HomeMy WebLinkAboutEAGLE RIVER VALLEY RANCHETTES Water System Information DEPT. OF ENVIRONMI~NTAL CONSERV/%TION / / ANCHORAGE DISTRICT OFFICE / 3601 C Street, Suite 322 Anchorage, AK 99503 RECEIVED WALTER J. HICKEL, GOVERNOR 563-6775 Mr. Carl J. Bernhardt Norfolk Utilities, Inc. 1280 E 76th #1219 Anchorage, AK 99518 RE: Public Water System, PWSID APR 2 5 '1991 Mu ~ c~pallty of Anchorage Dept. Health & Human Services April 23, ].991 # 210875 (Norfolk Util., Eagle Ri) Dear Mr. Bernhardt: I appreciated the opportunity to conduct the sanitary survey on the water system servicing Eagle River Valley Ranchettes, Eagle Wood S/D, and a portion of Eagle River Heights North. Enclosed you will find your copy of the survey documents. Your water system appeared to be well cared for and in good operating condition. There were only two items that require your attention: 1) The old eight inch well needs to be properly abandoned (procedures enclosed) as requested during the sanitary survey of 1981; and 2) The pump ]louse needs a good cleaning--you have moved a storage building to the site and[ this will help in removing material stored in the pumphouse. As I mentioned at the well site, the purpose of the Sanitary Survey was twofold. When you expanded the storage tank to three tiers in 1987, the "Certificate to Operate" was never issued due to non receipt of as--built drawings. 18 Alaska Administrative Code 80.100 (e) allows for the Department to waive the as-built if the Department makes an on site inspection and determines the system was constructed as approved. I found the tank expansion to be in full compliance with the original 1987 plan. The approved "Certificate to Operate" is enclosed. Please remember that any future expansion, alteration, or major repair to ~he water system require Department review. Thank you, again, for your assistance during the survey. If you have any questions regarding this survey, your water system, waste water, or other environmental issues, please, do not hesitate to call. Sincerely,~ - Tzmoth~A. Karnows. ki Environmental Engineer Enclosures Certificate of Public Convenience ancl Necessity :,. Alaska P'abhC .~ervtc; Coi?~.mtsston acting ~ndm' and ptursilatt~; to lite authority vested .... /./ ~he eii¢ ~,~a Pt;(~c Service Commisston Act. AS 42.05, as c~mended hereby issues 'znd ittility ;*. Al,,,ka, a Certiyicate of Public Convenzence and Necessity under the promstotts ",:;2.05.194 ,~.hthariz~ ~ thc a~oresaid public ati~it?! to operate' ~ro;n Janua.zy 1, 1964, tis ~i~thm the ,-on~ines o] the service area or areas set ~orth in the Descr~p~ton o~ ~ ervw ae~'e~o. (See Appe~,4ixes', :a which a'reas said public util~ was actually opera~n~ October 15, 1967 o~ '.,.s t~]ste ng the ~aciti~ies necessary to jurn~sh ~m'vfce as o~ Th;.,, certificate 'is issued, 'a~td is ~o oe had ~nd used, subject ~o the applicable terms, cona,:;ua~ ~. ,~ .~ ant other proviswns o~ the Alaska Public Service Commiss~otl Act, AS 42.05 a~av(..'rom time ~o time aud subjec~ to ~he applicable rtde.~ and regulations ~'om ~..~ : .;~'mulgated by the A. lasku Public Serwce Commission. witness thereo~ tl..,..qiaslca P £bli ~5'e~'viee Commfssio?~ has executed this Certi~ic~. , o~ ALASKA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION Memner ::]. APPENDIX A De~ev:[peSon of Service Area Dan Co and ohzrley &o Bell The public utility granted a Certificate of Public C'onvenienc'e and Necessity Number~6.~_, to which this description is thereto annexed~ shall have the ~owar to operate as a ~ub].ic utility to furnish the utility: services granted in said certificate only within the serv~ce area or areas set forth ~.n this Descrfiption of Service Area, the limits of which are mere ~articularlv described or diagrammed~heroin .or wb~eh area or areas sha].l ~nc].ude all of the below des:~nated sections, townships, and rang:es in the .... ~fi~ _. Merid:[an, State of Alaska~ as s~owa on protra~tlon ~iagrams a~opted by the Alaska Division of Lands, Department of :" Natural Resources, Stai;e of Alaska, ~h4 Sixth Avenue ~ Anchora~'e, Pretraet.ioe Dia?rams: Eagle River Valley Ranchettes Sttb~Division Recorded numbsr 63~-129A~ Anchorage Reeording Office Louated in tho N-~ of 'the sw~( of S~et.o 7~ TI4N0 RI~, · ~hs Bell Homestead.; Location Township 14N, RIW, SM containing 155.70 k. Dated at Anchorage, Alaska. this iBth day of February, 1965- ALiSKA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION Karl ~.~o Walter~ Jr.~ (,haliman .,.. ), / 170.41 1~$.0 o % 15~,0 We I I B¢5 266,02 155,21' 135,0 .q .. !_.,_'__ti lity, 0u :ment h CC,'TF,'iANTf;, A~'b RESTRIC. TiOIlS FOE ,,l,I,~, RE.~..R¢~. A~EA; A 1~0 .ft, p~o~ection a~ea :~l~a]_l hereby ;)c ~ese~ved ~ound the well sires BI/~, ~ BIIS~ located on Lot~ !/17-A .LB. No sewe~ or sewe~ disposal aura oE any ~ype shall be allowed within this reserve.. A 200 ;-;, ~adius p~o~ectiou area shall herrncV r~e reserved a~ound the same wall sltea~ i'n whioh oozy cas~ ipoa sewem ride wi%L lead caulked joln~s snell be allowed, CERTiFIO.ATL OF OWIiERSIIIP & DEDICATIO!I: We her'eby certify that we are the ow.sara of ioL lluf~l, crs IT,-Ai. 17-B, l'/-C~ .1.8~ 26~b, g 26-C, which amc'affected by the well Deserve area for wells L B~t5 ~ and tha~ we hereby of our con:,ont o~ree ~0' 't][~' wel~ reserve coven- ,.LIs 6 res'.P~c~ioRs as sp/,clfiec - , ,- ¢. 8-A dedicated bvCFkbibJts A, .. ~ . ~ . c-s of "nich ape attached, ~LO~ ~-D Exhibit "E" a=tached. 13%0 13%.C M A N 0 W. _ ?,elope me~ the undc, rsignee No%arv Public, this day oersona.12, ~p-. oeared~ [ne above listed person ~ ns zmumen~ volunt aP! lv and APPROVAL BY GAAi~ ;lEAr/f: "~.~ , , 'The well ioea~ions for we ]ia nero.).7 ,lpp, oMa~ .)/ Z .... o ;) ;It, ll keaer, ve'-We~.3. J3/~; .: ':or :'*',' [,'l::~].i ties ' ' t~ Z