HomeMy WebLinkAboutGeneral Information (10) 825 "L" S FR EE'I- ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 (9071 264 4111 DEPAI~'IMEN'I- OF ItEALTIt AND ENVIHONMENTAL PROTECTION August 18, 1980 JOhn R. De Lapp, P.E. Senior Sanitary Engineer Chief, Design Unit Department of Health, Education and Welfare Public Health Service Health Services Administration Box 7-741 A~chorage, Alaska 99510 Subject: Project AN-80-229 Eklutna, Alaska Plans and Specifications for Sg. nitation Facilities This department has reviewed your plans for the sanitation facilities and finds the submittal meets with conditions which this deparment is concerned. If there are any further questions, please call this department at 264--4720. Sincerely, Les N. B~:chholz, R.S. Senior Environmental Specialist LNB/ljw DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE pUBLiC HEALTH SERVICE HEALTH 9ERVICES ADMINISTRATION August 12, 1980 ~ Refer to: A-EHB ~ ~ Mr. Les Buchholz \ %u 825 k Street ~ ~!I' ' ~' b~'bc 4th Floor West ~-' Anchorage, Alaska 99501 / ,? .' Dear Mr. Buchhol.z: '~ ~ Enclosed for your review is a set of plal ~nd specifications for ~LtfLon Facilities Project AN-80-229, Eklutna, Alaska. - ~'-L.~ This project includes a well to be drilled and outfitted, water treatment building which also houses the well, and a hydropneumatic pressure system. The distribution system consists of 4-inch ductile iron pipe and 3/4-inch copper service lines. The domestic water system will receive treatment for fluoridation and chlorination. The well and building are located on the plans. Two fire hydrants will be installed to provide minimal fire protection to the new subdivision of five homes which will be built east of the new well. All houses in the new subdivision will be served by individual septic tank/leachfield systems. No graywater will be produced by the water treatment building. Should any additional information be required, call me at 279-9628. Sincerely, Sr. Sanitary Engineer Chief, Design Unit Enclosure CC: Timothy McLaughlin, EHB, Anchorage Reid Bond, EHB, Anchorage William Milum, EHB, Anchorage Billy Wilson, EHB, Anchorage ~Ea~NICAL SPECIFICATION FOR ~HE VIU.AGE OF EKLUTNA~ ALASKA AUGUST 1980 ~T£CHNICAL SPECIFATIONS £KLUTNA, ALASKA TITLE: CLEARING AND GRUBBING EARTHWORK AND SITEWORK TRENCH EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM FIRE HYDRANTS CONCRETE WORK WATER TREATMENT PLANT STRUCTURE pIPING AND PLUMBING HEATING SYSTEM PAINTING WELL DRILLING SEPTIC TANK - DRAINFIELD SYSTEMS (test hole results included) SECTION: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TECHNICAL SRECIFICATIONS SECTION 1 CLEARING AND GRUBBING SCOPE: II. III. The Contractor shall provide all labor, equipmentand materials for the clearing and grubbing, work to the limits st~wn on the drawings. ~rk shall include, but not be limited to: 1. Clearing, grubbing end disposel of brush. 2. Falling of trees and removal of stumps, roots and tree debris. GENERAL: DEFINITIONS: ]'he term "clearing and grubbing' as used herein, includes the removal of all existing objects (except for those designated to remain) down to the existing ground level, plus such other work as is described in this section of the specifications. DUST CONTROL: Shall be referenced to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, EH ~85-1-1, of the "General Safety Requirements Manual", Section 08.A. O1, Section 08.A.12, and Section ~O.D.07. Ce FROTECTION: Tile Contractor will take appropriate steps to avoid causing damage to private property adjacent to his work area. In the event of damage, the Contractor will immediately make all repairs and replacement necessary to the approval of the Oontraoting Officer in a manner satisfactory to the awner of the damaged items. This repair of damages will be at the Contractor's expense. BURNING: On-site burning will not be permitted unless approved by local officials. EXPLOSIVES: Expiosives shall not be used on this work without the expressed written consent of the Contracting Officer. EXECUTION/WORKMANSHIP: SITE INSPECTION: Prior to all work of this section, the Contractor shall carefully inspect the entire project site and sll objects designated to be removed and to be preserved. The Contractor shall locate all existing utility lines and determine all requirements for disconnecting, capping, and/or removal. The Contractor shal~L also locate ail existing active utility lines traversing the project sites and determine the re(~irements for their protection. B. CLARIFICATION: The drawings do not propose to show all man made objects existing on the project site. 8afore commencing the work in this section, the Contractor shall be aware of everything in the area. Any destruction of existing facilities or objects shall be repaired at the Contractor's expense. SCHEDULING: Schedule all work in a careful manner with all necessary consideration for the public. Avoid interference with the use of, and passage to and from, adjacent facilities unless approved by the project engineer. D. CLEARING AND GRUBBING: The Contractor shall remove all large surface ~ocks and all tree stumps, roots and other vegetation as required, within the limits of the construction project. Clearing and grubbing shall be kept to a minim,~m on private property. The Contractor shall prevent damage to all trees and brush adjacent to all construction sites. Eo REMOVAL OF DEBRIS: The Contractor shall remove all debris, except that which is salvage from the construction areas and deposit in the nearest authorized landfill or authorized burning area as appropriate. Leave all cleared and grubbed areas neat and orderly. I~EASUREMENT AND PAYMENT: Payment will be based upon a lump sum amount for the clearing end grubbing for the project. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 2 EARTHWORK AND SITEWORK ' II. Ill. SCOPE: l'he Contractor shall provide ell labor, equipment, and materiels for earthwork and sitework for the water treatment building area and access drive .from the exlsting road to the water treatment building. GENERAL: ACCESS: The Contracting Officer or his representative shall have access to the work under this section at all times. SANITARY PROTECTION: Observe formal sanitary precaution to prevent contamination of the project area. Do rot dump waste oll and similar materials on the ground or permit to drain into adjacent surface waters. Do rot deposit waste materiels in any surface ~aterso Cm OUST CONTROL:' Refer to U.S~ A~my Corps of Engineers, EM ~85-1-1, of the "General Safety Requirement Manual", Section 08. A.O1, Section 08.A.12, and Section ~O.D.07. F~OTECTION: The Contractor shall use aii means necessary to protect all materials of this section before, during end after installation, and to protect all private property and any objects designated to remain. Operations shall be confined to the work limits shown on the drawing. In the event of damage, the Contractor shall make ali. repairs and replacements necessary to the approval of the Contracting Officer. CLEARING, CRUBBING AND STRIPPING: Shall be in accordance with CLEARING ANO ~RUBBING, Section 1. The Dontreotor shall verify the location of uny existing buried objects, such as pipe or conduit within the area of his operations end satisfy himself that they are properly terminated, rerouted as required, or left "as is". MATERIALS: Material for all fill and backfill ~ork under the water treatment building and for the access road shall be e run-frost susceptible 2-2 IV. clean mineral aggregate with particle sizes graded within the following limits: Passing the one inch mesh Passing the number 4 sieve Passing the number 12 sieve 100% Not more than 40 to 80~ by weiqht Not more than 5 to 20% by weight Although a gravel pit is located adjacent to the site, the material will need to be tested to see if it meets specification requirements prior to being used. The Contractor shall make arrangements with the tribe if the gravel pit is used as the materials source. EXECUTION.AND WORKMANSHIP: EXCAVATION: The Contractor shall excavate down to the natural sand and gravel under the water treatment building. Excavation for the access drive from the existing road to the treatment building shall also be down to the matural sand and gr~vel layer. (Anticipate a minimum of 12 inches depth below undisturbed ground level.) The Contractor shall remove the excavated material from the work area disposing of it in a suitable location approved in advance by the Contracting Officer. Excavation work must rot 11mit the use of the existing road. If excavation work adjacent to the road creates ~ driving hazard, the Contractor shall use warning signs, barricades and lights to provide adeqtrate safety precautions to allow day and night time use of the road. FILL PLACEMENT: The Contractor shall use fill materiel previously specified in this section. The fill shall rot be placed during unfavorable weather conditions, while material is frozen or thawing, or whiZe the ground is frozen. Fill placement shall be in six inch (6"~ layers for the access drive, parking area and within three feet (3') of the building, up to the elevation shown on the drawings. Placement within three feet (3') and under the building shall be in three inch (3") layers. Sufficient fill shall be used to bring the drive parking area up above the surrounding undisturbed ground level, end to a level shown on the drawings. The building foundation b~se aggregate shall be brought to the level shown on the drawings. Compaction of all layers will be required using vibratory compactors, rubber tired rollers, or other suitable equipment to achieve the required density. Each layer shall be compacted have :a D-.]557) ~s g'ov.,rl below: DzJ.ve, P3rkJn:] areq t:o Lhree ?eot of' buN.ding 85% of' bu:i ] dil~g 98% C! .F/:'N LIP: Upon cornpleh~o(~ of' Nx.~ \'.o]'I< coveN:(I 5y 'chis seoi:i.or% U"e Conltrac[cor siysll dean up and d:i. sFose of' al]. w-sk.e uBLorJ~,l r{?SIJ]t].Qg f'mm oi.)?etJon:~. ~!] are()s cuvered by [.ho zt-~t'l< si'e].], be ]eft Jn q and orderlLy c)l:dJkion, H[~ f~d}U ),ZMEN'[' ,qHD 5F.q I i0;'I 5 I, 'il-r.'. [?.)~%]:'~<:t',rr shi~]i provide -)'11 I;hc; }t~i:,)r.', erlULpmer, L and Pnr k:~,x~ci~ excav~t'to~ and baL:klq~l u~lc!er LhJ.s sect'Jon ~ln(I h '1~ersh'N'ig ~n.~ i ~ench i)~ckf'i. 1)..ir~3 for v/a~el' )~res, l).]Lh !3. 'IRE!,?H F!I.I. I,'iATEb:]JU : P]I '.~.":x :h f_.,.], r,t,,,s,.;.8] .hi, u,.. t:hsn 5/5 by ~'.,'t:J.(li~L v,'j]]. [)SSS tl~u tLS, 15. ?U9 s:i.(~,,,e~ ...... ,,,f a ][]. c;:c:. V!; led ii1~i:c; ;i3 ] in%' h,,? ~:o~ ',LJ~XF~d Lo p~t'o vJ de ['o77 8 entez':ir(l i:l~(~ excev,:~i:ion, pu]:po~? nC Lesi:.t~0 i;he pipt,, l.,bL r,~re ~t~jn Leq Fsrci: (]0r) oF (-::el, d%,'s ','xhr]<~ A]i trei:'.i~es sh3]i be C:OW[3) :~ d ',;ild o??i~.d t.o Lr?ff:~c: a L l:ix:: end oF eocl~ dsy's hal.ow U'~e p~x,pev Or3dc ~ha]] bu f':i.i]lod w:ij:h appmvud t'tll)'llt OF 'rld};NC/h 'l;relr~i~ width a[ i;he mJdpoJ, qL ~md Lop IbiR/\CZN8 OF' TRINCiil::%: Ui;cce :requited to thc [:~.'enoh~ Lhe [2~i'l~'[~](:~or s)¥]]] /~U)T!i';h arid br~cirr] and sl-~eei:Jng m; r, ecessgry to p:r')l:eeL R~Oi'F[]T]'O!~ Oi" [:{XC~,VAi']O!'h The [?Old. I: o[;rn: sl'x)]] p-covJ, de wo:i'k and the safely o? tljr: pul,lie 1, i] bam?i.c:xde; [)Fid end si¥~!.iI m)e ps':nLecl vd itl~ rer"]ec~J.w~ pxJ. n[: l;o Lbo:ir visU)J].ii'.y 8['. niL?fi:, 5ukUd:)le sLgns sh3]] I:~ p]3cpd i:o s[~)'..,, Jq aiJvsIiCt(~ whe]:'r~ c;ons~r ~r)~J.oH C:U d.t:y oi" Lha ,,,,o];Ic tx;d LO ~ r~sux':: the p.olccl:Jon o pub]Ii q t xcel),: wJ ti] l.h~ p(::rrni s~;:io ri o [" [I >2 :~ i.~c~nd: to ihu ~,x)ck sir,]] bs !<epL ~:~:cs'.d.b]c ix) t),,) m'.xJe hy Lhc (2xii?/c','n]' to LIn;U'(., the '/. :3, J.n',:~t~es (6") of bed(Ji~] rn3tec:i.~], E~ 'IREh!CII l',flCi<l.'iLI.];l,;O /~,l~O\!f: Tli[~ PIPE] COVER condi[~on, lai)u~,s Lr-., compiy ,,,iLI~ Lids comp':c[ }rtl;, incllud:i.r~;j rn~:tl'~)d o F r:o;q;acLJ.o~, Ol'f"~ce~ .m req, drcd, .llll.a iX[S'Ii:BBU'I ION.~l.'i,/lc"° imcl J n ac:(:o):'(!sncpe wi.i:l'] t:hese slxzcJ, f:ic~hio~v:. DU[;F]IE .illOhi PI:E: [)ocli'lc iron i.gi'~ shs:ll coifl'orm Lo fV4?!A p~pe~ lhe pJl3O sh:~].] bo i:our J.nsh (Li')~ C]sss 5:!~ suJL3b!6 for Lcr~ fooB (]0') del~Lh. i3, F'!i"i]NG'.-}: FiLkir~]s sh:~l} be 250 poul!d pressure ra[J~g, si] be]]~ ur~iJ, rm{~d~ eli;her J}en (n:' ([ucI.tJ]c~ .~Lor",~ up!ess okhor',vJse :ir~d:c;.,Lpd on Une p]:ms, h}! l"Jln:zirqs shs)l cor:i'nrrn to [~!',~tift S[2nd.:~d C.-I]O, Rul)i-)er {]'.~:!<eL joints for ducli].e i:mn pipe SEq',/!O{ 5'IO[}I.FS: !,'ster' x'rvJce C~pphq saddles shall bc For i(;~;' :~//!-,.i. rol~ or one itch (1') FiIPr wit. i~ ducti.]e JL'gn bO"!y l's]:d 2i)2--N or eqo9 ].. I. ¢~s'l.] be of' r;,~st i'L'On (::ui/p]c~te v,'ii:h tore'c, [R';L ]ion sl<~_cls IY~].} Ix~ of v,,nocl ;uid '~h-i}.] liavo hy'o.~d i~;Ic~L f'sccs LO shill L~;: O~:aciecl L'o p:rovJde u;]ifo]:m st.qCpm:L For' Lhe pipe by ~.i~(¢ C,:]rfi:] icao- 8~; h:is oxr:ense anti in 3 -;at::i. sFacLr:u'y a posL dLyocL].y '3ye:,. the end o[' i;i~e !3]~e Lo mazl< th? eild, CONN [2'i]iShl AT 'iHi HAIN: 'l'l'x~ C(m!:~:~c[.o]: may e]rx21; [;o make Th:; m'Zn ].ins sie]l be lapped and clesned Lhsr,'~ugh).y before :inst'~).ls~k.ion oF 'tip saddle. Ti-me s~(.k:l)e shall, bo :insh']]ed al; i~ si igi~h upward ai~9].e cox're~¢x)~di ng Lo tho s!ope oF fha sk)wn on [:ho I)].a~s) sba]} I%: Jnsks]lr:d as the ]ins ~-: p]sced. o~' bu(':i<}od sec{ion': of' Uue cupper {:ul0e ~;}r:l! I b~ cuL ouk end Ll~e Luh{~ spticerJ v,:i. th l))7ope;:, brsss fi i-.t. lq?; at: the tlnJ/:oT'ifi].}¢ dOWll'tsrd %0 Lhe v/%;cc iii Jib ~1o {'uci]] [tS'hO drtdt~Bge., The best type sl'e I.] bo irx;'h 1] ecl ~}5 showll or'l hhe drqv,,5 ~x]s and shsl! be LesN.,d :in tlhe pr(~sc¢~k:c oF LI-e C'nnL.r:acLing OFFicer, I'¢A-i'EI~ SERVe{'5 I ;iI',iE CONNEC'I)O;,i IYi 'file S'IRUC[Ui~F: Ilouse CopN(~ p;ipo ui',cJ Fi.[l;ji~}S rosy b(~ s'¢,,e~tt i.i!i[:(.,r.i ;.~[ileP d/ie]ec[:Fio service ].Jrt(? shs!f sucf'ac:e ~nlec N',o sLnxx(urc. Thr~ stoa] sleevr~ 5n v,q',:ich it -,s hise~L(-~ '.th'J].). I)e f'oi'n;~?d lin i,i~u concrcke i P/D2OSI'/Fi-t'(; TFS 1'5; est, the p:i. pc~]j.ne sha].] he sffq'ic:[e~Lly anclored ko conr:roko kl'utusk blockJ, p[3~ I;ne I~ychBstat. ic isesLs shu)l rYJL ho I?)ch ix, s'c sect]o i; sh~).] bo s]ov,'ly fJ.]'led v,,jth wsht~r allot p'cecmR:ions sh'~l b~ Lal<cn [o In~eveni: thr 'formation of air p:)x:k~)ts, i)(?c~s1~:}i?y~ Lhe p'ilk's sh:~]] bo [xq:',p:;~ri aL h~gi'~ poJnks tho ):i~x~ For up to 24 hour's i)~'J.o:c N) the Lest. to oI]o?,, i:or t;::~?x,.:.(:(~ ].in:x; [:xlI pti.o): {o ch].(L,'i.~-]~:io[% 8:c!-: wfix~:c l!.i~c 3h{).i l~a Ihmh?cJ 8s kho:('gtJ~ll].y 35 pnss:ib]n vlli:h ki~ water ti 8 [: l:i~e unL. i~ va} ye opi?i'aL'i nO [~!~t:l~3BJ::;;fl o i' euch hydxmd: ~.s V i I (]3].oJHih q, !X)!;Juffl ~ .... ' ' ~' ' ,' , , ,, ;~pp].i. ud ?,'itl~ a ch)ot'i, nq so]ul ion i'u?d pump, -I1~!? p:)Jnt of' at.)plioation shs]] hu U¥.~ waL,:'n: i 'fa' ,, ~ :i.] (Ii ~-;IJi{l H.( T I'£1 I.: e'~d f':r.orn c ?ri['e;.] J rx.,.-i:o...~:~'::e]:'liix~ o i:' s h):tJ? [l~ res ills[8 ].] ed J.n p]{)ce For ti,e [:yi)~ n qr~c[ sidles (;F ~l]i~pc' /:~ek] For, [:'gyr:i~2ri[. will. bo per S;;$!IT[ I rd C-,'. 0 <' I£o (?ie v~:~!ves 8u,:i v:,]vo l )""',; sh31]c'~',ll,"'*'~ ,m .( t. ilc~,r),'~r-'~; ~,1,.~ ~; ,~ .... t ~,tJ :).n .%cc'( iOil Ii, VI, ond mat_c::rJu)s Lo c,,,mlt, icd:e ~;} i ~:e¢','~fot'cod concr(?t:3 '~}rlcJ cofi~c, nl: l~]n:ish t.c) o,.~'i,, ' C,,' "~ ~,J, [)~ E, CU?,]NG [:F)IqPOUND: Cue.tn] oompoul~ds~ if' ut.ed> sl'8]] conl"r~rm ko f\Si~d II, V/',POil i3,",'qiq:[ 1:{; Sinai.! be po].yeU'~y}ene p]ssLic f'JM sh?isij',g o:c appJ:aved equa]., wJ. tlq 8 inJ. n':mu'.n 'kiKickl~!ess of s.i.x (d)raJ. iLs, SIO;~;(? I)F [,?,i! I~ Ui!-IS(I'Y l,i] N TMU;,I H[\X ;[V, UH S)-i~ml) ([ncl ~us) ]L, 5 % 5 be i:lxd: ]:,equ.i..,'eci flo~.' Lhe spec~F.ic conr~.Lions p]acem~nisl 1~3wevm.'~ the p:cev~oust, y deLe',m~rr'~d v,'8 slqttt] n3L be excen:ded~ P?,OFg!',i ~(iN'LHfi 0~' i,?", i [?,i !:*J $: sba) 1 be we~[-hL(d .;e?s r~;ke].y, f~ s~cl< oi' rzfmen~' sha] ! we~ gh :requ:i cc4 to se] sc,, fins] pxs]:r);'LZons v,,h:Lc'n w:i.) ] besl: satJ. sf'y job )'eq'.J~i'(m,~nts, ','i~(?]?e sscJ4 (x'ir.~:nL :~s t)sed~ rr) hatch z'equ.icilg ~ f]/a~tSon oI" a s~cl< oF c:emenl, v.::i]} be l)~.srmitl:ed~ f~]] a~)gzrega~ce Ille~3StJi:('iht'r~t.S Sh3J} h~ 13y weJ.(}hi: and SI'F~}J be Such ~)s Vlj ].] .ilqSLJC'e rn-J n'J [ t~('Lu,:c~'~ s gu:, ranLcx~d oop3o:i ty (]if L! F~ m:i X~tJ~'e, ,~:IP, 11'! X]!,JG: ~[]pv:)v(x:J Lype 3n~ c:;p~ctLy for ~ ',:)c~Z'Jn(t ~.~i" r~:)~; less ~han t:wo (?) pi~c.:' ~n l,h(. ih'iirfi~ DU~ ih(] Li~o p[~]?',o(i 0i' I~iiXJl~L}i equil.';_'ri, ilx: [_i!L~]te~ (},~ilxn s 0¢ th'.: ',fix,':r VIII, for a[~l:l:riiv:/[ o/' t:',ic O!llL]?~o~]Jl]{] d'[j>,(c)~ :.]r:] [)]:u.:~l"~ ~c? (:r)n]4ellp, /',n ]~tc['vo] o1' fl:o)'(~ {7.[]~1'] (}') l:'ocms und 1"oN.re,nfl< sl¥~]] corff'onn to n~qdtremenLs oF [), Oo'.-l:J'el. 0 hR. {:~:.{,ii p]sccd~ a ?ter {:,guuJ .%'[FFI iZ }] :Ffif.;{!i;2N i Pi AO:-Hii,~'I: 973cc1~h of J~y m~['-~} henqer's~ 'l;~e spx'.i~;,:: (}F t.l',e !h.t'i~e (3) 5h, reil~io~x:i~:rj b~x~'; i;~ ti~c Fu(~',i~C3 ~':'~}11 ix': Li-u.'ee i~iclu:s (3") (-ju) :[:::s I;I f'~:o[a il-m,, sC}.:.;!'eqot:~: [}iise w:ii] l:)'~ [ih~i'~L;~in'd f'or 8(1 re-hq:(, !i1~? hh~'c~ (~:~) lqD. /~ F,,..[%]:'s i~ il[lo [oo~.irx~ wi]] X!! I, /\1] sloe] dov~e}s must be plsccd bc, fnre cnnc;?else 5s poux'ed (md musL OPi-i,iiNSS IN I'F)N~I:!:]'i]: .......................... pi. pJi'd o: olLhrtr ',l,'OX'l( {nseil, ir..{] st:.u] pipe s).ee,,e5 cur to exsc[ s~ze ,ri,,,! ,: I :)Ef ) '[TiMS: S(~,~rct;iion oncu s gild 5h~]l]. ho d:?sii:r'r! os ;<:-,r)y ~s p:actJcr, I)]c, :iF: Ji:S FJlF:~}. pOSliiTilOq to avoid seg!:c[.Ishior~ due i;o reiBq'Jl. Jn f ].o w:i i0. lie Lhe (:o[:xoIt} is [)a:iing [)).tx?od allX', h~s sek for ~ rn.i. nJmu;,~ ,3'F' 2d bOLl'R:, or ] ss, oniosq rf?:oved by thc (:t)nh'sckh:.40:FJ. cer, opera!:liOnS slx}Il be .:le3n. 13:'I'ore oon'::oLq i:l: tl) nt.l, laC:L ti ~ i XV~ XVif. wJ.~l~ ti';;~i: pxc:wJet;s]5, PI l:ced; ~o comp sl~)]i he ~ava.i.].sb]e al: 1:13u site. Oora?-ess:ivc ,.,Cr~ r?l:h sh3]l be rleter!Hr':d sL t. he end OF seven (7) d~ys and X8 ds',':; on stond:L-d s~x inch (d':) by [2 inci~ test: clefE)l~S'C['st~} [;hc ar~equscy off ~.l~e col~cyoLe in pJgco, iP ~;}[i~ cx}o tests and cy}in:J2? tests F{;:i] to m,x'h the StIRFrACt F }il i'.:; '3{1 0]? b(~o,'z :5'_?F', ~ Ul'l}os'~ ad, cj:J?',:r~ fiv:ao5 3?: emp]oyed [:o fo~: I)R)N.'oL.'ni Lx~ v,,oxk, /d.). concce[:c si~siZI. ;x- ei'ffc~ct:;vcl,~ p):o"::ccLed [:'~):il FrosL ?rLiun rios: u peood oF f Jv:, (5) cNy~ [')(7]0',~ li~J°f--, /-,~()tecil(}d ['-:)m pr2a!)tuyt, dry;lng or laeS iiq I'nr ~ pc:ctoo r}~' n)L ]75;'.. (:ir:n seven (7):cby~; POS /Ir govern oiT:) sho]] Jl]:'!:'{li. fl:J li]~2!/l[ )'J ,' (; R,-d :;;od o7' (i°r!:s', qrt]r,r:i; lie:rill l?lililLe l~J;:::?, lq.}. 2 o~' l}?Liu:r 15. D~ i./,]SCi:LL;~,NZO!I:; HAI'ER:IA!.S~' H]:i.]s, !:)O~LtS and hu;i.:ldJp, g ] i-IStJi_/\-i' i:t}N: l.',i:'l A! P, OOF :(NS: :1 ~ o i':i. i 'ig · :5, /i"l~[ 0;I; eqd~lm~cnL h'!;:ici~ is of N;c p'coi:u'~L rj:'s'i, gn nnd ~.':~!~c~i'.),, l,~'i] L:'Jm ,,ui. lh lJ'dsh exc]L'de :'.'at.e? air sci: 1. }~ ,q]l.] cold "'~E~,.' d~si:]:ibut:i.oq~ 2. D}:uJ ~l~ uagu L(~ L:i o~ J. nc;/icsLed Jn Lb? d:c,:wJrig~ ch'av,,;U (?; ~ i. i: i.s rot po und 8cr:,:mso:t'tes ih:~L rosy he C))'(;i'U ],~;.y J ~ ~Ve'.) ~:;[(11] :i~ LJ'iO fi~:?UO (,ti:'; ] EI!I',J F ~ I ii nh nr~mrJi ;. i n nfl w/iLi,Ou~: qL/[:~'~lZa~:!;'i31 9'I{:O'C::~', ion }':;.'}m ;:he r}rn',,/:[nos. !)t,i:;ilerl UL OS!tf\ Do i3, cop:,)e'r ?].PJ~k} sysbx~ls sL]]]. ~16 Y/lil?_5}~,h CO?,}or o)' bless ',',' ',','-.'[--0072 5 [). ,], I<. Mo L.t._LOII ...... .. Ill., U(f. LI Jr,..~1. .)l~Ot..~(I i, · IF'.. ,.[ i ~d~ ~j k!i~['C qc '3!x;'¢'il Oil /;h,_'2 l)]Diq5 ~ " Z i, Ti~c' (?q~d.':)cLou sb~]]} pru~,'ide -t:]l Ll~e m3LorJsls~ e(iuJpr:;:nt~ . . ,] ~ tJ','[i!),~QO!i LX ll~.- [!~r',~ Wi [:i'/ U~] I~, ~ .~ ~.~' ~r!!7';C:lS G, fL~-; AO,q'~.:~:i,"! ~',:~i..l_S - EXC["f~'i Ill'ii (;O:')tl]'i Cni'!iA!PE[>:~ ?l:ii~[;?~ il, find Ve)i iy i:l~[: 8} ] such ',','o):k J'.~ C()mip[e',:e '.:0 Lhe 15oln~ ',,here op~N'5'[:i)~xb the Coif,:r~ci:or sl%.i] ~:ofirpio~(;.i7 kl~]si{~ reri;:Jvt~ oF ps ini:~ tir'] I IU ?';] Q [' L n'¢:~ r'~ PAIN[ ExLerJo:r ,'~ J Cr~,.]-~' coau" (unt:l~:inrnd) ih it (.~rj o r.,.~r.l,.' F'.i. n i AO ,'r_'y mLll (i:Oi ~'1 hi. do) pro vi d,.2 ;ynri usn -o "i'ou~<{.: Dry Fill m 'dULL DR]I! I'1'~ .(]:].'!] ir,': n~y tl~ (oq~:(~c:Lc, i v.' \'.U!i:u.i,~.'.:" ] :'3,' 0r, iS,!'/ .:'3L;L.' i,-,. V i ], fl, 15. rn~',::r~sB: r:~J rod %:) (,'-:;: ',~':7) UO '.,lC.')~ -L o 'c~- H:l:~'~¢r::d hv [31o r ....... : · , · :. ffl,'.i' :'~ r)~' \,~JCS [':.)X 81] [BO,/S (')v(¢~ t(J ami ',i't., ;i9~ ['L,q',JJr(~(I ',JiL /:i~e end 91' ] '- - -- auk ir,:] Ol:l :icx.?r ~j t. ].~..: ~,t. 2a ;~OUI 'r,, 3: X[r~, /\[';/:U')'.' '.:(['!I )i lt]f ?~:'ll : B, {.be p}tt[L?;s :.:n']', wi{th b:lnS;'/:~ o'>;'.'~ lo;o L:u::]'q. sd''/) (;? v.,Sll..iq plo v5 ~cq i.:) )::J~ }..e :)~ 7') p:-~.. XXiX, ,.'.':! ! _ C:( Ii, ['0} will] ~:' kh': !~(;~,~} i.x'~ :th c? ;illil~Cl il! I',;,'~ wo}i :;{'tr-,lF ~;h(f .3, o~ N O. 0 ~. 0 2,0 · 2.0 2,5 3,,0 3~0 4 4.5 5.0 5~ 0 1 'i . 0 I".-4, bi;own ?.(_;.~!.1~ and roots, damp, F.-2 brown orgar~:ic Sill NFSt ~Jrown Gr V"11',,,, ............ :__ ,:7!}o. damp, SP NJ ,-~, h;'OV?~) Sanely )o. 1. L}CIe L "c 12" u ~ , 2 2.0 .-, 2, !i 4 4.0 Z: 4 6. tl ::: [inc!Jstt~:l)t~d. '> J ::.SiXill(~;1}?(:{ })CI1C'[i}i',llkjOD, (TOll}) }:CJ'OI'S {'0 nJmi f ,¢ 0~0 0~4 0.4 2.0 '2,. 0 4 ~4 2023 bm'own Sanct,/ S:iJLi: damp, 1 2 3 4 5 2,0 3,0 1, 4 6,, Dc. Lc; )LogU(:d by: T, Ni].).jam:; O, 0 Oo 5 0~5 I .0 · 1,0 1,4 2,4 3, '2 4 ~ d 4 ,. 9 brown .~;::ndv ?19_!o.!., damp, GP brov;n b:own (:::ave].:ly. d,,.i~ da:m~ SU bn~wn ~:pn?}~ pl:~k, damp, Nh/OL L1 .:, gray cc].blc~ dai;:p~ parkJ, c./os Lo 6 r GN 0.,. 5 i~0 2.0 3.0 4 ~ 0 0, 0 BI or:r;/6" i.ii~ 2, 3~ ii. !t'y])e o£ ,%a]np]e, (:;-(;ra]}, f;)"'J' :: SLandayd I) :~ Uncl]:i (;]/OH}> r~'f'C)'3 [:0 s.iillJ]a]:' lilat:('l-i,ltl, th.i~; sCudy only. [)ni.[jed (?14 s:;i~ ic,lt:~c>n, sc< Shoo[: 12/20/79 }."F()I[/ '.1'0 0,0 /,0 'l, 0 '10. 0 }3town .?~a.~. and plants, damp, Pt'. NFS~ brown Sandy Grave]., wci].l gradod, many cobbies and'~)6~i~c~r,'~ -~amp, subrounded · pa~..lc.~es to 12", GN J]oti~:on: oJ'! ' Be,: . IIole: 10,0 l, .,~c Observed None Observed Nhile }:;:4. c a v ii [2 J 1i g 8.0 'Pype o[: 6o .......... 1 IRatO)-. a] , {this -stuOy On].y, tin J I);~L c: ~2/20/79 ~,o99ed by: J, ]7I' Oll~ {PO 0,,0 1,5 I o 5 3,5 3~ ~ 4 ,. 5 4~5 ,~;Oi]. Dc,qc:,::i pt 'i ) 1 . · m:o',,m ?_ff~j}., Pt/OL ~];'~//][""2t b27owl] s].igh'Lly, orqan:i c LL~}~_L[j}_,.c. - ~.,_~:g?[~):~- W..t.h ]/la~1~z cobbJ.est (lall/])r brown organic ~/~?~.'t ~JJ_~._~., damp, bxown ?n~]~ gra~,.(?., well. qraded, many' Feet Observed 1,0 2.0 ,0 I , 0 Typo of Dry 29 · 2 G I,I/L ...... OL 5.5 G N E ...... G N )'~ 'P. c_~ various ~l~ouD,, dc.t:~.gnatlons' ' givm~ ©n thc t. csk hole logs de:.cr, b(,d below. :,.~,~ C,~,:ze].lv Sand, su:;ceptib.1 e, raved Group A consists of GX .)up D .- grou. l~ :s non--frost ~R[:~:$1)cil).[d,' rat. ed NFS. Its Un:if:;.ed C]ass:i.f:icatJo:~ j::; G?I, C~aJ.n S:iZc d:istrJbN, kiol~ OH Si)ecL 4, (]¥q)Llp ]}; :Zs thc }~rcdolfiiiD;[lll: sO:.]. Oil sJ/c aim is [:ho q]oup pre:tnt at %he depth:; c:~JkJ, c(t] o}~o!ahioN o{ .qt})tJ.c %anJ; d:-ain fJelcis~ G2:ot~}) E coq ;ii,ts Of I I Grollp I '- h4. cc, on the f: e' ds may be / (.uu /CO, d\.,q!y, '.i'h<~ f.o] ~o,.,,'n% figu,:ns and{ taifier; a(x:ompany th J:; ~ :I o :c, " ....... J 2Q F'i ~ ~ L ..I Oo h) 'j L, .%.