HomeMy WebLinkAboutEAGLEWOOD #6 Water System Information DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION A'2.Ci'IO~AS%2 D iST.~I C .T O~.FZ CE 3,601 C S?REET, SUITE 322 A~Ci~OPJ. GE, ALASXA 99503 February 5, 1~91 Norfolk Utilities & Development, !hc. ATTN: l..tr. Car!. J. Bernardt 1200 East 75th, ¢'12!9 Anchorage, Alaska 995~2 Subject: WALTER J. HICKEL, GOVERNOR 553-~775 RECEIVED FEB 1 2 Municipality of Ar~chorage Dept. Health & F{ur,aan Services Ea,glewood Subdivision, Addition ~5, NO~FOLX UTILI?iES, Eagle River Alaska, ADE~ Project Number it has been brought to my attention that the as-built drawings requested in %r. Hichaei P. ~.,ewzs' June _~_., ~..~o80 ........ (copy enclosed) to you have not been received by this Departmen=. In ad~]ition, the requested documentation that the new service will have sufficient supply to meet consum'L~tion c~emands has not supplie? to this Department. To ensure that the Department can continue to issue "Letters of Compliance" for the above-referenced public water system, the requested documentation and as-built drawings will need to be submitted to this Department for review within 30 days. If you have any quesuions, i ...... ' '.a== to contacu me. Sincerely, Xeven L:. Kleweno Environmental Engineer XEK/skpf