HomeMy WebLinkAboutEAGLEWOOD S-4920 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVI.RONMENTAL PROTECTION PLATTING OR PLANNING AND ZONING.CASE REVIEW CASE S-4920 PETITION FOR DATE RECEIVED EXCEPTION )N )IVISION COMMENT TO PLANNII~ COMMENTS: ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION~ Road vacations :OR MEETING OF Sept 6 '78 of Cases ~P~LI C WATE B,~,T AVAI LAB LE TO SERV CE PETIT, ION AREA. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING: 71-014 (9/76) TRYCK Office/74 NYMAN E HAY6S ENGINEERS / PLANNERS / SURVEYORS 8135.0 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 /907-279-054~-'~;able TNHANCAK/Telex 090-25332 July 12, 1978 Mr. John Lynn Dept. of Health & Environmental Administration 825 L Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Subject: Soils Tests/River Woods Subdivision in Eagle River Dear John: Attached are supplemental test holes for the above,captioned project in Eagle River. These soils samples were obtained by Mr. Marvin Beyer of this firm. If you require any further information or have any questions regarding this submittal, please advise. Very truly yours, MAN & HAYES Dan Chapmen, P .~ Partner DC:la SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION FOR RIVER WOOD SUBDIVISION Eagle River, Alaska The subsurface investigation was conducted on May 13 and 14, 1978 using a Case 580 backhoe to excavate the test pits. Test pit sites were chosen and logging was performed by Marvin Beyer, P.E. A total of 8 test pits were placed in var.ious locations so that they would be'representative of all soil within the 29 acre tract. The test pits were located by pacing from apparent, topographic features so the location shown on the accompaning map are approximate. The area is in alluvial fan outwash of well graded gravel with layers of silty gravel and gravelly silt with an occasional large (10OO lbs.+) boulder. The area is heavily tree covered with birch and occasional spruce. The top 1 to 2 feet consists of organic growth with a sandy silt or gravelly silt topsoil. No ~roundwater was encountered and there does not appear to be any shallow groundwater table within the proposed subdivision. The NFS sandy gravel appears to be eXcellent road building material and, in the opinion of the writer, there is an adequate quantity of NFS material on the site to construct the roads in the proposed subdivision. An analysis of the material encountered in the test pit indicates that the area is suitable for on-site septic tank and leaching field or leaching pit sewage disposal systems for individual residences. All soils analysis was by visual classification. One sample of material was retai'ri~d from each test pit. 1 mc Test Pit No. RIVER WOODS SUBDIVISION Date: 5-13-78 Logged by: Marvin Beyer, P.E. Depth in Feet' F ronl tO 0.0' 0.4' 0.4' 2.0' 2.0' 3.5 3.5' .4.8' 4.8I 5.6' 5.6' 8.0' 8.0' 13.8' Soil Description Organic Material ML sandy silt with roots and decayed vegetation F-2, SM silty sand, clean, damp NFS, GW, sandy gravel F-2, GM, silty gravel to gravelly silt NFS, GW, sandy gravel with thin (0.1') layers of sandy silt F-2, GM silty sandy gravel, dry with occasional 6"+ boulder 13.8' Frost line Free water level Bottom of hole None observed Test Pit No. 2 Depth in Feet From to 0.0' 0.4' 0.4' 2.0' 2.0' 2.4' 2.4' 3.8' 3.8' · 4.01 4.0' 8.8' 8.8' 14.2 Date: 5-13-78 Logged by: Marvin Beyer, P.E. Soil Description Organic material ML, sandy silt with roots, organic NFS, GW, sandy gravel FI, GM, silty sandy gravel F3, ML, thin layer of sandy silt NFS, GW, sandy gravel NFS, SW, gravelly sand, clean 14.2' Bottom of hole Frost line Free water level 1.5I None observed Test Pit No. 3 Depth in Feet From to 0.0' 0.5' 0.5' 2.0' 2.0' 3.0' 3.0' 13.9' Date: 5-13-78 Logged by: Marvin Beyer, P.E. Soil ;escription Organic material ML, sandy silt with roots, organic, occasional boulders F2, SM, gravelly silty sand, dry FI, GM, silty sandy gravel, well graded mixture, almost NFS, dry 13.9' Bottom of hole Frost tine Free water level 2.2I None Date: 5-13-78 Logged by: Marvin Beyer, P.E. Test Pit No. 4 ~epth _in Feet From t~ 0.0' 0.5' 0.5' 2.1' 2.1' 4.1' 4.1' 12.0' Soil Description Organic ML, sandy silt with vegetation, occasional 3''+ boulder NFS, GW, clean coarse gravel, 4" maximum Fl, silty gravel, very tight, occasional 8"+ cobble, dry 12.0 Bottom of hole Frost line Free water level 2.0' None Date: 5-13-78 Logged by: Marvin Beyer, P.E. Test Pit No. 5 _Depth in Feet From to 0.0' 0.8' 0.8' 2.2' 2.2' 4.5' 4.5' 6.0' 6.0 '13.0' Soil Description Organic ML, tan sandy silt topsoil NFS, GW, coarse sandy gravel With some 8Il+ boulders NFS, GW, medium sandy gravel, 2"+ cobbles NFS, GW, coarse grey sandy gravel, few fines, open graded 13.0' Bottom of hole Frost line Free water level 2.5I None Test Pit No. 6 Date: 5-13-78 Logged by: Marvin Beyer, P.E. ~ept~ in Feet From to 0.O' 0.5' O.5I 1.4' 1.41 13.O' Soil Description Organic ML, sandy silt topsoil with occasional 8"+ boulder Fl, GM, silty sandy gravel, hard, dry, occasional 12'1+ boulder 13.O' Bottom of hole Frost line Free water level 1.8~ None Test Pit No. 7 Depth in Feet From to 0.0' 0.6' 0.6~ 2~0' 2.0' 12.5' Date: 5-14-78 Logged by: Marvin Beyer, P.E. Soil Description Organic Fl, GM, silty sandy gravel, brown, organic NFS, GW, coarse sandy gravel, damp, 6"- cobbles 12.5' Bottom of hole Frost line Free water level 2.0~ None Test Pit No. 8 Date: 5-14-78 Logged by: Marvin Beyer, P.E. ~e_~IPth in Feet From to 0.0' 0.4' 0.4' 2.0' 2.0' 5.6' 5.6' 13.2' Soil Description Organic ML, brown gravelly silt topsoil Fl, GM, silty sandy gravel, marginal NFS NFS, GW, sandy gravel, dry, max'mum 6" cobbles 13.2' Bottom of hole Frost 1 ine Free water level 2.0~ None