HomeMy WebLinkAboutEAGLEBROOK #1 Soils Logs S-6304% LO MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CASE REVIEW WORK SHEET E-] PLATTING BOARD F-J PLANNING & ZONING CASE NUMBER S-6304 ~E~TEigEb-- May 3~ 1982 COMMEN'T FO PLANNING BY May 28, 1982 FOR MEETING OF NAME Eaglebrook Subdivision Addition CASE OF E~"B LIC WATER NO,.,.~.O_.~T AVAI LABI.E TO PETITION AREA [~;;;~'¢0BLIC SEWER NO]' AVAIt_ABLE TO PETITION AREA REVIEWER'S COMMENTS: 71-014 (Rev. 2/78) November 14, 1978 Steve Brown Alaska Land Development Services 4546 Business Park Boulevard Anchorage~ Alaska 99503 Subject: Lots 2-7, Block 3 Eaglewood S/D MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPT. OF iI[JALTH & ENViRONMF:N'I AL F, iLCq'E. CTION NOV 1 7 1978 RECEIVED Dear Mr. Brown: We have received and reviewed engineered plans of the water and sanitary sewer systems proposed for installation in the subject development° Our comments follow. WASTEWATER The wastewater collection system is approved for the features with which this department is concerned° This letter constitutes the permit required under AS 46.03.720(a) for approval of the sewage system. WATER DISTRIBUTION As required by 18 AAC 80.100~ the department is issuing a certifi- cate approving construction of the water distribution system° The "Approval to Operate" section of the certificate must be completed by a representative of this department prior to serving water through the system° cc:~ DHEP Sincerelyt James O. Starr Environmental Engineer gml GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING AND TESTING John N~. Lambe, P.E. 7127 Old Seward Highway ,, Anchorage, Alaska 99502 907o349-6531 May 4, 1982 Triad Engineering 6937 Old Seward Highway Anchorage, AK 99502 Attention: Dave Grenier Subject: Soils Investigation Eaglebrook Subdivision Addition #1 Gentlemen, This letter presents the results of the soils investigation that we performed at your request for Eaglebrook Subdivision, Addition #1o This property is located on Rabbit Creek Road within the N.E~ 1/4 and SoW. 1/4 Section 35, Township 12 N.~ Range 3 W., Seward Meridian, Alaska. On April 28 and 29, 1982, we drilled 4 test borings on the referenced site for the purpose of providing preliminary soils information with which to assess the feasibility of developing on-site waste water disposal systems. Mr° John Graham, driller on our staff, performed the drilling with a Bombadier-mounted Arctic Gas Auger° Ms~ Cherie McCracken, geotechnician on our staff~ observed the drilling and logged the borings. This work was requested to be performed to the minimum standards of the Department of Health and Environmental Protec- tion (DHEP)o No laboratory analyses are requested° In soils which are visually classified to include more than 6% silt (soil finer than the #200 screen size), a percolation test is required to be performed in the area most likely to be developed for the absorption system° Our procedure for performing the percolation test is to drill an additional boring adjacent to the soils log to the depth intended for percolation testing. Coarse gravel is placed in the bottom of the boring. Four-inch slotted and per- forated PVC pipe is placed within the percolation test boring, and the annular space between the boring and the pipe is back- filled with washed gravel° The percolation boring is filled with water and allowed to saturate overnight. Percolation testing is performed the following day according to the standards presented in the EoPoAo publication "On-Site Waste Water Treatment and Disposal Systems," Page 41, Table All soils are visually classified in the field according to the Unified Soils Classification System presented on Plate 7 and the Textural Classification System presented on Plate 8. Slotted 1-1/2 inch nominal standpipe was placed in the deep borings to allow for observation of free water levels after drilling° In soils with a significant silt fraction, substantial time~ often several days, is required to allow the free water level to stabi- lizeo It should be noted that the free water level may fluctuate seasonally and annually in res. ponse to seasonal runoff or heavy rainfall° The results of the field investigation and percolation test- lng are presented Qn the attached plates° The soils logs are presented on the standard DHEP forms, attached as Plates 2 through 5~ The locations of the borings are presented on Plate 1o The results of the percolation testing are presented on our form~ Plates 6 and 6Ao On May 4, 1982, Mr~ Peter Chalich, of our staff~ returned to the site to record the water levels in the standpipes° These water levels are noted on the soils logs. We were requested to perform this investigation to the minimum standards required by the Department of Health and En- vironmental Protection° It should be noted that in accordance with these standards, the classifications of the soils are visual and are performed by a soils technician° These classifications are subject to change since they have not been verified by laboratory analyses° This work was performed for the sole pur- pose of preliminary evaluation by the Department of Health and Environmental Protection of the suitability of the lots for site sewer system development° Any extrapolation of this data for other purposes is not within the intent of the investigation or requested services. We trust the foregoing is sufficient to your immediate needs and is comprehensive within its limited scope. If questions arise or if we can be of any further service~ please feel free to callo Yours truly, Pete Chalich, E.I.T. Geological Engineer Approved by: j ~ ~ohn M/~mbe, P.E. Civil~gineer, 4254-E ? X / / NOTE: Tes¢ bor±ngs not: located by survey me~hods. SCALE: 1" = 100' Soils Job LAMBE AND ASSOCIATES and (]eotechnica] En§ineering SITE PLAN Eagle Brook Subdivision Triad Engineering Anchorage Alaska PLATE1 J kZ7 · 0 9 .Appr.. PCC Date 5/10/8: I~UNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMEN, ~,F HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PFI~ rECTION SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST PERCOLATION TEST "EGAL DESCRIPTION:.. 5 7 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18- SITE PLAN HoI.~T WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEI~TH? Reading Date :__ PERCOLATION RATE Time Net Time Depth ~o Nel Water Drop M~NiciPAL]TY OF ANCH, ORAGE DEPARTMENT., ,- HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRG~ ECT~ON SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST PERCOLATION TEST 'ERFORMEb FOR: I'--~ °.EGAL DESCRIPTION.'__ ~J~'L~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 SLOPE DATE PERFORMED:__ ~_/~_ C~ SITE PLAN 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ?0 VJE7 ATIT, 0' ~OP~I~4G 7-.0.0' PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN .ding Date Gross Ne' Time Tin- Cmlnutm/inch} ~ 7S"~" FT AND ~-"~'~'-~'FT FORMED BY: CERTIFIED BY: DATE:. _~"~. ~ 7., i~*''NIC~PALITY OF ANCH, ORAGE DEPARTMENT L~F HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L St~,e~,t, Anchora, ga, Alaska 99501 2E,4-4720 SOILS LOG-- PERCOLATION TEST [] PERCOLATION TEST DATE PER.ORMED:__ _ .EGAL DESCRIPTION: 3 5 7 10 11 12 13 16 17' 38- 19 20 SLOPE M^ P-.,D J)J~l LLI WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? SITE PLAN I~ 0 P.. IN/G- I~,O' IF YES, AT WHAT DERTH? Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Time Time Water D~op PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN AND Im;nu~/inch] 5. O~ FT __ DATE: ............. ' 'IN~C~PAL]TY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMEN1 oF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION B25 L Street, Anchorage, Alashe 99501 26~472D SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST [] PERCOLATION TEST ['ERFORMEb FOR: LEGAL D E S C R I P T I O N :__~r~_~_,~_~L_I~_~L~'__ 2 4 5 7 8 1O 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 __ P£~T~ PT W['T F~ONI G.O ' 7. O° ~ Ol~ T SLOPE SITE PLAN --Td::'TAL.. D£PTH O~ WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? ~,/~"'~' IF YES, AT WHAT / S L ~O P E I~ RFORMED BY: Time Time PERCOLATI TEST RUN BETVtEEN FT AND .... FT s'~.v~'' T'o C,.O~ Deplh to Water Drop __CERTIFIED BY: DATE: Soils L~borator~.ancl Geotechnical Engineedng PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS PLATE V J M LAMBE AND ASSOCIATES Soils Laboratory.and Geolechnical Engineering PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS · EA®LE. BEOOI~ 5~ESDIV~5 ~0~ PLATE Job no MAJOR DIVI~ON$ I TYPICAL NAMES ~ C~Y IlL~ WIT~ SLIOHt SILTS AND CLAYS F//J IN~GANIC C~ ~ L~ m ~DI~ Jill ~ L~ P~CI~ IN~GANIC C~ ~ HIGH P~BCI~, ~H ~ ~NIC C~ ~ ~DI~ TO HiGH HIGHLY OEGANIC SOILB Pt ~TANDO~J~HIGHLY~NIC$~ UNIFIED SOiL CLASSIFICATION Y_~ ll i Liquid ll~l! (In %) PL ~ Pie*lie ll~h (In %) OI ~ SpaelWlc Grevlfy ~l ~Cenflnln~ Pre~mure, psW T~CU 3~0 (2600) Con,olldete~ Undrolne~ Trle~lel J~Y_~O TE~ST DATA. JOHN M LAMBE Job No.__ _ Appr:.___ Date____ _S_OIL CLASSIFICATION CHART AND KEY TO TEST DATA PLATE 7 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING AND TESTING John hi. Lambe, P.E. ,7127 Old Seward Highway ,, Anchorage, Alaska 99502 907-349-6531 SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART OR \ \ CLAY 0 CI~AY E Y 31LTY \ \ GRAVELLY \ 20 :BO 40 50 60 70 80 90 GRAy_E_L. (-~4SCREEN} % BY WEIGHT CORPS OF ENGINEERS-FROST DESIGN-SOIL CLASSIFJCAT]O~O~I'I'I'I'[~ AND US~ EQUIV~ENT GROUPING FINER ~AN ~ICAL 50~L~P~ GROU~ 50~L ~P~ ~Y WEIGHT C~SIF~A~ON SYS~M F4 Gravelly soil,. 3 to l0 GW, GP. OW-GM, GP-GM ,(a) Gravelly soils l0 Io 20 GM, GW-GM, GP.-GM (b) Sands 3 to 15 SW. SP, SM, SW-SM. SP-SM (a) Gravelly ~s >20 GM. GC (b) Sands, cxccpl vc~ fine > J5 SM, ~ silty ~nfls - (c) Cla~, PJ ) 12 ~ C~ CH (a) Allsil~ ~ ML MH (b) Ve~ fines~ly~nds ~ 15 SM (c) ~ays, PI ~ 12 ~ C~ CL-ML (d) Vaned ch~ ~ ~ CL ~nd ML; olher fine-gm'ned, C~ M~ and SM; banded ~dlm~ C~ CH. a~ M~ lO0