HomeMy WebLinkAboutEAGLE VISTA Subsurface ExplorationD I Alaska Land Development 2060 W. Dimcnd Blvd. Ancko:age, Alaska 99502 Attention: ~.r. Bill Tucker Subject: Dear Mr. Tucker: Eagle Vista Transmitted herein are the results of the s~zbsurface ex-plorstion performed on the subject property. Exploration consisted of ten tes-~ holes drilled to !5' or rock refusal with a Bombardier mou3rke:a Simco drill advancing a 6" solid core, continuous flight auger. Drilling was supervised and the t~est hole was logg:~.d by Bruce Kenworthy, technician of our staff. Grab samples were taken at various intervals by pulling tke auger from the test hole and removing the sample from the fligh%s near the bit. All soils were visually classified in the fJ. el.~ in accordance with sheets I through 3 following the text. This field c!assifica~.ion ~las verified in %he laboratory by visual review of the samples based on the sa/ne criteria. The test hole logs follow the text. The _seepage area required per bedroom by unified soil classification (per the Greater Anchorage Area Borough) is as follows: Soil Type (Unified Classification) ML SM GM SP SW Seepage Area Required 275 ft2/%edroom 250 ft2/b edroom 225 ft2/bedroom 150 ft2/bedroom 125 ft2/bedroom 85 ft2/bedroom JUN :1 8 1974 Alaska Land Develop~ent 2 ~ay 20, 1974 in this regard, for soils wi~-~ split classifications {(;P/G~{, see criteria for split, unified, classification on sheet 2 following the text), it is probably sufficiently accurate to average the seepage area required for each of the two %Lnified classifications, i.e.: Split unified Classification GP/GM ~4/GM sw/sM Seepage Area Required 155 fti/bedroom 155 ftZ/bedroom 188 ft~/bedroom 200 ftZ/bedroom Soils requiring greater than 250 ft2/bedroom are not allowed in seepage pit area calculations (per the Greater Anchorage Area Borough). Cursory review of the test hole~logs indicate that most of the soils encountered below 1.5' (the depth of cover required over a seepage pit) are sufficiently permeable to accept the effluent from on-site sewer syste~, however, each pit should be checked for an isolated exception. Furthermorg, the free water level was not observed to the depths explored (generally equal to or less than 15'). We trust this is sufficient for your i~u~ediate needs. All samples will be held for 60 days should ~he need arise for additional laboratory effort. Should additional exploration and a more co~nprehensive soils study by required as the project d~ve!ops, please feel free to contact our office. Very. truly yours, ALASKA TES~ J. ~4. Lambe Approved: J}~./p f Attachments Test HoLe 1 Elevation: Em:isting ground ,~.~. 16668 Depth in Feet From To 0.0' 0.5' 0.5' ?.5' 1.5' 4.5' 4.5' ~5.0' Bottom of Test Hole: So~l Description Or~an.ic, brown, wet F-l: silty sandy gravel, brown, damp, high density, occasional cobbles, sharp to subrounded to 7", GP/G?~ (Some roots) NFS/F-l, silty sandy gravel, some roots, {estimate 5 - 10% s~lt)_ , brown, damp, many. ~ cobbles & boulders (to 9"0, high density, NFS/F-l, silty sandy ~rav~l, brown, dry to d~mp, many cobbles '~n~ boulders (to 18i~) high density, some roots, 15.0' Frost Line: None observed ,Free Water Level: None observed Sam~l~ Depth Type of Sampl~ I ~.5'-1.5' Gr~) 2 ~ 7.5'-4.5' Grab 4.5'-6.5' Gr~b 12'-13' Grab 15.0' Grab Remarks: 1. Date of exploration: ~4aV 16, 1974 Test Hole 2 Elevation: Existing ground Depth in Feet W.O. 16668 From To 0.0' 1.0' 1.0' 3.0' 3.0' 11.0' Soil Description F-4, brown silt. ~L F-4,- reddished brown sandy 9rave!!}f silt, gravels to 2" subrou~ded, ~ NFS/F-l, brown silty_ .. sandy___ gravel, damp, medium density (est. 10% silt), heavier gravel at 5' - 8', occasional cobble to 7" , GP/GM Bottom o.f Test Hole: 11.0' Frost Line: Free Water Level: None observed Sample .Depth '~1 5.0' Ty~e of Sample Grab 10'-11' Grab Remarks: 1. Refusal at 11.0' 2. Date of exploration: May 16, 1974 Test Hole 3 Elevation: Existing gro~%d W.O. 16668 Depth in Feet From To 0.0' 0.~' 0.5' 4.0' Soil Description F-l, reddish brown sandy silty gravel, damp, subrounded cobbles and boulders to 24" , G?~ NFS/F-l, b~Own, silty sandy gravel, damp, some roots, high density, sharp to subrounded cobbles & boulders to 24", GP/~ Bottom of Test Hole: 4.0' Frost Line: 3" to Free Water Level: None observed P~Emarks: Made 5 attempts within 100' area with refusal between 3' & 4'. Date of Exploration: May 16, 1974 Test Hole 4 Elevation: Existing ground W.O. ~6668 Depth in Feet From To Soil Description 0.0' 0.5' F-4, biac~ organic, soft, wet 0.5' 4.0' F-l, tan silty sandy gravel, wet, dilatent, many cobbles & boulders, sharp to subrounded to 24" (est. 30% - 35% silt), G}{ Bottom of Test Hole: 4.0' Frost Line: None observed Free Water Level: None observed Sample Depth Type of Sample 3' - 4' Grab Remarks: 1. 3 attempts with refusal at 3' - 4' 2. Date of exploration: May 16, 1974 Test Hole 5 Elevation: Existing ground Depth in Feet From To 0.0' 0.5' 0.5' 2.5' 2.5' 9.0' Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: Sample Depth "~ 7' - 9' Remarks: 1. W.O. 16668 Soil Description F-4, black organic, wet, soft, (humus) F-4, reddish brown gravelly sandy silt, soft, some organic, occasional cobbles, Sharp to subrounded to 4", ~ F-2, tan silty sand, high density, damp, many sharp to subrounded cobbles & boulders to 18", 9.0' ~one observed None observed Type of Sample Grab Date of exploration: May 16, 1974 Test Hole 6 Elevation: Exis%ing ground Depth in Feet From To 0.0' 1.5' 1.5' 15.0' Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: Sample Depth 1 13'-15' W.O. 16668 Soil Description F-4, reddish brown gravelly sandy silt, damp, soft, few sharp to subrounded cobbles to 6", .~ F-2, tan ~ravelly silty sand, damp, high density, occasional cobble & boulders, sharp to subrounded to 12", SM 15.0' None observed None obs el~ed Type of Sample Grab 'Remarks: Date of exploration: May 16, 1974 Test Hole 7 Elevation: Existing ground W.O. 16668 Depth in Feet From To 0.0' 1.0' 1.0' 1.0' I 1.5' 1.5' 4.0' 4.0' 10.5' Bottom of Test Hole: Soil Description F-4, o'rganic (silt & Veg), dark brown, ~et, soft F-4, reddish brown gravelly sandy silt, wet, few cobbles, some roots & other organic material, }~ F-2, reddisk brown si'!t¥ gravelly sand, damp, many cobbles, & boulders, sharp to subrounded to 9", high density, SP/SM F-2, tan gravelly silty sand~, damp, occasional cobble, sharp to subrounded to 5", high density, S.~ 10.5' ,.Frost Line: Free Water Level: None observed None observed Z_ample Depth 1 2.5'-3.0' 2 9.5'-10.5' Remarks: 1. 2. Type of Sample Grab Grab Refusal at 10.5' Date of exploration }lay 16, 1974 Test Hole 8 Elevation: Existing ground Depth in Feet From To 0.0' 1.5' '1.5' 10.0' Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: ~Sample Depth 1 3.5'-4' 2 i0'-11' Remarks: 1. W.O. 16668 Soil Description F-4, reddish brown gravelly sandy s.i~, wet, soft, some roots & other organic, ML NFS/F-l, brown silty sandy gravel, damp, high density, occasional cobbles to 6", GP/GM F-l, tan silty sandy gravel, wet, occasional cobbles to 7", GM 11.0' None observed None observed T~e of Sample Grab Grab Date of e~loration: May I6, 1974 Test Hole 9 Elevation: Existing gro ~und Depth in Feet From To 0.0' 2.0' 2.0' 2.5' 2.5' 3.5' 3.5' 17.5' Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: $'am~le Depth 1 2'-2.5' 2 2.5'-3.5' 3 Remarks: W.O. 16668 Soil Description F-4, reddish brown ~raveil¥ sandy silt, wet, soft, many cobbles & boulders, ~ NFS, grey sand, damp, random small gravel, high density, SP F-l, tan silty sandy gravel, wet, high density, gravels to 0.5", GM F-l, grey silty sandy ~rave!, damp, few cobbles, high density, GP/G~! 17.5' None observed None observed Type of Sample Grab Grab 16'-17.5' Grab 1. Date of exploration: May 16, 1974 Test Hole 10 Elevation: Existing ground Depth in Feet From To 0.0' 1.5' 1.5' 4.0' 4.0' 5.5' 5.5' 16.0' W.O. 16668 Soil Description F-4, tan silt, wet, soft, with organic material, occasional cobbles F-l, tan silty sandy gravel, damp, trace organic, high density, many cobbles and boulders to 14", GP/~M F-4, tan sandy silt, wet, hard, occasional cobbles, to 4", ~ F-l, tan silty sandy gravel, damp, high density, many cobbles and boulders to 24", Bottom of Test Hole: 16.0' Frost Line: None observed Free Water Level: None observed Saraple Depth Type of Sample 1 6'-7' Grab Remarks: 1. Date of exploration, May 16, 1974 DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION OF FROZEN SOILS ALASKA TESTLAB CONSULTATION ~ TESTING · EXPLORATION · CHEMICAL · MATERIALS · iNSPECTION CHART GRAVEL CLAY EY CLAYEY \ <3// OR SILTY SI LTY ~ \ SAND \ \ DY \GR. AVEL GRAVELLY \ SAND \ 0 lO 20 ;50 .~0 50 60 70 80 90 I00 GRAVEL (+~IOSCREEN) % BY WEIGHT NONFROST SUSCEPTIBLE SOILS ARE INORGANIC SOILS CONTAINING LESS THAN 3% FINER THAN O. 02mm. GROUPS OF FROST-SUSCEPTIbLE SOILS: FI F2 F~ a. bo F4 a. b. ¢. d. GRAVELLY SOIL5 CONTAINING BETWEEN ;5 AND 20~S FINER THAN O.02mm. SANDY SOILS CONTAINING BETWEEN $ AND 15% F~N~_R THAN O,02mm, GRAVELLY SOILS CONTAINING MORE THAN 20% FINER THAN O.02mm. AND sANDY SOILS (EXCEPT FIN~ SILTY~ SANDS) CONTAINING MORE THAN 15~ FINER THAN 0.02 mm. CL~YS WITH PLASTICITY INDEXES OF MORE THAN !~. EXCEPT VARVED CLA~S. ALL SILTS INCLUDING SANOY SILTS FINE SILTY S~NDS CONTAINING MORE THAN t5% FINER THAN O.03mm. LEAN CLAYS WITH PLASTICITY iNDEXES OF LESS THAN 12, VARVED CLAYS, TEST HOLE LOGS SOILS DESCRIPTIONS The soil descriptions shown on the logs are the best estimate of the soil charac- teristics at the time of field examination. Such examinations do not achieve the precision of laboratory tests for the various properties. 1. The relative type of soil and the frost cla.~sification is shown on the sheet "Soil Cla s sification Chart." 2. Other criteria: Boulder - greater than 8" Cobble - approximately 3" to 8" Blow Count - blows/6" of !40 lb. weight falling 30"; 2" split spoon. (The standard penetration is blows/12".) Density - estimated by the rate of drilling, type of soil, blow count and moisture range PL - Plastic Limit, moisture content betng approximated as; above (+) or below (-) plastic limit (PL) or liquid limit (Lw) as appropriate Lw - Liquid Limit, see PL Dilatency - is the ability of water to migrate to the surface upon vibration or jolting of a sample, an aid in determining whether a soil is pre- dominately a clay or silt Well graded - uniformity coefficient greater than 7 Poorly graded .- uniformity coefficient less than 7 {Uniform particles, gap graded) Organic Content - estimated by volume, not pa~icularly precise Clayey Soils - a field method now being used as an aid to identification of these soils as a combination ball drop, amd rolled thread test in which a 2" diameter ball of the Sand-Silt-Clay fraction is dropped 2' until a l" thick pat develops. The dia:neter of a thread at crumbling rolled from the resultant pat determines whether clay or silt predominates. Dry Strength - a small sample of the soil is formed into a cube and air dried, and crashed between the fingers. High dr,/ strength indi- cates clays and low indicates silts. Water Table - the apparent water table at the time of observation. Often the actual water table may be higher unless the hole is allowed to remain open or is converted to an observation well. Capillary Fringe - change from moist to very damp, or saturated soil, usually indicates that water table is close. Peat - Fibrous material of macroscopic and microscopic fragments of de- cayed vegetable matter; very compressible, unsuitable for founda- tion or embankment. Color light brown to black. ', Ao - The upper layer, surface soil or topsoil, containing humus and/or organic debris, not satisfactow for foundation. ALA$~ T~STLA8 g~