HomeMy WebLinkAboutWell Information STATF~ OF ALASKA Form No.. PEEHP-S-1 DEPARTMENT OF I-~EALTH ~ %,V~ELFARE Division of Imublic I~ealth SEWAGE ~X~(Ek%X~Ek~ FACILITY INSPECTION I{EFORT CITY OF ANCHORAG5 SANI%AR¥ SEWER SYSTEM LOCATION: City:._ City Of Anchorag~ ..... population: 53 ~000 . Population Se rved: 6,488 TREAT1ViENT: Type: None Units: N/A .~ Measured Sewage Flow Range: l~ ~B Unmeasured~--~st' Receiving Stream:_ K~li . ~00~ Inlet OPE~TING PERSONNEL: Chief Operator: L. E. Eastlund Operators:4Ma~_ Crew _(i_.e. Men Available On Call) Date of Visit:._._28 October 1966 Address:~B?x ~400, Anchorage, 99501 SANITARY [AND PUBLIC HEALTH CONDITIONS O~ HAZA~RDS: Wes a) Facilities: Toilet: Yes Wash B(]sin: Shower: No Clothes Locker: ~0 b) Odors: N0, except on mud flats at low tide on warmest days. c} Nuisances; Yes, sewaqe solids @ high water line alo~g Anch. Waterfront. d) Paint Condition: Not enouqh sewa.qe solids for H?S Qai~ problems. e) General Cleanliness: Good at Cit.y Sewage Lift Stations f) Grounds: Good · g) Ventilation: ,~, O0,d ...... - h) Lighting: Gp~d ...... -- .... i) Water Supply: N/A, . . r m . ....... - ..... i) Hazards: Cross-Connections: No __. ........ - .... Sewage Bypass N0 Submerged Water Outlets:__~NO Water-.sealed or lubricated pttmpslN0_ __ , Outfall location:~. TO.,,Bel°w ..... MLLW . Downstream water u,e:~, Anadrom0u~S. F.i~h,. Passage. Fishing. Navigation Other: NO .... Hrs./Day Plant is Operated: 24 Yrs. Exp.:.13 Cert.: NO.. Cert.: Cert.: Yrs. Exp. i Gert.: ,,_ Rg~q~lar Crew - Ma.,~ Yrs. Exp.: Yr;~. Exp.: Commerci al action opera.t-~x)n ,owl,y. Average~_ 7 MGD (j Ice s fftcat~om Date Installed: N/A SAFETY CONDITIONS: First Aid Equipment: In Trucks Fire Extinguishers: N/A Walkways Protected: Other: Immunizations: No Policy On This. Form No. PEEHP-S- Page Gas Masks: N/A Fencing:Yes, Or In Locked Bldg. lyphoid: NO., ParatYphoid: No., Tetanus: No.. BC~: Nh. X-RaJ~_LNo. Men work in Sewers serving Tuberculosis (ANS Hosp.) & ether hospitals, Neld'-§vecial clothing, Wet Suits, S~owers. VIo RECORDS I~EPT: a) Permanent Files "As Built" Plans: Yes, 3rd & Barrow Detail Piping & Electrical Plans: Yes Hydraulic Profile: Yes Shop Drawings & Operating Instructions.for Equipment: Yes b) Performance Records: Daily: N/A ND, Monthly: NO. N/A Annually: NO. N/A c) Reports of Record: Reports on file:_ N/A Reports in progress: N/A VII. GENERAL COMMENTS: The City of Anchorage discharges sanitary sewage without prior treatment Anchora e is a large OOay UT ,~:- . - · .. tT~[~~u~ion i~.?_~rz_~a~ ~.~ §~S~r~u~e°~q~e~r breaks disc~arqlnq near nlq. w~:- u. ~:~ ont--lnterce to r sewers, a serious sewage solids nuisance and a waterfr. ' ' -~ ....... ~-~ alon~ the mud flats frontinq the Cityby Or o~or nu1san~e wa~ ~:a~:u ~ -- 9in~--°-~r~-~ ...... ewa-e at or near the 'h~fqe ling. ~o~ that outtalk_ ~mwors' below low tide have been restored, odor and so/los nuisance b~en reduced-7~, but is st~ll present. VIII. RECOMMENDATIONS: SEE ATTACHED RECOMMENDATIONS SEE GREATER ANCHO~GE STUDY PREPARED BY TRYCK, NYMAN & HAYES and STEVENS & THOMPSON VlsitedBy: Harold H. Galliett, Jr. Form No. PEEHP.-S-1 Page 3 INVENTORY SUPPLEMENT PRELIMINARY TRE-ATNL~ NT: a) Grit Ch~ber: N/A Equipmont: ,__ Coqdit~ons: b) Screens: C ondition: Size: Type: Date Installed: k/ode1 & Rated Capacity: c) Gr[ndere:. _ Niodel & Rated Capacity: C ondition: ' ' d)'Other .Units {Such as flow measurement, pre ~aeration, ~rease traps, detritus tanks, etc.) PRIMARY TREATMENT: Type:__ N/A No, of Units: E qu~prnent: Condition: OXIDATION PROCESSES: Type:._ N/A No. of Units-' Equipment: Size: Size & Rated Capacity: C ondit ion: SECONDARY SETTLING: Type:_ N/A No. of Units:~ Equipment: Condition: CHLORINATION: pr e-Chlor in&tion: Contact Unit Size: Chlor/nator: Model:_ C ond ltion: Size: Type Supply:_ N/A Po~t Chlorination: Rated Capacity: VI. SLUDGE TREATMENT: Type: Equipment: Mixing: Heating: C ondit [on: VIi. SLUDGE DISPOSAL: Type:__ Other Information: Form No. PEEHP-S-1 Page 4 No. Units: Size: Size: VIII. PUMPING: No. Caa~ Pump ~r ,'l~p_~ __ C ondit ~on IX. LIFT STATIONS: Locat.ign' Type ~ No, 1st Ave. Centri f. Elect. _ 2 -- . %~i-e~ 7-1--- 13th_& U. Centr,f.~.$..t~ 2 . · -- ~ubble led X. LABORATORY; Size: N/A Capacity' Can Go Gravity Equipment: EMERGENCY pROVISIONS: Stand-by Equipment: Yes. @ 13th & "U" St. Large Plant Spare Parts: Yes Auxiliary Power: NO. Except @ 13th & "U" COLD WEATHER pROTECTION: Units Housed.: Yes Units Heated: Yes Condition Good ~ooo Good Good XI. XII. XIII. TYPE OF COLLECTION SYSTEM: Separate: Yes Combined: Industrial Wastes Source & Quantity Almost None A few storm sewer laterals are connected Both:tn th~ ~anit~ry ~ystem I. GRIT CHAMBER: Disposed to: II. SCREENS: F~rm No. PEEHP-S-1 Page 5 OPERATIONS SUPPLE MENT Frequency of Cleaning: N/A Quantity Removed: Organic Content: Frequency of Cleaning: N/A Quantity Removed: Disposed to: III. PRIMAI~Y TREATMENT: Overflow Rate: N/~ Eff ic zencie s: Sludge Removed by:. Screen Removed by: IV. SECONDARY TREATMENT: Filter Loading: MGAD: Aeration Detention Time: Clarifier Overftow Rate: Recirculation Rate: Sludge Removed by: V. SLUDGE TREATMENT: Digester Capacity: ~/A Heated: Temperature: Sludge Removed by: VI. CHLORINATION: Residual Maintained: N/A VII. SAMPLING & TESTING: Samples taken of: N/A Tests Run: after removin$ manhole covers. enough. Hot tar to secure manhole VIII. Detention Time: F r e quency: Quant ity: F r e que ncy: Quant ity: #BOD/cu. yd.: SS Level: Detention Time: Efficiency: Frequency: Quantity: Detention Time: Mix[ng Rate: Frequency:. Quantity Used: Frequency: Quantity:. Evaluation of Lab. Procedures: GENERAL: a) Overall Maintenance: Washdown Frequency: Once Lubrication Schedule Maintained: Painting Schedule Maintained: AS Requi red b) OperationalProblems: Children thr0win9 objects into Tack welding tried, put per week or more Qften. sewer manholes not effective covers tried; seems effective. Form No. PEEHP-S-1 Page 6 c) MMntenanceProblems: Children & Vandals throwing rocks~ Etc,~ into manholes. Failures of sewers alonq waterfront due to toe dis- placem_eni; of earthqu~ake slides. Need "Vac-All" machine to dewater plu.qqed sewers for inspection and repair. d) Low Temperature Problems: NO. e) Sewage Bypassed: Frequency: N/A Duration: Average Flow: NOTES ON EFFECT OF EARTHQUAKE; REPAIRS AND RECONSTRUCTION COMPLETED: EFFECTS STILL EXISTING: 1. Knik Arm sewer needs reconstruction. 2. Turnaqain outfall not extended to MLLW 3. Many breaks still showing up. 4. Infiltration in high'~water table areas. RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING pREPAREDNESS FOR POSSIBLE FUTURE DISASTERS: Acquisition of a Vac-All machine. ADDENDUM Form No. PEEHP~S-1 Page ? TO SEWAGE TREATMENT FACILITY INSPECTION REPORT Collection System Supplement SYSTEM HANDLES: Domestic Waste Yes Ground Garbage Yes StcrmWater Almost none Except Undetected Illicit Drainage, Infiltration, Manhole Cover LeaKage and a ~ew btorm 5ewer Laterals. If system is combined with storm water, describe any overflow conditions, special provisions for cleaning. Surface water is put in sanitary sewers where storm sewers are lacking. French drains in Turnagain. Entire system needs repair and older portions need reconstruction. PIPING: Pipe Material Concrete, Asbestos-Cement, Creosoted Wood Stave, Cast-Iron, Corrugated Metal, lerra-Cotta. Type Joint All Types Commonly Found With Pipe Types Listed. Condition Poor-Good. Concrete Pipe Joints Notably Leaky. Asbestos-Cement Becomin9 More Common But Soft Where Wet. CrossingWa~er Mains Protected By Encasement In All Known Instances. In Same Trench with Water Mains NO. Separated 10 Feet Or More In All Known Instances. Force Nlains (length and size) None Gradient Conditions Occassionally Less Than ADH Regulations But Conform To Good Practice (Minimum Velocity 2 FPS) Stoppages Common. Flushinq performed whenever other work lackin9. Reports made on each stoppaqe. Cold Weather'Protection Minimum Cover About 6 Feet. Prevailing Cover Is Much Greater. Infiltration High Where Water Table Is High Many Leaky Joints And Pioes Due To Earthquake And Use Of Concrete Pipe. Exfiltration Probably Substantial But Less Of A Problem Than Infiltration Due To Sealing Action Of Sewage Solids. May Have Contributed To Slope Instability During EoRth~uake By Greatly Sugmenting Groundwater Along 4th Avenue. ~on~nue on extra pages; CITY OF ANCHO~,'AG[ SA~ITARY SE~ER SYSTEi'~, RECO~,U~IENUAT IO NS: USO o~ly class 2400 or heavier asbestos-cement pipe ~vitb ring type Joints or vitrified clay pipe vlith inBerlocking plastic factory-installed joint gaskets for smaller sewers. 2~ Use only concrete pipe confer.~ina strictly to AST/.~ spec'~fications with ring type Joints for larger sev~ers~ Continue to observe the Anci~o,r~ge Naterfront obj~ctive]~ coliform ~,JP~ valves, odor an/: solids nuisance'~--]~?~'-~i~'~-i~i~'e w~'~ere nuisance and coli~orJ~ are coming from - whether from outfalls to ~-tLL~ or from leaks and ow~-rflowinq ;;~anholes on the beach~ Repair or replace leaky au(.,' overflowin~ sewers which are now polluting the Anchorage. waterfront, ~f (a) the Greater Anchorage Borough trunk sewers ;.~ith their proposed deep water ou%fall are to be lent delayec~, anc~ if (b) a significant Coliform MPN excess for the real* use class of the receiving water continues, aJ'~d if (c) aJ~. unacceptable sewa(~e nuisance continues alonq tire Anchorage Naterfront after completion of sewer leak repairs· then extend att*w outfall sewers so deeper water where discharges wilt be more vigorously swept by t~dal currents. Program ma~or repairs to reduce infiltration and/or schedu~te enlargement of sewers novr reaching capacity, 7. Require curre~t ~mmu~izattons and frequent physical examinations for all perso~/~el working in sewers or on contaminated equipment and materials, Provide shm,,'ers~ locker roo~J;, free l:o~el and coverall service, special clotbinq and similar sani-cary services to alt persoJl~et who work in sewers or on ce~taminated eq,'.~ip~.en~ and materials. Establish a oroeram for the regular~ accurate~ periodic meas~re~ . ~n~r~c~e~otics at critical locations merit of sevrage flov¢ and 'For the determination of available se,~mr capacity~ infiltration or e×filtration: leaks, treatment required and trends in these factors, Passage of anadromous fish, co~,mer~.~] fish, ne arid navigation, (1) International Airport~ (2) I.}ood Creek.~ (3) Turnagair~ C~eu,,~ (5) Air Force and (6) Army eutfaIls (4) Ches~ CITY OF ANCHORAGE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM Sewer Lift Station On West 1st Ave. Approx. 400' West Of Rai'road Terminal. Looking ENE Toward The Chicago Pneumatic Ware- House And she Chugach Range. (Same As Above) Terminal Shows In Far Left. Looking ESE Towards City. (Same As Above) Looking West Toward Consolidated Freight- ways And Ccok Inlet. Sewer Lift Station @ 12th & R Streets Taken From R.Ro Tressel Looking Nor%heast Toward City & Showing Drainage Ditch Toward Lower Right To Chester Creek. Taken From R.R. Track Looking ENE Toward City And Showing Drainage Ditch Toward Lower Right To Chester Creek. Looking NorthWest Toward Railroad T~acks Sewer Lift Station ~ 21st & Fairbanks Streets Looking East Toward Gambell St. & Motel, Looking North Toward City - Showing Ice In Chester Creek Approx. ~0' North Of Lift Sta, Looking North E~st Toward Gambell St.