HomeMy WebLinkAboutDUKE & DUCHESS w/ vacation Expired 12-05-97 S-9911A MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health and Human Services P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Date: June 12, 1998 To: Q Zoning & Platting, CPD Subject: /. Request for Comments on Subdivisions ~ Jnne 12, 1998 The Environmental Serwces Division, On-Site Services Program, has reviewed the following cases and has these comments: S-9042A: Heritage Estates Time Extension (C.A.) No objections. S-9833A: Parkside ]Estates Time Extension (C.A.) No objections. S-9911A: Dnlce and Duchess Time Extension (C.A.) No objections. S-10282: Olday, Lot lA No objections. S-10283: Alder~vood, Lots 5A, 6A, 7B, 8A Block 2 No objections. S-10284: Nixa The existing on-site water and wastewater disposal systems serving this property mnst be docnmented and shown to comply with all applicable portions of AMC Chapters 15.55 and 15.65. S-.10285: S-10287: Screaming Eagle, Lots 1 - 23 and Tract A No objections provided all lots are served by public sewer and water. Meadows, Lot 1 and 2 No objections provided all lots are served by public sewer and water. SAMUEl_ R. P£TERSCN, JR. ATTORt~,E¥ AT LAW P.O. Box 672149 Chugiak, AK 99567 (907) 688-5002 (907) 688-5012 Fax Mr. Jerry Weaver MOA Dept. of Community Planning and Development 632 W. 6th Avenue, #210 Anchorage, AK 99501 IN RE: Duke and Duchess Subdivision - Time L:xtension May 4, 1998~-, Dear Mr. Weaver: I am writing to request an eighteen month t~me extension on the plat approval which is to expire today. Bette MacClelland is my mother and I am handling this matter. I will need more time to comp:eta Lhe requirements of platting board conditions of approval. Enclosed is payment in the u,-,mur, t c. $350.00 for the extension fee on Bette MacClelland's behalf. Please contact me if you have any questions and thank you in advance for your attention to this matter. SRPJ/ww Enclosure Samue~ R. Pe(~rs~n,~r. A:~t. orgey at L~ ~ DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE MEMORANDUM December 4, 1996 Jerry Weaver, Supervisor, Plattiug Section, CPD James Cross, P.E., Program Manager, On-Site Water Quality. S-99i 1, Duke and Dnchess Snbdivision. I have finished my review of tile iuformation provided on this snbdivision, and wonld like to make some geueral comments prior to my reconnneadations. Dne to the concerns of the residents in the immediate ama of this subdivision, I have spent considerable time reviewing the Hydrogeological and Geophysical Investigation report prepared for this subdivisiou, as well as additional information provided by area residents and ilfformation obtained from files in this office. This information sbows that: 1. Approval of this subdivision will allow the installation of fonr (,l) additional wells. 2. The static water levels in the wells surrounding this snbdivision varied by more than 100 feet in elevation. This strongly indicates that the wells are not bydranlically connected, or that production fi'om one well will not affect the yield of adjacent wells. 3. The well yield test conducted iii the Hydrological and Geophysical lnvestigatiou showed no effect oil the observation well. This again strongly indicates that the production from one well within this area will not affect the yield of adjoining wells. 4. The large recharge areas above this sabdivision consistently recharge the bedrock aquifers in this area. 5. The above ilfformation predicts ilo significant impact from the development of 4 additioual wells within this subdivision on the prodnction of the existing wells in the immediate area. My recommendations for this subdivision are: No objections, provided the following conditions are added to the plat: 1. Sonic bedrock aqnifers iu lhe area of this sobdivisiou have shown marginal yields of less than 1 gallon per minnie. Production of any new wells developed within this subdivision may expect similar yields. 2. Thc maximnm allowable development of any lot within this snbdivision shall be for a three bedroom dwelling, unless a well is first developed and its productiou is showu to sopport additional bedrooms. Municipality AN£ HORAGE, A LASi{A ~;)~.~9.650'q TELEPHONE (907) 343~222 O~ RickMystrom SEP 25 1996 Mayor Murlicipality of Anchorage Anchorage DoDt. Health & Human Services I)EPARTMI:{NT OF COMMUNI'U/PLANN[NG AND DEVEI_OPMENT REQUEST FOR COMMENTS ON SUBDIVISIONS DATE: September 24, 1996 The Municipality of Anchorage has received an application relating to platting activity for the following case: Long Plat to be heard November 6, 1996. Please Case No. S-9911 add to previous Subdivision Name Duke & Duchess Approval Verification) list. Attached is a copy of the proposed plat. Please submit your comments in writing, specifying any easements or other requirements that your department or agency may need. If no easements are required at this time, please provide a list of those plats to which there is "no comment" or "no objection." Please return blueline print only if required. Comments must reach our office by October included in staff recommendations. Jerry T. Weaver, Jr. Platting Officer Enclosures additional easements are 18, 1996 in order to be TRY(-K N ffMAN HAYES, INC. ENGIN EER~SURVEYORSA-AN DSCAPE ARCHITECTS TRANSPORTATION and COMMUNITY PLANNING September 18, 1996 Jerry Weaver, Platting Officer Economic and Cormnunity Plmming Department Municipality of Anchorage P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, A~K 99519-6650 [)ear ]'erry: REF: Duke & Duchess Subdivision (S 9911) - Potable Water Evaluation Per the Platth~g Board requirements 6 and 12, summary of action dated June 5, 1.996, please find attached the preliminary report on the water availability for the proposed subdivision. This report verifies an adequate potable water supply for the development of these lots. Please schedule our appearance at the first available platting board hearing so we may present our findings and proceed with finalizing the plat. A copy of the final report will be submitted to the Chugiak Community Council. If you have arty questions please contact me at 279-0543. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Sincerely, Ke~mth M. Duffus, P.E. Senior Engineer Attachments: Terrasat, h~c. Evaluation cc: Bette K. MacClelland file Over 40 Years Serving Alaska 911 West Eighth Avenue o Anchorage, Alaska 99501-3497 · (907) 279-0543,'FAX (907) 276-7579 o9/12/18 13:~1 ~90, ~44 1490 TERRASAT ~002 IT. ERF SAT, INC. - 9200 I~e ~ Pa~wa7 2~ R~r ~o~, N~ e9~07 Con~i~g ' ~onm~ R~o~on _ SI.pt. 12, 1996 907344.8370 Fax=. ~O7344,14~0 ' I · Regulatory Compliance Duke & Duchess Prel;minary Ptm~ing Test Aualysis. A. l:n'eHminm7 analysis of the puml~g test cond,~c~d on the wall_ in the D,,ke. &~ Duchess subdiv~on is complete. Thc well was dewatci'cd at 2 gpm over a period of 4.20 minute. this we d~x-mined that the wate~ ir~oduc~ dm'lng pumph~g is mostly at~utable to weI[ storage; water stored w~hin the walt boring and in imm~bt~ly adjacent fractures. Recovering water levels indicam fi,st them is enough n~ctm~e to] pZOVid¢ tota[ Ecov~-y to the smQc water level in l~s than 12. houm Dam ~ndicams th~ pumCng'the production well h~a no effect on levels in the. mot~itor well located at, proximately 500 fe~ to the NontL C-eophysicaI well logging w~ conducted for both th~ pr~xiuction and monitor wells. A ct~7 exam~n,6au of the d~m ind[caE~ that the~e ~a'e'~F2a:~nt fractm zones ne~t the bottom of both wells that c~ntfibut~ tho n~ority of the wat~ ~te,'ing the wells. FraCtUm.zon~ also eccu~ at tdgh~ elc~dions in ~mch wall These oth~ zbnes contdbut~ smaller mounts of w'aE,.r to well Our pmlirr,inat~ conch,~0ns drown fzom the pumping test aud geopttys~cal well logging follows: The well should produce a sustaiaea y~la of 0.4 gpm if pumped continually for one y~tr. · The well should produce yidds on tlm ontcr 0f2 gpm if givea adequate titae to recharge. A pum~§ rote of 2, gpm should produce at~ro~i,nate, ly 840 gallo"'" of water in 7 hours. ~ .cqnams to ahout 12.00 GPD, adg[ua~ for eight The wall should fully ~ch~t~ge h appm~ro~tely 8 ho~m. · Pnml~.' ~g of th~ pwdu~on well appea~s to Imve no imp;~t on surrounding wells. · We believe that a deeper well would[ be calmbl= of pumiudug mo~ ~f you have any (tv~tions regarding this p~;;m~n~ry ~ please c~ll. Siuc~x~ly,..~. · Bill La4h~mce Staff'Hydtogcolo~: ' \/ / Il I Platting Board Summary of Action June 5. 1996 Page 5 2. Providing 25 ~oot wide stream protection and maintenan_ce~c~easement on Lot 100A per ~210. ,, Where are designated~r' wetlan"cha.~n"~ the- nor[hem" portion of these lots axed re,,qu~re~a~ General Perm~t~.~.rior to any new fill or Resolving ~ dech'cated walk~_a_y, irt tti'e~son Street 5. en exact location to be resolved with Physical Planning. ~'"~ altgnm.~/nj~Ve d xvith Physicai Plan 6. Res6fving access to Lot 101 with the property owner and DCPD. AppI'OVl~l of the vacation of the sect]on line easement subject to filing a suitable replat w~thtn 18 months. Approval of the vacation of the road easement where it replaced with right-of- way and snow storage easements. Approval of the plat subject to: 1. Resolving utility easements with MTA, MEA and Enstar. 2. Entering into a subdivision agreement to construct: a) telephone and electrical. b) street name signs and traffic control devices. 3. Resolving the need for drainage improvements and drainage easemen~ with Project Management and Engineering. 4. Obtaining drainage from approval ADEC. t~) 5. Resolving soils and septic system~informa~l~ with DHHS. - &'CC-' /. c-- ,. MAY 23 '96 11:30 RE/MAX OF EAGLE RIVR P.2 CHUGIAK COMMUNII¥ COUNCIL SERVING [:IRE LAKE, CHUGIAK, PETEPL~ CREEK:, MIRROR I,AKE, THUNI)ERBIRD HEIGHTS AND EKLILITNA 18530 OLD GLENN HIGHWAY CHUGIAK BENEFITS BUILDING alta CHUGIAK CHILDREN"S SERVICES P.O, I[IOX 671350 CHUGIAK~ ALASKA 99562' May 21, 1996 Commuaity Pla~miag a~d Development- J~y Weav~ ,: . , '~e Chu~ Co~ Co~ ~ed ~e p~elt~y p~ at o~ ~y 16, 1996 ~g for ~S.9911. We wo~d l~e fl~ ~I[o~g ~m~es ad~: 1 ..... We . ~(~e m mb~l ~m:~ about ~e ~d~ of~e toad ea~t to ~e~ ptop~s,~ world a~'flmt Soott S~H ~om ~ Ea~ ~g S~eet M~t~oo pro~ ~ o~· toggt~g tho ~,d~ ~d ~ten~ offl~ m'et~ of toad. We a~mo ~ ~e ]~bHo Works D~t h~ b~ ~ to oomm~t ~tey ge not ~e p~opl~ who a~y.do 1ho ~t~t~oe ~ ~ls ~ea. We ~ ~ ~ ~al ~at ~ be :~ed ~d o~d~ed fxom ~ people who ~ow ~e mo~ aborn ~ ~a ~d do ~e a~l ~ol~t~auoe. ~y ~aoafl~ ' ofe~ts m~ ~ohde ~t gea to ~ow fox mow ~e~'~d ~ea to ~g ba~ ~ow ~om ~e roadway. (We ~ve ~ed o~ ~ad B0gd ~, Ted I~y to fo~w u~ ~ ~ ~put 2. We wo~d ~e ~mfi~ abo~ the rea~ for vaea~8 so ~. gea ~d ~e ~a~ on the ~n~&ng proper~. ~ &o ~no~s ~ R~ 3 ~n~d~on for ~. ofwat~ $~ ~ ~e ~o ~s to phy ~ ~o~t p~ ~y approv~ Of~ pht. It $~e~ ~at ' s~t routes ~c profo~ed for o~on~i ~fl go ~ro co~ ~ffe~O, Apptop~te u~t~ easy--ts ~ bo o~b~ fix ~e ~. ROW ~ u~ ear.ts ~io~ go toge~r to roflo~ fire ~o ~d ~o topo~phy. It ~s brou~t ~} how ~p t~a8 ~o~d I$ ~d a~ed why ~at ~b~on is not ~olodcd ~ ~e app~afiom 3. A mjor ~neem ~ watg ~d ~fi.o. ~ adjac~t mb~o:~ below l~e has a long ~ozy ofl~o wen goMg dw. ~e~e is ~d~oe on fi~ at DEC ~t the ~ate ieve~ M ' the w~H ~ ~ea~g ~oza 1.1 M 90, 2.90 ~ 92,~.80 ~ 94 ~d 1/1//9~ ~ey were MAY 23 ~9~ ~1:30 RE/MAX OF EAGLE RIVR paBo2 We have so Far not be, ca able to locate any test resorts that are mego ctwrgmt. It a~s flint ~p~c contam~at~n ~ fo~g ~e b~ock down ~d cont~a~g ~ co~mlty we~ for S~ 8~pe~ Sub, ~e ~n~ ~ s~ool was hoo~ ~ to pubic wat~ as a re~t ofM~atos ~d ~o ~ S~or c~ter ~ bo hooked ~ ~ou. There are elevated liitrato level all along tho area from Cho~ak Eloinontary to awtmea $1opea and further. It is imperative that no further d~vclopmont occur uatfl a solution for tho exiaing problems is found. Additional Iota will cor~alnly put additional slrain on the existing problematic well and tho surrounding ground water. Tho engineers o£record for this plat gould have already researched MOA and DEC files. The cxisth[§ ~0tics in Duke and Du~he~ should all be dye teated in tm attempt to locate possible contamination. This information is ~r'cdoalin dec&ting the outcome of this plat application. 5. Wiry are the locations of the existing wells trod sq}tioa not ~ncluded in tho application? ff you have fkr0aer domtmeaxtation regarding this plat we would be gra~othl for the oppernlttity to review ig. Well and septic ~tcs with soils infomtion and locations of alternate a~pfio ~ea are tiao not included for tho now lots being created. Age and condition of exiaing septics is $~ritioal hff'omzatiott ia rcvt~wiog this plgt and $ettin§ answers to the ol~vafin§ nitrates. 4. A review of the areawido zoning should indicate documentation for the Alpine Sk}pe, IG 10 zoning in this a~ea, Concern was voi~t by Council mcmber~ rogardiug lots under tm aero the K-10 zone given tho slope of the area. We look forward to a rate'wed effort of cooperation between rite del)a~i~oimt and the Chv~ak Comnmnity Council. We ~re eonce.mcd that tho preservation of our previous resources is a top priority. The elevated nitrate levels in the Anchorage area are indicative cfa larger problem. With urban density itt rural areas we are putting septic into our ground water and into tho public's wolla. This ia an issue that MOA cannot continue to ignore anymore. ()ur next meeting is June 20th. We hope you are able to ioply to these eoltooma prior to that ac new information can bo made available to the Council. Sincerely, Chuglak Commonalty Council Sharon Minseh, President MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health and Human Services P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Date: May 16, 1996 To: Zoning and Platting Division, CPD Froln: ~[//,..~James Cross, P.E., Program Manager, On-Site/Water Quality Subject: Request for Comments on Cases due 5/17/96. The Environmental Services Division, On-Site Services Section has reviewed tile following cases and has these comments: S-9910 Potter Point No objections provided all development is served by public water and sewer. S-9911 Duke and Duchess Subdivision. The existing on-site water and wastewater disposal systems serving homes on this property have not been approved by DHttS. Prior to approval of the request, these systems must be documented and the applicant must take necessmy action to bring the unapproved systems into compliance with on-site water and wastewater disposal regulations. Rese~we area requirements may also apply. Inadequate soils testing, percolation testing and ground water monitoring has been conducted to confirm suitability for development using on-site wastewater disposal systems. ~'eas designated for the original and replacement wastewater disposal system sites must be identified and must meet all criteria specified in AMC 15.65 Supporting documentation on water availability must be provided. S-9912 Tract 3A, 3B and 3C, Highland Hills #4 Tile following Plat Note must be added: "Prior to development or subdivision of any tract within this subdivision using on-site water and wastewater disposal systems, all provision of AMC 15.65 must be satisfied, including reserve area requirements specified by AMC I5.65.180." MUNICIPALITY O1: ANCHORAGE COMIVIUNITY PLANNING AND DEVFLOPMENT P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 9~519-66so PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION A, Please fill in the Information requested below. Print one letter or number per block, OFFIOE USE REC'D BY: 1. Vacation Code 2. Tax identification No. 3. Street Address 4. NEW abbreviated legat description (T12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34). ~lul~--I~l I^l,~l~ I~l~kl~l~kl~l I~1o1~I I~1~[~1 I~1 I~- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I°1~1 I'1-1+1/ /I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II 5, EXISTING abbreviated legal description (T12N R2W SEC:- 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34) full legal on back page. 6, Petitioner's Name (Last - First) Address °1'd¢~¢;2 ~'~. ~'~O~l~OLx-) ~. Phone~O~e~3~ Zip ~ 7, Petitioner's Representative Addrass _~1 [.,~ ~,m~¢._. ~,~ . City_ A ~C kg)P--.A~_-. State Phone~.7~~ ~ _ Zip %%~"~{ 8. Petition Area Acreage 9, Proposed Number Lots 10. Existing 11. Grid Number 12. Zone Number Lots 13. Fees 14. CommunityCouncll ~{¥(2~{/~z~ Date: I hereby certify tibet (I am) (I have been authorized to act for) the owner of the property described above and that I desire to subdivide it in conformance with Chapter 21 of the Anchorage Municipal Code of Ordinances. I understand that payment of the basic subdivision fee is nonrefundable and is to cover the costs associated with processing this application, tha~ it does not assure approval of the subdivision, lalso understand that additional fees may be assessed if the Municipality's costs to process this application exceed the basic fee, I further understand that assigned hearing dates are tentative and may have to be postponed by Planning Staff, Platting Board, Planning Commission, or the Assembly due to administrative reasor~s, 'Agents must provi~e/e written proof:of d tt~horization. Please check or fill in the following: 1. Comprehensive Plan 7- Land Use Classification Residential Commemlal Parks/Open Space Transportation Related Marginal Land Commercial/Industrial Public Lands/institutions Alpine/Slope Affected Industrial Special Study Comprehensive Plan -- Land Use Intensity Special Study Dwelling Units per Acre Z, ~ ~ Alpine/Slope Affected Environmental Factors (if any): a. Wetland 1. Developable 2. Conservation 3. Preservation b. Avalanche ~',,~ ~, c. Floodplain ~,[/~ d. Seismic Zone (Harding/Lawson) D. Please indicate below if any of these events have occurred in the last five years on the property, Rezoning Case Number Subdivision · Casa Number 'Conditional Use Case'Number Zoning Variance Case Number Enforcement Action For Building/Land Use Permit For Army Corp of Engineers Permit Legal description for advertising. Checklist 40 Copies of Plat (Long Plat) 30 Copies of Plat (Short Plat) Reduced Copy of Plat (8 ¥~x 11) CeRificate to Plat Aerial Photo Housing Stock Map Zoning Map Fee · Drainage Plan Topo Map 4 Copies Soils Report 4 Copies Pedestrian Walkways Landscaping Requirements Waiver Water: Sewer: . Private Wells Private Septic Community Well Community Sys. Public Utility Public Utility VACATION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY OR OFFICE U,~iE EASEIVJENI' APPLICATION Munlclpll!~y of Anchorage ~sc'o sY: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY PLANNING VERIFY OWN: P.O, BOx 6650 Anchorage, Alasl(a 99502-0650 A. Please fill in the reformation requested below. Print one letter or number per block, DO not write in the shaded blocks. Case Number (IF KNOWN) 1. Vacation Code Abbreviated Description of Vacation (EAST 200 FEET SOME STREET) Existing abbrewated legal description (T12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHOR'r SUB BLK 3 LOT 34). Petitioner's Name (Last- First) 5. Petitioner's Representative Address _c~/l ~.' A~J~--, City ..~>~' (~)~- iA State ~A'-d'- Phone NO. t/..~d~'~ ~'~' ~' ~ ¢~('¢ 8ill Me. __ City A ~ObOf&A ~'¢. State Phone No. ~o-'/~ ~.'7~~ (~,~4~__ [3ill Me Petition Area Acreage 7. Proposed Number 8. Existing Number 9. Traffic Analysis Zone t0. Grid Number 11. Zone 12. Fees 13. Commun,ty Council B. I hereby cemfy that (I am) (I have been authorized to act for) the owner of the property described above and that I desire to vacate ~t m conformance with Chapter 2 t of the Anchorage Mumc~pal Code of Ordinances. I understand that payment of ~he basra veL;trion fee is nonrefundable and ~s to cover the costs associated w~th processing this application, that ~t does not assure approval of the vacation. I also understand that additional fees may be assessed if the Municipality's costs to process th~s application exceed the basic fee. I further understand that assigned hearing dates are tentative and may have to be postponed by Planning ,Staff, Platting Board, Pianmng Commission, or the Assembly due to administrative reasons. C. Please check or fill in the following: 1. Comprehensive Plan ~ Land Use Classification ~ Residential Commercial Parks/Open Space Transportation Related 2. Comprehensive Plan -- Land Use Intensity Special Study Y 3. Environmental Factors (if any): a. Wetlanci ~ ,~ 1. Developable 2. Conservation 3. Preservation Marginal Land Co m mercial/I ndustrial Public Lands/Institutions Alpine/Slope Affecteci Industrial Special Study Dwelling Units per Acre Alpine/Slope Affectecl b. Avalanche c. Floodplain d. Seismic Zone (Harding/Lawson) Please indicate below ~f any of these events have occurred in the last three years on the property. Rezoning Case Number ~ Subdivision Case Number Conditional Use Case Number Zoning Variance Case Number Enforcement Action For Building/Land Use Permit For E. Legal description for advertising. F. Checklist Waiver 30 Copies of Plat Reduced Copy of Plat (8'/2 x 11) Certificate to Plat Fee Topo Map 3 Copies Soils Repor~ 4 Copras Aerial Photo Housing Stock Map Zoning Map Water: {// Private Wells Community Well Sewer: ---'-'-'-r/-- Private Septic Community Sys. Public Utility Public Utility PRoPoSED EASEMENT VACA'r]ON / /' I MFNT BLO(;~ 1 2 J [/ ROAD EASEMENT BK 1365 PG 824 2 3 BLOCK 2O DUKE AND DUCHE88 8LJBDIVISION PROPOSED EASEMENT VACATION AND DEDICATION. xl /// // / / /- %., I/ /' / / /' //~" ;<", ,., / -" /,.' ...' / / / ,/7/6,807'~: SF..-' / 1.76'd:~,CR'E ~7.0% k>,VE. SLOPE' / ! /, / ,'/// / i I, ,'1 ,,3~)0± SF II~:t:ACRE ~--NOTE: LOT AREAS CF.~TE~'/ ...." i OF' R/W FOR ,~ 9NEY, / / // ,/ i / , .- ......... - '"T~- "... -~- ,/, ...........~L: ..' :~' ~ ///;,J' f-' -~';~'~-"-*'-~-~' ...~ ..,/,',/ I~ i/ //'7 ....--'' .... ~/'/ /.J/.~. DUKE AND DUCHESS SUBDIVISION LOT LAYOUT AND AREA/SLOPE CALCULATIONS ~PPL. ZCAm'~, : ' ' ~'~AVEL DEPTH.;: ' ~]T~ DEPTH '' :'" ': I ' . ? ctetif~/'~ ";'~:. i':l' wlll:,ac I:."fl~' I:nd~ and 'regulat~ :- ~.:.-L~"~,~.,~,* ~,,.. :.-,.. o~ ~L~' ' . '~ Al,' '..- -' :'/~'~[~ :~'~' ~' ,'J~,~', ,~:f~, ~.~n~d~'t~-~;':'- ..... ~ ~ ,'~ b~ -~--' ~' 'HEN t*~ A~.--~':~',"'IB ~[~ ,$k,:~'.':.-'-,.~,'~:.~-~.~.-'~-,;;~;~<.~,-. ~.~- ,. -' .: .~., <, .:~L No~ ~i: n~,~--~HZ~.'~D,'X~A---~D,.,ey ~ ~u~-~- ..... - .:. - dk/ a'*. , /~ / .~., ...... ;.~ .~ ...... .. · ~$UED BY "'; ',:'j .,'~ .'~ .J~", ': .'~.' ~ , ,. , . ( . ~ --~-..~_.~ ' , · , . ~ --/ Ted F~rs~ and Assoc~ates,~ inc. ~,,~ 124 EII! P.O. Box ~ * ~ld~, ~l I · (9~ ~.~1 ~Ir. Doe ,~allcer [~r ~,k. ~al~r: ' On '~y ~, 1083 a ~ils tfwesci~Cton ~ ~mJ~C~ nn ~,m p--)~r~y. Four ~it~ The s,dxliviq ion's pm~rly ,d.ign~ $ 72 0 ~ SEP 0 ? to.q3' MUNICIPALITYOFANCHORAGE L*. I:IEPARTMENT OF HEAl. TH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION SOILS lOG -- PERCOLATION 'l?Eb~' $ 6, T- O. Lie, II W&$G~OUNDW&TER INCOUNTIREDI ' J" SQIL$ IIERCOI.ATION RAT! ~.~, ~fn~m~les/met~! TE~T RUN eETWIIIN .,m,~m~*, lit AN(] ,~, ,, I~T 13 14 lB 16 ~IOlIN To tOVll'/ 2O COMMENT$~ I,, S, .I Dll)THI) ' . . SITI! PI.AN ..... !--i ..~-~ ....... ..... ~..-~.; -,---~.-: ~.. · ~...!..., : : , , , .~. , ,-~.~ ,! PERCOLATION TEST L.I ' SOILS MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPAI~TMENTOF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL )ROTECTION SOILS LOG - PERCOI,ATION 'rEST 3 4 $ 13- 14. 16 I? 20, JC~IN T. ~ Ne, MI24 w^. GnouNo IR V{{, AY WHAT -- Tirol ~ Wll(~ Of tip ,,.,..,,,,,, · S 7,?. 0 9 SEP 0 ? 1.°93 '"  MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE . ''~:* ,,,. I~:i;PAR.rMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ~IL8 LOG - PERCO~ON ~ ' I 2 3 COMMENT~__ TEST PllqCO LATION RATff ,,. .Im~ulelh*'~l December 3, 1996 Stephen W. Powell 21535 Canyon Drive Chugiak, AK 99567 Jim Cross Mtmicipality of Anchorage Anchorage~ AK. 99519 Dear Mr. Cross: REF-. Duke & Duchess Subdivision (S 9911) - Potable Water Evaluation Per the Platting Board requirement 12, summary of action dated June 5, 1996, a report on the water availability for the proposed subdivision was snbmitted by Kenneth M. Duffus. This report describes an investigation/evaluation conducted by Terrasat Inc. which purports to verify an adequate potable water supply for the development of these lots. A close study of the Terrasat report prompted me to point out errors in tiffs report regarding content and conclusion. These errors are higl~ighted in the attached document. Please consider the contents of the attached document when you make your judgment to accept or reject the Terrasat repm~ as sufficient verification of adequate potable water supply. A copy of the attached document will be submitted to the Chugiak Community Council. If you have any questions please contact me at 271-5448. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Introduction The Platting Bom'd is being asked to accept a hydrogeological and geophysical investigation report produced by TERRASAT liNC., as sufficient to meet their 5 June, 1996 requirement to "prove there is adequate water for the subdivision (Duke & Duchess) in this location". This report is constructed to point out the Terrasat report shortcomings. Text, presented as follows: UWe also recommend that no further studies be conducted at this site," is taken directly from the Terrasat report. The TERRASAT report draws erroneous conclusions based on outdated infornmtion and/or information not in evidence. The TERRASAT report should not be considered sufficient to prove adequacy of water for this subdivision. Additionally, it falls woefully short of providing evidence of non-impact on surrounding well water supplies on the hill. Examples of poor research, biased information gathering, wealc report writing, mid improper conclusions are resplendent in their report. These begin in the EXECUTIVE SUMMARY and continue throughout. The specific instances are as follows: "The aqu{fer has a storativity around 0,001 and a trar~smissivity around three gp d/ft' Storativity - result of compression of aquifer and expansion of the confined water when head (pressure) is reduced during pumping. Reference to storativity is meaningless in this context. It is a dimensionless number. "Transmissivity around three gpd/ft' is extremely low. "This ~ggests that the well nmy produce up to 1200 gpd ~f the aquifer is given ttnl~ to r~cover qfter each .pumping event. 1200 gpd is an adequate supiJlg te support up to eight bedrooms." This last sentence is true when taken by itself. 150 gpd/person is adequate, however these calculations are of a design flow based on storage, not well production. Report Inadequacies Terrasat's INTRODUCTION Terrasat addressed only two of four requirements that they outlined as the "purpose of our study". · Evaluate the aquifer beneath the proposed s~bdivisio~ to predict both short and long term yields and capacities, · Determine potential impacts te the neighbors if this aquifer is further developed. · Support aquifer testf~ndings with borehole log~ng, GIS~ and air photo interpretation. · Identify possible alternative sources of water. Terrasat gathered no data on potential impacts to the neighbors and they did not identify alternative sources of water. The data gathering of the borehole logging, GIS, ,and air photo interpretation was halfhearted and biased. This is based on the Chugiak Community Council well production information gathered ,mud presented in the NEW WE[-[- DATA area of this document. Project design "We have reviewed the logs and identified the depth of casing, major rock units, and fractured zones within bedrock that mall contribute significant amounts of water to the wells.. Under what conditions might this take place? What does this statement mean? AQUIFER TESTING "Water levels in the observation well were monitored to dete~nine the potential impacts to the neighbors caused by the aquifer test.' Nowhere, in this Terrasat report, was a relationship established between the water levels in the observation well and neighbor's wells. Unless neighbor's wells were monitored, during the flow test, there can be no correlation between them. Therefore, any. conclusion about "potential impacts to the neighbors" forwarded by Te~'rasat's report are false. Conclusions ~ Recommendations "We interpret that the major fracturo zone identified in the well log,.~ ma,~! be the major contributor' of water to the well," This is supposition without basis. "We also.see that the well does not full!l pass through this zone and believe that deeper drilling_ma_a_a_a_a_a_a_a_a_~y intercept more water bearing fractures.. This is a huge leap of faith for the average man. Terrasat has not provided sufficient evidence that deeper drilling will intercept anything. There are seven wells within 1000' of the production well that average a depth of 558.57' and produce an average of 0.91 gpm. One 600' well is dry. Deeper drilling may not intercept more waterH ~Our investigation show~ that the chanee.,~ of finding water at other locations within the proposed Duke 8~ D~chess Subdivision are good." 2 This conclusion'is not based in fact. The tests outlined and reported on in the Terrasat report in no way support a prediction of success in future drilling in the subdivision. They have provided evidence of two separate aquifers, one for the production well and one for the monitor well. They have provided that they are not connected. They have not provided data to suggest anything more. "Our. investigation suggests that the impact on sur~'ounding wells should be small to nonexistent.. This conclusion is illogical. {Well A's water is drawn down, well B is 500' away from well A and it's water level is monitored fa-id it does not fluctuate. Well C, D, E, F, and G are all within a 500' radius of well A. Well's C thru G are not monitored. It's unknown if well's C thru G have water in them or if their water level's fluctuated during the draw down on well A. This is a simple statement which lays out the facts of a situation. Most elementary school children will draw the correct conclusion, that is, occurrences in A do not..~a'ppea~r to effect B.) Nothing more (about surrounding wells) can be inferred or suggested. Terrasat's conclusion suggests they do not understand as much as the children in the example or some portion of their investigation was not included in their report:. "Large water level differences suEgest that at least two unconnected aquifers occur within the bedrock and each well tapl~ a different aquifer. Thiu means that pumping of one aquifer would not affec~ the water in an adjacent aquifer? Monitoring of one aquifer while pumping the adjacent aquifer does not produce sufficient empirical data to mal~e a blanket statement that, ~...pumping of one aquifer would not affect the water in an adjacent aquifer? Your attention is directed back to the example of the adjacent wells above. ,We also recommend that no further studies be conducted at thiz site? ?. Was this last recommendation a misprint? New Well Data The Terrasat "Well Yield Map based on Available Logs" (Figure 1) seemingly depicts, with colored circles, a picture of well yield on and about the Duke & Duchess subdivision, This map shows 30 well sites and their approximate gpm yield. Data to produce this map comes from their "Well Information Database". There are 60 data columns in the "Well Information Database". Why are only 50% depicted on the 'well yield map? Three of the'30 wells (10%) are now dry. Data has been gathered that shows well yields on 36 additional wells. The wells closest to the Production well are not accurately depicted on Terrasat's map. These wells are located on the Swanson property.. Both wells go dry during the year ... they do not produce 1- 4.99 gpm as-represented by Terrasat. i The next closest neighbor's wells are the Kirks. These wells produce 50 gallons per day (gpd). 3 COnclusion & Recommendations The Terrasat Report does not satisfy the Platting Board, 5 June, 1996 requirement to "prove there is adequate water for the subdivision (Duke & Duchess) in this location". The Terrasat Report does not answer the four requirements that they outlined as the purpose of their study. The Terrasat Report misrepresents data and draws erroneous conclusions based on 20 Year old information. It is recommended that the Terrasat Report be considered by the Platting Board as insufficient to prove there is adequate water for the subdivision. It is recommended that any future conditions define "adoquate water" 4 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE MEMORANDUM Date: November 20, 1996 To: Jerry Weaver, Supervisor, Platting Section //~//?[fi~.¢ommunity Planning and Development From:(.q/-L~a.~me~' Cross, P.E., Program Manager, On-Site Services Subject.~ Duke and Duchess Subdivision. I have reviewed information on the Duke and Duchess Subdivision case (S-991 i), including soils information for suitability to support on-site wastewater disposal systems, and an hydrologist's report on the area's capability to produce an adequate supply of potable water. I have been able to determine that the subdivision can support on-site wastewater disposal systems. However, due to the community interest itl the water supply question, I would like to withhold my recommendations on this issue until the area residents have had an opportunity to publicly voice their concerns at the next meeting of the Platting Board. It is my understanding that the next Platting Board meeting is on December 4, i996 at 7:30 PM. I plan to attend. Attn: Lab N%lmbe= Method Date Date A.'t48045 S}I 4500'2 TUE 11',43 DESIGN BRRNOH FAX NO;,; 190'/2494409 P, 03 J..- ,L]l., . My nam~ liVe'on:'llll ( as come to mY concern that ~ Duke and DOchess Subdivision is going to put in fi new homos 'n the area, I am conoerned about this because there is all ready a water problem Ul) here and I believe that this will only make matters wors~ for all of us. I currently have, two wells on my property. .: Thanks, MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE iMOA) .; HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAl. (HAA) B SEPTIC/tlOLDINO TANK DATA r SUM IVAN WATER WELLS ~DRESS ~' ~ ~ ~" & ' ~ ,~" 'StAt C LVELO'WA~R~ ~RHIT h~IBER .................................. KIND OF CASING rum ' r~rt. lo~L~4~. .~ F~ ~F * _F . Fh Io Fh rom .... FI, to ..... Fl, -~ ~ ~ II ISCL INFOR,~IATION: / ?. ;'..t c 6'~ A WELL DATA MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE {MOA) HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL (HA.&) CHECKLIL~T-FEBRUARYIg84- - ~ -, '. ' - ' ~. Welt ClnsS~hcnhon ...~Z ,v_~ ~C. ....... A, O, G, D.£D, Appr .'~1 (Yt,) ~ G out~ .... , ,- · SlnhC Wnmr Level -- ~,?~ ................ : - ~mp ~t At ~ Casing He,ght Above O~ou~d -.~ ....... ~t~ly ~M ~ ~ (YIN) , ~ [lecmcal Wrong m Comlud IY,N) .... ~- ..... ~1~ AtOU~ W~ (Y/N) z ~ ' ' To Noa~.st Edge el AbsO~pho~ Fmld on LOt ,_/~¢ ~ '_~ Ad~ng LOll ~ ¢ ...... . SEPTIC/HOLDIN(1 TANK DATA St,lndptpo~, IY, N) --.~/- ....... AIr,hglll Cap5 (Y~N} . ~ = FC4NId&IIO~ Cteanou! [YIN) .~-- ~,p~ess,on over ~ank {Y~N) .... ~ ......... Date Last ~ml~ ---~/)~ MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE (MOA) HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL CHECKLIST- FEBRUARY lg~4 WELL DATA Sa cW~te Leve ...~..~ ~. ..~mp,mtAt Casing Height Above ~round ~.~2~ .... ~nta~a on Casing{Y/N) Standp,pes {Y/N) ~ ~ Alrqlght ~ps (~tNJ ~ ~ '~- Four~ation Cba~ut Holding T~n~ Ehgh-Wnter A~a~m (YIN) .~..~-- ~ ?': --..Te'~?rY, ,'~;',; -~'?H°tdmg-~ Tank To Wnter-Supply Well _~_~ ..... ' ,- To~mg Foundation, ~1 To Stroam. Pond. Lathe, or Major Drainage [ Pago t ol 2 ~11 ~ ~o~nt (Y~ ' ''into ~le~d/~ /97]- Static ~tor ~1 . ~-- / ~ ~t At ~'~ Casino I~ [~ht ~ Gr~nd /~ ~' Sanit~ ~al ~ ~si~ ~) .... ~paratica Dista~s fr~ ~11~ TO ~a~st ~ of ~tion Field ~ ~,t~D ~t (~ ~Joirl~ To ~arest ~bllc ~r Lt~ /~ To Wator S~lo ~st ~nult~ I,IL ~{~/' ~. - .- .~ ~/ ~ p~c ~-~ . y ,., SC~IC~' T~ ~TA ~nto Installed_ /~) .~' ~ C~ntS Hold[r~ Tack Hloh-~ter Alas ~Y~) ~ ~)~ra~ ~ldi~ Tank mrmt ~Y~)'~ Se~roti~ Dista~ [r~ ~ptlC~ Ta~l TO ~rty Lf~ /~ ~ ., ~ Dl~al Field_ (Pap) I of 21 2-15-84 A, B, or C, ~ttach Cased to FROM WELL LOG AT INSPFCTION g~p,m. ,~ '-f~ _g.p.m, · ~ISTANCES ~RpM WELL 'to: onbt lOot ~ ~IOna~a~bts. ~ e~er~"maln """': ~ ~[~ '"" 1~5~ s~r ~l~ctear~t_ AMPLE RESULTS: '~ '~,~ ,' : ' ' :: '-'~ .~, · 5E~~TANK DATA . ;F .:..:-.': ~',.:-.'-... '....' ... ~ ~ ~, 51[~t "~;'~ ~",~ Y~b, .. ,-,.' .... ~ t~,~t L~'t:. ~'{: ~',~ } ~- -')~ ~'~ { ,'~, . ~,."~.. ?~' ~stall~ ' O~ Tank slze ~, I ~o~> ...... ~aaments. . F~;~atbn clea~ut ~. ~/ ' [~ptessbn~Y~ water alam~ ~" ' ' ~ tested (~) ~TION DISTANCES FROM SEPTIC~I~LT~K TO: · ', ~ line /o ~ ~' ~n tlelcl ]~/ Water ~l~seMce line ON Well · : ! WELL LOG Give details of format on~ {~ne~r~,~, MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE (MOA) IlEAL'rtl AUTHORITY APPROVAl- (J'~.A) W£1.L DATA Weft Log Present Total ~plh RECE .... To Sept c/Ho d ng Tank on LO I ~ r ' ~ To Nearest Ed o el Absorption Field on Lot ..~-- ~. Of 1 Ad~nlng Lo~L J I I II . r ~ i J Cloanou~M~nhole · ~ T0 ~l ~ . ,,. .... - . Waler Sarnplo Teal Results --- -~' ~ ~Z~ ~ ~_._~ , . ,. S~.PT~C/HOLDINO TANK DA'rA 81andp~P~S ~)/,Nt .... Air.light C~ps (~'~,, , , Foundation Ct~ano~ ~ ........ . ~ Water Mah~Se~ce Line _-- , ~ I e,~: ,~ ~i ' ', ~ TO Gffeam, I'~, take, m' Majo~ Dfalnlge Page 1 el 2 OWNER OE L^NO ..L' ADDRESS ~/ ,/ LEGAL I)~CRI~