave Anchorag ALASKA FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS IMC r 144 E Potta' Dr Am:~omge ..................... 562'22~ ALASKA FUTURES BRKRS 431 W 7~ Ave N~chorage ..................... .27~ ALASKA GALLERY & GIFTS 412 G St Anchorage ............................ ..274.z~9 ALASKA GARAGE DOOR Ancr,~a~ .............................. : .......... 346-23,~ ALASKA GARDEN & PET SUPPLY INC 114 N Orca St Anchorage ..................... 279-451) Pet Supply Wholesae ...................258-74,~/ Fax ............................................ 2'/6-7416 ALASKA GEAR & AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION PARTS 345 8onifac~ Pi~ Anchorage ................ 337-10R ALASKA GEM & MINERAL wasi~la.373.52~ ALASKA GEM TOP 431 Unga St Anchorage ....................... .272-;'126 Anchorage ......................................... 58 1-2520 ALASKA FLAG & FLAGPOLE AL~K~ GENERAL DISTRIBUTORS Dimond & 8133 0Id Seward Hwy Anchorage ......................................... 562-2386 Or .................................................. 248-5879 ALASKA FLAPJACK RESTAURANT 1230 W 27~h Ave Anchorage .................. 274-2241 Fax ............................................... 272-6902 ALASKA FLEET SERVICE wasilla ............................................. 373-1218 ALASKA FLEET SERVICES Anchomge ......................................... 344-8606 Fax ................................................ 344.1267 ALASKA FLOR-WALL DISTRIBUTORS 501 E Ship Creek Ave Anchorage ............ 272-3030 ,~ax ............................................... .272-4270 talewide Toll Free Dial 1 & Then ............... 800 478-5686 ALASKA FLORAL WHOLESALE Anchorage ......................................... 562-1295 ALASKA FLOWER SHOP 3701 E Tudor Rd AnchoTage ................... 561-5277 ALASKA FLYING NETWORK 403 N WilJow St tl Kef~i ..................... .283-5700 ALASKA FOOD DELIVERY SERVICE WasJlla ............................................. 376-4296 ALASKA FOOT & ANKLE CARE CENTER , 11901Bus~BlvdSuite 102 ' : , Ea~le River ........................... 6~6-0338 ALASKA FOOT INSTITUTE 800 E Dimond Bird Anchorage ................ 522-2209 KOanr ............................................ 522-2223 adakis Steven Podiatrist Physician & Surgeon Of The Foot Ankle & Leg 800 E Dimond Bird Anchorage ......... 522-2209 ALASKA FOSTER PARENT TRAINING CENTER 880 H St Anchorag~ ............................. 279-1799 Fax ............................................... .279-1520 ALASKA FOUNDATION & TRUSS INC Bi0 Lake ........................................... 892-7756 ALASKA 4 WHEEL DRIVE ACCESSORIES 7427 0Id Se*ard ~ Anchorage ............ 349..4606 ALASKA FREIGHT EXPRESS INC 2040 E ~ Ave Anchorage .................... 349-3506 ALASKA FRESHWATER SAFARIS Ch~oiak ............................................ 688-1032 ALASKA FRIENDS OF THE FAMILY ' Anchorage ......................................... 561-5978 ALASKA FRONTIER NORTH 475 W Parks Hwy Wasilla ......... 373-2274 ALASKA FUN FLIGHTS Rag eRver .......... 694-0515 Or .................................................. 694-1288 ALASKA FUR CACHE 1734 Bannister Dr Anchorage ................ .277-3877 ALASKA FUR ENTERPRISES ............ 4417 0Id Sewan:l Hwy Anchorage ............ 563-3577 ALARM INC 405 W 27~ Ave Anchora~le ......2'/~,~S11_ ALASKA GENERAL CREDIT CORP 1300 E 5rn Ave Anchorage .................... .279-9641 ALASKA GENERAL INDUSTRIES INC Anchorage ......................................... 346-1850 ALASKA GENERAL STORE 715 W 4th Ave Anchorage ..................... 274-1672 ALASKA GENERAL TRADE 434 K St Anchorage ............................ 272-9401 ALASKA GENERATOR AND ENGINE SALES INC 100 E InU Nrport Rd ALASKA GENETICS & BIRTH DEFECTS CLINIC 1231 Gambell SI Anchorage .................. .274-3536 ALASKA GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY 639 w Intl Airpod Rd Anchorage .............. 582-0164 ALASKA GIFT BASKET CO Anchorage ................................. 563-4438 ALASKA GIFT OF THE MONTH COMPANY 4141 B SI Anchorage ............................ 582-2051 ALASKA GIFT PACS Anchorage ......................................... 345-027? Fax ................................................ 345-0237 ALASKA GLACIER BEVERAGES 4141 B St Anmorage ............................ 563.5555 Fax ............................................... 583-5564 ALASKA GLACIER BREWING CO - 737 W 5th Ave Anchorage ..................... .274..4677 ALASKA GLASS & DOOR Was~ .................................... ~ ALASKA GLASS AND DOOR LLC Ea0~e Rive~ ........................................ 694-1212 ALASKA GLASS STUDIO INC Anchorage ........................................ 272-9340 ALASKA GOLD & JEWELRY CO 446 W 4~ Ave Anchorage ..................... 258-0203 ALASKA GOLD NUGGETT ENTERPRISES/DRN/ASH N GUARD ,~'~omge ......................................... 566-1755 ALASKA GOLD REALTY 2805 [:~w~son St Ancho~e .................... 563-880~ Fax ............................................... .,563-1990 ALASKA GOLDBRUSH PAINTING wasil~a ............................................. 373-3566 ALASKA GOLF ASSOCIATION Ancrmmge ......................................... 349.46,53 ALASKA GOLF CARS ~ Provi0enca Dr Anchorage .............. 562-2917 ALASKA GOURMET SEAFOOD INC 1020 w Intl Nrport Rd Anchorage ........... .,563-3752 ALASKA GREEN HYDROSEEDING 20915 Birctweod Sour Rd Chu0iak .......... 688-3519 ALASKA GREEN REALTY INC 3~09 Spen~d Rd Anchorage .................. 561-0034 Fax ................................................ 561-0050 ALASKA GREENHOUSES INC 1301 Muldoon Rd/~orage ................. 333-6070 218 E 4th ALASKA ~801E Tud[ ~loogED ALASKA Ptovi~ea ALASKA A~S~ A~ ~NS~ Mi 46~ ~ A~S~ A~S~ ~E~ A~S~ CARE A ~S~ 471 w ~ O~ ~0ld~ F~ ....... 1~40 F~ ....... ~1 W5 R~ ._~' ~ )JNIFORM SU~~J~J~)~fJ~~hT ~/~~) ~ ~ DISTRICT (]II~)R Tl~wC~tCJE ~A[A~A~~ _~ t IN THE MUNIOiPA~uTY ~F'ANCHORAG~:STATE'OF ALAS~" ' AND THERE COMMIT THE FOLLOWING OFFENSe; DESCRIPTION OF OFFENSE: SISNED FURTHER ~TATE's'THAT HE ABlE GROUND TO BELIEVE AND DOES ~LCVE ~HAT THE PERSON NA~ED SIGNATURE X 70-005 (10/81) (OVER) STATE [)F: PATTERSON, DONALD.,~ CASE NUMBER: 3¢N-OO~M101177 The Traffic l'rial~in the above cas. e.~is'-.se ~:.,~ '""," ~t lO:30~A.M, b~'~e. Magi'strate i.n courtroom 38 This notice supersedes NO WASTE WATER SYSTEM you fail to,tappear, one A default ~l~ment. will maximum ~e.~:i,t,¥ permitt co 11 ect i o n i~S~ s .PLUS wi 11 be as~/~iS!'~'ed agains collect merit wi Tel g w~.lJ, happer~: .~against you for ~he surcharge. Also, points r's license. Effort:~- I;o ~!,attachment of your arres~ and you will b~ ass~'.~sed ed~ a~e not paid for by '~he court. DONALD PATTERSON PO BOX 873483 ~-~ ..,68 ,,- WASILLA, AK ~ ''~ ~ ~v ~v / Order No. Department On Acct. Mdse. Retd. Paid Out Sold By AN~ : DESCRIP ' · ', 4 ~,, ~6 19 Receiv~ by madams OCSSOS Keep this Slip Mdse. Retd. Paid Out i PRICE ~ AMOUNT 10 ~ Keep this Slip for ;nce UNIFORM SuMM'~'Ns AND COMPLAINT DISTRICT COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA TI-ii, RD JUDICIAL DISTRICT AT ANCHORAGE, ALASKA ~Z CASE NOt ~ ' The und~'rslgned, being duty sworn, upon his Oath depos'es & says: NAME ST.EET ADO. 801 [ l Vl w z oe , MAILING ADD.P` O' ~eX 87 e9 IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE, STATE OF ALASKA DID THEN AND THERE COMMIT THE FOLLOWING OFFENd: D.SC~.~ON O.O...NSE: ~'~ ~¢¢ r~ ~ ~ ~ O~-~,~ W~ST~W~i~ 5~T~ WiT~I 41 LOCAT,ON OF OFFENSE~ L O ~' 44 0£~ m' hq ~' u~. IN VIOLATION OF THE ANCHORAGE CODE OF ORDINANCES. THE UNDER- SIGNED FURTHER STATES THAT HE HAS JUST AND REASON- ABLE GROUND TO BELIEVE AND DOES ~LIEVE THAT THE PERSON NAMED ~~ ~ARY TO LAW. ABOVE COMMITTED THE ET ~(7o, / ./': .,. SWORN AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME ;~ :~ : . ~ NOTARY PUBLI~',. '. ,¢y ADDRESS OF COURT 941 FOURTH AVENUE' - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA I PROMISE TO APPEAR IN SAID COURT AT THE TIME INDICATED ABOVE: SIGNATURE X ~r (C~IFt~ 0 ~5l~l~TrO 70-005 (~0/8~) 2.1 Date Noti(ze F'rint,:~d: N-OO-.M 11Zt ! 177 F'F~TTERSDN, DDNALD' CASE NUMBER: NO WASTEWATER..SYSTEM PERMIT If you f~il to appear, on~ ~f the ~~li 1. A defauIt j~dgment wiII be ent~e~ed against you for the maximum penal~y permitted by I~w'PLUS $~ in ~ourt ~nd collection '~m's~s P~US~any st'at~tO~y~ surcharge. Aiso, point~ wili be assessed against your driver's coiIect.,th~gment-~ will inci~de~'attachm~nt of your Permanent F~n~'~i v i d~nd. ~ ~arrant ~t,,~e issued fo~-~ you~'apeest and you wi ii be assessed an additional~'..~ee of $75. DONALD PATTERSON I PO BOX 873484 I WASILLA~AK 996~7- I IN THE DISTRICT/SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA AT ANCHORAGE Municipality of Anchorage Dept of Health & Human Ser~Gj~(s), vs. Environmental Services Division 0onald G Patterson ) Defendant(s). ) ) To: Harvey Haynes Address: 22838 Needel, s Loop Chugiak, Alaska 99567 CASE NO. SUBPOENA TO APPEAR You are commanded to appear in court to testify as a wimess in the above case at: Date and Time- July 27, 1999 at. 10:30 a.m. Courtroom: 3 e at June 25, !999 Date S~uab ~e~ ~ajs~tuo ~e~ at request of ~~~ MOA/DHHS/0n-Site Services Address 5 L Street, Suite 502 Telephone 907 343-4761 If you have ~-nny ~ contact the person named above. ~. co.oe~, Anmesbetth r Courthouse.Al 825 W, 4Th Ave. ....... ¢~. This subpoena may not be used to order a wimess to produce, documents, nor may it be used to reqmre a wxmess to appear for deposition. I cerfifcs~hat on the date stated below,.~l served this subnoena on tha, nerson to whom it is addressed. I left a copy o~e sub~na ~th ~e pe~n n~ ~d ~ ~der~ ~leage ~~ess fees for one day's co~ auen~ce. Date and Time of Service Service Fees: Service $ Mileage $ TOTAL $ If ~.serv .%1. by other than a peace officer, this return must be notarized. Subscnbe. xl and SWOrn to or afl'tuned before., on , ?k (SEAL) CIV-I l 1 ANCH (4/96)(st.3) SUBPOENA TO APPEAR Clerk of Court, Notary .I~blic or other person authorized to administer oaths. My commission expires ?-'~-, ~ ~ Civil Rule 45 Dist. Ct. Civ. R. 11 File Ed~ View Tool~ Session C)ption~ _Help ~ ~' :~ - ,-;': ,J"'~ ' '"' .... PSTD366P TERNID: X3DL BASIC PERSOX RECORD 83119199 69:22:51.7 PERSON BANE: DONALD GLENNDON PAITER50B (BORE) DOB: 67/2811943 (BORE) SSN: 538-38-8986 PERN ID: SEX: N HOT: 6 68 NOT: 266 HAIR: BED EYE COLOR: BLU RACE: B BIRTH PLACE CITY: SEASIDE STATE: OR NOHIKER: NED]CAL COOE: STREET/EXTRA LINE NAILING ADDR: PO BOX 873483 RES ADOR: DOt FAIRVIEN LOOP RD ID/LIE HUM: 6362679 SIATUS: CLASS EXPIRES CLASS EXPIRES D 12/~I/I998 IC 12/0812686 CITY/COUNTRY ST LASI CHG XASILLA AK lOI8511gg8 RASILLA AK 1211111998 COL STATUS: CLASS EXPIRES CLASS EXPIRES A 0772812B63 RESTRICTIONS: PF6 VEH D]SP PFI2 DIS X/X fl2/81 ..... [ ....... F~'-~-r ......... ~i'~'~,F .... Chapter 15.65 WASTEWATER DISPOSAL* 15.65.005 Intent and scope of chapter. 15.65.010 Definitions. 15.65.015 On-site wastewater system technical review board.  15.65.020 Wastewater discharge restrictions.  Restrictions on discharges into wastewater disposal systems r~_ ...... ~v, On-site W~4t~water dis osa] erin' ' 15.65.045 On-site wastewater disposal system operating permits. (Re_ 15.65.050 15.65.060 15.65.070 15.65.072 15.65.075 15.65.077 15.65.080 15.65.090 15.65.095 15.65.100 15.65.105 15.65.110 15.65.120 15.65.130 15.65.135 15.65.140 15.65.145 15.65.150 15.65.160 15.65.170 15.65.180 pealed) Septic tanks. Subsurface disposal fields. Holding tanks. Drainfields (shallow trench) (Repealed) Absorption beds. (Repealed) Elevated mound system. (Repealed) Lift stations. Earth privies. Lift stations. (Repealed) Vault privies. Vault privies. (Repealed) Connection to public sewer system. Nonconforming on-site disposal systems. Alternative on-site disposal systems. Inspections of on-site wastewater disposal system installation. (Repealed) Separation distance waivers for on-site disposal systems. Subdivision standards. (Repealed) Inspections of on-site disposal system installations. Maintenance requirements for on-site disposal systems. Limited wastewater assessment-service districts. Subdivision standards for lots to be served by on-site disposal systems. *Cross references--Fines, § 14.60.030; sewer service, ch. 26.50. State law reference--Wastewater disposal, AS 46.03.020 et seq. AMC 15.65--1 ANCHORAGE MUNICIPAL CODE 15.65.005 15.65.005 Intent and scope of chapter.. A. Intent. On-site wastewater disposal systems provide an important, economically efficient, and relatively clean and healthful method of waste- water disposal in areas of the municipality not served by an integrated sewage collection and disposal system. The intent of this chapter is to maintain the public health and environmental quality through the regulation of on-site waste- water disposal. B. Scope. This chapter provides: 1. Minimum standards governing the design, installation and operation of individual on- site wastewater disposal systems and au- thority to the municipality to administer and enforce these standards and regula- tions; 2. Prohibitions ag_~inst wastewater discharges other than through approved means; 3. Authority to the municipality to create and empower limited local on-site sewer dis- tricts; 4. Authority to the municipality to require con~ection to public sewers and the condi- tions under which such connection must occur; and 5. Minimum standards for new subdivisions that are to be served by on-site wastewater disposal systems. (AO No. 86-21; AO No. 90-48(S-1)) 15.65.010 Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Absorption area means that area in a subsur- face disposal field used to absorb treated effluent. Absorption bed means a shallow excavation, usually rectangular, wider than five feet, contain- lng gravel and perforated distribution pipes, that receives septic tank effluent and allows it to seep into the surrounding porous soil. Alternative system means a particular design or type of on-site wastewater disposal system or component of a system based upon improvements or development in technology of sewage disposal and not otherwise provided for in this chapter. Cesspool means a subsurface pit which receives untreated wastewater. Deep absorption t. rench means a 12- to 36-inch- wide ditch which contains at least four feet of gravel below the horizontal perforated distribu- tion pipe. It receives treated effluent and allows the effluent to seep into the surrounding porous SOil. Earth privy means a device for the disposal of human excreta in a pit in the earth. Engineer means a professional civil engineer registered pursuant to AS 8.08. Gravel means rock measuring 0.5 to 2.5 inches in diameter with no more than three percent of the material passing a number 200 sieve screen (0.074 millimeter diameter openings). Groundwater means subsurface water perma- nently or seasonally occupying the zone of satu- ration. Hazardous substance means those substances which because of quantity or concentration of physical, chemical or infectious characteristics may pose a substantial threat to human health or the environment when improperly treated, stored, transported or disposed. Hazardous substances include those wastes defined as hazardous under federal, state and local law. Health authority certificate means a written confirmation signed by an engineer and the de- partment certifying that the on-site sewer or water system serving a single-family dwelling is functional and complies with all state and local regulations and codes. In the event of inconsis- tency among these regulations and codes, the most restrictive shall apply. Holding tank means a watertight covered re- ceptacle designed and built to receive and store domestic wastewater for disposal at another loca- tion. Impermeable barrier means material with a percolation rate greater than 120 minutes per inch. AMC 15.65---2 WASTEWATER DISPOSAL 15.65.010 Insulation means two inches or more of high- density direct burial polystyrene insulation or other material of comparable insulating value approved by the department. Lift station means a tank or chamber accompa- nied by a pump and related controls used to retain effluent and periodically discharge it. Limited wastewater service district means a group of properties associated for the purpose of disposing of wastewater by a common means as described in section 15.65.170. Malfunction and malfunctioning system mean an on-site wastewater disposal system which is not functioning in compliance with the require- ments of this chapter or the design of the system. Malfunctions include but are not limited to the following: 1. Absorption systems and disposal systems which allow untreated effluent to seep or flow to the surface of the ground or into waters of the state; 2. Systems which fail to operate in accor- dance with their designated operation; and 3. Systems discharging effluent which does not comply with the applicable effluent discharge standards. Mound system means a soil absorption system that is elevated above the natural soil surface utilizing suitable fill material, horizontal perfo- rated distribution pipes, and standpipes. On-site wastewater disposal system means any wastewater storage, treatment or disposal system serving a single-family dwelling that is not con- nected to any other system or dwelling. Types of on-site wastewater disposal systems are systems with septic tank.q and subsurface disposal fields, alternative systems and ho]ding tanks. Owner means the person responsible for con- trol of the property on which an on-site wastewa- ter disposal systems exSsts or for which one is proposed. Percolation rate means the rate at which water flows or trickles through porous soils, as deter- mined by a percolation test. Percolation test means a falling-head percola- tion test as described on page 41 of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's design man- ual entitled, "On-Site Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Systems," 1980 edition, and taken at the depth of a proposed absorption system or similar component of an on-site wastewater disposal sys- rem. The test determines the rate at which water is absorbed in the soil. Public sewer means a sewer that is operated by a public utility as defined in AS 42.05.701, as amended. Pumper means a person holding a permit is- sued by the department to pump on-site waste- water disposal tanks. Repair means to restore or replace a compo- nent of an on-site wastewater disposal system, but does not include an enlargement of any com- ponent of the system. Replacement disposal site means an area suit- able for an on-site subsurface disposal field which is identified and set aside for that purpose. Seepage pit means a covered porous walled pit through which treated effluent may seep into surrounding porous soft. Septic tank means a watertight covered recep- tacle designed and butt to receive domestic waste- water, separate floating and settling solids from the liquid, anaerobically' digest organic matter, store digested solids through a period of deten- tion, and allow clarified liquids to discharge for final disposal. Shallow absorption trench means a trench five feet or less in width which contains not less than six inches and not more than four feet of gravel below the horizontal distribution pipe. Subsurface disposal field means an absorption bed, deep or shallow absorption trench, seepage pit or mound system. Subsurface drain means any subsurface drain- age structure which intercepts or diverts under- ground water flows. Surface water means any persistent natural or manmade source of water which is not directly attributable to a single rainfall or snowmelt event. Supp. No. MA 1 AMC 15.65--3 15.65.0t0 ANCHORAGE MUNICIPAL CODE Surface water includes all lakes, springs, creeks, streams, intermittent or seasonal flows, natural or artificial bodies of water and waters of the state as defined in AS 5.25.100(5). Vault privy means an earth privy in which the pit is lined with an impervious material and in which provision is made for the removal of excreta. Wastewater means water contaminated by hu- man excreta, food wastes, washwater and other liquid wastes commonly discharged into water- carried sewage disposal systems, and such dilut- ing water as may have entered the waste disposal system. Wastewater does not mean liquids con- raining hazardous wastes as defined by federal, state or municipal law. Water-carried sewage disposal system means a wastewater disposal system through which wastes are conveyed with the aid of water. Water table means the level of saturated soil where the hydraulic pressure is zero. This is the depth at which the free water level stabilizes in an open hole that just penetrates the water table. Watershed means the area which has been zoned under municipal regulations. (AO No. 86-21; AO No. 90-48(S-1); AO No. 93-89) Cro~s reference~Defmitions and rules of construction generally, § 1.05.020. 15.65.015 On-site wastewater system techni- cai review board. Editor's note--Section 15.65.015 has been recodified as section 4.50.060 byAO No. 96-152, § 3, effective December 17, 1996. 15.65.020 Wastewater discharge restrictions. A. No person may cause or permit any waste- water to be discharged or disposed of except into an on-site wastewater disposal system conform- ing to the standards of this chapter and 18 AAC 72 or into a public sewer in a manner conforming to this chapter and to the tariff and laws govern- ing the utility operating the public sewer. B. A]ot or parcel serving a single-family dwell- lng and served by a well or public water supply must have an on-site wastewater disposal system conforming to this chapter, or a public sewer. C. A person may not cause or permit any wastewater to be discharged or disposed of on the surface of the ground or in such a manner that it may gain access to surface water or groundwater except in accordance with provisions of this chap-' ter or the regulations of the state department of environmental conservation. D. A person may not cause or permit the construction, installation or operation of an exca- vation that receives wastewater and permits the liquids to seep through the bottom or the sides into the surrounding porous soil except as specif- ically provided for in this chapter. (AO No. 86-21; AO No. 90-48(S-1)) 15.65.025 Restrictions on discharges into wastewater disposal systems. A. A person may not cause or permit any machinery cooling water, footing water, surface water or roof drainage water, or hazardous sub- stance to be discharged into any on-site wastewa- ter disposal system. B. A person may not cause or permit any object or substance to be placed in any on-site wastewa- ter disposal system which might kinder the oper- ation of the on-site wastewater disposal system. (AO No. 86-21; AO No. 90-48(S-1)) 15.65.030 On-site wastewater disposal per- mits. A. Required. A person may not install or mod- ify an on-site wastewater disposal system, earth privy or vault privy without a permit from the department, except for simple repairs such as piping or moving parts repairs. A separate permit is required for each installation or modification. B. Submittal of application. All permit appli- cations must be prepared by and bear the original signature of the applicant or an authorized rep- resentative. Such applications must be submitted to the department on forms provided by the department. C. Contents of application for repair or replace- ment of tanks. An application for a permit for Supp. No. MA 1 AMC 15.65--4 WASTEWATER DISPOSAL 15.65.030 repair or replacement of tanks such as septic tanks, holding tanks or life stations must include: 1. The legal description of the property on which the system is located; 2. A description of the proposed repairs; and 3. For proposed repairs involving replace- ment of the tank, distances from the old tank to all features listed in section 15.65.050.Athat are within 200 feet of the on-site wastewater disposal system. D. Cbntents of application for installation or modification of subsurface disposal field. An ap- plication for a permit for repairs or modification of an existing on-site wastewater system that would involve expansion or construction of a subsurface disposal field, or an application for a permit for a new system, must include: 1. A site plan, bearing the original signature and stamp of an engineer, drawn to stan- dard engineering scale but not smaller than one to 100. The site plan shall show: a. The location of the on-site well and all components of the on-site waste- water disposal system, including but not limited to all piping and man- holes, septic tank or holding tank, lift station, cleanouts, standpipes, the subsurface disposal fields, includ- ing all attendant piping, and the replacement subsurface disposal field; b. Measured dimensions of the on-site wastewater disposal field and distri- bution piping; c. Measured distances to all wastewa- ter disposal systems, wells, surface water or drainage courses, roads, property lines and structures within 200 feet of the location of any exist- ing or proposed on-site wastewater disposal systems; d. The locations of all soils, percolation or water table tests; and e. A description of the topography, ar- eas of excessive slope, and extent of slopes and surface drainage pat- terns within 100 feet of any part of the system or portion of the lot in- tended for use for on-site wastewa- ter disposal; 2. A design of the on-site wastewater dis- posal system bearing the original signa- ture and stamp of an engineer; 3. The results of soils, percolation and water table tests conducted in accordance with this chapter. For new systems, these tests must be conducted and reported for both the original and replacement subsurface disposal fields; and 4. A narrative description of probable ira- pacts to adjacent properties. The com- ments must include but are not limited to consideration of: a. Wells; b. Wastewater systems; c. Reserved space or surface, and sub- surface; and d. Drainage. E. Records. The department shall maintain indexed records of all engineering data submitted for permits and inspection reports and make this data available to the public. These data will provide historical information to aid in the design and approval of future systems. ~ F. Issuance. The department shall determine, after review of the application and test results as well as available historic data, whether the pro- posed system complies with this chapter. The permit may be denied if provisions of this chapter or of accepted engineering and construction prac- tices are not met. G. Authority to grant exceptions to require- ments. The department may approve an on-site wastewater disposal system that does not con- form to this chapter if the department finds, after consideration of relevant test results, engineering data, publications and other materials, that the system will function as effectively as a system that conforms to this chapter. The applicant shall be responsible for furnishing proof that the sys- tern will function as effectively as a system pro- vided for in this chapter. Supp. No. MA 1 AMC 15.65-5 15.65.030 ANCHORAGE MUNICIPAL CODE H. Inspections; authority to require additional information. The department may conduct site inspections or require submission of additional' information prior to the issuance of permits or health authority certificates. Information may include but is not limited to soil and percolation test results and topographic maps. I. Nonliability of department. Issuance of a permit does not constitute assumption by the Supp. No. MA 1 AMC 15.65--6 WASTEWATER DISPOSAL 15.65.050 department or its employees of liability for the failure of any on-site wastewater disposal system. (AO No. 86-21; AO No. 90-48(S-1)) Cross reference--Building regulations, ch. 23.05. 15.65.035 Permits for manufacturers, install- ers, excavators and pumpers. A. A person may not engage in the business of manufacturing, installing, excavating, inspect- lng, maintaining, pumping or cleaning on-site wastewater disposal systems or in the transpor- tation or disposal of the contents of on-site waste- water disposal systems without first obtaining a permit from the department. An application for a permit under this section must be submitted to the department on a form provided by the depart- merit. The department may require attendance at seminars, written or oral competency examina- tions, and verification of knowledge and experi- ence before issuing a permit. B. A person responsible for designing, approv- ing or inspecting construction of an on-site waste- water disposal system must be an engineer. The department may conduct or sponsor continuing education seminars for engineers and shall main- tain a list, available to the public, of engineers who have successfully completed such a course within the previous two years. C. Pumpers shall report to the department by noon of the next business day the presence of dye in any pumped effluent. (AO No. 86-21; AO No. 90-48(S-1)) 15.65.040 Use of on-site disposal systems. A. A person may not construct, install or use an on-site wastewater disposal system except in ac- cordance with the provisions of this chapter or other ordinances, regulations or statutes in effect at the time of system construction. Except as this subsection provides otherwise, an on-site waste- water disposal system must conform to the start- dards in this chapter, 18 AAC 72, and applicable portions of the Uniform Plumbing Code, as amended. In the event of inconsistency among these regulations and standards, the more restric- tire shall apply. All so]id pipe used in an on-site wastewater disposal system shall be cast iron, ductile iron, high-density polyethylene, PVC rated by the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) and labeled D3034, or an approved equal pipe. B. An on-site wastewater disposal system must have a design and actual operational capacity sufficient to dispose of 150 gallons of wastewater per day per bedroom. C. A lot with an on-site wastewater disposal system must have an original subsurface disposal field and one replacement site. D. The location of a well, on-site wastewater disposal system or subsurface drain, either sepa- rately or in combination with each other and other wells, on-site wastewater disposal systems or subsurface drains in the vicinity, shall not have the effect of prohibiting future residential use of an adjacent lot or parcel. The department may require an agreement and necessary easements with the owner of the affected property for the sharing of a well or other resolution of the prob- lem. The agreement shall be recorded. (AO No. 86-21; AO No. 90-48(S-1)) 15.65.045 On-site wastewater disposal sys- tern operating permits. (Repealed) (AO No. 93-89; AO No. 93-162, § 1, 8-15-93) 15.65.050 Septic tanks. A. A septic tank must be located no less than: 1. Five feet from any property line or building foundation; 2. Ten feet from any water main or water service line; 3. One hundred feet from any surface water; and 4. The separation distances required by 18 AAC 72 from water supply wells. B. A septic tank must have a minimum work- ing capacity, comprised of the volume of the septic tank below the bottom of the tank's discharge outlet, of 1,000 gallons plus 250 gallons for each bedroom over three. C. A septic tank installed after May 20, 1986, shall have a four-inch or larger diameter standpipe with an airtight cap providing effective access to AMC 15.65--7 15.65.050 ANCHORAGE MUNICIPAL CODE each compartment, and a cleanout installed one to four feet from the building foundation, and in the line between the tank and the distribution system there shall be two adjacent cleanouts. The cleanouts shall be located on undisturbed soil not more than ten feet from the tank~ The first cleanout in the line shall be to clean the line toward the distribution system and the second cleanout will be oriented to allow cleaning toward the septic tank. D. All septic t~nk~ must be fitted at the inlet and outlet with watertight couplings approved by the department. E. Septic tank manholes must be equipped with gaskets so as to minimize infiltration of water. F. If a septic tank is not buried or is buried at a depth of four feet or less, the t~nk must be insulated. G. A septic tank must be installed only in an area that will continue to be readily accessible to a pump truck. The point of access for the pump truck must be no more than 100 feet from the septic tank. The ground surface at the point of access for the pump truck must not be more than 11 feet higher than the bottom of the septic tank. (AO No. 86-21; AO No. 90-48(S-1)) 15.65.060 'Subsurface disposal fields. A. Location. The location of an original or re- placement subsurface disposal field must be in accordance with the following standards: 1. A subsurface disposal field may not be located less than: a. One hundred feet from the mean an- nual flood level of any surface water, major drainage course or source of domestic water supply; b. Fifty feet uphill from any manmade or any natural break in the natural slope of the terrain where the slope changes to 25 percent or greater unless the top of the drainfield is lower in elevation than the toe of the slope; c. Fifty feet upgradient or 20 feet downgradient from any portion of a subsurface drain; d. Two times the depth of gravel below the level of the horizontal perforated pipe or ten feet, whichever is greater, from any existing or abandoned sub- surface disposal field; e. Ten feet from any property line; f. Ten feet from any building or structure foundation; g. Ten feet from any water main or water service line; or h. Five feet from any septic tank. A subsurface disposal field shall be located in compliance with the separation dis- tances required by 18 AAC 72. 2. A subsurface disposal field may not be located: a. On a slope greater than 25 percent unless the department finds that the system will function effectively and in compliance with this chapter. The de- partment shall base its decision upon the report of an engineer, or on rele- vant test results, publications, engi- neering data or similar materials; b. Where the water table during any. sea- son of the year will be within four feet of the bottom of the absorption area; c. Where there is bedrock or any other impermeable barrier or where frac- tured or weathered bedrock occurs within six feet of the bottom of the absorption area; or d. Where surface water may pond over the disposal field. 3. Areas reserved for the original and replace- ment disposal sites may not have drive- ways, parking areas or structures over them, except that connecting pipes may .be con- structed under driveways and parking ar- eas provided the pipes are protected from freezing. AMC 15.65--8 WASTEWATER DISPOSAL 15.65.060 B. Soil, percolation and groundwater testing. Soil, percolation and groundwater testing as may be required by this chapter shall conform to the following: 1. Soil, percolation and groundwater table tests must be conducted in accordance with procedures specified in this chapter. The results of such tests must bear the original signature and stamp of an engineer and be submitted on a form provided by the de- partment. 2. Soil and percolation tests must be taken in each soil strata that will be used as absorp- tion area by the subsurface disposal field. If more than one soil stratum is used for the absorption ofwastewater, the area-weighted average rating of the soils in the strata proposed for use for absorption must be determined or the absorption areas may be designed on the basis of the least perme- able strata proposed for use for absorption. 3. A percolation test shall be applicable to the design of a subsurface disposal field for a radius of no more than 30 feet around the test site. The engineer shall obtain suffi- cient percolation tests to ensure the re- quired subsurface disposal area exists. 4. Atest to determine the depth of the ground- water shall be made no closer than five feet and no more than 30 feet from the proposed or exfisting subsurface disposal field. The elevation of the bottom of the test hole shall be at least six feet below the bottom of the proposed or existing subsurface disposal field. A perforated plastic pipe or similar device shall be installed and the test hole backfilled and mounded to slope away from the pipe so as to prevent entry of surface water. The water level in the pipe will be measured at least seven days after instal- lation to determine the water table depth below the surface. The department may require that the water level be tested for its response to the sudden addition or with- drawal of water. 5. Wheri initial groundwater monitoring iden- tifies the depth of groundwater table at six feet or less, or when available historic data indicates the highest seasonal groundwa- ter level may be within four feet or less below the bottom of the proposed subsur- face disposal system, the department may require monitoring of water levels at least once a month for not more than 12 consec- utive months. The department must ap- prove a specific monitoring program. If the proposed subsurface disposal field will be located in an area that has been filled, the engineer shall determine the suitability of the fill for its intended use. C. Soil and area requirements. Soft and area requirements for subsurface disposal fields must meet or exceed the following standards: 1. A subsurface disposal field may not be installed unless a percolation test of the soil to be used for the absorption area demonstrates the percolation rate-is 60 minutes per inch or faster. 2. A subsurface disposal field may not be installed in an accepting soil stratum hav- ing a percolation rate faster than one minute per inch without installing a filtration layer in accordance with subsection D of this section. 3. The size of an absorption area must be based on the percolation rate of one gallon per day per square foot for the filtration layer or the percolation rate of accepting soil, whichever requires the greater area. 4. Minimum absorption areas may not be less than as determined in accordance with the formula provided for each type of subsur- face disposal field using the wastewater application rates provided in Table 1. TABLE 1. WASTEWATERAPPLICATION RATES FOR SUBSURFACE DISPOSAL FIELDS Pit ar.d Shallow Mound System Percolation or Deep Trrnch Bed Application Rate Application Rate Rate (rm nutes /inc h) (~pd / $q ua~ f~ot) (gpd / square loot) 0--1 Not zui~able Not suitable 1--5 1.2 6--15 0.3 0.5 16--30 0.6 0.4 31---80 0.45 0.3 AMC 15.65--9 15.65.060 ANCHORAGE MUNICIPAL CODE Pit and Shallow Mound System Percolation or Deep Trench Bed Application Rate Application Rate Rate (rn~nutes linch) (8pd l square foot) (gpd l square foot) Greater than 60 Not suitable Not suitable Filter layer 1.0 0.7 gpd = gallons per day D. Filter materials. Filter materials must meet the following standards: 1. Filter material must be of naturally occur- ring material; 2. Filter material must be within the follow- ing size limits: a. The maximum diameter of the small- est ten percent by weight (eff.ecfive grain size) of the particles shall be between 0.25 (number 40 sieve) and 1.0 millimeters (number 18 sieve); b. The ratio of the maximum diameter of the smallest 60 percent by weight of the filter particles to the maximum diameter of the smallest ten percent by weight (uniformity coefficient) shall be less than 4.0; c. Not more than five percent by weight of the particles shall be finer than 0.074 millimeters (number 200 sieve); 3. A filtration layer may not be less than two feet thick; and 4. If an engineer elects to submit an~ al~er~at~ desi:gn of a filtering layer, the department must be satisfied that it will function in compliance with the intent of this section and will meet all other requirements of this chapter. E. General construction standards. Construc- tion of subsurface disposal fields must be accom- plished in accordance with the following stan- dards: 1. Single segments of subsurface disposal fields must not exceed 100 feet in length. 2. From October 15 to April 15, a subsurface soil absorption system under construction during freezing weather must be either: a. Opened and closed on the same day; or b. Covered, sealed and heated to prevent freezing. 3. All horizontally laid perforated pipe in a subsurface disposal field and the bottom of the excavation must be level. 4. The surface of the native soils in subsur- face disposal fields must be scarified before backfilling to establish a porous infiltrative surface. 5. After perforated pipe is laid over the six- inch minimum gravel bed in subsurface fields, an additional six-inch layer of gravel must be installed to provide a minimum of two inches of gravel over the perforated pipe. 6. A permeable nontoxic silt barrier must be instaned between the final gravel layer and the native soil backfill. Insulation may be used for this purpose as long as it is in- stalled to prevent the intrusion of silt or sand into the gravel layer below the insu- lation. 7. Asubsurface disposal field must be backfilled to a depth of a least 24 inches over the final layer and silt barrier. 8. If the back:filled depth over the final gravel layer is less than 36 inches, insulation must be placed over the top of the final gravel layer. 9. Insulation must be placed over any waste- water line or pipe over which a driveway, parking or vehicle storage area may be constructed. 10. The horizontal separation between subsur- face disposal fields or segments of subsur- face disposal field must be at least twice the depth of the gravel below the level of the horizontal perforated pipe, but not less than ten feet. 11. The finished grade over a subsurface dis- posal field must be mounded to prevent the formation of a depression after the backfill soil has settled. 12. A subsurface disposal field must have cleanouts. The cleanouts shall be con- nected to the underground piping system AMC 15.65--10 WASTEWATER DISPOSAL 15.65.060 in such a manner that cleaning can be performed and the disposal field thawed. The cleanouts must be at least four inches in diameter f6r gravity systems and located near each end of the field. _~ 13. A subsurface disposal field must have ver- tical monitoring pipes installed. At least one monitor pipe with a minimum diame- ter of four inches shall be installed in each disposal field or section of disposal field if the field is not continuous. Monitor pipe is to be perforated to allow liquid level mea- surement to the bottom of the trench exca- vation. Nonperforated monitor pipe shall extend from the distribution pipe invert to above ground level. 14. Perforated pipe used in gravity subsurface disposal fields must be four inches in diam- eter and must meet specifications. F. Seepage pit and deep absorption trench types. 1. The absorption area required for a seepage pit or deep absorption trench is equal to the number of bedrooms multiplied by 150 gal- lons per day per bedroom and divided by the trench application rate derived from table 1 in subsection C.4 of this section. 2. In calculating the absorption area for deep absorption trenches or seepage pits, only the porous soil strata intended for absorp- tion of wastewater on the side wall of the trench or pit below the lateral distribution pipe may be considered as absorption area. 3. Deep absorption trenches need not be straight, but must run parallel to the con- tour lines of the slope. 4. A seepage pit may not be used in soils with a percolation slower than 30 minutes per inch. G. Shallow absorption trench type. 1. A standard shallow absorption trench is one in which gravel material extends two inches above and six inches below the per- forated distribution pipe and is 12 inches wide. 2. The absorption area required for a stan- dard shallow absorption trench is equal to the number of bedrooms multiplied by 150 gallons per day per bedroom and divided by the trench application rate in gallons per day per square foot derived from table I in subsection C.4 of this section. 3. In calculating the absorption area for shal- low trenches, only the porous soil strata intended for absorption of wastewater on the bottom and side wall below the lateral distribution pipe may be considered as ab- sorption area. The soil layer used for the absorption area must be a minimum of 24 inches thick below the bottom of the gravel. 4. The required length of trench, for trenches of greater depth of gravel or of greater width than a standard shallow trench, shall be determined by multiplying the length of standard trench required by the appropri- ate factor derived from the following for- mula: W+2 Factor - w .1.2D where W is the width of the trench in feet and D is the depth of gravel in feet below the distribution pipe. 5. A shallow absorption trench need not be straight but must parallel the contour lines of the ground surface. H. Absorption beds. 1. The absorption area required for an absorp- tion bed must be computed by multiplying the number of bedrooms by 150 gallons per day per bedroom and dividing by the bed application rate in gallons per day per square foot derived from table I of subsec- tion C.4 of this section. In calculating the absorption area required for an absorption bed, only the bottom area of the absorption bed may be considered as absorption area. The soil layer used for the absorption area must be a minimum of 24 inches thick below the bottom of the gravel. 2. The bed bottom must be within two inches of level. 3. An absorption bed may not be installed on a ground surface slope greater than ten percent. AMC 15.65--11 15.65.060 ANCHORAGE MUNICIPAL CODE The width of an absorption bed must not exceed 15 feet without approval from the department. The perforated distribution pipes used in :: an absorption bed must be no more than six feet apart. The distance between the outer- most perforated distribution pipes and the sidewall of the absorption bed must be no more than three feet. I. Mound systems. Mound systems must be designed by an engiheer and constructed to meet or exceed the following standards: 1. Any peat or organic matter must be re- moved from the elevated mound site; 2. Sufficient filtering material as described in subsection D of this section must be placed on top of the accepting stratum of native soil to create a combined total separation from the water table or impermeable strata which equals or exceeds those standards set out in subsection A of this section. The unsaturated accepting stratum must be a minimum of 24 inches thick; 3. The absorption area required for a mound system must be computed in the same way as for an absorption bed, except that the percolation rate used for calculating the absorption area needed for an elevated mound system must be the percolation rate of the accepting stratum of natural soil or the percolation rate of the filtering sand, whichever requires the larger area; 4. The side slope of the top layer of the mound system exclusive of topsoil must not be steeper than 33 percent; 5. A mound system must function so as to ensure that all treated effluent is contained within the mound area and absorbed into the intended accepting soil stratum; 6. The upper six inches of a mound system must consist of top soil; and 7. The mound must be vegetated sufficiently to prevent erosion. (AO No. 86-21; AO No. 90-48(S-1)) 15.65.070 Holding tanks. A. A person may not install a holding tank, unless: ~. · 1. Public sewer will be available' wi~' one year and the use of the holaing tank is terminated within 60 days of the date pub- lic sewer is available in accordance with section 15.65.110; or 2. An engineer certifies it is necessary as a remedial measure where an existing on- site wastewater disposal system malfunc- tions' and cannot be repaired, rejuvenated or replaced to bring the system in compli- ance with this chapter. A holding tank may be used as a temporary, seasonal measure to allow for repairs of the existing system. B. A holding tank shall be located no less than: 1. Five feet from any property line or building foundation; 2. Ten feet from any water main or water service line; 3. One hundred feet from surface water; and 4. The separation distances required by 18 AAC 72 from water supply wells. C. The capacity of a holding tank may not be less than 2,000 gallons and must be increased by 500 gallons for each bedroom over three. D. A holding t~nk must be installed in an area that is readily accessible to a pump truck at all times and where overflow during operation or spillage during pumping will not create a health hazard. The access site for the pump truck must not be more than 100 feet from the holding tank. The elevation of the site must not be more than 11 feet higher than the bottom of the holding tank. E. A holding tank must be secured against flotation under high water table conditions. F. A holding tank installed after September 25, 1990, must have a six-inch diameter standpipe with an airtight cap to provide pumping access. The standpipe must extend at least 12 inches above the surface of the ground. AMC 15.65--12 WASTEWATER DISPOSAL 15.65.090 G. A holding tank must have a' watertight manhole to provide access to the interior of the tank. The manhole must be at least 20 inches in :diameter. ..... H. If a holding tank is not buried or is buried at a depth of four feet or less, the tank and standpipe must be insulated. I. A holding tank must be equipped with an approved high water level alarm which registers both visually and audibly inside the dwelling. The alarm must be positioned to allow at least 150 gallons per bedroom of additional storage but not less than 300 gallons after the alarm has been activated. J. A holding tank must conform to the corro- sion prevention standards for septic tanks under the Uniform Plumbing Code, as amended. K. The department may also ensure that the holding tank is designed and constructed so as to perform adequately and maintained and operated appropriately by requiring pumping contracts, operating plans, financial arrangements and other reasonable conditions. (AO No. 86-21; AO No. 90-48(S-1)) 15.65.072 Drainfields (shallow trench) (Re- pealed) (AO No. 86-21; AO No. 90-48(S-1)) 15.65.075 Absorption beds. (Repealed) (AO No. 86-21; AO No. 90-48(S-1)) 15.65.077 Elevated mound system. (Repealed) (AO No. 86-21; AO No. 90-48(S-1)) 15.65.080 Lift stations. A. When a lift station is required, the system must be designed by an engineer and have the approval of the department. A design bearing the original signature and stamp of an engineer must be submitted to the department for approval before a permit will be issued. The design must meet the standards contained in this chapter. B. A lift station must have an approved high water alarm which registers both visually and audibly inside the dwelling. The alarm system must be on a separate electrical circuit from the pump controls. The alarm must be triggered when there is less than 150 gallons of capacity remain- ing in the tank. C. A life station must be accessible at all times. D. A lift station must be insulated and pro- tected from freezing. E. Lift stations made of steel shall be inter- nally and externally protected against corrosion. F. A lift station must be located no less than: 1. Five feet from any property line or building foundation; 2. Ten feet from any water main or service line; 3. One hundred feet from any surface water or major drainage; and 4. The separation distances required by 18 AAC 72 from water supply wells. (AO No. 90-48(S-1)) 15.65.090 Earth privies. A. Earth privies must be constructed in accor- dance with the latest edition of the Sanitarian's Handbook, or in a similar manner approved by the department. B. An earth privy may not be used where running water is available to operate a water- carried wastewater disposal system, except for short periods of time as approved in writing by the department and where the purposes of this chapter are not significantly affected. C. An earth privy may not be constructed, installed or operated: 1. In low, wet areas, or where the groundwa- ter during any season of the year will be within four feet of the bottom of the privy; 2. Where there is bedrock, fractured bedrock or any impermeable barrier within six feet of the bottom of the privy; or 3. Where there is inadequate surface drain- age away from the privy. D. An earth privy must be located no less than: 1. Ten feet from any water main or service line; AMC 15.65--13 15.65.090 ANCHORAGE MUNICIPAL CODE 2. Thirty feet from any property line; 3. Twenty feet from any building or structure foundation; 4. Ten feet from any abandoned privy or sub- surface disposal field; 5. Fi_fly feet uphill from any manmade or natural break in the natural slope of the terrain where the slope changes by 25 percent or greater; 6. One hundred feet uphill or 30 feet downhill from a curtain drain; 7. One hundred feet from any surface water or any source of domestic water supply; and 8. The separation distances required by 18 AAC 72 from water supply wells or sys- tems. E. Abandoned earth privies must be backfilled to 12 inches above the original ground level. F. An earth privy may not be used in a water- shed for a public water supply. (AO No. 86-21; AO No. 90-48(S-1)) 15.65.095 Lift stations. (Repealed) (AO No. 86-21; AO No. 90-48(S-1)) 15.65.100 Vault privies. A. Vault privies must be constructed in accor- dance with the latest edition of the Sanitarian's Handbook or in a similar manner approved by the department. B. A concrete vault privy or other similar facil- ity approved by the department may be used instead of an earth privy for the disposal of human excreta in watersheds for public water supplies when running water is not available. C. The vault of the facility must be constructed of reinforced concrete, metal or other watertight corrosion resistant material approved by the de- partment. The vault must be maintained in a sanitary condition, and the vault contents must be removed from the watershed and disposed of by burial or another method approved by the department. D. A vault privy shall be located no less than: 1. Five feet from any property line or building foundation; 2. Ten feet from any water main or service line; 3. One hundred feet from surface water or any source of domestic water supply; and 4. The separation distances required by 18 AAC 72 from water supply wells or sys- terns. (AO No. 86-21; AO No. 90-48(S-1)) 15.65.105 Vault privies. (Repealed) (AO No. 86-21; AO No. 90-48(S-1)) 15.65.110 Connection to public sewer sys- tem. The to the following are requirements for connection public sanitary sewer system: 1. When this section prohibits the operation of an on-site wastewater disposal system that system must be removed or aban- doned, and rendered harmless, at the own- er's expense. 2. Any lot which is served by on-site waste- water disposal system and for which there is not a second replacement disposal site and to which public sewer is available must connect to the public sewer at such time as the on-site wastewater disposal system fails or requires upgrading. Simple repairs of broken pipes, moving parts, or accidental puncture of the tank may be accomplished in accordance with original design stan- dards. 3. A public sewer system is available to a lot or parcel when: a. A public sewer line extends the full frontage of at least one side of the lot or parcel; or b. The lot or parcel abuts a cul-de-sac in which a sewer line extends past the center of the bulb of the cul-de-sac. 4. Lots which contain less than 40,000 square feet within lot lines may not construct an AMC 15.65~14 WASTEWATER DISPOSAL 15.65.130 on-site wastewater disposal system if the public sewer system has been approved or installed in accordance with title 19. An approved system means a system which will be under construction within one cal- endar year from the apphcation for an on-site wastewater disposal system. 5. A person may not operate a holding tank for more than 60 days after a public sewer is available. 6. A property where public sewer was not extended by title 19 (with the vote and approval of the property owners), will not be assessed for sewers ,mless the property owner completes a sewer connect permit .application. Upon issuance of the sewer connect permit, the property will be as- sessed through a permission to enter (PTE) or levy upon connection (LUC) procedure. (AO No. 86-21; AO No. 90-48(S-1)) Cross references--Building regulations, ch. 23.05; sewer service, ch. 26.50. 15.65.120 Nonconforming on-site disposal systems. A. Except as provided in this section, any on- site wastewater disposal system installed pursu- ant to a construction permit before September 25, 1990, must operate in compliance with the instal- lation and design standards for that system which were in effect when the permit for the installation of the system was issued. B. Repair of broken pipes, moving parts or perforations of a tank may be accomplished in accordance with original or current design stan- dards. C. If a component of an on-site wastewater disposal system malfunctions and is replaced, its replacement must be in compliance with this chapter. D. Cesspools may not be installed or operated. (AO No. 86-21; AO No. 90-48(S-1)) 15.65.130 Alternative on-site disposal sys- t. ems. A. The department shall encourage develop- ment of alternative methods of on-site wastewa- ter disposal. Once a year the department shall solicit designs for alternative systems. The depart- ment shall submit all proposals to the on-site wastewater technical review board for consider- ation prior to issuance of a provisional permit and shall provide a reasonable period for public re- view and comment on any proposal. B. The department may issue provisional per- mits allowing the installation and operation of alternative systems which meet or exceed the treatment standards of this chapter and 18 AAC 72. Permits shall be for a period of one year, during which time testing and evaluation of the particular system shall be conducted. C. Proposed proprietary equipment must be approved by the National Sanitation Foundation and the test and evaluation results must be made available to the department. D. Anyone proposing to install an alternative system shall submit to the department a descrip- tion of the system and an effluent testing and reporting program. Tests may include but are not limited to tests for fecal coliform, suspended sol- ids, biological oxygen demand, pH, dissolved oxy- gen and nitrate nitrogen. E. The department may require that the per- son installing the alternative system provide a detailed description of. maintenance, operation and abandonment procedures which ensure the alternative system will operate in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. F. As a condition of issuing a permit for an alternative system, the department may require that a bond payable to the municipality be pro- vided in an amount sufficient to pay the cost of repair or conversion of the on-site wastewater disposal system so that it complies with this chapter. G. The department may enter into a contract with the installer through which appropriate re- sponsibilities for installation, maintenance, test- ing, reporting and system abandonment are es- tablished and comphance with laws and regulation are ensured. AMC 15.65--15 15.65.130 ANCHORAGE MUNICIPAL CODE H. The department may fund all or any part of a nonproprietary alternative on-site wastewater treatment system program. I. After the period of the provisional permit, the department shall evaluate the contract and the performance and practicability of the system. J. The department shall propose changes in regulations or ordinances to enable use of the system as a conventional system upon demonstra- tion to the satisfaction of the department of the effectiveness and practicality of the alternative system. (AO No. 86-21; AO No. 90-48(S-1)) 15.65.135 Inspections of on.site wastewater disposal system installation. (Re- pealed) (AO No. 86-21; AO No. 90-48(S-1)) 15.65.140 Separation distance waivers for on- site disposal systems. A. When authorized by the state department of environmental conservation, the department may issue waivers of the separation distances required between on-site wastewater disposal systems and those areas specified in 18 AAC 72 by using criteria established by the state department of environmental conservation. B. The department may issUe waivers of the separation distances between on-site wastewater disposal systems and those areas described in this chapter, if the issuance of such waivers will not adversely affect achievement of the objectives of this chapter and will not be in conflict with state law. A written application for a waiver from the separation distances co~ntained in this chapter must be submitted by an engineer and must contain, but need not be limited to: 1. A description of the separation distances from which the waiver is requested and the reasons why the separations cannot be maintained; 2. Information on soil, topography, lot size, anticipated wastewater flow and other tech- nical information relevant to the request; 3. Any measures which are proposed to miti- gate adverse effects associated with the waiver; 4. A statement by the engineer identifying all positive and negative impacts associated with granting the waiver request; and 5. A list including addresses and telephone numbers of all adjoining property owners. C. The department must notify all adjacent property owners at least seven days prior to issuing a waiver unless the applicant submits notarized letters of nonobjection from the owners of adjacent property. D. The department must review each waiver request and must issue a written decision. A denial of a waiver request must include reasons for the denial. A record of the request, review and analysis procedure, and approval or denial shall be m~intained by the department for public in- spection. (AO No. 90-48(S-1)) 15.65.145 Subdivision standards. (Repealed) (AO No. 86-21; AO No. 90-48(S-1)) 15.65.150 Inspections of on-site disposal sys- tem installations. A. An on-site wastewater disposal system may not be back_filled, completed or used until the department or an engineer has inspected and approved the installation in accordance with this section. The department must be notified at least two hours prior to any inspections. B. Inspection reports for replacement or modi- fication of system components may enc,ompass only those feature appropriate to the specific component. C. There must be a minimum of two inspec- tions during installation of an on-site wastewater disposal system, except holding tanks. 1. The first inspection must be conducted after the excavation of ditches, pits, trenches or beds and before any gravel is placed in the ditches, pits, trenches or beds. A septic tank may be set in place, but may not be backfilled before this inspection. AMC 15.65--16 WASTEWATER DISPOSAL 15.65.170 2. The second inspection must be conducted after the placement of the filter material, gravel, distribution lines, standpipes, cleanouts, silt barriers and insulation, but before the placement of any other backfill. D. A holding tank installation must be in- spected after the tank has been set in place and all piping and controls have been installed, but before the placement of any backfill. E. Within 30 working days from the date of the final inspection of an on-site wastewater disposal system, an inspection report, including but not limited to the information described in subsection F of this section, shall be submitted to the depart- ment by the owner or his agent. The report must bear the seal of an engineer and be on a form and to standards prescribed by the department. F. The final inspection report shall include: 1. An as-built plan to an appropriate scale on an 8V2- by il-inch sheet showing the loca- tion of all system components. The as-built plan shall also show all features described in sections 15.65.040 and 15.65.050 and 18 AAC 72. 2. A profile of the on-site system which pro- vides the relative elevation of the following with respect to an actual or assumed ele- vation mark: a. Invert elevations of tank inlets and outlets; b. The invert elevation of the beginning and end of all distribution pipes; c. The elevation of the ground surface, the monitoring well bottom and the water table at all monitoring wells; and d. A description of the location of the elevation mark. 3. From at least one tank standpipe and at least one drainfield standpipe, accurate distances to at least two points readily locatable under winter conditions. 4. A soils log of the pit or trench walls and bed of the subsurface disposal field if the soils differ from conditions upon which the per- mit was based. 5. Justifications for all departures from per- mit conditions. 6. Copies of all agreements required by sec- tion 15.65.040.D. (AO No. 86-21; AO No. 90-48(S-1)) 15.65.160 Maintenance requirements for on- site disposal systems. A. The property owner shall be responsible for maintenance of the on-site wastewater system so as to comply with the intent of this chapter and for the abatement of any nuisance or health hazard arising from its malfunction. B. Septic tank maintenance shall meet or ex- ceed the following requ/rements: 1. A septic tank must be inspected to deter- mine the need for pumping and cleaning at least once each year unless it has been pumped within the preceding two-year time period; -2. Inspection shall be by an engineer or by a person holding a permit to perform that work under section 15.65.035; 3. The septic tank shall be pumped and cleaned within seven days of the inspection if two inches or more of floating scum, or 24 inches or more of sludge, is present in the second compartment of the septic tank; 4. Pumping and cleaning shall be accom- plished by a person holding a permit to perform that work issued under section 15.65.035; and 5. The owner or his agent shall furnish to the department within ten days a completed form prescribed by the department which certifies the results of the inspection or of the pumping and cleaning. (AO No. 90-48(S-1)) 15.65.170 Limited wastewater assessment- service districts. A. Establishment. Alimited wastewater assess- ment-service district may be established by ordi- nance for the following capital and service func- tions that will be charged for or financed by assessment, taxes or private corporation financ- AMC 15.65--17 15.65.170 ANCHORAGE MUNICIPAL CODE ing. This is for lots platted before May 20, 1986, and not intended for development of subdivisions. 1. · Such district may be established for the purpose of treating and disposing of waste- water for dwellings and facilities that are unable to utilize individual on-site waste- water disposal systems. The design, con- struction and operation of a wastewater disposal system serving less than five dwell- ings and delivering septic tank effluent via gravity or pressure lines to a community disposal field er to a public sewer will be allowed. The charges for the capital im- provements and services are to be allocated in accordance with title 19. 2. Supervision of the assessment-service dis- tricts shall be by a board of supervisors appointed or elected, as determined at the election at which the creation of the assess- ment-service district is approved by the property owners residing within the pro- posed boundaries. The development of pre- liminary information required for balloting of the assessment-service district and all costs associated will be paid for in advance by the district. This would include prelim- inary engineering, characterization of soil conditions, seasonal groundwater fluctua- tions and other potential environmental constraints; also, ongoing service charges for operations, m~intenance, debt service and reserves required after the project is operational. 3. Districts shall utilize procedures outlined in title 19 for capital improvements and title 27 for providing services. B. Assistance by municipality. In support of the . furnishing of such functions, the board of super- visors may request the assistance of the munici- pality with the following duties: 1. Contract with licensed septic tank service persons for the performance of responsibil- ities under subsection A.1 of this section. 2. Acquire lands and rights-of-way in accor- dance with chapter 25.20 under subsection A of this section. 3. Enter in accordance with title 7 into con- tracts for the design and supervision of construction, and the construction of facil- ities under subsection A.2 of this section. C. Fees. The disposal of pumped effluents or connection to the public sewer system will be in accordance with municipal wastewater utility tar- iff. D. Standards and procedure for approval. It shall be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the assembly prior to the placing on the ballot of a proposition for the formation of an assessment service district that: 1. Under subsection A. 1 of this section, the public health, safety and welfare would be enhanced. 2. Under subsection A.2 of this section that: a. Neither individual on-site wastewater systems, nor connection to an existing public sewer, is feasible for one or more particular lots or tracts. b. The proposed work and the estimated construction costs are feasible for the district proposed to be incorporated within the assessment-service district. After approval under these standards, the depart- merit shall conduct not less than two public meet- ings with adequate notice to property owners that may be affected. If approved by the property owners, there will be a public hearing before the assembly. E. Financing. The provision of services will be paid by mill levy within such an assessment- service district. 1. The mill levy each year shall be adequate to support operation, maintenance, debt service, and a reserve for repairs and re- placements. 2. All accounting, money management, assess- ment collection and assigned rate of collec- tions shall be provided by the municipality. 3. The municipality is to be reimbursed for services rendered. 4. It is not the intent for limited wastewater assessment-service districts to be designed, AMC 15.65--18 WASTEWATER DISPOSAL 15.65.180 managed, operated or funded by the mu- nicipal wastewater utility. Financing of the project will be borne by the district. (AO No. 90-48(S-1)) 15.65.180 Subdivision standards for lots to be served by on-site disposal sys- tems. A lot in a proposed subdivision that is to be served by an on-site wastewater disposal system must conform to the following standards: A. The minimum area of any lot must be 40,000 square feet within lot lines. The department may require a larger lot area where necessary to meet the require- ments of this section. B. Each lot in a proposed subdivision must contain minimum reserved space suitable for the original and two replacement on- site wastewater disposal systems. The min- imum reserved area may be determined by either of the following two methods: 1. Total reserved area requirements may be determined from the table 2 with- out consideration of subsurface dis- posal fields or the number of bed- rooms allowed on the plot. TABLE 2 Total Reserved Percolation Rate Area (minutes / inch) (square feet) 1---5 10,000 5--12 12,000 12--24 14,ooo 24..-60 16,ooo The lot must contain sufficient area to provide for structures, and a well or other water source, and sufficient area for an original on-site wastewa- ter disposal system and two replace- ment subsurface disposal fields de- signed in accordance with the standards and procedures of sec- tions 15.65.040, 15.65.050 and 15.65.060. The plat must designate the maximum number of bedrooms allowed on each lot. The area to be used for wastewater disposal system and replacement subsurface disposal fields must be designated on the plat for each lot as being unavailable for use for driveways, parking areas or structures. A holding tank shall not be considered as either the original or replacement site for on-site wastewater disposal. This section does not apply to subdivi- sions that received preliminary plat ap- proval before May 20, 1986. Proposed subdivisions containing on-site wastewater disposal systems which are permitted under section 15.65.030 may be approved without conforming to this sec- tion if the density of existing and pro- posed housing in the subdivision as cur- rently zoned, the number of bedrooms in the existing structures in the subdivision and the number of lots-in the subdivision are not increased and: 1. The lot sizes do not decrease except for reasons described under subsec- tion E.2. of this section; or 2. Upon application for a variance to the department of health and hu- man services, the subdivision own- er(s) demonstrate that: a. Lot sizes must be decreased in order to resolve a surveying er- ror, provided the decrease in lot size of any one lot does not exceed 15 percent of the lot size prior to the decrease; and b. Strict application of this sec- tion would be impractical and ,mreasonable or not in the best interests of the public health, safety or welfare; and c. The granting of a variance would not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property; and d. The variance will not nullify the intent and purpose of this chapter; and Supp. No. MA 1 AMC 15.65--19 15.65.180 ANCHORAGE MUNICIPAL CODE e. Undue hardship would result from strict compliance with the requirements of this section. (AO No. 90-48(S-1); AO No. 96-15, § 1, 3-5-96) Cross references--Subdivision standards, generally, ch. 21.75; subdivision standards, improvements, ch. 21.85; build- lng regulations, ch. 23.05. Supp. No. MA 1 AMC 15.65-20 P 422 372 885 US Postal Service Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided. Do not use for International Mail (See reverse) Sent to Donald G Patterson ~%~b~Excavation & Devl I Wasilla, Alaska 99687 Postage $ Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restdcled Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing To Whom & Date Delivered Return Receipt Showing [o Whom, Date, & Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage & Fees $ Postmark or Date 3-19-99 SENDER: · Compete items 1, and/or 2 for additional services. · Complete items 3, 4a, and 4b. · Print your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can retum this card to you. · Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space does not permit. · Write'Return Receipt Requested' on the mailpiece below the article number. · The Retum Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date delivered. I also wish to receive the following services (for an extra fee): 1. [] Addressee's Address 2. :t~:~lestdcted Delivery Consult postmaster for fee. 3. A~icleAddressedto: Alaska Excavation & Devl, Inc. Donald G Patterson PO Box 873483 Wasilla, Alaska 99687 Dan Roth, On-site Services 5. Received By: (Print Name) ~ 6. Signat~ (Addressee or A~t),, P~orm 3811~ecember 1994 4a. Article Number P 422 372 885 4b. Service Type [] Registered :~] Certified [] EExD~IM~iI~ ,"~ [] Insured [] ndise [] COD I)' ~ ~ if requested Domestic Return Receipt I MUN,~PALITY OF ANCHORAGE UNIFORM SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT DISTRICT COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT AT ANCHORAGE, ALASKA CASE NO. The undersigned, being~duly sworm upon his oath deposes & says: ON ._,~_,._~ THE..~__~.a'i3,A¥ OF , 19 AT STREET ADD. ~AILtNG ADD. CiTY STALE DATE OF BIRTH IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE, STATE OF ALASKA DID THEN AND THERE COMMIT THE.FOLLOWING OFFENSE: SECTION: DESCRIPTION OF OFFENSE: IN VIOLATION OF THE ANCHORAGE CODE OF ORDINANCES· THE UNDER- SIGNED FURTHER STATES THAT HE HAS JUST AND REASON- ABLE GROUND TO BELIEVE AND DOES BELIj~iVE THAT THE PERSON NAMED ABOVE COMMITTED THE O~H£RF~'~T FOJRTH U--ff~f'~ARY TO LAW. OFFICER'S SIG~NATURE ,, , ,,. . DEPT __ PCN# OFFICER N/(ME ' (Printed) SWORN AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME , . - ' ~ ' You must appear wi~hln 1,'~days of between 8:00 A M.'and 4:30 P M ADDRESS OF COURT 941 FOURTH AVENUE ANCHORAGE, ALASKA I PROMISE TO APPEAR IN SAID COURT AT THE TIME INDICATED ABOVE: SIGNATURE X 70-005 (10,81) A.M. m · P.M. ~ Rick Mystrom, Mayor Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services 825 "L" Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 http://www.ci.anchorage.ak.us Alaska Excavation & Development Inc. Donald G. Patterson P.O. Box 873483 Wasilla, Alaska 99687 Re: Uniform Summons and Complaint No. M101177, Lot 44 Delucia Subd., PIN 051-141-05 Attached is a copy of the SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT issued to you for violation of Anchorage's well and/or septic code (Anchorage Municipal Codes 15.55 & 15.65). Specific violations are listed on the citation. The original citation will be filed with the District Court for the State of Alaska. The citation has been duly served and includes a mandatory court appearance. You are REQUIRED to appear within 5 working days of receipt of the citation at; 303 'K' Street* Anchorage, Alaska Court hours are Monday - Friday, 9:30 to 11:30 am and 1:30 to 3:30 pm. Be advised that waits may be longer for arraignments on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. *do not use address listed on the citation CONSEQUENCES OF FAILURE TO APPEAR (effective July 15, 1998): If you fail to appear in court in response to this citation within five days, one of the following will happen: A. A default judgment will be entered against you for the maximum penalty permitted by law plus $50.00 in court and collection costs plus any surcharge required by statute. Efforts to collect this judgment will include attachment of your Permanent Fund Dividend. -OR- B. A warrant will be issued for your arrest, and you will be assessed an additional fee of $75.00 whether or not you are convicted of the offense. If you have any questions about your court appearance, please contact the Alaska court System, Traffic/Minor Offenses Division at 264-0713. If you have any questions regarding the charge against you, please contact Officer Daniel Roth at 343-4761 or Officer Donna Mears at 343-4728. Attachment: Citation Ct M101177 PLAINTIFF EXHIBIT NO. 8 ADMITTED CASE NO..~,~4/- ~ - ,~']10 /! 7 7 IN THE v_:s::.~<.i_cz COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT, AT ANCHORAGE Plaintiff(s), Defendant(s), RETURN OF SERVICE Case Number ~,~..i_ 0 _: ~. '~ ? Anchorage & Mat-Su Process Service Pamela S Jones Sieve Arturo Bob Boutang P.O. Box 876295 P.(). Box 212041 PO. Box83656 Wasilla. AK 99687 Anchorage, AK 99521 Fairbanks. AK 9971)8 {907 ~ ~ 76-4886 (907) 258-3211 (907) 457-3211 I hereby certify and return that I served the anneXed: on the therein named i~ ,:4~..~. ,.. ;~,. ~.,:.~.:~~ :,,_~,... ~Ye h~nding, to and leaving a tree and correct copy thereof with at 7: c ~J o'clock ~ m, on the z, ~, Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of ,,i::,~: Notary nd for Alaska My commission expires: ~' Attorney: Service Fee: Mileage: S~al Endeavor: File: Our:# Municipality of Anchorage Depor/men! of Heo/th & Humeri Services On-Site Services Progrom PO Box 196650 825 1 Street, Suite 502 Anchoroge, Alos/~o 995!9 6~50 343-4744 1999 Excavator Listing A+ Home Services, Inc. Michael & Beverly Blakeslee 7501 East 140th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99516 Acheson Enterprises Monte Acheson 11731 Paddock Lane Anchorage, Alaska 99516 Acreage Systems, Inc. T. Sanderson PO Box 112848 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 2848 Alaska General Industries Austin J Joy, Jr PO Box 111073 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 BC Excavating, Inc. Robert Haines 2251 Cinnabar Loop Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Baileys Backhoe G W Bailey 1750 Pioneer Peak Drive Wasilla, Alaska 99654 Bolinder Excavating Dave Bolinder PO Box 873699 Wasilla, Alaska 99654 C.A. Excavating Charles A Smith 2000 East 68th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99507 EX99-0104 EX99-0107 EX99-0131 EX99-0603 EX99-0128 EX99-0186 EX99-0637 EX99-0113 345-1890 345-2715 345-2122 346-1850 344-4490 376-5067 373-5443 PLAINTIFF EXHIBIT NO. C ADMITTED CASE NO..,%~/,/-oo'-~/,/77 1999 Excavator Listing C & N Construction Thomas E Nelson PO Box 230904 Anchorage, Alaska 99523 0904 Calkins Construction Everette C Calkins Ilona J Calkins 20049 Tenada Chugiak, Alaska 99567 Carl's Excavating, Inc. Carl & Marilyn Elsenbast PO Box 110383 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 Cats Eye Excavating Cory Gove 528 State Street, Suite B Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Charles Ban- Contracting Charles S Ban- 11609 Hebron Drive Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Chuck's Backhoe, Inc. Charles T. Fen-ell 15415 Old Seward Highway Anchorage, Alaska 99516 Classic Excavating & Trucking Jack R. Hill, Jr. 5341 East 142nd Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99516 Colony Builders, Inc. William F. Taylor I11 2340 Loren Circle Anchorage, Alaska 99516 Conrad Contracting Don E. Conrad PO Box 829 Girdwood, Alaska 99587 EX99-0134 EX99-0621 EX99-0110 EX99-0624 EX99-0111 EX99-0120 EX99-0145 EX99-0169 EX99-0119 696-0246 346-3568 223-9594 694-2767 345-1128 345-3245 244-6233 783-2936 2 1999 Excavator Listing Constructed Unlimited, Inc. John M. Herring John B. Herring 882] Emerald Street Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Dan Beek PO Box 111714 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 1714 Dean Construction & Development Robert Dean HC 85 Box 9352 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Dirtwork's Owen "Scott" Johnson HC 02 Box 7266 Palmer, Alaska 99645 Disotell Construction Carl A. Disotell Janet L. Disotell PO Box 770210 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Don's Trucking James D Smith Marilyn J Smith PO Box 770466 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Eagle Mountain Excavation Kelly Heitstuman HC 83 Box 2426 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Earth Smart Enterprises Scott & Beth Glaser 4001 East 112th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99516 Faulk Brothers Contracting David G. Faulk, Wade Bradison 8401 Brayton Drive, Suite 200 Anchorage, Alaska 99507 EX99-0181 EX99-0638 EX99-0133 EX99-0174 EX99-0102 EX99-0641 EX99-0617 EX99-0634 EX99-0633 243-8667 345-9132 694-9117 745-3671 694-5797 694-1346 696-8477 522-1114 349-9899 1999 Excavator Listing G & G Rentals & Contracting Gary E. Skaggs 9541 Abbott Loop Road Anchorage, Alaska 99507 GS Express Glori A. Strickler 16900 Ransom Ridge Anchorage, Alaska 99516 Gator Construction, Inc. Clark Cothron, Toni Brooks PO Box 111154 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 1154 Glacier Creek S & G Noel Absher PO Box 850 Girdwood, Alaska 99587 Glacier Excavating Marvin Colgin, Daniel H Harten 13200 Mountain Place Anchorage, Alaska 99516 Gold Star Construction, Inc. Keith LaFramboise, Tony LaFramboise PO Box 230629 Anchorage, Alaska 99523 Green General Contracting Daniel Green PO Box 672125 Chugiak, Alaska 99567 Groeneweg Construction Robert D. Groeneweg PO Box 210167 Anchorage, Alaska 99521 H R Redmond Co., Inc. Harvey R Redmond, Jean S Redmond Robert A Redmond PO Box 488 Girdwood, Alaska 99587 Hamann Construction Co., Inc. Robert J. Hamann Wilma L Hamann PO Box 770617 EX99-0610 EX99-0195 EX99-632 EX99-0156 EX99-0639 EX99-0183 EX99-0154 EX99-0178 EX99-0607 EX99-0124 4 346-3338 345-1965 345-2524 244-4095 522-6397 696-1805 333-5244 694-2776 1999 Excavator Listing Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Isabelle Construction & Excavating Delido A Isabelle PO Box 220021 Anchorage, Alaska 99522 0021 John Hagmeier Company John C. Hagmeier 2204 Cleveland Avenue, Suite 201 Anchorage, Alaska 99517 Jones Excavating & Contracting Frank V Jones 3224 Mountain View Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99501 K.C. Alaska Inc. Karen R. Crosswhite Alan J. Crosswhite 7320 Augustine Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99504 3502 Kincaid & Son Construction Co., Inc. Keith Jenkins PO Box 110303 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 L.H. ConstructJon, Inc. Lynn H Hythgoe, Jr. 7941 Sandlewood Place Suite 100 Anchorage, Alaska 99507 M & J Services, Inc. Marvin Haken, Jessie Haken 11441 Celestial Street Eagle River, Alaska 99577 M M & M Contracting Michele Myers Paul Myers PO Box 670495 Chugiak, Alaska 99567 PoorBoy Construction Earl Carmichael 3705 Arctic Boulevard #2981 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 EX99-0121 EX99-0112 EX99-0635 EX99-0170 EX99-0132 EX99-0606 EX99-0179 EX99-0147 243-5845 248-6789 279-2094 338-0806 243-8644 522-1616 694-0690 1999 Excavator Listing RPC Richard J Person 24120 Ramblers Road Chugiak, Alaska 99567 Rasmusson Enterprises Alan D Rasmusson PO Box 770766 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Renegade Equipment Michael Lindeen PO Box 232764 Anchorage, Alaska 99523 S & A Enterprises Steve K. Arduser PO Box 110454 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 Sanders & Sanders Excavating, Inc. David A Sanders PO Box 231541 Anchorage, Alaska 99523 Scott's Services Scott Felger 14716 Loc Loman Lane Anchorage, Alaska 99516 Skyco Contractors Greg kSandland, Dennis Martenson 6308 Mackay Street Anchorage, Alaska 99518 South Fork Construction Phyllis Janke Dan Janke PO Box 770567 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Spinell Homes Chuck Spinelli Craig Cozad 9210 Vanguard #102 Anchorage, Alaska 99507 EX99-0614 EX99-0137 EX99-0164 EX99-0129 EX99-0171 EX99-0623 EX99-0103 EX99-0116 EX99-0602 688-4678 696-7010 346-2300 349-7541 522-1997 345-0852 563-6604/243-2198 694-4351 344-5678 1999 Excavator Listing Strata Company Vicki & James Shreeve PO Box 670829 Chugial<, Alaska 99567 EX99-0149 Steppers Construction, Inc. John Eshleman PO Box 871145 Wasilla, Alaska 99687 EX99-0163 Stuart Gilbert PO Box 771747 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 1747 EX99-0636 Tweed Excavating Richard S. Sharer 17034 Eagle River Loop Road Suite 202 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 EX99-0117 Walker Contracting Jimmie Walker PO Box 771974 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 1974 EX99-0130 Whitters Excavating James Whitters 13945 Knob Hill Eagle River, Alaska 99577 EX99-180 Wood & Sons Contracting Dennis Wood, Jason Wood, Joshua Wood 1623 Early View EX99-0619 Anchorage, Alaska 99504 06-28-99Rev/$ed 696-4949 746-1880 694-7112 694-1373 696-0822 337-9663 A+ Home Services, Inc. Michael Blakeslee Beverly Blakeslee 7501 East 140th Avenue Anchbrage, Alaska 99516 Acheson Enterpdses Monte Acheson 11731 Paddock Lane Anchorage, Alaska 99516 Accurate Excavating, LLC Randy W. Lipps Thomas D. Lipps 12761 Old Seward Highway Anchorage, Alaska 99515 Acmage Systems, Inc. T. Sandemon PO Box 112848 Ancho~ge, Alaska 99511 Alaska General, Inc. Austin J. Joy, Jr. PO Box 111073 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 B: C. Excavating, Inc. Robert Haines Gordon Barrel 2251 Cinnabar Loop Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Bailey's Backhoe Garfield W Bailey 1750 Pioneer Peak Ddve Wasilla, Alaska 99654 C.A. Excavating Charles Smith 2000 East 68th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99507 CCC Construction Chades L. Mowrer PO Box 770647 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health & Human Services Environmental Services Division On-Site Services Program PO Box 196650 825 L Street, Suite 502 Anchorage, Alaska 99519 6650 343-4744 998 Excavator Listing EX98-0104 EX98-0107 EX98-0198 EX98-0131 EX98-0603 EX98-0128 EX98-0186 EX98-0113 EX98-0118 345-1890 345-2715 345-7615 345-2122 346-1850 344-4490 376-5067 349-9341 CEF Inc. Sonshine Ente~,lses Earl W Ford Ched D Ford 9441 Abbott Loop Road Anchorage, Alaska 99507 CMM General Contractor Robert Caywood PO Box 774042 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 C & N Construction Thomas E. Nelson PO Box 230904 Anchorage, Alaska 99523 0904 C & V Backhoe Service Cornelius McCurry PO Box 112826 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 Calkins Construction Everett Calkins Lonnie Calkins 20049 Tenada Chugiak, Alaska 99567 Carl's Excavating Carl & Madlyn Elsenbast PO Box 110383 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 Cats Eye Excavating Cory Gove Daniel Harten 10241 Nigh Road Anchorage, Alaska 99515 Charles Barr Contracting Charles S. Bart 11609 Hebron Drive Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Chuck's Backhoe Service, Inc. Chuck Ferrell 15415 Old Seward Highway Anchorage, Alaska 99516 Classic Excavating & Trucking Jack R. Hill, Jr. 5341 East 142 Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99516 Colony Builders, Inc. William F. Taylor III 2340 Loren Circle Anchorage, Alaska 99516 EX98-0160 EX98-0150 EX98-0134 EX98-0162 EX98-0621 EX98-0110 EX98-0624 EX98-0111 EX98-0120 EX98-0145 EX98-0169 346-2147 694-8758 349-8154 345-2136 696-0246 346-3568 694-2767 345-1128 345-3245 244-6233 Conrad Contracting Don E. Conrad PO Box 829 Girdwood, Alaska 99587 Construction Unlimited, Inc. John M. Herring John B. Herring 8821 Emerald Street Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Culbertson Enterprises William P. Culbertson 1175 Snowhill Drive Wasilla, Alaska 99654 Dean Construction and Development Robert H. Dean HC 85 Box 9352 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Dirtworks Scott Johnson HC 02 Box 7266 Palmer, Alaska 99645 Disotell Construction Carl A. Disotell Janet L. Disotell PO Box 770210 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Eagle Mountain Excavation Kelly Heitstuman HC 83 Box 2426 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Fejes and Associates Christopher J. Fejes PO Box 112117 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 FirstMark Homes Corporation Sidnie L Seaward Thomas L. Seaward 20715 Melody Lane Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Forrestt Enterprises Ruyedell Jones Patrick Crabb PO Box 112604 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 G & G Equip. Rentals & Contracting Gary E. Skaggs Judy M. Skaggs 9541 Abbott Loop Road Anchorage, Alaska 99507 EX98-0119 EX98-0181 EX98-0625 EX98-0133 EX98-0174 EX98-102 EX98-0617 EX98-0618 EX98-0620 EX98-0613 EX98-0610 783-2936 243-8667 376-3059 694-9117 745-3671 694-5797 696-8479 348-6070 694-1947 345-8806 346-3338 GS Express Glori A. Strickler 16900 Ransom Ridge Anchorage, Alaska 99516 EX98-0195 345-1965 Gator Construction, Inc. Clark Cothron Toni Brooks PO Box 111154 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 1154 Gold Star Construction Keith LaFramboise Tony LaFramboise PO Box 230629 Anchorage, Alaska 99523 Green General Contracting Daniel Green PO Box 672125 Chugiak, Alaska 99567 Groeneweg Construction Robert D. Groeneweg PO Box 210167 Anchorage, Alaska 99521 Hamann Construction Co., Inc. Robert J. Hamann Wilma L. Hamann PO Box 770617 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Isabelle Construction & Excavating Delido A. Isabelle PO Box 220021 Anchorage, Alaska 99522-0021 John Hagmeier Company John Hagmeier 2204 Cleveland Avenue Suite 201 Anchorage, Alaska 99517 K.C. Alaska, Inc. Karen R. Crosswhite Alan J. Crosswhite 7320 Augustine Ddve Anchorage, Alaska 99517 Kincaid & Son Construction Company, Inc. Keith Jenkins PO Box 110303 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 L.H. Construction, Inc. Lynn Lythgoe, Mike Snyder Jim Traxinger 6251 Tuttle Place, Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 99507 EX98-0627 EX98-0183 EX98-0154 EX98-0178 EX98-0124 EX98-0121 EX98-0112 EX98-0170 EX98-0132 EX98-0606 4 345-4261 522-6397 696-1805 333-5244 694-2776 243-5845 248-6789 338-0806 243-8644 522-1616 M.K.S. Rental & Equipment Mike Spendlove 2620 Sprucewood Anchorage, Alaska 99508 M & J Services, Inc. Marvin Haken Jessie Haken 11441 Celestial Street Eagle River, Alaska 99577 M M & M Contracting, Inc. Michelle Myers PO Box 670495 Chugiak, Alaska 99567 Michael N. Anderson, P.E. 14250 Goldenview Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99516 Northddge Construction Company David C. Norton PO Box 4216 Palmer, Alaska 99645 RCP Richard J. Person 24120 Ramblers Road Chugiak, Alaska 99567 Poor Boy Construction Earl Carmichael 3705 Arctic Boulevard, #2981 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Rasmusson Enterprises Alan D. Rasmusson PO Box 770766 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Renegade Equipment Michael Linden PO Box 232764 Anchorage, Alaska 99523 S & A Enterprises Steve K. Arduser PO Box 110454 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 Sanders and Sanders Exc., Inc. David A. Sanders PO Box 231541 Anchorage, Alaska 99523 EX98-0143 EX98-0179 EX98-0147 EX98-0175 EX98-0626 EX98-0614 EX98-0629 EX98-0137 EX98-0164 EX98-0129 EX98-0171 345-9737 694-0690 688-1236 345-3377 688-4678 248-6537 696-7010 346-2300 349-7541 522-1997 Scott's Trucking Scott Felger Angela Felger Jim Lower 14716 Loch Lomond Lane Anchorage, Alaska 99516 Smidt Excavating Alvin G. Smidt 7240 Bailey Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99502 South Fork Construction Phyllis Janke Dan Janke PO Box 770567 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Spinell Homes Chuck Spinelli Craig Cozad 9210 Vanguard #102 Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Steppers Construction, Inc. John Eshleman PO Box 871145 Wasilla, Alaska 99687 Strata Company Vicki Shreeve James Shreeve PO Box 670829 Chugiak, Alaska 99567 Sudsbury & Sons Harley D. Sudsbury Audrey Mason 16906 Riddell Street Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Tundra Septic Systems James Tallman 3501 Arctic Boulevard #507 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Turner Construction Co., Inc. of Alaska Rex Turner PO Box 3489 Palmer, Alaska 99645 Tweed Excavating & Construction Richard Sharer 17034 Eagle River Loop #202 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Walker Contracting Jimmie Walker PO Box 771974 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Exg8-0623 EX98-0141 EX98-0116 EX98-0602 EX98-0163 EX98-0149 EX98-0622 EX98-0605 EX98-0105 EX98-0117 EX98-0130 6 345-0852 243-0100 694-4351 344-5678 746-1880 696-4949 696-1610 770-7707 746-6000 694-1373 694-4858 Wood & Sons Contracting Dennis Wood Jason Wood Joshua Wood 1623 Early View Anchorage, Alaska 99504 09/98 Revised EX98-0619 337-9663 7 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health & Human Services Environmental Services Division On-site Services Program PO Box 196650 825 L Street, Room 502 Anchorage, Alaska 99519 6650 343-4744 A+ Home Services, Inc. Michael Blakeslee Beverly Blakeslee 12216 Wilderness Road Anchorage, Alaska 99516 1997 Excavator Listing EX97-0104 345-1890 Accurate Excavating Randy W. Lipps Thomas D. Lipps 12761 Old Seward Highway Anchorage, Alaska 99516 EX97-0198 345-7615 Acheson Enterprises Monte Acheson 11731 Paddock Lane Anchorage, Alaska 99516 EX97-0107 345-2715 Alaska General Industries Austin J. Joy Jr. PO Box 111073 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 EX97-0603 346-1850 Anderson Brothers Construction Kenneth L. Anderson Richard N. Anderson PO Box 770129 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 EX97-0146 694-3377 Aurora Construction Gene Brooks PO Box 112042 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 EX97-0600 B.C. Excavating, Inc. Robert M. Haines 2251 Cinnabar Loop Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Bailey's Backhoe Garfield W. Bailey 1750 Pioneer Peak Drive Wasilla, Alaska 99654 CCC Construction Charles L. Mowrer PO Box 770674 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 CMM General Contractor Robert M. Caywood PO Box 774042 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 C & N Construction Thomas E. Nelson 9499 Brayton Drive #248 Anchorage, Alaska 99507 C & V Backhoe Services Cornelius McCurry PO Box 112826 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 Carl's Excavating, Inc. Carl & Marilyn Elsenbast PO Box 110383 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 Charles Barr Contracting Charles S. Barr 11609 Hebron Drive Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Chuck's Backhoe, Inc. Chuck Ferrell 15415 Old Seward Highway Anchorage, Alaska 99516 EX97-0128 EX97-0186 EX97-0118 EX97-0150 EX97-0134 EX97-0162 EX97-0110 EX97-0111 EX97-0120 376-5067 688-3273 694-8758 349-8154 345-2136 346-3568 694-2767 345-1128 Classic Excavating & Trucking Jack R. Hill, Jr. 5341 East 142 Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99516 Colony Builders, Inc. Bill Taylor 2340 Loren Circle Anchorage, Alaska 99516 Conrad Contracting Don Conrad PO Box 829 Girdwood, Alaska 99587 Construction Unlimited, Inc. John M. Herring-g John B. Herring 8821 Emerald Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Dean Construction & Development Robert Dean HC 85 Box 9352 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Disotell Construction Carol A Disotell PO Box 770210 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Eagle Mountain Excavation Kelly Heiststuman Mary Heiststuman HC 83 Box 2426 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Fejes and Associates Christopher J. Fejes POBox 112117 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 2117 EX97-0145 EX97-0169 EX97-0119 EX97-0181 EX97-0133 EX97-0102 EX97-0617 EX97-0618 345-3245 244-6833 783-2936 243-8667 694-9117 694-5797 696-8479 345-4979 Forest Enterprises Ruyedell Jones Pat Crabb 8051 Cranberry Street #5 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 G & G Equipment Rentals & Contracting Judy M Skaggs Gary E Skaggs 9541 Abbott Loop Road Anchorage, Alaska 99507 GS Express Glori A. Strickler 16900 Ransom Ridge Anchorage, Alaska 99516 Gold Star Construction Keith LaFramboise Tony LaFramboise PO Box 230629 Anchorage, Alaska 99523 0629 Green General Contracting Daniel Green PO Box 672125 Chugiak, Alaska 99567 Groeneweg Construction Robert D. Groeneweg PO Box 210167 Anchorage, Alaska 99521 Hamann Construction Company, Inc. Robert J. Hamann Wilma L. Hamann PO Box 770617 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Harten Construction, Inc. Daniel H. Harten 10241 Nigh Road Anchorage, Alaska 99515 EX97-0613 EX97-0610 EX97-0195 EX97-0183 EX97-0154 EX97-0178 EX97-0124 EX97-0114 345-8806 346-3338 345-1965 522-6397 696-1805 333-5244 694-2776 349-2180 4 Isabelle Construction & Excavating Delido A. Isabelle PO Box 220021 Anchorage, Alaska 99522 0021 John Hagmeier Company John C. Hagrneier 2204 Cleveland Avenue, Suite 201 Anchorage, Alaska 99517 K.C. Alaska, Inc. Karen R. Crosswhite Alan J. Crosswhite 2704 West 29th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99517 Kincaid & Son Construction Co., Inc. Keith Jenkins PO Box 110303 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 L.H. Construction, Inc. Edna Lythgoe Lynn H. Lythgoe, Jr. 6251 Tuttle Place, Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 99507 M & J Services, Inc. Marvin & Jessie Haken 11441 Celestial Street Eagle River, Alaska 99577 MKS Rental & Equip. Michael K. Spendlove 2620 Sprucewood Anchorage, Alaska 99508 M M & M Contracting, Inc. Michelle Myers PO Box 670495 Chugiak, Alaska 99567 Mike N. Anderson 14250 Goldenview Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99516 EX97-0121 EX97-0112 EX97-0170 EX97-0132 EX97-0606 EX97-0179 EX97-0143 EX97-0147 EX97~0175 243-5845 248-6789 243-0542 243-8644 694-0690 688-1236 345-3377 Nerak Construction Co., Inc. J. Carl Van Veckhouen 1830 East Parks Hwy #298 Wasilla, Alaska 99654 Nielsen Bros. Cont., Inc. Knud Neilsen Bent Nielsen, Kenneth Nelson 2138East 88th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99507 RPC Richard J. Person 24120 Ramblers Road Chugiak, Alaska 99567 Rasmusson Enterprises Alan D. Rasmusson PO Box 770766 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Renegade Equipment Michael Lindeen PO Box 232764 Anchorage, Alaska 99516 S & A Enterprises Steve K. Arduser PO Box 110-454 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 Sanders & Sanders, Inc. David A. Sanders PO Box 231541 Anchorage, Alaska 99523 South Fork Construction Phyllis Janke Dan Janke PO Box 770567 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 EX97-0106 EX97-0614 EX97-0137 EX97-0164 EX97-0129 EX97-0171 EX97-0116 355-3902 349-2029 688-4678 696-7010 346-2300 349-7541 522-1997 694-4351 Spinell Homes Chuck Spinelli Craig Cozad 9210 Vanguard, Suite 102 Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Strata Company Vicki & James Shreeve PO Box 670829 Chugiak, Alaska 99567 Steppers Construction, Inc. John Eshleman Barb Doty PO Box 871145 Wasilla, Alaska 99687 Terrain Techniques Pat Dormelly 2917 East 80th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Turner Construction Co., Inc. of Alaska Rex Turner PO Box 3489 Palmer, Alaska 99645 Tweed Excavation Richard Sharer 17034 Eagle River Loop Road Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Walker Contracting Jimmie Walker PO Box 771974 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 White Shadow Enterprises David J. Merritt 6940 Freitag Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99516 Whitters Excavating and Landscaping James P. Whitters 13945 Knob Hill Eagle River, Alaska 99577 EX97-0602 EX97-0149 EX97-0163 EX97-0604 EX97-0105 EX97-0117 EX97-0130 EX97-0615 EX97-0180 344-5678 696-4949 746-1880 344-9479 746-6000 694-1373 694-4858 345-6663 696-0822 Wood and Sons Comracting Dennis Wood 1623 Early View Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Exca97:08-12-97 EX97-0619 337-9663 ii / PLAINTIFF EXHIBIT NO. P ADMITTED CASE NO. 3Jg-oo-/'tlOI177 Page: 1 Document Name: rERPRISE SERVER PARCEL: 051-141-05-000-00 CARD: 01 OF 01 RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY STATUS: RENUMBERED TO/FROM: 000-000-00-000-00 HAYNES HARVEY & BETTY R DELUCIA LT 44 LOT SIZE: ZONE : R7 TAX DIST: 022 GRID : NOTES : PO BOX 670212 CHUGIAK AK 99567 0212 SITE 22838 NEEDELS LOOP 34,412 ---DATE CHANGED ...... DEED CHANGED--- OWNER : / / BOOK : 0000 PAGE: ADDRESS: 10/16/97 DATE : 00/00/00 HRA # : PLAT : 000000 .................................. ASSESSMENT HISTORY ...................... ---LAND .... BUILDING .... TOTAL--- FINAL VALUE 1997: 17,500 89,200 106,700 FINAL VALUE 1998: 30,900 91,200 122,100 --EXEMPTION FINAL VALUE 1999: 30,900 86,400 117,300 ..... TYPE-- EXEMPT VALUE 1999: 0 0 0 STATE EXEMPT 1999: FINAL VALUE 1999: 0 -COMM COUNC 117,300 CHUGIAK Date: 3/19/99 Time: 10:28:09 AM